My favorite musical work. Writing-reasoning on the topic: "Music in my life"

My favorite musical work. Writing-reasoning on the topic: "Music in my life"

The music appeared in my life long before I learned to distinguish different styles and directions, I learned about the work of great composers and musicians. The first melody, which I still remember, was a mummaging. When the words ended, Mom quietly sfed La Lala La La, and her melodic mess calmed me and, for sure, put the beginning of my good attitude towards music. Then there were musical performances and plays, favorite children's songs and the first idols.

My taste changed at the same time with age, today I liked Rock, tomorrow pop music, after a week I was ready to give the last money for the recording of famous rappers, sometimes Rggie listened to the mood, and the lessons did under popular songs that came from radio channels. And all the time it seemed to me that without music my world would be imperfect, as it happens repelled cold beauty without a warm smile, or becomes a boring sea without a storm and white lamb waves.

Music in my life plays an important role. When it becomes sad, then I turn on some fun and popular song, imperceptibly starting to hum, and the mood rises literally in a few minutes. Interestingly, at the same time with fashionable music styles, which my peers prefer, I love the works of famous composers-classics. Sounds of violin and piano awaken in my soul mixed feelings. On the one hand, it seems to me that I am a pair over the clouds and indulge in dreams, listening to light overflows, chime and strong chords, and on the other - an alarming or touching melody affects all the strings of the soul and causes tears. But such a mood quickly passes, because I understand that the musician reflected a part of his world and his experiences and handed over to the listeners of thought and emotions with the help of notes.

Classical music, in my opinion, is an art that opens a whole world of passions and emotions, high feelings and noble gusts. She makes people spiritually rich and paint the life with new and bright colors. Talented musicians, like no other, know how to express sadness in music and joy, ease and disappointment, nature whims or experiences, characteristic of love. If you add a good melody with words, it turns out a work that masters the hearts of a huge number of people, it is remembered for a long time and listened again and again, until every word and every sound will find a new meaning.

(Painting Maximyuk Ivan. Evening blues)

Music in my life is the necessary incentive that helps to seek the goals, a permanent conductor and a skillful hear of spiritual wounds. Every morning begins with a vigorous pit, and coming home after school, I will definitely include something new of your favorite performers or permits old and well-known records, each of which is associated with a certain moment of my life or pleasant memories. So it turns out that my world is weaving from music, beautiful songs and favorite melodies.

Most modern parents whose children learn at school are wondering: why do writings write on the music lesson? Let even this will be an essay on a musical work! Absolutely fair doubt! After all, another 10-15 years ago, the music lesson was assumed not only singing, music literacy, but also listening to music (if the teacher had technical opportunities for this).

A modern music lesson is needed not only to teach a child to the right singing and knowledge of notes, but also feel, understanding, analyzing heard. To properly describe music, you need to work out several important items. But about this after, and first an example of writing on a musical work.

Essay of student of the 4th grade

Of all the musical works, the greatest impression in my soul left the play by V.E. Motzart "Rondo in the Turkish style".

The work begins immediately in the rapid pace, the sound of violins is heard. I imagine two puppies, which from different sides run to one delicious bone.

In the second part of Rondo, the music becomes more solemnly, loud percussion instruments are heard. Some moments are repeated. It seems like puppies, grabbing her teeth, begin to drag it, everyone.

The final part of the play is very melodic and lyrical. You can hear how the piano keys run. And my imaginary puppies stopped quarrel and calmly lay down on the grass, tester up.

I really liked this work by the fact that it, as a small story, is interesting and unusual.

How to write an essay on a musical work?

Preparation for writing essay

  1. Listening to music. It is impossible to write an essay on a musical work if it is not listening at least 2-3 times.
  2. Thinking heard. After the last sounds subsided, it is necessary to sit in silence a little, fixing all the stages of the work in memory, arranging everything on the shelves.
  3. Be sure to determine the overall.
  4. Planning. The composition necessarily should have accession, the main part and conclusion. In joining, it can be written about what product was listened to, a few words about the composer.
  5. The main part of the writing on a musical work will be fully built on the play itself.
  6. It is very important when drawing up a plan to make a note for yourself than music begins, which tools, quiet or loud sound, which is heard in the middle, which ending.
  7. In the last paragraph, it is very important to convey your feelings and emotions about the listened one.

Writing an essay on a musical work - how many words should be?

And in the first, and in the second grade, children talk about music orally. From the third grade, you can already begin to leave your thoughts on paper. In 3-4 class, the writing should be from 40 to 60 words. Students 5-6 classes have a greater supply of words and can write about 90 words. And the extensive experience of seven and eight-graders will allow you to describe the play with 100-120 words.

An essay on a musical work should be divided into several paragraphs in meaning. It is advisable not to build too big suggestions so as not to get confused in the signs of punctuation.

Andrea Bocelly - Time to Say Goodbye Bocelle's voice causes every beautiful species of Tuscany in the mind, the taste of Chianti, the image of sunny Italy. The song was written by Francesco Sartori (Music) and Lucio Quarantoto (Text) for Andrea Bocelle, who was first sang this song in 1995 at the Festival in Sanremo. The main thing, of course, is a voice. A sonorous, saturated with "low overtones", is a bit appreciated, it does not glitter with an artificial brilliance polished by the opera school. His voice is independent and bold, especially in open and high-profile climax.

Italy is a luxury country!
On her shower and moaning and whining.
She is all paradise, all the joy is full,
And in her love is luxurious.
Runs, noise thoughtfully wave
And the shores wonderful kisses;
In it, the skies are beautiful shiny;
Lemon burns and fes the fragrance.

And the whole country is inspiration;
On all the seal of the proceeding lies;
And a traveler to pest up great creation
The flame itself, in the snowstream countries, is in a hurry;
The soul is boiling, and all he is a dying,
In the eyes of the tear, involuntary trembles;
He is immersed in the Dreamy Duma,
Makes the affairs of the short-lasting noise ...

Here is a low world of cold fuss,
Here the proud mind does not reduce the eyes with nature;
And rainbow in the Susian beauty,
And hotter, and clear the sun goes across the sky.
And wonderful noise and wonderful dreams
Here the sea suddenly suddenly suggests;
In it clouds flashes a frisky move,
Green forest and blue sky arch.

And night, and the night breathe all inspired.
How Sleeps Earth, Krasya Skusen!
And passionately myrtes over her head pegs
Among the skies, in the radiance of the moon
Looks at the world, thought and hears,
As a wave will say under the oest;
How the octaves are sweeping through the garden
Plenitively in the distance and pour.

Land of love and sea of \u200b\u200btea!
Brilliant worldly desert garden!
The garden where in the cloud of dreams
Rafael and Torcvat still live!
Unever you me, full expectations?
Soul in the rays, and the Duma say
I will entail and burn your breath, -
I'm in heaven, all the sound and tremory! ..

(Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)

Italy ... Oh Italy! No matter how rapid time, Italy will never be up to. The antiquity of this country only conveys the unique fragrance of her youth. The charm of eternal youth is created by nature, sea, funny people ... But constantly modern realities overlap the respiration of history. Modernity, antiquity, revival, the Middle Ages bizarkedly intertwined in the image of Italy, making it an Olympus poets, artists, sculptors of all times, their muse, inspirer. And the great artists Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Santi, Mikelangelo.

Fine art artwork consonant Time to Say Goodbye "Mona Lisa" - Leonardo gave this image a special warmth and ease of breath of her face mysteriously and mysteriously, even somewhat cold. Her smile, hoping in the corners of the lips, is strangely not matched. Behind Mona Lisa -Goluby sky, mirroring of water, silhouettes of rocky mountains, air ceilings. Leonardo seems to tell us that there is a person in the center of the world, and there is nothing more majestic and beautiful.

A. Pushkin "Misel".(last scene "Misley")
Author Burmin found Mary Gavrilovna at the pond, under the Ivoy, with a book in his hands and in a white dress, a real heroine of the novel. After the first questions, Marya Gavrilovna was deliberately ceased to support the conversation, thus enhancing mutual confusion, from which it was possible to get rid of unless an impected and decisive explanation. So it happened: Burmin, feeling the difficulty of his position, announced that he was looking for a long time to open her heart to her, and demanded a minute of attention. Marya Gavrilovna closed the book and raised his eyes as a sign of consent.
Burmin : I love you, I love you passionately ... "( Marya Gavrilovna blushed and tilted her head even lower.) I did carelessly, indulging in a cute habit, habit to see and hear you daily ... "( Marya Gavrilovna remembered the first letter of St.-Preux.) Now it's late to oppose my fate; Memories of you, your cute, incomparable image from now on will be tormented and ridelled by my life; But I still have to fulfill a difficult duty, to open the terrible secret to you and put an insurmountable obstacle between us ...
Marya Gavrilovna : She always existed, I could never be your wife ...
Burmin: ( quiet)I know, I know that once you have loved, but death and three years of grinding ... kind, sweet, Marya Gavrilovna! Do not try to deprive me of the last consolation: the idea that you would agree to make my happiness, if ... silent, for God, silent. You are tormenting me. Yes, I know, I feel that you would be mine, but - I am an unfortunate creature ... I am married! "
Marya Gavrilovna looked at him with surprise.
Burmin: I am married, I have been married for the fourth year and I do not know who my wife, and where she, and whether they should ever talk to her sometime!
Marya Gavrilovna : (exclaiming) What are you talking about? How strange it! Continue; I will tell after ... but continue, make mercy.
Burmin : In early 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was. Having arrived once at the station late in the evening, I ordered to lay down the horses as soon as possible, as a terrible blizzard suddenly rose, and the caretaker and yamchikov advised me to wait. I obeyed them, but the incomprehensible concern took possession of me; It seemed that someone was pushing me. Meanwhile, the blizzard was not thrown; I did not suffer, I ordered to lay again and drove into the storm. Yamchika wondered to ride the river, which was supposed to cut the path to three versts. The shores were listed; The yamper drove past the place where we left for the road, and we found it in an unfamiliar side. The storm did not subside; I saw the light, and ordered to go there. We arrived in the village; There was a fire in a wooden church. The church was turned off, there were several sleighs behind the fence; People went on pellets. "Here! here!" - not how many votes shouted. I ordered a yamchik to drive up. "Homes, where have you noticed? - Someone told me; - Bride in fainting; Pop does not know what to do; We were ready to go back. Come out more. " I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church, weakly lit by two or three candles. The girl was sitting on a bench in the dark corner of the church; Another told her whiskey. "Thank God," said this, "you came to the nation. Slightly you did not worry the lady. " The old priest approached me with the question: "Orders to start?" - "Start, start, Batyushka," I answered absently. The girl raised. She seemed to me not bad ... incomprehensible, unforgivable windiness ... I began to be sick of her before Nalo; The priest was in a hurry; Three men and the maid supported the bride and were engaged only by her. We were married. "Kiss," said us. My wife turned my face pale me. I wanted to kiss her ... She screamed: "Ai, not him! Not he! " - And fell without memory. Witnesses rushed frightened eyes on me. I turned, left the church without any obstacle, rushed into a kibitu and shouted: I went! "
Marya Gavrilovna : (screamed) Oh my God! And you do not know what happened to your wife's poor?
Burmin : I do not know, I do not know what the name is the village where I was walked; I do not remember from which the stations went. At that time, I thought so little of importance in my criminal rolling, which, having left the church, fell asleep, and woke up the other day in the morning, on the third station. The servant, who was then with me, died in a campaign, so I don't have and hoped to find the one that I fought so cruelly, and which is now so cruelly removed.
Marya Gavrilovna : (grabbing his hand) My God, my God! So it was you! And you will not recognize me?
Author : Burmin pale ... And rushed to her legs ... The end.

Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son, glorious and mighty Bogatira, Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and the beautiful princess swans. Here he decreased to the point,
Mosquito fisted
Flew and wrote down
The ship caught up to the sea
Slowly lowered
On the ship - and in the gap burst.
The wind has fun noise
Ship fun running
Past the island of Bujan
To the kingdom of glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
That was already visible.
Guests left ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And behind them to the palace
Flying our delets.
Sees: All shining in the Chilt,
Tsar Saltan sits in the ward
On the throne and in the crown
With the sad duma on the face;
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Near the king sitting
And he looks into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan guests plant
For your table and promotes:
"Oh you, Guests-Lord,
Long went? where to?
Well, for the sea il bad?
And what in the light of the miracle? "
Shippers in response:
"We traveled all the world;
Behind the sea, life is not bad,
In the light of what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was cool,
Non-private, not residential;
He lay empty plains;
Grew up the oak tree on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace,
With gold-shameful churches
With termes and gardens,
And the prince of Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow. "
Tsar Saltan divided miracle;
He picks up: "Kohl I will live,
The wonderful island will visit
In Guidon, please ".
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Don't want to put it
Wonderful island visit.
"I'm wondering, well, right, -
Winking to others
The cook says -
City by the sea stands!
Know, this is not a bass:
Spruce in the forest, under the fir protein,
Squirrel song sings
And nuts all nibble
And nuts are not simple,
All gold shells,
Nuclei - pure emerald;
That's what a miracle is called. "
Miracle king Saltan is divided
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And dug a mosquito just
Aunt straight into the right eye.
The cook turned pale
Spearled and cried.
Servants, torture and sister
Catching a mosquito.
"Watching you midge!
We are! .. "And he is in the window
Yes, calmly in my lot
Across the sea flew.

Nikolay Gogol

They approached the church and joined the wooden vaults under her dilapidation, which showed how little the ruler of the estate about God and his soul. Jaws and Dorosh still retired, and the philosopher remained alone. Everything was the same. Everything was in the same concern. He stopped for a minute. In the midst, everything still stood the coffin of a terrible witch. "I'm not afraid, God, I'm not afraid!" - He said and, out the circle appearance, began to remember all his spells. Silence was terrible; Candles trembled and poured the whole church with light. The philosopher turned one sheet, then turned over the other and noticed that he reads not at all what was written in the book. He turned off with fear and began to sing. It somewhat encouraged him: reading went ahead, and the sheets flashed one by one. Suddenly ... Among the silence ... A coffin was burst with a crash and the dead rose. It was even more terrible than the first time. His teeth terribly hit a row on a row, his lips were cast in convulsions, and, wildly swinging, spells suffered. Vikhore climbed the church, the icons came to the ground, flew down the baked glass of the windows. The doors were broken from the loop, and the unmeasant power of monsters flew into God's church. The terrible noise from the wing and from the scratch of claws filled the whole church. Everything flew and rushed, looking everywhere in a philosopher.

Homa came out of his head the last rest of the hop. He was only baptized yes, he read as a prayer fell. And at the same time heard the unclean force rushing around him, almost engaged in its ends of the wings and disgusting tails. He did not have a spirit to see them; I saw only how a huge monster was standing in the whole wall in her confused hair, as in the forest; Through the hair network looked scary two eyes, raising a little up eyebrows. Over it was held in the air something in the form of a huge bubble, with a thousand outstretched from the middle of the ticks and scorpion. Black Earth hung on them by flocks. Everyone looked at him, I was looking for and could not see it surrounded by the mysterious circle.

- Bring Viya! Go for VIEM! - Dramed words of the dead man.

And suddenly there was silence in the church; Wolf's overestimation was heard away, and soon heavier steps sounded around the church were heard; Looking at a skeleton, he saw that he had some squat, duplicate, a closure man. All was he in black earth. As a housing, strong roots, her legs and hands were outpathed. It is hard to step, it is fucked by cooling. Long eyelids omitted to the earth. With horror, I noticed Homa that the face was on it iron. He was brought under his arms and straightly set themselves to the place where Khoma stood.

- Love the eyelids: I do not see! - said to the underground voice, - and all the summacre rushed to raise him the eyelids.

"Do not look!" - whispered some inner voice to a philosopher. He did not suffer and looked.

- Here it is! - shouted Viy and failed the iron finger on him. And everything, as it was, rushed to the philosopher. Sugarlessly burst into Earth, and immediately flew the spirit of him from fear.

There was a loop cry. It was already a second cry; The first heard the gnomes. Frightened perfume rushed, who fell, in the windows and the door, to fly as soon as possible, but it was not there: so they stayed there, weighing in the doors and windows. The priest stopped at the sight of such a decree of God's shrines and did not dare to serve a memorial service in such a place. So forever and there was a church with monsters bracing in the doors and windows, he covered with forests, roots, bungyan, wild thorns; And no one will now find the road to her.

Favorite Music Works and Musication

Some statements from other branches on home musication:

Music lovers:

I play piano different classic works. Strange, but I only play a classic! Maybe because it is easier to play it? And listen only to modern stylish music and only through (or how to say it) a very good tape recorder (because of the sound, of course).

From the fact that I play the piano - my favorite is the Mozart "Two early Menuet in F-Major", "Sonata No. 15 in Du-major." This is a hypnotic! (My former and current American husbands instantly fall asleep under this music. Naturally, I do not play it for the night!). This is a sedative medicine, it is psychotherapy, it is a rest for the mind, it's a light, beautiful, magical music!

My favorite is also the "Moon Sonata" Beethoven. This is a difficult serious work that requires good technique. When I play it, I feel proud of myself! (Many play the "lunar sonata" can not). Need a long training.

I play a lot of things. And Menueta Baha, of course, love Serenad Schubert (play), "Eliza". "Polak" Tchaikovsky, "Waltz in Mi-Flat Major" Tchaikovsky- Pereleg !!! ... full of all.

How good that I can play well on the piano! (I play all the truth only on notes, I do not remember anything)

And how wonderful on Christmas Eve play Christmas music. Here in America, many collections with Christmas music, songs .... they are very beautiful and lungs.

2. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 148)
What is interesting, what kind of clever ... success you are in improving the game on the piano (piano, piano), you can always find a job ... and this should unail additional confidence.

3. janet. (ibid, comments 150)

To: Olga Taevskaya: What do you love and play you? It is very interesting to me!

to all:

And in general I wonder who playing.

Write please. I will try too. Only not well known and generally accepted, but yours (I appeal to everyone) Favorite. What you do not listen to .., but play yourself.

By the way, I adore to listen to another person (if plays without mistakes, of course), sit next to the piano and look at the hands.

But I do not like to listen to the radio 99% of symphonic music! (classic)

4. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 156)
"And what do you love and play you? I am very interested!"

Improvisation on the melodies you like. I choose the melodies for hearing and love to make my arrangement. It happens, notes are sold (soundtracks for films or collections from popular topics), favorite plays from the collections of popular music, jazz collections.

Favorites (were before, now I play a little, the Internet magazine will take almost almost the time):
Mozart. Fantasy Fa Minor, Sonatas, Turkish Rondo from Sonata La Major
Beethoven Sonatas, to Elise
Rachmaninov - Elegy, Preludes. Italian polka
Chopin (Waltza, Nocturns)
Saint Santa Swan
Schubert "Serenade"
Schubert. Musical moment
Mendelssohn - Songs without words
Verdi - Arrangement of Opera Melodies for Flan
Tango of different authors, blues
Music from movies
Brahms. Hungarian dance 5.
Sviridov, romance from music to the story A. Pushkin Misel
Grieg (Per Gunt, Sonata, Poet's Heart)
Popular melodies from operetta.
Monty, Chardash
Leaf Hungarian Rhapsodia
Phoebe, Poem for Piano
Walves Strauss.
Etudes Burgmüller
Glinka and other rus. Composers (variations):
Glinka - "Lark", "among the valley of the flat"
Gendel Passacking
Tchaikovsky. Seasons. Walves, ballet music and other topics.
Shnitke (trying to play sonata, but listening to his music is still more :-)
Dog - Waltz from k / f "My tender and gentle beast"
Waltz Griboyedov
Valsa Tchaikovsky
Berkovic - Variations on Paganini
Glinka, nocturne "separation"
List is infinite ...

He loved reading from a sheet (minimum notes and maximum sounds) :-)

If you like to look at the hands of pianists - you can use the link:\u003dpiano+play&search_type\u003d&aq\u003df.

5. Janet.
To Olga Taevskaya:

This is a serious already list of works! I, Girl, I will be easier ... Much ...

By the way, I had a period in my life (after Music. Schelch), when I hated to play. And many, many years did not sit on the piano. And ... only after many years suddenly wanted to play! So interesting!

Everything remembered quickly. Somewhere in the brain, everything is still preserved if he spent on "something" a lot of time and effort.

Now I play with pleasure

6. Olga_Taevskaya
The list is more likely that or played freely or tried to execute periodically, or taught to perform ... with varying success. Something knew by heart ... In general, these are works that were constantly at hand in my library and who preferred to play during musication for the mood.

I remember after the break. Yes, it is in dancing after a long break the technique is not restored completely. Pianists are restored.
Just two weeks to play the gamma, stretching exercises, and again the fingers ran :-) Well, before making and improvisation, it is necessary to play well, then you can play complex plays from the sheet. In general, even simple music is a lot of work and high costs and time.

I wish you to musitize the muse appear with you as often as possible!

Do you compose songs? Or sing under your accompaniment? I love to light candles, the company - and sing something like "There are days when you lower your hands ..." - there are beautiful things there are beautiful. Or something no less romantic ...

Here I found another walker for Musication beautiful:
A.Petrov, Waltz from the film "Petersburg Secrets"
There, kids play in 4 hands - very cleanly played and inspired and ascetic.
Just smart

Music in the modern world is present everywhere. There are so many different musical styles around: pop music, rap, alternative, rock, disco, techno, dram end base and, of course, an immortal classic. Different people depending on tastes and preferences like different music.

Scientists argue that, knowing the musical preferences of a person, one can determine its character. With this statement, I agree, because I think that music can show nature and soul. For example, they believe that people listening to rock, smart and reasonable.


Me, I love to listen to the "Mill". This group sings in the style of Folk Rock. In their repertoire, many Varangian, Scandinavian, English and many other ballads. I like this group because of unusual music and good texts. Each of their song has a deep meaning and represents a whole story. They create a magic world with music inhabited by knights, vikings, holkiries and many magical creatures. In addition, their soloist has an extraordinary voice, it seems to me that such a talent is born extremely rarely.

I admire people who can create music themselves. I, unfortunately, is designed so talent. In my

Understanding, such people can show feelings, draw paintings with their songs. They are able to make the listener laugh or cry, think about the important and eternal.

It is important that the music is high quality. I do not like when she does not carry any point in addition to primitive instincts. Unfortunately, many modern pop music went on this path.

I think it is impossible to live without music, it is everywhere. I always listen to music regardless of mood. She often helps me in everyday life. Boring work around the house becomes easier and more fun for a good music track. And the long road is asked by the presence of a favorite group. One modern poet wrote: "The world would be meaninglessly crazy without songs" - and I fully agree with him.

Works on topics:

  1. My favorite work is the story of I. S. Turgenev "Asya". Written away from Russia, the story tells about the events that occurred in ...
  2. Pushkin is a good satellite of our life. It seems you know him by heart from orphanage, and yet every time, revealing how ...
  3. Music is food for the soul. I fully support this statement. People choose and listen to various genres of music and, the main thing ...

In the modern world, it is difficult to submit a person who has no favorite music genre, a favorite song or artist. Among the many musical directions, I highlight Rock. Often, when meeting a person, one of the main issues is preference in music, it is because of this one can already make some guesses about the character of the interlocutor himself.

For me, the music is not a small importance in life, thanks to the favorite performers, I can distract from problems, remember the good moments, will inspire and dream. In essence, I can call myself with Meloman, as I listen to a lot of things, but I highlight the rock in the main direction. The Beatles group is known to many, she has become a discovery in the world of rock music, and in the future and the reason to go to the music school. I started playing the guitar, following the idols, began to more delve into the world of music and her story.

I myself admire creative people, it does not matter what kind of music you play, the main thing is that you are doing your favorite thing and give joy to others. Basically, I prefer the rock of those times when my parents were still small. Of course, now there are more opportunities, but this does not mean that texts and music are filled with quality. As mentioned earlier, in addition to Rock, I can listen to other styles, for me only important and quality and meaning. Unfortunately, in recent times, it is not often possible to find music perfect in all respects.

Often, current musicians become popular, due to the mouthpiece and beautiful shows. But I, as a person, the long history of music is not permissible. Therefore, I try to follow quality performers, as well as instill the love of music people who surround me.

Writing on my favorite music grade 4 on behalf of the girl

I am a real fan of modern music. Among your favorite genres, I can highlight pop, rock and rap. It would seem such a difference in genres-strange, but in fact it all depends on the mood. In each of these categories, I have favorite performers for whom I follow. Since, I am engaged in modern dances, then basically I listen to fast foreign pop music, it is very clown, energetic, you just want to dance. Such music helps to improve the mood, wake up in the morning or do something.

If you take the Rep-Industry, then for many sad rap about love comes to mind, because of which many do not tolerate this genre. But, there are songs about love everywhere everywhere, so on the basis of only such considerations should not put a cross on rep-music, you just need to be thoroughly implemented in the study of performers. I love to share my music with friends, I love to discuss new clips or some musical stories.

One of the main topics for me relating to music is visiting concerts. For me, this is one of the best moments that can be. That feeling when you come to the concert of your favorite artist indescribable, then how you stand there and do not believe your eyes, and then you walk for a long time and you can not come to yourself. All this concerns the music that I listen every day, but besides modern genres, I pay a special place for classical music.

It has been proven to the positive effect of this type on a psychological state, it helps calm down, it is better to sleep, as well as contributes to mental activity. Therefore, making lessons or coming home after a hard day I give up such relaxing music.

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  • Analysis of the story of Gorky Konovalov Essay

    In this story, it is written that Maxim worked in a bakery, the owner hires another pecary, whose name is Alexander Konovalov. Man of thirty years, but in the soul, the child. Konovalov tells Maxim about his numerous girls

The music appeared in my life long before I learned to distinguish different styles and directions, I learned about the work of great composers and musicians. The first melody, which I still remember, was a mummaging. When the words ended, Mom quietly sfed La Lala La La, and her melodic mess calmed me and, for sure, put the beginning of my good attitude towards music. Then there were musical performances and plays, favorite children's songs and the first idols.

My taste changed at the same time with age, today I liked Rock, tomorrow pop music, after a week I was ready to give the last money for the recording of famous rappers, sometimes Rggie listened to the mood, and the lessons did under popular songs that came from radio channels. And all the time it seemed to me that without music my world would be imperfect, as it happens repelled cold beauty without a warm smile, or becomes a boring sea without a storm and white lamb waves.

Music in my life plays an important role. When it becomes sad, then I turn on some fun and popular song, imperceptibly starting to hum, and the mood rises literally in a few minutes. Interestingly, at the same time with fashionable music styles, which my peers prefer, I love the works of famous composers-classics. Sounds of violin and piano awaken in my soul mixed feelings. On the one hand, it seems to me that I am a pair over the clouds and indulge in dreams, listening to light overflows, chime and strong chords, and on the other - an alarming or touching melody affects all the strings of the soul and causes tears. But such a mood quickly passes, because I understand that the musician reflected a part of his world and his experiences and handed over to the listeners of thought and emotions with the help of notes.

Classical music, in my opinion, is an art that opens a whole world of passions and emotions, high feelings and noble gusts. She makes people spiritually rich and paint the life with new and bright colors. Talented musicians, like no other, know how to express sadness in music and joy, ease and disappointment, nature whims or experiences, characteristic of love. If you add a good melody with words, it turns out a work that masters the hearts of a huge number of people, it is remembered for a long time and listened again and again, until every word and every sound will find a new meaning.

(Painting Maximyuk Ivan. Evening blues)

Music in my life is the necessary incentive that helps to seek the goals, a permanent conductor and a skillful hear of spiritual wounds. Every morning begins with a vigorous pit, and coming home after school, I will definitely include something new of your favorite performers or permits old and well-known records, each of which is associated with a certain moment of my life or pleasant memories. So it turns out that my world is weaving from music, beautiful songs and favorite melodies.

Andrea Bocelly - Time to Say Goodbye Bocelle's voice causes every beautiful species of Tuscany in the mind, the taste of Chianti, the image of sunny Italy. The song was written by Francesco Sartori (Music) and Lucio Quarantoto (Text) for Andrea Bocelle, who was first sang this song in 1995 at the Festival in Sanremo. The main thing, of course, is a voice. A sonorous, saturated with "low overtones", is a bit appreciated, it does not glitter with an artificial brilliance polished by the opera school. His voice is independent and bold, especially in open and high-profile climax.

Italy is a luxury country!
On her shower and moaning and whining.
She is all paradise, all the joy is full,
And in her love is luxurious.
Runs, noise thoughtfully wave
And the shores wonderful kisses;
In it, the skies are beautiful shiny;
Lemon burns and fes the fragrance.

And the whole country is inspiration;
On all the seal of the proceeding lies;
And a traveler to pest up great creation
The flame itself, in the snowstream countries, is in a hurry;
The soul is boiling, and all he is a dying,
In the eyes of the tear, involuntary trembles;
He is immersed in the Dreamy Duma,
Makes the affairs of the short-lasting noise ...

Here is a low world of cold fuss,
Here the proud mind does not reduce the eyes with nature;
And rainbow in the Susian beauty,
And hotter, and clear the sun goes across the sky.
And wonderful noise and wonderful dreams
Here the sea suddenly suddenly suggests;
In it clouds flashes a frisky move,
Green forest and blue sky arch.

And night, and the night breathe all inspired.
How Sleeps Earth, Krasya Skusen!
And passionately myrtes over her head pegs
Among the skies, in the radiance of the moon
Looks at the world, thought and hears,
As a wave will say under the oest;
How the octaves are sweeping through the garden
Plenitively in the distance and pour.

Land of love and sea of \u200b\u200btea!
Brilliant worldly desert garden!
The garden where in the cloud of dreams
Rafael and Torcvat still live!
Unever you me, full expectations?
Soul in the rays, and the Duma say
I will entail and burn your breath, -
I'm in heaven, all the sound and tremory! ..

(Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)

Italy ... Oh Italy! No matter how rapid time, Italy will never be up to. The antiquity of this country only conveys the unique fragrance of her youth. The charm of eternal youth is created by nature, sea, funny people ... But constantly modern realities overlap the respiration of history. Modernity, antiquity, revival, the Middle Ages bizarkedly intertwined in the image of Italy, making it an Olympus poets, artists, sculptors of all times, their muse, inspirer. And the great artists Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Santi, Mikelangelo.

Fine art artwork consonant Time to Say Goodbye "Mona Lisa" - Leonardo gave this image a special warmth and ease of breath of her face mysteriously and mysteriously, even somewhat cold. Her smile, hoping in the corners of the lips, is strangely not matched. Behind Mona Lisa -Goluby sky, mirroring of water, silhouettes of rocky mountains, air ceilings. Leonardo seems to tell us that there is a person in the center of the world, and there is nothing more majestic and beautiful.

A. Pushkin "Misel".(last scene "Misley")
Author Burmin found Mary Gavrilovna at the pond, under the Ivoy, with a book in his hands and in a white dress, a real heroine of the novel. After the first questions, Marya Gavrilovna was deliberately ceased to support the conversation, thus enhancing mutual confusion, from which it was possible to get rid of unless an impected and decisive explanation. So it happened: Burmin, feeling the difficulty of his position, announced that he was looking for a long time to open her heart to her, and demanded a minute of attention. Marya Gavrilovna closed the book and raised his eyes as a sign of consent.
Burmin : I love you, I love you passionately ... "( Marya Gavrilovna blushed and tilted her head even lower.) I did carelessly, indulging in a cute habit, habit to see and hear you daily ... "( Marya Gavrilovna remembered the first letter of St.-Preux.) Now it's late to oppose my fate; Memories of you, your cute, incomparable image from now on will be tormented and ridelled by my life; But I still have to fulfill a difficult duty, to open the terrible secret to you and put an insurmountable obstacle between us ...
Marya Gavrilovna : She always existed, I could never be your wife ...
Burmin: ( quiet)I know, I know that once you have loved, but death and three years of grinding ... kind, sweet, Marya Gavrilovna! Do not try to deprive me of the last consolation: the idea that you would agree to make my happiness, if ... silent, for God, silent. You are tormenting me. Yes, I know, I feel that you would be mine, but - I am an unfortunate creature ... I am married! "
Marya Gavrilovna looked at him with surprise.
Burmin: I am married, I have been married for the fourth year and I do not know who my wife, and where she, and whether they should ever talk to her sometime!
Marya Gavrilovna : (exclaiming) What are you talking about? How strange it! Continue; I will tell after ... but continue, make mercy.
Burmin : In early 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was. Having arrived once at the station late in the evening, I ordered to lay down the horses as soon as possible, as a terrible blizzard suddenly rose, and the caretaker and yamchikov advised me to wait. I obeyed them, but the incomprehensible concern took possession of me; It seemed that someone was pushing me. Meanwhile, the blizzard was not thrown; I did not suffer, I ordered to lay again and drove into the storm. Yamchika wondered to ride the river, which was supposed to cut the path to three versts. The shores were listed; The yamper drove past the place where we left for the road, and we found it in an unfamiliar side. The storm did not subside; I saw the light, and ordered to go there. We arrived in the village; There was a fire in a wooden church. The church was turned off, there were several sleighs behind the fence; People went on pellets. "Here! here!" - not how many votes shouted. I ordered a yamchik to drive up. "Homes, where have you noticed? - Someone told me; - Bride in fainting; Pop does not know what to do; We were ready to go back. Come out more. " I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church, weakly lit by two or three candles. The girl was sitting on a bench in the dark corner of the church; Another told her whiskey. "Thank God," said this, "you came to the nation. Slightly you did not worry the lady. " The old priest approached me with the question: "Orders to start?" - "Start, start, Batyushka," I answered absently. The girl raised. She seemed to me not bad ... incomprehensible, unforgivable windiness ... I began to be sick of her before Nalo; The priest was in a hurry; Three men and the maid supported the bride and were engaged only by her. We were married. "Kiss," said us. My wife turned my face pale me. I wanted to kiss her ... She screamed: "Ai, not him! Not he! " - And fell without memory. Witnesses rushed frightened eyes on me. I turned, left the church without any obstacle, rushed into a kibitu and shouted: I went! "
Marya Gavrilovna : (screamed) Oh my God! And you do not know what happened to your wife's poor?
Burmin : I do not know, I do not know what the name is the village where I was walked; I do not remember from which the stations went. At that time, I thought so little of importance in my criminal rolling, which, having left the church, fell asleep, and woke up the other day in the morning, on the third station. The servant, who was then with me, died in a campaign, so I don't have and hoped to find the one that I fought so cruelly, and which is now so cruelly removed.
Marya Gavrilovna : (grabbing his hand) My God, my God! So it was you! And you will not recognize me?
Author : Burmin pale ... And rushed to her legs ... The end.

Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son, glorious and mighty Bogatira, Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and the beautiful princess swans. Here he decreased to the point,
Mosquito fisted
Flew and wrote down
The ship caught up to the sea
Slowly lowered
On the ship - and in the gap burst.
The wind has fun noise
Ship fun running
Past the island of Bujan
To the kingdom of glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
That was already visible.
Guests left ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And behind them to the palace
Flying our delets.
Sees: All shining in the Chilt,
Tsar Saltan sits in the ward
On the throne and in the crown
With the sad duma on the face;
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Near the king sitting
And he looks into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan guests plant
For your table and promotes:
"Oh you, Guests-Lord,
Long went? where to?
Well, for the sea il bad?
And what in the light of the miracle? "
Shippers in response:
"We traveled all the world;
Behind the sea, life is not bad,
In the light of what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was cool,
Non-private, not residential;
He lay empty plains;
Grew up the oak tree on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace,
With gold-shameful churches
With termes and gardens,
And the prince of Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow. "
Tsar Saltan divided miracle;
He picks up: "Kohl I will live,
The wonderful island will visit
In Guidon, please ".
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Don't want to put it
Wonderful island visit.
"I'm wondering, well, right, -
Winking to others
The cook says -
City by the sea stands!
Know, this is not a bass:
Spruce in the forest, under the fir protein,
Squirrel song sings
And nuts all nibble
And nuts are not simple,
All gold shells,
Nuclei - pure emerald;
That's what a miracle is called. "
Miracle king Saltan is divided
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And dug a mosquito just
Aunt straight into the right eye.
The cook turned pale
Spearled and cried.
Servants, torture and sister
Catching a mosquito.
"Watching you midge!
We are! .. "And he is in the window
Yes, calmly in my lot
Across the sea flew.

Nikolay Gogol

They approached the church and joined the wooden vaults under her dilapidation, which showed how little the ruler of the estate about God and his soul. Jaws and Dorosh still retired, and the philosopher remained alone. Everything was the same. Everything was in the same concern. He stopped for a minute. In the midst, everything still stood the coffin of a terrible witch. "I'm not afraid, God, I'm not afraid!" - He said and, out the circle appearance, began to remember all his spells. Silence was terrible; Candles trembled and poured the whole church with light. The philosopher turned one sheet, then turned over the other and noticed that he reads not at all what was written in the book. He turned off with fear and began to sing. It somewhat encouraged him: reading went ahead, and the sheets flashed one by one. Suddenly ... Among the silence ... A coffin was burst with a crash and the dead rose. It was even more terrible than the first time. His teeth terribly hit a row on a row, his lips were cast in convulsions, and, wildly swinging, spells suffered. Vikhore climbed the church, the icons came to the ground, flew down the baked glass of the windows. The doors were broken from the loop, and the unmeasant power of monsters flew into God's church. The terrible noise from the wing and from the scratch of claws filled the whole church. Everything flew and rushed, looking everywhere in a philosopher.

Homa came out of his head the last rest of the hop. He was only baptized yes, he read as a prayer fell. And at the same time heard the unclean force rushing around him, almost engaged in its ends of the wings and disgusting tails. He did not have a spirit to see them; I saw only how a huge monster was standing in the whole wall in her confused hair, as in the forest; Through the hair network looked scary two eyes, raising a little up eyebrows. Over it was held in the air something in the form of a huge bubble, with a thousand outstretched from the middle of the ticks and scorpion. Black Earth hung on them by flocks. Everyone looked at him, I was looking for and could not see it surrounded by the mysterious circle.

- Bring Viya! Go for VIEM! - Dramed words of the dead man.

And suddenly there was silence in the church; Wolf's overestimation was heard away, and soon heavier steps sounded around the church were heard; Looking at a skeleton, he saw that he had some squat, duplicate, a closure man. All was he in black earth. As a housing, strong roots, her legs and hands were outpathed. It is hard to step, it is fucked by cooling. Long eyelids omitted to the earth. With horror, I noticed Homa that the face was on it iron. He was brought under his arms and straightly set themselves to the place where Khoma stood.

- Love the eyelids: I do not see! - said to the underground voice, - and all the summacre rushed to raise him the eyelids.

"Do not look!" - whispered some inner voice to a philosopher. He did not suffer and looked.

- Here it is! - shouted Viy and failed the iron finger on him. And everything, as it was, rushed to the philosopher. Sugarlessly burst into Earth, and immediately flew the spirit of him from fear.

There was a loop cry. It was already a second cry; The first heard the gnomes. Frightened perfume rushed, who fell, in the windows and the door, to fly as soon as possible, but it was not there: so they stayed there, weighing in the doors and windows. The priest stopped at the sight of such a decree of God's shrines and did not dare to serve a memorial service in such a place. So forever and there was a church with monsters bracing in the doors and windows, he covered with forests, roots, bungyan, wild thorns; And no one will now find the road to her.

Urohanov Ivan.

An essay on the topic "My favorite composer" of Mochalov Ivan is recognized as the best on the essay competition in the outdoor class Kamyshlovsky Bow Doda "Lyubinskaya Deshi" among high school students. This work deserves high estimates, because It is a vivid example of the qualitative performance of creative work on the subjects of the musical and theoretical cycle.



An essay on musical literature on the topic

"My favorite composer"

graduate 4Klassa

outbound class Kamyshlovsky

Mochalova Ivana

My favorite composer is Ludwig Baths Beethoven - a brilliant German musician, a representative of the Vienna classical school.

Initial musical education composer received under the leadership of his father. Then, moved in 1792 to the capital of European music art - Vienna, became one of the most fashionable pianists at the end of the 18th century.

The early period of creativity Beethoven was marked by the emergence of a number of Sonatas, including the famous "pathetic" and the so-called "lunar", as well as near the chamber-ensemble essays. After listening once at the lesson of the musical literature "Lunny" Sonatu, I was under a deep impression. Until now, this is one of my favorite essays Beethoven.

At the end of the 1700s, the composer began to develop a progressive deafness. However, he managed to overcome the mental crisis and continued to create. Works of the beginning of the XIX century are permeated with dramatic and heroic motifs. Among them, I especially like the "Appassionate", which, carried away by the works of Beethoven, I listened to the house.

In the work of Late Beethoven, the wealth of contrasts comes to the foreground. He writes the music dramatic and oblique, lyrical and prayer, harmoniously combining classical traditions and modern style.

One of the greatest contributions of Beethoven to the development of classical music was the fact that he first carried out the synthesis of symphonic and oratorical genres, which is clearly evidenced by his ninth symphony.

I admire the works of Ludwig Bang Bethoven and his character - courage, purposefulness, efficiency. His brilliant creations entered the treasury of global culture and still continue to worry the hearts of millions of people.

Favorite Music Works and Musication

Some statements from other branches on home musication:

Music lovers:

I play piano different classic works. Strange, but I only play a classic! Maybe because it is easier to play it? And listen only to modern stylish music and only through (or how to say it) a very good tape recorder (because of the sound, of course).

From the fact that I play the piano - my favorite is the Mozart "Two early Menuet in F-Major", "Sonata No. 15 in Du-major." This is a hypnotic! (My former and current American husbands instantly fall asleep under this music. Naturally, I do not play it for the night!). This is a sedative medicine, it is psychotherapy, it is a rest for the mind, it's a light, beautiful, magical music!

My favorite is also the "Moon Sonata" Beethoven. This is a difficult serious work that requires good technique. When I play it, I feel proud of myself! (Many play the "lunar sonata" can not). Need a long training.

I play a lot of things. And Menueta Baha, of course, love Serenad Schubert (play), "Eliza". "Polak" Tchaikovsky, "Waltz in Mi-Flat Major" Tchaikovsky- Pereleg !!! ... full of all.

How good that I can play well on the piano! (I play all the truth only on notes, I do not remember anything)

And how wonderful on Christmas Eve play Christmas music. Here in America, many collections with Christmas music, songs .... they are very beautiful and lungs.

2. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 148)
What is interesting, what kind of clever ... success you are in improving the game on the piano (piano, piano), you can always find a job ... and this should unail additional confidence.

3. janet. (ibid, comments 150)

To: Olga Taevskaya: What do you love and play you? It is very interesting to me!

to all:

And in general I wonder who playing.

Write please. I will try too. Only not well known and generally accepted, but yours (I appeal to everyone) Favorite. What you do not listen to .., but play yourself.

By the way, I adore to listen to another person (if plays without mistakes, of course), sit next to the piano and look at the hands.

But I do not like to listen to the radio 99% of symphonic music! (classic)

4. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 156)
"And what do you love and play you? I am very interested!"

Improvisation on the melodies you like. I choose the melodies for hearing and love to make my arrangement. It happens, notes are sold (soundtracks for films or collections from popular topics), favorite plays from the collections of popular music, jazz collections.

Favorites (were before, now I play a little, the Internet magazine will take almost almost the time):
Mozart. Fantasy Fa Minor, Sonatas, Turkish Rondo from Sonata La Major
Beethoven Sonatas, to Elise
Rachmaninov - Elegy, Preludes. Italian polka
Chopin (Waltza, Nocturns)
Saint Santa Swan
Schubert "Serenade"
Schubert. Musical moment
Mendelssohn - Songs without words
Verdi - Arrangement of Opera Melodies for Flan
Tango of different authors, blues
Music from movies
Brahms. Hungarian dance 5.
Sviridov, romance from music to the story A. Pushkin Misel
Grieg (Per Gunt, Sonata, Poet's Heart)
Popular melodies from operetta.
Monty, Chardash
Leaf Hungarian Rhapsodia
Phoebe, Poem for Piano
Walves Strauss.
Etudes Burgmüller
Glinka and other rus. Composers (variations):
Glinka - "Lark", "among the valley of the flat"
Gendel Passacking
Tchaikovsky. Seasons. Walves, ballet music and other topics.
Shnitke (trying to play sonata, but listening to his music is still more :-)
Dog - Waltz from k / f "My tender and gentle beast"
Waltz Griboyedov
Valsa Tchaikovsky
Berkovic - Variations on Paganini
Glinka, nocturne "separation"
List is infinite ...

He loved reading from a sheet (minimum notes and maximum sounds) :-)

If you like to look at the hands of pianists - you can use the link:\u003dpiano+play&search_type\u003d&aq\u003df.

5. Janet.
To Olga Taevskaya:

This is a serious already list of works! I, Girl, I will be easier ... Much ...

By the way, I had a period in my life (after Music. Schelch), when I hated to play. And many, many years did not sit on the piano. And ... only after many years suddenly wanted to play! So interesting!

Everything remembered quickly. Somewhere in the brain, everything is still preserved if he spent on "something" a lot of time and effort.

Now I play with pleasure

6. Olga_Taevskaya
The list is more likely that or played freely or tried to execute periodically, or taught to perform ... with varying success. Something knew by heart ... In general, these are works that were constantly at hand in my library and who preferred to play during musication for the mood.

I remember after the break. Yes, it is in dancing after a long break the technique is not restored completely. Pianists are restored.
Just two weeks to play the gamma, stretching exercises, and again the fingers ran :-) Well, before making and improvisation, it is necessary to play well, then you can play complex plays from the sheet. In general, even simple music is a lot of work and high costs and time.

I wish you to musitize the muse appear with you as often as possible!

Do you compose songs? Or sing under your accompaniment? I love to light candles, the company - and sing something like "There are days when you lower your hands ..." - there are beautiful things there are beautiful. Or something no less romantic ...

Here I found another walker for Musication beautiful:
A.Petrov, Waltz from the film "Petersburg Secrets"
There, kids play in 4 hands - very cleanly played and inspired and ascetic.
Just smart

In the modern world, it is difficult to submit a person who has no favorite music genre, a favorite song or artist. Among the many musical directions, I highlight Rock. Often, when meeting a person, one of the main issues is preference in music, it is because of this one can already make some guesses about the character of the interlocutor himself.

For me, the music is not a small importance in life, thanks to the favorite performers, I can distract from problems, remember the good moments, will inspire and dream. In essence, I can call myself with Meloman, as I listen to a lot of things, but I highlight the rock in the main direction. The Beatles group is known to many, she has become a discovery in the world of rock music, and in the future and the reason to go to the music school. I started playing the guitar, following the idols, began to more delve into the world of music and her story.

I myself admire creative people, it does not matter what kind of music you play, the main thing is that you are doing your favorite thing and give joy to others. Basically, I prefer the rock of those times when my parents were still small. Of course, now there are more opportunities, but this does not mean that texts and music are filled with quality. As mentioned earlier, in addition to Rock, I can listen to other styles, for me only important and quality and meaning. Unfortunately, in recent times, it is not often possible to find music perfect in all respects.

Often, current musicians become popular, due to the mouthpiece and beautiful shows. But I, as a person, the long history of music is not permissible. Therefore, I try to follow quality performers, as well as instill the love of music people who surround me.

Writing on my favorite music grade 4 on behalf of the girl

I am a real fan of modern music. Among your favorite genres, I can highlight pop, rock and rap. It would seem such a difference in genres-strange, but in fact it all depends on the mood. In each of these categories, I have favorite performers for whom I follow. Since, I am engaged in modern dances, then basically I listen to fast foreign pop music, it is very clown, energetic, you just want to dance. Such music helps to improve the mood, wake up in the morning or do something.

If you take the Rep-Industry, then for many sad rap about love comes to mind, because of which many do not tolerate this genre. But, there are songs about love everywhere everywhere, so on the basis of only such considerations should not put a cross on rep-music, you just need to be thoroughly implemented in the study of performers. I love to share my music with friends, I love to discuss new clips or some musical stories.

One of the main topics for me relating to music is visiting concerts. For me, this is one of the best moments that can be. That feeling when you come to the concert of your favorite artist indescribable, then how you stand there and do not believe your eyes, and then you walk for a long time and you can not come to yourself. All this concerns the music that I listen every day, but besides modern genres, I pay a special place for classical music.

It has been proven to the positive effect of this type on a psychological state, it helps calm down, it is better to sleep, as well as contributes to mental activity. Therefore, making lessons or coming home after a hard day I give up such relaxing music.

Several interesting writings

    Become a star, conquer Everest, twist the ocean-small list of what a person can make. Everyone has dreams and they can all come true. But, unfortunately, there are many obstacles on the way to success.

    Ski Mi Zvikley before Scho Stainnim Hourly Lyuba Vodazhaє himself the Lord of Nodody, and Chi Dіyso Wono є So? On the bonds of the two of the remaining Storіch Mi Vzhzh knows the role of the people of Vsesvіtі

  • Image and characteristics of Anna Andreevna in Comedy Auditor Gogol Essay

    In the comedy Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Auditor", Anna Andreevna, is the wife of Governing Anton Antonovich-Dmukhanovsky. Anna Andreevna is not a very smart woman and she doesn't care how the revision will pass

  • Writing my favorite music

    I am a real fan of modern music. Among your favorite genres, I can highlight pop, rock and rap. It would seem that difference

  • Analysis of the story of Gorky Konovalov Essay

    In this story, it is written that Maxim worked in a bakery, the owner hires another pecary, whose name is Alexander Konovalov. Man of thirty years, but in the soul, the child. Konovalov tells Maxim about his numerous girls

On the desk:

  • art is a creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images.
  • expand - highlight, impose a shadow, make more noticeable.
  • inposable - such that is difficult to convey words.
  • harmony - consistency, harmony.
  • grief is extreme sadness, bitterness, suffering.


  • "Music is the only art that penetrates the human heart so deeply, which can portray the experiences of these souls." Standal.
  • "Painting is a serene and silent art, as needed to vie, without having means to call to hearing." Walter Scott.
  • "The poet is a word artist: they are the same for him that paints for painting or marble for the sculptor." Valery Bryusov.

Exhibition of children's drawings.

Reproduction of Rafael Patterns "Sicstinskaya Madonna".

Record "Moon Sonata" V. Beethoven.


  • enter students to the world of sounds and paints, introduce the poem of S.P. Shevyreva "Sounds";
  • pay attention to the ability of the poet in a compressed poetic form to recreate signs of different types of art;
  • show the impact of different types of art per person;
  • strive to raise love for music, poetry, painting;
  • develop creative thinking.

During the classes.

I. Teacher's word.

All that surrounds us, we see, hear, we feel. Guys, and if you were artists, whatever the paints draw a spring morning? And if there were musicians, whatever sounds heard? And if there were poets, what words did you describe the spring morning?

Yes, our world is full of sounds, paints. Listen: The music sounds around us and in ourselves: in the waltz of rain jets, the songs of the wind, in the horseship of the spring glacier.

The world flourishes with all the colors of the rainbow when we are happy and loved, the paints are blurred when we are unhappy and sad.

The artist, poet, the composer, as it were, includes "his inner hearing", "his inner vision," expresses its feelings, writes them on the languages \u200b\u200bof art, sounds, paints, words.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We start a trip to the amazing world of sounds and paints.

The subject of the lesson: "Three" Languages \u200b\u200b"of art. S.P. Shevyrev. Poem "sounds".

Discover textbooks on page 172. Let's read the epigraph - the words of the famous sculptor Sergey Conneunova: "Art, as a reliable and faithful guide, leads us to the tops of the human spirit, makes more tearful, sensitive and noble." Do you agree with this statement?

Now let's see how the heights of the human spirit you came. As a home task, you were offered three topics to choose from:

My favorite musical work.

My favorite writer.

Messages students.

My favorite musical work.

Melody sounds.

Lunar Sonata Ludwig Van Beethoven is my favorite musical work.

I was shocked by the story of the unfortunate love of this composer. Already at the very beginning you feel pain, suffering, mental flour.

He was about thirty years old, and fate brought him fame, money, fame. Only love did not take him. Doesn't he want to wish her?

Juliet Guichchardi!

He perfectly remembers the day when she first came to his house. It seemed that the light comes from her - as if a month came out because of the cloud.

One day, before the end of classes with Juliet, Beethoven himself sat down to the piano.

It was the end of winter. The snow flakes dropped slowly. He began to play, embraced by fear: will she understand him?

In chords, passionate recognition, courage, suffering were heard. She stood near, and her face was glowing. She sat down to piano without hesitation and made the best thing that could: repeatedly played by him. He again heard his recognition. It was heard less courage, but more tenderness.

Once he was visited by thought: you are crazy! You believe that Juliet will give you! Graf daughter - musician!

This night in early June Beethoven spent without sleep until the sunrise. Then the whole day as a hoped ran through the hills. The reason has already understood, but the heart did not put up with the fact that Juliet left him.

Exhausted, he returned home when it was already felt. And again re-read the lines of her letter. Then he sat down to the piano ...

I know - I'll torment in vain.
I know - I love me fruitlessly.
Its indifference to me is clear.
She my heart is disagreeable.
I am a delicate songs
And I am not available to her,
To her, everyone's beloved, I know:
My worship is not necessary.

Only handed his hands to the piano and calmly dropped them.

As a landscape, illuminated by zipper, suddenly arose before him a picture of happiness. Last summer! Lucky joy!

"Moonlight Sonata" is my favorite musical work.

My favorite product of painting.

I love painting. I like many pictures of different artists, but the most beloved is Rafael.

Rafael ... For more than five centuries, this name is perceived as a certain ideal of harmony and perfection. The generations change, and artistic styles are changing, but the worship before the great Master of the Renaissance will remain the same. Probably, this is the only artist who is trying to talk about something carefully intimate, generosity and purity, about the brittleness of beauty and harmony. Rafael wrote many paintings, one of them is the "Sicstinskaya Madonna". This picture admires every person in the world. The peculiarity of this picture is a frozen movement, without which in painting it is difficult to create an impression of life. Madonna goes down to the ground, but she is not in a hurry to make their action, she stopped and only the location of the legs shows that she just took a step. But the main movement in the picture is not expressed in the movement of the legs, but in the folds of clothing. The movement of the Madonna Figure enhances the castled cloak at her feet and swollen over his head covered, and therefore it seems that Madonna does not go, and boil over the clouds.

Most of all I was struck as skillfully Rafael portrayed the face of a girl, thin features of the face, small tender lips, big brown eyes. Madonna and her son look in one direction, but in the view of the baby there is a nonsense rationality, not that fright, not that is anxiety. View of Madonna - radiant, her eyes glow tenderness and kindness. On the lips of Madonna shy smile.

Probably Rafael is the only artist whose works touch and admire different people, whether it is a famous painter, a famous writer, art historian or a simple person, little understanding in art.

My favorite work.

Expressive reading of a small fragment from the novel Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant."

My favorite work - Roman Julya is true "Children of Captain Grant."

When you read this novel, you represent the described events in reality, as if you are present there, although we know that Jules Verne is a science fiction writer. He built his fantasies on a scientific basis. In the contract, which he signed with his publisher was written - "New Type Novels." So the genre of his works was determined.

In the novel "Children of Captain Granta" states how on the Duncan's ship Lord Glenarwan and his wife, Helen, went to search for captain grant His children and their friends. The ship "Britain" was shipwreck off the coast of Patagonia. Captain Grant and two sailors survived, wrote a note on help, sealed it into a bottle and threw it in the sea. It happened so that the shark swallowed the bottle, and soon turned out to be caught by "Duncan" sailors. The bottle was removed from the ridge of the shark. So everyone learned about the fate of Britain.

Completely unexpectedly, the secretary of the Geographical Society of Pagannel is connected to the search, which accidentally turned out to be on the ship.

Travelers have passed through difficult tests: the transition through the Alps, the earthquake, the disappearance of Robert, the abduction of his Condor, the attack of red wolves, flood, tornado and much more. Heroes of the book noble, competent and educated people. Thanks to its knowledge, ingenuity and smelting, they come out of various tests with honor.

For example, if you remember what expected travelers when they decided to spend the night to Ombuto, a huge tree. Ball lightning bursered at the end of the horizontal branch, and the tree caught fire. They could not rush to the water, because a pack of Caymans, American alligators gathered in it. In addition to them, a huge tornado was approaching. As a result, the tree collapsed into the water and rushed downstream. Only about three o'clock in the morning unfortunate carried to the ground.

I was admired by the son of Captain Grant - Robert, a twelve-year-old boy. He showed himself fearless, brave and inquisitive traveler. When Captain Grant was finally found, he was told about the sown's exploits, and he could be proud of him.

The book "Children of Captain Grant" makes think about life. After reading it, you realize that it is impossible to live without friendship. Thanks to cohesion and courage, the heroes of the Roman reached their goal. They were all different people, but knew how to understand each other.

The book is very exciting. Reads easy. I would advise you to read it all.

"Children of Captain Granta" - my any work.

Guys, and you noticed that the path to understanding the art - in recognition in the artistic way of themselves, their experiences, because The artwork is always an expression of the author's feelings. As in the song Bulat Okudzhava:

Everyone writes how he hears,
Everyone hears how he breathes,
As he breathes, he writes,
Do not try to please.

This is how the process of creativity occurs.

Today we first heard the name of the poet of the XIX century Stepan Petrovich Shevyreva. Imagine: We had the opportunity to meet with the poet himself. Interviews he takes a student of our class.

And now we turn to the poem. Read expressively this poem.

Make two questions on this poem: reproductive and developing.

Imagine: we had the opportunity to meet a poet before the lesson. What would you ask him? Play a conversation.

The first stanza is a peculiar entry before the whole disclosure of the work. It refers to the Most High, which is posted by us. He sent us three languages \u200b\u200bto express the holy feelings of the soul. The author suggests that the one who accepted from him and the soul of the angel and the gift of art and the soul of the angel.

The second stanza reveals us one of the languages, which sent us the Most High. This language says in flowers. It is not difficult to guess that it is painting. Painting affects our consciousness. She enchants our eyes. Isn't it a miracle that in two-dimensional space on the canvas, on cardboard, on paper of different, even the most small, sizes, the most difficult scenes are played out: these are battles, meetings and disputes of people, human communication with deities, reveal the wide panoramas of steppes , sea expanses. Pay attention to the exhibition of children's drawings. Looking at some picture, we unwittingly think about what the artist thought when I wrote this picture. Before us as the image of the painter is revealed, and it seems to us that we know everything about the artist. But Stepan Shevyrev speaks completely about the friend. Yes, the picture carries the seal of the personality of the painter, his attitude to the world. But, according to the author itself, this language will let all cute features, but he will not be able to fully tell about the inner world of the artist, about what is happening in his soul, his heart.

He will let all cute features
Recall you the subject, the soul of the beloved,
But he will default about the heart of beauty,
Does not express the souls in an inexpressible.

Another language is speech, complete expressiveness, imagery and emotionality. This language says words. And precisely thanks to them, it becomes special, unique.

The word heard, read, uttered out loud or to herself, allows you to look into life and see the reflection of life in the word. Almost every word causes certain ideas, thoughts, feelings, images in our consciousness. Even the simplest common word, if you think about it all over his meaning, it is often mysterious and difficult to determine. The word is something more than a simple sign or symbol. This is a magnet! It is filled with the idea that it expresses. It is a variety of this idea. But sometimes there are situations when words are missing to express all the feelings, emotions that our inner world overflow.

Another language with which we can express our thoughts and feelings are music. The author speaks about this language as something high, capable of touching us to tears. These sweet sounds, in which the joy of heaven, and soul souls, penetrate our inner world, forcing me to think about all the sorrowful and happy moments of our life. Music voice goes right in the heart.

2. How do different types of art affect a person? Read the aphorisms of wise people. Which one you are taking, explain. (About music: We listen to music. Do not be surprised. The hall is full. Sparkles the chandelier. On the stage, the musician plays a violin. The sounds are broken, then broach, bend from under the bow, intertwined, scattered with splashes. That's happy, then they are sorry Melody. Violin crying - and we are involuntarily compressed the heart. We are sad. But bright chords sounded. The concert is over. What made us survive so many unrest, so many diverse feelings? Sounds. From sounds a melody appears, music is born. About painting: this language can be influenced by a person without words: picturesque paintings or landscapes. ABOUT WORD: Each word causes a certain presentation, thoughts, feelings, images in our consciousness, thoughts, feelings, images. In a word you can kill, in a word can be saved, the word can be tested. Word is a great strength. With the help of words, you can make great cases. From students' answers.)

  1. Name the layers (repeated element repeatedly repeated, serves to allocate a certain aspect of an artistic idea).
    Soul - heart - feelings. What is the point puts the author in these words?
  2. Why did the poet called the poem "sounds"?
    And another name can be invented?
  3. What is the meaning of the subtitle? (K.n.n)
  4. What rows are referred directly to k.n.n?
  5. Do you agree with the poet who prefer the music of painting and literature?
  6. What lines do you remember?

What did we know in the lesson?

What was the main thing?

What was interesting?

What's new we will find out today?

Different types of art do not exist in themselves, constantly interact with each other. Great their power over time and space. Composers write operas based on works of prosecories and poets. Artists create pictures on the plots of literary works. Writers talk about the life of painters and musicians, make them the heroes of their works. Music breaks into poetry. As Powestovsky said, "we need everything that enriches the inner world of man."

Dear guys, I thank you for your responsive hearts. This "three languages" of art commit a miracle. Some of you love to read poems, others admire painting and themselves create great paintings with the help of paints, and others listen to music and inspired songs. This wonderful, amazing world of melodies and songs, chanting sounds opened you a wise wizard. This music of childhood will be with you always.

Guys, we will finish our lesson to our favorite song.

This music of childhood.

There is a wonderful light
Amazing world -
World of melodies and songs
Worries Ether ...
The world of charming sounds
I skiddled us again ...
This is a wise wizard
We opened it.

We, you, all
Generous soul inheritance
Us, you, all
This symphony of childhood!
Let them come together,
Will always be with us
This childhood music,
In the heart always ...

There are neba melody
And rain and birches,
There is a melody of the sun,
And the sea and dreams.
In light gomon bird
In the light rustle of the wing.
We are a maestro wizard
She gave it ...

Words A. Anufriev, Music Ya. Eisenberg.


1. Page 174 - entitled, make up a plan;

2. Near the lines you like;

3. Find the trails in the poem.

Andrea Bocelly - Time to Say Goodbye Bocelle's voice causes every beautiful species of Tuscany in the mind, the taste of Chianti, the image of sunny Italy. The song was written by Francesco Sartori (Music) and Lucio Quarantoto (Text) for Andrea Bocelle, who was first sang this song in 1995 at the Festival in Sanremo. The main thing, of course, is a voice. A sonorous, saturated with "low overtones", is a bit appreciated, it does not glitter with an artificial brilliance polished by the opera school. His voice is independent and bold, especially in open and high-profile climax.

Italy is a luxury country!
On her shower and moaning and whining.
She is all paradise, all the joy is full,
And in her love is luxurious.
Runs, noise thoughtfully wave
And the shores wonderful kisses;
In it, the skies are beautiful shiny;
Lemon burns and fes the fragrance.

And the whole country is inspiration;
On all the seal of the proceeding lies;
And a traveler to pest up great creation
The flame itself, in the snowstream countries, is in a hurry;
The soul is boiling, and all he is a dying,
In the eyes of the tear, involuntary trembles;
He is immersed in the Dreamy Duma,
Makes the affairs of the short-lasting noise ...

Here is a low world of cold fuss,
Here the proud mind does not reduce the eyes with nature;
And rainbow in the Susian beauty,
And hotter, and clear the sun goes across the sky.
And wonderful noise and wonderful dreams
Here the sea suddenly suddenly suggests;
In it clouds flashes a frisky move,
Green forest and blue sky arch.

And night, and the night breathe all inspired.
How Sleeps Earth, Krasya Skusen!
And passionately myrtes over her head pegs
Among the skies, in the radiance of the moon
Looks at the world, thought and hears,
As a wave will say under the oest;
How the octaves are sweeping through the garden
Plenitively in the distance and pour.

Land of love and sea of \u200b\u200btea!
Brilliant worldly desert garden!
The garden where in the cloud of dreams
Rafael and Torcvat still live!
Unever you me, full expectations?
Soul in the rays, and the Duma say
I will entail and burn your breath, -
I'm in heaven, all the sound and tremory! ..

(Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)

Italy ... Oh Italy! No matter how rapid time, Italy will never be up to. The antiquity of this country only conveys the unique fragrance of her youth. The charm of eternal youth is created by nature, sea, funny people ... But constantly modern realities overlap the respiration of history. Modernity, antiquity, revival, the Middle Ages bizarkedly intertwined in the image of Italy, making it an Olympus poets, artists, sculptors of all times, their muse, inspirer. And the great artists Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Santi, Mikelangelo.

Fine art artwork consonant Time to Say Goodbye "Mona Lisa" - Leonardo gave this image a special warmth and ease of breath of her face mysteriously and mysteriously, even somewhat cold. Her smile, hoping in the corners of the lips, is strangely not matched. Behind Mona Lisa -Goluby sky, mirroring of water, silhouettes of rocky mountains, air ceilings. Leonardo seems to tell us that there is a person in the center of the world, and there is nothing more majestic and beautiful.

A. Pushkin "Misel".(last scene "Misley")
Author Burmin found Mary Gavrilovna at the pond, under the Ivoy, with a book in his hands and in a white dress, a real heroine of the novel. After the first questions, Marya Gavrilovna was deliberately ceased to support the conversation, thus enhancing mutual confusion, from which it was possible to get rid of unless an impected and decisive explanation. So it happened: Burmin, feeling the difficulty of his position, announced that he was looking for a long time to open her heart to her, and demanded a minute of attention. Marya Gavrilovna closed the book and raised his eyes as a sign of consent.
Burmin : I love you, I love you passionately ... "( Marya Gavrilovna blushed and tilted her head even lower.) I did carelessly, indulging in a cute habit, habit to see and hear you daily ... "( Marya Gavrilovna remembered the first letter of St.-Preux.) Now it's late to oppose my fate; Memories of you, your cute, incomparable image from now on will be tormented and ridelled by my life; But I still have to fulfill a difficult duty, to open the terrible secret to you and put an insurmountable obstacle between us ...
Marya Gavrilovna : She always existed, I could never be your wife ...
Burmin: ( quiet)I know, I know that once you have loved, but death and three years of grinding ... kind, sweet, Marya Gavrilovna! Do not try to deprive me of the last consolation: the idea that you would agree to make my happiness, if ... silent, for God, silent. You are tormenting me. Yes, I know, I feel that you would be mine, but - I am an unfortunate creature ... I am married! "
Marya Gavrilovna looked at him with surprise.
Burmin: I am married, I have been married for the fourth year and I do not know who my wife, and where she, and whether they should ever talk to her sometime!
Marya Gavrilovna : (exclaiming) What are you talking about? How strange it! Continue; I will tell after ... but continue, make mercy.
Burmin : In early 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was. Having arrived once at the station late in the evening, I ordered to lay down the horses as soon as possible, as a terrible blizzard suddenly rose, and the caretaker and yamchikov advised me to wait. I obeyed them, but the incomprehensible concern took possession of me; It seemed that someone was pushing me. Meanwhile, the blizzard was not thrown; I did not suffer, I ordered to lay again and drove into the storm. Yamchika wondered to ride the river, which was supposed to cut the path to three versts. The shores were listed; The yamper drove past the place where we left for the road, and we found it in an unfamiliar side. The storm did not subside; I saw the light, and ordered to go there. We arrived in the village; There was a fire in a wooden church. The church was turned off, there were several sleighs behind the fence; People went on pellets. "Here! here!" - not how many votes shouted. I ordered a yamchik to drive up. "Homes, where have you noticed? - Someone told me; - Bride in fainting; Pop does not know what to do; We were ready to go back. Come out more. " I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church, weakly lit by two or three candles. The girl was sitting on a bench in the dark corner of the church; Another told her whiskey. "Thank God," said this, "you came to the nation. Slightly you did not worry the lady. " The old priest approached me with the question: "Orders to start?" - "Start, start, Batyushka," I answered absently. The girl raised. She seemed to me not bad ... incomprehensible, unforgivable windiness ... I began to be sick of her before Nalo; The priest was in a hurry; Three men and the maid supported the bride and were engaged only by her. We were married. "Kiss," said us. My wife turned my face pale me. I wanted to kiss her ... She screamed: "Ai, not him! Not he! " - And fell without memory. Witnesses rushed frightened eyes on me. I turned, left the church without any obstacle, rushed into a kibitu and shouted: I went! "
Marya Gavrilovna : (screamed) Oh my God! And you do not know what happened to your wife's poor?
Burmin : I do not know, I do not know what the name is the village where I was walked; I do not remember from which the stations went. At that time, I thought so little of importance in my criminal rolling, which, having left the church, fell asleep, and woke up the other day in the morning, on the third station. The servant, who was then with me, died in a campaign, so I don't have and hoped to find the one that I fought so cruelly, and which is now so cruelly removed.
Marya Gavrilovna : (grabbing his hand) My God, my God! So it was you! And you will not recognize me?
Author : Burmin pale ... And rushed to her legs ... The end.

Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son, glorious and mighty Bogatira, Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and the beautiful princess swans. Here he decreased to the point,
Mosquito fisted
Flew and wrote down
The ship caught up to the sea
Slowly lowered
On the ship - and in the gap burst.
The wind has fun noise
Ship fun running
Past the island of Bujan
To the kingdom of glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
That was already visible.
Guests left ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And behind them to the palace
Flying our delets.
Sees: All shining in the Chilt,
Tsar Saltan sits in the ward
On the throne and in the crown
With the sad duma on the face;
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Near the king sitting
And he looks into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan guests plant
For your table and promotes:
"Oh you, Guests-Lord,
Long went? where to?
Well, for the sea il bad?
And what in the light of the miracle? "
Shippers in response:
"We traveled all the world;
Behind the sea, life is not bad,
In the light of what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was cool,
Non-private, not residential;
He lay empty plains;
Grew up the oak tree on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace,
With gold-shameful churches
With termes and gardens,
And the prince of Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow. "
Tsar Saltan divided miracle;
He picks up: "Kohl I will live,
The wonderful island will visit
In Guidon, please ".
And tipples with the cook,
Babarica Baba
Don't want to put it
Wonderful island visit.
"I'm wondering, well, right, -
Winking to others
The cook says -
City by the sea stands!
Know, this is not a bass:
Spruce in the forest, under the fir protein,
Squirrel song sings
And nuts all nibble
And nuts are not simple,
All gold shells,
Nuclei - pure emerald;
That's what a miracle is called. "
Miracle king Saltan is divided
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And dug a mosquito just
Aunt straight into the right eye.
The cook turned pale
Spearled and cried.
Servants, torture and sister
Catching a mosquito.
"Watching you midge!
We are! .. "And he is in the window
Yes, calmly in my lot
Across the sea flew.

Nikolay Gogol

They approached the church and joined the wooden vaults under her dilapidation, which showed how little the ruler of the estate about God and his soul. Jaws and Dorosh still retired, and the philosopher remained alone. Everything was the same. Everything was in the same concern. He stopped for a minute. In the midst, everything still stood the coffin of a terrible witch. "I'm not afraid, God, I'm not afraid!" - He said and, out the circle appearance, began to remember all his spells. Silence was terrible; Candles trembled and poured the whole church with light. The philosopher turned one sheet, then turned over the other and noticed that he reads not at all what was written in the book. He turned off with fear and began to sing. It somewhat encouraged him: reading went ahead, and the sheets flashed one by one. Suddenly ... Among the silence ... A coffin was burst with a crash and the dead rose. It was even more terrible than the first time. His teeth terribly hit a row on a row, his lips were cast in convulsions, and, wildly swinging, spells suffered. Vikhore climbed the church, the icons came to the ground, flew down the baked glass of the windows. The doors were broken from the loop, and the unmeasant power of monsters flew into God's church. The terrible noise from the wing and from the scratch of claws filled the whole church. Everything flew and rushed, looking everywhere in a philosopher.

Homa came out of his head the last rest of the hop. He was only baptized yes, he read as a prayer fell. And at the same time heard the unclean force rushing around him, almost engaged in its ends of the wings and disgusting tails. He did not have a spirit to see them; I saw only how a huge monster was standing in the whole wall in her confused hair, as in the forest; Through the hair network looked scary two eyes, raising a little up eyebrows. Over it was held in the air something in the form of a huge bubble, with a thousand outstretched from the middle of the ticks and scorpion. Black Earth hung on them by flocks. Everyone looked at him, I was looking for and could not see it surrounded by the mysterious circle.

- Bring Viya! Go for VIEM! - Dramed words of the dead man.

And suddenly there was silence in the church; Wolf's overestimation was heard away, and soon heavier steps sounded around the church were heard; Looking at a skeleton, he saw that he had some squat, duplicate, a closure man. All was he in black earth. As a housing, strong roots, her legs and hands were outpathed. It is hard to step, it is fucked by cooling. Long eyelids omitted to the earth. With horror, I noticed Homa that the face was on it iron. He was brought under his arms and straightly set themselves to the place where Khoma stood.

- Love the eyelids: I do not see! - said to the underground voice, - and all the summacre rushed to raise him the eyelids.

"Do not look!" - whispered some inner voice to a philosopher. He did not suffer and looked.

- Here it is! - shouted Viy and failed the iron finger on him. And everything, as it was, rushed to the philosopher. Sugarlessly burst into Earth, and immediately flew the spirit of him from fear.

There was a loop cry. It was already a second cry; The first heard the gnomes. Frightened perfume rushed, who fell, in the windows and the door, to fly as soon as possible, but it was not there: so they stayed there, weighing in the doors and windows. The priest stopped at the sight of such a decree of God's shrines and did not dare to serve a memorial service in such a place. So forever and there was a church with monsters bracing in the doors and windows, he covered with forests, roots, bungyan, wild thorns; And no one will now find the road to her.

Favorite Music Works and Musication

Some statements from other branches on home musication:

Music lovers:

I play piano different classic works. Strange, but I only play a classic! Maybe because it is easier to play it? And listen only to modern stylish music and only through (or how to say it) a very good tape recorder (because of the sound, of course).

From the fact that I play the piano - my favorite is the Mozart "Two early Menuet in F-Major", "Sonata No. 15 in Du-major." This is a hypnotic! (My former and current American husbands instantly fall asleep under this music. Naturally, I do not play it for the night!). This is a sedative medicine, it is psychotherapy, it is a rest for the mind, it's a light, beautiful, magical music!

My favorite is also the "Moon Sonata" Beethoven. This is a difficult serious work that requires good technique. When I play it, I feel proud of myself! (Many play the "lunar sonata" can not). Need a long training.

I play a lot of things. And Menueta Baha, of course, love Serenad Schubert (play), "Eliza". "Polak" Tchaikovsky, "Waltz in Mi-Flat Major" Tchaikovsky- Pereleg !!! ... full of all.

How good that I can play well on the piano! (I play all the truth only on notes, I do not remember anything)

And how wonderful on Christmas Eve play Christmas music. Here in America, many collections with Christmas music, songs .... they are very beautiful and lungs.

2. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 148)
What is interesting, what kind of clever ... success you are in improving the game on the piano (piano, piano), you can always find a job ... and this should unail additional confidence.

3. janet. (ibid, comments 150)

To: Olga Taevskaya: What do you love and play you? It is very interesting to me!

to all:

And in general I wonder who playing.

Write please. I will try too. Only not well known and generally accepted, but yours (I appeal to everyone) Favorite. What you do not listen to .., but play yourself.

By the way, I adore to listen to another person (if plays without mistakes, of course), sit next to the piano and look at the hands.

But I do not like to listen to the radio 99% of symphonic music! (classic)

4. Olga_Taevskaya (ibid, comments 156)
"And what do you love and play you? I am very interested!"

Improvisation on the melodies you like. I choose the melodies for hearing and love to make my arrangement. It happens, notes are sold (soundtracks for films or collections from popular topics), favorite plays from the collections of popular music, jazz collections.

Favorites (were before, now I play a little, the Internet magazine will take almost almost the time):
Mozart. Fantasy Fa Minor, Sonatas, Turkish Rondo from Sonata La Major
Beethoven Sonatas, to Elise
Rachmaninov - Elegy, Preludes. Italian polka
Chopin (Waltza, Nocturns)
Saint Santa Swan
Schubert "Serenade"
Schubert. Musical moment
Mendelssohn - Songs without words
Verdi - Arrangement of Opera Melodies for Flan
Tango of different authors, blues
Music from movies
Brahms. Hungarian dance 5.
Sviridov, romance from music to the story A. Pushkin Misel
Grieg (Per Gunt, Sonata, Poet's Heart)
Popular melodies from operetta.
Monty, Chardash
Leaf Hungarian Rhapsodia
Phoebe, Poem for Piano
Walves Strauss.
Etudes Burgmüller
Glinka and other rus. Composers (variations):
Glinka - "Lark", "among the valley of the flat"
Gendel Passacking
Tchaikovsky. Seasons. Walves, ballet music and other topics.
Shnitke (trying to play sonata, but listening to his music is still more :-)
Dog - Waltz from k / f "My tender and gentle beast"
Waltz Griboyedov
Valsa Tchaikovsky
Berkovic - Variations on Paganini
Glinka, nocturne "separation"
List is infinite ...

He loved reading from a sheet (minimum notes and maximum sounds) :-)

If you like to look at the hands of pianists - you can use the link:\u003dpiano+play&search_type\u003d&aq\u003df.

5. Janet.
To Olga Taevskaya:

This is a serious already list of works! I, Girl, I will be easier ... Much ...

By the way, I had a period in my life (after Music. Schelch), when I hated to play. And many, many years did not sit on the piano. And ... only after many years suddenly wanted to play! So interesting!

Everything remembered quickly. Somewhere in the brain, everything is still preserved if he spent on "something" a lot of time and effort.

Now I play with pleasure

6. Olga_Taevskaya
The list is more likely that or played freely or tried to execute periodically, or taught to perform ... with varying success. Something knew by heart ... In general, these are works that were constantly at hand in my library and who preferred to play during musication for the mood.

I remember after the break. Yes, it is in dancing after a long break the technique is not restored completely. Pianists are restored.
Just two weeks to play the gamma, stretching exercises, and again the fingers ran :-) Well, before making and improvisation, it is necessary to play well, then you can play complex plays from the sheet. In general, even simple music is a lot of work and high costs and time.

I wish you to musitize the muse appear with you as often as possible!

Do you compose songs? Or sing under your accompaniment? I love to light candles, the company - and sing something like "There are days when you lower your hands ..." - there are beautiful things there are beautiful. Or something no less romantic ...

Here I found another walker for Musication beautiful:
A.Petrov, Waltz from the film "Petersburg Secrets"
There, kids play in 4 hands - very cleanly played and inspired and ascetic.
Just smart

Most modern parents whose children learn at school are wondering: why do writings write on the music lesson? Let even this will be an essay on a musical work! Absolutely fair doubt! After all, another 10-15 years ago, the music lesson was assumed not only singing, music literacy, but also listening to music (if the teacher had technical opportunities for this).

A modern music lesson is needed not only to teach a child to the right singing and knowledge of notes, but also feel, understanding, analyzing heard. To properly describe music, you need to work out several important items. But about this after, and first an example of writing on a musical work.

Essay of student of the 4th grade

Of all the musical works, the greatest impression in my soul left the play by V.E. Motzart "Rondo in the Turkish style".

The work begins immediately in the rapid pace, the sound of violins is heard. I imagine two puppies, which from different sides run to one delicious bone.

In the second part of Rondo, the music becomes more solemnly, loud percussion instruments are heard. Some moments are repeated. It seems like puppies, grabbing her teeth, begin to drag it, everyone.

The final part of the play is very melodic and lyrical. You can hear how the piano keys run. And my imaginary puppies stopped quarrel and calmly lay down on the grass, tester up.

I really liked this work by the fact that it, as a small story, is interesting and unusual.

How to write an essay on a musical work?

Preparation for writing essay

  1. Listening to music. It is impossible to write an essay on a musical work if it is not listening at least 2-3 times.
  2. Thinking heard. After the last sounds subsided, it is necessary to sit in silence a little, fixing all the stages of the work in memory, arranging everything on the shelves.
  3. Be sure to determine the overall.
  4. Planning. The composition necessarily should have accession, the main part and conclusion. In joining, it can be written about what product was listened to, a few words about the composer.
  5. The main part of the writing on a musical work will be fully built on the play itself.
  6. It is very important when drawing up a plan to make a note for yourself than music begins, which tools, quiet or loud sound, which is heard in the middle, which ending.
  7. In the last paragraph, it is very important to convey your feelings and emotions about the listened one.

Writing an essay on a musical work - how many words should be?

And in the first, and in the second grade, children talk about music orally. From the third grade, you can already begin to leave your thoughts on paper. In 3-4 class, the writing should be from 40 to 60 words. Students 5-6 classes have a greater supply of words and can write about 90 words. And the extensive experience of seven and eight-graders will allow you to describe the play with 100-120 words.

An essay on a musical work should be divided into several paragraphs in meaning. It is advisable not to build too big suggestions so as not to get confused in the signs of punctuation.

When listening to musical works, many people draw certain images, I am no exception. These images in the head do not depend on the environment of a person or its condition, they are drawn by pressing the keys or twitching behind the string, etc.

I recently listened to the music composition of Wolfang Mozart "Rondo in Turkish style". And that's what I imagine in my head: Evening. Quiet calm street, a circle of nor soul. Suddenly, playful raindrops one after another fall to the ground. Even faster and faster, these droplets - girlfriends turn into a strong shower. Rain, dripping and knocking on the roof, creates not the most pleasant feeling. All people have repaired windows in the houses. Naughty rain walked all night. Morning came. The majestic sun rolled out on the horizon. It just rose, and people had already opened all windows and doors. Children happily ran to the street. Adults also enjoy the rays of the sun.

During the work, I clearly hear the changing sounds of piano. In frequent keystrokes - playful droplets, and in a solemn game after the clutch - the majestic sun.

I think that any, listening to this composition, will be able to enjoy the playing of the keys and will understand that you should not worry because of life troubles, because the sun will still be asleep in the morning.

Smirnova Valery

When I overline the musical work "Rondo in the Turkish style" V. A. Mozart, then I feel pleasure. The picture in my head makes me think about life.

It seems to me a stream flowing through a small slope. The droplets are shimmer into the light and blink under the warm rays of the spring sun. In crystal clear water, fish splashes with a bright color of the scales. The rod is as if gaining momentum and runs faster and faster.

And I think about how often our life is fleeting. What is it wonderful!

Karamnova Arina 8 B class.

Music work "Rondo in the Turkish style" V. A. Mozart I really liked. I closed my eyes and plunged into her images. I have introduced a small, unsure of my girl who, shy, timidly dancing in the garden.

Music becomes faster, solemn. The girl gradually ceases to be shy, its movements are open. It represents itself a ballerina on the scene of the theater.

In the final part, the melody becomes quieter, lyrical. The girl is tired, her dance comes to an end.

It seems to me that the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition is that each of us enjoyed life, because it is so quick.

Smirnova Daria 8 g.

While listening to the musical composition of Wolfang Mozart "Rondo in Turkish style", I closed my eyes and saw ...

Summer. Evening. Lonely gazebo in the garden. Roses grow around. Inside - the lantern, which flies moths. Bushes with a wonderful aroma pegs in the wind. Near the arbor, the tropic path, quickly running away. I run through her and I turn out to be a big house similar to medieval castles. From there, music is heard. I look inside through the window and see majestic ladies and cavaliers, walning in the center of the hall. Suddenly the melody breaks down, and I open my eyes.

It turns out that all of the seven notes composers create a whole world for the listener. Beautiful, extraordinary and immense. And there is no barriers to enjoy them.

Grebennikova Alena 8 g.

When I close my eyes and give will an imagination when listening to the musical composition of Wolfang Mozart "Rondo in Turkish style", then my consciousness draws an employee.

I see the court letters, their cavaliers, many servants. They are all mocked in fuss, apparently waiting for the arrival of some very important and expensive guests. In the center of the room is a huge oak table with massive legs. On it all sorts of treatments, and it seems that everything is perfect, but still the ladies in lush dresses are clumsily run and move everything from place to place.

Suddenly everyone unexpectedly frozen. And so, the long-awaited guest entered the hall. The great feast began on the whole world.

I think that everyone, regardless of the well-being or time of the year, will feel, thanks to Mozart, the comicness of the everyday bustle of people before the arrival of God.

Pyatnitkov Elizavetta 8 g class.