Outdoor games in kindergarten for the autumn holiday in the senior group. Autumn games for middle preschool children

Outdoor games in kindergarten for the autumn holiday in the senior group.  Autumn games for middle preschool children
Outdoor games in kindergarten for the autumn holiday in the senior group. Autumn games for middle preschool children

- a favorite pastime for preschoolers. Playing, kids strengthen their physical health, develop thinking, quickness, agility and strength.

With the arrival of autumn, children spend more and more time. Therefore, autumn games in kindergarten should be selected with this factor in mind.

What are the most popular autumn games among children? Consider the most popular and beloved by all.

Musical game "Ask Autumn" has been known since Soviet times.

Among the children, Rain and Autumn are chosen. While the Rain is hiding, all the kids stand in a circle, in the middle of which is Autumn. They begin to lead a round dance and sing "Autumn Song":


Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn,

It's good that you came.

We, autumn, will ask you:

What did you bring as a gift?


I brought you autumn bad weather and seven weather in the yard:

sows, blows, twists, muddies, pours from above, oppresses, sweeps.

I also brought a basket with my gifts.

Brought you honey

Complete deck.


I brought you torment,

That means there will be pies.


Brought you buckwheat

The porridge will be in the oven.


Brought you fruits, berries!

We'll cook jam for a year!


You and apples, you and bread,

You brought honey too.

Good weather

Have you in store for us, autumn?


Are you glad for the rain?


We don’t want to, don’t.

After the last words, Rain jumps out and starts catching the participants. Anyone who gets caught becomes a new Rain and everything repeats again.

Carousel game in kindergarten

Develops rhythm of movements and attentiveness.

Children stand in a circle, while holding onto a hoop or cord with tied ends. The task of children is to make the correct movements corresponding to the words of the song that the adult reads:

Barely - barely, barely - barely,

The carousels spun

And then, then, then,

All running, running, running.

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two

So the game is over.

After running 2 - 3 circles, you can change the direction and gradually slowing down the movement, finish the game.

Game "Wicker" in kindergarten

Preschool children are divided into two groups and line up in two lines opposite each other. In this case, a "living fence" is formed - children are taken crosswise through one by the hands.

At the beginning of the game, one line advances another, then comes back. In this case, you must not open your hands. Further, the same actions are repeated by the second line. The game lasts until someone loses balance.

Game "Traffic light" in kindergarten

Develops attentiveness and responsiveness.

The host of the game is chosen - the Traffic Light, which turns to the players with his back. Preschoolers line up behind a conventional line (15–20 m). If the presenter announces a "green light", the children begin to move towards him. But at the words - "red light" should stop. Those who do not have time are eliminated. The game continues until the participants touch the Traffic Light.

Game "Rain" in kindergarten

Allows you to develop mindfulness and rhythm.

The guys stand in a circle and begin to dance to a song, making certain movements in parallel.

Rain, rain, what are you pouring?

You won't let us walk.

(3 claps)

Rain, rain, pouring full,

Children, the earth, the forest to wet.

(3 taps with each leg)

After the rain in the country

We will ride through the puddles

(3 jumps in place)

Bubble game in kindergarten

Stimulates the correct pronunciation of the sound "Ш", develops dexterity.

Children, holding hands, form a circle. The host proposes to inflate the players with a magic bubble, which will be very large, but will not burst. The task of the children is to carefully listen to the presenter, to carry out the named movements as accurately as possible.

Blow up, bubble!

(children, not letting go of each other, diverge as much as possible to the sides)

Swell up, big ...

Stay that way

And don't burst!

(continuing to hold each other, the children stop)

(begin to converge towards the center of the circle)

Game "Catch" in kindergarten

Children stand in a circle with Lovishka in the center. At the prearranged signal ("one, two, three"), the children scatter, and the presenter seeks to touch someone. The game ends when 5–6 people are caught.

One has only to show imagination and games in kindergarten in the fall will bring preschoolers a lot of fun, joy and benefit.

Nelly Mikhailovna Khramova
Summary of the lesson "Golden Autumn" for children of the preparatory group

State treasury educational institution

Saratov region,

for children - orphans and children left without parental care,


Open class

on environmental education

in preschool group

on the topic: « Golden autumn»

Completed by the educator

5 group

State educational institution of the Saratov region

for children - orphans and children,

left without parental care,

"Orphanage No. 3 of Khvalynsk".

Khramova Nelly Mikhailovna


Open lesson on the topic: « Golden autumn»

Target: pin views children about the characteristic features autumn and autumn phenomena.


1. Learn children call the signs of autumn, changes in nature, using figurative words and expressions.

2. To consolidate the skill of forming an adjective from a noun.

3. Continue to develop memory, attention, thinking through games and play exercises.

4. To cultivate a love of nature, a caring attitude towards animals.

5. Extend views children about autumn changes in nature, teach how to answer questions about the content, activate the dictionary.

Preliminary work.

- Observations on the site of the kindergarten for living and inanimate nature.

- Memorizing poetry about autumn.

- Examination of landscape paintings by artists.

- Compilation of a herbarium from autumn leaves, etc..

Equipment: multimedia projector, leaves autumn, hand made vase children from natural material and seeds.

Form of conducting: Open class.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment:

Good day! Sit on more convenient: backs straight, legs together, hands on knees. We're going on a journey.

2. Topic message:

Guys, look around. What do you see? What unusual have you seen in our group?

Yes our group decorated with leaves... Where did we get these leaves?

In the morning we go to the yard, the leaves are falling in rain,

They rustle and fly underfoot ... fly ... fly ...

Spider webs fly by, with spiders in the middle,

And cranes fly high from the ground.

Everything flies! This must be flying away our summer.

And what is summer?

Yes, of course - this is the time of year.

What seasons do you know?

And if we flew away, the summer has passed, then what time of year has come?

And how do we know what has come autumn? (Answers children)

Yes, of course we will see changes in nature.

We have decorated our a group of leaves, because on the street autumn and

our lesson about autumn is called: « Golden autumn» .

3. Updating the reference knowledge:

Guys, now I want to ask you if you know what the weather is like in the fall.

Game "Weather in the fall"

Children, what is the weather like in the fall:

When it rains, it rains.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - cloudy

Raw - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

Clear - clear

Educator: Fine. You are right about the weather. I would like to praise that they spoke clearly, distinctly, and interestingly.

The game: « In autumn» . (with a ball)

Guys, I suggest you a ball game called « In autumn» .

To whom I throw the ball, he answers the question, and for the correct answer I will give you autumn leaf.

Leaves in the fall(what do they do)- Leaves turn yellow in autumn, fall off, etc.

Rain in autumn - Rain drizzles in autumn, goes, etc.

Harvest in autumn - Harvest in autumn.

Birds in autumn - Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees in autumn - Trees drop their leaves in autumn.

Beasts in the fall - Animals in the fall are preparing for winter, change fur coats.

Well done, they answered the questions correctly, and now we will play with our leaves.

Fizminutka: « Autumn leaves» .

Children with leaves in their hands stand in a circle and, together with the teacher, recite a poem.

We, the leaves autumn, sat on the branches, the wind blew, flew.

We flew, we flew and quietly landed on the ground.

The wind came running again and lifted the leaves.

He turned them around, circled them and lowered them to the ground.

(Children imitate actions "Leaflets" according to the text poems: squat down, fly around the room, sit down quietly again, rise, circle and sit down again).

Well done! Now let's collect our beautiful leaves in a bouquet and put them in our vase, which we made from seeds and shells.

4. Acquisition of new knowledge

You know, each season is 3 months long. Name the months autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You have named the months correctly.

Guys, a long time ago people began to notice that everything in nature does not happen in vain, but that something warns us and something means. And all this began to be called omens. For example, if the birds fly low, then it will rain.

Listen, I'll tell you about the signs autumn.

Signs autumn

Autumn will come quietly, will quietly stand at the gate.

A cherry leaf in the garden will fall on the road.

This is the first sign that summer is leaving us.

And the second is a raspberry bush, in threads of white spider web.

The day will become a little shorter, the clouds will darken,

As if a shadow will cover them, the river will become cloudy -

The third sure sign: autumn wanders close somewhere

In the early morning, white fogs will fall on the glades.

And then wait, don't expect heavy rains.

So it has come autumn.

- What are the signs autumn listed in the poem?

- What day is it? (Clear, sunny, windy)

Educator: Clever girls. I suggest you watch the movie.

Presentation: « Autumn golden»

Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, write music.

Guys, what do they call people who write poetry…. painting pictures ... music?

Do not know? Then listen. Poetry is written by poets. Paintings are drawn by artists, and music by composers.

Slides (portrait of P.I.Tchaikovsky and paintings by Russian artists)

Today, I want to introduce you to the composer PI Tchaikovsky. (portrait).

He created a musical album about each season, which is called "Seasons"... How many pieces do you think are in this album? Yes, 12. And how many works about autumn? Yes, three. What do you think, what are they called?

September, October and November. And now we have what autumn month.

That's right - October.

And I suggest you look at paintings by Russian artists to the music of P.I.Tchaikovsky, which is called October « Autumn song» .

Hearing a piece by P.I.Tchaikovsky « Autumn song» .

How did you feel when you listened to music? What is the title of the work? Who wrote it? (Answers children) .

Surprising moment.

From your answers, I understood that you like autumn.

Educator: - Yes, autumn is beautiful. (Knock on the door, comes in Autumn)

Hello, Autumn golden!

Autumn: Hello my friends! Merry and joy to you!

I dressed up everything around, a dark forest made rich!

It became light in it, as in the daytime, Leaves there are burning with fire!

Autumn: Guys, do you know the game: « Autumn ask» .

Let's play.

Children: - Hello autumn, Hello autumn! It's good that you came.

You have us autumn we'll ask: What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: - I brought you flour

Children: - So there will be pies.

Autumn: - Brought, I buckwheat.

Children: - Porridge will be in the oven.

Autumn: - Brought you vegetables.

Children: - And for porridge and for cabbage soup.

Autumn: Apples and honey.

Children: - For jam and compote. You and apples, you brought us honey as a gift.

Have you got us good weather as a gift?

Autumn: - Are you glad for the rain?

Children: If we don't want to, don't.

Educator: And the guys know poems about you. You are probably tired, sit down, rest and listen to poems.

Child: 1-th: Autumn, your dress is beautiful!

Golden pattern on it.

Sundress with colored border,

Multi-colored fringe.

2nd: Decorated with leaves

And rowan tassels

And from the scarlet berries

Beads like corals!

3rd: There are clear days in autumn,

The leaves flutter like moths.

4th: Spider webs on the bushes shine,

Yellow leaf fall pours down the path.

If the day is clear, clear

Autumn, autumn - you are beautiful!

Autumn: What are you guys great! I liked you very much, but I have to go to the forest.

I still have a lot to do in the forest. I promise all of you that wonderful gifts await you, friends! I give you ripe apples and thank you for everything!

Educator: Thanks! Goodbye Autumn.

5. The final part

Our the lesson is coming to an end... Let's remember the name of our class.

What new have you learned today at occupations? What composer did you meet?

What piece did you listen to? What did you like the most?

So ours ended class... But we will return to the seasons more than once.

We will observe changes in nature on excursions. We will listen to the music of P.I.Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons", to draw the pictures.

Oh guys, but I forgot about the gifts from Autumn! How much, enough for everyone. (Distributes apples to children)

Wolf or hare?

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication, creative abilities.

Course of the game: Players stand in a circle facing the center. The driver walks around the circle, quickly saying the words: "The fire is burning, the samovar is boiling." After these words, he touches the shoulder of the player behind whom he is. This player covers his face with his palms. This is repeated until all players close their eyes. Now the driver walks with the words: "Wolf or hare?" At the same time, he touches any player on the shoulder and looks into his face. The player removes his hands from his face. If the expression on his face is predatory, formidable, the driver silently sends him to the right - there will be "wolves" gathering. If the expression on the face is meek, kind, the driver sends the player to the left - there are "hares" gathering. As soon as the last player takes his place on one of the sides, the "wolves" rush to catch the "hares" all over the playing field. The "hare" who is caught last wins.

Special Notes: Do not pry. The players stand in silence so that the others do not know how many "wolves" and "hares" there are. A "hare" is considered caught if the "wolf" touches it with a hand.

The owner of the garden and the apples

The course of the game: all players are "apples". One is the "master of the garden." Children form a circle, holding hands, and the "owner of the garden" gets into it and says: "The apple has been bitten by a worm, and it falls from the tree."

With these words, the children run in a circle, and after the word "tree" they must quickly sit down. Anyone who does not have time to do this is eliminated from the game. The game continues until 3 people remain in the circle. They are the best apples.

Special Notes: Players running in a circle must not separate their hands. Of the two players who did not have time to sit down, the one who has a free left hand leaves the game. The "master of the garden" monitors the observance of the rules of the game.

Cubs and fox

Purpose of the game: development of motor and creative abilities, speed of reaction, attention.

The course of the game: 1 "hunter" and 1 "fox" are selected from the players, the rest are divided into groups of 3 - 5 people. Each group of players forms a circle. All the circles depicting holes are placed in different places on the playground at a distance of about 3 m from each other. In each hole one of the players is a "wolf cub", he stands in the center of the circle. "Hunter" and "fox" stand aside from the holes.

At the signal from the leader, the "fox" starts to run away, and the "hunter" - to catch up. Fleeing from the "hunter", the "fox" can run into any hole of the "wolf cubs". Then the "wolf cub" in the center of the circle runs out of it, and the "hunter" now chases the "wolf cub".

If the "hunter" hits the "wolf cub", then they change places, and the game continues.

Special notes: the "hunter" can catch the "wolf cub" only when he is outside the burrow. It is impossible for the "wolf cubs" to run through the holes. As soon as the "fox" runs into the hole, the "wolf cub" must immediately run out of there.

Funny puppies

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: 5m cord.

Course of the game: in the middle of the playing area, a line is drawn or a cord is pulled - this is a river. The players are divided into 2 groups and sit opposite each other at a distance of 4-5 m. Each group chooses a leader, who choose secret names for their "puppies". For example, "puppies" boys can be called like this: Hawk, Kite, Eagle, Golden Eagle, etc. Girls - Star, Sun, Moon, Lily, Daisy, etc.

The leader of the first group addresses the second group: "Give me a Daisy!" The leader of the second group answers: "Choose whoever you want, just keep in mind: there is a river between us, if you can swim, if you don't know how, jump!" "Puppies" from the second group say in unison: "Let him float!" or "Let it pass!" After these words, the leader approaches the second group of players from behind and chooses a "puppy" for himself. With both hands, he carefully closes his eyes, and then calls out from his group, for example, the Hawk, so that he can help take the "puppy" to him.

The hawk, crossing the river, must perform different movements, which are called by the players of the second group: crawl, jump, etc.

Approaching the "puppy", the Hawk touches his shoulders with his hands and quickly returns to his group. Now the "puppy" from the second group must find the one who touched him. If he guesses, then he leads him to the group, if not, he himself remains in the Hawk's group. The game continues, only now the second group sends its leader. The team that has more players left by the end of the game wins.

Special notes: the movements for the "puppy" are invented by the whole group, and the players must follow them clearly.

Fairy game

Purpose of the game: development of motor, creative and communication skills, attention and dexterity.

Attributes: a basket of balls, large high boots, a broom, a rope, an umbrella.

Course of the game: start and finish lines are drawn on the playing court. Players are divided into pairs, and each pair gets its own task. For example, the first pair should depict Little Red Riding Hood and the "wolf". At the same time, Little Red Riding Hood, holding a basket with small balls in her hands, must, having run out from the starting line 10 seconds before the "wolf", reach the finish line and come back. The "Wolf" runs after her, trying to catch her. The second pair should depict Ivan Tsarevich and Baba Yaga. Ivan Tsarevich jumps on one leg from the starting line to the finish line and comes back, while Baba Yaga is trying to catch up with him on a broomstick. The third pair is Kashchei the Immortal and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Vasilisa tries to run away from Kashchei, who can only follow her with a big side step. The fourth pair depicts "mustang" and "cowboy". The "horse" jumps along the distance with small jumps, and the "cowboy" tries to catch up with him and throw a lasso out of the rope. The fifth pair depicts the Wizard and the baby. The kid usually runs the distance, and the Wizard tries to catch up with him by touching the magic wand.

Special Notes: After running the distance, players can switch roles and continue the game.

Cat and mouse

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

The course of the game: the players stand in 2 rows facing each other and join hands, forming a passageway.

In one row there are "cats", in the other - "mice". The first pair starts the game: the "cat" catches the "mouse", which quickly runs around the other "cats" and "mice". At a dangerous moment, the "mouse" can hide in the corridor formed by the hands of other players. As soon as the "cat" has caught the "mouse", the players stand in a row. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the "cats" catch all the "mice".

Fragment of the game

Special notes: during the game, the "cat" must not run into the hole. Neither "cats" nor "mice" can run far from the burrow.

Let's live in peace!

The course of the game: a "mouse" is selected from the players - it is a tag. The rest of the players run away from the tag all over the playing area. When the "mouse" approaches, the players can join hands in pairs, then the "mouse" cannot beat them.

Special Notes: The "mouse" can hate players if there are three of them. The player who has been hit with the "mouse" takes its place in the game.

Cat and milk

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication skills, dexterity.

Course of the game: "cat" and "mistress" are selected from the players. All players sit, hugging their knees to their chest and wrapping their arms around them, in a circle at a distance of 0.5 m from each other. These are saucers of milk. The hostess calls the cat: "Kitty, kitty, kitty!" "Meow!" - the "cat" answers.

- Where did you walk?

- In the yard.

- Did you catch the mouse?

- Why?

- I want milk!

- Choose a saucer!

The "cat", bypassing the players, licks its lips and touches everyone. The "mistress" asks: "Well, have you chosen?"

The "cat" comes up to the "owner" and tells her in her ear the name of the selected player. The "mistress" says: "If you can, take it!"

The “cat” reaches the selected “saucer” and unexpectedly pushes the player by the shoulder. If the player falls down, that is, milk spills, he is out of the game, and the "cat" again negotiates with the "mistress". If the player who is pushed by the "cat" does not lose balance, then the "cat" changes roles with him. The game starts again.

Special notes: "cat" can only push the player named "mistress".

Cats and kittens

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: flat stone or plywood board (bera), medium-sized ball.

Course of the game: A flat stone or a low plywood board is placed at one end of the playing area. A throwing line is drawn from it at a distance of 3 m. 2 teams are playing - "nimble kittens" and "experienced cats". 3 players - jury - "mouse". They are counting points.

"Kittens" start. They line up behind a plywood board at the starting line. The “cats” players are free to sit on the court against the plywood board. The first "kitten" player tosses a medium-sized ball up with one hand and hits it hard with his palm, trying to send it as far as possible to the court, where there are no "cats" players.

If the kitten player succeeds, the team gets 2 points. The cat players try to catch the ball on the fly. If the ball falls on the court, one of the “cat” players, picking up the ball, stands on the throwing line and tries to hit the ball into the plywood board. For hitting the target, the team gets 1 point. Each time the ball is put into the game by the next player from the team of "nimble kittens". When all the “kittens” have served the ball, the teams change places, and the team of “experienced cats” starts. The team with the most points wins.

Special Notes: Players perform shield throwing alternately. Only a direct hit is counted; the ball bouncing off the ground and hitting the plywood board does not count.

Polite game

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication skills and attention.

Game progress: players stand in a circle. In its center is the host, the cat Leopold. The leader gives the participants in the circle various commands, but they must be carried out only if he adds the word "please" to the command. For example: "Please clap your hands!", "Please turn to your right-hand neighbor!", "Please, stomp your feet!" etc.

Special Notes: The player who made a mistake swaps places with the leader.

Mouse relay

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

Attributes: 20 pins.

The course of the game: all players are divided into 2 teams - "mouse-noses" and "mice-naughty".

They line up in 2 parallel columns at a distance of 4-5 m from each other. A starting line is drawn in front of the columns. At a distance of 5 m from the starting line, obliquely, put one pin at a time and outline them in circles with a diameter of 50 cm.

At the signal of the leader, the first players of both teams run to their pins, run around them, after which they rush to the skittles of their rivals and also run around it. Then they take the pin in their hands and, running in front of the teams, put the pin in another circle. Then the first players run to their teams, touch the next player with their hand, who continues the game.

The team that does everything faster wins.

Special notes: the next player enters the game only after the previous one has completed all the tasks and touches him with his hand.

Cat and kittens

Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication skills, erudition.

Course of the game: a line is drawn on the playing court - the street. A circle is drawn in front of it at a distance of 8 m - a house. A "cat" is selected from the players. She enters the house, and the rest of the players - “kittens” - come up to her at 1 meter. The “cat” asks:

- Kittens, guys, where have you been?

- In the garden!

- What were you doing there?

- Did you pick the flowers?

- Where are the flowers?

If the "kittens" allow a pause in the answer, the "cat" shouts: "Oh, you deceivers!" and tries to catch one of them.

Fleeing from the "cat", "kittens" run away into the street and stand on the line, holding hands. The caught "kitten" goes with the "cat" into the house. The game starts over. The questions may be different.

Special Notes: A “cat” can catch “kittens” not only after a long pause, but also if the answer sounds implausible. If the "cat" does not catch the "kitten", then it takes to the house the one who was the last to stand on the line.

Fun outdoor games for children 4-6 years old in kindergarten.

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, Music Director of the MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Fairy Tale", Petrozavodsk

Material description: the material may be of interest to music directors and educators

Target: creating a joyful mood in children

- contribute to the development of positive emotions
- develop the speech abilities of children
- develop the communication skills of children

Game "Bears collect cones"

Bears came out into the clearing,
We saw the bears and cones.
Bears will play
Will collect cones.
Collect quickly,
And fill the baskets.
The game involves 2 children. There are cones scattered on the floor in different places. Children are put on bear hats, they are given baskets in their hands. And on command, they collect cones, who is more ...

Game "Harvest"

Look guys -
A rich harvest has grown.
Take the baskets
Gather the whole crop!
These guys (to the children of the first team)
Looking for vegetables in the garden
Well, and you guys (refers to another command)
You need to collect the fruits!
On the floor, in a hoop - a “vegetable garden”, there are a mixture of dummies of vegetables and fruits. If there are few children in the group, everyone can participate. If the number of children is large, 10-12 people can be selected to participate in the game. Children are divided into two teams. Stand up one after another. On command, one by one, they run to the "vegetable garden", take one vegetable (fruit), return to their team, put the vegetable (fruit) in the basket. The following participants are running. At the end of the game, you can check how correctly the task was completed.

Transport the harvest game

We need to collect the harvest,
Let's gather the brigade now.
On command 1-2-3
Take the car as soon as possible.
Yes, rather, do not yawn ...
Go where the harvest is!
Put it in the back
Yes, take it home quickly.
When you arrive - unload!
Give the truck to another!
On the floor in a hoop - a "vegetable garden", there are mixed plaster casts of vegetables and fruits. Children are divided into two teams. The first one takes the truck and goes to the “vegetable garden”, takes a fruit (vegetable) and puts it in the back of the truck. Returns to the team, unloads the crop and passes the truck to the next participant.

Game "Collect the leaves"

A strong wind blew
Into a few pieces
He tore the leaves.
We will not be discouraged
We need to collect it.

Children are offered to fold leaves (maple, oak ...), cut into 4-5 pieces. Several people can participate in the game (for example 3-4 children)

The game "In the Scarecrow's Garden"

The role of the Scarecrow can be played by an adult character, or you can invite the child to be a Scarecrow (put a wide shirt on him, a hat on his head)

The scarecrow and children stand in different parts of the hall. The scarecrow stands with his back to the children.

Whether in the garden, in the garden - children walk calmly towards the Scarecrow
The scarecrow is standing.
From noisy jackdaws and crows
Preserves the harvest.
Scarecrow, do not be bored - stop, shake a finger
You better play with us.
1-2-3, 1-2-3 , - clap
Well, catch us soon.

At the end of the game, the Scarecrow catches up with the children, the children run away from him.

The game "Catch up with Borovichk"

The role of Borovichk can be played by both an adult and a child. Put a mushroom cap on your head. Children and Borovichok are in different parts of the hall. Borovichok turns his back, squatting behind a hemp (chair).

The old man - Borovichok - children say the text and come up to Borovichk
Hidden behind a stump.
And we will come closer
And now we will find you!
Let's play catch-up
We're running away from you!
at the end of the game Borovichok catches up with the children, the children run away.

The game "Fly agaric - fly agaric"

The role of Amanita is played by an adult or a child. Amanita stands in the middle of the circle, children around him, holding hands.

Fly agaric - fly agaric, - go in a circle
Little white leg
Little red cap
White polka dots.
You look very important, - come up to the fly agaric in a circle
But everyone knows - it is poisonous. - go back
Come on, don't yawn, - clap your hands
Rather catch up with us.
Children scatter scattered, Fly agaric catches up with children.

Children's matinees are a great way to make children friends, as well as to instill in them new skills and knowledge in a playful way. Therefore, it is worth choosing interesting and varied games for the autumn holiday in kindergarten. It is the games that are the most interesting part of the matinee for its little participants. Consider several options for games for the autumn matinee.

Traditional relay race, stylized as an autumn theme. We will need two large autumn leaves for each team. Draw the sheets on cardboard and cut them out. The essence of the relay: the player takes two sheets, stands on one of them, and puts the other in front of him. Then he jumps to the second sheet, and puts the first one in front of him. Thus, it is necessary to go the distance from start to finish and vice versa, passing the sheets to the next player. The team that copes faster wins.

Autumn beads

Attributes: bright leaves from trees, rowan twigs, cones, several threads or ropes. This competition is creative. We divide the participants into teams, and each team creates its own beads from the proposed material - leaves, cones, and mountain ash are strung on a rope. A certain time is allotted for the process itself, while the musical accompaniment sounds. When the beads are ready, the audience votes with applause for each piece. Usually in such entertainments not winners and losers, friendship wins.

Coloring for speed

First, you need to print several coloring pages, depending on how many teams or participants there will be. You will also need pencils or markers. Children must color the pictures for a certain period of time, and it is desirable to do this carefully, so it is better to choose simple coloring pages, without small details. Well, since we have an autumn holiday, the theme of coloring should be autumn.

Collecting apples

This competition can be held either with eyes open or blindfolded. The player's goal is to collect as many apples as possible in the basket. Apples can be drawn on cardboard and cut out, or you can replace them with some objects - cubes, balls, small soft toys.

Bunch of grapes

You will need two sheets of Whatman paper, each of which has a bunch tail with a leaf drawn on it. The kids take turns approaching the Whatman paper, they are blindfolded and they draw one grape. Each team draws its own bunch, the goal is to draw it as accurately as possible. But this does not always work out, so the fun turns out to be fun, and its results are unpredictable.


Relay race with elements of creativity. Prepare in advance two sheets of Whatman paper with drawn silhouettes of cats, pieces of cotton wool, glue stick. The guys stand at the start, the first participant is given a glue stick. On command, the child runs to the Whatman paper and glues a piece of cotton wool on the cat, so that it turns into fur. The winner is the team that has the fluffiest cat, prepared for winter.

Catch the ball

The presenter throws the ball to the children in turn, each child, when he catches the ball, must name a word that is associated with autumn. Anyone who could not remember the word drops out of the competition.

Collect the apple

We need to prepare some pictures with apples, cut into pieces. The task of the kids is to collect the picture with the apple. The one who collects the fastest won.


Various items are put in a large box: cubes, toys, pasches. It can be pictures on an autumn theme - leaves, berries, mushrooms. Children are given buckets or baskets, their task is to choose from the box as many specific objects as possible, for example, only cubes, or only pictures with mushrooms.

Run in a puddle

We define the boundaries of the "puddle" (most often it is a carpet that lies in the middle of the assembly hall), we prepare several pairs of rubber boots. The child must, on command, put on his boots and run through the “puddle” and come back. The game is funny if the boots are several sizes larger than the child's legs.

Guess what's in the bag

A traditional game for children's parties in kindergarten, including autumn ones. She will need a bag and various items related to the fall: apples, pears, carrots, potatoes, leaves, chestnuts. Instead of real gifts of nature, you can use from a dummy. Each child puts his hand into the bag, chooses one object and guesses by touch what it is. If he guesses correctly, he gets a piece of candy.

Collect pumpkin from the vegetable garden

Another variation of the relay, this time with a pumpkin. She will need two pumpkins of the same size. A team member rolls his pumpkin from start to finish and back, after which he passes it to the next participant. The task can be complicated by rolling the pumpkin only with your feet or pushing with some object.

Mushroom pickers

Teams line up. The first child is given a basket with mushrooms (dummies of mushrooms) and he passes it on to the next participant, and he, in turn, to the next. So the basket must be transferred to the other end of the line and back, without losing the mushrooms. If the mushroom drops out, the basket returns to the beginning of the line. An important nuance: the children hold the basket on outstretched arms above their head.

Leaf fall

You will need leaves from trees or cut out paper. The leaves are placed on the table, the kids are at the table. On command, each participant begins to blow on his sheet. The one who quickly blows it to the floor won.

Relay of gardeners

Props: hoops, watering cans, dummies of vegetables and fruits. How the relay race goes: the first child lays out the hoops - digs up the beds, the second participant puts a vegetable in each hoop - sows seeds, the third kid "waters" the beds from the watering can, the fourth - harvests - puts the vegetables in a basket. The team that will cope with the task faster than the others wins.

Funny spiders

For this entertainment you will need a few balls of woolen thread. It is necessary that the threads in the balls are of the same length. On command, the participant unwinds a spider web ball on the floor along the line, and then winds it back and passes the ball to the next participant. The winner is the team that passes the relay faster.

Colored vegetables

We prepare several cards of different colors. Children at random pull a card out of the bag and name a vegetable or fruit. If you come across a red card, you must name a red vegetable, etc.

Or you can hold the same competition, but not with flowers, but with letters - pull letters out of the bag and name the fruits, the name of which begins with this letter.

Come up with a riddle

It's even more interesting than guessing riddles. We show children cards with images of fruits and vegetables or dummies of fruits, and the participants must name their properties, thus coming up with a riddle for this fruit. You can also come up with riddles for the autumn phenomena of nature, to the very word "autumn".

Who lost the leaf?

The presenter shows cards with the image of leaves, and the task of the children is to guess which tree this leaf is from. Cards can be replaced with real leaves from trees.


Children stand in front of the presenter. the presenter takes turns calling vegetables, berries, fruits. If the vegetable is growing on the ground, the children should sit down, and if it is a berry that grows on a tree, the children stand up and raise their hands above their heads. Whoever sat down or stood up last is eliminated. The winner is the one who remained the last and did not drop out.

We hope you enjoyed the above games for the fall holiday in kindergarten, and you will take some of them to your attention.