Scenario for literature in school. Extracurricular Event on Literature

Scenario for literature in school. Extracurricular Event on Literature

Lead 1. In the history of each country there are unforgettable memorable dates. For years, generations are changing, new people go to the historic arena, but there is a memory of those events, without which there is no genuine history. 190 years old separate us from the harsh student day, when the best sons of Russia went to the Senate Square in order for the price of his life to wake the fortress Russia. Senate Square and Chernigov Regiment became historical and cultural symbols. It is enough to pronounce these phrases and have mixed feelings: pride and sadness, the first for the conscious speech for freedom, the second, the first tragic defeat.

Lead 2.: The uprising on December 14, 1825 in the Senate Square in St. Petersburg was suppressed. According to the sentence of the Supreme Criminal Court, five Decembrists (p. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyev, Apostle, M. Bestuzhevnoye-Ryummin, P. Kakhovsky) on the night of July 13, 1826 were hanged. 25 people are exiled for permafrost, dozens of Decembrists for labor workers for a period of 20 years. The price paid for the first revolutionaries for trying to transform Russia was very high. Gloomy and raw headsets of the Petropavlovsk Fortress, Katorga and a Perennial Link.

Lead 1:And soon one after another, by the same infinite Siberian path headed the female of the Decembrists

Lead 1.:verse

Lead 2.:verse

Lead 1.How young they were then as charming feminine ...

Slide 4 song and video from k / f "Admirals" - "Love and separation"

Slide 5 Trubetskaya

Lead1: The first went to Siberia twenty-year-old daughter of Count Laval, Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya.

Scene conversation with king (agree, I agree ...)


Nikolay 1. . The wife, following his husband, becomes involved in his fate, loses the previous titles, is made by the wife of the refrigerant.

Princess Trubetskaya: agree

Nicholas1: Children who will come in Siberia will go to the factory peasants.

Princess: agree

Nicholas 1: Neither the sums of money nor things are impossible to take

Princess: agree

Nicholas1: Do not search for meetings with my husband, except for two times a week, do not pass your husband any things, money, papers, ink. Not to write to anyone, not to send, not receive letters

Princess: agree

Nicholas1: Date with my husband only in the Arrest dress

Princess: agree

Nicholas1: If criminals are criminal, terrible people, mired in vice, abruptly over you or kill, the authorities are not responsible.

Princess: agree. I am ready to pass seven hundred versts who separate me from her husband, on the stage shoulder to the shoulder with the convicts. Please send me today!

Trubetskaya: Already known to your Excellency. The desire for mine is to divide the fate of my unfortunate husband. I repeat to you that I refuse all earthly goods and with a clean and peaceful consideration, voluntarily transfer myself humiliation, poverty and all the difficulties of sorting existence.

Lead 1:

Lands, durable and easy

On a divorce

Graph itself - Father more than once, not two

He tried first,

Six horses in it were injected

The lantern inside him lit.

Count pillows itself corrected,

Bear cavity to legs Sllal

Creating prayer, samples

Hung on the right corner

And - buried ...

Princess - Daughter.

Somewhere rides this night ...

Farewell scene with father


"Yes, we are glad to be a heart in half

friend, but, native,

Tell me what to do us more?

Will you help me!

One who could help us

Now ... Sorry, forgive!

Bless native daughter

And with the world let go!

God gaze, will see you again,

Alas, no hope!

Sorry and know your love,

Your last covenant

I will remember deep

In the distant side ...

I do not cry, but not easy

To break up to me!

Oh, he sees God! But the debt is different

And higher and more difficult

My call ... Forgive, native!

In vain words do not!

Far my way, hard my way,

Scary fate my

But steel I dressed my chest ...

Be proud - I'm your daughter

Lead 1.: Two weeks have received permission. In Krasnoyarsk, the carriage broke, fell ill. The princess continues one way, in Tarantas. In Irkutsk, the governor intimidated it for a long time, demands another written renunciation from all rights.

Society of conversation with the governor

In Nerchinsk! Stay!

I came to meet you.

Tell me to give me horses!

Please take an hour. Our road is so bad

You need to rest...

Thank you! I'm strong ...

Near my way ...

All will be a verst to eight hundred

And the main trouble: the road is worse here,

Dangerous riding! .. Two words you need to tell

By service, - and more

I had the happiness of the graph to know,

Seven years served with him.

Father your rare person

In the heart, by the mind

Imprinted in the shower forever

Appreciation to him

To the services of his daughter

I am ready ... I have all your ...

But I do not need anything!

(Warning the door to the senia.)

Is the crew?

As long as I do not order,

He will not be served ...

So order ... I ask...

But there is a hook here:

With last mail sent

What is in it: don't I get to return?

Yes, it would be more rare.

No ... I will not decide to say ...

But the path is still far ...

So what is the gift and chat!

Is my news ready?

Not! I have not ordered ...

Princess! Here I am the king!

Sit down! I already said.

What I knew the count inlet,

And the graph ... even though he let you go,

According to his kindness,

But your departure killed him ...

Return quickly!

Not! that once decided

I will fulfill to the end!

I tell you funny

How I love my father,

How he loves. But the debt is different

And above and holy

I call me. My torch!

Let's horses!

Let me. I agree myself

That roads every hour

But it's well known to you

What awaits you?

Besle our side,

And that - even the poores

In short, our spring,

Winter is still longer.

Yes-s, eight months winter

There - do you know?

... believe me, you will not spare

No one spin!

Let your husband - he is to blame ...

And you tolerate ... for what?

Terrible will, I know,

My husband's life.

Let and my

Not happy him!

Be so! You will not save, alas! ..

But know: Having done this step,

Just lose you!

"Why do I still lose ??

For her husband, pokakav,

You renew sign

Must from your right!

Not! I'm not a root,

Take them soon!

Where is the refill? Site!

And lively horses! ..?

To sign this paper!

What are you? .. My God!

After all, it means the beggar to become

And the woman is simple!

I do not have the right to you,

Princess, horses! You will behave in the stage

Corree ...

Why don't you say? ..

I would have shown for a long time ...

Tell me a party to chose

I am going! I do not care!..

Sorry! Yes, I tormented you

But tormented himself

But strict i had an order

Personal barriers!

I can't, I do not want

Tyrand more than you ...

I am three days to do you there ...

(Warning the door, screaming.)

Hey! Pack now! ..

Lead 2: Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya was the daughter of Count Ivan Stepanovich Laval,. Ekaterina Ivanovna's mother owned a large copper-smelting plant, golden tying and several estates. Palace of footwear on the English embankment shone with the elegant beauty and luxury of the decoration. Contemporaries hit the magnificence of points that were given in this house. They had the whole Petersburg to know, Emperor Alexander I

Slide 6 Cavaliergard

Slide 7 Siberia, mines ...

Trubetskaya: Arriving in Nerchinsk, I took off a little hut opposity of a cauldron prison. The hut is so small that you lie down your head against the wall - legs rest in the door, wake up in the morning - the hair was squeezed against the wall. I limited my nutrition - soup and porridge for lunch, breakfasts and dinners were canceled at all.

Lead 1. 13 years of life in prison headsets passed. By that time, the family consisted of three daughters and a small son. In 1839, the cautor's term of the Decembrists convicted in the first category was completed. But the king did not let them. The family settled in a small village of Oek near Irkutsk. The years of the links undermined the health of the princess.

Release lamp

Lead 2. The House of Trubetsky with the death of Princess stood like a dead one. In 1856, Trubetskoy was allowed to go to Russia. When he left, he was accompanied by almost the whole city. In the Znamensky monastery, where his wife and children were buried, the prince said goodbye to the expensive grave and left Siberia, but he was uncomfortable everywhere and, having lived only six years after the death of his wife, the prince died.

Slide 8 Volkonskaya

Lead 1.: Following the princess E.I. Trubetskoy, the native edges of the young, very still young princes Mary Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, left a deep night.

Volkonskaya : "I learned about your arrest, a cute friend. I do not allow myself to despair ... Whatever your destiny, I will share it with you, I will follow you in Siberia, on the edge of light, if it takes, - do not doubt it for a minute, my favorite serge.

Lead2: Her husband was convicted of an eternal catguard.

Volkonskaya : Sorry, relatives! I have long predicted my heart. And I believe that I firmly: it's from God! And spare you in you. Yes, if the choice to solve, I should be between my husband and the Son - do not more, I go there, where I need it more, I go to the one who is in captivity! I will leave my son in the family family, he will soon forget me. Let the grandfather be a baby father, his mother sister will be. He is so small! And when it will grow up and terrible secret will know, I believe: he will understand his mother feeling and in his heart justifies it!

I went day and night. After having been in the Nerchinsky mines, without looking, signed everything that they demanded from me, renounced everything and asked only one - a speedy date with her husband.

Scene meeting with her husband (song "Wife of Decembrists") 1-2 purchasing

Volkonskaya scene with her husband (can be under the "Ave Maria") under quiet music

Volkonskaya (throwing black shawl) : my little son Nikolai dies in St. Petersburg during the day of 1828 in St. Petersburg. My father asked Pushkin to write an epitaph to the tombstone of my son. Soon Pushkin wrote:

In the shine, in joyful rest,

At the throne of the eternal Creator,

With a smile, he looks into the expulsion of the earth

Blesses mother and pray for father.

The death of the Son was for me a huge loss. Nothing could calm me. The only consolation is my native, my poor Sergey.

Soon the new grief comprehected me - my father dies. Before his death, he was still forgiven me. Before death, there was my portrait next to him. Looking at him, Batyushka said: "This is the most amazing woman I knew." 1830 ... August ... My tiny daughter Sophia dies, without living and one day. But I find the strength to live. Live for a loved one.

Lead 2:30 years lived at Katorga and link Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. She died in 1963, when she was 53 years old.

Music "Ave Maria"

Slide 9 Muravyova

Lead 1.: Fontanka, 25. Sea of \u200b\u200blight, rattling music, ball. Among the dancing Alexander Muravyov, the author's wife of the Constitution of the Northern Society is Nikita Muravyov.

Alexandra: From the first minute, as I saw Nikita, from the first date, from the first kiss I kept in the heart of the joyful feeling of not passing love.

Slide 10 Song - Video "Do not promise Virgin Young"

"On vacation captain of the Guards General Staff Nikolai Muravyov arrest!" - Nicklai I was angry.

Alexandra . My kind friend! My angel! Your letter was for me a thunder blow. You are a criminal! You are guilty! It does not fit in my head. You ask me for forgiveness, do not talk to me like that, you tear my heart. I have nothing to forgive you. For almost three years, that I am married, I did not live in this world, I was in paradise. Happiness can not be eternal. Do not foresee despair, this weakness is unworthy of you. Do not be afraid for me, I will carry everything. I am the happiest of women.

Alexandra: In February 1823, I married the 27-year-old Guards Captain Nikita Mihajlovich Muravyeva. I went to Siberia in early January of 1827, I drove to Irkutsk in 20 days, I bought a small wooden house near Ostrog and received permission twice a week to see my husband.

Lead 2. Alexander Grigorievna Muravyova, the Father Council of Chernyshev, was a tender, young, beautiful woman. Many Decembrists in their memoirs tell heart words about her spiritual kindness and gentle nature, about her self-sacrifice. It was her who passed by A.S. Pushkin his message to Siberia "in the depths of Siberian ore ..."

Muravyeva: When I received permission to the first date with my husband, he was very sick, he had a heat. Saying good, I am unnoticed from the guard, put the paper chick in his hand. Already in the chamber, turning it out, Nikita Muravyev saw pain the familiar handwriting, it was impossible to make a mistake, it was a message of a loving friend A.S. Pushkin. The poet did not even suspect how much mental strength was added from the Decembrists from his poem ..

Reading a poem (read everything in turn) Quiet Ava Maria

In the depths of Siberian ores

Keep proud patience,

Your sorrowful work will disappear

And the Dum is a high rapidness.

Misfortune faithful sister

Hope in a gloomy dungeon

Wakes cheerfulness and fun,

It will come desirable time:

Love and friendships

Reach the gloomy shutters,

How to your savory holes

It comes to my free voice.

Grave shackles will fall,

Dunns are collapsed - and freedom

You will be joyful at the entrance,

And the brothers sword will give you.

Lead 1.: In 1829, Daughter Sophia was born. But "from the Motherland" came bitter to lead: the mother died, the father fell into Melancholy, the left daughters died (alone very young, the other, going crazy). And yet on the joking question of the Decembrist I.D. Yakushkin: "Who do you like more: God or Nikitushka?" (husband), she answered with a smile

Muravyov: The Lord will not be offended that Nikitushka love more.

Lead 1.: And she was at that time 27 years - it remained to live half a year. Even the last minutes of his life Alexander was held. She dictated the farewell letters to his relatives, comforted and encouraged her husband. In these few hours of farewell to Nikita, Nikita has grown. She became the first wife of the Decembrists, who found her grave in the Siberian Earth, later at this place her husband Nikita Muravyev built a stone chapel, where the night and day burned the lampada. Until the end of the life of N. Muravyov did not part with the portrait of his wife. "

Lead 2:She died in Siberia in 28 incomplete years.

Slide 11 Song - Video "Does not sew your outfit".

Lead 1.: So ended the life circle of another four of the Decembrists, who gave 30 years of living Siberia. But the wing of the Decembrists, who divided the fate of their husbands, was much more.

Lead 2.: "Glory and the beauty of your sex! The glory of the country that has grown you! The glory of her husbands and such devotion, such sensitive, ideal wives! You have become a truly sample of selflessness, courage, hardness. Yes, your names will be unforgettable! " - wrote the Decembrist A. Belieev.

Lead 1.: Remember the names of the decoration of the Decembrists, who on their example showed the heroic durability and limitless dedication of Russian women: Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya, Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Alexander Grigorievna Muravyova, Praskovya Egorovna Annenkov (Polina Göbl), Natalia Dmitrievna Fonvizina, Alexander Ivanovna Davydova, Camilla Petrovna Naryshkin , Maria Casimirovna Yushnevskaya, Anna Vasilyevna Rosen, Alexandra Vasilyevna Jentalev, Varvara Mikhailovna Shakhovskaya.

Silent scene

Loved you and the way you love -

No, no one has yet managed!

Oh Lord! .. And it is to survive ...

And the heart on the nurses did not bother ...

Romance "Dedication to the Wife of Decembrists"

Gaivoronskaya Margarita Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MOU SOSH № 3 with WEOP G. Fryazino of the Moscow region
Brief description of the work:Objective: to acquaint students with the happening of the tragedy in our country; : show the importance of the ecological tragedy on the example of the Chernobyl NPP accident; To educate the sense of patriotism and pride in the students who showed courage and courage in this tragedy. Possess: to form a sense of responsibility towards the surrounding nature, patriotism; develop a positive active life position; to educate the feeling of compassion, the ability to empathize with other people and appreciate them Contribution to the life of the country.

Literature is taught in Russian schools in grades 5-11. On our site, materials in literature can be found in the following sections: Abstracts of lessons Technological cards Control and inspection laboratory and practical independent tests Preparation for EEG Preparing for OGE Olympic tasks Quiz and games Extracurricular activities Work programs Purchase planning Master classes Didactic presentation materials for lessons

The best abstracts of extracurricular activities on literature on the site of the Specialist

There are several types of extracurricular activities of students in school. In the first case, we can talk about the performance of the current homework, preparation of speeches and reports, writing essays on a given topic, preparation of various learning projects. The second part of extracurricular activities is related to the lessons is indirectly and may include classes in sections and circles, visiting subject facilities - everything that is intended to satisfy all sorts of interests of students.

This section of our site presents scenarios that will help you in carrying out an interesting extracurricular activities on literature on any topic. The best teachers from all over the country send us their copyright materials that we publish on our website. Our base is constantly growing and the abstract plans of extracurricular activities in literature are not the only species of methodological developments presented with us. You can find on our site all that is required for the successful and productive work of the teacher, as well as publish your developments and obtain a certificate.

A single lesson of literature dedicated to the Year of Literature

Extracurricular event on literature for grade 9 by the year of literature

"Literary Casket"

Goals and objectives:

    the development of creative abilities, logical thinking of children;

    increase in intellectual and cultural level, expansion of the horizons of students;

    increase interest in educational and cognitive activity;

    the formation of the ability to work in the group, in a team, to cooperate;

    formation and development of the ability to clearly and correctly formulate answers, quickly find a right decision;

    upbringing a sense of partnership, mutual respect; tolerant relationships to each other.

Form of work:

    work in groups.

Organization of the game and rules:

The game consists of three rounds of 25 questions in the round and the final round of 1 question. Questions of the first, second and third rounds are grouped into 5 topics of 5 questions. The cost of questions: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 points - in the first round; 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 points - in the second; 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500 - in the third.

In the first three rounds, instead of any question, players can fall out "Cat in a bag" or "auction". If the players got a "cat in a bag" - it is necessary to transfer the team of rivals.

If there is a bet (the rate at which the player puts on the context of him with his glasses), it is possible to kill his bid only by a large va-bank. Bidding begins to make players who have chosen the "question-auction" (in the event that the account is less than the cost of the question, the rate is denominated), then the one of the teams, who has less than the scoreboard.

Players are offered 7 possible topics of the final round to choose from. They are in turn (ascending amounts on the score) remove on one topic that they do not like, until the latter remains. The winner is the one who scored a big amount on the results of the game.


    When matters "Cat in a bag" and "auction" to press on the block diagram from left to right.

    In the final, after one topic remains, press next to the remaining figure.

    After the usual question, after 15 seconds, a response waiting signal will be performed.

    After the question "Cat in a bag" and "auction" in 20 seconds will sound the end signal of the response.

    After the final question, the melody sounds a duration of 35 seconds, after which a sound signal will be turned on.

Event flow

I. Organizational moment.

The word leading:

Good morning dear friends! 2015 is proclaimed in our country the year of literature. You can talk about the meaning of literature.

Talented teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The word is the subtlest touch to the heart; It can be both a gentle, fragrant flower, and a sharp knife, caught a gentle fabric of the soul, and hot iron, and mud commits ... Wise and good word gives joy, stupid and evil, rapid and tactless - brings trouble, in a word can be killed and Revive, hurt and heal, ... create a smile - and cause tears, generate faith in a person - and donate distrust. "

Indeed, the word is a great strength. Learn, every day correctly handle the word, if you do not want to remain a weak link in the chain of the great government achievements.

Q: - An unusual competition will take place:
To do this, you will need about the subjects of knowledge!
For you who love literature and Russian
The main weapon of knowledge will be!
The victory is the strongest - here's award!
You are waiting for serious tests!

Hidden talents, your erudition, intelligence

Will help identify various tasks.

Remember the parable, which says about buried talents? I will remind you now.

Someone, going to the long-range edges, instructed the slaves care of his condition. He gave five talents to one (a silver coin, having a walk in the ancient era), the other - three, the third one. Two worked well and increased the state of the owner. The third slave, lazy and cunning, buried his coin into the ground ... The diligence of the first two was rewarded. The returned owner gave them earned talents. And the negligent slave selected the last. So there was an expression "buried your talent in the ground."

Today you will earn talents, multiply by their talents.

II. Competitive program. Gaming tasks.

1 round "in the world of literature"

Topic 1 Biography of poets and writers

100 . Where was born (in which estate) Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy?(In the estate of the Casual Polyana Tula province).

200 According to A.P. Kark, she was the only woman that the poet A.S. Pushkin "truly loved." Who is she?(Nanny Poet - Arina Rodionovna)

300 Name Favorite Tree Sergei Yesenin.(Birch).

400 Name the pseudonym of the writer for the second half of the XIX century, which created fairy tales "for children of a fair age." (Saltykov).

500 What kind of writer sentimentalist wrote V.G. Belinsky: "For nothing, neither turn in our literature - everything began - journalism, criticism, a story, a story, the story of historical, publicism, studying history. (Karamzin).

Theme 2 "Night is never too late"

100 This heroine: Muse A.S. Pushkin. With her, the poet met in 1819 - then met in 6 years. She dedicated to her Pushkin - in the title - the first letter of the name. (Anna Kern)

200 Auction. This hero:

Appears both in "Tatar harenar, and in Red Kaftan on a white horse";

Received as a gift "Hare Tulup is very new" and put on it ", the seams on the seam";

Thank you by the donor, complaining the "horse and a fur coat from your shoulder."(Emelyan Pugachev)

300 This hero: according to strength and relics it can be compared with folk rich. He had two sons. For him, Zaporizhia is a native house. Ends his life tragically, on the fire. (Taras Bulba).

400 Cat in a bag. This heroine: her name from Greek means "wisdom". She is smart, educated, reads a lot. The first announces the hero's madness. (Sophia, "Woe from Wit").

500 This hero: Loved people, but adults and children mocked him, and he did nothing.

Rained Syrota, who became a doctor and helped people. When he died, people could live worse without it.(Yushka, "Yushka" A.A.Platonova).

Topic 3 All about literature

100 What is the name of the character of the novel "Captain's daughter", narrator?(Peter Grinyov)

200 Name Lermontov Heroine "She was good: High, thin, black eyes, like a mountain sulna, and looked at you in the soul." (Bal)

300 Name the horsepower, which he recalled the hero of the story A.P.hekhov?(Oats)

500 What language did Kazbich and Pechorin speak among themselves?(Happy Bale's sister's wedding and in the fortress, where Kazbich came for the sale of rams), Pechorin and Kazbich never talked; In addition, in the fortress only Maxim Maximach "understood them in them," and Kazbich did not say in Russian).

Topic 4 "On the contrary"

100 In the title of the famous work, all the words were replaced by opposite to them in meaning. Restore the encrypted true name "Pins barefoot" ("Puss in Boots").

200 Cat in a bag. In the title of the famous work, all the words were replaced by opposite to them in meaning. Try to restore the true name "Iron Lock" thus encrypted ("Golden Key").
300 In the title of the famous work, all the words were replaced by opposite to them in meaning. Try to restore the true name "ill about iron chicken" thus encrypted. ("Tale of the Golden Cockerel").
The quotation known in meaning was replaced by the opposite. Try to restore the truth value encrypted in this way "lies the cow still and Lokya laughs." ("There is a bull, swinging, sighs on the go")

Topic 5 Literary rebuses

100 The first part of the word is what lights the way to sailors. Add suffixes and ending the words "Pokrovsky". Whose last name happened? (Mayakovsky.)

200 Take the noun, which calls the time of year when yellow leaves; Replace the first letter to the letter, which ends the second note, and add the suffix of the attractive adjective. It turned out the surname of the poet. What? (Yesenin.)
300 The first syllable of the surname is interomotion. The second - giving life to everything essentially (without the last letter). The name is Vladimir in spoken form and take away the first letter from this word. What is this poetess? (Akhmatova.)

400 To the huge department store in Moscow add the most common connecting union and an animal, which is called the king of animals. In general, the surname in translation from Latin means "smarmer." Who is he? (Gumilyov.)

500 To the noun, calling the part of the world, where it is always cold, add a personal pronoun, which the "ego" sounds in Latin. To what happened, add what will remain from the name of the leader of the Russian revolution, if it takes two first letters from it. What is this poet? (Northerner.)

Theme 6 "Proverbs".

Guess the riddles, mysteried by proverbs and sayings.

200 Who is glanced, to that it stretches. And the chicken it is. It is not a stone - melts. He will not order.(A heart).

400 Do not grow to him on the Christmas tree. Who eats him a day, the doctor does not happen. Healthy it falls from the branch. The red worm of him is not a reproach. (Apple).

600 Its trust is losing only once. She knees a disgraceful death. His live - not the field go.(A life).

800 If people combine, they will be able to tie him. Do not be awesome it.(A lion).

1000 You can't buy it for money. She is not a fire: lights up - do not extinguish.(Love).

Theme 7 "Translator".

Translate outdated words into modern language.

200 Perform a task. What is your break?(nickname)

400 Perform a task. Show the sweep(Zaseil).

600 Perform a task. Show Dlanni.(Palm).

800 Perform a task. Put the left hand on the right Ramo, and the right-handed Ramo.(shoulder)

1000 Cat in a bag. Perform a task. Assist the hand(right hand).

Theme 8 "Guess".

The interpretation of which words is provided in the dictionary of the Living Great Russian language "Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya.

200 Stick, rod, needker; A pointed from the end or from the ends of the iron, bone, wooden skewer with an eye or without a ear. (Needle.)

400 Auction. Rsugar, tubular threads growing on the human body and most of the mammals.(Hair.)

600 Intended construction or roof.(Roof.)

800 Zenica, grain, man in the eye, the round rode among the rainbow membrane.(Pupil.)

1000 Any multi-laminated plant, a perennial plant with a riveted trunk, a malskoye tree.(Bush).

Theme 9 "phraseologisms"

200 On the lexical meaning "to mislead, do unfair, deceive" name phraseologism (Led by nose)

400 On lexical meaning "it is unreasonable to exaggerate anything" name phraseologism(To make mountains out of molehills)

600 According to the lexical meaning "in two different directions to act" name phraseologism.(On two fronts)

800 On lexical meaning "do not pay any attention, not noticing" name phraseologism(In the mustache do not blow)

1000 According to the lexical meaning "Not the non-distinguished ordinary person" name phraseologism(Neither fish nor fowl)

3 Round "Assorted"

Topic 10 "Find out the proverbs and sayings"

300 There is no truth in the lower limbs.(In the legs of the truth is not).

600 Strong fear has large organs of vision.(Fear has big eyes).

900 Auction. The central blood circulation body does not obey its orders. (Lawless Heart).

1200 Someone slowly moves at the rate inherent in the rebel in the bone shell.(Crawling like a turtle).

1500 The hearty feeling is so cruel that makes you experience a strong attraction to a homely rowing family of slores. (Love is blind).

Theme 11 "Think"

300 What word is the female scarf of fur or feathers and a large South American Snake of the Family Family? (Boa).

600 Verb in imperative lifestylethe second person of the singular and bird of tropical countries with a bright plumage. Name them.(Parrot).

900 From the letters entering the name of the poultry of Dergach, make a questionnaire.(Where).

1200 From the pretext begins, negative particle ends. How is the mammal called?(Pony).

1500 What value is the expressions: bear corner, bear workers, bearish disease, bear hugs? (Outback; awkward assistance; intestinal disorder with excitement, fright; heavy and awkward).

Topic 12 "Do you know?"

300 Auction. In the first quarter of the XIX century, the German doctor practiced in Moscow. He recommended for improving health jogging. In the eyes of a simple people, it looked idleness, useless pastime. Hence the Russian Word actually appeared, which are called loafers, Tuneev. What is this word? (Lodio)

600 He has the same as he is the hero of the Russian folk fairy tale "by whining town", the surname - like the Primaudonna of the Russian pop, and in the work of Pushkin, he was presented with a holy Tulupe, which "split on the seams". (Emelyan Pugachev)

900 They had to meet not only in the Borodino field, but also in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". (Napoleon and Kutuzov).

1200 What heroine is we talking about? On Saint Rus, our mother,

Not to find, not to find such beauty:
Walks smoothly - as if the Swedashka;
Pallows the word - nightingale sings;
In the family she was born merchant,
Nice ...

(Alena Dmitrereva from the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov")

1500 Cyprinsky wrote a portrait of this poet. The portrait liked this poet that he wrote the following lines:

Yourself, as in the mirror, I see
But this mirror flatters me.
So Rome, Dresden, Paris
It will be known in the future.

What kind of poet are we talking about? (Pushkin).

Topic 13 "All about literature"

300 Determine the genres of works: "Russian language" Turgenev, "Poor Lisa" Karamzin, "Word about the regiment of Igor", "Copper rider" Pushkin, "Sea" Zhukovsky. (Poem in prose, story, word, poem, elegy)

600 Determine the name of the work and the author according to the final lines.

"... The official who arrived on the nominal command from St. Petersburg requires you to this hour to yourself. He stopped at the hotel. " (N.V.Gogol "Auditor")

900 Find out the work on its beginning, name the author.

A few years ago
Where merging, noisy,
Hugging like two sisters
Jets of Aragva and chickens,
There was a monastery ... ("Mcyri" M.Yu.lermonts)

1200 Cat in a bag. Name the author of these works: "Lyudmila", "Cup".(Vzhukovsky)

1500 Name the full names of literary heroes: the captain's daughter, Chatsky, merchant Kalashnikov. (Masha Mironova, Alexander Andreich, Stepan Paramonovich).

Theme 15 "It's interesting"

300 Peru of which writer belongs to these works: "Mostoz", "Wolf on Psarn"?(I.A. Krylov)

600 Cat in a bag. Consider team representatives

The hero of which work is dreaming this dream? "... and now as crazy I go. The night of the whole rubbish in the eyes climbed ... then you are a mother, then the father ... I'll fall asleep only that I see that you, Mother, you will find a beat, so I'm sorry ... You, Mother: You're so tired , Kolotya Batyushka. " (D.I.Forvizin "Nepalm" Mitrofanushka).

900 (Tale of Peter and Fevronia Murom).

1200 "This book about the fighter without start and end." What kind of work is it?

("Vasily Terkin" Tvardovsky).

The final

1. Everything shall.Remove hot - it will remain cold:Kiaipyastobekrg (Boiling water, iceberg).

2. Mathematics.How many nephews were the uncle of Chernomora?(Thirty three heroes).

3. Geography.What river is the action of the story of I.S.Turgenev "Asya"?(Near the River Rhine).

4. Biology.From what plant a man from a fairy tale M. Saltykova-Shchedrin was split a rope, which generals tied him for the night to the tree? (From wild cannabis).

5. History.What battle are these Pushkin lines say: "Hurray! we break; bent

swedes ... "?(About Poltava, Poem "Poltava")

Blitz poll "

1 . How to call the one who is weaving intrigue? (Intrigan).

2. What is the name of a dictionary in which the norms of pronunciation of sounds and stress standards are given? (Orthoepic)

3. What type of lexical units include wordscool, Tusovka, steep kid ? (Jargonisms)

4. What kind of nounzubrila ? (General)

5. Dlya, separately or through a hyphen is spelled.half-liter ? (Through a hyphen)

8. J.butlui or PliddleAND?

9. Paronim to the word effective. (Spectacular)

10. Continue: Onegin - Tatyana, Lensky- ...., Peter Grine- ..., Fevronia- ...

11. Favorite Tree Sergey Yesenin (Birch)

12. From school or from school? (From school)

13. Differenceable noun M.R.? (Way).

14. Show the man (forehead).

15. What color do you have lountes?

16. Right hand hindered (neck).

17. Clamp your womb (belly)

18. Raise the Floor (left hand).

III. Results of the game.

The final word of the teacher.

In: - Dear guys, our and intellectual game approached the end. You are great, real erudites, connoisseurs of literature and Russian language. Read, develop, Think, write poems themselves, stories, stories. Remember that a good book will open you a new, amazing and wise world! So, the word of our jury!

The hero of which work is dreaming this dream? "... and now as crazy I go. The night of the whole rubbish in the eyes climbed ... then you are a mother, then the father ... I'll fall asleep only that I see that you, Mother, you will find a beat, so I'm sorry ... You, Mother: You're so tired , Kolotya Batyushka

Determine the work of the ancient Russian literature. "The bold prince Peter commands:" Carry me to this maiden. " And they brought him, and he sent one of his servants to ask for a reward award. And she said the girl without obsteaders: "If I do not become a wife, he does not fit me and treat it." And the man returned, and handed over to the humble, sincere prince of her words. "

This book about the fighter without start and end. " What kind of work is it?

Extracurricular event in literature in grade 6"Journey to the country literary work"

Objectives: in games form to consolidate students' knowledge of children's literature; develop interest in reading, memory, speech, attention, communicative students' skills; Teach to work in a team.

Tasks: increase the level of motivation to the subject studied; contribute to the development of observation and attentive attitude to the details of the work; create the necessary conditions for the development of the emotional sphere of students; Using the content of works as a means of moral education.

Equipment:computer, Multimedia, Exhibition of books and children's illustrations for read books. Presentation, visual material.

Rules of the game:the game is held between the three teams. In each team of 5 people. Each team selected captain. Teams choose the name, emblem ("Magniki and Mistnie", "Experts", "Travelers")

Stroke Game

The introductory word of the teacher;

You are looking for knowledge, earthly wisdom,

Are you looking for the meaning of life in the universe?

Find a book and cutting on the shelf

The source of thought is clean, inspired.

You love her, how you love your mother,

Magazing mind, big soul,

She will help you to know

She will open a lot to the gaze.

Our time is the time of great achievements of science, technology, the time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the wonders created by the man, the most difficult and great and great A. M. Gorky considered the book. It is called a single machine time with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, the future, the future and the present ... The book is the faithful and constant our satellite. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K.G.Pautsky wrote: "Read! And may not be a single day in your life, when you would not read at least one page from the new book! ".

Today we are guys, you will travel to the world of books, to the magic country, which is called "literary waters." You have to go through a few tests on the title of the active reader.

Three teams take part in our game: "Magniki and Mistnika", "Experts", "Travelers". Each team has a beautiful emblem and captain who makes a decision at the most difficult moment.

The conditions of the game are simple: performing tasks, answering questions, you bring the team with your team. Players carefully listen to the question to the end, then answer.

The team does not count the point if she gave the wrong answer. The right is transferred to the team that the first raised this signal palm.

As a result, the team wins, which scored more points.

And so that there are no confusion and confusion, the competent jury will judge our game: ..........................................................

So, we start!

1 contest. Workout.

Now we will see how you are ready for the game.

The presenter sets questions to teams in turn.

Questions Team "Melniki and Umnitni"

    Guess the riddle: "Without hands, and draws, without teeth, and bites" (frost)

    Famous Russian Basinista. (Wings)

    What was the name of Nyanya A.S. Pushkin? (Arina Rodionovna)

    Fisherman, caught fish tail (wolf)

    What enemy Ilya Muromets fought on a straight-armed path in Kiev? (Solovy-robber)

Questions team "Travelers"

    Guess the mystery: "Flies - beeps, sits - silent. Who will kill him, he spends her blood "(Komar)

    What event in the life of our country is dedicated to the poem of A.Ttvardovsky "Tankist's story" and K.M. Simonova "Major brought a boy on the booth ..."? (WFA)

    The best ghost in the world. (Carlson)

    Transport with wings that stole a boy for women Yaga (Gus-Swans)

Questions team "Experts"

    Guess the riddle: "Long-grade Timoshka runs along the narrow path. His traces - your works "(pencil, handle)

    Boy with wooden nose. (Buratino)

    Who brought up M.Yu.Lermontov in orphanage? (Grandmother)

    What is the wonderful tale of a girl who was able to bring snowdrops from the forest? Who wrote this fairy tale? ("Twelve months" .S. I. Marshak)

    How did the Greeks call their fairy tales? (myths)

(The jury summarizes 1 contest)

So, they soften, and now in the way!

2 Competition "Library"

Each team receives a list of works and authors (corrosion). It is necessary to choose the author to choose the author to work while the music sounds. Time - 3 minutes.

List of works

    Demyanova Ear (I.A. Krylov)

    Ruslan and Lyudmila (A.S. Pushkin)

    "Borodino" (M.Yu.lermonts)

    "Scarlet Sails" (A.S.Grin)


    "Caucasian captive" (L.N. Tolstoy)

    "Horsepower" (A.P.chekhov)

    "Copper Mountain Mistress" (P.P. Bazhov)

    Robinson Crusoe (D.Defo)

    "Snow Queen" (H.K.andersen)

    Svetlana (V.A. Zhukovsky)

    Taras Bulba (N.V.Gogol)

    "French lessons" (V.G.Rasputin)

    Vastekino Lake (V.P.Astafyev)

3 Competition "World of Things"

What works these products? (One thing on a separate slide) indicate the full name of the work and the author.

The first answer the team that raised all the signal palm faster. For each correct answer, you can score 2 points, if the work is also called, and the author.

    ring - Dubrovsky A.S. Pushkin

    bloch - "Lefty" Tale about Tula Spool Leftersh and about Steel Blook N.S. S.L.

    gingerbread with a drawing - "Horse with a pink mane" V.P. Astafyev

    macaroni - "French Lessons" V.G. Rasputin

5. Selection and brush - "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain

6. Recipe: "Wonderful Doctor" A.I.Kuprin

7. Cheese - "Crow and Lisitsa" I.A. Krylov

8. The mirror is "a fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes" A.S. Pushkin

9. Bread - "Warm Bread" K.G.Pautsky

10. Wooden shoes - "Snow Queen" G.-H. Andersen

(the jury summarizes the results of 2 3 contests)

4 Competition. "Wisdom Tree."

Competition is carried out in the form of a relay. All team members are involved. On the tables there are clean sheets of paper and handles, on the wood of wisdom hangs, on the back of which questions are written.

A contest begins at the lead signal. The team members on one are suitable for the Wisdom tree, choose a sheet with a question, the answer is recorded on the reverse side. Everyone has the right to answer only one question. After writing an answer, the participant returns to the team, as a relay stick, transmits a handle to another. If there is no answer, then the captain is an empty sheet. The leaflets collect the captain and carries their jury. The speed of response and correctness is estimated. Each correct answer is estimated at 1 point.

A list of questions

    Who subscribed to the pseudonym "Antosha Chekhonte"? (A.P.chekhov)

    Son Taras Bulba, Traitor (Andry)

    What is the story of I.S.Turgenov called the nickname dog? ("Mu Mu")

    What was the name of the bridegroom, the young of the "fairy tale about the dead princess and seven heroes" A. Pushkin? (Korolevich Elisha )

    What was the name of the teacher in the story of A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"? (Deforby )

    To whom the hero of Lermontov "Borodino" is drawn with a request to tell about the war of 1812? (To uncle )

    Which of the literary heroes has spent 28 years old on an uninhabited island? (Robinson Crusoe)

    Which of the literary heroes suffered a shipwreck and was captured by Liliputs? (Gulliver)

    Poem A.S. Pushkin about freedom, which we studied? ("Prisoner")

    Who turned the wrong duckling? (In a wonderful swan)

    What kind of art, in addition to literature, was fond of M.Yu.lermonts in his youth? (Music, painting)

    Bible - Greek word. What does it mean? (Book)

    Where did A.S. learned Pushkin? (in the Lyceum)

    Who could not fall asleep on 20 mattress and 20 down jackets, because Did the pea lying under them? (Princess)

    Mythological hero of ancient Greece? (Hercules)

5 Competition. "Gallery"

At the slides of the presentation there are 6-8 portraits of familiar children of writers. The task is to correctly call writers. Estimated correctness and speed of response.

For each correct answer is given 1 point.

(Portraits: I.S.Turgenyev, A.P.chekhov, N.A. Nekrasov, N.S.Leskov, A.S.Grin, Anthony Pogorelsky)

(The jury summarizes the results of 4 competitions)

6 Competition "Find out the hero on the description"

The host reads a description, commands (who are faster) raise signal palms.

    Russian Barin, his wealth, noblence and communications gave him a big weight in the provinces, the neighbors were glad to please the slightest pleasures, the provincial officials trembled at his behalf; In the home office showed all the vices of a man uneducated ... (5Irillo Petrovich Troshekurov "Dubrovsky" A.S. Pushkin)

    It was a boy of nine years old, more than me, thin and thin like a cane. He was dressed in a dirty shirt, his hands kept in the pockets of narrow and short pants. Dark curly hair shouted over black thoughtful eyes. (Valek "In the Bad Society" "Children of the Dungeon" V.G. Korolenko)

    Spit is cigacious and not like our girls hang out, but smoothly adhered to the back. At the end of the tape, not the red, not the green. Through the light and finely stupid, it is like a sheet copper. (Mistress of the copper mountain "Copper Mountain Hospital" P.P. Bazhov)

    ... The hair was torn, black, eyes are gray, the cheekbones are wide, the face is pale, ripple, the mouth is big, but the right thing is huge, as they say, with a beer boiler, the body is squat, clumsy. Small was noncainted - what to say! "I still liked him: he looked very cleverly and straight, and his power sounded in his voice. (Pavlusha. "Bezhin Luga" I. S. Turgenev)

    Girl, thin, thin, thirteen years and face on black look like. It can be seen that daughter. Also black eyes, blonde and beautiful face. Dressed in the shirt is long, blue, with wide sleeves and without a belt. On the legs of the brush and shoes, on the neck of the monista, all from the Russians. (Dina "Caucasian Captive" L.N. Tolstoy)

    ... Male Twelve Growth Cups, Folded Bogatties and Deaf Birthplace. Gifted with extraordinary force, he worked for four. (Gerasim "Mummy) I.Sturgenev)

    ... He had just gone at the station, and his lips, filled with oil, glanced like ripe cherries. It smelled from him with sherry and phlegondrazh. (Fat official "Fat and thin" A.P.chekhov)

(The jury summarizes 5 and 6 contests)

For one minute, the command should correctly respond to as many questions as possible. If the team does not know the answer to the question, then says "on!", And reads the next question.

Questions Team "Mokhpers and Umnint":

    To whom Pushkin dedicated the lines "My first friend, my friend is invaluable"? (Pushchina I.)

    How to famous left-handed? (picked up flea)

    What was the name of the game, followed by the time of the guys on the outskirts of the district center? (Chika)

    How died by Pushkin and Lermontov? (Per duel)

    What was the name of Tom Sawyer? (Geclberry Finn)

And you, friends, no matter,

All in the musicians are not good. (Wings. Quartet)

    What is the name of the picture of nature in the artistic work. (Scenery)

    Finished the proverb: "One in the field ..." (not a warrior)

    Who wrote the poem "Railway"? (N.A.Nekrasov)

    What is the name of the lyceum in which Pushkin studied? (Tsarskostsky)

    Who was the father of Hercules? (Zeus)

    finished the proverb: "Seven times will die ..." (1 revenue)

    Which of the heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

    Who killed the dishes? (From Fedor)

    In this fairy tale, only three: three heroes, each of the three items. Name this fairy tale. (Three Bears)

Questions team "Travelers":

    Why did Dubrovsky and Troshekurov quarreled? (Psary joke)

    What is the name of the conversation of two or several persons. (Dialogue)

    Heroes of what work A. S. Pushkin are Naina and Chernomor? ("Ruslan and Ludmila")

    From what work these lines are:

Opened tuchka golden

On the breast of the Rock-Giant,

In the morning, she was walked early

Laazuri playing fun ...?

(M. Yu. Lermontov. "Rock")

    In what work the boy received a parcel from his teacher? (V.Resputin "French Lessons")

    Genre of Folklore, narrative song-poem about heroes and folk heroes? (Epics)

    Finish the proverb: "Case time - ......" (fun hour)

    Who wrote the poem "prisoner"? (A.S. Pushkin)

    Why should Hercules get immortality? (For 12 exploits on behalf of Evrisfey)

    Finished the proverb: "After fighting ..." (no fists are mastered)

    Name the heroine of the Russian folk fairy tale, which was an agricultural product. (Repka)

    In what fairy tale, the cannibal turns into a mouse and cat eats it?
    (Puss in Boots)

    What did Brother Ivanushka playing from the Gus-Swan's fairy tale from Baba Yaga?
    (Golden Apple)

    What advised ants a shelter in the Basna "Dragonfly and Ant"?

    Who saved Muhu-Cocotuchu?

Questions team "Experts":

    Why did it die left-handed? (Sprie away during the road)

    An outstanding Russian encyclopedist scientist, whose name is called Moscow University? (M.V. Lomonosov)

    What time of year did the Russian poet Pushkin loved most? (Fall)

    From what work these lines are:

I got the enemy that day a lot,

What does russian fight removed

Our hand-to-hand fight. (M. Yu. Lermontov "Borodino")

    Finish the proverb: "Without difficulty ..." (do not catch and fish from a pond)

    Who wrote the poem "Tankist's story"? (A.T.Tvardovsky)

    What is translated from Greek mean the word "bible"? (Book, Scripture)

    Who are the centaurs? (Mythological beings, receiving - semi-lush.)

    In which Russian folk fairy tale, Brother did not obey his sister, once violated sanitary and hygienic rules and cruelly paid for it?

    What did the soldiers cook porridge? (From the ax)

    Who has turned 11 princes brothers from the fairy tale. Andersen?
    (In swans)

    What fairy tale is the expression: "stay at the broken trough"?
    (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

(The jury summarizes the 7 contest)

8 Competition "Stop, instant, you are fine!"

On one slide, 5-6 numbered illustrations from works. Players must guess what product is illustrated and who is his author. For each correct answer 1 point. Heads with replies captains pass the jury.

    "French lessons" V.G.Rasputin.

    "Sail" M.Yu.Lermonts.

    "Railway" N.A.Nekrasov.

    Vastekino Lake V.P.Astafyev.

    Robinson Crusoe D.Defo.

    "Caucasian captive" L.N. Tolstoy.

9 Competition "Black box"
Guess what I have in this box? The presenter sets questions, the teams answer them (who are faster). From the box get objects when players guess them by description.

1. I went to Hercules in Gardens Gardens. It also became the subject of discord between the hero, Athenium and Aphrodite. When closely, he has no place to fall. What do you think it is for the subject? (Apple)
2. It is an urgent, and sometimes someone else; sometimes interrupted from it to kvass; And he is friends with salt. What is it? (bread)
3.Ee, you need to eat 16.36 kg to find out a person better. Long ago she was almost on gold weight. It was placed by guest directly in the existence. If the guest was respected, then put it a lot of it, and if not, did not put it at all. What is this edible product? (salt)
4. It has a strange ability to ignite on who participated in theft. It can be removed, breaking, grab into a shock. They can even thwart! Without it, it is not to do in ordinary life, given the features of our climate. And for fabulous heroes, it is often invisible. And what is this required subject? (cap)
5. It can sometimes get drunk to the throat and get stuck in it. Contradictions are woven into it. And in folk tales, he indicates the path of Ivan-Tsarevich. What is this folk assistant? (lump, tangle)
6. He may beat, and maybe open. It can be wet, and maybe dry. Sometimes it is only a means for a raying or understanding of something. What is in the "black box"? (key)
7. Eye can be placed on the waterfowl, but everything will be unsuccessful. It can be thrown in a step and wear in Sweat. You can hide the ends into it and led along it. It happens dead and in Kisel. And if you do not want to answer my question, you can dial it in your mouth. But in your own interests answer. What is it? (water)

(The jury summarizes 8 and 9 contests)

10 Competition "Captain, Captain, tighten ..."

And now I declare the captains contest. I read the beginning of a joke from the works of A.S. Pushkin, and the captains in turn continue, the correct answer is one step towards the key from the door to the country "Literary Writer". Who is the first to take this key, he will bring the team as many as 5 points! So, captains are ready?

1Capitan. At Lukomorye Oak green;

Choining chain on Duba Tom:

And day and night cat scientist

Everything walks around the chain around.

2 captain. There Stupa with Baboy Yaga

Goes, wanders itself;

There, the king of blasphemes over the kilt comes;

There is a Russian spirit ... there is rules!

3 captain. Wind on the sea walks

And the ship cares;

He runs himself in the waves

On bloated sails.

1 captain. And her mirror in response:

"You are beautiful, no dispute,

But lives without any glory

The medium of green dubrava

At seven heroes

The one that is all you mile. "

2 captain. But the Tsarevna is young

Skyly flourishing

Meanwhile, grew, grew

Rose and bloomed

Belolitz, Chernobrova,

Moral meekly so.

3 captain. You did not get rid of you

Virgin live left;

You do not kill Korshun,

Correction shot.

1 captain. Buru Millet Heaven Croot

Whirlwind snow twist;

How the beast she will win

Then pay like a child.

2 captain. I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw.

Eagle fed in captivity,

My sad comrade, waving the wing,

Bloody food pecks under the window.

3 captain. Under blue skies

Gorgeous carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

The word of the teacher. Well done, captains, did not let their teams! And our game comes to an end. And while the jury summarizes the results, let's think that they learned what they learned what I liked.

(Answers players)

The word jury. Summing up, rewarding.