Tolokonnikov died. Large love Vladimir Tolokonnikova: Friends and colleagues remember the deceased actor

Tolokonnikov died. Large love Vladimir Tolokonnikova: Friends and colleagues remember the deceased actor
Tolokonnikov died. Large love Vladimir Tolokonnikova: Friends and colleagues remember the deceased actor

Up to twenty-five, he was unsuccessful tried to enter the theater university, and until forty-five was not on the set. Vladimir Tolokonnikova just did not take. But he had enough strength to break and realize his dream. He became a famous actor, playing in the theater and in the movie many noticeable characters.

Vladimir Tolokonnikova, filmography, he has several dozen diverse roles, but most of all he is known to lovers of theatrical art. For the first time, they spoke after the release of the "Dog's Heart" painting, in which he played one of the central roles - Sharicikov.


Vladimir Tolokonnikov was born on 06/25/1943 in the capital of Kazakhstan Alma-Ata. In the war years, it was in Alma-Ata that the hospitals were located, which brought the wounded Soviet soldiers. The sunny hospitable city was welcoming heroes, helped them to recover, so that later some of them went to the front again, while others were too serious. In one of these wounded fighters, Mom Volodya fell in love and gave birth to a boy. Who became His Father, Vladimir never knows, they never met, the boy did not even see him in the photo. Mom raised Volodya alone. The woman did not keep evil on her beloved, no complaints in his address of Volodya had never heard. If a conversation about the father came, then Mom always responded only to good words.

Photo: Vladimir Tolokonnikov in youth

Volodya grew to a shock, artistic and intelligent boy. He really liked drawing, he participated in all the events held at school, and from early years he learned what the love of a grateful viewer. In the orphanages of Volodya dreamed of heaven and saw himself a pilot. Then I wanted to become an artist, especially when I realized that he had a thrust for painting. In the high school, Vladimir had an understanding that he was pulling him to the stage, on which you can reincarnate to whom you want and implement all your children's dreams.


Finally, determined with what he wants to do in life, Vladimir decides to enter theatrical. He began to attend a dramatic circle who was led by M.Azovsky. At one time, glorified actors and V. Abrashitov were engaged. The young man is seriously prepared, but these classes did not help him become a student in any of the metropolitan universities. All three arrival attempts were unsuccessful. During one of the exams, he was frankly said that he would never come with such a specific appearance. If the character of Vladimir was not so solid and purposeful, he probably had broken and left these attempts. But Tolokonnikov was not the same, he decided to go to his dream to the end.

The guy felt that the acting path was exactly what he wants to do all his life, and he simply does not lie to anything else. He was not broken by numerous refuses - he was sure that he was correct.

After school, Vladimir visits Yu. Pomeransva's youth studio, participates in all its productions. He worked on television and participated in the merits of the Almaty DramaTheater.

Soon, the young man called to the army, where he stayed three years old, trying not to miss the occupations of the army amateur mug. After the demobilization, the persistent young man went on the assault on the metropolitan university again, but again suffered Fiasco. It was the fourth failure in his life. Tolokonnikov did not go home, he settled in Samara Tyz, where for the whole year was content with mass scenes. I told a little scenic experience, Vladimir decided to make another attempt, and this time fate turned out to be favorable to him. Tolokonnikov became a student of the Yaroslavl Theater School, which graduated in 1973. Diploma on the end of the university he received the day before his 30th birthday.


After graduating from the university, Tolokonnikov returns to his native Alma-Ata and is arranged in the local Tyuz. He worked in it only one season and received an invitation to work in the most prestigious theater of the Kazakh SSR - Russian Dramatic Montomtov.

This theater he gave not only for many years his biography, but also his talent, and acting skills. He was not offered to film, so all the talent and the powerful potential of the artist was realized on the stage of the same theater. Tolokonnikov is involved in the "family portrait with outsiders", "French lessons", "At the bottom", "Vishnevian Garden", "Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God."

He loved the children and with pleasure he participated in children's performances. He was at the same time an old man and leished in the production of "Vasilisa lovely". All his life, Tolokonnikov was faithful to his native theater, he had his own viewer who did not miss the prime minister with the participation of his beloved artist.


Debut work in cinema was the "Last transition" tape, shot by Kazakh cinematographers in 1981. Vladimir played in a small episode.

Photo: Vladimir Tolokonnikov in the film "Dog's Heart"

The role that the actor's glorified not only in the homeland, but also abroad, he got with the light hand directed by V. Bortko. Before the start of the filming of the "Dog's Heart" picture, he could not choose the actor to the role of Polygraph Sharicikov. Eight applicants were invited to the samples, even the director refused to everyone in Casting. He was looking for an extraordinary actor that he reminded Alkash and a dog.

Plowing in provincial archives, Assistant Borkko found photos of Tolokonnikov, and showed the director. He immediately ordered to call the actor to the sample and approved it to the role. After entering the "Dog's Heart" picture on the screens, Tolokonnikov became a real star. It was impossible to imagine anyone in this role - so organically the actor fits into it. The film became a real masterpiece and replenished the piggy bank of the best paintings.

The role of Sharicikova became for Tolokonnikov and award and a peculiar brand. He was recognized everywhere, asked for an autograph, called only by his character, not even gave himself to remember his surname and name.

Photo: Vladimir Tolokonnikov in the movie "Hottabych"

The picture became a cult, it was demonstrated in dozens of countries, and Toloopnikov himself became a world-wide star. For this work, the actor received the USSR State Prize.

This character became a real karma for the actor. He did not carefully called directors, because in any other project he would still be "the same ball." In 1990, Tolokonnikov was invited to shoot a picture "Cloud-paradise", directed by N.Dostal. The picture was awarded numerous awards, and this was the immediate merit of Vladimir, who played Philomeeva.

In Kazakhstan, the actor starred in the series "Crossroads", which glorified him perfectly in the other role. Soon the transfer of "in the kitchen with Tolokonnikov" began to be published on Kazakh television, which Vladimir led, inviting popular actors to shoot.

Tolokonnikov became the author of another popular project - the transfer of "Tolobayki", which for many years she shown the CTC channel. The program resembled the Russian "town". V. Toloconnikov and Balayov became leading. At one time, the audience of the Russian channel "Daryal-TV" could see it.

Despite the label of the "balls, which was glued to the actor, Tolokonnikov continues to be successfully filmed in other projects. He is invited to the series "Citizen Head", "Plot", "Killya Strength-5", "Soldiers", "Viola Tarakanova".

After that, a continuation of the painting "Cloud-paradise" and "Kolya-riding the field" was shot. The phrases pronounced by the hero of Tolokonnikova were partitioned and became aphorisms.

In 2006, another role has appeared in the creative biography of the actor, which made it popular among young people. Tolokonnikov was invited to shoot a picture "Hottabych", where he played the main character. Jean Hottabych first turned out to be in the new century, found out what the Internet is. For this role, the actor Tolokonnikov was awarded the MTV-2007 premium in the "Best Comedy role" nomination. The actor reincarnated so much to his character that he did not immediately recognize the famous "Sharicikov".

Tolokonnikov began to offer roles in the criminal genre, but he stubbornly refuses such filming. He answered agree to the proposal to work in the picture about the war "disappeared", where he became the guerrilla andreyev, then his hero was a boxing coach in the tape "Made in the USSR". Next was the comedy "mixed feelings", in which Vladimir became a patient, the Military Dram "Spirit Baltic", where he became a veteran of war.

Personal life

In the personal life of Vladimir Tolokonnikova, everything was much better than in creative. He married the hope of Berezovskaya, a physics teacher. Hope was younger than her husband for eight years. They had two sons - in 1983 Innokenty, in 1991 Rodion. The younger also became an actor and today in his filmography there are several successful works - paintings "Everyone has their own war", "Anna-Detective", "Heirs."

Photo: Vladimir Tolokonnikov with sons

In 2013, Vladimir Tolokonnikov widowed.

Tolokonnikov himself was the direct opposite of his character Sharic. He was a real intelligent, an interesting interlocutor with a subtle soul organization. For a whole five years, he built a house outside the city for his family. He dreamed of the fireplace, near which winter evenings can be sitting, and another actor equipped the rosary and sagged himself and cared for his favorite roses.

Cause of death

Vladimir Tolokonnikova was not July 15, 2017. He just returned to the capital from Gelendzhik, where he filmed in the painting "Superbobrov." The actor was 74, death came as a result of heart failure. Tolokonnikov and earlier felt ailment, but did not throw a job. The latter works were the paintings "Dog Redhead" and "Grandma of Light Behavior". Another picture with the participation of actor the audience will see in 2018 - "Drawings in the rain", where Tolokonnikova has a secondary role.

Photo: Funeral Vladimir Tolokonnikova

Vladimir Tolokonnikov's rest was becoming a Trocerovskaya cemetery.

Favorite filmography

  • 1988 - Balcony
  • 1988 - Dog Heart
  • 1991 - Ghost
  • 1999 - Sky in diamonds
  • 2001 - Citizen Head
  • 2002 - Two Fate
  • 2003 - slaughter force 5
  • 2006 - Hottabych
  • 2007 - Soldiers 12
  • 2008 - Heirs
  • 2010 - Parsi Sheep
  • 2014 - Corporate
  • 2015 - Superbobrov
  • 2017 - Grandma Light Behavior
  • 2018 - Superbobrov. Folk Avengers

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The director of the acting agency Mayak Rita Lensky was told about the last day of the artist. "Vladimir Alekseevich left last night, it happened literally a few hours before leaving the next shooting shift. The probable cause of the death is called a heart stop," the RBC quotes it.


Previously, the son of Artist Innocent Tolokonnikov reported a similar possible cause of the death of the actor. "So far, presumably, he hurt chronic bronchitis. Against the background of these diseases, the heart could not stand," the TV channel "Ren TV" quotes.

Meanwhile, Rita Lensky noted that there is no specific information about the organization of funeral yet. "Now work is underway to carry out all appropriate procedures and organizing civilian memories and funerals. Once more detailed information is available, it will be published," she told.

Meanwhile, People's Artist of Russia Roman Kartsev remembered that Vladimir Toloopnikov was happy when he was allowed to play a polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov in the film "Dog's Heart". "It will be his role for life. The best role will not find. We rarely see each other, but he was so smiling. It was a very good artist," says Kartsev.

He also added that Tolokonnikov was "very modest, simple", but at the same time "very capable" man. According to the actor, he played Sharikov perfectly. "Such a feeling that he was born for this role. All: and height, and face. I painted when I saw and realized that the film would be very difficult to find such a person," the TV channel quotes his TV channel.

Recall, the Russian and Kazakhstan actor and movie actor Vladimir Tolokonnikov died on the 75th year of life. Artist's colleagues according to the Alma-Ata theater. Lermontov told on the social network Facebook that lately he was "sick". "But the videos that were postponed into the network of his sons, Innokenty and Rodion, inspired optimism and faith in what scratching will pop up from the next kill," they wrote in the official group of the theater.

The famous executor of the role of Sharicikov in the "Dog's Heart" of Vladimir Bortko passed away on the evening of July 15. Vladimir Tolokonnikov was 74 years old.

The actor remained two sons of 25 and 34 years. The youngest son, the actor Rodion Tolokonnikov said in the social network that after a few hours the father was supposed to go to the filming of the film:

Vladimir Alekseevich Tolokonnikov left last night (07/15/2017), it happened literally a few hours before departure to the next shooting shift. The probable cause of death is called a heart stop. The date and place of farewell and funeral is not yet known. Together with the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow, work is currently underway to carry out all appropriate procedures and civil servants and funeral organizations. As soon as more detailed information is available, it will be published - Rodion Tolokonnikov.

The eldest son Vladimir Alekseevich in a conversation with "KP" voiced the estimated cause of the death of the artist:

Most likely his heart could not stand against the background of chronic bronchitis, "said Innokenti Tolokonnikov. - The funeral is planned in the Sretensky monastery, the funeral - on the Troekhrovsky cemetery. Date and time will be known no earlier than Monday.

As your brother wrote, Vladimir Alekseevich was supposed to go on shooting in a few hours. Was it a project "Superborbrow-2"?

Yes. He returned from the filming of this film from Gelendzhik, the rest of the shooting takes place in Moscow. And it happened here. Father did not have time to be filmed in all scenes with his participation, which means that the picture did not have time, "the Innokenty Tolokonnikov concluded.

Two days before the last birthday of the Father, on June 23, 2017, the eldest son posted a photo with dad and actor Roman Madyanov in Facebook.

Two days before the last birthday of the Father, June 23, 2017, the eldest son posted a photo in Facebook with dad and actor Roman Madyanov Photo: Personal page of the Hero Publication in the social network

And this photo of Vladimir Tolokonnikova with his favorite flowers, probably the last in his life. He also made the eldest son.

We called the representative of the company "Yellow, Black and White", which was engaged in the filming of the last film Tolokonnikov "Superbobrov -2":

Unfortunately, yes, the last time he was filmed in our project, "says Christina Avaguman. - The film is still at the stage of filming. But life is life. All colleagues Vladimir Alekseevich have always been delighted with working with him. It is still a legend. And it was a great honor with him. He was always in the frame of professional, despite his age. Now everything is shocked and no one has yet thought about how the production of the picture will be completed.

Recall that the actor was born on June 25, 1943 in the city of Alma-Ata, the Kazakh SSR. Vladimir Tolokonnikov graduated from the Theater School in Yaroslavl, when he was 30 years old. The first significant and most important role in his life role polygraph polygraphovich Sharikov actor played in 45 years. National Love came to Tolokonnikov in 1988, when the painting of Vladimir Bortko "Dog's Heart" was released on Soviet screens. The love of the viewer remained in Vladimir Alekseevich to the end of his life. He has long ceased to be offended by the fact that the story of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - realized that it was forever.

In Moscow on the night of July 15, July 16, 2017, the famous Soviet actor died. He died at the 75th year of life. The causes of the death of a polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicov in the film "The Dog's Heart" of the actor are not specified, RIA Novosti reports.

From the environment of the actor, they reported that Vladimir Tolokonnikov felt well the on the eve of death. It is also noted that he recently returned to Moscow after filming in Gelendzhik. According to preliminary data, Vladimir Toloopnikov died of a heart stop.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov was born in 1943. Vladimir Alekseevich, Vladimir Alekseevich, made the role of Sharicikov in the film "Dog's Heart" film. All his filmography includes more than 60 films and TV shows.

Vladimir Toloopnikov in the film "Dog's Heart" (video):

Vladimir Tolokonnikov played the last roles in the comedy TV series "Superbobrov-2", the comedy "Grandma of Easy Behavior", the paintings of the Baltic Spirit and "Hottabych". The most famous roles of Vladimir Alekseevich can be called his game in the series "Plot", "Soldiers", "Deadly Power" and others.

Vladimir Tolokonnikov in the movie "Hottabych" (video):

Vladimir Alekseevich Tolokonnikov began to shoot in the cinema fairly late. Its type ideally approached the role of polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov from the "Dog Heart". After that, he starred in other films and TV shows, continued to play the theater. The actor died during the shooting period of the series "Superbobrov" on July 15, 2017 at the age of 74 years.

The cause of the death of the actor Vladimir Tolokonnikova is a stop of the heart. Brilliant artist, so convincingly fulfilled the role of Polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicov, did not stop working. The death of his house was on the break between the filming of the second part of the "Superbobrov".

When the actor's heart stopped

In Wikipedia, it is reported that Tolokonnikov died on the night from July 15 to July 16, however, the children of the actor claim that the heart of the father stopped in the evening, July 15, 2017, the cause of death is called bronchitis, which gave complications on the heart. In addition, despite the old age (74 years), the actor continued to work.

The funeral

The farewell ceremony took place on July 20, 2017 at the Central Cinema House on Vasilyevskaya. To conduct Vladimir Alekseevich on the last path came actors of several generations:

  • P. Derevko and O. Akinshina, who worked with Tolokonnikov over the same picture, regretted that the "grandfather", who was not able to die on the scenario of the film, left them truly.
  • The peer of A. Filipenko recalled the first lessons they received in 1958.
  • Friends and colleagues from the theater in Kazakhstan, where he served throughout his creative life, shared memories of the deceased.

The actor is buried at the Trocerovsk cemetery on the 25th plot.

Latest paintings with Vladimir Tolokonnikov

Thanks to his last roles, Tolokonnikov remembered more as a comedian actor. He was easily given roles in the films "Superbobrov", "Grandma of Light Behavior", "Corporate" and others.

short biography

Non-good fate did not allow Vladimir Tolokonnikov to become a student of theatrical school. He was able to enter only after the fifth attempt, having received a diploma only in 30 years. The film began to be filmed even later, in 45, but it did not prevent him from revealing his acting potential and show the audience talent, accumulated over the years.

Military childhood

Vladimir Tolokonnikov was born in the midst of the Great Patriotic War on June 25, 1943. His mother, who worked at that time in one of the many hospitals, fell in love with the wounded soldier, as a result of which the boy bore.

The artist never seen his father, he knew about him only what Mom told, but all the words in his address were warm and good. Since childhood, he showed himself an intelligent and gifted boy. He took part in school productions, so he knew from an early age what theatrical art was. In the children's dreams of adulthood, Vladimir saw himself as a military pilot, later planned to become a painter, and only in the last classes appeared for the scene.

Admission to theatrical

After graduating from school, Vladimir went to the preparatory courses of the dramatic mug. He was seriously preparing for admission to the Theater Institute and made 3 attempts, none of which was crowned with success. Once he was directly told that with such appearance he would never become an artist. If the guy was a little tolete, he would have broken, but Tolokonnikov did not put his hands and moved towards his dream.

Having served 3 years in the army, Vladimir took another attempt ended, as before, unsuccessfully. He did not return home, but went to Samara Tyz, where he acted in Massovka. As a result of the fifth attempt, fate makes him a gift - Tolokonnikov enters the Yaroslavl Teatral School, which ends in 1973, aged 30.

Work in the theater

Immediately after receiving a diploma, Vladimir returns home and is arranged in a small Alma-Ata TJU. After I worked only 1 year, it receives an invitation to the most prestigious Kazakh theater - the Drama Theater named after Lermontov, where he served until the end of his life.

The acting talent was completely revealed on the theater scene. He successfully coped with both childish and serious dramatic roles.

Shooting in "Dog's Heart"

Directed by Bortko for a long time could not find an actor for the role of Sharicikov. He looked through a lot of candidates, but none did not meet the requirements. Assistant came through the personal affairs of provincial artists and came across Tolokonnikov's business. At first glance, Borthko approves the candidacy for the role, which, after the release of the film, put a kind of stigma on Vladimir Alekseyevich.

The film enjoyed a colossal success not only in the Soviet Union, but also abroad. Tolokonnikova recognized on the street, calling the polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicov. For execution of the Character of Bulgakov, he received the USSR State Prize, but unfortunately became an actor of one role - regardless of who he performed, always remained ball.

"When a photo of a man from the Kazakh Theater was shown to me, it became clear - this is exactly what we are looking for so long ..." - so Bortko commented on his choice of the Challenger on the role of Sharicikov.

Favorite filmography

Although Vladimir Alekseevich's acting biography and began in the already mature age, it did not prevent him from participating in more than 60 paintings and love the viewer.

The last work in which Tolokonnikov took part, remained unfinished. He died in the process of filming. The picture was completed using computer graphics.

"He lived a hard life, never knew his father, hardly made his way into the theater school, and a miracle having fallen on him - the role of Sharicikov - gave a great job, but did not make famous. Only in the early 2000th, for some reason I was remembered and made it possible to reveal as an actor. What he did ... "

So recalled one of the Kazakh film director who came to the funeral.

Happy personal life

The personal life of the artist was a prosperous theatrical. He met the hope of Berezovskaya and married her. In the family of artist and teacher physics, two boys were born:

  • 1983 - Innokenty;
  • 1991 - Rodion.

Unfortunately, in 2013, the spouse of the artist, hope, died, leaving men alone.

Although Vladimir Alekseevich Tolokonnikov does not apply to the artists of the first role, its popularity has progressed every year. In the memory of the older generation viewer, he will forever remain a polygraph of the ball with a young one - Hottabych or grandfather from "Superbobrov". One way or another, the image of the actor is forever captured in the Russian and Soviet cinema.


Documentary project Interview with the hero, filmed by TVC television channel: