Diana from Dynamo Group and Alexey Vorobyev. Biography and personal life Alexey Vorobiev

Diana from Dynamo Group and Alexey Vorobyev. Biography and personal life Alexey Vorobiev
Diana from Dynamo Group and Alexey Vorobyev. Biography and personal life Alexey Vorobiev

Instagram alleged beloved Alexei Vorobyeva breaks away from new publications. While the singer suffers, Ivanitskaya-Shorikov rests.

Recently it became known who broke Alexei Vorobyeva. It turned out that it was a young singer from the Dynama group - Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov. The singer poured the soul to his subscribers in Instagram, complained that his heart was now broken as a guitar on which Sheorikov played. The friend of the famous, apparently, again the bachelor admitted that Diana changed the musician. He went to America at work and was very waiting for the meeting with his beloved, even I chose a day for her and flew home for more than 15 hours, just to see Ivanitsky. But, having arrived, Vorobyov was very annoyed, even rushing. Several posts, about how it is forgotten by alcohol, several philosophical on sincerity and love. However, a couple always hid his relationship, so the question arises: whether Roma was. Although, on its avatar Vkontakte Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov hugs with Vorobyev.

One way or another, a flurry of negative emotions collapsed on the singer. Of course, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov desperately declares that she has nothing to be ashamed and that her personal life does not concern anyone. She puts tons with tons to his instagram and VKontakte with Hostegas # lovespalemir.

"My favorite, please be smarter! And kinder. I don't even want to talk anything. I am a very happy man! Believe me)) I am absolutely nothing to be ashamed! My conscience is clear, first of all before yourself! And my personal life concerns me, cats , do not forget this "- writes the singer.

And, while Alexey Vorobyev suffers and writes tear posts with hashthegas # Japrike, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov rests. Judging by new publications, the girl drove into Thailand.

And three days ago, Shorikova and at all posted a photo with the signature: "Zaya said to the disco not walk! I go against the system." Can a heart feather from "Dynama" found a new victim?

I must say that Sparrow is older Shorikova at 7 years old. Perhaps the girl has not yet arrived, and Alexey has already suggested the last rose from the "bachelor"? By the way, last summer, Diana just laid out a photo in a wedding dress with a signature: "My Rose!". However, before that, the girl loaded the video with a statement that her husband was not, and was not yet.

The young model was born in Zaporizhia, and the career began at 8 years old. In 2012, the girl participated in the "X-factor", and after the project "I want V VIA," where he ranked second. Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov is not averse to laugh at himself, then the eyebrows will call their terrible, then he will remove the second chin. And the lady lays out passionate dances. Announces Ivanitskaya in the outfits with a neckline on the back: from the neck and to the appetizing priests.

Video and Photos: Instsgram, VKontakte Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova

As reported "Starkhit", friends Leschi. declassified a stranger. "This girl has caused Lesha pain. He flew to shooting in the US for four months. I decided to make a surprise beloved and returned to Moscow for 15 hours. I flew almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved so that this post appeared in Leshin Instagram ... "

Under the suggestion of the artist's friends, the group soloist was the traitor Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova (21), with which Alexey. The novel has faced last year.

"W. Leschi. There were many girls, but with tenderness he only spoke about Diana, - added friend Vorobyova. - The guys liked the atmosphere of the mystery, they tried not to appear in humans in order not to get caught. Alexei Very treated with these relations and pleased the favorite gifts and huge bouquets of roses. But what happened, destroyed everything - they broke up, even without being friends. Diana committed such an act that Lech I could not forgive. "

And indeed, in Instagram Lesha Diana never appeared in the open, but the girl herself posted one shot with Vorobyev.

It happened six months ago when she participated in the show. Diana tried out a wedding dress, and Lesha, apparently, came to keep it. Joint shot girl signed like this: "My Rose"(With reference to the show). By the way, the same photo is worth « avatar "Diana"In contact with".

Interestingly, for the first time Alexei posted a stranger in Instagram, which hugs his dog Elvisa, in . At about the same time it became known that Diana Allegedly (37). They have repeatedly appeared at events and did not hide their feelings - kissed the camera. And the girl told the amazing story of their dating. So here something does not converge ...

By the way, photos with Khrustalev continued to appear in profile Diana. For example, the last snapshot with him she posted before the new year. And on the holidays Diana Rested near the ocean, like Khrustalevwho went to Bali.. That's just whether they were - incomprehensible. Geolocation, the girl with subscribers did not share.

But if they are with Dmitry. were on Bali.T. Vorobjev Exactly wrote about her! By the way, it turned out later that her group colleague Masha Goncharuk (26) Also on popular island among stars, and even in the arms Khrustaleeva! What a twist!

In general, it is not known whether Diana in Moscow at the moment when Vorobjev Share his story. But after three days later, the girl went to the cartoon premiere "Ballerina"to congratulate (15) (daughter Faith Brezhneva (34)), which voiced one of the characters.

Now Diana located in Thailand With friends, and two days ago posted a photo, where she holds some tattooed stranger for her hand. Is not it Diana and Vorobyova They associated relationships, nevertheless unknown.

But Lesha still overflows feelings. At first, Vorobyev posted a photo on which he and a girl like Diana (the face fell into the frame not completely), having fun and sing songs under the guitar. "You know, it was the last melody that someone played on this guitar. And when I spread it in a sins, I was happy because I broke my memories of you, "he wrote.

A photo posted by Alexey Vorobyov - ???? ???????. (@ Mr.AlexSparrow) on jan 26, 2017 at 5:39 am pst

A few minutes later, Alexey laid another photo on which he drinks whiskey, and the signature became almost confession to the snapshot: "I hid my personal life for a very long time. And if someone does not like what I write now in my Instagram, then understand one thing - it's not for you ... This is for me and for her, because I have no one to speak more. Yes, of course, an adult man, especially the artist, must keep everything in himself, go on stage and smile. But I'm not on the stage now, so I am wildly apologize. I do not force anyone to read what I am writing, like what I posted, and write encouraging comments, I don't help me, so your opinion about what and how I should do now, believe me Interested in. There is no democracy and the National Assembly, there are every - monarch of your inner and virtual world, so if something is not pleased, unsubscribe without your highly artistic councils about who and how to live. "

February 03, 2017.

After the singer announced parting with a girl, fans and journalists began to guess who exactly was the former beloved Sparrow.

The media appeared information that the girl who changed Vorobyev and broke his heart, is the soloist of the Dynama group Diana Ivanitskaya. In the microblog girl, Alexei fans began to write her unpleasant comments with threats and insults.

The singer decided to restore justice and officially stated that Diana was not his beloved.

"Friends, many publications on the Internet appeared, in which they call the different names of my former girl, including familiar to me names. I do not ask anyone to climb my personal life, because I have nothing to hide in it. But why choose a reputation of a girl who is absolutely neither. Diana Ivanitskaya is not my ex-girlfriend. I am a public person, and I can not share with you, because if I don't do it, it will be invented for me. But I am not from those people who, like little children, do a finger to another with the words "That's who offended me!". For me, you do not need to join or take revenge. And I have the right only to call the girl with the last words, and no one else. Because she did not do anything bad to anyone. She has his own life, and if I am ready to open my own, in which she is no longer a place, it does not mean that I have the right to handle that life she got without me, "said Sparrow.

Recently, the singer Alexey Vorobyev admitted to the social network that his personal life was overspending with parting with a girl who betrayed him.

Alexey Vorobiev did not advertise the name of the former beloved, but the reporters were able to find out who broke the heart of the star.

According to some media, Vorobyov had a novel with a colleague on pop craft. Alexey Vorobiev met with the singer from the Dynama group, which is called Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov.

Alexey Vorobyov and Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov hid their relationship from the public. They tried to do not appear together in public. They liked the atmosphere of the mystery.

Alexey Vorobyov borrowed his beloved with gifts and bouquets, but a certain event between them led to a rupture.

Singer Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova often lays out a photo on his instagram page,

Probably Diana is not despair after breaking with Vorobyev. The girl is resting in Thailand together with friends. Diana published a photo on which a man was shot holding hands.

"Zaya said to a disco not walk! I go against the system" - wrote Diana.

Recall that Alexey Vorobyeva's betting was known recently. Presumably, Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov changed the artist.

In order to arrange a lover surprise, Alexey Vorobyov suffered a flight across the ocean, who took over ten o'clock. However, instead of a warm meeting, Alexey ran into a betrayal, as reported by the social networks.

Alexey Vorobyov called anger now the ex-former girl "Slut", and then deleted this message and apologized to subscribers for his attack of rage.

Diana itself commented on the situation: "My favorite, please be smarter! And kinder. I don't even want to talk anything. I am a very happy person! Believe me))

I absolutely not be ashamed! My conscience is clean, first of all before yourself! And my personal life concerns only me, cats, do not forget this. "

Diana Alexandrovna Ivanitskaya-Shorikova was born on August 17, 1995 in Zaporizhia. Diana most often uses the surname of the Father, with whom her mother divorced - Ivanitskaya, Mother's Mother's Mother - Shorikov.

Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov since 8 years old works by the model, at 9 years old participated in the children's competition Zaporozhye. After that, Diana continued to engage in model career, but still had time and participate in song contests.

In 2012, he participated in the project "X-factor", but after departure from the project, I decided to try my hand in the project "I want V VIA".

In the project, she ranked second, becoming a superfinalist, together with the partner for the group - Maria Goncharuk and Julia Lautha. At the Gala concert, the Grand Finale, they presented their first single in this group - "I believe in love."

In 2013, Diana became a student Knuki, enrolling at the Faculty of Cinema Actor and Television.

"DINAMA" ("Dinama") - Ukrainian Russian women's pop group, formed at first Konstantin Meladze in the project "I want V VIA GRU" in 2013, then Oleg Negasov, the owner of the Soroka Music Music Production Center since 2014.

The group includes Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov and Maria Goncharuk. The first public speech took place on the casting of Ukraine in the television show "I want V VIA", but the speeches of the girls did not show on television.

The name of the group was out of the first syllables of the names of Games Diana (Dina) and Mary (MA) - Dynama.

Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova

Alexey accused a fraud to the soloist of the popular group Diana Ivanitsky-Shoryikov from the Dynama group. Now Diana on vacation in Thailand with Artem Pindyura, mBand soloist.

Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov began singing from two and a half years. The grandmother of the star was the opera singer Antonina Ivanitskaya. From her Diana inherited love for music and a strong voice.

Diana dreamed of a model career all his life and sought it. In the lessons of the vocal walked once a week, but later the mother suggested Diana to sing on a big stage and they went to Paris to the youth Eurovision "Youth of the Planet 2010". The girl received the main prize.

Diana, participated in the talent show "X Factor". Serega, who was sitting in the jury, very sharply spoke in the address of the singer, that the scene is not a beauty contest, there is nothing to do there.

Later, the girl decided to apply for a new show Konstantin Meladze "I want in VIA GRU."

"Many thanks to Konstantin Meladze that I saw a little light in me, which I am trying to inflate every day every day! And I wanted it insensually, so that he was proud of me," says Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikov.

After the project Diana and Mary offered to create a group. The name "DINAMA" is an abbreviation, folded from your names Diana + Masha, but do not forget that Dynamo is also a car that produces energy.