Figure late autumn for kids with pencil. How to draw a beautiful autumn landscape of nature with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners? How to draw a light autumn landscape with a pencil for beginners? Ready works on the topic "Autumn landscape" Photo

Figure late autumn for kids with pencil. How to draw a beautiful autumn landscape of nature with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners? How to draw a light autumn landscape with a pencil for beginners? Ready works on the topic
Figure late autumn for kids with pencil. How to draw a beautiful autumn landscape of nature with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners? How to draw a light autumn landscape with a pencil for beginners? Ready works on the topic "Autumn landscape" Photo

Golden autumn - a traditional theme for drawings is not only in kindergarten, but also in the younger school. As a rule, such thematic drawings are performed with colored pencils, gouache or watercolor paints. Well, the main object of drawings on the topic "Autumn" is the brightest and unshakable attributes of this season - autumn leaves. Moreover, it can be both separate leaflets and whole bouquets of them, autumn trees or whole forest landscapes. You can add such a children's drawing on the topic "Autumn" with other autumn elements, such as the key of flying birds or fruit and vegetable harvest. In our current article, we have collected for you three step-by-step master classes with photos of drawings on the topic "Autumn", which are suitable for kindergarten and elementary school (1-5 classes).

Figure on the topic "Autumn" in kindergarten, step-by-step master class with photos

The first master class, which we suggest you master, is ideal for the smallest artists - pupils of kindergartens. The drawing on the autumn theme described below is performed by a gouache or thick acrylic paints. But the most important attribute of this master class is dry autumn leaves of different forms. How exactly the leaves will be used in the picture on the topic "Autumn" for kindergarten Find out of the step-by-step master class with the photo below.

Required materials for drawing on the topic "Autumn" for kindergarten

  • paper
  • paints
  • wide brush
  • dry leaves of different types of trees

Step-by-step instruction for master class of children's drawing on the topic "Autumn"

  1. Autumn leaves will serve as a kind of drawing stamps, so it is desirable to take the leaves of different types of trees - so the finished drawing will be more interesting. Leaves take dry, but enough elastic. We apply a tassel on the inner surface of a leaf thick layer of paint. Photo 22

    On a note! In order for the drawing to be even more colorful, put several different colors on one leaf.

  2. Hold our "stamp" for the tail and gently carry paint on paper. We will draw an autumn tree, so we will form it with the leaves. PHOTO 23
  3. We carry paints from different leaves, gradually filling most of the paper. As a result, it should be big, lush and multi-colored krona. Photo 24
  4. We give paints a little to dry and start drawing with a brush with a brown paint trunk and branches. Ready! Thanks to such an interesting technique, the drawing is obtained very original - the leaves-stamps not only give the form, but also leave beautiful patterns. Foto 25

Figure on the topic "Autumn" for children 1-5 classes, step-by-step master class with photos

Autumn topics are relevant for drawing lessons in elementary school. Most often, students of grades 1-5 give a task to draw autumn landscapes. Our next drawing on the topic "Autumn" is just such a step-by-step master class for children 1-5 classes. It is painted in detail how to draw autumn tree, which can be both an independent pattern and the basis for the children's landscape.

Required materials for drawing on the topic "Autumn" for children 1-5 classes

  • paper
  • colour pencils

Instructions for Master-class drawing on the topic "Autumn" for children 1-5 classes

  1. Simple or black pencil we plan in the middle of the sheet the basis of the future tree trunk.
  2. Then with simple lines draw the basics of branches. First, draw large branches, and already form thin little twigs from them.

  3. Around the resulting template draw silhouette of the crown.
  4. Add the detail tree: draw the volume of the crown, simulate several strokes of the relief of the crust and leaves.
  5. Go to the deactors of our drawing. We start with the trunk, which fill the brown pencil strokes.
  6. So that Krona turns out to be more solid, it will be several colors. For example, the crown boundaries can be filled with a red pencil.
  7. Then the middle part of the crown fill with orange and yellow colors. Photography 9Weed to decorate in different colors of the fallen leaves and our drawing on the topic "Autumn" for children 1-5 grades is ready!

Children's drawing on the topic "Autumn" with a pencil - how to draw "Autumn Sunset" in stages

The next master class of children's drawing on the autumn theme is performed using wax pencils. The main topic will be the autumn sunset, against which a lonely tree grows, has already been growing to reset all the leaves. This master class of children's drawing on the autumn theme with a pencil "Autumn Sunset" is suitable for children from 7 years.

Necessary materials for drawing on the topic "Autumn" pencil

  • wax Pencils (Black, Orange, Yellow, Red, White)
  • paper

Instructions for Figure "Autumn Sunset" Pencil

  1. Fill over the entire surface of the sheet with a yellow pencil, drawing extensive horizontal strokes.
  2. Then with the help of a small piece of cotton or just finger rubbing a pencil into a light haze.
  3. We draw such touches from above, but already orange pencil.
  4. By the same technique, we rub them and on top of the line of the red line on the middle of the sheet.
  5. Gently rub the pencil so that there are no visible transitions and lines.

  6. From the bottom of the black pencil, we draw the soil, making the earth with a relief and heterogeneous. At about the middle, we make a small depression.
  7. In the lower right corner, we start to draw our lonely growing tree. Its height and size are adjustable at its discretion.
  8. In the wpadine, a white pencil draw the silhouette of the sun, sitting beyond the horizon.
  9. In conclusion, draw a flock flying to the south of birds. Ready!

Autumn is a favorite time of many children. Her bright paints and blueness of the endless sky admire, fascinate and charge positive. Autumn beauty has been reflected in music, verses, stories and on the canvases of great masters. Children love their observations of changes in nature on paper. And let them are not at all neat and somewhere not very beautiful, but it is not scary, because the guys just learn to take a pencil in the hands and work with a brush.

Not every child will immediately come up with how it is better to portray autumn theme. Parents or tutor should remind children autumn landscape. Perhaps you have to go on a joint walk and draw the attention of the baby on the shape of leaves, trees color, blue sky. Let the child, at the arrival of home, will try to transfer them to paper.
Autumn theme may include a lyrical landscape.

Reflect the longing of migratory birds.

... or the beauty of circulating leaves.

Children's drawings fall

Children's drawings can transmit a feeling of longing from rainy weather.

Autumn is a mushroom time, so it is impossible to bypass the beauty of delicious representatives of the late autumn.

Many children have the arrival of the autumn associated with the day of knowledge.

Autumn drawing pencil, step-by-step master class

Step 1
Drawing starts with a large form on paper in the form of an English letter "V" using long, curved lines. Note that the parties "V" are not straight, but wavy. One of the lines above has a small branch.

Step 2.
A pair of long, curved lines are added to the pattern, which are lowered from "V"-shaped down. This is a tree trunk, which is slightly thickened by the earth.
Step 3.
From the upper branches draw from two sides curved lines of different lengths.

Step 4.
Of the two lines form another wide branch extending from the tree trunk. Then make additional small branches.

Step 5.
Tree trunk is covered with leaves.

Step 6.
Add thick deciduous mass of irregular shape with jarbins at the ends.
Step 7.
Under the tree depict the fallen leaves of a drop-shaped form.

Step 8.
Fill everything is proposed with additional branches, branches and leaves. Detail the trunk with the help of curved lines of different lengths.
Step 9.
Draw a second line of the horizon, towering over the first. Overlooking on Earth and several fallen leaves on it are added.

Step 10.
The paint palette is applied to the drawing: from golden yellow or copper to red-orange or brown. Away, on the principle of the present tree, you can add a whole forest.

Figure Golden Autumn, step by step with photo

An example of a drawing of a gold autumn is made in non-traditional techniques - drawing with a sponge. Such work will cause positive emotions from the child, and also will show how to use the usual items in drawing.


  • album sheet;
  • paint-gouache four shades: red, yellow, green, brown;
  • brushes;
  • two sponges of foam rubber;
  • scissors;
  • disposable plates.

On the dense side of the sponges draw the contours of trees. Then neatly scissors cut out extra parts.

The plates are bred to the consistency of sour cream three colors: yellow, red and green.

With the help of a sponge draw on a yellow base on a sheet. Then omit one template of the tree into the yellow paint, and the other in the red and make neat prints on paper.

On the sides of the drawing applied prints of fir trees and a long smear - the remains of green grass.

A little red add to yellow trees.

At the top of the tassel depict the sun and draw the trunks of the trees with a brown tint.

At the end make reddish strokes at the base of trees.

Figures Autumn 1 class, 3 options with explanations

Alternatively, a children's drawing can be drawn using real leaf and paints. To do this, take several sheets of different shapes, apply to paper and paint the contour with a pencil. The middle paints with paints with a sponge or tassel. Another method of drawing, when the withdrawal of the sheet is applied to the sheet and pressed it to the surface of the sheet. The drawing is obtained with print sheets of different sizes and shape.

Landscape "In the Garden"

At the bottom of the sheet paint the outline of the hill. Then, on the right side, apply a counter line.

In the middle of the connection of two hills, one more smaller and two arcuate on the sides are depicted.

Tree drawing starts from the base of the barrel.

Curved lines depict the main branches that are inside the trunk. On both sides of the main branches draw small branches with curved ends.

On the branches of the tree add leaves and fruits, several of them have already faltered the ground.

For decoration, the drawing is chosen autumn colors: yellow, brown, red and orange.

Collage of leaves

To work collect leaves of various shapes and sizes. Place one of them on a flat surface and covered with paper. Gently stroke a paper surface with shallow or oil pastels so that the form of the stencil appears. Then the sheet is removed from under the paper and placed the next one. It can be painted with different color.

Figure Autumn 2 class, 3 options with explanations

Autumn drawing with cotton chopsticks


  • watercolor paints;
  • watercolor paper;
  • painting tape of the artist (optional);
  • straw;
  • cotton swabs;
  • wide brush;
  • water.

The edges of the sheet are covered with a painting ribbon to at the end to have a work with a pure frame. To obtain a beautiful graded base, the sheet is first wetted with simple water, and then add some color. While paper wet paint clouds, then give it to dry.

On the bottom half of the sheet they apply yellow, green and red shades for the horizon. Leave work again to dry. Mix the black paint with water to the ink consistency. Drip some paint downstairs. Then give children a tube so that they "felt" parts of the trunk and branches. Where necessary, add paint. Give work to dry.

With cotton chopsticks are applied to the tree and under it yellow and red "leaves".

Foil leaf

It looks original with placed under thin foil (the top should be shiny) leaf. My fingers neatly stroke the metal material for the manifestation of the pattern. Then the base is covered with a layer of black gouache or carcass. Leave work to dry and carefully pass on it with metal washcloth. Residents will get shine, and the recesses will remain dark. Then the relief is placed on the cardboard.

Tree in autumn

The next job is made using the usual salt. To begin with, the leaf itself is wetted with a sponge, put paint and sprinkled with a wet background salt.

After 10 seconds, the salt shakes, and the billet itself is dried. The contours of grass and wood are applied, and then paint them into mixed autumn tones.

Figure Autumn in kindergarten paints:

Any children's autumn drawing drawn with the help of paints or a pencil, with bright colors. Someone beloved time is associated with the bunches of Ryabina, someone has a sad rain, and for others it is a mushroom season. Drawing techniques Kindergarten kids are just beginning to master, so they choose work simpler and often use ready-made patterns.

junior group, step by step

Personal autumn drawing

On a brown sheet of paper, a child carries his palm. Then it is cut and glued to the white background - it will be the base of the tree.

With the help of a wine plug, multicolored circles are rapidly applied around the crown.

Autumn tree

The technique of drawing such a tree is so simple that even a three-year-old kid will master it. For work, the trunk pattern is printed, prepare paint, a brush and a round brush.
The paints of different tones are squeezed out on separate plates: yellow, orange, brown and red. The brush is lowered into one of the colors and applied to the tree, depicting the leaves. Then the trunk of the tree is painted with brown.

Finger drawing

His world vision, children can pass through fingerprints. Figures in this technique are obtained unique and unique. Initially, objects are depicted with implications of palms, and then go to finger drawing. For work, special paints are selected, which are safe for the kid.
In the center of the sheet depict a brown tree trunk. Then, the dipping fingers in yellow and red tones, leave around it the prints of multi-colored "leaves".

middle group, phased

The educational program of the middle group necessarily includes autumn themes. A variety of techniques and an unconventional approach are used for work.

Drawing wax candle

For work it is necessary:

  • office paper sheet;
  • candle;
  • paints;
  • autumn leaves of different shapes.

The sheet is placed under paper and the clutch over the surface of the candle. Print cover paint. There, where the protrusions were formed, the lumens will remain. Repeat similar steps with other leaves.

Green leaves are used for drawing, because Dry scattered when pressing.

Drawing equipment with wax crayons

To portray sheets, you will need office paper and wax chalk.

Sheet is covered with paper and drive it in a small one until it appears.
For brightness, white background is glued on color cardboard.

Autumn landscape


  • sketch of wood on paper or cardboard;
  • brown pencil or oil pastel;
  • finger paint;

The hands of the baby must wash before changing the paints.

To begin with, painted on paper the contour of the tree or print a finished pattern. The trunk is covered with brown pencil or oil pastel.
On the palette prepare a finger paint of brown, yellow, red and orange.
Lower your finger into one of the colors and pressed it to paper. For painting, you can use one or all your fingers.
Make multicolored prints until the tree is filled with autumn leaves. Its foundation is applied yellow paint with one smear of the finger.
You can add fallen leaves or draw birds and clouds to the landscape. At the end, work is necessarily dried.

senior group, master class with photo

The drawing technique in the older group is slightly complicated. If a tree is transferred on paper, then it's already visible the feature of the structure of the crown, thickened trunk and its color of the crust. In children's drawings, the proportion, composition "close-far" and color features should be held.

"Wet" autumn landscape

Materials and tools:

  • watercolor paper;
  • soft brushes with a pointed tip;
  • toothbrush;
  • set of watercolor paints and palette;
  • cup for wetting and washing with brushes.

The brush is lowered into the water and wet well. The tree will be made in the form of an arbitrary cluster of the clouds, so they are afraid that the child will not spoil the job.

Watercolor lies on top of the wet previous paint layer. Such a drawing technique is called "wet wet". For foliage, a combination of yellow, orange and olive green shade is used.

Mix a bit of brown and black to get a gray brown shade and a tassel draw the shape of the trunk and several branches.

Then proceed to the funny and lightweight watercolor painting technique. A wet toothbrush dip in yellow color and, holding a finger with a bristle, start splashing paint on the surface of the paper.

Similar work is repeated with orange and olive colors. Toothbrush gives fine foliage misty effect.

Larger splashes are performed using two crossed brushes.

It is better to start work with brighter colors and have another wet brush without paint at hand. It is used to mitigate transitions.

Vegetable prints

Using fruits and vegetables, you can create interesting prints on paper. This technique will definitely like the children.

  • fruits (apples, pears, oranges, bananas, lemons);
  • vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, sweet pepper, potatoes, carrots, corn, mushrooms, Chinese cabbage);
  • knife;
  • cutting board;
  • white cardboard;
  • paper sketch (optional).

At the cutting stage of vegetables and fruits, children need help adults. Before working, fruits and vegetables wash and dried. Approximate cutting:

  • apples and pears - cut along in half;
  • bananas - in half;
  • oranges and lemons - across in half;
  • corn - in half, insert the handle tube;
  • pepper - across in half, remove seeds;
  • broccoli and cauliflower - divided into separate inflorescences;
  • mushrooms - slices or long in half;
  • potatoes and carrots - for a quarter or concrete forms, such as a flower or a star.

Place the paint in small containers. Make a sketch of a drawing on paper. Fruit or vegetable blank is lowered into the paint, evenly distributing it on the surface. The pattern is tightly pressed to paper, making an impression.

Vegetable broccoli prints are ideal for the image of trees, and corn riding is for a grassy layer.

Drawing with cotton chopsticks

Comparatively new children's creativity technique - drawing pattern on paper with paints and chopsticks very much like children. For such creativity, paper, cotton wands and gouache, diluted with water. Spot patterns are applied to a sheet slightly adjusting.

All works are made with cotton chopsticks.

Beautiful autumn drawings, photo

Children's drawings have a special spirit. They have no rules, canons, only inspiration and children's immediate soul.
Autumn drawing can be volumetric or supplemented by natural materials: leaves, seeds and small fruits.

Multi-colored stroke is another technique when the colors of markers, pencils and even gel pens are mixed during operation.

It is commendable when children support parents. It not only brings closer, but also expresses individuality and helps to cope with emotions.

On the eve of the Golden Fall and Cool Autumn Weather, almost all educational preschool institutions and elementary school are organized by children inspiration on the topic "Autumn". Crafts from cardboard and colored paper, chestnuts, plasticine and fabrics - only a part of what can be obtained as a homework. After all, the basis of the autumn time of the year is drawings. And the most diverse, and no one is similar to each other. As an idea for playing teachers, examples are offered examples of work as inspiration for child creativity.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 offered in the article below - as a small tip for children and their parents at the beginning of creative work. Bright paints, interesting ideas, various representations of nature and autumn details - only part of what can be seen in the photo, comparing the sketches and drawings of children with the nature of the Golden Autumn.

What is the charm of autumn pore?

Autumn is a wonderful time of year, personifying calm and the preparation of the environment for winter. Falls from multi-colored leaves, land covered with old trees, rich harvests of ripe berries, fruits and vegetables, warm, but no longer scoring sun - real autumn weather painted with rich and noble paints.

And if an adult autumn time inspires spiritual equilibrium, pleasant harvesting troubles and outdoor activities in nature, the play shape will help to attract a child to fulfill the task. As an option: Collecting leaves for the creation of herbarium, outdoor activities, sports games (football, basketball), competition for the best drawing.

Drawing on the topic "Autumn" in kindergarten

Autumn drawings for kindergarten 2018 are elementary in the view of adults of work. However, if you look at the task with the eyes of a child, it will seem as difficult to him as an adult to spell a still life. Therefore, it is very important to show support for the child's homework, helping him in hard work.

For children (baby) 3-4 years

A completely young artist is not for the power to reproduce masterpieces. But this does not mean that it frees it from performing the task. Teachers in preschool institutions (kindergartens, additional education and development courses) are calling for parents to engage in motility and creative child's potential: to draw fingers leaf, rowan berries, raindrops and other drawings.

In the photo below, you can find various autumn drawings for kindergarten performed with fingers that are suitable as an example to perform the specified work in 2018.

For children (child) 5-6 years

Graduates of the kindergarten can be depicted in autumn drawings with fresh leaves, wax white candles and watercolor paints. The essence of the work is as follows:

1) under the sheet of paper plays a large maple leaf and is carried out with a candle;
2) so repeats with each leaf of the tree until the sketch is ready;
3) Watercolor paint in the color palette of autumn (yellow, orange, red) is applied from above.

Autumn drawings relevant for kindergarten and school 2018

There are also such crafts that will rise not only for kindergarten, but also elementary school. You can attribute to them: Coloring fresh leaves with gouache, drawings drawn with shallow, drawing based on templates.

The following are several master classes with photos that are distinguished by their versatility. All because they are suitable for children of different ages.

Animals and autumn

Transfer autumn motifs on a sheet of paper not only with the help of nature, but also animals. Hedgehog in foliage or with an apple on needles running around the mushrooms, a squirrel on a deciduous tree, a bear pretending to be a burgrel for the winter, a red cat on the background of "Golden Autumn" - once again prove that you can portray on paper absolutely any drawing.

Autumn drawings for kindergarten and school 2018 are an interesting task for both children and their parents. It combines a family over "simple" at first glance, helping to find points of contact and ideas for drawing a child of different ages: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 9 years.

Ready works on the topic "Autumn landscape" Photo:

Good afternoon, today I want to put interesting ways to paint the autumn landscape in one article. You will see many paintings on autumn from different artists. Each of them found its author's autumn technique. You will be able to appreciate their approach, understand how to develop your style in painting paintings and create your own autumn composition. Let's look at the autumn landscapes from the masters, whose paintings we found on the Internet.

Picture of autumn alley.

(autumn in the park)

Alley, surrounded by autumn trees, often inspires artists to try to convey all their beauty. On this topic to make the first acquaintance you immediately with two artists. Both paint the autumn alley - and completely different.

The first 2 paintings belong to the artist Leonid Afre ... Look it impossible not to know - even without a signature of his canvases are guessed according to the characteristic "square" smear. Wide brush prints leave square traces. The whole picture consists of a slightly uneven lubricated squares.

Especially here (the picture fall below) is well distinguished squares of smears not top of the canvas.

But the lower part (where it displays the wet-filled with water almost a mirror sidewalk. It is worth considering ... to learn how it draws water. Reflection in water lubricated with horizontal refractions of color and light.

And here's another artist Graham Herken - His feature is a special scattered light, evenly highlighting the entire autumn landscape. Matte senesevo-blue haze, against the background of which uneven outlines of orange orange klex autumn contrasts. Everything is uncomfortable and thin.

Autumn in pictures

how to draw autumn light.

The brightest autumn is on a sunny day. She is golden. She is shining. It is impossible to describe in words ... But is it possible to convey this shine, this is the sun in the picture.
Let's see how the artist Leonid Afremov does.

On a sunny day, autumn leaves are highlighted by the sun and shine like Japanese lanterns ... dispel through themselves clear and even glow.

And these are these glowing leaves and you can depict the desired shades on the palette. Please note that Aframa even dark red leaves have the effect of the luminescence (internal illumination by the Sun).

On a sunny day, when we look into the distance, through the rays the sun of the blinding of us - the distance seems to us whites and luminous. It was the same way that Leonid Afremov was painted in the picture below. Transferring this foulness to the sun with white and yellow strokes.

But the second already familiar artist Graham Herken (Master of Blue Hummers) ... Look like he handed over the light (by choosing his already blonde tone of the background) and throwing a light ash and lilac shadows on the smiling sun.

And now let's get acquainted with the third artist Frank Wilson. This picture is very interesting. On it we can learn how to make a sunny light strip and throw it between the trees - on the side of the road.
And pay attention to how the trees trunks are highlighted from the side of the branches ... they are twisted the sun.

Picture Autumn road.
landscape of small forms.

Draw a small piece of autumn is not easier than a review landscape. It would seem a small piece of road. And on it can be conveyed autumn mood with paints on the canvas.

You can simply draw the road with the leaves on it, the stretching grass on the side of the sidelines and a number of autumn trees. This is a classic image of the road in autumn.

And it is possible to complicate the task and transfer the relief of old stone steps ... to eliminate them with autumn foliage and transfer the spirit of autumn.

Returning to the master Gramma Herken - see how interesting he portrayed a wet road. Its gray color of the matte mirror ... in which transparent reflections of trees stems froze.

But the artist, whose signature I did not find in my picture in my own way painted the autumn road - her blurred torn edge - all of the horizontal long smears (like oil lubricated with a finger).

And the dark blue depth of water ... black strokes, white strokes ... All this transmits the last autumn rain.

Picture of autumn.

How to draw rain.

Autumn time rains. They make autumn brighter, glossy. Now autumn is not only at the top in the foliage, but at the bottom - in the asphalt mirror.

You yourself will find your color refractive style and lines in the water ... Try ... Create. This can be done in different ways. Wear more often after the rain, look at your eyes, imagine that this reality is drawn by someone, amazed the accuracy of the color-selection, contrast, beauty of the lines, remember and try to transfer to the colors seen.

Another artist. Another style. Dmitry Spyros is also a blue haze (skyscrapers). And the wet asphalt is already made differently. Smoother, less ridden wine glare (than in the picture of Aframa, above)

Picture of autumn evening.

How to convey the autumn twilight.

The artist Grez Herken thickens twilight - in his own way. Its ordinary flushing background is darkened ... it becomes not so transparent, clouds. And the remaining paints (for the trunk and foliage and herbs he takes a few tones darker than when draws a sunny day.

Artist Leonid Afreov - everything is more complicated. The mosaic begins here - the dark and light smear war. The proportion is important in these puzzles - the more dark "square" smears, the darker the autumn evening.

And then (the photo below) of Afremov takes the reception of the haze ... On the distant plan, he has a gloomy nebula ... And believe me, it consists of the same puzzles of square prints.

Picture of autumn

Trees in the water.

Reflection of autumn in the water stroit of the river or lake. Artists love to draw mirror glare of orange trees reflections. Such drawing of autumn trees with a reflection from in water even in school is carried out. Usually draw like this ... (photo below) The classic of the genre is distant opposite from the artist.
You can draw such an autumn landscape ... But it will be boring. For you. Forty trees, small strokes ... Non-specific forms and waving water.

Let's try another autumn landscape with water. Just for beginners draw autumn.

Immediately advise - draw the bridge. It is the bridge that will become the main effect in your picture and no one will peer in the correctness of other web elements, for example. Whether the reflection of the tree coincides with its original on land. The bridge will hide any shorter artist's shortcomings. Draw bridges over autumn rivers.

If you do not really come out the bridge itself - do not be sad. Unsuccessful episodes of the bridge can be hidden by simply having thrown on it a tree branch in the foreground of the picture (as it is done on the autumn picture below).

It looks good in the picture of the stream with a stony small bottom and trees on the shore. But this is a difficult job ... Here all the mistakes will be visible as on the palm.

But the picture with the autumn twilight of the water - see how the light, background, reflection of water is darkened here.

But the most interesting picture below. Autumn in the form of one tree and its reflection in black water. Here is this contrast of black depths and gold shine - just calling your skill. Can you pass it?

Autumn landscape


Often draw landscapes - as if from afar. From the mountain, the hill. And you can draw near. As a photo clicked from a few steps. What fell into the frame - then in the picture.

Here are the trunks of Birch ... but there are no tops. Do not need. This allows the artist close-up to see the bark, foliage, bitch, and betray this texture of wood and foliage.

Let the autumn landscape in the picture be closer. Addict to the viewer.

And you can lie on the back - and see the autumn landscape from the bottom up. Like this.
So see, and so draw autumn.

Pay more attention to one object - let it be more rosary - in focus.

Autumn paintings

even from two artists.

Here are beautiful paintings by artists who have drawn simply. But in their simplicity, charm and Mastreman.
Meet Christian Bergeron.

These are the autumn landscapes in the paintings today you have found on our website. You can now inspire the works of the best masters and draw your painting of autumn.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

Emma Zhavnovskaya

It's time gold autumn-Not is a beautiful phenomenon in natureBut such a speed, and is given to us, as if in consolation before long winter. So you want to keep such beauty in mind and save it.

Today we will try draw the easiest,elementary landscape using natural materialAffordable older children. We will need paints watercolor and gouache, brushes thick and thin, millennian inflorescences and different leaves. 1 Wash the sheet with water.

2 In another wet sheet, draw clouds. Different shades of blue and purple watercolor fill the sky. Closer to the bottom of the Sheave sheet should be lighter.

Also on raw sheet we depict the land. Take the paint insellish, with the shades of brown and yellow. Remember, the ground below is darker, closer to the horizon-lighter line.

3 On the horizon line draw the strip of the forest.

4 depict trees. Tassel keep vertically, paint start from the ground,and not vice versa.

5 fine brushes from the trunk are drawing branches, the tip of the brush is drawing on the thick branches of small twigs, "worms".

6 Mix the brown paint with a little black and apply to the shadow barrel.

7 Similarly also toning birch. In the white gouache, add a black droplet, mix, it turns out a shade of gray, also applied shadow on the barrel and branches.

8 Morrorsty inflorescences are smearing the gouache of red, yellow and a little green. Squeeze firmly into the beam and "print" foliage. Exhibit with paints, achieving interesting shades.

9 Also cover the gouache leaves and apply to the drawing. The image of small trees or bushes is obtained. Draw the trunk and sprigs. Yes, and do not do under the trees to "print" foliage.

That's all. Try, create and you will definitely work out!

Publications on the topic:

Hello everybody! The whole country creates on the autumn theme, and we, of course, too! Today I want to imagine the collective work of the children of the middle group.

Master class "Autumn Leaf" Using natural material in manual work.

Materials: Blue Cardboard For Background, Colored Paper Set, Scissors, Simple Pencil, Paper Glue. From the sheet of blue paper.

Wet felting is one of the traditional kind of needlework in Russia. Fold is not a predictable process and does not require special.

Easter is one of the brightest, clean and family spring holidays. The main attributes whom the cake and Easter painted are painted.

Greetings blog guests and offer to make bulk trees from twigs and color printer paper for designing a group to autumn.

Cheerful crafts from colored paper and cardboard are more often found in children's creativity. They are easy to do, so kids, not at all tired.