How to make a title page correctly. How to issue a title page of the project

How to make a title page correctly. How to issue a title page of the project
How to make a title page correctly. How to issue a title page of the project

Friends, good time of day. In any educational institutions, students ask such tasks. And today it will be discussed how to issue a title list of abstract in schools and universities. Since many students face this problem..

Let's help write any academic work.

After all, the following is the following from the correct and high-quality design of the title page:

  • First, the title page is the person of the abstract, your work. It is immediately visible on it, with which responsibility you treated the task.
  • Secondly, the teacher, looking at the tituer, determines how much the work is made and evaluated.

What is a title list of abstract

The title page is the very first page in academic work. It indicates the names of the department, strange, the name of the student and the teacher. The title page is drawn up in most cases GOST standards, but it happens. That universities teachers replace these rules on a well-thought-out technique.

In general, the title list adhere to the 2nd main state standards:

  1. "Report on NIR" - GOST 7.32-2001, in which the main requirements are very well described, which should be located on the title page.
  2. ECCD - GOST 2.105-95 - General requirements for any text document.

Regulations of the title list of abstract

Although teachers may require a student to adhere to the methodology. Nevertheless, there are rules from which it is impossible to shy. But better the various nuances to find out at the department in advance.

The title list of essay according to GOST includes the following parameters:

  • Not always, but the name of the country is written
  • Department name (abbreviated or full, learn from a reviewer)
  • Name of discipline
  • Theme of scientific work
  • In full name, course, group number
  • FULL NAME receiving, his position
  • Author
  • In which city the author lives
  • What year is the document

You need to remember the following, the title page is not numbered. I wrote about almost all versions of the numbering.

Also in GOST does not indicate the font and therefore teachers ask - Times New Roman, 14 Kehel.

Proper registration of the title list of the abstract in Word according to GOST 2017-2018

  1. In the center of the sheet, including Caps Lock writes the name of the Department or the Ministry of your educational institution. For convenience, CAPS LOCK is used.
  2. Next, they prescribe the name of the educational institution, full or brief, respecting the single firmist interval.
  3. Below in quotes - the name of the department
  4. Capital letters, in the middle of the sheet prescribe a font size of 16-20 khegel - "Abstract"
  5. Then the subject is written by abstract and topic
  6. Then, to the right of the center, prescribe full data of the author and verifiable
  7. And the last stage - at the bottom of the city center and year

Sample of the title list of essay for students

As mentioned above, the title lists of the abstract may differ depending on the educational institution. Some require adheres to GOST standards, and the other methods.

Requirements for the title list of essay in schools

Just as in universities, in schools, children also ask various types of tasks such as reports, abstracts. And many schoolchildren want to get excellent assessment from work. And therefore, the question is how to make the title page, interests almost any student. Let us identify the basic requirements:

  1. School name in full
  2. What kind of work (abstract, report, etc.)
  3. Subject of work (not mandatory in elementary school)
  4. Theme and project name
  5. Surname Student and Class
  6. Surname of the verifier teacher (also not necessarily in elementary school)
  7. City (settlement) and date

Rules and an example of a title list of abstract for school

Settings in Word.

  • Indents: Right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - to 20 mm
  • Title List Font - Times New Roman, 14 Kehel, Tutorial Name - 12 Kehel, Project Name - 28 Kehel and Bold, Work Name - 16 Kehel and Burning
  • Sheet A4.


Very often, schoolchildren, students, and sometimes, and the teachers themselves are faced with how to make a properly or another document for checking. Most often these are small author's work on any scientific topics, samples and examples of which can be downloaded from various sources. There are often cases when, after receiving the task, the student can not clearly imagine, where to get started and how to make it right.

With such a question, almost everything faces. To write a little competently, you also need correctly arrange a document in accordance with GOST. A student begins to be nervous, choosing the right options in search of the right answer, in connection with this loses the precious time to write work. Even writing work, hoping that he wrote him "on excellent," he understands perfectly, from how the title page is properly decorated, much depends.

Rules and requirements

The main requirements for the correct design of the title leaf of work are in the fundamental samples of documents, that is standards defined in GOST 7.32-2001. In this regard, before proceeding to design, it is necessary to familiarize themselves in detail with them, after reviewing the detailed instructions.

How to make a title list of abstract, college, university, can be found on the Internet. You can also download examples for college students. Almost always, the sample turns out to be true, but still information on the design of the title list of the state of the GOSTA can be considered only from official documents of the GOST designed to write scientific work by students.

Fundamental moments

One of the main parts of the abstract is its content. The author is obliged to issue his work so correctly that all the information he wants to convey was clear and understandable, is clearly structured and is set out in the right style. It is desirable to make good subtitles and sections names that will clearly express the goal of a certain topic.

Title list of essay according to GOST

For example, the student needs to write the topic of chapter. After that, you must specify the paragraph and page number, in other options you can use subtitles.

In the event that there are still chapters, enter their names, in the absence of those - subtitles. After which the description should be done, that is references and conclusion. In the event that you want to write a summary, all subtitles should be removed from the text.

The foregoing concerned the structure of the abstract, still it is worth returning to the main topic of the article - this is a design. According to the established standards, it is possible to describe the correct location of all details on it.

Registration of the title leaf

  1. At the top of the center There is a complete name of the educational institution and the name of the department, faculty. Here the phrase "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation" is written, which, in the formation of the title leaf, it can sometimes be excluded.
  2. In the central part or just below indicate the type of work name (report, essay, project, message). But also indicates the name of the discipline. You can write the name using quotes.
  3. On the right side - Author and supervisor. This unit must be located on 7-9 intervals below the essay theme.
  4. At the very bottom in the central part There is a block with the name of the city and the year of work.

With oral presentation, everything is simple. You prepare a small abstract or plan, then stand up to the audience. Show records to anyone else optional. A written report is a completely different business. Upon design, the report is similar to the abstract. In many universities, the requirements for the design of both works are identical.

Please note: in contrast to the abstract, which is issued according to GOST, the clear rules of the report does not exist. This does not mean that you are entitled to write by hand, score on the title page, bibliography and introduction. It only means that in each educational institution - average or higher - there are their regulations and rules. Moreover, every teacher is free to put its requirements for volume, structure, type of work.

Structure of the report

We have already led the exact and most complete structure in the last article. Let yourself repeat:

  • Title page;
  • Table of contents;
  • Introduction;
  • Main part;
  • Conclusion;
  • Bibliography.

Each part of the report begins with a new page. Including paragraphs and chapters (if they are) the main part.

The structure may be different. For example, if the teacher requires an extremely major part, you can only leave the title page. Bibliography does not always need to make out, but in any case, you must fix the sources from which you took information.

Is it worth writing from hand?

10-15 years ago, teachers looked loyally to handwritten works. If desired, it was possible to arrange even coursework. Times have changed. Find a computer is completely easy, but print - inexpensive. Therefore, even if the teacher does not require printed work, do not force him to suffer, disassembled your handwriting. Even if you came from a deaf province, where technologies did not get, and do not know how to work in Word (I wonder if it happens?), Contact a special company where student work is printed, ask a friend or neighbor, order, finally, the report from Studelser.

How to make a printed report correctly?

So, open Word, choose Times New Roman font and start. For ordinary text, the font size can be 12-14, between the lines set the interval of 1.5-2.

Field size depends on specific requirements. Typically, the width of the left field is 30 mm, the remaining is 20 mm. If the report of the report is not written, use the default fields.

For headers used 14-16 size. You can arrange them automatically using standard Word tools (setting "heading 1", "header 2", etc.). Points at the end of the headlines are not put!

Numbering pages and footnotes are also drawn up using standard program tools. All pages are numbered. The title page is considered the first page.

Registration of the table of contents of the report

Whether it is necessary to fill the space between the name of the part and the pages number by points, check with the teacher. If there are no clear requirements, you can use points.

Bibliography design

How to make a report without a bibliography, even a schoolboy knows. With the list of literature everything is much more difficult. There are clear requirements here:

  1. The author's book (including the written group of authors) is drawn up like this:

Puchinsky V.K. Civil Process of Foreign Countries. - M.: "Zerzalo", 2008. - 304 p.

  1. A book under whose edition (encyclopedia, dictionaries, etc.) is drawn up like this:

Thus, first put the name, then the name of the editor, city, publishing, year and number of pages.

  1. The publication in the journal / newspaper is drawn up as follows:

Komova E.G. Diplomatic culture in US relationships - Canada / E.G. Komkov // World Economy and International Relations. - 2014. - № 7. - P. 98-106.

  1. Internet publishing can also be used. Draw it out like this:

Labor law [Electronic resource]. Wikipedia.URL: right

That is, first specify the name, then the name of the resource and the exact address.

What's next?


Text of abstract. The most important thing is observance of the size of the page fields (left 35 mm, the right - 10 mm, upper and lower - 20 mm), the interval interval (one-time) and font (Times New Roman, 14). Do not start new paragraphs from the new page, it is better that they go to each other without breaks.

In addition, do not highlight the names of paragraphs in capital letters, as they should be written in the usual way. At the end of the header never put a point.

Semantic and conclusions. It is necessary to allocate basic concepts with bold, italic or underlining for the easiest perception of text. The findings are drawn up at the end of each paragraph by a generalizing paragraph, which should begin with: "Thus ..", "Summing up the said ...", "That is, we can say that ...", "summarizing, should be noted that ... "," So, we came to the conclusion that ... ".


  • Rules for writing school abstract

Those who study in any educational institutions are faced with the fact that from time to time you need to pass. This is a good way to demonstrate your knowledge. It is very important that the one who writes it, knew how to make it right. The assessment of the knowledge and skills of the student depends on this.


Title page. From above, you must write the name of the training organization. In the middle of the page write the word "abstract" in large letters. The next line is the full name of the topic that will be disclosed in it. A little lower on the right edge of the surname and initials performed, below - the name of the teacher who will check this abstract. On the most recent line, in the middle you need to specify the city and the year of work. Write the table of contents on the next page. It needs to specify the numbers of the pages on individual chapters.

Justify the selection of this topic in the introduction. This is the following page. It is necessary to prove the correctness of the chosen topic, as well as the theoretical and applied value of this issue. It is important to explain why the author decided to choose this particular topic.

Set out the main part in accordance with the plan. Make it need consistently and in your own words. Usually the main part consists of 12-15 pages. In this section, it is necessary to reflect its attitude towards the raised question and ways to solve it. This section must contain several chapters. And each next chapter should begin with a new page, despite the one where the previous one ended.

Justify the good quality of your work in the conclusions. This is also called the final part. In this part of the abstract, it is necessary to briefly summarize the above material, pay attention to the importance of a tightened problem, encourage measures to decide it.

On a separate page, you must specify links to the literature that was used to prepare this abstract. First, encyclopedias and reference books are mentioned, then the books on the topic of the abstract, the last but the newspaper magazine articles are written.

How to make a title list of essay by GOST? This issue is asked both students and schoolchildren who are taken for research work as part of the school program. Legislative rules for design abstracts are governed by regulations (GOST 7.32-2001 and applications for it).


There are several types of abstract work. So, GOST provides for the compilation of an abstract to the Nir, the author's abstract to the dissertation. Therefore, they immediately warn you: we are talking about the design of the abstract work, devoted to the presentation of a particular topic or problem. The remaining types of abstracts and the features of their design will consider in more detail in other articles.

Memo how to make a title list for abstract

  1. The title list of the abstract of A4 is decorated.
  2. The font, its size and firmist interval stipulates the methodological instructions of the University (Institute, Technical School, Lyceum, School).
  3. GOST provides for the need to fill the title list of essay by 14 Times New Roman font, fatty, with a firmist interval 1 or 1.5 1 (clause 6.10.1 GOST 7.32-2001).
  4. Alignment is made depending on the block.
  5. Since the legislation does not provide for the obligatory use of the GOST Rules for the design of the abstract, as the title list of the abstract. Educational institution brings to the attention of students in a methods (usually located in applications).
  6. The tituer is not numbered, although it is accepted for the first page.

How to write a title list of abstract: step-by-step guide

What the title page looks like, pay attention to the following. Conditionally, it can be divided into several blocks:

1. In the upper block they are written: the name of the ministry to which the Education Establishment belongs, the name of the institution with orientation in the center, for example:

Sample design

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Moscow State University. M.Yu. Lomonosov

2. Middle block: information on the discipline and the subject of the abstract, orientation of the center, for example:

Sample design

By discipline: History

Topic: February 1917 Revolution in Russia

Please note: GOST does not provide for the need to exhibit quotes, but the methodological instructions of your educational institution are entitled to specify this, and then the name of the topic will need to enter into quotes:

Sample design

By discipline: The history of the state and law

Topic: "The formation of the Soviet authorities in 1917"

3. Right block: Abstract need to sign correctly! Information about the author of the abstract and the scientific leader (the teacher who will check and allow it to be protected), with orientation on the right edge:

Sample design


student 2 courses

correspondence department

group I-23

Field Oleg Ruslanovich


Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Society

Gursky Ivan Petrovich

Evaluation __________________

Date __________________



Corporate ethics requires that his position be sure to be in front of the name of the teacher, as well as if there is a scientific degree. Do not risk: There are cases when problems with the protection of the abstract began with such "trifles" as the lack of the regalia of the teacher on the title page.

4. Lower block: indication of the city in which the educational institution is located, as well as the year of writing the abstract. Orientation in the center, at the very end of the page:

Sample design

Small tricks on how to print a title list of abstract

As a rule, the problem with the design of the title leaf passes as a student is gaining experience ... The same who has encountered a question, how to write a title list of abstract, for the first time, - Tips from "experienced" students:

  • At the department, there are necessaries of titles in the electronic version. Let the headright of the group ask them at the secretary - and you will only have to make the necessary data in the already finished shape and print.
  • Even if you order an essay with us - do not ignore the methods! Remember: many nuances cannot predict even experienced authors. Therefore, in advance to take care of providing guidelines - and then the title page will print our author, you only need to specify it in advance .
  • Many universities place their guidelines in open access for students: check if there is an opportunity to download them.

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