Eighth (8) House in Vedic Astrology: Life and Death, Good and Evil. Strong VIII house of the horoscope

Eighth (8) House in Vedic Astrology: Life and Death, Good and Evil.  Strong VIII house of the horoscope
Eighth (8) House in Vedic Astrology: Life and Death, Good and Evil. Strong VIII house of the horoscope

Let's study what the strong VIII house of the horoscope can influence. If a person has a strong VIII house in the horoscope, his life will be accompanied by all the metamorphoses of death, starting from the first days of life. Death is like a sacrament, like a magnet, like fear, like a question, like a riddle. A person can relate to these problems of the VIII house in different ways, depending on his spiritual level and position on the evolutionary ladder.

1. One can look Death in the eyes and, having overcome the duality of the VIII house, die and be reborn in this life in a new quality. In other words, to survive your own symbolic death.

2. A person with an accented VIII house gravitates towards collective energy management. In the highest manifestation, a person transmits the energy of the subtle world through himself, therefore, the VIII house gives birth to occultists, astrologers, healers and high-class psychologists. Occult practice is associated with the VIII house.

This is magic and all the ways to control and transform energies. This includes yoga, which aims to master the energies beyond material life.

Magic is the ability to use certain powers. Here again there is duality, since magic can be white and black. There is a choice between Good and Evil. The deliberate use of powers for the purpose of black magic leads to a terrible fall. The Black Moon always has to do with this, especially if it is strongly expressed or is in the VIII house, the house of her exaltation.

Such a situation can give rise to a terrible black magician, sorcerer, a person who destroys the visible world. It would seem that his upper gate is open, but he closes them himself, despite the fact that he knows what he is doing.

3. The third way is, despite the pessimism that the strong VIII house gives, to find charm in risk and extreme situations. And then it can become a stimulus to life. This is what people of the 8th house do, choosing professions associated with situations "on the brink" - pilots, climbers, mine rescuers, stuntmen, surgeons.

They can be athletes, as intense training brings transformation like yoga. These can be scientists-researchers in sciences who are associated with the decomposition of elements into parts - physicists, chemists, surgeons, pathologists.

Thanks to Pluto, people of the VIII house have strong magnetism (which they do not always know about), they very delicately feel other people's influences, they can be subject to them themselves. But, nevertheless, they have the ability to influence other people, capturing them emotionally or energetically.

Therefore, the VIII House gives birth to great directors and great artists who strive to influence the ethical values ​​of people with their art and talent. These are the deepest dramatic and tragic actors and directors. Their performances and roles played are appreciated by people much higher than they expect.

4. You can replace the problem of Death with the problem of instincts, so to speak, to get involved in sex. Sex is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Sex is also a certain metamorphosis of death, it is, as it were, the origins of life, love, birth. The kinship of Neptune and the exiled Venus determine the psycho-emotional cut of sexual experiences. Tormenting a partner with his instincts, a person kills him and, as it were, takes over Death (Freud, De Sade).

5. Another way is to solve the problems of the 8th house through the 2nd house. The second house is physical strength, material values, money. House VIII is also associated with money - inheritance, insurance, winnings. Each house is a mirror of the opposite house, only a crooked mirror.

The II house is matter and form, the VIII house is the gateway to another reality. But first you have to part with the material world and survive Death. Information from the opposite houses penetrates each other. On the one hand, they are antagonistic, on the other, they complement each other.

But after all, each person is given the opportunity to combine extremes, the ability to unite opposites. How to connect the seemingly unconnected - the Earthly world and the Heavenly world? Only under the condition of duality, participating simultaneously in both, giving to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God - God's. This is the only way to learn to live simultaneously in two worlds, knowing that they are dialectically interconnected.

From this point of view, the problems of the second house already look differently. You need to work on his problems, especially if he is significant. To have a foothold, a starting point, you need to be able to make money. The point is how this money is viewed - as an end in itself or as a means.

Strong VIII house of the horoscope. As a rule, extreme situations attract great values ​​and material benefits. The more money a person has, the less protected he is, the more likely it is that they can be taken away from the VIII house.

I must say that a person with a strong 8th house is tempted to solve problems through the 2nd house. An overly filled house with an empty opposite gives rise to an attraction to the unknown, to that which does not exist. And this is natural - "I love what I do not have."

6. Well, if you take risks on VIII, then you can pick up someone's treasures. Therefore, people who are the lowest incarnation of the VIII house, the main task is to extract values. And they get them without difficulty. The more they risk, the more they get, the more they take from life. But this does not benefit them, since they aggravate one extreme, forgetting about the other. Therefore, most often they themselves become victims of the VIII house.

Yes, you need money, but you have to earn it. Man must become the center that unites these two problems of life and death. On the one hand, one cannot be attracted to matter, knowing that it is not eternal and can collapse. On the other hand, to destroy, forcibly intruding into a harmonious world that a person did not create, he also has no right. If he kills and destroys, after death he will be greeted by the souls he has killed.

On the Internet, in thick books, the VIII House most often acts as a villain, the culprit of many of the troubles of mankind. Astrologers paint VIII with a large brush with the most frightening colors of a black and gray rainbow: death, destruction, crises, accidents. Sometimes more humane versions are added to this list: debt, loans, extreme, magic and sex. All these nightmares can be described in one phrase by Dmitry Nagiyev. When the famous presenter was asked about his personal life, he replied: “Sex with Nagiyev is not easy. Few survived, but survived. " From this article you will learn practical meanings of the 8th House in astrology, as well as ways of working it out.

Trojan War 8 Houses in Astrology

Each element of the natal chart has its own archetype, key symbol, image that is relevant in any century.

  • Mars is the archetype of the warrior who obeys orders (pure action).
  • The moon is the mother, the comfort zone.
  • VII - exchange, any equal interaction.
  • X-th - power and law, the highest form of which is time.

The main archetype of the 8th House in astrology- huge collective energy, one force tries to capture (eat) the other. For a vivid imagination, remember the legend of Troy or any other epic battle. The army captures the city. The soldiers share the trophies among themselves.

As I said at the beginning of the article, in our stellar science it is not customary to understand the details. It is preferable to stick to abstract, general phrases, meanings. It's trendy. It's easy. And then let everyone understand as he wants. This gives rise to many conjectures and mistakes. Therefore, now we will analyze the 8th House in astrology for spare parts in order to clearly understand all the subtleties. For VIII does not forgive mistakes.

The main meanings of the 8th House in astrology:

  1. other people's resources
  2. collective energy, someone else's labor
  3. passive income, debts, taxes, alimony, monetary obligations
  4. destruction, sharp losses, death
  5. crises, stresses, enormous stress, extreme
  6. energy accumulation - then explosion
  7. deep, radical change, transformation, renewal
  8. sex (as an exchange of energies). The ugly phrase "to fuck someone" very accurately reflects the meaning of this piquant meaning. VIII
  9. magic, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, NLP, manipulation techniques, any kind of influence on consciousness

Loans and taxes

Loans, investments, investments and, in general, any financial transactions are often attributed to VIII. But is it really so?

Axis II - VIII is a source of resources:

  • II - my money, my property
  • VIII - other people's resources, money (simpler: all the money, property that is not mine)

Remember the 8th House archetype in astrology: I come to you and take away your property or you are mine.

But credit is of a different nature. I go to the bank, which at interest, by agreement, gives me money for a while, which I am obliged to return. This is the symbolism of Libra - exchange. In the VIII-th exchange does not even smell. I take someone else's and do not return anything to anyone.

Credit is the clear meaning of the 7th House. But if I take out a loan and leave for another country - this is VIII.

Taxes, alimony, financial obligations- pure phenomena of the 8th House in astrology. The state, symbolically, takes away some of your income. You can, of course, say that in return you get roads, schools, hospitals, etc. But the same road that your hard-earned money went to is not your property. It belongs to the state. There is no equivalent exchange here, as it might seem at first glance.

This rule applies to debt as well!

  • If I have any stressful situation requiring funds, which I do not have, and therefore I borrow- this is event VIII
  • If I want to buy a new iPhone on credit, without which, in principle, I can live Is VII

This is not written about investments

In order for the investment to produce results, I need to find someone to join. Someone who is much bigger than me. For example, I want to invest in Apple stock, which can do just fine without my money.

Law of success according to VIII - I invest in a big pot, which exceeds my capabilities several times. A series: I am a soldier who joined a large army to take over the city.

Formula 8 Houses in Astrology:

  • Ruler II to VIII - I invest my money in something more than my financial capabilities. I make a profit from passive sources of income. Which ones? Look at the connection of the VIIIth with other Houses. From IV - I rent / invest in real estate. With V - my own projects, which I put on outsourcing. With I or II - I invest in valuables, buy shares in companies related to clothing, food.
    If there are no additional instructions, then work, honest work 24 hours a day will bring nothing but problems and disastrous results.
    The formula for this position is income from someone else's big pie. That being said, I only bring flour for cooking. I do not participate in the process myself. Investments in startups, full financing of other people's projects are extremely undesirable in this situation and threatens with large losses (the reverse side of the 8th House in astrology).
    It is quite possible that the last paragraphs will now save someone from big losses. Astrology is accurate! Only the astrologers themselves should not forget about this!
  • Lord of the VIII in the II, aspects between the lords of the II and VIII - more suitable for investing in startups. Rule: other people's projects are implemented with the help of my resources, and from this I can get income. I can take a bite off a big pie. But besides bringing sugar, I still need to light the oven. Put your hand to the process.

If you are an eight-house owner?

If VIII is strong in your natal chart, be prepared that most social rules won't work for you.

In astrology, the 8th House is strong if:

  • two or more planets are in VIII (especially personal)
  • ruler of the VIIIth in him
  • many aspects to the planet in VIII

You are an eight-house owner if:

  • there is a connection between I and VIII
  • Sun and Moon in VIII
  • strong VIII

The desire to get something for free, spending as little effort as possible is encouraged by the universe. And on the contrary: the more I myself invest in something, the less I get results.

An eight-house man is often surrounded by stress, crises. Simple actions can develop into the strongest tension, cause aggression. Moreover, in dangerous situations, such people feel like a fish in water.

In astrology, the 8th House contains a lot of forces. If they are not used to the end, they begin to harm.

Imagine you were told that you should use 100 units of energy in any action. You want to go to the store. This action is only 30 units of energy. But your rule is to use one hundred percent. The remaining 70 units are starting to create problems. You come to the store - it is closed. You go to another - there is not what you wanted to buy. And so on until the remaining 70 units will not be used.

What can be done:

  • delegate as many things as possible to other people
  • create conscious tension: I go to work with heavy loads, I go in for sports intensively, I do something extreme, from rafting down a mountain river to work in the Ministry of Emergencies.
    Usually, if a person of VIII-th has a quiet period, this is the calm before the storm, after which a series of stressful events begins. Conversely, crises promote growth and development. VIII + X - during difficult times, world crises, my affairs are going uphill; I quit with a scandal - I find a job that I never dreamed of.
  • energy practices: yoga, qigong, martial arts.
  • strong, deep psycho-techniques: holotropic breathing, deep trance, RPT, transformational practices, NLP

In astrology, the 8th House is associated with collective energy (the significator Pluto). Eight-houses practically do not lend themselves to social influence and can boldly go against the crowd or vice versa, direct it, light others, give that same magic kick.

If an eight-house man enters the sleeping kingdom of office workers, then in a couple of moments everyone will wake up and start working.

Can you cook?

Today you and I very closely disassembled the 8th House in astrology. Everything is harmonious in nature. If the planet, aspect, House create a problem, then you are misusing them, misusing them.

Don't you like the 8th House in astrology? You just don't know how to cook it. Hope you find the recipe for this article helpful!

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The eighth house of the horoscope is associated with crises, danger and transformation of a person after the events he has experienced. This field is traditionally called the house of death. It is considered an unfavorable indication if an element of the Eighth House damages the ruler of the First House, thereby endangering the native's life. If the elements of the danger field damage the Tenth field (career house) several times, then the person can choose a dangerous profession (for example, the work of a military man, stuntman, firefighter, rescuer, etc.).

In addition, the Eighth House is also called the house of other people's money. These are the funds that our partners provide us with. The Eight field is associated with both significant gains and large-scale losses.

8th house and its characteristics

In the most general sense, the 8th field represents the resources that come to a person from the outside world. It can be financial means of marriage and business partners or money from banking and credit institutions (loans, mortgages, loans, etc.). In the 8th house, there is insurance and inheritance. In addition, the 8th field denotes large incomes and amounts that are usually kept in a bank account.

In crisis situations, when a person loses support in life (for example, a source of income and personal property), partners (marriage and business) can support him with their own funds. The eighth house teaches a person to maintain a balance in the material sphere. Today they help him, but tomorrow we need to repay the debt to a person in need.

The eighth field says that you cannot use what others give you all the time. The house of other people's money is located opposite the 2nd field - the house of personal funds. This disposition indicates that it is important in life to learn how to maintain balance in material matters. In order to feel the support of partners and society at the right time, you need to invest in a common pot. You cannot constantly take without giving anything in return.

People with an active 8th field make a lasting impression and have a magnetic influence on others. They have a strong inner core, they are not afraid to look danger in the eye, they are used to taking risks and getting their way. For politicians and businessmen, the 8th field plays an important role in the horoscope, because the theme of finance, the struggle for influence and the support of others is important in their life.

A person who has experienced a tragic event in his life has experienced a kind of personality transformation. The characteristics of the 8th field will describe the degree of difficulty of this strength test. If the crisis has not broken the inner core of a person, then he becomes doubly strong. The 8th house symbolizes rebirth, renewal and cleansing. Successful work on your fears, passions and complexes gives the individual a sense of liberation and transformation.

The 8th field is associated with the sign of Scorpio, which has a secretive, but at the same time energetic nature. Intimacy and sex help the personality to open up. Alone with a loved one, everyone appears in a completely different image. This is the time when all embarrassment recedes, there is no longer a mask on the face, and a piercing frankness sets in in the relationship. The 8th house can provide information about a person's sexual inclinations, preferences and abilities.

Home value in compatibility analysis

When analyzing marriage and business partners, it will not be superfluous to see if the planets of one person fall into the 8th field of another person.

Such interaction testifies to the material underpinnings of the relationship. In a marriage of this type, the topic of material support will be important, which will be especially manifested in difficult times for one of the spouses. If sexual planets (Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus) fall into the 8th field, then this enhances the sensual attachment of partners. It is also possible that the spouses have a common interest in esoteric and psychological topics.

Pluto in astrology plays the role of arbiter of destinies and is a natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in suspense and in anticipation of the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a thirst for extreme situations that allow him to feel life in its full manifestation.

can be compared with the mythical bird phoenix, which dies in the fire, and then revives from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives, feels strong changes in himself due to a symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at an impasse, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new stage of life. The planet knows how to repay for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it always sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of the Scorpio sign, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subordinate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of trouble are confused with foreboding and do not allow making correct predictions. The owner of such a situation is always on the alert: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is capable of not such "miracles".

It is worth considering aspects of other planets to the "arbiter of destinies". All of them indicate the elaboration of the spiritual sphere and are obligatory tests. All the events that Pluto, standing in the eighth house, describes, are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be "merciless" until a person realizes what exactly he must extract from the events that have taken place. No matter how meaningless the ongoing actions may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate so that a person learns to react to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher in the spiritual plane, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the planet-benefactor, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, luck and future prospects depend on him. The favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the "aspect of happiness." It has the best effect on relationships and softens many negative moments.

The strongest manifestation of Jupiter's connection with personal planets:
  1. The conjunction of Jupiter and the Sun. This aspect fills the relationship with optimism, happiness, and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The man of Jupiter supports and protects the beloved, and the man of the Sun feels happy next to his beloved.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relationships to gain mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, play sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter trine the Sun. Aspect is the foundation of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and raises the spirits of a loved one.

A square (90 °) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, extravagance and arrogance of each partner. The opposition provokes a divergence in outlooks on life, indulgence to extremes and indicates the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is the strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a firm and decisive character. A person in this position possesses endurance, composure, discernment, honesty, and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his daring is observant. A person does not rush to the "battlefield", but watches what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often finds himself in crisis situations, but gets out of the water, however, does not always draw the right conclusions.

A calm life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life as a kind of battlefield. The more difficult life circumstances, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers a reserve of strength that contributes to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A man with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the wrongs inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, just to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. Better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, he is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push on the path of self-destruction. The defeated Mars in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and painfully jealous people. They try to subdue to their will by any means. Often they choose a criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the female horoscope

Woman with Mars in Scorpio it is important to feel desired and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not show his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and resentment, sooner or later, will lead to a break in relations.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. The changes will take place due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which the Boar closes.

2019 horoscope for Aries

For the representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected twists of fate. In 2019, Aries will show themselves on the other side: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their warlike character to the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their merits and masking shortcomings.

In the new year, the financial situation will improve and there will be a chance to meet your love. Couples will feel a renewed feeling and once again dissuade them from making the right choice regarding their soul mate. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and delight themselves with pleasant experiences. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice a malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

2019 horoscope for Taurus

Taurus in the Year of the Pig needs to remember about loved ones and pay more attention to them. It is not worth traveling alone, since the stars do not guarantee protection, and a lonely Taurus traveling will have many difficulties along the way.

Single representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet their future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that arise from financial disagreements. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but for a reason that wants to preserve and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars also advise against lending money and conflicts with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus needs to keep track of their reputation and contain their resentment so that people don't get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

The sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Often spouses are engaged in the same business and conduct a joint business. A partner can be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is struck, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and moody. It is difficult to compromise and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In a mutable one, everyone will "pull the blanket over themselves" and make excessive demands on their partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions for the development of relations. Mutable - tends to divorce. With the Moon, in the seventh house, the relationship is filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home coziness and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and strive to spend all their free time together. A woman expects loyalty and protection from her spouse. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife similar to his mother. He needs an economic, caring and homely spouse who will warm and feed at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with a calm and scandalous period, with tantrums, resentments and reconciliation.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, interlocutor and companion of interests. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from a loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of attachment, thanks to a general outlook on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a stern, intelligent look and a passion for books.

Venus... This is a happy marriage that is made for love and has been around for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Not conflicting and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of such a position strives for an ideal relationship and has exaggerated requirements for the appearance of a loved one.

Eighth house of the natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

Eighth house

The symbolic rulers are Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, Uranus culminates, Chiron, Venus in captivity, and the Moon in the fall.

The 8th house is the house of birth and death, the house of the change of egregor. If Scorpio rules the general idea of ​​transformation and stands above any significant changes (internal and external), then the 8th house means the specific circumstances of a person's life when he has a change in the type of service. This, for example, marriage and divorce (change of family egregor), change of place of work (dismissal and admission), admission or graduation from an educational institution, change of occupation and, of course, physical birth and death.

However, the change in the egregor that a person serves is not necessarily accompanied by a change in his external circumstances. Sometimes it occurs as a result of a psychological crisis that occurs only in the inner life, and is accompanied by changes, sometimes quite significant, only in the inner world. Among mystics, a sharp increase in the level of egregor, which a person serves, is called initiation, and is sometimes accompanied by strong energetic and emotional effects (appearances of saints, high teachers, etc.). In an average person (as, indeed, at a high level of development), the change of egregor as a result of a psychological crisis can pass almost imperceptibly, in any case, he may not notice anything special, he will simply find, for example, that he has become softer, kinder, and understands others better. and less angry and annoyed with them. There are also psychological crises with the opposite effect, when a person obeys a more rigid and imperative egregor, and as a result becomes more selfish, fanatical, intolerant of other people and opinions, finally, simply evil, but sometimes with all this, in a certain range, acquires significant power over the world (to enter the service of a crystallized egregor used to be called "to sell the soul to the devil").

Under the 8th house there is an imperative service to the egregor, when a person's will is practically disabled and he, like a puppet, is under his control, as well as any moments of strong connection with his egregor, when a person clearly feels his presence and will. These can be both religious states and moments of connection with the national or smaller group egregors of their city, work, classroom. In particular, the 8th house governs group ethics (i.e. the ethics of the group egregor) and its relationship with the personal ethics of a person; in other words, the 8th house turns on whenever a specific problem of human interaction with the collective of which he is a member arises (interaction with an alien collective, depending on its nature, can go, for example, under the 2nd, 5th or 7th m home - and a person walks by, gives a concert or gets involved in a fight). When the problem of interaction is solved, and human activity begins within the framework or on the instructions of the collective, the 8th house switches to the 11th (or 5th, and sometimes 1st, depending on the circumstances). In particular, under the 8th house there are conflicts (and joyful agreement) between a person and public opinion; responsible persons with a strong 8th house form it - these are ideologists, politicians, as well as writers, journalists and filmmakers who have a civic feeling, i.e. connected to a national or ethnic egregor, and who consider it their direct duty to form public consciousness, ethics and morality.

Under the 8th house there is group ethics, in particular, group values, including material ones; therefore, tax collectors and financial tycoons walk in the 8th house, who, as a rule, have extraordinary psychological abilities. In general, the 8th house governs deep psychology, but especially the processes of restructuring the psyche. In addition, controlling a direct connection with egregors, the 8th house often stands over various occult and mystical actions, especially over group meditations (paired meditations most often go under the 7th house, single ones - under the 12th).

At the first level of elaboration of the 8th house its inclusion by a person is not reflected, i.e. a person is not able to realize, understand or explain what is happening to him. At the moments of the change of egregors, he is passed, so to speak, from hand to hand, without asking his consent, turning off the will and, to a large extent, thinking. “I myself don’t understand how I married her,” he will say later. - Some kind of eclipse has found. In a similar style, other moments of choosing a life path take place: education, work, place of residence, social circle, etc. The karmic egregor does not count on the mind and free will of a person and at the moments of switching low egregor takes everything upon himself, so to speak, the person himself marries, divorces and transfers from work to work. Subjectively, this is most often hard experienced, and the emotional details of the psychological state are quickly repressed, because at these moments a person subconsciously feels his powerlessness in front of fate, although for himself (and those around him), he often struggles to play a performance of free choice.

Psychological crises can occur in different ways, depending on the aspects of the 8th house, but they are practically not reflected and are rarely recognized by the person himself as something significant; he will say that he is simply in a bad mood and is not inclined (and cannot) to delve into its details and analysis; moreover, the result of the crisis is often much more noticeable to those around him than to himself.

Conflicts are possible with your group, but group ethics is sacred for a person, and deviation from it, especially among others, seems to him a sacrilege. For himself, of course, a person will always find extenuating circumstances, but if he really feels the group will, he will obey unconditionally; for him, ideological conflict with public opinion and non-recognition of group values ​​are unthinkable. Moreover, the brightest moments of his life take place precisely with the strong inclusion of the 8th house: these are group meditations such as persecution of dissidents and non-believers, or simply collective formation of a general opinion on a particular issue, when the group egregor is strongly turned on, and the person experiences the strongest available him religious feelings (actually religious feelings, i.e. connection to a religious egregor, at this level are weak or are achieved through a group egregor, during joint prayer). Actually mysticism at this level is reduced to belief in omens, fortune-telling, etc., as well as going out to the lower, astral plane; primitive witchcraft, conspiracies, mediumistic trance, etc. The main group value is money, and many, at first glance, mysterious events come down to it; this person usually does not belong to groups with more subtle values. A person at this level treats the thought of his death with horror and diligently displaces it.

At the second level, the study of the 8th house a person feels the change of egregors as a very significant moment in life and often prepares for this in advance: he ponders the nature of education, profession, tries to understand the specifics of the company and his activities in it before starting a job, does not marry or get divorced as frivolously as is often the case for first level. He is trying to consciously approach the problem of childbearing in his family, and the birth of the next child, in any case, is somehow discussed.

Psychological crises are recognized, and a person associates with them changes in his external life, although his rationalizations in this regard are rather naive; however, the law according to which a person gets what he wants when it ceases to be absolutely necessary for him, he already comprehends. At the same time, a person still has practically no power over his subconscious during periods of crises and very poorly understands what, in fact, is happening to him, although he feels that it is important for him. Coming out of the crisis, he feels changes in himself, but he can only express them in words with great difficulty and not the most important thing: attentive people around him often see more than he himself. Nevertheless, after a while, having become accustomed to his new states, a person will be able (at his level of understanding) to say exactly what changes in his attitude towards himself and the world have taken place with him, but the inner cause of the crisis will most likely remain incomprehensible to him.

At this level, conflicts with group ethics and public opinion are already possible, to which a person, usually for a short time, can oppose his own, but it will be painful to experience it and as a result, most likely, will still obey. However, now a person is already aware of the ethics of the collective as partially separated from his own and can consciously change it, shaping public opinion in one way or another. But that part of him that suits him, the person will zealously defend; this level gives nationalists and fanatics everything from a football team to a political idea (Carthage must be destroyed!). At this level, a person may be interested in ideology, and he is not indifferent to the last slogan of the ruling party. The value system can deviate from purely financial, including elements of culture, or financial values ​​are differentiated by the details of their investment; oil stocks are one thing, but the Monaco gambling house is another.

At this level, a person is no longer only capable of low-grade meditations such as dirty sex, violence, etc., which is characteristic of the first level of study, but can fall into meditative states during an intimate conversation, music, movies, theatrical performances, etc. etc., although, in general, his meditations are in the nature of not too complex emotional experiences; there is a skeptical attitude towards table-turning and conversations with the souls of the dead, although a person sometimes feels the power of thought and energetic desire as real.

The attitude to death is complex, to some extent it is perceived as an important event in life, forcing people (and himself) sometimes to think and give a more correct starting point. The birth of a child is also perceived as a serious event, but a person does not yet feel a special mystical meaning in it, although on occasion he can philosophize about this.

At the third level of elaboration of the 8th house a person already roughly feels what egregor he is under in each particular case, and he perceives the moments of switching his strong egregors (family, work, territorial, social) not only as important events in his external life, but also as the completion of the stages of his spiritual development. At this level, a person has some influence on his future fate: the highest karmic egregor shows him its possible options, and a person, within the framework of karma and within his vision, can choose them, evaluating not only the direct everyday, but also the subtle (evolutionary ) meaning.

A person perceives his psychological crises as stages of his internal development and as a transition to other frequencies of information and energy flows; in other words, after a crisis, he begins not only to feel and sense, but also to think differently. Now a person can to some extent take part in their development, and most importantly, he understands their meaning and necessity, which helps him to survive them, although objectively they may not be easier, but more severe than crises of levels 1 and 2. The difference also lies in the fact that a person is required to consciously and voluntarily destroy a part of the lower programs of his subconscious, which is experienced as a heavy sacrifice - but otherwise, the person feels, it is impossible to live further. But the end of the crisis is marked by a transition to a qualitatively new stage of existence, in particular, the next level of vision of karma and realizing power.

At this level, the issue of reconciling personal ethics with the group is very acute. A person has duties to himself, to his God, in other words, to the highest karmic Egregor, on the one hand, and to the group egregor, on the other, and besides, he has ordinary egoism (requirements of the egoic egregor) and also the problem of the relationship of various group egregor whom he serves (family, work, club, etc.), each of which claims his attention, time, energy (sometimes money). A way out of this difficult situation can be found only by carefully developing a personal system of values ​​and ethics and agreeing it with all group (balance of 2 and 8 houses) egregors.

At this level, a person does not identify the ideology of his group with his own, and is not inclined to enter into conflicts in the event of their contradiction, trying, however, to influence the ethics of his group in order to raise its evolutionary level as much as possible. This person can meditatively go into very high planes and egregors, finding there support, help and reading the necessary information, which, however, does not always know how to interpret correctly. This is the level of wonderful artists who often create, completely not understanding what they are actually doing, and humanity, with delight and difficulty mastering their achievements, also poorly understands what is happening to it, in naive rationalizations comprehending its spiritual growth as mental or, at best, emotional development.

Specific mystical and occult abilities at this level can be quite high, in particular, a person can, at will, leave the physical body in the astral body, but he does not always know about this and practice such skills, as well as the ability to suggest, heal with passes and the laying on of hands. The attitude towards death as a very difficult and important mystical transition into another form of existence of one's essence.

At the fourth level of elaboration of the 8th house a person has constant contact with his higher karmic egregore and to a large extent determines the lower egregors that he will serve, as well as the forms and tasks of this service. He has a lot of realizing power, which, however, may be completely unobvious to those around him; however, he sees not only the main path of development of the future, but also several of its options, and can choose which of them will be implemented, based on the specific details of his environment, which is his life creativity. In particular, he can connect another person to a strong egregor, forcing his evolution and involution, i.e. be a white or black teacher. However, this kind of unprepared initiations can give unpredictable consequences, more often negative than positive, both from the point of view of the teacher and (especially) from the point of view of the student (usually involuntary, since average people are usually not asked about such things, but thrown into strong energy currents, like a puppy into water: if you want, sink into an insane asylum, if you want - swim out into holiness, if you have enough courage, dedication and flexibility of thinking).

Values, ethics and, in general, the whole way of seeing the world for this person not only contradict social and group values, they do not fit into them, since they are not even expressed in the appropriate terms. Possession of esoteric knowledge and culture, the vision of karma and its laws forces a person to live a double (triple, quadruple ... - depending on the number of groups with whose egregors he comes in contact) life, outwardly obeying the ethics of the group exactly as long as he is connected with the latter; his personal ethics presupposes, however, predominantly impartial attentive observation, the result of which will be the illumination of the corresponding egregor and its evolutionary development.

Situation 8 at home this is everything that is directly related to birth and death: childbirth, including a newborn condition (the first 40 days, and especially the first days of a baby's life, until the umbilical cord falls off), fatal diseases and resuscitation; accordingly, the professions of obstetrician, micro-pediatrician, funeral director, cemetery watchman are held in the 8th house. Under the 8th house there are also all situations associated with a risk to a person's life, where (potentially) his one wrong move can lead to death; in particular, in the 8th house there are such professions as a driver, a machinist, a nuclear power plant operator, a surgeon, a climber, a firefighter, an operative, an understudy and many others, in which safety technology is a real and necessary guide. It should be especially noted the road, which (at all times, not without reason) is a symbol of death, and any situations that arise on it, including the usual passage through it.

Another number of professions in the 8th house are associated with the protection of egregor, for example, national (security agencies, secrecy system, censorship) or smaller ones (bouncer in a restaurant, security guard in an institution), under the 8th house there are scenes of jealousy produced in order to protect the family.

The 8th house stands (together with the 12th) above the acute ward of the psychiatric hospital, where crises occur: and together with the 7th, it controls the war and the active army, especially on difficult days, when there is a real threat of destruction of each individual soldier in the army as a whole. In peacetime, the 8th house governs the struggle for peace and, in general, ideology and group ethics; in particular, under the 8th house there are publications (books, magazines) that set themselves the goal of moral education of people (or their corruption). In addition, the 8th house manages all professions associated with a change in the basic conditions of a person's life: employees of the personnel department, employees of the station, bureau for housing issues, etc. In general, the 8th house is very existential: when it is turned on, the average person feels the breath of life as never before and seeks to turn it off as quickly as possible, since the severity of free will seems unbearable to him.

Strong 8 house gives a person a difficult life. In it there will be many situations "on the edge", not necessarily life and death, but, in any case, experienced as non-standard and acute, maybe he will have many cardinal changes in his life; maybe he will be a scout all his life and live it outwardly calmly and serenely in a foreign country, but inside he will not have peace and tranquility. Psychological crises will be the norm for him rather than an exceptional state, although they can be caused (as it often seems to him) exclusively external circumstances, namely, the inconsistency of different realities or modes of existence, in which he willy-nilly will have to participate. This person, perhaps, will be one of the organizers of the new company or, on the contrary, witness the dying and funeral of the old one, and at the same time will feel completely in place, the period of prosperity will seem uninteresting and insipid to him.

He will be keenly interested in group ethics and the system of values ​​of the collective, of which he feels himself to be a member. Over time, he can become an ideologist, a millionaire and a dissident, depending on the circumstances of life and the map as a whole, but the direction of social movement will always excite him, and stagnation will be tantamount to death, or even worse, since death for him, at least subconsciously , the most interesting and exciting moment in life. Interest in mysticism, life after death, the theory of reincarnation is possible, occult abilities are likely, which a person may not suspect for a long time.

Weak 8 house happens to a person in whose life situations of abrupt changes are not accentuated, but changes in marital status, places of work, residence and others will go as if by themselves, without attracting his special attention and not accompanied, as a rule, by strong psychological crises. It is unlikely that this person will be a fan of Dostoevsky, and in general the topic of painful mental breakdowns and desperate throwing between God and the Devil will not arouse his keen interest, although if he does it, he can do an objective and very interesting research.

Most likely, he will, without much thinking, obey group ethics, especially in those rare cases when it sounds imperative for him, but he is unlikely to become a major ideologue or dissident. At the same time, minutes of strong group meditations, when the collective acutely feels itself as a whole, will touch it weakly and will not remain in its memory as the brightest memories of life. With a strong personal ethics and value system for him will be more important than public. He will not be attracted to professions associated with saving human life (from a firefighter to a safety engineer), and he does not experience piercing delight (mixed with horror) in moments of mortal danger to others and especially to himself. Mysticism and occultism are unlikely to interest him very much; most likely, he will classify them as prejudices, but here you need to look at the horoscope as a whole.

Harmonious 8th house gives a person who can work for three intelligence services at once and receive a salary in three different currencies, and nevertheless, never confuse anything in appearances and reports and die a natural death (with a trine to the 4th house, in extreme old age). In the life of this person there can be many acute situations, psychological crises and abrupt changes in the environment (family, work, place of residence, social environment, etc.), but, as a rule, they will end happily and without scars on the psyche. He may be keenly interested in situations with mortal risk, bloody tragedies (natural and psychological) and miraculous deliverances from the very clutches of death.

In collectives, this person will feel good, he will be quite satisfied with group ethics: and it is unlikely that the collective will require him to perform particularly unpleasant duties. On the other hand, being a natural conductor of the will of his collective, this person can enthusiastically lead the persecution of dissidents, even if this in theory contradicts his personal ethics. In any case, his own conflicts with public opinion on ideological issues are extremely unlikely. Rather, he himself will be a thriving magazine publisher with a conservative view of public morality, popular with sane and self-worthy people.

This is a natural mystic; examples can work well for him, and he will use them without advertising it in vain, just like his ability for easy suggestion (often for selfish purposes) and witchcraft when necessary, but, of course, within socially acceptable limits. However, if he throws out his playing cards or casts a glance at the remains of the coffee grounds, he will see and understand more than you think.

Struck 8 house gives a person who with great difficulty transitions from one stage of life to another. Admission to an educational institution, to work, not to mention marriage, divorce, dismissal and change of residence for him is always difficult and often associated with severe internal crises, which, however, often arise outside of direct connection with external circumstances, and for a long time, painful and sometimes they are completely unsatisfactory. Here, the elaboration consists in the fact that a person gets rid of and buries programs of the subconscious, at first still quite viable - which ones - will indicate the aspects of the 8th house and specific life and psychological circumstances of a person's life. In place of buried programs, new ones appear, but childbirth is most often painful, the newborn is weak at first and with great difficulty adapts to living conditions. In other words, a person often does not like what is ripening in him, it is too unusual and requires a lot of work to adapt, and besides, he has to change and revise too much in himself along the way.

Relations with collective ethics are complex, a person is irritated by the unwritten laws of the collective, in addition, he often misunderstands them or does not notice them at all, as a result of which, consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or accidentally, he becomes a dissent with all the ensuing consequences. You need to learn to be more tolerant and to interact more constructively with people, at least this is required by his karmic program.

A very complex relationship with death, strong suicidal tendencies are possible, often repressed or rationalized as if in jest. This can be aggravated by a penchant for black magic and experiments with lower astral entities, which should be avoided in order not to fall into final slavery to a completely rigid egregor - the fate of maniacs, murderers, and many mental patients. Working out makes it possible to work constructively in very acute situations at home 8, literally saving people's lives.

A. Underwater

Eighth house. Rulers Pluto and Mars, in exile Venus. Passionate feelings, secrets, division into good and bad. Social level.

Freeing the soul from personal limitations through exchange and interchange. Kingdom of Pluto: birth and rebirth. This process is accompanied by acute crises of treatment preceding recovery (co-ruler Mars), fatal losses leading to recovery. The exaltation of Uranus ensures the transmutation of emotional stress into spiritual strength.

The 8th house is called the occult, the house of death, since it defines the purifying fire of suffering, in which the passions of self-affirmation burn out.

The house shows the level of Pluto in a given person: the ability to modulate someone else's and your own energy, the ability to influence others and fall under the influence of others, the ability to jinx and the likelihood of being exposed to the evil eye, captain's or director's qualities.

The position of the 8th house shows where the gates of Scorpio (hell) lead, how the exit to the astral plane takes place: into magic, occultism; determines what the person will manipulate. Hell will open before him if he does not understand where he is going.

Pluto and Mars govern sexual relationships and the experiences associated with them; the relationship of Neptune and the expulsion of Venus determine a person's disposition to infection, venereal diseases.

Pluto shows our connection to the secret, hidden. He rules over mystics, psychologists, sex therapists, doctors, investigators, scientists, astrologers. Pluto and Uranus determine the way of transformation. The 8th house subordinates everything related to death to itself.

Pluto's level determines how a person feels in a crowd, susceptibility to a sense of the herd.

Managing someone else's energies (as opposed to the personal energy of the 2nd house), Pluto deals with monetary issues: duties, taxes, debts, inheritance.

The exaltation of Uranus refers to the affairs of the house as the marginal states of a person, the dangers to his life.

If your partner has many planets in your 8th house, this suggests where you can take him.

N. Markina

8th house - Mors.

Death and rebirth - Thanatos and Eros - Surgery, accidents - Legacy, gifts - Inclination to risk and danger.

Astrologically, the next 8th house denotes a part of the ecliptic that has long passed its culmination, or meridian, but is still significantly distant from its point of entry on the western horizon.

On a personal level, this house forces us to learn practical lessons from the fact of the existence of other people and everything that can be defined by the concept of “not-I”. Crises and confrontations with others lead us to change. Also, this house offers challenges that challenge us: the danger of death, loss of a loved one, and so on. He poses the problem of "getting rid of property" and manages the course of action in the face of major life changes, crisis situations, the mysterious, the unknown and the indescribable. It is associated with sexuality, in particular, with the gratification of desires, destroying them. In the area of ​​finance, the 8th house is responsible for changes in our property, debts, taxes, inheritance.

He controls our ability to change, to take risks, interest in archeology, lost civilizations and antiques. It is also associated with our dreams, with that which goes beyond the ordinary consciousness.

The 8th house is the house of initiation, the door of transition, the house of trials, thanks to which a person changes, becomes an adult, strong, capable of surpassing himself.

D.Redyar says: “The eighth house is very important, but it is difficult to interpret in a person's natal chart. Depending on the type of trials in the eighth house, the person may have to make a fundamental life choice. This choice affects not only the individual, but the entire society. In this sense, existentialist philosophers rightly believe that each person is responsible for all of humanity. "

L. Winkler

8th house. Feminine, moral, subject to Mars (Pluto), death, inheritance, dowry, sensitivity, fate.

House 8 is again an intermediate house, whose statements are somewhat problematic and may give rise to erroneous interpretations. To understand this correctly, we must reflect on the versatility that the horoscope circle shows. We already know that in this case we are talking about a circle in which the division is made from the ascendant. But one could start counting from any other house, as a result of which various combinations are obtained that show how everything is complexly intertwined here.

Just as in the first house "I" is shown, and in the second house this "I" receives material means, so in the eighth house "I" receives funds from "You" and from a partner who is in the seventh house. So, this includes inheritances, dowries, gifts and everything that can be obtained from a life partner. It also indicates everything that the natives can give their partner in life.

It is well established, unfortunately, that death is indicated in the eighth house. So, if they die, they give something to the partner, leaving behind their own earthly goods. Thus, the eighth house becomes the house of death, which also indicates the type of death - peaceful death or long suffering.

From a psychic point of view, the eighth house is given great importance, as it points people to things that deal with very serious and important questions about the purpose of life, destiny - and, as already mentioned, just about death. These statements are very reliable.

From the analysis of this house, conclusions are drawn about the sensitivity of a person; for example, researchers in related sciences (among them parapsychologists, researchers of the other world, and others) often have a very strong representation of this house. If this is the case, then all the realistic and material interests of a given person reveal a certain flaw.

In conclusion, we would also like to point out that, in principle, it is impossible not to abandon the interpretation of deaths or the type of death, since in this respect there is still no sufficiently reliable experimental data.

So, for example, the study of the horoscopes of suicides was carried out. and the results were extremely vague: the eighth house in these cases very often did not show the placement of the planets at all.

Only with the involvement of the oppositions of the planets (aspects) and the "ruler of signs" could this symbolism be explained (in hindsight!). But we can use information about the 8th house, involve it for research purposes, for example, in the question of increasing the state by inheritance.

Esoterics. Vol. II

8th house. Porta Superna, Locus Piger, Argon, Morse.

Meaning. The next house, symbolizing death and everything connected with it.

The value in the horoscope individual

1st third. Property of a husband or employee, last will, trade and honor of friends, religiosity of enemies, property of enemies and property of a third sibling (sister).

2nd third. Death, place and kind of death, inheritance, profession associated with death, neighbors and short trips of colleagues, colleagues of siblings.

3rd third. Secret things, family secrets, income from hidden affairs, demonism, occultism, black magic.

The meaning in the horoscope is mundane. The secret council of state, mortality, death in high society, income of the state treasury from inheritance and will, enemies of officials and clergy, friends of the head of state.

The meaning in the horoscope is Horary. Death of the questioner, last will, wills, bequests, friends of judges and superiors. Otherwise, the meaning of the horoscope is individual.

8th house, Scorpio, Mars, Pluto, Uranus in the elevation.

The motto “We have”. House of joint money, public money, inherited money and property, insurance, taxes, income from joint efforts; money belonging to a partner. The low, selfish desires associated with Mars and Scorpio can cause controversy over property issues when a loner wants to get public property for his own personal gain. Throughout history, such motives and actions have led to war (Mars) and death (Scorpio). 8th house is associated with death and destruction. In contrast to the 2nd house, the 8th house means the destruction of material forms: funeral, wills, liberation from the bodily shell of the spiritual essence and its return to the higher regions. Therefore, the 8th house is associated with higher energies, which are the internal causes of all physical phenomena, and is associated with occultism, parapsychology, higher mathematics, atomic physics. Due to the rise of Uranus and the reign of Pluto, the 8th house is associated with an inner mystical experience. A person comes into contact with the planes of being that lie outside his five senses, can contact creatures that do not have a bodily shell.

F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

The eighth house is intended to provide energy for the affairs of the previous house, i.e. relationship. And from the point of view of partnership, this is a very positive home. This house looks quite different from the point of view of an egocentric individuality. After all, here her (not very developed) ability to share and truly sacrifice her “vital” interests is being tested. This is the sphere of rejection, at least partially, of oneself. In this sense, it can be perceived as a house of danger, a house of destruction and even death.

The funds that you have in your wallet and over which only you and no one else control are related to the 2nd house. The resources are more extensive, the power over which is distributed, and, in any case, does not belong only to you - this is already the 8th house.

Modern resource management is one of the most important functions of the 8th house. Hence its connection with business and financial and economic institutions, as well as instruments for regulating material and energy flows in society. Here are exchanges, auctions, pawnshops, taxes, wills, credits, loans, etc. etc.

The division of property jointly acquired by a married couple is the most harmless phenomenon of the eighth house. This house takes a much more dangerous turn when the division of all available resources begins. Usually this led and continues to lead to wars and mass deaths of innocent people. This is the worst manifestation of the 8th house.

Relationships, initiated by the archetypically emotionally balanced 7th house, reach a high level of intensity here, they affect vital aspects of existence. After all, the 8th house is also a house of psychological problems. The high intensity of this house affects any planet that comes here - its manifestations are aggravated, "shy away" from one extreme to another.