Bowed musical instruments. Stringed bowed musical instruments What is the name of a huge violin

Bowed musical instruments.  Stringed bowed musical instruments What is the name of a huge violin
Bowed musical instruments. Stringed bowed musical instruments What is the name of a huge violin

Often in symphony orchestras, the violin is used to lead the main musical theme. This role can be played by one or more violins. The solo violin belongs to the first violinist. By the way, it is better to start learning to play the violin from the age of four.

There are several basic sizes of violins in the music market today. For example, a 1/16 size violin is suitable for the smallest musicians. The most popular sizes are considered to be 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, ¾. Usually, such musical instruments are selected for children who are already studying at a music school or have recently started learning. For the average adult, the best instrument is a 4/4 violin. Violins of intermediate sizes 1/1 and 7/8 can also be created. However, they are the least in demand.

There are also three main categories of violins - artisans, factory and factory. Hand-made musical instruments are called artisans. They are usually custom made and can be passed down from generation to generation. Mostly artisan violins are full-sized.

Manufactured violins are instruments from the beginning of the last century. True, among them you can find broken and then restored tools. Therefore, it is better to buy such a violin from a professional.

Factory violins are usually called modern musical instruments that are made at various factories. True, violins of this level are the basic and budget option. In the secondary market, they will have no value.

How to choose the right violin

In order to pick up a violin for yourself, you need to put it on your left shoulder and stretch your left hand in front of you. In this case, the head of the violin will be in the middle of the musician's palm. The fingers should completely wrap around the head. Modern consumers can choose for themselves a classical or electric violin.

Some musicians only prefer classical violins because the electric version of the instrument cannot produce the same clear sound. Moreover, playing an electric violin in a symphony orchestra is simply impossible. In terms of timbre and tonality, it is very different from the classical version. When buying a violin, you should not choose the first instrument that comes along.

In bowed musical instruments, sounds are produced by rubbing the hair of the bow against the strings; in this regard, their sonic characteristics are significantly different from plucked instruments.

Bowed instruments are distinguished by their high sound quality and endless possibilities in the field of performance techniques, and therefore are the leading instruments in various opchestras and ensembles and are widely used for solo performance.

This subgroup of instruments includes violins, violas, cellos, double basses, as well as a number of national instruments 1 (Georgian chianuri, Uzbek gidjak, Azerbaijani kemancha, etc.).

Violin among the bowed instruments - the instrument with the highest register. The sound of the violin in the upper register is light, silvery, in the middle it is soft, gentle, melodious, and in the lower register it is tense, thick.

The violin is tuned by fifths. The violin range is 3 3/4 octaves, from the G of the minor octave to the notes of the fourth octave.

Produce solo violins, size 4/4; educational, size 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4, 1/8. Training violins, in contrast to solo violins, have a slightly worse finish and lower sound quality. In turn, training violins, depending on the sound quality and external finish, are divided into training violins of grades 1 and 2. Violins of the 2nd class differ from violins of the 1st class in the worst sound quality and external finish.

Alto slightly more violin. In the upper register, it sounds tense, harsh; in the middle register the sound is dull (nasty), melodious, in the lower register the alto sounds thick, somewhat rude.

The viola strings are tuned in fifths. The range is 3 octaves, from note to minor octave to note to third octave.

Violas are subdivided into solo (4/4 size) and instructional grades 1 and 2 (4/4 size).

Cello almost 3 times the size of a full-length violin, it is played while sitting. The tool is installed on the floor, pre-inserting the stop.

The sound of the upper register of the instrument is light, open, chest-like. In the middle register it sounds melodious, thick. The lower register sounds full, thick, tight. Sometimes the sound of a cello is compared to the sound of a human voice.

The cello is tuned in fifths, one octave below the viola. The range of the cello is 31/3 octaves - from up to a large octave to E of the second octave.

Cellos are subdivided into solo and training cellos:

♦ solo (size 4/4) are made according to one of the Stradivari models, they are intended for solo, ensemble and orchestral performance of musical works;

♦ training cellos 1 (size 4/4) and 2 classes (size 4/4, 3/4, 2/4, 1/4, 1/8) differ in sound quality and presentation. Designed to teach music to students of different ages.

Contrabass- the largest of the family of bowed instruments; it is almost 3 1/2 times longer than a full-length violin in length. They play the contrabass while standing, placing it on the floor in the same way as a cello. In its form, the contrabass has retained the features of ancient viols.

The contrabass is the lowest sounding instrument of the bow family. Its sound in the middle register is thick and rather soft. The top notes sound liquid, sharp and tense. The lower register sounds very dense and dense. Unlike other stringed instruments, the contrabass is built in fourths and sounds an octave lower than the iotated one. The range of the double bass is 21/2, octaves - from the mi of the controctave to the si-be-mol of a small octave.

Contrabasses are subdivided into: solo (size 4/4); educational class 1 (size 4/4); educational 2 classes (size 2/4, 3/4, 4/4).

Also available are five-string solo double basses (timed 4/4), ranging from note to controctave to note to second octave.

By their construction, the violin, viola, cello and double bass are of the same type. The difference between them is mainly in size and pitch. Therefore, this article describes the construction of only one bowed instrument - the violin.

The main structural units of a violin are: body, neck with neck, head, tailpiece, stand, tuner box, strings.

The body, in the shape of a figure eight, amplifies the sound vibrations of the strings. It consists of the upper and lower decks (14, 17), which are the most important resonating parts of the violin, and the sides (18). The top deck is thickest in the middle, and gradually diminishes towards the edges. In section, the decks have the shape of a small arch. The top has two resonator holes in the form of the Latin letter "f", hence their name - efy. Decks are connected by shells.

The shells of the tool consist of six parts and are attached to six legs of the body (16, 19). A neck (20) is attached to the upper body post, on which the neck (10) is mounted. The neck serves for pressing the strings during performance, has a conical shape along the length, and a slight curvature along the end. Continuation of the neck and its end is the head (3), which has a peg box (12) with side holes for strengthening the pegs. The curl (11) is the end of the peg box and has a different shape (often shaped).

The tuners are shaped like cone-shaped rods with a head and are used to tension and tune the strings. The neck (13) at the top of the neck delimits the sounding part of the strings and has a curvature of the neck.

Tailpiece (6) is designed to secure the lower ends of the strings. For this, in its wider part, it has corresponding holes.

The stand (15) supports the strings at the required height from the neck, limits the sounding length of the strings, and transfers the vibration of the strings to the decks.

All bowed instruments are four-stringed (only a contrabass can have five strings).

Bows are used to extract sound, which differ in size and shape.

The bow consists of a cane (2) with a head at its upper end, a tension screw shoe (5) and a hair (6). The bow reed, on which the evenly spaced hair is pulled, is slightly curved. It has a head (1) at the end and springs in the direction opposite to the hair. A block serves to fix the hair, and at the other end of the bow the hair is fixed at the end of the cane in the head. The shoe moves along the reed by rotating the screw (4) located on the side of the end of the reed and provides the hair with the required tension.

Bows are subdivided into solo and academic grades 1 and 2.

Spare parts and accessories for bowed instruments

Spare parts and accessories for bowed instruments are: tailpieces and necks, stands, tuning pegs made of stained hardwood or plastic; mute made of plastic or wood; machines for adjusting the tension of brass strings; violin and alto chins made of plastic; strings; buttons; cases and covers.

Violin- an artifact in the world of music, this is a real magic wand. The violin is known to everyone. When you remember her, no one begins to argue, as about other strings: “And the cello, is that big? Or a bigger double bass? And what is the violina then? "

Everyone knows what a violin is and what it looks like. But this is if you are not going to play on it. But if you are going, you will have to learn much more about it, because violins are very, very different.

So, the violin is a stringed bowed instrument of high register, it is considered intended mainly for solo parts. It has an ancient history, it got its modern look in the 16th century. Violins have always been made by violin makers, nowadays the works of Stradivari and Guarneri are highly valued.

The instrument has four strings in fifths g, d1, a1, e2, (there are five-stringed, c - "to" a small octave). The timbre of the instrument is thick in the low register, soft in the middle and brilliant in the upper register.

Components and types of modern violins

The body has a pear-like shape, calculated strictly mathematically.

Body Decks- the top and bottom are connected by shells. They form the vaults of the violin, their thickness and shape are important for the strength and timbre of the sound. The higher the shells made of hardwood, the more dull and soft the sound, the lower - the more piercing and weightless the top notes.

The corners on the sides are needed to position the bow. There is a darling in the body, which transmits vibrations from the stand through the upper deck to the lower one, thanks to which the violin sounds thick and sonorous.

The back is made from a single piece or two identical halves of hardwood. The upper half is made of spruce and has resonator holes - f-holes. In the middle of the deck, there is a string stand, under which a spring is attached, a bar, thanks to which the top resonates better.

Strength and tone are highly dependent on the material and less on the composition of the varnish for the instrument. Varnish plays an important role in protecting the instrument from the external environment, and gives it a color ranging from golden to hazel.

Subtitle holds strings, previously made of mahogany or ebony, now often made of plastics or alloys. The neck has a loop and four buttonholes for strings. Nowadays, lever-screw mechanisms are often installed in the hole, which facilitate adjustment.

The violin also includes a loop made of a thick string or wire, and a button, the top of the peg, it holds the neck and withstands a load of about 24 kg.

The stand provides support for the strings and transmits vibrations from the strings to the decks, so its location determines the sound - if it is closer to the neck, the sound is softer, and further - brighter.

Vulture consists of a whole shelf of hard wood (black ebony or rosewood), curved so that the bow does not catch other strings when playing.

Porozhek- a plate made of wood, into which the strings are held.

Neck- a semicircular piece for which the performer holds the violin. The tuner is the part of the neck where the two pairs of tuning pegs are located that tune the strings.

They must be lubricated with lapping paste. The curl is the decoration of the violin, the "trademark" of the master.

Strings: 1st - E of the second octave, sounds loud and brilliant, 2nd - A of the first octave, soft sound, 3rd - D of the first octave, soft matte timbre, 4th - Small octave salt, thick sound.


A bow, a wooden cane with a block and a ponytail with scales. The chin rest is a device for holding the violin. The bridge is a plate for holding the violin on the collarbone.

Also, a "jammer" is relied on the violin, thanks to which the violin barely sounds - audible to the performer and inaudible to others (for study), as well as a typewriter - a means for tuning, which depends on the size of the violin.

Types of violins

Violins are:

  • Acoustic. In other words, it is an ordinary wooden violin that sounds thanks to the body and its features.

    The acoustic violin is designed to be played in an orchestra or solo.

    This is the best option for learning to play the violin, because only on a natural instrument you can learn how to fully extract sounds, on other types of violin it is impossible.

    Only after complete training in playing the acoustic violin can you play other instruments.

  • Electric violin ... Its sound is distinguished by material - steel, ferromagnet, electromagnet, as well as piezoelectric or magnetic pickups.

    An electronic violin is very similar to a traditional violin, but its sound is sharper and closer to synthetic, it is easy to understand by listening to Vanessa May or Lindsay Stirling.

    A violin can have up to 10 strings and a resonant or skeleton body. Unfortunately, the violin is not suitable for an orchestra, it will stand out very much in sound, and it will also not give the purity and uniqueness of the sound.

  • Semi-acoustic violin - combining body sound and pickups.

Craftsmen, factory or factory violins are also distinguished.

Craftsmen are very expensive and made for a specific musician, factory ones - old ones, made by hand by craftsmen of small factories until the 20th century, as well as factory ones - a basic option for any musician - they can sound no worse than the author's, but have no material value.

Violin - basic dimensions

The size of the violins depends on the length of the player's arm. So, violin - basic dimensions:

  • 4/4 - four quarters (whole) - the largest violin, intended for the oldest students of the school and adults. Violin 4/4 in Chisinau is purchased mainly for confident playing the instrument.
  • 1/2 - one second (half) - for children 9-10 years old, as well as for younger ones, but tall.
  • 3/4 - three quarters (three-quarter) - something between (1/2) and (4/4), for children about 12-15 years old, but this is an optional option, you can go from half to the whole violin at once.
  • 1/4 - one quarter (quarter) - for ages from 4 to 9 years old.
  • 1/8 and 1/16 (eighth and sixteenth) - for the smallest. The 1/8 children's violin in Moldova is in consistently high demand, mainly this size is bought for children who are still in the learning process.
  • 7/8 - a little more than a three-quarter, usually the violins of the famous masters Amati and Stradivari had this size.

It is impossible to extract high-quality sound from a small violin, because they are intended for study. To understand what size a violin a musician needs, you need to measure the length from the bottom of the curl to the soundboard (excluding the "button" on which the neck is attached.

We look at the table data:

Violin size

Violin body length / total (see)

Approximate age (years)
4/4 35.5cm / 60cm 11 - 12 / adult
7/8 34.3cm / 57.2cm 11+ / adult
3/4 33cm / 53.3cm 9 -12
1/2 31.75cm / 52cm 7 - 9
1/4 28cm / 48.25cm 5 - 7
1/8 25 cm / 43 cm 4 - 6
1/10 22.9cm / 40.6cm 4 - 5
1/16 20.3cm / 36.8cm 3 - 5
1/32 19 cm / 32 cm 1 - 3

Using this table, you can select the approximate size of the tool.

You can choose a bow for a violin using the following parameters:

Violin size Arm length Bow size (length cm.) Approximate age (years)

58 cm and more

11 - 12+ / adult

56 cm and small hands

11+ / adult

less than 35.5 cm

Basically, all adults play full-size violins. The most important thing in choosing is to make sure that you are comfortable playing the instrument, so that the fourth finger falls into the intonation comfortably.

The violin is a living being, with character, emotions and soul. Her voice is able to play on the strings of our soul and make them thinner, open in them new, previously unknown depths. You can purchase these wonderful tools on our website.

Violins of various sizes are available in our store, including a learning instrument for the little ones. The price of violins in Moldova in our store is fully consistent with the declared high quality!

In our online store you can. We have the lowest prices for violins in Chisinau. Acoustic violins 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 3/4, 4/4 available. Delivery is carried out throughout the country.

Parents who are going to send their child to a music school, as well as all art lovers, need to know that the instruments they play are divided into several types. Electrical devices, such as a synthesizer, stand apart. Wind instruments sound by vibrating air in a hollow tube. When playing keyboards, you must activate the hammer that strikes the string. This is usually done by pressing your finger.

Violin and its variants

Stringed instruments are of two types:

  • bowed;
  • plucked.

They are very popular with music lovers. Bowed instruments often play the main melodies in orchestral pieces and symphonies. They acquired their modern appearance rather late. The violin changed the old viola only in the 17th century. The rest of the bows were formed even later. Besides the classical violin, there are other varieties of this instrument. For example, baroque. Bach's works are often performed on it. There is also a national Indian violin. Folk music is played on it. In the folklore of many ethnic groups there is a sounding object similar to a violin.

Main group of the symphony orchestra

Stringed instruments are very popular all over the world. Their names are:

  • violin;
  • alto;
  • cello;
  • double bass.

These instruments make up the string group of a symphony orchestra. The most popular of these is the violin. It is she who attracts many children who want to learn music. This is logical, because there are more violins in the orchestra than other instruments. Therefore, art needs specialists of the appropriate profile.

Stringed instruments, the names of which are listed here, were formed in parallel. They developed in two directions.

  1. Appearance and physical and acoustic properties.
  2. Musical capabilities: performance of a melody or bass, technical mobility.

Antonio Stradivari

In both cases, the violin was ahead of its "colleagues". The heyday of this instrument was the 17th and 18th centuries. It was at this time that the great master Antonio Stradivari worked. He was a student of Nicolo Amati. When Stradivari began to study the profession, the shape and constituent parts of the violin were already formed. The size of the instrument was also established, which is convenient for the musician. Stradivari contributed to the development of art. He focused on the material from which the body is made and the composition that covers it. The master made musical instruments by hand. The violin was an exclusive item at the time. Only court musicians played on it. They often made individual orders. Stradivari knew the requirements and preferences of all leading violinists. The master paid a lot of attention to the material from which he made the instrument. He often used second-hand wood. There is a legend that Stradivari hit fences with his cane while walking. If he liked the sound, then the students, at the command of Signor Antonio, broke out suitable boards.

Secrets of the master

Stringed instruments are coated with a special varnish. Stradivari developed a special composition that he kept secret. He was afraid of competitors. Researchers found that the craftsman covered the hull with wood plank priming oil, which was used by the painters of the time. Stradivari also added various natural dyes to the composition. They gave the instrument not only the original color, but also a beautiful sound. Today violins are coated with alcohol varnishes.

Stringed instruments have developed very rapidly. In the 17th and 18th centuries violin virtuosos worked at aristocratic courts. They composed music for their instrument. Such a virtuoso was Antonio Vivaldi. The violin developed as a solo instrument. She has acquired unprecedented technical capabilities. The violin could play beautiful melodies, brilliant passages and even polyphonic chords.

Sound features

Stringed instruments were often used in orchestral works as well. Composers used such a property of violins as sound continuity. A smooth transition between notes is possible by guiding the bow along the strings. The violin sound, unlike the piano sound, does not fade. It can be strengthened or weakened by adjusting the bow pressure. Therefore, the strings were instructed to play long-lasting melodies at different volume levels.

Musical instruments of this group have approximately the same properties. The viola, cello and double bass are very similar to the violin. They differ in size, timbre and register.

The viola is larger than the violin. They play it with a bow, pressing the instrument with the chin to the shoulder. Due to the fact that the strings of the viola are thicker than those of the violin, it has a different range. The instrument is subject to low sounds. He often plays accompanying melodies, echoes. The large size interferes with the mobility of the viola. Rapid virtuoso passages are beyond his control.

Bow giants

Music under the current

Harrison was an electric guitar virtuoso. This instrument does not have a hollow resonator housing. The vibrations of metal strings are converted into electrical current, which is then transformed into sound waves that are audible. The performer can change the timbre of his instrument using special devices.

There is another type of electric guitar that is very popular. It sounds exclusively in the low range. This is a bass guitar. It has four thick strings. The function of an instrument in an ensemble is to maintain a powerful bass prop.

big violin

Alternative descriptions

... (Italian alto - literally - high), part in the choir, played by low voices of children or women

Instrument from the krylov quartet

Musical instrument of Yuri Bashmet

Intermediate stage between violin and cello

A variety of some orchestral musical instruments

... Nasal violin

Bowed string instrument

Young Chorus Bass

This musical instrument was played by the protagonist of the story by Vladimir Orlov

Bowed musical instrument

The smaller brother of the double bass

Yuri Bashmet's tool

The elder brother of the violin

Overgrown violin

Between soprano and tenor

Bow instrument

Bashmet's violin

Soprano, ..., tenor, bass

More violin

One of the bowed

Bow "middle"

Middle of the string trio

Viola's direct descendant

Instrument in a violin quartet

Musical instrument

Treble, ..., tenor

Between tenor and treble

Above tenor

Great violin buddy

... "Senior" of the violins

Violin by Yuri Bashmet

Less cello

The oldest violin

Violin in a lower register

Danilov's tool

Musical instrument of Bashmet

A little more violin

Female bass

A little grown violin

Female contralto

Between violin and cello

Violin instrument

Boyish "bass"

Little more than a violin

Violin type instrument

Violin twin

Saxophone variety

Stringed bowed musical instrument

German mechanic and engineer, one of the founders of the geometric method of synthesis of mechanisms (1889-1954)

... "Abhorrent" violin

... "Elder" of the violins

Anagram for the word "tal"

The big "brother" of the violin

Children's bass

M. ital. voice between treble and tenor; a low female voice, a kind of violin, a second, a violin; it is more of a violin, with a decrease in a thin string and with an increase in basque. Alto clef, musical, between treble and bass. Viola voice, low, close to the alto. Violinist m. Violist w. who sings or plays viola. Altana J. app. belvedere, gazebo, teremok, tower. Altimetry, part of trigonometry, the science of measuring heights

Boyish "bass"

The oldest violin


Bow "middle"

Quarter Violin Quartet

A hodgepodge of letters of the word "tal"