What musical instrument makes out of pine, description. Tree for Blood Tool Tools for Musical Instruments

What musical instrument makes out of pine, description. Tree for Blood Tool Tools for Musical Instruments
What musical instrument makes out of pine, description. Tree for Blood Tool Tools for Musical Instruments

The material can be used as an additional 3-4 class for students on optional classes around the world. Here you will find historical information about the emergence of some musical instruments: Balalaika, violin, guitar. On the first famous masters of their grows: Antonio Stradivari, Ivan Batov ... as well as some interesting data from the science "Musical Academy".



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At the factory of musical instruments. The second life of the tree. The world of musical instruments - cultural heritage of mankind is amazing and diverse. It is interesting and originally described by the history of the creation of each of them. The world of musical instruments pays many unusual, and sometimes shocking facts ...

From the wood of fir from ancient times, musical instruments made musical instruments. Violin Bead Balalaika

Clane-Yavor loves the masters of the masters. Husli guitar electric guitar

The wood of the ebony tree has unique properties that the masters of musical invests appreciate. Flute Piano Oboe Clarinet

Antonio Stradivari for the work of the violin of Stradivari

The first famous Russian master of the manufacture of musical instruments Ivan Andreevich Batov (exemplary portrait). Cello work Ivan Batova

- Take care of the Russian forest, he is the source of all miracles. So everywhere Green Pine, Vyazy, Klyona, ate take care of the Russian forest!


Back in antiquity, people made primitive wooden musical instruments. They were used both on the hunt, and in moments of rest.Over time, interest in music and musical instruments increased. The man noticed that every tree "sings" in his own way. As a result, there was a whole science - musical acoustics.

The most singing tree believes fir. From its wood from ancient times, people made musical instruments. The people folded about the beloved tool of ancient Russia, the people folded such a riddle: "In the forest grew up, on the wall, I won, there is crying, who listens - jumps." It is a beep - a preifune of a future violin, which was made of ate. From ate did another tool, playing on which Russian musicians surprised even the kings of Byzantium. We are talking about the guzzles, which in those distant times were made from a denwy dry boards of ate or klyon.

"In the forest, Treip-Tip, at home, Lyap-Lyap, take the knees - pay." - And this is already a riddle of the balalaica. They say about it: "Born out of the village." Of course, it was crane or maple.
Another French explorer XIX century Savar calculated the speed of sound in fir wood. It turned out that it is 15 - 16 times more than the speed of sound in the air. Spruce and in the production of guitars, because the framework of annual rings has greater rigidity, which gives an excellent clean upper resonance, and the gap between them is filled with soft wood, which gives low rolling resonance. Such a property of wood gives this wood advantage when choosing a material on the top deck of acoustic instruments, and not only guitars.

In their acoustic properties immediately behind the fir goes. His musical properties opened our ancestors-Slavs in ӏcentury. Probably, did you hear the expression "hussley bezlovy, husli yarovskaya"? Initially, the huslies were called the well. Clane-Yavor was very much loved by music masters. From the same time there is a tradition to select the most skidded material, that is, with a large placement of wavy fibers of wood. These rules exist today. In the sound, the electric guitar can be ringing, high frequencies. Guitars with maple griffs sound more beautiful and brighter, even in the case of the use of more expensive trees. And the link makes the guitar more attractive.

Also, for the manufacture of musical instruments, an ebony (black) tree is used. Wood of this tree has unique properties. First, it is very dense and heavy (even sinking in water). Secondly, hardness is 2 times higher than that of oak. And, thirdly, it pushes water well. Thesethe properties of wood just appreciate the masters. Keys for piano and piano, shells, handles and padded guitar stuffing, brass tools - flutes, goby, clarinets - made from black wood. Guitarists professionals especially appreciate the fact that the center of gravity shifts on a vulture made of black wood, the shell from the mediator, whined from the strings, does not give the pride, and the grid's pad is perfectly held by the lade plates and is almost not wear out.

The combination of cabin, spruce and black wood is used in almost all string-wooden tools: bow, guitar, balalaika, domra, lira, citrate, harp and others.

Many generations of masters experimented with various materials for making musical instruments: poplar, ash, alder, oak, pear, cherry, acacia, cypress, walnut ... Some stayed forever in the past, others use today, but best meet the requirements of Clean and Spruce . This is confirmed by all modern studies.

Requirements for musical wood Special: It should be without a bitch and zadorinka in the literal and figurative sense - do not have bitch, curls, rins and other vices. The annual layers should be the same width, and on the radial cut straight and parallel. Choose material for future violin or guitar is not easy. Wood is selected for this in the warehouses of Lespromkhozov, where from thousands of smoked groats only with a dozen are promising. Or, before cutting into a tree, the lumberjack walks for a long time in the forest, it will hit the ate and listens: sings long and ringing - it means there will be an otnar tool. Another secret - the tree must be chopped in winter when there is a minimum of moisture, and the industrial drying of the wood is not allowed, such tools will be fragile.

An excellent material for making the violin of the wizard is considered a tree that has grown high in the mountains. Here is the case in the climate. In the mountains, the tree is subjected to sharp temperature differences and is not oversaturated with moisture. Thus, the summer layers are becoming less than on the plain and generally increases relative elasticity, which means that sound operators.
In search of a good material of the master and restorers of musical instruments often go to the disassembly of old houses, because this wood for decades of stable microclimate acquires truly wonderful music properties. The fact is that with a gradual drying in the capillaries of the molar moves of wood, microscopic resonant cameras are formed, and it seems to gain a voice.

The process of manufacturing the overwhelming majority of musical instruments is incredibly complicated and requires a master of great experience, knowledge and skills. The master is obliged to know not only the properties and all the nuances of the tree used by him, but also have a first-class musical hearing. Such people are very rare to become a real creator sometimes require a lifetime.

The names of the great masters of tweezing tools through the centuries reached this day: This is Amati Dynasty and Guardari, Jacob Steiner, Ivan Batov and, of course, the unsurpassed virtuoso Antonio Stradivari.

A. Stradivari manufactured his first violin, being another young man in the workshop Nikolo Amati, and the last ninety-one-year-old old man and a great master.

Above the randation of the secret of the magical sound of his violins is already beating no one generation of scientists and musicians. Danish scientists believe that the Stradivari's secret lies in the wood, from which he did violins. It turned out that its density differs from similar characteristics in modern tools. Therefore, scientists suggested that in XVIIcentury the trees grew somewhat differently than now, and the cause of this climate change.

American scientists argue that stradivari's tools are obliged to be uniquely sounds, during which the larvae and fungus who lived in the wood were killed.

Once was analyzed by varnish, which are covered by Stradivari tools. It revealed that its composition contains nanomane structures. It turns out that three more centuries ago the creators of the violins were based on nanotechnology.

There is a lot of hypotheses why the violins of Stradivari sound so majestically and uniquely, but no one has failed to prove one scientist. The secret of the Great Master is not revealed so far.

In Russia, the first famous Master of Making Musical Instruments was a serf Graph Sheremetyeva - Ivan Andreevich Batov. He studied the craft in Moscow from Master Vladimirov, but soon surpassed his teacher. In the Pushkin era about Batov knew all Russia. He was called "Russian Stradivari".Self Emperor Alexander ӏ acquired the violin from Ivan Andreevich for his collection for a huge amount of the amount - 2 thousand rubles. And one of his amazing cellos Ivan Batov presented Count Sheremetyev, and the one touched by such a generous gift released the masters to freedom, giving free.

In the city of St. Petersburg, in the State Hermitage, in the hall, where the musical instruments of the most outstanding world masters are exhibited, violins and cello are kept, which is the stamp of their author "Ivan Batov". Unique creations keep the memory of an outstanding person who personified a whole epoch in the musical culture of our country ...

The topic of our study is very deep and extensive, therefore, as the goat rods, "you can not arouse an immense" and tell immediately about all the masters and the musical instruments created by them. We stopped at the most famous tools and loved by the Russian people. All these tools "come from the forest". So let's love and take care of our forests, and then they will give us a lot of magic melodies.

Recently, many ask a question about the quality of the tree going to the manufacture of guitars. Moreover, the existing constructs of serial tools are discussed, the sound of tools is predicted depending on the tree breeds. This suggests that Vinnitsa guitar elite has grown in the knowledge of the foundations of the sound. I'm not talking about those who have been studying this delicate for decades already, but about those who are just starting a guitar player and know the first tools. I think that the knowledge of this material should not only expand the horizon's horizon, but also the necessary part of knowledge in choosing a tool for visiting the guitar party in different styles and directions of music. Given the published material on the Internet and your experience, I will try to briefly summarize this all on the example of the most frequently used musical tree species.

The most common in the guitar buildings alder (Alder). This is a bright classic, saturated audio overtones. The spectrum of sound is wide and universal for many types of tools. Therefore, alder, possessing both the brightness and at the same time of the sound, is seen almost in all musical directions: it is super-heavy music and light and, even jazz. Selecting the sensors, you can both narrow and expand the spectrum of the tool. With a bright single sound, the firm "Fender", perhaps, became the first and largest researcher of Olkhovy sound. The classic of Olkhovy sound - the guitar of the firm in the hands of such musicians, like G. Ray Warny, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Hendrix, Ingvi Malmestin and many, many others.

No less sonorous and ringing ash (ASH). The sound, like the alder is bright, glass, but with a slightly more emphased bottom. Despite their belling, the ash is well falling into the sound of the bass. In Yasenev, the bass has velvet bottom and underlined the upper middle. Such tools give a dense, well-readable sound, which in turn makes it possible to use when playing Slepem. It is very good as a aspect for guitars with a reduced system: due to the density of the structure, the tree resonates well at the lower frequencies, giving a clear not smeared sound. The first guitars Leo Fander were made of ash. Externally, the ash is distinguished from alder and linden, he has a beautiful texture, a pinkish shade of pure wood, but it has a noticeable weight. Free from this lack of a swamp ash, although he is somewhat closer to Alder than his plain fellow. The Great Richard Blackmorm, Maddi Waters, Mark Butthrailer and others, used ash guitarians, Marka Butthler and others. The ash (facilitated) and forest, more dense.

Related sound of U. linden (Basswood). But the linden sound the sound range is somewhat narrowed compared to the above rocks both from above and from the bottom of the audio range. The linden tree is rather mild and the top in it have a weak resonance. Well expressed middle. Linda-prerogatives of Japanese instruments. If you take the Guitar of the 70s - 80s, then the tools are predomined with the decent from the linden. In Japan, Lipa is one of the most common and affordable trees. And if someone says that the lime instruments are bad or not professionally sound, it will be untrue: Lipa is a well-sounding tree. This can confirm Joe Satriani, John Petrucci, George Lynch and many others. One disadvantage is: due to the soft fibers, all Breeches "Tremolo" quickly swing in the nests of the case and the guitar does not build. But from this position there is a way out and not one. But the best of all, of course, use fixed breeches on the lime buildings. My experience with this tree showed that the guitar case made from the bottom of the linden trunk sounds tight, and the low frequencies are noticeably more there than in the top.

These three breeds I would combine with no less important maple (maple.) - rock from which vultures for guitars from alder, ash and linden are made. Of the above breeds, besides ash, none is suitable for the manufacture of vultures. Required wood quality for grinding elasticity. Maple elastic, hard. Even the frets in it hold well. The neck of the maple without a lining has a glass pride, an underlined beability. The pad is also involved in sound formation. The maple deck is rarely used. The tree does not have enough sound depth, but soft maple rocks sound quite well and at the bottom of the sound band. And with the right selection of wood on the deck in combination with the choice of sensors, it is possible to achieve a fairly interesting tool sound.

This tree occupies a special position in the guitarity. Maple is vulture of most guitars, these are tops, blocks of semi-acoustic guitars, elements of acoustic guitars. And if you consider the beauty of the so-called "fiery" and "quilted" maples, then this is a tree of royal blood, for it is difficult to present world guitar production without maple. There is a certain gradation of the artistic pattern of the tree. And she belongs not only to Maple. It depends on it and the price and nobility of the tool. The lowest stage of gradation is, and the highest depends on the wood suppliers. The number of letters says about the diploma- for example: aaaaa is very cool. Really, I met with a Aaaa tree, but 5 letters A, and somewhere I met information and about 6 letters A, it's all, I think, from the evil, for no one forbits the supplier to add one or two and to sell the workpiece more expensive. And the number of letters and exhibits the seller. About 15-17 years ago I read an article about a tree, where the category Aaaa was mentioned. By the way, the question is that the sound of a curly maple is better than a maple with direct fiber- very controversial. Many believe that it is rather an element of inlair, beauty, if you want, but not more. The question is interesting and controversial and there is no consensus about this.

It should be noted that the sound depends on the density of the tree, and its density depends on the site of the sputter. If the tree grew on dry soil (urban squares, street plantings, waste), then such a tree has a denser structure and small distances between the annual rings. The trees growing in the forests, on swamps and other places with high humidity have a less dense structure, lighter by weight and low resonance. In addition, the trunk of the tree can be divided into the lower (comuted) and the upper part, which are also different in different ways.

The main tree of "Gibson", as well as "Ibanesov" and many other firms mahogani. -the Red tree(Mahogany). Dense bottom, clear middle, and in combination with a maple top, a wide band of reproducible frequencies, the so-called classic dense "gibonic" sound. Although it is hard for a tree, but many go to this sacrifice. It is difficult to work out a concert with five kilograms of the vibrating tree on the shoulder. But there are crotges and who wants to have a gibson sound, use them and work out on stage with a heavy tool, and in a rather mobile manner. Today, the company "Gibson" goes from LP weight by milling cavities in the case, which is why the tool has become much easier. In heavy music, the red-tree guitar settled firmly because of their melodic sound and a long sustain, as well as the combination of the properties of the wood itself, which give the so-called fat in sound.

Mahogan species are quite a lot: only African numbers up to 5 varieties. In addition, mahogani grows in Honduras, in the Indian region. Unfortunately, this tree is popular not only in guitarity, but also in shipbuilding, furniture production. Therefore, its stocks are melting and the green has already proclaimed the taboo on the cutting of this tree in Honduras. Therefore, Mahogan is more expensive and began to appear on the guitar market tools from Agathis, Poplar, etc. Previously, these trees were used very limited in guitarity.

T. opole (Poplar)- Pretty musical tree. But one "but" he has: the weakness of the fibers, like the linden. If you put "Floyd" or another rocking chair to such a guitar, then the place of attachment to the body is quickly loosened. The same can be said about Agathis and Spruce. These both wood from the conifer breed and also do not have the strength of the fibers. From such a tree you can make tools with a deaf machine, without a rocking chair, with through strings or with a cross-cutting edge as an extra side portion. I have already had to insert blocks made of solid wood in the hull housing from a poplar and linden to strengthen the Floyd's position.

It is impossible not to mention such a tree as nut (Valnut). Because of its density, the nut has a resonance somewhat higher and sounds the call of mahogan and poplar. This is quite an expensive tree and has a beautiful structure and durable fibers. Walnut guitars are good for reduced system: the tree has a clear and clean resonance at low frequencies. But the density of the tree entails his weight. Walnut guitars are heavy, as well as from mahogan and ash.

From exotic breeds, I would noted a tree co. (KOA) Coa has a good resonance both at the top and below. The upper frequencies are compressed and sound not so acute, like alder, ash or nut, whose tops are scattered with a broken glass. Coa has no powerful attack, but there is a richness of harmonic, natural sustain. I think the best application is guitars for blues, heavy music and bass guitars. This tree can be safely attributed to the discharge of elite breeds. There is, though one "but": the price of a tree. And here there is already a choice: as far as the guitarist is ready for the sake of his second "I" (guitar) to reduce the amount of beer consumed and entropy costs.

And finally, Her Majesty, the Queen of Acoustic Sound - spruce (SPruse) Tree with unique sound characteristics. The frame of annual rings has greater rigidity, which gives an excellent upper resonance, and the gap between them is filled with soft wood, which gives bottom. This imposing harmonic components of the soft part of the tree and its frame from annual rings will give low rolling resonance, which in combination with clean upper harmonics gives this wood advantage when choosing a material on the top decoupie tool and not only guitars, this tree is also indispensable for resonating Dec piano, piano and a huge number of other musical instruments.

On this topic, you can talk without end, how interesting the theme of sound itself is. And the tree breeds used in the guitars is much larger. I repeat that I mentioned the most popular manufacturers and musicians. And with an approximate count, except mentioned, you can call another 20-30 species and wood species used in guitarity. Separate chapels on the neck. This is the topic for another note on the topic "On a tree for guitars."

The effect of a guitar tree on the final sound of the tool very often underestimate both young and enough experienced musicians. However, there is a large number of musicians who give the process of choosing wood overly much attention. We start a small series of two articles in which they will answer some popular questions of musicians:

  • Which species are used in the manufacture of modern musical instruments;
  • How guitars come from different wood species;
  • What a tree for a guitar is better suitable for a certain musical style.

Little physics

Briefly tell me how wood affects the formation of a guitar sound. At the time of the pinch, the string is starting to fluctuate with a certain frequency - these oscillations capture the pickups, after which they are transmitted either directly, or after amplifying the "caught" signal to the jack's jack, where it enters the cable and then in the sound-seeing and sound processing equipment. The tree also enters into the stage of the formation of the character of oscillations - at the same time they affect almost every corner of the instrument. Different elements of the guitar resonate when sounding, reinforcing individual frequencies and drowning others - it is thus thus the tree breed and forms the character of the tool sound.

For the sake of justice, we note that disputes about the above information do not subside to this day. Modern digital sound processing equipment with a compensated approach compensates for the disadvantages or features of the sound of the tool itself, allowing you to less thoroughly analyze specifications by wood species at the time of buying a guitar. However, the same musical old-timers who are accustomed to play directly into the lamp equipment or using the minimum sound processing path, do not cease to defend their position and with enviable fanaticism hunt for rare wood species and individual specifications.

Which of the positions is more correct and what a guitar tree is better - to solve you, we only give the information that the famous faces are offered as a reminder and which will help you better navigate in the modern market of guitars.

Method of trial and error, having numerous experiments, most of the guitar masters formulated and adheres to the following theses:

  • The guitar deck tree sets the main character of the sound, the greatest influence on the sustain phase, that is, the sound of music and the nature of their attenuation;
  • On the attack (moment of sound recovery, the initial phase of the sound) most of all affects what tree made on the neck;
  • The wood from which the neck was made, minimally affect the attack, but the duration of sustain is highly dependent.

A traditional approach to the choice of wood assumes that it is it that it has the greatest impact on the sound, that is, it creates its foundation - and electronics, features of the guitar strings, the mediator, sound removal only "framing" and decorate this base, making the sound of the tool with a holistic and finished tool.

Below we present the descriptions of the species of wood species most common in the manufacture of hips, their technical characteristics, as well as the features of the sound. We remind you that the description of the effect of wood on the sound of the tool is generalizing and quite subjective.

Breed of a guitar tree for decks

Linden (Basswood)

It has a light shade, the fibers are tight enough. Of the most popular wood breeds for the body of the Lipa guitar is one of the cheapest, it is sufficiently supplement in the processing and easily milling / grinding. In mass production, they are used, for the most part, soft forms and blanks of medium softness: they have trimmed "whistling" and sharp upper frequencies. This property does not allow the lipe to sound powerfully - along with the high range cutting, weaken and the bottom.

Linden guitars have a small weight - traditionally light and "mid-" guitars from this tree of wood choose most often musicians-performers of Lid-Party (John Petrucci, Guthrie Govan, Per Nilsson and others). The tools from the linden have a pronounced basic tone.

The color of wood varies in the range from light yellow to beige-brown, sometimes with unattractive streaks of greenish color, arising from the deposition of mineral impurities.

Alder (Alder)

A light and sufficiently soft tree, has close pores, which is sufficiently similar to the lip. However, alder has more wavy fibers, the rings are densely, there are many streaks in the breed. Because of the greater rigidity rings and the larger fortress of the tree of alder, there is more rich Oberton: the sound range is expanded both towards high and towards low frequencies - it creates a feeling of less sharpness and "sequences", which makes alder one of the most versatile Wood breed for guitar.

Used in nominal models of musicians such as Steve VAI (Ibanez JEM), Kirk Hammet (separate types of supervads from ESP and LTD), NUNO BETTENCORT (Washburn N4 Vintage).

Swamp ash (SwampASH)

Do not confuse this breed with a more dense northern ash. We decided to describe the peculiarities of this particular problem due to its greater prevalence among masters. Wood has large pores in which both dense and soft layers inside a single ring. The breed is, in fact, a hard and strong framework, inside of which are mild pores.

The swamp ash perfectly resonates throughout the frequency range: in the sound of guitars with a decent of ash, you can distinguish and crystal tops, and a noticeable middle with a very powerful bottom. At the same time, the uneven density of the breed generates absolutely random failures in the frequency range: three different serial guitars with an ash casing and from one batch will almost always have a different sound. Most often, because of this, it is so important for the heavy music of the middle - that is why experts recommend choosing ash guitars very carefully and be sure to listen to them before buying.

Heavier shafts made of ash, as well as forms from the roasting zone have a more even, sometimes even "soap" sound, so such wood zones are used more often for bass guitars.

Note that the dense northern ash was a favorite material in Fender before using a poplar and alder. Tight blanks made of ash give a traditional "glass" and a penetrating sound.

Used in Meshuggah subscription guitars (Ibanez M80m 8-String), Wes Borland (Jaden Rose Guitar), Jeff Loomis (Schecter JL-7).

IT IS IMPORTANT!When buying an Asian-made guitar with a decent from ash, be careful: check its weight and look at the opening of pores, if possible, taking into account painting. Factory Asian ash very often has poor quality and low weight due to a large number of pores - such a tree will sound extremely mediocre.

The Red tree (Mahogany)

Has open fibers and a large number of pores. It has greater uniform structure of wood than swamp ash - the tools from this tree tree do not have such a scatter on sound and weight. The density of the guitar mahogany is also uniform that it has a beneficial effect on the compensation of medium-sized frequencies - precisely because of this, when talking about the Machino, there are such epithets familiar to all musicians as "fat" and tight sound, association with a wall of sound, especially in combination with high Raine amplifiers.

At the same time, the lands of a red-tree guitar does not deprive the sound of the tool of a pleasant middle - just it is not so pronounced as in the guitars from alder or ash.

The Red Tree Filters the frequencies in the top of the middle - because of this, with some specifications, there may be a weakly expressed "beamy" gallery. The upper frequency sounds more fully than in the case of a housing from alder or swamp ash.

The sound of a mahogany in general can also be described as soft and velvety - while it has a pronounced middle attack, and also has one of the longest sustaines. High-quality mahogon glitters in light, the pattern of rock resembles wide stripes, that is, it can seem to be the impression that the deck is glued from uneven wooden bars.

Very often used in guitars, sharpened under heavy music and reduced system. Bright examples of red-tree guitars: Nile (subscription model of guitarists from Dean, Kxk), James Hetfield (most of the subscription models from ESP), Behemoth (subscription and serial models from ESP).

Walnut (Walnut)

No less popular wood breed for guitars having a pleasant dark color and pores, similar to ash. At the same time, the walnut wood has a fairly homogeneous density, which it looks like a red tree, but is characterized by much greater hardness.

Walnut is often very capricious: the combination of the openness of the pore of the tree and its high density lead to a pronounced, but uneven middleness. In separate ranges, it may seem recharged, in others - too dynamic. Because of this, many guitar owners with a decent from the nut complain about the "swelling" of the sound on the rhythm-parties, and too active "drinking" on the leads.

However, the benefits of the breed provide him with a fairly large army of fans: the nut has a very sharp and powerful attack, while having a dense and volumetric bottom as in ash, as well as soft tops, like a mahogany tree.

Guitars with a walnut body are sufficiently heavy, it should be very careful to choose pickups, since the choice of a la "finger in the sky" will kill the already fairly specific and fixed range.

IT IS IMPORTANT!When buying, try to avoid heavy pieces. They do not have a tangible advantage in sound, but at the same time they can make the game on the guitar extremely uncomfortable. Walnut is a very popular Tree for bass guitars, however, when buying, always listen to the instrument: in the workshops, both American walnuts are used and the European variety of rocks that are significantly different in sound.

Maple (Maple)

A soft variety of breed (Soft Maple) grows in southern countries - very popular on Korean factories, has less durability than solid maple. At the same time, the soft maple has a sufficiently large weight, a deaf and buzzing bass, a bright upper middle. Closed wood pores provide excellent sound compression without "exploding" frequencies. Usually, the guitars with a soft maple deck choose soft sound lovers suitable for non-heavy rock / surf / blues. It is well combined with both singles and hambakers.

A solid variety of maple (Hard Maple), or the Northern Canadian Maple - truly bright and screaming tree: it has a loud sound, has a very powerful top middle and vertices, dense bass. Usually on such a deck, it is recommended to put the pickups with an enhanced bass.

Due to the complexity in the processing and very large weight, the solid maple is used in the production of serial instruments is extremely rare - it is most often used for the manufacture of "thin" guitars.

Figure maple (Figured Maple)

In sections from the root area of \u200b\u200bthe tree, there is a very beautiful pattern of fibers: there are several types, the most common of which is fiery, wavy and stewed. A separate type is the "bird eye" - inhomogeneous and complex in processing, but unique breed.

Due to the high price, the entire body's production is practically not used - however, it is very popular as the basis for the tops on the deck.

Poplar (Poplar)

Very similar about color and texture on maple, but has b aboutlow pores. The extremely common type of wood, therefore is often used in the serial guitars of the middle and lowest price range. The structure of the breed is rigid, however, it is easily amenable to milling and grinding.

By the nature of the sound, it is sufficiently similar to Olha, while it has a smaller range of sound and less sustain.

Rosantr (Rosewood)

An expensive and beautiful tree for guitars: that is why it is extremely rarely used as a material for decks. It has high oiliness and density: because of this softens the attack and slightly "bumps" the sound, making it muffled. Gives the tool dense bottom.

Because of its properties, it is used almost only as a material for the grid or for the grinding overlay. As a tree for a grip, the sound of "elasticity" increases sustain.

The second part of the article in which we will talk about a tree for tops, a grid and grinding for the trees, read.

The guitar is an amazing tool that in the hands of a masterly musician sounds simply amazing. Charming rhythmic drawings and melodies are able to awaken in a person a wide variety of emotions. However, the beauty of the composition depends on the quality and purity of the sound of acoustics.

The sound published by the guitar is determined by the set of factors mainly among which is the variety of wood used for the manufacture of the case. Nowadays, the production of hexists is carried out from the trees of many breeds with various acoustic properties. Let's try to find out which varieties are best suited for making musical instruments.


Most modern manufacturers for the manufacture of the grid use maple, and for the lining - black or red tree. These breeds have high performance and low cost. The main task of the griff is to formulate chords, and on the sound quality it does not have any influence. But with the case of the case, things are completely different. Only valuable varieties with high acoustic properties are selected for Dec.


The cost of the guitar is largely determined by what material it contains its body. The more qualitative and more valuable will be wood, the higher the price.

The most common breeds are:

  • alder;
  • maple;
  • ash;
  • nut;
  • poplar;
  • the Red tree.

Most of the world-famous brands specializing in the production of professional-level six-strings are used to make Dec. Almost all models of such brands like Carvin, Fender and Jackson are fully made of this variety. The popularity of such breed is due to the fact that it allows you to get the perfectly balanced, clean and rich sound. Such tools will become an excellent choice for both studio work and live performances.

Pine rocks are most often used to produce semi-acoustic guitars. Spruce gives a warm and measured sound, however, prices are at a fairly high level, which significantly increases the cost of the tools. Acoustics from maple and ash have a brighter and loud sound, so they are superbly suitable for the performance of solo parties. They have more pronounced upper frequencies, but there are some problems with Nizami.

Professional tools are made of walnut. Many legendary models of guitars of famous masters were performed precisely from this tree. But its disadvantage, as well as the ate, is high cost.

Budgetary six-fourth-oriented musicians are produced mainly from poplar. It is one of the cheapest varieties, and its acoustic properties are at a very low level, so the quality of the hexcutter leaves much to be desired.

Many modern model of acoustics with a form of western hull and dreadnought produce red wood. It makes the sound very juicy, rich and loud, with excellent nizami, which is the ideal option for the performance of heavy musical genres.

The considered varieties of wood in this article is only a small list of rocks from which musical instruments make. Many Chinese brands producing cheap price range products use various tropical varieties. But in its characteristics, they significantly lose our today's heroes.

If you want to buy a guitar having a beautiful and rich sound, then you can do this on the website of the online store Gitarland. Here is a large assortment of tools of various levels at low prices.

Amati made violins from a pear tree and defended them with a varnish of its own manufacture. A couple of words about varnish. It only sounds best that the violin is not covered with varnish. The elongated deck of violin along the direction of the tree fiber from which it is made, provides a simultaneous bearing of the sound wave from the entire deck circuit. After all, the sound waves along the fibers spread faster than across. Deviations of the shape of the violin from oval and slits on the deck, distort the sound wave, painting the sound with obhtons. Not covered with varnish violin sounds great, but it continues for a short time, since the air oxidizes the fibers of the tree, turning them into a duch. In addition, such a violin will pull the moisture from the air as a sponge that the sound pernicably appears.

What wood make musical instruments from?

With antiquity, people made primitive wooden musical instruments. Various rattles and drums, twin and different noise tools were used on the hunt and in ritual purposes - for example, magic spells, which shamans caused good spirits or expelled evil, were often accompanied by different sound effects.

With the development of civilization there was a whole science - musical acoustics, which studies the features of musical sounds, as we perceive them, and the mechanisms of sound musical instruments. Almost all objects emitting sound can be used as musical instruments, but humanity has a lot of worried, creating a wide variety of special devices for extracting special sound. The tree was and remains one of the most important materials for the manufacture of musical instruments. Guitar

and violin, cello and alto, brass instruments - flute, oboe, clarinet, baggage, decks piano and many other tools or parts of them are made of various wood species. The secret is that wood has another valuable quality in a number of its useful properties, namely, the ability to resonate, i.e. increase the fluctuations of sound waves. There are breeds that have elevated resonant properties, and such rocks include all the well-known erendian spruce, which grows in Central Europe and in European Russia. Also good resonant properties have other conifers: fir, cedar. Wood fir and fir used in almost all musical instruments for making Dec. The resonant wood is harvested in winter. Music masters are suitable with special attention to the choice of resonant wood. The selected tree should not have flaws, and the one-time layers should be the same width.

Do you know that every breed has another voice? The most sonorous and singers - ate ordinary. So, it turns out why Stradivari and Amati made their wonderful violins from it. To do this, the selected tree was counted and left for the root for three years. It gradually lost moisture, the wood was compacted, it became ease. As a result, musical instruments from such a tree received a special power strength. True, it was necessary to find and choose from a large number of trees exactly what would be better than others. It was possible to masters, and the proof of the latter is that for almost three hundred years of their violin fascinating the listeners with their "voices", able to sing, cry, suffer and rejoice.

To this day, violin and other string instruments are piano, piano - continue to do from fir wood. No other tree gives such a resonance as a fir. This is explained by the fact that its wood is characterized by an extremely uniform distribution of fibers. In addition, it is soft, lightweight, shiny, easy to prick, durable. This is one of the "Elkina" perfections.

The ate has other advantages. Note how much snow on your branches is holding a fir. Under the white fur coat, sometimes not visible the green beautiful woman. A narrow crown does not delay snow for too long, with an excess it rolls down from the tree. Wide paws elastic branches, springs. Snow is afraid of a paw to the ground, but does not break. If there are a lot of snow, the paw is pressed tightly to the trunk and the snow slides from it. Locking from snow, spruce again proudly raises its branches up and bangs to himself and people on Divo. Such a structure of the crown allowed the ate ideally to adapt to life in a temperate zone and become one of the most common trees.

Guitar is a unique musical instrument. In the hands of a professional, she is able to issue such symphony of sounds, which will make the listener cry and laugh, rejoice and worry about the virtuoso game. However, not everything in this case is determined by the human factor. A good guitar can express the entire palette of the senses of the musician, a bad tool will spoil the most magnificent game. The sound published by the guitar is largely determined by what tree it is made. The process of time-consuming and wood in the instrument plays a decisive role. If it is "dead", then this guitar will no longer help anything - no matter how cool, and you will not get a good sound. The blade of the tool in most cases is made of cock, the lining is also from Clean (ASH), or from the rosewood or black tree (Ebony). Not everything is so unequivocal with the case (deck). The modern industry for the production of guitars applies many types of wood from all known alder to an exotic "crow." This is due to the fact that different breeds of wood have different sound. The most popular view of the tree for the production of guitars is well-known alder (Alder). It made almost the entire line of instruments of famous guitar firms Fender, Jackson and Carvin. Yes, and other firms are often not abundant to use it in production. Guitars made from alder have a well-balanced pure sound with a "juicy" middle. Solo "washed", and heavy metal reefs are equally well successful. In my opinion, such tools, being a kind of "golden mean", are intended for guitarists for which there are no stereotypes in the game and thinking. Fir (FIR) is used mainly for the production of semi-acoustic electric guitar. Gives a warm smooth sound. If you are going to play jazz music, then a similar tool will be the perfect choice for you. The main disadvantage of guitars made from ate is their relatively high price. The most voiced guitars, ideal for the execution of solo batches, are made of maple (Maple) and ash (ASH). These tools have an accented attack, their sound is largely more "glass" than any other type of wood. Guitars from maple and ash give sound with pronounced upper frequencies. These breeds are ideal for solo-parties and are not too good for rhythm. Thus, if you dream to play the music of a la Joe Satriani, then the ash and maple are the perfect guitar material. Walnut (Walnut) is quite widely used for the manufacture of High-class acoustic guitars. Most of the exclusive tools of world-famous masters are manufactured from this material. In the production of the electric guitar, it is used only for pads on the neck and for a bundled coating of the housings. Poplar (Poplar) produce guitars of the so-called "student instrument". As you know, the poplar wood is very soft, which negatively affects the quality of sound. Most often from it produce tools of the lowest price category. Red Tree (Mahogany) is used in the production of guitars for "heavy" styles. The sound of such tools is distinguished by warm and juicy middle, has deep bottoms and smoothed tops. For the quality of the sound of the bottom, there are no equal guitars from mahogany (only tools made from the exotic tree of Bubing - Bubinga) are better. The tree described above is not a complete list of materials used in the manufacture of guitars. These are just the most common. There are many exotic species such as Paduak, Coa or the same Buby, which are used to produce exclusive tools.

The tree definitely plays an important role in how the future tool will sound. However, we will not forget that this is just a tree. Only in the hands of an experienced master, it acquires the type of a tool that can be a continuation of the body and soul of the musician.