Stencils for walls under painting of large sizes. Stencil painting Advantages of buying stencils for decor decoration

Stencils for walls under painting of large sizes. Stencil painting Advantages of buying stencils for decor decoration
Stencils for walls under painting of large sizes. Stencil painting Advantages of buying stencils for decor decoration

It turns out that the holes are decorated not only by the cheese and ears of man. They can be used for creative purposes. Here, for example, the participants of the French community of artists and designers Murmure create the most real pictures with holes.

The "hole" creativity of the guys from Murmure has a lot in common with people who are engaged in screen painting. They also use sheets of paper in which they make holes in such a way that certain images are obtained.

That's just after that they do not need to take the cans with automotive paint, search for free walls and draw on them using the stencil. In Murmure, it is believed that stencil itself is already art. Moreover, much more reliable and durable than drawings on the walls.

It turns out that in Murmure they are engaged in screen painting on the contrary. After all, the main thing in their work is stencils themselves. And, in order to see images on them, you need to make a form to some other background from it. Then you can see pictures drawn by holes.

Moreover, in order to create such pictures, it is necessary to have a very thin artistic talent and taste. After all, here, making holes in paper, you need to clearly understand what exactly you are doing and what kind of result is counting on.

Well, in order to consider these unusual paintings made by holes, you also need to have a very wide view of art, and also be able to see pay attention to the whole, and not on the details.

Time of change is such a moment in the life of a person who can come from everyone when everything around the reason and no longer delivers joy. The output in this situation will change the situation around and filling it with cute things. For example, go on vacation, change apartment, go to another city or just start repairs.

Repair does not necessarily have to be capital with a cardinal redevelopment of the room. The situation can correctly correct the selected wallpaper or color of the walls.

And there is a way that will take and deliver the joy of the whole family, giving the new look at your nest. No need to spend money on expensive materials and brigade of the finishers, arrest the stir in the apartment.

Consider some ways of decorative decoration of the room without serious temporary and cash costs. The process promises to be interesting and fascinating for all family members.

First method

Painting walls with flowers.

We need:

  1. Brushes, roller.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Level.
  4. Stencil.
  5. Paints.
  6. Scotch larger.
  7. Paper towel.
  8. Rag.

To begin with, you should paint the walls of monophonic paint and leave until complete drying. Walls look neatly, but you need to give the uniqueness of the interior. In this case, paints and brushes come to the rescue.

Initially, you need to draw a border. At a distance from the floor 0.8-1.0 m, we draw two horizontal lines using a pencil and level. Along the lines stick to the scotch 3m. Bordeur stain in the dark color. Before complete drying, paint is important to remove the tape from the wall. Now you should apply paint along the contour of the border, which will be darker it, but the brighter of the main paint. This technique will help to avoid sharp contrasts between colors. Paints must completely dry.

If the paint is completely dried, and the scotch was not removed, i.e. Scotch was left to draw a borderline line, it should be removed after complete drying of the last line. In order not to damage the already applied pattern, you can use a hairdryer. Hollow a little on the hot air to the tape, it should be removed from the wall. This method will not give paint the drawing to be folded. However, the method is not suitable for all colors, so the painting tape is better removed until the drawing is drying out.

The most exciting stage has come - creating a decorative pattern. A pre-prepared stencils of flowers, paints and tassels are taken.

Little flowers are better to start painting from the corner. The stencils must be designated on the stencil, it will help to create a proportional composition. To avoid packets of paint on the wall, the tassel should be pressed on a paper towel. We can remove the extra paint from the stencil, it will ensure the accuracy of the color of the color to each new flower. Stencil is attached to the wall using a painting tape.

If the stencil should be applied to the previously drawn drawing, then you should give time to dry first. This will not allow the painors to mix and insure the extraction of dark shades.

The border decoration with flowers is the final stage of the wall design. So that the distance between the stencil pattern was the same, the ruler should be used. Flowers on the border must be at one angle, for this, horizontal lines are applied on the stencil: they must match the border line when creating a picture. Due to this, the desired, and most importantly - the same slope in the flowers.

Colors of paints can be different. You can stay on several shades of one color, and can be completely different colors. It already depends on your designer preferences.

Second way

Applying a geometric ornament on the walls.

Geometric shapes are easier to apply on the wall than flowers. It will take less time. I wonder the figures, made silver, golden and bronze paint. Such paints look unusually with different lighting, creating a mysterious riddle of the room.

Stencil for geometric figures can be easily made from ordinary paper and without special skills. A set of necessary devices is the same as for applying screen colors. It is possible to spread paper or newspaper along the wall to be easier to clean.

For the image of simple elements, it is better to use conventional aerosol paints in the canopy. These paints are easily applied and dried quickly.

Drawing, which should be obtained as a result, you should portray on a sheet of paper or on a computer. The chaotic figure does not always look attractive, and so the result will be expected and will avoid some errors.

Stencil should be located under the desired angle before painting. Sometimes to achieve the desired tone, the dual layer paint is simply necessary.

Stencil painting is an exciting and interesting lesson, which is available to everyone and does not require mastering special skills.

Screen painting. Decor boxes "Freedom on the tip of the brush". Author: Olga Pavlova using stencils is very easy to draw, and somehow I have already shown the process of designing the interior panel with stencil painting. But is it just as easy to paint the volume thing, for example, a box? I decided to try, because painting through stencils is a pretty simple technique, and also this is a great idea for the decor of the casket. For the decor of the casket in the technique of screen painting, the following materials will be needed: Blank Box; Smart black; Acrylic paints "Acryl-Hobby de Lux": olive, hacks, forest greens; Acrylic paints "Acryl-Art": Majer, yellow-green, Belil Titanova, Ozz Yellow; Acrylic paint "Decolor" old bronze; Relief paste graphite; stencils that we will use for drawing; Acrylic varnish matte. For a start, the billet is black acrylic soil in two layers. Soil, besides its main task (primer), will perform the role of the background, so the top cover it with one layer of matte varnish. Screen painting. Decor caskets. With the help of a stencil, stencil brush and paint "Acryl-Hobby de Lux" olive (color is chic, as if filled with the sun, real, very recommended!) Identify the frame on the lid and on all four sidewalls. The brush works with circular motions, rubbing, semi-dry. Surplus paint with brush wipe on a napkin. With the help of the background stencil and the same paint movement moving, make up the background inside the resulting frames. Painting make uneven to create the illusion of the focal blur of the background for the resulting lattice. For later work, I create a stencil for painting: a picture of the stencil download from the network and carved out of a simple stationery folder for papers. In this stencil, a common bouquet of flowers is cut, and flowers separately, which makes it possible to draw them a lot and different. On the edge of the stencil, the masks of the color of the colors are also cut out, which allows you to draw a darkening around the flowers obtained (I will not do this). Stencil can be twisted as you want and create or twig with one flower, or a huge bouquet. According to my idea, it will be a branch with several flowers, made through the grille-hedge free. On the sidewalls of the casket, I have the same stencil paint young buds with leaves. Khaki's paints, olive, Majer + black droplet, create a padding (bottom layer of all drawing). Next, in the design of petals I use only white color, somewhere having lazy stronger, somewhere not very. .. Ours, yellow, forest greens and yellow-green decorated the foliage and core of the flower. I work in the main screening brush, but some brushes come to the rescue. After the branches are drawn, the black paint in some way there is a barreling grille to remove the visually part of the branches for it. The paint "Decolor" is an old bronze, also a screen brush through a stencil, make out inscription. Fasten the lock and, despite the fact that this accessory under the bronze, it also drinks the pain of old bronze to make a single shade of inscriptions and fittings. Again, I take a stencil with the inscription and, accurately alignting the stencil with the inscription already received, laying out it re-relieved text color graphite. After drying, again we combine the relief with a stencil and cover the whole relief of the paint Decolor old bronze. I needed the first colorful layer, as in the drawing of the inscription stencil, there are very thin lines of letters, through which the embossed paste categorically did not want to go to bed, and without these lines the letters would not be integer ... Hope on the fact that the drawing after the relief does not prevent the drawing Thin lines, it was too little to risk. With the help of a sponge, drink the ribs and edges of the entire box. That's all, three cracks of the brush, the droplets of the paints and herself did not notice how the box was ready, quickly, easily! How I love :) Source

Type of lesson: Decorative drawing

Objectives: Teach to perform stencil painting.

1. Acquaint students with decorative - applied equipment of screen painting.

2. Developing decorative and applied skills and skills in stencil painting in students and consciously use the means of artistic expressiveness in creating an artistic image.

3. Assign the interest in decorative and applied arts, painting, design.

4. Trade with technical techniques of screen painting, allowing creatively solving the problems of the unity of the form and content in the thematic composition.

Using stencil painting, you can decorate the original décor as the walls of any rooms - kitchen, bedrooms, living room, and separate items - vases, chairs, tables, trays ... Ornament, for example, vegetable, echoing with a drawing of a curtain, upholstery of furniture or wallpaper, using stencils Apply on frames for paintings and mirrors. Before, not attractive surfaces will become expressive.

So, stencil painting is one of the simplest but original ways to decorate any item that requires only a little patience and accuracy.

Tools and materials

Scotch of different widths, bilateral scotch.

Paints: acrylic, gouache.

Sponges natural and synthetic different sizes.

Material for stencil: cardboard, film, Watman.

Pencils, erase, paper drawing - for drawing the main image.

Rule and centimeter for accurate placement of stencils.

Old newspapers to protect surfaces during operation.

Knife stationery and scissors with sharp ends.

Wat and alcohol for cleaning the stencil after running

Making a stencil.


The drawing is translated to the material selected for the stencil using a backlit table. To carry on the wall of large compositions to use packaging paper.

Cutting out:

Cutting the stencil is needed on a solid and durable surface with a sharp knife with replaceable blades, starting from the central part or from the smallest patterns of the picture. When cutting clipping lines, use patterns. Instead, you can take manicure scissors. Scissors when cutting remain non-moving, but the workpiece of the stencil turns during the work. Cut Try using the middle of the blades of scissors, then the cut line will be smooth.

Paint sponge paint

This method not only allows you to apply paint faster, but also wonderful for painting a large area. It is better to use natural sponges, as they create the effect of transparency and lightness of the drawing, but you can also apply a synthetic sponge, cutting it into pieces with uneven edges.

Purification of stencil

Stencils need to be kept carefully, as their creation - although not difficult, but rather labor-intensive work. Fitters from the marker can be washed off with a cotton swab, died in alcohol. In addition, the stencil must be washed with water before applying a new color or when you want to flip it to create a symmetrical image. Store stencils are recommended in hard folders or boxes, making them sheets of fine cardboard. At the end of the brush, it is thoroughly wash with warm water by adding a few drops of detergent into it, and put them to dry; Store brush hair up. Never leave a brush not washed: dried paint can make it not suitable for further use.



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Stencil painting Presentation on fine art

Theme of the lesson: "Stencil painting" Type of lesson: Decorative Drawing Objective: Talk to perform screen painting. Tasks: familiarize students with decorative - applied technician stencil painting. Develop decorative-applied skills and skills in stencil painting in students and consciously use the means of artistic expressiveness in creating an artistic image. Rail interest in decorative and applied arts, painting, design. To train the technical techniques of screen painting, allowing creatively solving the problems of the unity of the form and content in the thematic composition.

Using stencil painting, you can decorate the original décor as the walls of any rooms - kitchen, bedrooms, living room, and separate items - vases, chairs, tables, trays ... Ornament, for example, vegetable, echoing with a drawing of a curtain, upholstery of furniture or wallpaper, using stencils Apply on frames for paintings and mirrors. Before, not attractive surfaces will become expressive.

So, stencil painting is one of the simplest but original ways to decorate any item that requires only a little patience and accuracy. Stencil for poster stencil for wallpaper stencil for decoration

Tools and scotch materials of different widths, bilateral scotch. Paints: acrylic, gouache. Sponges natural and synthetic different sizes. Material for stencil: cardboard, film, watman. Pencils, erase, paper drawing - for drawing the main image. Rule and centimeter for accurate placement of stencils. Old newspapers to protect surfaces during operation. Knife stationery and scissors with sharp ends. Wool and alcohol for cleaning the stencil at the end of work.

Making a stencil design: The drawing is translated to the material selected for the stencil using a backlit table. To carry on the wall of large compositions to use packaging paper. Cutting: Cutting the stencil is needed on a solid and durable surface with a sharp knife with replaceable blades, starting from the central part or from the smallest patterns of the pattern. When cutting clipping lines, use patterns. Instead, you can take manicure scissors. Scissors when cutting remain non-moving, but the workpiece of the stencil turns during the work. Cut Try using the middle of the blades of scissors, then the cut line will be smooth.

Drawing paint with sponge This method not only allows you to apply paint faster, but also wonderful for painting a large area. It is better to use natural sponges, as they create the effect of transparency and lightness of the drawing, but you can also apply a synthetic sponge, cutting it into pieces with uneven edges. The sequence of the stencil wall painting

Cleaning the stencil stencils must be stored carefully, as their creation - although not difficult, but rather labor-intensive work. Fitters from the marker can be washed off with a cotton swab, died in alcohol. In addition, the stencil must be washed with water before applying a new color or when you want to flip it to create a symmetrical image. Store stencils are recommended in hard folders or boxes, making them sheets of fine cardboard. At the end of the brush, it is thoroughly wash with warm water by adding a few drops of detergent into it, and put them to dry; Store brush hair up. Never leave a brush not washed: dried paint can make it not suitable for further use.

Stencil painting in the interior

Stencil painting is a type of creativity accessible to everyone. In addition, give you a lot of pleasure. The main thing in work is just a little patience, work with soul and neatly. Try to work yourself yourself, you only need to follow several simple rules. The first drawing should be simple in the same plane. If you have artistic abilities, you can come up with him. Good luck to you!