Varvara from home 2 instagram. Not easy life Tretyakova after leaving the project (07/08/2013)

Varvara from home 2 instagram. Not easy life Tretyakova after leaving the project (07/08/2013)
Varvara from home 2 instagram. Not easy life Tretyakova after leaving the project (07/08/2013)

Ex-participant "House-2" shared joyful news. Varvara Tretyakova, who recently married, is in an interesting position. Moreover, the brunette will become a mom quite soon.

Varvara Tretyakov
Photo: "Instagram"

Ex-participant "House-2" Varvara Tretyakova will be mom. 24-year-old brunette, together with his spouse, waiting for the firstborn. The news of the pregnancy of the star of Telestroyki caused a stormy reaction - the girl was already at all very soon, but only relatives knew about her interesting position.

Paul baby we learned on the first ultrasound, but we want to leave it secret. Very happy that I will soon become a mother. "

Varya is waiting for the firstborn
Photo: "Instagram"

However, the secretion was always inherent in the Tretyakov. So, she had met a long time with a man whose face was carefully hidden. In early October 2017, I published a photo with a wedding ring, giving understanding that I was married for him. Now Barbara is wearing a double surname of Tretyakov-Kalinina. Judging by the dates of publication, at the time of the ceremonial ceremony, the brunette was already under the heart of the baby, because it is in the eighth month of pregnancy on the eighth month, and in fact it will give birth in the very near future.

"I have 28 weeks in the photo, and now I am a big, huge Bazook, waiting for my karapuza," Tretyakov shared.

Varvara Tretyakova hides the floor of the child from the public
Photo: "Instagram"

We will remind, for the first time about charming and young brunette, the Tretyakov spectators of the TNT TV channel found out in 2012. Then she came to "House-2" to finally build his love, because in her career she managed to succeed. In total, the girl came to the project three times and tried to build relations with Nikita Kuznetsov and Sasha Zadoynov. But, failed on the personal front, Tretyakov left the project and met the man's dreams per perimeter.


Varvara Tretyakov Born in the summer of 1993 in Yekaterinburg. Its real name Valentine, but the girl changed him with the arrival of the project, and all the questions of the show fans answered that Varya sounds much better.

Varvara Tretyakov He graduated from a college in the specialty "Operator Evm", spent vacation in China and became a student of the correspondence department of the Ural State Economic University. She was also engaged in athletics for seven years, danced and spent the nights of the nodes in the clubs of the native city.

Tretyakov Varvara did not just change the name with the arrival of the "House 2" project, many viewers know her personally and sarcastically comment on numerous novels that do not benefit the reputation of a nineteen-year-old girl.

Personal life Varvara Tretyakova / Varvara Tretyakova

September 21, 2012 Varvara Tretyakov It turned out to be at the perimeter of the scandalous "telestroy." Her appearance caused an excitement among men, and the new participant itself did not refuse them to take care of his attention: she took the courting Alexander Zadobnov, went to the cinema with Alexei Samsonov, and eventually settled in the city apartment with Oleg Miami Krivikov.

Their relationship was reminded by the audience the American slides, and after the next scandal in November 2012, Oleg was disqualified from the set. When he decided to take a step towards reconciliation, then he met him in the city apartment Gleb Zhemchugovwho, as it turned out, was not averse to take the place released near Tretyakova barbarians.

The girl managed to read the SMS messages in the phone of his former lover, find a compromising there and break with him again. She did not hurry to translate his relationship with Gleb to the status of loved ones, but did not refuse his support. She was also very worked out Evgeny Kuzin, who once again found himself in a perimeter.

In addition, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, upset by the appearance of a rival in the struggle for the heart of Oleg Miami, also for a long time, intrigue Tretyakova barbarians.

Record Barvara Tretyakova in December 2012: "No one is surprised now! I am alone who engaged in self-deception and justified him. At that moment, when Katya Kolisnichenko went to Oleg in Karaoke, they had sex, and then when they were in the company Cambur, Out and Masterko, too, everything was! I took it on Pont, saying that I know everything, and he was led! Then Katya told me everything else ... Oleg, in his excuse, he said complaints that it was former! "

In December 2012 Varvara Tretyakovtook part in the filming of the episode of the comedy

The other day on the Internet there were details not the easy life of Varvara Tretyakova, after leaving the TV project. 2. As you know, the brunette unexpectedly left the television trip in March 2013. The reason for this was the novel of the girl over the perimeter with a rich "boy" Oleg Panov, who soon threw the "star House 2", leaving her without housing and means of existence in a large metropolis.

Nevertheless, Tretyakova continued to convince his fans that there is no reason for concern for her further future. Barbara explained that she had a lot of creative plans and her affairs go to the mountain. However, the information that regularly appears on social networks, spoke about the opposite. TV viewers managed to find out that the brunette had to return to his small homeland in Yekaterinburg, owing a large sum of the close girlfriend Catherine Kolisnichenko, occupied on the opening of a small business in social networks. As a result, Varya "burned", the money refused to give up and communication with a twig was ceased. It also walked rumors about the Roman Tretyakova with a wealthy businessman Leonid Chernigovy, as the last attempt to entrenched in Moscow.

And now they became known the latest details of the life of Varvara. Farming of the girl published information received from a personal master of manicure. According to her, the brunette is only trying to support the image of a successful lady, while she was kicked out of the institute, she lives with her mother, the relationship with which was tense to the attack, and even a girl had to buy worried things.

That's what the countryman Varvara reported on social networks: " Girls, hello everyone. Yesterday I decided to go to the master on the manicure, about which Barbara Tretyakov saw. BC We from one city went. I left her at 3:30 am. Varya also had to come to makeup, but did not call. The day before came, made a manicure. In general, Varya returned from Moscow, because She doesn't really work there, and not to rent an apartment for. It was expelled from the institute (local sin), she had already taken the documents. The day before yesterday I bought myself a car - Daewoo Mathiz. And several worn things in the same Master in manicure. In connection with moving to Moscow, the Master sold out its belongings, decorations.

Warning with mom lives (dad, as you know - no) in the area I will share with us. This is one of the old areas of the city, you can say a peak. With ancient Khrushchev. With my mother, they almost do not communicate. In words, Vare promises to give a store (some pepper), but in fact it is not a gift, but just prescribe the manager. What she will do there in this position in 19 years without education - xs. That is briefly so. The master responded to Vare, as a badger. The impression was made as a beautiful girl, in general, communicates normally. "

Tretyakov Varvara is a slim brunette with a cheeky character. Many of you are known to participate in the reality show "Dom-2". Want to know the details of her biography? Are you interested in how the life of the girl after leaving the project? We will gladly share information about her person.

Varvara Tretyakova: Biography. Childhood and youth

She was born on August 13, 1993 in one of the largest cities of Russia - Yekaterinburg. She is from an ordinary middle-income family.

Valentine is a real name of our heroine. She has become the arrival of the Dom-2 project. This name seemed to her more sound. But in the passport there were no changes in Tretyakov.

Valya grew up active and inquisitive child. A girl disappeared on the street with a clock. She liked the moving games with peers. She had almost no girlfriends. And all because she preferred to spend time at the company of boys.

The Tretyakov school studied not bad. Teachers praised a girl for active participation in class life. After all, Valya was a permanent party of various events and competing competitions.

From the age of 7, our heroine was engaged in acrobatics and dances. And in fifth grade, she was fond of mild athletics. Sport classes allowed her to develop such qualities as endurance, willpower and dedication.

After school, the girl filed documents to the Urals State University, choosing the Faculty of Merchanting. Tretyakov enrolled on correspondence department. Brunette worked as a waitress in the restaurant, and also tried his hand in the model business.

Participation in "House-2"

In early 2012, Varvara Tretyakov went to Moscow. She settled by a manager in one of the beauty salons. She was lucky with work, but a personal life was not glued. And brunette decided to correct the situation.

In September 2012, our heroine appeared on the "House-2" shooting platform. Free guys did not show much interest in it. They chose a girl with which Varya came to and sent her home. But the next day, Tretyakov was again invited to the project. About this presenters asked Sasha Zadubov. It was with him a native of Yekaterinburg began to build relationships. Couple settled in a separate room. They often quarreled, then put up. One day the guys finally broke up.

Barbara has a stormy novel with handsome Oleg Miami. Relationships of this couple resembled American slides. Varya and Oleg are passionately kissing, they fought, they combined against the entire team. In November 2012, the guy disqualified after the next scandal. A month later, Varya also left the project.

In September 2013, the second visit to the Tretyakova to "Dom-2" took place. Tempered brunette showed sympathy for Sergey Succar. But she was not lucky. After all, on the same day, the guy left the reality show. The girl was not confused and switched attention to Nikita Kuznetsov. Although she failed to build relationships.

This time Tretyakov traveled quite short. On October 3, 2013, most guys voted against her. Brunette went for the gate.


Varvara Tretyakova (photo See above) continues to conquer Moscow. She regularly participates in photo shoots for fashion magazines and online stores. Any outfit looks great on her slim figure. Ex-participant Realistic show "Dom-2" dreams of someday letting their own collection of clothes.

Personal life

For more than a year, Varvara Tretyakov has been found with a young man who is calling Alexander. The girl regularly receives from his chosen one expensive gifts (decorations, fashion accessories, gadgets) and bouquets of flowers. Close friends of couples are looking forward to when they are invited to a wedding.

In early August 2016, fans began to congratulate the ex-participating in "House-2". The reason was the photo, which Tretyakov Varvara was posted in social networks. In the picture she was conquered in a snow-white dress, and the groom Alexander gently hugged her, standing at the back. The next day by subscribers for misleading them.

There was no wedding. Varya simply experienced a dress for the upcoming photo shoot. Her groom Alexander decided to take advantage of the situation. He put on a black jacket, hugged his beloved and captured this moment on the phone. Our heroine really liked the picture, and she shared them with subscribers. That's all.


We reported where Barbara Tretyakov was born, as she behaved on the project, who currently lives. We wish this cute girl financial well-being and female happiness!

Motherland Tretyakova - Ekaterinburg. The girl was born in the summer of 1993 in an ordinary family. From fourteen years began to earn money independently, becoming in the end a very popular model. Real name of a pretty brunette - Valentine. But, becoming a participant in a popular show, she chose to take a pseudonym. Fans The girl explained his act to the desire to have a more soniced and interesting name. In fact, it has been rumored that before the appearance on the set, the girl managed to finally spoil his reputation, so she decided to fight his past so unusual way.

Having finished nine classes of the Mid-Educational School, Tretyakov entered one of the local colleges. Then he went to China for a year, and, returning to his homeland, entered into correspondence training in the Ural University.

Seven years of his life Varvara dedicated athletics classes. He fond of dancing, was a regular visitor in the prestigious nightclubs of the native city.

At the nineteen years, Tretyakova became a member of the TV project. House 2. However, before that, she met a long time with a kind of young man, the cause of parting with which his pathological jealousy became.

For the first time on the air of the scandalous telestroy, the girl appeared in September 2012. The guys with interest responded to the appearance at the perimeter of a spectacular brunette. However, the new participant was also not confused and tried to give her attention to everyone who came across towards her. She spent a lot of time in the company, arranged from the perimeter with, but in the urban apartment began to cohabit with.

The relationship of Barbara and Oleg is ideal to call in any way. Many viewers have repeatedly compared them with the notorious "American slides." Crazy quarrels were replaced by sharp truce. After another conflict, the young man turned out to be disqualified from the project for the hands-preposition towards the girl. It happened in November 2012. Honestly departing the term of their disqualification, the guy was intended to start with a clean list of relationship with the Tretyakov barbury. However, in his place near the girl already methyl.

However, Varya itself did not experience much desire to repeat on the same rake. Therefore, thoroughly fighting on the phone of his former lover, she found a couple of compromised a couple of compromises and collapsed with him. It is not in a hurry to start a relationship with strawberry, preferring to keep it next to him in the status of a friend. In addition, there was a good support for the girl, once again returned to the TV project.

The female half of the show saw in the Tretyaksky strong rival, so she did not have girlfriends in the perimeter. On the contrary, Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, which suffers due to the lack of reciprocity from Oleg Miami, spoil the life of Barbara on the project with enviable persistence.

In the winter of 2012, Vare received a proposal to take part in the shooting of the comedy "What men are doing". She got an episodic role, but this did not reduce the envy of colleagues on the TV project.

Soon, Varvara Tretyakov decided to leave the project - she met the young man in a perimeter, to whom he experienced quite serious feelings. But these relationships were fleeting.

In September 2013, Varya appeared again in the perimeter, expressing sympathy of Sergey Succar. The guy did not expect such attention to his person and soon escaped from the project in the company Alexandra Agrank. In October 2013, Tretyakov went for the gate - her photo participants crossed out on the next female voting.