Why do children love fairy tales. Why do we love fairy tales? Is it worth learning children yourself to invent fairy tales

Why do children love fairy tales. Why do we love fairy tales? Is it worth learning children yourself to invent fairy tales
Why do children love fairy tales. Why do we love fairy tales? Is it worth learning children yourself to invent fairy tales

It turns out that not all parents are aware of the meaning of fairy tales for children. In the UK, 25% of the newly surveyed parents stated that they do not read fairy tales to children under five, because they are not taught anything to them, they teach badly or just too scary. For example, one of the reasons why some parents do not read by their children a fairy tale "Three Bear" is that this fairy tale, in their opinion, gradually teaches children to steal - that's good. Unlikely. Rather, it is possible to interpret the message in it in it somewhat differently: do not carry in someone else's house, because the family of bears can live there. Or to interpret more positively.

The value of fairy tales

"If you want your children to be smart, read the fairy tales. If you want them to be more smarter, read them more fairy tales "(Albert Einstein).

1. Fairy tales teach children to cope with problems. We learn from fabulous characters even in adulthood. Fabulous heroes help us, because we associate their peripetia with our own lives, dreams, anxieties and reflect on how we entered in their place. Fairy tales help children learn to understand this life and navigate it.

"Fairy tales do not tell children about the existence of dragons. Children already know that the dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be defeated "(Gilbert Keith Chesterton).

2. Fairy tales develop emotional stability.Fairy tales tell about the real problems fabriced with almost every person, and do it delicately, with the help of fantastic plots, in which the protagonist most often triumphs (with the exception of the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers.) Staying in a safe family of a native family, children must understand for themselves that bad can happen to each. Why? No one is insured against problems - that is why we need to disclose the potential of our children. In fact, there are two options: either we help them to pump them "emotional muscles" so that they can use them in difficult times, or we constantly protect children, making them so weak that they become unable to cope with any problem requiring peaceful forces .

3. Tales teach us a spoken language (cultural literacy and rules). We encounter fairy tales in various paraphrases and pantomimes, they help us understand allegorical expressions and delicately express their opinions. We breathe them. We know them.

4. Fairy tales erase intercultural boundaries. In many cultures there are common for all fairy tales, such as, for example, Cinderella, having their special cultural flavor. We read different versions and understand that for all of us is characterized by a very important feature - the need to gain a meaning of life through a certain history and hope for the victory of good evil.

5. Fairy tales teach to understand the structure of the story. Fairy tales teach to understand the foundations of any story - time and place of action, characters and plot (ties, climax and junction), as well as understand the difference between artistic and scientific literature. When a child understands the principles of the story, it develops his ability to predict and understand the meaning of other stories he reads.

6. Tales develop a child's imagination.

"When I analyze myself and my thinking methods, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy means more for me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking" (Albert Einstein).

7. Fairy tales give opportunities to train children critical thinking skills. You can just hate Disney "Mermaid". The girl who refuses the sake of the boy from life itself is unlikely to become an example for imitation for daughters. Even the original version shows, at first glance, a weak woman who dies for the sake of a man (at least suffers from the consequences!) .

But ... This does not mean that it is necessary to prohibit children to read stories about the mermaid. Parental attempt to protect the child will not teach his critical thinking skills. And the disclosure of information and the conversation directed to the right track will certainly teach!

8. Tales teach lessons. Use fairy tales to teach your child moral lessons. What a child can learn from "Ruslana and Lyudmila"? And from Cinderella and Cat in Boots?

So, are there too scary fairy tales for children? Sometimes.

  • You must take into account the age and level of child development. We do not read two-year children's fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the original, where the prince is blind and bloody, because children will not understand it anyway. Use your parent logic. Let the children also express their own judgments - they can tell you if they consider this fairy tale too scary or not.
  • When reading fairy tales, you need to take into account the time of the day. Perhaps some fairy tales should not read for the night. Well, read them in the day!

It is not necessary to exclude fairy tales from the life of the child just because some of them are scary or non-precipitate. You can always find adapted versions of fairy tales that are more suitable for your child and your family.

Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. In our usual reality, there are not enough wonders and magic. In pursuit of material values, we are drowning in Routine, we begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experiencing stress and dream of at least an hour to escape there, where the fantasy is able to draw a different from the usual world, where the dreams become a jaw, and good will definition evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic for them are as real as for us the next grandilage at work or morning traffic jam. They do not just believe in them, they are convinced, then the world is worn out of magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Consequently, reading fabulous stories for kids is not an escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality into a fictional universe). This is the continuation of what they see around. And the task of a modern storytemer is to make it so that, on the one hand, do not kill the dream, and on the other - to fill your work with realism: perpetual values, real rules, understanding of the events that occur, describing the surrounding reality. In a word, it is necessary to combine pleasant with useful, and in no case cannot disrupt the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if the reality becomes too much, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will be empty and will lose its main point: to learn and transfer the accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once ancient people told them to each other by the fire, often writing right on the go. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, errors. Thus, the kids were entertained and received the first lessons of life, which perhaps more important than all school sessions combined. Fairy tales contain not only entertainment and training components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and postponed in mind with all the morality, which contains. And this perfectly understood our ancestors.

Traditions continued the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems affected by the obstellers changed. It should be noted that the work from the past often contemporaries seem to be dark, and ideas expressed in them are able to injury the mental children of the twenty-first century. Therefore, very often classic books are modified, reduced and even rewrite. Is it correct? The question is about the answer to which you can argue for a very long time. But if you want to avoid disputes and read the original book to your children, safer will take the creation of a modern writer who understands our realities and features of the psyche of the girls and the new generation boys.

The author whose creativity deserves close attention, is Natalia Mosina. Her book "How Katya and Masha in a fairy tale went," which came out in May of this year in the publishing house "Union of Writers", very nice, kind, magical. It is full of magic and adventures, there is a dream to which you can strive, and hope leading forward, like a savory lighthouse in the night. Heroes came out charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, be friends, feel respect for the elders. Higher human values, tested by time, presents the public Natalia Mosina. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And once, they themselves decided to find the road to the world of miracles, the door in which not everyone will decide. They met the Good Fairy, met a wise storyteller and went to their own fairy tale, where they are waiting for the discovery, adventures and, of course, danger.

Purchase a book for children "like Katya and Masha in a fairy tale went" in the online stores "# Book" and "Children's book" stores.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children is very large. Why? Let's think. Who among us does not like fairy tales? Of course, everyone loves. The tale is something good, cozy and interesting, what brings us back into childhood. Each writer considers his duty to write at least one small story where good wins evil, and love triumphs over sadness and misfortune. Fairy tales will always be in fashion, they will be shielded and redoing to a new way, only one will remain unchanged - their role in the development and development of the child's personality.

Why is the fairy tale so important for the development of children?

The role of a fairy tale in the life of a child understands all parents, but do they read them their children? Listen these small instructive stories and interesting, and informative. A long time, smart professors and psychologists have proven that they develop fantasy, memory, thinking and, of course, we are talking, and we are speaking correct and beautiful, so the role of fairy tales in the raising of children is so great. It is through fairy tales that any baby first faces such concepts as "good" and "evil", realizing that it wins in the end.

Boring conversations and morals of parents are not interested in the child, but the same thing in the "fabulous" form will allow him to look at it on the other side. But modern mothers and dads often do not find time to read fairy tales, not understanding that this clearly will not benefit the child, will not give him to develop and understand the world around him fully. At the same time, about the role of fairy tales in the development of children, everything is argued by everything and always.

The role of fairy tales in the development of children is difficult to overestimate. On their basis, the guys learn to represent and understand the heroes, worry and rejoice at them, study new and incomprehensible words that enrich them speech, making it alive, bright and emotional. There is no doubt that those children who early began to read fairy tales, it does not matter, they understood the meaning or not, they previously began to speak, competently making their speech. The basics of behavior and communication are also laid during reading and listening to fairy tales.

The fairy tale is very important not only for the development of speech or thinking, it helps to relieve stress or psychological problem that even has the smallest children. They are able to destroy the children's psyche, disrupting her formation. How do fairy tales solve such problems?

For this purpose, whole theatrical performances and role-playing games are played, because no wonder among children is so popular with a puppet theater, and in kindergartens and schools there are real dramatic circles and theatrical studios. It is necessary to pay attention to what the characters choose your actor, whether he is happy with the happy end of the fairy tale, and who will associate himself and others.

Choose the "right" fairy tale for your child

Now parents are very serious, sometimes even too, suitable for choosing books for their children, since many modern authors create such works. What questions ask parents when choosing a fairy tale?

  1. How to choose fairy tales so that they match the age and develop a child?
  2. Why do kids more like animal fairy tales?
  3. Do you help fairy tales to solve any problems of the child?
  4. Is all fairy tales "equally useful"?
  5. What is the role of fairy tales in the development of children?
  6. At what age can you start reading books with magic fairy tales with a confusing plot?

Of course, each parent may have their own questions regarding the choice of books and fairy tales for a child, because all the children are individual, which is not talking. Answers to all these questions can be found by realizing how the baby develops at a certain age. The role of fairy tales in the development of the baby is large, regardless of this factor.

Mom starts talking to the child from the first days of his life. In the first year after birth, the baby perceives the lullabies, sweatshirts, small poems, lettellows, in general, everything that helps him develop, move and know everything around him. After a year, the child is able to understand and memorize the simple actions of the heroes and their names (names). From year to 3 years, the kids love fairy tales about animals, because to perceive the confusing relationship of adults and their world is still hard. The role of a fairy tale in raising children at this stage is especially important.

The tale never gives direct instructions, which does not like some child, it only gives images to help learn about the dangers of the world. The kids imitate their favorite fabulous heroes, taking their role on themselves. By the age of 5, our little fantasies are able to come up with and make up the whole plot reading fairy tales to him, and it is now that magic fairy tales will be interested in any child.

You can already read "serious" fairy tales or fairy tales for girls and boys, but be attentive, the child should not have the misconception of the world. Modern fairy tales sin too vivid images of various robots, transformers, non-existent items and others, "God for what", characters.

Older children love interesting fairy tales that will develop intellectual abilities, hiding his personality. At this age, the guys already understand where the reality, and where fantasy, and something can advise on their own. At the end of the fairy tale, it is necessary to discuss with the child read, find out whether everything is clear to him, so the relationship between parents and children goes to the first positions.

The role of a fairy tale in the life of a child

In order for the role of a fairy tale in the child's life, it is really high, you need to buy books where there are fairy tales with an open plot, because you can come up with your storyline lines, think of the final, interesting parents and their children. So you can adjust the development of the child, improve confidence in your forces and your future. It is important that the fairy tale has a meaning that is understandable to the child and that she helps find him a way out of difficult situations and problems.

Read fairy tales is important and necessary! The old good fairy tales play a huge role in the life of their little readers. You can not only read them, but also invent your own stories, learning what is interesting to the child. That is how the guys develop, know the world around, and we, parents, become closer to our children!

Everything else, fairy tales are remarkable to establish a connection between the child and his parents. What could be a nice and more pleasant for the child, what to spend the evening with mom, who reads him a fairy tale? And if the mother will also explain the actions of the heroes, to share their opinion or recognize the opinion of the child, then besides a pleasant pastime, it will also bring huge benefits.

In essentially, the fairy tale is simple and understandable, especially folk, because they were the centuries, passing out of mouth to mouth. At the heart of all fairy tales - confrontation of good and evil, stupidity and mind, beauty and deformity, and therefore fairy tales are an ideal example for the first steps in our lives. Fairy tales are filled with alluzia and repetitions, they are mythologous - this is one of the reasons why children love fairy tales. For example, the Fairy Tale of Koichijoroshko about the boy who defeated the Snake Gorynych. But in the world literature such fairy tales set. Russian, Ukrainian, French - all of them are based on myths who have many-many years. As a child, the child reaches something native and understandable - this is their way of self-preservation, because they are so vulnerable at this age.

Fairy tales are very beautiful and magic is present in them. On the one hand, they are understandable and simple, and on the other hand there is always a miracle. As if there were no pain and evil, and if there is still there, it is weak and it is easy to defeat it. Starting to listen to fairy tales, children open the door to the magic country, where magic lives, and the animals can speak. It is easy to believe in such a way, you can easily realize playing, it's nice to live with it.

In his head, the child puts items, toys, animals, plants with living human characters, because it is important for him that all his fears and joy are expressed and personified. Dangers and some problems in the child are usually associated with dragons or monsters, whom brave fabulous heroes must definitely defeat. Thus, a children's fairy tale, after reading the child himself or his parents, provides a beneficial psychological effect - frees from negative emotions and various experiences.

Each reading is on the fact that a session of psychotherapeutic assistance to the baby, since the "adult" world is in itself a lot of dangers and the baby often afraid of them. Despite the fact that parents take a child, the baby is still facing something new and incomprehensible every day, and this does not always end with a feeling of joy and delight. Sometimes tested fear and stress requires an exit, and a fairy tale, in this sense, plays one of the key roles. A fairy tale can teach the baby to overcome difficulties, defeat enemies, not be afraid of dangers and hope for the best.

Although the text of the fairy tale is simple, but it is always very meaningful as it concerns images. The child can develop the ability to dream, and the imagination becomes richer. Due to the small age, the child has some restrictions that may interfere with some emotions, but in a fabulous reality, everything can be easily survived, dreaming and fantasizing. Children love fairy tales, because the fairy tale for a child is a reality in which he does not feel a defenseless little child, there is a person, growing and developing.

What do we read kids? Fairy tales. What grandmothers tell grandchildren? Fairy tales. What are the ideas like children most? Fabulous. What heroes are accompanied in childhood? From fairy tales!

Why is fairy tales so important and needed? Experts of the publishing house "Clover" are told.

1. The fairy tale is the most understandable way to find out what life is and how to "contact" with it.

2. It is in a fairy tale a relationship between people and life situations - love, friendship, deception, joy, sadness ...

3. Fabulous images are very unequivocal - good, bad, kind, angry, greedy, generous, smart, stupid. No "halftone", incomprehensible kid.

4. In the fairy tale always wins well. And this is necessary to the child in order not to be afraid. When you are sure that good win, you feel free to go ahead!

5. In the fairy tale, they rule good business - hard work, mind, generosity. It's easy to understand what you need to be, so that everything works.

6. In fairy tales a lot of repetitions. Kolobok equally "leaving" from everyone in turn, the repka was pulling, gradually increasing the "team" (mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, etc.), in the teremok, the beasts were the same in the same way (someone in the terchemok Lives?). Children love repetition. Firstly, the repetitions help them memorize a fairy tale, and secondly, children like to learn something already known - it speaks of stability and predictability, which soothe kids so much.

7. A child who believes in a fairy tale believes in good, and this helps him smile peace and not be afraid.

8. In fairy tales - the wisdom of the centuries, which is so lacking in a modern little "material" world.

What does a girl know from fairy tales?

It is necessary to be kind and hardworking, like Nastya from Morozko. You need to be able to take care, help others, wish to people happiness. Because the lazy and envious evil girls at the end of the fairy tales always get merit.

You need to be grateful. As a girl from the fairy tale "Gus-Swans", which thanked Jablocks for the apples, the stove - for the pies. Modern children get used to getting everything immediately. And in fairy tales, nothing is just like that, and you need to know how to say "Thank you."

Bridegroom needs to be checked. Can the prince be able to pass all the complex tests for the sake of princess? (This, of course, is not for babies, but in the head useful wisdom will still be deposited).

What does a boy know from fairy tales?

You need to be noble. Help weak, take care. That prince who will help Pike will give his lunch and save someone, at the end will surely receive mutual assistance in the tests.

Do not fear difficulties. In all fairy tales, men without deliberation go on travel, looking for or tested. A man is not afraid, a man is ready to overcome difficulties, risk, even the one who first lay on the furnace. Such qualities will help the boy to feel like a man in the future.

Just like the girls, the fairy tale teaches to check the grooms, the boys tale learns to test the brides. Can you bake a loaf, can it come to the house if you can sew a dress? Woman should be business and smart. That's what a tale teacher teacher.

Several tips parents

Read the fairy tale along with the child at least 10-15 minutes every day and not necessarily before bedtime. Let the reading of the fairy tale be your tradition.

After reading, be sure to ask questions: what conclusions did a child, what moment he liked, and which is not.

Try to turn a fairy tale in the game. In this you can easily help the set "Theater on the table" from publishing house "clover ". It's not just a book, this is a whole box, with which the world of fairy tales come to life. There and the scene, the scenes, and the figures of the heroes, and the tales themselves. Read them with the child, and then arrange a real theater on the table.

Offer the child to draw your favorite heroes from fairy tales, as he represents them. This exercise develops fantasy, helps to learn to think no standard and creatively.