"Cheerful notes of health" Abstract of a musical lesson. The topic "The use of health-saving technologies in music lessons at a preschool educational institution

"Cheerful notes of health" Abstract of a musical lesson. The topic "The use of health-saving technologies in music lessons at a preschool educational institution

When attending music classes, the manager should pay attention to the following.
What was the state of health and mood of the children at the beginning of the classes (were the children psychologically prepared for them, was an emotional and aesthetic attitude to the upcoming classes created). What was the beginning of the lesson.
Were you given exercises to assimilate the elements musical literacy: a) perception of music accompanying musical rhythmic exercises, listening, recognizing, memorizing it; b) determination of the character, content, form, means of expression (rhythm, tempo, dynamics, etc.) musical works; c) performing a musical task in motion; d) development of hearing and voice, intonation of the melody (pitch, basic sounds of the fret, intervals, finding the tonic, transposition, singing without accompaniment, finding and extracting sounds on children's tool and etc.); e) independent solution by children of musical tasks set by the teacher, aimed at the development of musical, musical-sensory, and also creative abilities of children. What methods and techniques did the teacher use in this part of the lesson? What works were selected for musical rhythmic and auditory exercises. How they were fulfilled. Did this selection meet the musical and pedagogical tasks, were all types of musical activities- listening to music, singing, musical and rhythmic activity, playing children's instruments (if not, then why). Lesson structure - the ratio and sequence of types of musical activity; the amount of time devoted to each of them; expediency and logic of building the lesson as a whole.
How the listening to the music was conducted. What was its program content, tasks. Have the works performed instrumental music(according to the "Education Program"). What works are instrumental and vocal music sounded (names, surnames of composers); whether they were familiar to the children or were they auditioned for the first time. Who performed the music (music director, educator), on what instrument. How varied was the performance of the music (singing, piano, button accordion, gramophone recording). How children listened to and reacted to music; what was asked to re-execute.
Did you have a conversation about the works you listened to? That testified to the interest of the children, their love for music.
Skills, skills and knowledge of children, manifested in the process of listening to and perceiving music. The level of musical and artistic taste.
Was the expressive performance of instrumental and vocal works, their separate parts (introduction, conclusion, etc.). What other tricks visual method were applied (paintings, records, etc.).
How successful were introduction teacher, his explanations (about the content, nature of the music, means of expression), questions, etc.
Have you used techniques that activate the initiative, Creative skills children (suggestions to listen, learn, name, recall a work, determine its character, form, content - “what the music says”, etc.).
What was the role of the educator in the process of listening to music expressed? How much time was allotted for listening to music. How children were taught to sing. What is its programmatic content. The tasks set by the teacher when introducing children to a new, learned song; when repeating a familiar song requiring the improvement of singing and choral skills and abilities; when performing a song chosen at the request of the children, which makes it possible to sing independently, unaccompanied. Songs performed in the class (names, surnames of composers).
Quality children's singing and the state of vocal skills: 1) singing: a) sound formation - do children sing in a natural, melodic voice (without forcing), lingeringly in melodious songs and easily, loudly in songs of a mobile nature; b) breathing - do children use singing breathing correctly - before a phrase, between phrases, at the end of a song; c) diction - do they pronounce the words distinctly and clearly, do they actively articulate syllables; 2) choral: a) whether the children intonate the melody (system) of the song cleanly; b) whether the beginning, end of the song, the beginning of each verse (ensemble) enter and sing together; c) how dynamic (louder, quieter, etc.) and tempo shades (acceleration, deceleration, etc.) are transmitted.
Whether the songs were performed emotionally.
What techniques were used by the teacher when introducing children to new song... Whether the song was performed (show); who was its performer (music director, educator or gramophone used). A teacher's conversation on the content of the song, his questions for children, etc.
Techniques for teaching vocal skills: sound formation (natural, melodious, mobile), breathing (in songs of melodious, mobile, light sounding), diction (correct, clear pronunciation of words, activity of the articulatory apparatus), purity of intonation (the mood of children before singing, the ability to listen to the sounds of the instrument, the voices of teachers, children; performance of tunes, their transposition; showing the movement of the melody by hand; singing without musical accompaniment, etc.), ensemble (joint beginning and end of each verse, continuous performance of dynamic and tempo shades, etc.).
Techniques for performing well-known, favorite songs, often repeated at the request of children. Were used a variety of techniques, performances of songs by children (choral singing, in subgroups, one by one, lead singers with a choir, etc.). What are the techniques of an individual approach to children. What was the role of the educator and music director in teaching children to sing. How much time was spent in the class singing.
How was the training of children in musical and rhythmic movements carried out. What types of movements were used in the lesson (playing with singing or instrumental accompaniment, staging a song, round dance; dance - folk, ballroom, free, etc.; exercises - their goal). Was there a preference for one type of movement over another (conclusion from observations of a number of activities). Program content of various types of movements. Pedagogical tasks when learning a game (dance or round dance), in a game that has already been mastered, but requires greater accuracy and expressiveness of movements, their connection with music; in the game, well learned, performed at the initiative of children.
Do the children perform the already mastered singing game (or a round dance) without musical accompaniment, as they perform a well-known song without accompaniment.
What games, dances, round dances, exercises were used in the lesson (names, surnames of composers).
The quality of children's movements in different types musical and rhythmic activity - their correctness, accuracy, rhythm, natural grace, expressiveness. Do the children perform the movements emotionally?
What place was occupied by visual teaching methods (expressive performance of music, showing elements of movements, structures, etc.) and verbal ( interesting story O new game, dance or round dance, explanation, reminder, etc.), an individual approach to children (performing movements by individual children, dividing children into subgroups, appointing new leaders, distributing roles), methods of developing children's creative inclinations (teacher suggestions, independent statements about the nature of music , about the movements corresponding to it, etc.).
Have you applied various techniques for conducting games, dances, round dances: performance of a performance different composition children; dividing children into subgroups (playing and singing) with a subsequent change of roles; showing to the whole group those who are good at dancing or singing.
The role of the musical director and educator in teaching children musical and rhythmic movements. Distribution of work between them. How much time in the lesson was devoted to the musical and rhythmic activities of children.
What place in the lesson was the teaching of children to play musical instruments? Program content and tasks set by the teacher in the classroom.
What are the knowledge and skills of children: do they name the instruments, do they recognize them by sound, do they know how to use them, extract sounds (with a hammer, a pick, etc.); play individually or collectively. Repertoire (name musical works and their authors).
What techniques were used by the teacher in the process of teaching children to play the instruments. Whether the instruments have been tuned. What is the role and relationship of an educator and a musical director in teaching children to play instruments. How much time was spent on this type of activity.
When reviewing the classes, the head also records: what aids were attracted by teachers when teaching a particular type of musical activity (paintings, metallophone, flannelegraph, records and a turntable, etc.).
What is the organization and hygienic conditions of the classes; whether the piano is appropriately installed in the room, whether the instrument is tuned; whether the chairs are appropriate for the age and height of the children, how they are positioned in relation to the piano and to each other; clothes, footwear of children; the illumination of the room, whether it is sufficiently ventilated; the duration of each stage of the lesson (singing, listening to music, movement, playing the instruments) and the whole lesson (its beginning and end).


1. Software content. The program content and tasks set by the teacher in this lesson for each type of musical activity - listening to music, singing, musical rhythmic movements, playing instruments. Did this content correspond to the level of musical and overall development children, their knowledge, skills and abilities (was it too difficult or too easy; insufficiently saturated or overloaded). Did the repertoire meet the "Education Program" and the tasks set (examples).
What was the connection between the content and the previous lesson: what was new (at the level of learning, initial assimilation and consolidation), and what was being improved; what was their ratio; whether consistency has been achieved in the gradual complication of content. Was it logical to build and develop the lesson as a whole?
2. Methods and techniques. What are the visual techniques (expressive and artistic performance of music, song, dance; showing individual elements: natural, melodious or light, mobile sounding of the voice; inhalation and exhalation; pronunciation of words or articulation of individual sounds; showing elements of dance or gymnastic exercises) and verbal techniques(introductory remarks, explanations, questions, explanation on the content of a song, game or dance) were used in various types of activities, as well as at various stages of mastering works by children (when getting to know a new work, when mastering and learning a work, when improving its performance).
Was the performance of the music expressive, the display of individual elements; whether the teacher spoke in an accessible, concise, expressive way (was there verbosity that takes away from the music and prevents it from being perceived and reproduced).
What other techniques (games, exercises) did the teacher use to arouse the attention, interest of children in music to the works being learned, to develop activity, initiative, as well as creative inclinations of children. How the individual approach to the pupils was carried out.
Are the teaching methods in various types of musical activity of children sufficiently varied and appropriate? Methods and techniques of work of the musical director and educator, is there any parallelism between them.
3. Children's activities. How children learned the program content (when listening to music, singing, movements, playing musical instruments). Was it too difficult or too easy; whether the children perceived him with interest, how actively. Did the children learn the content (who did not learn, how many children - write it down).
What are the skills learning activities children (in accordance with the requirements for this age group): are they attentive and active enough; how they listen, perceive and follow the instructions of the teacher. Are the children tired? The state of musical, singing and choral skills and abilities of children, their musical abilities (perception of music, sense of rhythm). Do children know how to listen, perceive music (vocal, instrumental), recognize, remember, name works, their character, genre; do the children have favorite pieces, do they ask them to perform them.
What was the expression of children's sensitivity to music (their statements, questions, requests), the development of their creative inclinations. The role of the caregiver.
How the children sang. The state of singing and choral skills: was sound formation natural (without forcing; light and sonorous in songs of a mobile nature; gentle and melodic in songs of a melodious nature); what are the diction and activity of the articulatory apparatus; do the children master singing breathing; whether the melodies of the songs are purely intoned (tuning); Do they come together at the beginning of a song, a verse; Do they perform together the dynamic (louder, quieter) and tempo shades of the songs (faster, slower, etc.). How developed musical ability children, in particular ear for music... Is the children's singing emotional?
Did singing contribute creative development children (the nature of the performance, individual statements, etc.).
Have a variety of singing teaching techniques been used (singing in chorus, in subgroups, one at a time, in a chain, with singers, with musical accompaniment and without it), how they contributed to the assimilation of the nesn. Repertoire (name songs). Which children sang with the greatest emotional uplift. The role of the teacher in the process of singing children. Are the children's movements in games, round dances, dances and exercises correct, rhythmic and musical enough? Have the skills of coordinating movements with music been formed (beginning of movement with the beginning of music and ending with the end of music; expression in the movement of the character of music). Is the rhythmic ability well developed in children? How natural and easy are the movements of children; whether there is a copy of the movements of adults.
What techniques contributed to the creation of natural and expressive movements. What place did the most important methods of teaching children expressive movements take - showing, emotional performance of musical works.
Games, dances, round dances, exercises in class (list the authors of movements, music). What the children did with the greatest interest. What is the manifestation of the creative abilities of children. The role of the educator in the organization of musical and rhythmic activities of children.
How children played musical instruments. Do they possess the skills of sound production (a hammer on a metallophone, a pick on a zither, etc.); whether sounds are found on instruments, whether melodies are selected; whether they are united in ensembles, orchestra. What techniques were used in teaching children to play. on instruments. Repertoire (name works and authors). The role of the educator in teaching children to play musical instruments.
4. Is the lesson structured expediently: the sequence and ratio of types of musical activity (listening to music, singing, moving to music, playing children's instruments).
Hygienic requirements for classes: how does the instrument stand, is it set up; the number and size of chairs for children; clothes, footwear of children; the duration of each stage and the lesson as a whole.

"Kindergarten. A book for managers", ed. L.P. Tarasova. M., 1982

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type" of the city of Pikalevo
Spent on a methodical train: musical director Skorodumova Lyudmila Vladimirovna Pikalevo 2013
- to show continuity in the work of the musical director and educator in the development of the program by children;
- to form in children a habit of healthy way life through health-saving technologies;
- develop the musical ability of children through different types musical activity.
* develop the musical and creative abilities of children, the ability to enter an imaginary situation;
* develop the articulatory apparatus, the ability to correlate movement with the text in speech games, self-massage;
* improve singing voice, develop modal hearing, musical memory;
* teach to improvise to music by performing creative tasks on the topic "Spring", in the use of musical instruments;
* contribute to the development of imagination, thinking, hearing through acquaintance with the music of PI Tchaikovsky "Sweet Dream";
* improve the ability to improvise to music of a cheerful dance character ("Polka", music by M. Glinka);
* to develop the skills of a culture of behavior, communication with each other, goodwill.
Musical director(sings): spring has come to us, spring has come to us ... (1 verse of the song "Spring has come", music by Z. Levina, lyrics by L. Nekrasova).
Hello guys, I'm glad to see you. Let's get acquainted: Lyudmila Vladimirovna. Today is such a wonderful weather! The sun is shining! Spring came. Children and adults alike rejoice in the awakening of nature. A lot of guests. Let's wish everyone a good morning.
Valeological song-chant with health massage " Good morning"(Lyrics and music. About Arsenevskaya).
1. Good morning! Spread their arms to the sides
Smile soon! and bow slightly to each other.
And today all day "Spring".
It will be more fun. Raise their hands up.
2. We will stroke the forehead, Perform movements on the text.
And cheeks.
We will be beautiful, Head tilts to the right
Like flowers in the garden! and the left shoulder alternately.
3. Let's rub the palms of the Movement over the text.
Stronger, stronger!
Now let's clap
Bolder, bolder!
4. We'll rub our ears now
And we will save health.
Let's smile again
Good luck everyone! Hands spread out to the sides.
Musical director:
I will tell you about how music helps our health. And funny musical notes will help us to tell about this, they were presented to us by the beautiful Spring. We will go to musical country magic sounds. Do you agree? Then we hit the road, and the music will tell us the way ...
To find the land of music
On a winding path
I suggest you go through.
Dynamic exercise "Along the path" (model V. I. Kovalko, "ABC of physical culture minutes.")
Musical director:
How wonderful you moved. Movement is health!
Here we are. ... Let's sit straight, put our feet together. Now attention. Our assistants should appear on the magic stave - notes of health.
Oh ah stave empty. Where are the spring notes? Scattered, lost. We must try to collect all the notes. Can you dream? Let's dream together about something pleasant, beautiful, good.
Quietly, quietly we will sit next to you.
Music enters our house
In an amazing outfit
Multicolored, painted.
The music "Sweet Dream" by PI Tchaikovsky is played. (Multimedia projector).
Musical director:
Did you like the music? What did you imagine while listening to this music. And who will share their dreams, fantasies? (Answers of children).
This piece "Sweet Dream" was written by the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote for his nephew Volodya, who, like you, loved to play with toys. Let's play a game - I will name the words that describe the character of this play. If they fit, catch them if. In your opinion, do not fit, do not catch.

Quiet and calm (caught)
This play is playful
Beautiful (caught)
Tender and sad (caught)
Dreamy (caught)
Light and sunny (catch)

How many wonderful words! It is not for nothing that PI Tchaikovsky called his music "Sweet Dream" - this is a dream, fantasies, dreams.
Musical director:
Your glowing eyes and smiles tell me that we have brought back the first note. After all, healing music gave you a good mood. Look, the note returns to the stave.
The second note lives in a clearing of cheerful tongues. Here we will do gymnastics for our tongues.
Articulatory gymnastics complex.
Our children got up in the morning
We ran to brush our teeth In a smile, open your mouth and use the tip of your tongue to “brush” strongly behind the lower teeth to the right and to the left 5-6 times, then behind the upper teeth 5-6 times.
Left-right, left-right -
We brush our teeth skillfully.
And now they took the comb In a smile, bite his tongue with his teeth, "drag in".
And they began to comb their hair.
Further in order
Let's do some exercises!
And now our language is a ball. Close the mouth, the tip of the tongue with
Begin Soccer game! stress against one,
We scored a goal! Hooray!! then on the other cheek so that
"balls" were inflated under the cheek.
Musical director:
Guys, here's the second note! You guessed what secret of health she had? That's right, you and I have stretched our tongue and are now ready to look for the next note that lives in the song.
But in order to sing we need to sing the chant. And what do we need a chant for?
To warm up the vocal cords ...
Let us recall the chant of "Goroshina" by E. Tilicheyeva. Now let's sing it in a whisper ...
And here is the third note appeared on the staff.
And now the song is a gift. I will sing you a spring song "Spring has come."
The song "Spring has come", music by Z. Levina, to lyrics. Nekrasova.
Did you like the song? What is it about? Let's sing with you the first verse and chorus of this song. (They say the words and sing). We will sing beautifully, cheerfully, loudly. (Singing the first verse and chorus.)
Musical director: The singing of wonderful voices improves the mood. What mood have you become? (Joyful, cheerful, kind, good, sunny, springtime). And here is the fourth note appeared on the stave.
- In order to live and not get sick, try to sing every day!
-We sat a little bit, well, let's warm up, crumbs.
Musical - game finger gymnastics "Pizzicato", music. Leo Delibes.
Music Director: Did you enjoy playing with your fingers? Have you done this kind of gymnastics before? Now we have learned. And the fifth note finds its place on the stave.
And we will find the next note in music game... Listen carefully to the "Polka", for 1 part we jump around the chairs with musical instruments, and for the second part we play the musical instruments where we stopped.
Playing with musical instruments "Polka", music. I. Strauss.
Musical director: What is your mood? (Cheerful, joyful, kind). Here is the sixth note on the camp. We only have one note missing.
- Or maybe the note is hidden in fun dance? Let's look?
To strengthen health - shall we dance with you?
Try to invent and dance the spring dance yourself. Remember the movements that you know and depict the image of Spring to the music. Maybe the dance is hidden in the spring streams, and maybe in the first flowers, or maybe in the singing of birds (showing some dance movements). And the music of the composer M. Glinka will help you.
Dance and play creativity "Children's polka", music. M. Glinka.
Musical director: Look, the last seventh note is back on the stave. Each note shared its secret! Let's remember what helped us to improve our health today? (Answers of children).
Massage, tongue gymnastics, beautiful songs, dance - in one word you can say "Music"! Music and spring mood help us to improve our health!
I wish you never get sick and remember that music has healing properties... In memory of our spring meeting, I give you magical notes. (Notes are distributed to all children). With Larisa Leonidovna you will welcome spring. All the best! Goodbye!

Abstract music lessons with health-saving technologies


Musical director:

Date: December / January

Number of children: 25 people

Educational area: "Music"

Integration of areas: "Health", "Security", "Socialization", "Communication", " Artistic creation"," Cognition "

Age group: school preparatory group

Topic: "Walk".

Activity type: music activity with health-saving technologies

Didactic goal: to develop the musical and creative abilities of children in various types of musical activities, using health-saving technologies

1. Educational:

Enrich musical experience children, to evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music of a different nature.

Enrich children's experiences, shape musical taste, develop musical memory.

Promote the development of thinking, fantasy, memory, hearing.

Strengthen the ability to sing collectively, with musical accompaniment

2. Developing:

Develop dance and play creativity; develop skills in the artistic performance of various images when staging songs

To contribute to the development of the creative activity of children in musical performance activities (playing in the orchestra, singing, dance moves etc.) .

1. Educational:

To develop in children a positive assessment of the reality of views, tastes, taking into account pronounced individual psychophysical characteristics

Bring up aesthetic taste in the transfer of the image

Improve and develop the child's communication skills

Foster the ability to communicate through song and dance

4. Wellness:

With the help of breathing exercises, psycho-gymnastics, valeological chanting, music therapy, dynamic and musical - rhythmic exercise improve physical and mental health

With the help of health-preserving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body (activate protective properties, resistance to diseases0

Hearing classical music stabilizes the emotional state;

Promote development fine motor skills, synchronization of the work of the cerebral hemispheres, to form voluntary memory attention; teach to listen to your feelings and pronounce them.

Methods and techniques: explanatory - illustrative, playful, creative, method of practical activity, immersion in music, questions for children.

Activity organization form: group

Means of education:

1. Equipment:

Music Center,

Musical instruments: triangles, tambourines, metallophones.

2. Visual material:

3. Music material:

play "Baba Yaga" from the Children's Album of muses.

"Winter gifts" Sl. and muses. S. Nasaulenko

"Minuet" Sat. "Rhythmic Mosaic"

Preliminary work:

Listening to pieces of music from the cycle "Seasons", learning songs, dancing, using finger gymnastics, valeological chants, psycho-gymnastics in the classroom.

Course of the lesson:

The course of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to music.

Musical director. Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's welcome them.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"

Good morning to the sun and the birds

Good morning to friendly faces! "

Greetings« Good morning».

Good morning! Smile soon!

And it'll be more fun all day today

We will stroke the forehead, nose and cheeks,

We will be beautiful as flowers in the forest ..

Let's rub our palms, harder, harder,

Now let's clap, friendlier, friendlier

Now we will rub our ears and save our health

Let's smile again - "Bless you all!"

Musical director.

I see that everyone has good good mood... Today I invite you for a walk in the fabulous winter forest... Get up one after the other and let's go.

1. Round dance step - hands on the belt, we go with all our feet

2.Rise on tiptoes

3. Step over oncoming puddles

4.Jump over bumps - become a semicircle

Moose: And here is the forest ...

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

We walked with you, walked, walked

And the magic forest came.

And the air in the forest is clean, fresh, let's breathe with you

Breathing exercise.

And there is an echo in the fairy forest, let's listen to it

Oh what dense forest(forest, forest, forest ...)

There are pines in it, ate up to heaven (demon, demon, demon ...)

And cones whisper on the branches (cones, cones ...)

Our guests are now kids (tishki, tishki ...)


Guys, and I also know a winter bird, very hardworking. Guess which one:

The bird walks in a red cap.
And he finds beetles in the bark.
This is an old friend of mine.
And the bird is called ...

Look, guys, what our fellow woodpecker has prepared for us under the tree.

Found in the forest under a tree a bag with musical instruments

Teacher: - The woodpecker sat on a thick branch

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

To all your friends to the south

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

The woodpecker sends telegrams,
That winter is already coming
That the snow does not melt around:

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

The woodpecker hibernated in the winter,

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

I have not been to hot countries!

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

And it's clear why,
A woodpecker is bored alone, without friends and without girlfriends.

Fat and thump, thump and thump!

Moose. hands... Let's put the tools under the tree again.

And another one lives in this forest fairytale hero, listen to a riddle about him:

Crochet nose,

Hair upright.

Flies on a broomstick

The trail is covered. (Babya Yaga)

That's right, this is Baba Yaga.

She is found in many Russian fairy tales. The famous Russian composer wrote a piece of music about Baba Yaga and included it in “ Children's album". Let's listen to the play "Baba Yaga" with you.

The play "Baba Yaga" is played (phonogram)

How did the music sound? (children's answers)

Moose. hands. : The play will be performed very soon. At the very beginning, the music sounds angular, as if Baba Yaga is walking, limping, starting something unkind, then a fussy, continuous movement appears, as if Baba Yaga is looking for something, and now the music sounds high, ominous, becomes louder. The flight of Baba Yaga is heard, accompanied by the "whistle of the wind." Baba Yaga rushes in a mortar through the air, then suddenly abruptly descends to the ground, conjures ... and suddenly disappears.

Let's listen to the play again.

At the end of the play, a teacher walks in dressed as Baba Yaga.

Moose. hands. : Guys, Baba Yaga heard her music and came to visit you.

Baba Yaga (educator):

I'm completely different now

I'm good not evil.

I love songs, music,

And I am friends with the guys.

Moose. hands. : If you have become kind, stay with us. And listen to a funny poem, and our fingers will help us.

Finger gymnastics "Baba Yaga"

In the dark thicket / clenching and unclenching fingers in the lock /

There is a hut / fold their hands into a house /,

Stands back to front / turn the hands with the back side /.

In this small hut / fold their hands in a house /.

Grandma Yaga lives / makes a window out of her hands, shake her head /.

The nose is so crooked / teased /.

The eye is so oblique / perform crossing movements with the fingers /

Bone leg / banging fist on fist /

Hello, Grandma Yaga! / Spread their arms to the sides /. (I. Bodrachenko)

I. Bodrachenko

Baba Yaga.

Oh, how I love to play with children, and songs - how I love to sing!

Moose. hands.

Guys, we will sing for Baba Yaga, and to make the songs sound loud and beautiful, we will wake up our voices.

Sing the melody:« Brooms ... brooms ...»

« Violin» (singing with closed mouth)

Setting when singing.

Legs together, backs straight,

To make the song sound.

After the chanting, the children perform songs of the music director's choice.

Baba Yaga. ( educator ):

- How loudly, beautifully, you sang a song. I immediately wanted to flutter like a butterfly and dance.

Moose. hands.:

Guys, I invite you to dance our minuet for Baba Yaga, but first we need to warm up our legs:

Legs, legs, did you walk?

We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, did you run?

We ran. We ran.

Legs, legs, did you knock?

We knocked, we knocked.

Legs, legs, are you tired?

We are tired, we are tired.

Legs, legs were resting?

We rested, rested.

That's how much fun we played.

Dance of the Minuet.

Baba Yaga.
You both sang and danced, but you didn’t play with me.

Song-game "Babka-Ezhka"

Moose. hands... Let's play Russian folk game"Grandma hedgehog"

Children go in a circle and sing a song, Baba Yaga is in the center of the circle. With the end of the song, Baba Yaga catches up with the children.

Grandma Hedgehog, bone leg

I fell off the stove and broke my leg.

She ran into the garden and scared all the people,

And I went outside

Scared the chicken.

Baba Yaga.

- One, two. One, two,

So the game is over.

Moose. hands.

Well done, guys, you were all friendly, attentive, tried to sing and dance beautifully, and now it's time for us to return from the fairy forest to the group. And let's give Grandma Yaga a winter picture, a magical one.

Laying out a picture from beads "Winter Landscape" - looking at - discussing,

Babya Yaga: Oh, and well done, you made your grandmother happy today

They sang and danced and played and even showed me a picture ... But it’s time for me to return to my hut ... Goodbye ...

Moose. ruk: Yes, and we already have to go - get up all one after the other, we will go back to the group to the music.

Abstract of a musical lesson using health-saving technologies. The summary is based on the program "Hello!" M. Lazarev, as well as valeological chanting songs by O. Arsenevskaya, gymnastics for the development of speech by E. Kosinova.




Software content:

Form a habit of a healthy lifestyle and strengthening your health through health-preserving technologies in all types of musical activity.

Teach children to use sounds for their development and better health.

To educate children in the ability to listen to music, to emotionally respond to it. Continue working on the purity of intonation in singing, taking the right breath when singing songs. Develop the creative activity of children.

The lesson is of an integrated nature, comprehensively solves the problems of musical and valeological education.

Scientific basis:

Using health-saving technologies: the "Hello!"
M. Lazareva, gymnastics for the development of speech by E. Kosinova, valeological chants by O. Arsenevskaya.

Children enter the hall to the music.

M. ruk. Hello guys! You came to a music lesson in our music hall... Today we have not an easy occupation. We will strengthen our health with the help of music. Look how many guests we have today! They, too, want to see how music can improve their health.
And what is the word for "health"? That's right, the word "hello". After all, when people say hello, they wish each other health. Let's say hello and we.

Greetings "Music, hello!" M. Lazarev.

M. ruk. Now let's get to know our guests.

Game-acquaintance "What is your name?"

M. hands. Very good guys! We greeted our teachers, gave all our names. Now let's get our singing necks, listening ears, arms and legs ready to dance.

Valeological song-chant with health-improving massage "Good morning!" sl. and music by Arsenevskaya.

1. Good morning! spread their arms to the sides and slightly
Smile soon!bow to each other

And it's all day today"spring"
It will be more fun. raise the handles up

We will stroke your foreheadperform movements on the text

Spout and cheeks.

We will be beautifulhead tilts to the right and

Like flowers in the garden!left shoulder alternately.

2. Let's rub our palmsmovement along the text

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

We will rub our ears now

And we will save health.

Let's smile again

Good luck everyone!spread their arms to the sides

M. hands. Tell me, guys, what does the song consist of?

That's right, from sounds, sounds of speech and musical sounds... And we also know that with the help of sounds we not only talk and sing, but we can also heal ourselves. Let's remember what healing sounds we know.

Healing sound "B" - heals a runny nose (when a runny nose begins)
Healing sound "Z" - when the throat hurts
Healing sound "F" - you can cure a cough
Healing sound "H" - heals headache and toothache
Healing sound "M" - promotes good digestion
Healing sound "R" (Tr) - helps to relieve fatigue at the end of the day
Sounds S, W (hissing) - help to rest, relax.
A tip for children - a video showing pictures of letters.

M. hands: Great, and now I will play good music for you.
(opens sheet music and sees blank sheets with holes)

What happened to the notes? And where did these holes come from? Do you guys know?
(children's answers)

M.ruk: It looks like the notes were eaten by mice. What to do?
(thinking) I came up with it! You need to call the music information desk.
Larisa Anatolyevna, please dial a reference.
Educator: (calls on the phone)
Hello! Supplemental? Help!
Send us an assistant!
We need to find notes
To conduct a lesson.
Says to children: A cat will be sent to us now!
Well, thank you! Beauty!
M.ruk: We know the game about the cat
And now let's play it!
Speech dialogue game "Tra-ta-ta"
(model T. Tyutyunnikova)
Children stand up all over the room in pairs, tell a nursery rhyme with intonations, accompanying them with movements: shaking their heads, the image of the Cat's stripes, long mustache, tassels on the ears.

Together: Tra-ta-ta! Tra-ta-ta!
A cat married a cat!
Dev: For Kota-Kotovich?
Boy: For Pyotr Petrovich!
Together: He has a mustache, striped,
Tassels hang in the ears.
Well, not a Cat, but just a treasure!

Purr's Cat appears.
cat : Meow meow! Yes, I am like this! I'm just a treasure for all the guys!
Meow! Hello everyone, friends!
How glad I am to see you!
M. hands : What a beautiful cat! What is your name?
cat : Sing a song about me as soon as possible,
Well, I'll sing you Meow! more fun!

Children sing the song "Purlyka".

M. hands .: Purr's cat, where can we find the notes?
cat : All mice live in the Mouse Kingdom. I think that the notes should be looked for there.
M.ruk : But we don't know the road. How to get to this kingdom?
Cat: Only real cats can find the mouse. But I am Supercat! Go ahead, my friends!
Don't slouch, chest forward
The adventure awaits us!

To the music “We don’t need a doctor,” children walk around the hall.
M.ruk: Guys, there is a house in front. Purr's Cat, is this already the Kingdom of Mouse?
Cat (sniffs): No. It doesn't smell like mice here. But there is someone in the house!
Purr leads two Dwarfs out of the house.
Gnome Do:
He lives in the house of C Major,
Sings songs loudly.
Kind, major,
Funny, perky!
Gnome Re:
D Minor went to the river
He started a sad song.
Oh! The river is agile.
Oh! The fate is minor!
M.ruk : Guys, these are dwarf brothers: Major and Minor! Where did they get such names?
(Answers of children).
Gnome Do: How did you get here?
Gnome Re: Have you lost something here?
M.ruk: We are looking for the Kingdom of Mouse. The mice have stolen our notes. And our guys love to sing, dance and play to the music.
Gnome Do : Guys, do you want to play with us? My brother and I often play interesting game with magic men.
M.ruk : Guys, let's play with the Gnomes too!(Distribute pictures).
Take a close look at your people. And now we will guess the nature of the music with the help of magical people and convey it with our facial expressions.
Listening to music (calm, sad, cheerful).
"Cheerful movements" Cheerful music improves mood
"Whiner" Unpleasant music - heart palpitations
"Bayu-bainki" Calm music - restores breathing
M. Lazarev's program "Hello!"(CD with songs).
Gnome Re: Children, how everything hurts around!
Something rumbles in my chest.
Everything in my throat is on fire, it burns.
My nose gurgles, sniffs.
M.ruk: Don't be sad, D Minor! Our children will cure you in no time! We know healing sounds and now we will heal you with the help of music.
We treat the chest for coughing - the healing sound "F".

Singing of the song "Beetles" by M. Lazarev.(while singing we keep our hand on the chest).
We treat the throat - the healing sound "Z".
Singing the song "Komar" M. Lazarev.(when singing, hand on the throat).
We treat a runny nose - the healing sound "B".
Singing of the song "Blew the breeze" M. Lazarev.(when singing index fingers hands on the wings of the nose).

Gnome Re: Ouch! I am well! Thanks guys! Now I will always sing these wonderful songs!
M.ruk: And so that you do not forget them, we leave you these healing sounds(pictures of letters).
Gnome Do: My brother is healthy again! Let's all go dancing!

Dance "Letka-Enka" for animals.

Dwarf Re : How fun it is with you!
M.ruk: Did you know that fun and laughter prolong life? Therefore, let's give each other and all our guests our smiles. Laugh at your health!
cat : We must not waste time,
You need to find the notes!
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
The road-road is so easy!
Sing along soon

Our song is more fun!

They walk to the music "Rails-Rails" M. Lazarev.(perform movements over the text).
Cat: Guys, I hear a wonderful smell! Look, flower meadow! What a miracle!
M.ruk: In a clearing by the river
Flowers gathered in a circle.
Yellow and blue
White and red -
How beautiful
How beautiful!
Guys, to take these wonderful flowers in hand, let's prepare our palms.

Finger game "Magic Flower".
The flower slept in a magical dream: (fist tightly clenched).
A petal appeared(Extend your thumb).
And behind him is his friend, (Index finger)
So the third did not sleep,(Middle finger)
And the fourth did not lag behind(Ring finger)
Here is the fifth petal,(little finger)
The whole flower has opened! (the hand is in the form of a cup).
M.ruk: And now, guys, let's take everything flower by flower, sit on the carpet and smell the scent of flowers. We'll have a little rest at the same time. What healing sound will help us rest and relax? ("W").

Respiratory gymnastics "Aroma of flowers" to the music "Breathing" M. Lazarev.
M.ruk: Children, listen to what wonderful music sounds! What's this? -Waltz!
That's right, but this is not a simple waltz, but "Waltz of the Flowers", and was written by the composer
P.I. Tchaikovsky. What kind of music does the waltz have? I suggest you become couples and together we will try to compose a dance. Don't forget our Purr and Vera

Dance improvisation "Waltz of the Flowers".

Cat: Guys, I think there are notes somewhere nearby. I can smell them. Let's search!

(The cat sniffs, takes one flower, invites the children to find notes in the flowers).

M.ruk : Great! With your Have a good mood, with the help of love for music and, of course, with the help of the Cat Purring, we have found the notes and now I can play you a kind song about healing sounds.

Song "Healing Sounds" M. Lazarev.

M.ruk: So our lesson is over. Listen to my health advice.
Love yourself and the people around you, respect them. Learn to listen to nature: birdsong, rain and wind noise, leaves whisper, plant smells. The voices of nature will fill your heart with joy and health.
To live and not get sick
Try to sing every day!

"Happy notes of health"

Abstract of a musical lesson.

The topic "The use of health-saving technologies in music lessons at a preschool educational institution"

Activity organization form: subgroup

Means of education:

1. Equipment:

Music Center



Musical instruments: bird-whistle, cones, sultans, nuts, wooden sticks, rustlers, bell.

2. Visual material:


3. Musical material: E. Grieg "Morning", "In the cave mountain king", P. Tchaikovsky" Waltz of the Flowers "," March of Wooden Soldiers "," Sweet Dream ", V. Alekseev" Polka-tramps "," The Magic of Nature. Waterfall ", the song" A musician walked through the forest ", valeological chant-song" Good morning "by ON Arsenevskaya, rn.m.


    Arsenevskaya O.N. "The system of musical and health-improving work in kindergarten"Volgograd," Teacher ", 2009.

    Kartushina M.Yu. "Improving classes with children 6-7 years old" Moscow, TC "Sphere", 2208.

The course of the lesson.

Leading: Hello guys! Today is such a wonderful weather! Let's wish everyone "Good morning" !!!

Valeologicheskaya chanting song with healing massage

"Good morning"

1. Good morning! Spread their arms to the sides

Smile soon! and bow slightly to each other.

And today all day "Spring".

It will be more fun. Raise the handles up.

2. We will stroke the forehead, Perform movements on the text.

Spout and cheeks.

We will be beautiful, Head tilts to the right

Like flowers in the garden! and the left shoulder alternately.

3. Let's rub the palms of the Movement over the text.

Stronger, stronger!

Now let's clap

Bolder, bolder!

4. We'll rub our ears now

And we will save health.

Let's smile again

Good luck everyone! Hands spread out to the sides.


Wonderful, (speaks against the background of music and leads the children with a snake to the screen)

Music flows like a river

Spun everything around

And ships of melodies

Swim out from under the hands.

They are driven by a steep wave,

But he cannot calm down, no.

Into the realm of healing music

Shall we follow them?

I invite you to visit the magic castle to the Queen of Healing Music.

(a slide with a picture of a castle appears).

At the Queen of Healing Music ( slide with her image)

there are assistants - cheerful notes of health, there are only seven of them - these are notes of do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si - they will tell you how music helps us to strengthen our health. They live here, on the staff.

(a slide appears with a stave, but empty),

And the staff is empty, where are the notes? Look, here is a postcard from the Queen of Music, let's open it, maybe we can find the answer here.

“To find out the secret of your health, you need to collect all the notes, The way is not easy, massage will not hurt you”.

Educator: Well, guys, let's go. I suggest that you perform a play massage, as the queen suggested to us.

Children stand in pairs throughout the hall and to the music, perform movements along the text.

I have such pens!

Look! stroking their hands.

They clap their hands loudly. Clap

One two Three!

Your pens too

They are similar to mine., Stroking each other's handles.

Circle with me once.

I have such cheeks!

Look! stroking their cheeks.

I pinch them a little. They pinch the cheeks easily.

One two Three!

Your cheeks are rubbing too

The cheeks are similar to mine.

Well with you, my friend, spinning "boat".

Circle with me once.

I have such ears! massage the earlobes. Rub


I will rub them on the sly.

One two Three!

Your ears, too, tugging at each other's ears.

They look like mine.

Good with you, friend,

I have such a back! stroking themselves on the back.

Look! They slap their palms.

I'll slap the back.

One two Three!

Your backs are also slapped on each other's backs.

Looks like mine.

Good with you, friend,

Circle with me once. They are spinning like a boat.

Leading: Feel the warmth spreading through your body? So we did the massage correctly. Look and the first note of "C" returns to the stave.

(a slide appears with one note on the camp)

“Can you dream? Dream about something pleasant, beautiful, good, and then share your impressions with me, the Queen of Music. "

Leading:- Make yourself comfortable on the carpet, close your eyes and dream a little, and then share your dreams, fantasies.

The music "Sweet Dream" by PI Tchaikovsky is played.

Leading: Extraordinary music. What nice words what about her? And who will share their dreams, fantasies?

Children's answers: Children answer full sentences... Example: The music sounded beautiful, smooth, gentle, magical ... etc.

Leading: How many wonderful words, it is not in vain that PI Tchaikovsky called his music "Sweet Dream" - this is a dream, fantasies, dreams.

Let's revive our fantasies, create an expressive, plastic dance, I'll ask the boys to sit on the chairs, and the girls to dance

And these "butterflies" will help us

(girls come out with butterflies in their hands and perform dance moves)

Movement improvisation to the music "Sweet Dream".

Leading: You perfectly transferred to dance improvisation your dreams and fantasies, well done.

Guys, which of the girls did you like more? Whose dance was more light, airy, magical?

Answers boys.

Leading: Your glowing eyes and smiles tell me that you enjoyed this assignment. And so the second note "D" returns to the stave.

(a slide appears with a note on the staff).

The third note lives in a glade of mirrored flowers.

Leading: Guys, I know how we can use these mirrored flowers (children take "mirrors - flowers").

Let's do gymnastics for our tongue (children look in the mirror and perform tongue movements)

Our funny tongue .. children say the words in unison.

Click, click. Click, click. Click their tongue.

We brush our teeth skillfully, show how to brush teeth

Left-right, left-right.

We are not tired at all. Stick out the tongue and "tease"

They began to move up and down.

Like bees were buzzing W-w-w-w-w

Like a machine, purred Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

How, horses, galloped galloping through the hall in a straight gallop

Stopped in time! Stop! They stop.

Slide (third note appears)

Leading: Guys, here's the third note - "mi"! Have you guessed what health secret was hidden in this clearing?

Children's answers.

Leading: That's right, you and I have kneaded our tongue and are now ready to look for the next note.

The fourth note lives in the song

Leading: And now, guys, I invite you to sing a song for the queen, which we taught in previous lessons.

Children sing a song.

What mood have you become?

Children's answers.

To live and not get sick, try to sing every day!

Fourth note slide

Leading: And here is the fourth note "F" returned to the staff.

“You stagnated a little,

Well, warm up, crumbs. "

Leading: I suggest you fulfill

Musical - game gymnastics "Along the path" to stretch our legs, and music will help you, listen carefully to my text and the music that will sound.

On a winding path

I suggest you go through.

Maybe you guys can

You will enter the fabulous forest.

We walk calmly, leisurely, Children walk calmly to the music

Keeping your head straight, "March" by M. Robber.

All have good posture.

Like soldiers we march, Children march high

Raise the legs higher, knees, arms along the body under

We cannot raise our hands, "March of the Wooden Soldiers"

Just walk with your feet. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Keep everyone's back straight,

To become visible.

Here is a cave in front of us, Children are half-squatting to the music

To pass we'll sit down with you. E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king"

Let's go half-squat,

So as not to bump our foreheads.

We will run like chanterelles Easy run, children show "habits"

Very cunning sisters, foxes to the music of Gavotte Gosak.

Let's wag our tail

We will cover our trail.

Fabulous flowers in the meadow Dance - fantasy "Waltz of the Flowers"

They blossomed. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In a waltz of flowers they

Spun around.

Danced so beautifully

But we're a little tired (children stop)

Leading: Guys, you just need to breathe properly to rest. First, I'll show you how it works, and then you'll do it yourself.

Breathing exercise.

Here is a magical waterfall. Children "catch" water with their palms.

He will wash all the guys. Children “wash”.

We draw air into the chest with Hands up, take a deep breath through the nose.

And we all dive deeper. Kids squat, get grouped

And now we all come up, Children get up, arms out to the sides.

And we exhale the air together. Children breathe out slowly through their mouths.

Host: How wonderful you moved. Movement is also health!

(A slide appears with a note)

And the fifth note "G" finds its place on the stave

“A forest fairy tale awaits you ahead.

And it should be accompanied by music. "

Leading: Well, okay. Are we able to do this task?

Children's answer.

Leading: Oh, guys, but I can't find the right word. Will you help me?

Children's answers.

Leading: Tell me, who writes music here: poet, writer, composer?

Children's answers.

Leading: Thanks guys, right composer. Now the music of the composer Grieg "Morning" will be played. But before I sound it, I want to show you what unusual instruments I brought you:

here is a whistle bird,

Cones, - rustlers -2 pcs (paper, package),




Guys, choose one instrument for yourself, and now I'll tell you which character you will voice.

Cones - for a bear theme,

Nuts - for a squirrel,

Sticks - For a woodpecker,

Rustlers - for a leaf,

Rustlers - for the chanterelle,

Sultanas - for the wind,

Whistle - for a lark

The bell is for dewdrops.

Leading: In our fairy tale, each hero has his own musical instrument, let's try to sound a fairy tale, and music will help us again.

(Children try to play.)

Children play an orchestra against the background of Grieg's music. " Forest Tale».

Quietly wanders along the path - says the presenter.

Morning in golden clothes

Where the rustling leaves rustle

Where the bells will ring like dewdrops

Loud knocking sounds Wooden sticks

This is a woodpecker - thump and thump!

The woodpecker makes a hollow -

The chicks will be warm there

From behind the forest, slowly, rustlers

The red fox came out.

She steps gently

on silk grass.

Squirrel Jumped Up Nuts

And gnaws at his nut there -

Here comes the cones

Club-toed bear.

The breeze suddenly swooped down on the sultans

Rustled through the trees

Accelerates clouds

The sun is shining

A whistle opens its wings in the sky

Lark hovers

Alive-alive-alive, alive-alive-alive,

It pours over the fields.

Leading: Well done boys!

Now we have made a musical sketch "Forest Tale", we drew it not on paper, we perceived it not visually, but by ear, through our ears. It turned out great, you are all creative guys.

(A slide appears with a note on the camp).

Leading: So the sixth note "la" appeared on the stave.

"Or maybe the note is hiding in a fun dance?"

Children's answers.

Leading: Check it out?

To strengthen health - we will dance with you!

Dance - improvisation under fun music.

Slide with the last note

Leading: Look, the last note of "s" has returned to the stave. The Queen of Music shared her secret. Let's remember together who helped us to improve our health today.

Children's answers- music…

Leading: That's right, music.

Guys, let's all count the notes together.

Children count.

Leading: Now let's remember the names of the notes.

Children say names - do, re… .si.

“You brought all my notes back to the stave, thank you guys, goodbye!

Children transmit " treble clef”And say who remembered and liked the lesson.

Leading: Now, guys, let's say goodbye to all the guests.