Dina Garipova's personal life. The winner of the show "Voice" escaped from his own wedding

Dina Garipova's personal life. The winner of the show
Dina Garipova's personal life. The winner of the show "Voice" escaped from his own wedding

Today, my dear reader, I want to tell you about a happy event in the life of the winner of the show "Voice" of 2012 Garilova Dina. This wonderful girl has an undoubted talent - its vocal possibilities are close to mezzo-soprano, and the working range is overwhelming 2.4 octaves. In 2013, Dinochka held Russia to the final of the International Competition "Eurovision", taking the fifth place. From this presentation, my goosebumps running on the skin ...

Now I want to tell you for whom Dina Garilova married, show Photo with husband And tell about her last and today's life ...

Brief biography Dina Garilova

Dino born on March 25, 1991 in an intelligent Muslim family. Her mother and dad candidates of medical sciences. The fact that their daughter has the ability to vocals, parents noticed very early. Therefore, from six years old, Dina began to attend classes at the song Theater.

Little Dina Garilova in music

There is a girl and an elder brother who protects it in every way and supports in life.

Parents and Brother Dina Garilova

Dina admitted that the singing abilities she got from the Father, who once wrote and performed lyrical romances.

IN 8 years Dinkochka became the laureate of the All-Russian competition of young talents, in 10 years - Laureate of the Republican Festival, and in 14 years - The laureate of the international competition passing in Estonia. 2008 brought unforgettable emotions and experience - the musical, in which Seventeen-year-old Dina participated, won the Grand Prix at the International Competition in Paris.

Russian adel ... so called the owner of an exceptional vocal Dina Garilov Our journalists.

There were a lot of such victories in the life of this young and gifted artist. BUT B. august 2015. She became even happier because he tied her life with a loved one. Now more about it ...

Dina Garilova at the wedding photo session

Marriage Dina Garilova

Like many young girls, Dina dreamed of real love, a fabulously beautiful wedding with a lot of guests and the magic honeymoon. But when she met the narrowed, I realized that she didn't want to shout about their feelings to the whole world. As the saying goes: "Happiness loves silence," so the girl has hidden the person of the spouse for a long time.

What is the name of the husband Dina Garilova

After some time after the wedding, the girl admitted that he married Ravil Bikmukhametov, with whom he met in the House of Culture. Like his beloved, Ravil is fond of music, and in this building they pasted the rehearsal of his musical group.

Male Dina Garilova

Unlike his young spouse, Ravil is absolutely not a public and modest young man with the right oriental education. He does not allow himself a liberty in humans, and that young people meet, only relatives knew.

Dina Garilova with her husband

Muslim rite wedding

The newlyweds did everything so that the wedding day becomes truly the most happy in their lives. In order to hide from the curious eyes of journalists, Dina with the bridegroom kept preparations for the celebration in the strictest mystery. First of all, the lovers decided to get married on the Muslim rite - nicknames. This sacrament made their husband and his wife back in July 2015. For such an important event, the girl was looking for an unusually beautiful, chastely closed white dress. And, of course, found. Later, Dean demonstrated this traditional outfit on a closed speech about the opening of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

First wedding dress Dina Garilova

What wedding surprise prepared the fiance for dina

In August, the newlyweds decided to organize a modern painting, but also chose to leave it secret. Unfortunately, the information still leaked into the press and when Ravil with Dina drove up to the registry office, there were already a crowd of fans there. I had to urgently reter to the guys, to wear ordinary clothes, and move a little time to the ceremony.

For this celebration, Dina ordered another wedding outfit, but already European cut. And after the mural, she was waiting for a surprise, which she dreamed of from childhood .... Ravil prepared for a newlywed flower arch in a shady green corner under a big oak. That is how this day of his bride. On this mini, only the nearest relatives were attended.

The second wedding dress Dina Garilova

Honeymoon trip

The wedding photo session of the newlyweds decided to spend on Cuba. It was there that they went to the honeymoon. After the trip, Dean shared with fans of these photos. Well, just awesome beautiful bride! Is not it?

Honeymoon Dina Garilova in Cuba

Wedding Travel Dina Garilova

Do you like Dina Garilova and her creativity?


Could the ordinary girl Dina, born and grown in a small town in Tatarstan, with the poetic name Zelenodolsk, to assume that someday fate would present such a number of surprises?
At first she was lucky to get to the show "Voice", where she with Triumph became the "main voice of the country", overcoming very hard competition! Later, she fell out a responsible mission - to represent Russia at the Eurovision International Competition! And she performed this task great!

In 2017, Deine Garipova was lucky enough to perform on the main stage of our country with the Symphony and Jazz Orchestra Sergei Zhilina, they submitted the metropolitan audience a concert program "no coincidence", and later this coincidence happened in real life - Dina Garipova married the Pianist Sergey Zilina. The solemn ceremony took place in one of the Casan regulations.

Wedding Sergey Zilina and Dina Garipova: Where, when, wedding ceremony, plans for the future?

An important event was carried out in one of the Cabin Corps. Wedding passed in closed mode .. only relatives of the bride and groom are invited to the solemn ceremony.

Dina is a happy bride, because she had as many as two wedding dresses - one dress for Muslim traditions, and the second dress is a dress she acquired in a boutique. Muslim dress was intended for the ceremony of a Muslim wedding ceremony, which the bride waited so much. The dress for "Nikha" covers his knees and elbows and made in a traditional Muslim style with an elegant headdress. The network appeared snapshots only in a wedding dress.

His husband Dina considers him an ideal man in his life. He is the one with whom she wants to walk in life by hand.

Sergey Zhilin is a little-known pianist, he does not shine in public. But despite this, she considers him - the best man. He is not jealous of her profession and towards her tour, because he trusts her.

Dina believes that this marriage will not affect creativity, even if it is changed after the scene, then on stage she will still remain as well-known - Dina Garipova.

The solemn ceremony of the actress wanted to hide, but she wanted everyone to find out about a joyful event. Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom went to the wedding journey, which lasted 2 weeks. After a good pastime on the sea, the young couple decided to return to the parents in Tatarstan. And after the celebration, Dina again plunged into his profession. Gastrol, concerts and interviews began again ...

Muslim wedding rite "Nicky" the singer passed back in July, long before the official wedding ceremony.

Future spouses put every effort to maintain their wedding in secret and the value of an important day only for themselves and the nearest relatives. They arrived in Kazan registry office in inconspicuous clothing. And marriage was not in the solemn atmosphere. The registry offices put a lot of effort that the wedding ceremony of Dean passed without attracting additional attention: the newlyweds were even warned of photographers that duty on the playground in anticipation of the wedding. The spouses had to change clothes so as not to get into any photo lens.

Before noting the beginning of a new life in the circle of relatives, Dina's husband made a surprise to her: he took her in a picturesque place under Kazan, where he prepared a festive platform designed by a romantic arch and flowers. There are newlyweds taken congratulations from the nearest friends and relatives and spent a photo session for a wedding album. Dina was in a snow-white dress and fate bought in one of the Moscow boutiques.

According to the close girlfriend Dina Garipova, with the new spouse, the singer has long been familiar, they studied at one university. My husband is a little older than Dean, trying not to appear in the press, but with understanding refers to the profession of his wife, does not jealous of her towards touring and frequent move. It is known that the newlyweds will live in Zelenodolsk, next to their parents.

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The scientist who recently became a candidate of physico-mathematical sciences in KFU could be a "asterisk from Zelenodolsk"

Today, Dina Garipova pleased fans. But not a new song, but the first photo from my wedding. Wedding recently took place in Kazan in full secrecy. A wedding shot with a bright signature "Start of the New Life" scattered in the morning on the media and social networks. While the singer is in the wedding travel and is preparing for work at the Alexander Gradsky Theater, her fans are guessing who the mysterious fiance. And the story itself is increasingly reminiscent of the competent PR-promotion.

"Beginning of a new life"

Today on your official page Instagram Singer Dina Garipova Posted by the first photo in the wedding dress. Signature under the photo reads: "The beginning of a new life." The official marriage ceremony took place last week in one of the Casan regulations (according to some data, it happened even earlier). The celebration passed under conditions of complete secrecy. As it became known to the newspaper "Business Online", Garipova signed a contract with one of the Moscow publications for the right to exclusive publication of wedding photographs.

Young actively tried to hide the date and time of registration. None of the regulations of Kazan did not give up lovers to journalists, but, apparently, the leakage of information still occurred. Komsomolskaya Pravda today, with reference to the Garipov itself, reported that the singer had to appear on the ceremony in casual clothes to confuse on duty paparazzi. After registration, Garipova was able to put on a wedding dress and went with her husband for the city for a holiday. The continuation of the wedding passed in a narrow family circle. Despite the fact that the surname of Garipova in the passport is now different, it will not change it on the scene.

We will remind, earlier, even at the beginning of summer, Garipova married Muslim custom - the young was read by nickname. Immediately after the wedding, the spouses went on a journey. Recently, they visited the Finnish town of Porvoo. Photos from this trip, the singer shared with his fans.

Has Garipova became a physicist?

The story with the "Secret Bridegroom" is increasingly reminiscent of the competent PR. On the Internet, everyone breaks her head, who became a man Garipova. However, several indirect signs immediately indicate that her former boyfriend could still be the spouse of the singer Ravil Bikmukhametov. About their novel Press wrote back at the television show "Voice". 26-year-old Bikmukhametov is a graduate of the University of Kazan. Judging by the official site of the university, not so long ago, he defended his thesis on the topic "Computable linear orders and natural relations on them." The dissertation council decided to award Bikmukhametov a scientific degree of a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

It is known that they met 7 years ago in the Zelenodolsk DC "Rodina", where Ravil rehearsed with his group, and Garipova took the lessons of vocal. However, the novel between young people began allegedly only three years later. They write that for the first time Dina introduced Ravil as a very close friend at the Tatar festival "Boz Ozatu" in Saratov.

While Garipov's fans are inclined to believe that Bikmukhametov became her husband. On July 2, one of the fans found the singer together with a young man, like Bikmukhametov, in the store "Bahetle" in the presenter. And in friends Garipova in the social network "VKontakte" was found some Rahman Bikmukhametov from Zelenodolsk. He is fond of Formula 1 races and, judging by his comments in the social network, was in early August in Finland on the rally. In this case, the visit of the singer to the Northern Country may explain. The traditional rally took place in Finland from July 30 to August 2. Among the stated Russian pilots, by the way, was Radik Shaimiev.

Anyway, the surname of the wife Garipova is still unknown, and she herself is now - in the honeymoon, after which in September will begin work in the songAlexandra Gradsky,since this year, her two-year contract with Universal Music ends.

The other day, Dina Garipova - the winner of the TV show "Voice" married the Pianist Sergey Zilina. The solemn ceremony took place in one of the Casan regulations.

Dina got married and is very happy now with her husband.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin married: solemn ceremony

An important event was carried out in one of the Cabin Corps. Wedding passed in closed mode. Only relatives of the bride and groom are invited to the solemn ceremony. Dina is a happy bride, because she had as many as two wedding dresses. Because one dress for Muslim traditions, the second dress is a dress that she gained in a boutique. Muslim dress was intended for the ceremony of a Muslim wedding ceremony, which the bride waited so much. Only the bride's wedding dress appeared on the network.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin married: Future husband

Dina Garipova loves her groom very much and makes a very positive comments about him. She considers him an ideal man in his life. He is the one with whom she wants to walk in life by hand. Sergey Zhilin is a little-known pianist, he does not shine in public. But despite this, she considers him - the best man. He is not jealous of her profession and towards her tour, because he trusts her. Dina believes that this marriage will not affect creativity, even if it is changed after the scene, then on stage she will still remain as well-known - Dina Garipova.

Dina Garipova and Sergey Zhilin married: Plans for the Future

The solemn ceremony of the actress wanted to hide, but she wanted everyone to find out about a joyful event. Immediately after the wedding, the bride and groom went to the wedding journey, which lasted 2 weeks. After a good pastime on the sea, the young couple decided to return to the parents in Tatarstan. And after the celebration, Dina again plunged into his profession. Gastrol, concerts, interviews and so on began again. We wish our happiness to our newlyweds.

Recently, revising the repeat of the show "Stand Up" on one famous TV channel came across the monologue of the leader Ruslan White, who touched the "Voice" show.

- Let's remember the winner of the first season - Dina Garipov! Where's she? The girl won in the project, performed at Eurovision, and no longer visible! Why doesn't she speak anywhere? Not filmed in the clips? In show business ended places?

And then I really thought: Dina disappeared? In rotations of music channels and on the radio, I have never heard our famous singer in the last year. Yes, after a triumphal, as I think, for Garipova "Eurovision" "What if" sounded from each iron (actually, like any composition of the representative of Russia after the competition), but then slowly our eminent dump truck somehow disappeared from the field of view of the mass show -Business.

I don't write in vain that "mass". In fact, Dina's life is burly: she practically performs at various events in many Russian cities, the local media writes about it.

Yes, and the focus of the federal press Dina turned out to be quite recently, however, it did not take direct participation in creating an informational reason. The fact is that a certain resource in the network promised for a certain amount to prepare participants on the "Voice" show and almost guaranteed participation in the project. Cooking the contestants allegedly planned Igor Cool, Pelagia and, Actually, Dina Garipova, and even called the amount of 120 thousand rubles. After the story received publicity, Lzhenes hooked.

In the official group, Dina Garipova in Vkontakte more than 30 thousand participants, which is relatively slightly slightly, although the group is quite active. For example, in the official community, Nyusha, who recently visited Kazan for the celebration of Youth Day, almost 148 thousand participants. By the way, Nyusha's singer also started his career with a victory in a television show: In 2007, she won the "STS lights superstar". Shurochka after the triumph in the show constantly released his hit hit, won the awards and flashed (and still flickering) on \u200b\u200btelevision.

By the way, it is curious that the fans wrote an exclusive book about Garipova. "Dina. It's all about her "was released by a circulation of 100 copies, 31 copies are not yet implemented. It contains reviews about Dene from the expanses of the Internet, letters of fans and particles of her interview.

In continuing the analysis of interest in our countrycraft, I note that the phrase "Dina Garipov" in the search engine "Yandex" is driven about 24 thousand times, and the same "Nyushi" - more than 900 thousand.

In October 2014, Dina released the debut album "Two Steps to Love", who received enough mixed assessments from Russian critics. The expert of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" called the album "Two steps to garbage", noting that from 12 songs seven - these are cavities and fermentation of other compositions. Dina's own works on the album are only five. And if the Cube "Rushit Canons Faalell Williams refuses to grow old Kayli Minoga," then in the world of the lyrical world of Heroin Garipova there is only a "song of the year" in about 1980 and early Kobzon. "Dina has long been taught to be inappropriate, fastened to all buttons, and she is a diligent student," the critic "Komsomolskaya" will summarize.

According to "Business online", Dina did not have been able to become a superstar of the All-Russian scale, despite the Eurovision, although she had constant tours in Russian cities. She continues to perform on some "Channel One" show, opened the Universiade in 2013. She in search of himself and can not yet find a musical producer who could come up with the standing application of her talent. Therefore, it remains interesting only to the nostalging public in fifty.

As a result, answering the question, where "disappeared" Dina Garipova, I can say unequivocally that our eminent dustwashka disappeared anywhere. Her concerts gather full halls, it periodically flashes in the central press (nevertheless, yielding in frequency of mentioning many other pop perforists), acts in show programs on central TV channels. Now in show business solves a lot of artist's image, and Dina is quite modest. She has a chic voice, there is a charm and charisma, but she is very exemplary, and its repertoire cannot be called "hit" into the mass audience. If Dina changes somewhat and his feed, will record several hits that will fall into rotations, and will release a few noticeable clips, it is possible that we can expect a re-flash of supernova.