Julia Belyaeva Year of birth. Anton Belyaev - biography, family, musical activity

Julia Belyaeva Year of birth. Anton Belyaev - biography, family, musical activity
Julia Belyaeva Year of birth. Anton Belyaev - biography, family, musical activity

The leader of the group Therr Maitz Anton Belyaev first became a father. His wife Julia presented the Musician of the firstborn. About this "Starhit" reported representatives of the artist. Star show "Voice" and his wife have already chosen a name for a child - they called him Semen.

The boy appeared on the light yesterday, May 22. Now Mom and the newborn baby feel good and preparing to go home. Artist's fans are in a hurry to congratulate it with such a significant event in his life.

Specially for the birth of Son Belyaev presented a lullaby - the song Undercover.

"Semen Antonch ... can Simon. BEC - 3680 Growth - 53. It was born 24 hours. Healthy. Mom is also fine. I wrote him a lullaby and it turned out in a charity project, "the artist admitted in microblog.

Still before the birth of Julia and Anton declassified the gender of the baby - they did not hide that the son is waiting. The artist's spouse had a premonition that she would become a mother's mother. "Paul found out - there will be micro Anton. By the way, I have long felt that I am waiting for a boy. And for some reason our loved ones also said: "We think you will have a son," Julia told you.

Spouses Belyaev understood that the appearance of a kid's light would radically change their lives. The musician admitted that it is likely to become more responsible and adults.

Despite the fact that the spouses knew the gender floor, they could not come to an agreement in advance in choosing the boy. Julia said that he wanted to call her son in any extravagant name, and Anton was more inclined to "classic" options. The couple decided that it would be much better to decide already after the appearance of the heir to the light. They assumed that the best solution would be made spontaneously.

"Meet our little seed: Semen Antonovich Belyaev, he is Simon, they are shimon. 24 hours hardcore, and baby with us. IEC - 3680. Growth - 53. We get a lot of congratulations, I do not have time to answer, but we see everyone, thank you so much, this is a real Waterfall of Love! " - thanked Yulia fans for congratulations.

During the waiting for the child, Belyaev tried to surround the spouse with maximum comfort and care. The couple reflective for a long time, where the child would be better to appear. Some advised Julia to choose one of the hospitals in Miami, as many famous mothers did. He also encouraged the clinics in Mexico, Spain or in the Maldives. Despite the many options, Julia is more inclined to stay in Russia. The spouse of the soloist of the group Therr Maitz assumed that in the spring there would be excellent weather in Moscow, and therefore wanted to stay in the capital.

Childhood and family Anton Belyaeva

On September 18, 1979, a future singer and musician Anton Belyaev was born in Magadan in Magadan in the family of teacher of informatics and electronic processing center. The family has already grew in the daughter of Lily, who gladly met the news about the newborn brother. Anton showed interest in music in early childhood, drums with covers and saucepan in the kitchen.

Mom Anton Alfina Sergeyevna strongly contributed to the hobby of his son with music and never prevented his musical hobbies in Parkway and Depeche Mode. When Anton turned 5 years old, Mom identified the Son to the local music school number 1.

Little Anton really wanted to play the drums, but he was taken on the strike tools only from 9 years. Therefore, the boy began to master the basics of playing the piano and soon mastered the tool so well, which became a permanent participant and a medalist of numerous contests and festivals of young pianists. It should be noted that Anton often sick in childhood, but it did not prevent him from getting musical prizes and rewards.

The adolescent age was marked by traditional police officers and interests, so for some time the music went to the background. At this time, adolescent grades and maximalism of Anton are deducted from grade 9 English gymnasium for poor behavior. After graduating from 9th grade of high school No. 29, Belyaev enters the music school, from which it is soon deducted for excessive passion for jazz and poor behavior. Who knows how the fate of the restless teenager would have begun if at 13 he did not meet Evgeny Chernonoga. Eugene invited a boy to classes in his jazz studio. A year later, Anton has already played jazz compositions with Musicians famous in Magadan. At the age of sixth, the young man has already played in the youth jazz orchestra, and at the Magadan Studio, he performed the famous jazz standards on two piano and recorded them with Eugene Chernonog.

In 1997, Anton graduated from Gymnasium No. 30, after which he entered the pop-jazz branch of the State Institute of Arts and Culture in Khabarovsk, where he managed to receive even an increased scholarship. As a student, Anton successfully combined his studies and speeches in nightclubs. In 2002, Anton finishes his studies in the Khabarovsk university and enters into an independent life.

Creativity Anton Belyaev

In 2004, Anton Belyaev becomes an art director of the institution "Rus". He collects a creative group, which includes Evgeny Kojin (drums), Maxim Bondarenko (BAS), Konstantin Dombotko (trumpet), Dmitry Pavlova (guitar). Later, Anton Belyaev became the front of this musical team called subsequently "Therr Maitz".

In 2006, Anton goes to Moscow, seeking to embody his creative ambitions. For a while, Anton Belyaev works as an arranger and collaborates with famous executors of the Russian pop - Tamara Gverdzitel, Polina Gagarina, Nikolai Baskov, Maxim Pokrovsky and Christmas tree. In one of the interviews, the musician admits that he was engaged solely for this work for the sake of money, since some of the performers, with whom he had to cooperate, "he doesn't tolerate". Anton notes that the real love is only for high-quality music.

In 2011, Belyaev's efforts in 2011, Jazz Band "Therr Maitz", already in an updated composition, successfully resumed its concert activity. Anton Belyaev became a composer, keyboard player and vocalist of an updated group, the creative team of which was a vocalist Victoria Zhuk, guitarists Nikolai Sarabianov and Artem Tildikov, Drummer Boris ions. Anton Belyaev is also known as a resident of the Jazz Parking project and as a musician working in different directions from Trip-Hop to electronics.

Anton Belyaev on the show "Voice"

In the fall of 2013, Anton Belyaev successfully performed at the famous musical show of the first channel "Voice". As part of the third day of listening, he fulfilled the "Wicked Game" composition, independently accompanied. He was so chawed four mentors with his performance that they all turned to him. As a result, Anton became the participant of the TV show "Voice Season 2", joining the team of Leonid Agutin.

Lyubov Anton Belyaeva helped him to become famous overhead to high-quality music. On October 5, 2013, the whole country learned about Anton Belyaev.

Personal life Anton Belyaeva

Somehow, Anton returned from the wedding of his friend and went on the road to the cafe. There, he met his future wife Yuly, intriguing her by what he could sing standing on the table Aria Magdalins from the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". Julia gave her phone number, but the numbers were wrong, and Anton had to pick them for three purposes. The perseverance of Belyaeva led to success. He managed to reach the girl and invite her to his concert.

Since then, Julia and Anton together. In 2012, they got married. Yulia Belyaeva - a journalist, began its activities in the newspaper "Evening Moscow", worked as a TV presenter, correspondent on many leading TV channels. Anton Belyaeva's wife is director of Therrmaitz and Editor Europa Plus TV. Anton Belyaev loves to ride a bike on the embankment opposite Gorky Park, not far from his house. The musician loves to see Hollywood cinema. As he himself admits, often loads himself by understanding the structure of the world.

Facts biography

In 5 years, he became a pupil of a music school in the class of piano.

At the age of 17, he enters Hgiik (Khabarovsk) to pop-jazz branch.

In 2004, the musician collects the first composition of Therr Maitz group.

In 2006, Anton moves to Moscow.

In 2011, restores the group.

In 2012 marries journalist Yulia Markova.

In 2013, it becomes the semifinalist of the "Voice-2" project.

In 2015, Therr Maitz is the best performers of the year in iTunes and Apple Music Russia.

In 2016, Therr Maitz won the Best Russian Act nomination Award MTV Europe Music Awards.

In 2016, Anton creates a musical design for an immersive performance "returful".

RIA News / Ekaterina Chesnokova

"We have a cool guy!"

Elena Plotnikova, "Pro Health": Anton, you admitted that they panicked in the genus of his wife. Why?

Anton Belyaev: I was afraid of the life of Julia and Semyon. Birth is very scary, because the situation when another appears from one person and it is accompanied by an incredible amount of pain, and even on your eyes, above the male understanding. In addition, during the childbirth, the moment was very terrible for us. Imagine, the seed pulse suddenly jumped from 120 to 250 and began to fall again. We all see this on the monitor, we do not understand anything, and doctors do not really explain anything. Of course, it is possible to be engaged in an unnatural way, but still no one knows what is happening inside a woman, as a child feels. At such moments are very scary.

- After all, you will not regret what was present in childbirth?

No, I do not regret why I have to regret? Of course, there are things that a man is better not to see. You know how people say: "Do not go to childbirth, then you won't love my wife!" This is nonsense, completely degradation. A man just should understand that it is better not to watch in certain seats. I stood near my wife's head, trying to help her morally, because the complicity is very important at such a moment. For a woman, childbirth is serious stress, and another pair of hands, even if they are frightened, always useful. Yes, and again, the case with the pulse of Semen - I would not want to be one to be in such a situation, it is better that a familiar person who says: "Everything is fine!"

Your wife, Julia admitted that with the advent of his son, you turned into a touching man. What is it expressed?

I think I didn't turn into anyone, it always existed in me, I liked the children. But there was no such thing that I wanted a child and thought in 30 years: "So you need to start the baby!" Although my friends last 10 years are actively asked me: "Well, where is the heir? Who will you leave everything? " And when it suddenly happened, my father's mechanism turned on. I am very glad to Semyon, he turned out to be a cool dude. Julia is happy parents: Great luck that the child is healthy, that it naturally gets his life forces, feeds and so on.

I can easily be dad, everything is so cool that I do not admit any special efforts. Although I understand that Yule is a bit more difficult.

By the way, often young mothers are afraid to leave the child with her husband: they say, it is easier to cope with the most. Do you just with your son alone?

Already yes, the adaptation passed. But what happened when we arrived from the maternity hospital and I stayed with him for the first time, - horror! I was afraid to remove clothes from him - suddenly I break his hand! I carry it into the bathroom, he begins to shout, and I think he dies from the cold! I start to wash him, he sticks everything to the skin, I can not tear off the diaper with the force: what if a piece of skin is a court? After 20 minutes, I realized that I was standing on him, and the sweat was pouring away. When you stay alone with such a small creature, of course, you are afraid that something will happen to him at any second.

Anton Belyaev and his wife. Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

"We are fighting for each listener!"

Anton, I know that in your creative biography there was a month when you gave 40 concerts. With the birth of the child, the turnover was lost?

We took a small pause at the end of the pregnancy of Julia, now too, be restrained. But in fact, there was no work less even with a break. After all, in addition to open concerts, there are also closed - no one refuses from the money. We just agreed that my schedule would become more discharged. Yes, and concerts puts my wife as my direct director, so it is easy for her: "That will not be!" But from the fall, the meat grinder began again - the new song "Songs" on TV was added to the concerts, where I fulfill the role of creative musical producer, this is a completely new one for the Russian show business approach to search for talents with the subsequent possibility of working in one of the largest Russian labels.

I have repeatedly heard such an opinion about your group: "The guys sing cool, their songs are breed, but it is not clear for which audience!" And you have the answer: for whom your songs?

Well, someone goes to our concerts (laughs). We are an alternative to the music that Russian pop. Sometime rap stood in the forefront of brilliant costumes and popes, tried to fight against uncomplicated texts and music, now rap became mainstream and even pop music itself. We are engaged in others, make something else, in very easy access. We are fighting for each listener, we prove your right to life and show what you need.

- Do you have a portrait of your viewer in your head?

No, they are all very different. This is not only emo guys who walk in leather jackets and tint eyes, and not only those who drive on the motorcycles. We are not trying to please some one part of the audience and do not want to crush people with their music. We simply show that we can, and carefully ask: "Maybe it suits you?" We differ from the main show business by the fact that we do not carry an aggressive policy, like some: you want not want, but you will listen to us. And, as it turned out, people just need it. Someone from the audience is very annoying that he tells him another musical channel bonus whom he chose, although the award does not even know who he really likes. The award distributes awards on its internal agreements, not noticing what to the listeners. And what ultimately do we see? They sold a couple of times pop artists into a TV through such awards, they were neglected on the screen, and all - they do not collect concerts, people are not ready to buy tickets for them.

- But it is through such a screen artists become recognizable!

We did a study on this matter, we wanted to actively turn our music on the radio and channels, but then they realized that it was not very suitable for us. Yes, people watch your clip, but they do not begin to believe that at the concert you can get satisfaction. For them, projects from the TV are beautiful statues. Not everything, of course, but very many. Therefore, we have so many groups that are not on TV, but which ride a country with tour and feel great.

Do not try without money?

- Can you tell me how is your music created? Write everything yourself?

Yes. But the text globally comes up Victoria Zhukova, our vocalist, it is this responsibility. But there is no single recipe for creating such melodic, and in foreign language, works like ours. For example, I can come up with the chorus, and the couple does not go, and then I just postpone it until the best times. So, by the way, it was with our song "Found U". Chorus was stolen for her from the past, and with themselves. And then the verse is already on him. This is an endless constructor. But it happens that the song is written from beginning to end in 15 minutes.

About you and your group The bulk of people spoke after the "Voice" project. How did your creative life changed after him?

Money has become more! (Laughs.) Such projects give access to viewers, to large sites. On my part it was a PR-action, that's all. We and before the "voice", of course, performed, earned, everything turned out, but there was no strong financial support for a large push forward. We could be at the same stage for another 70 years. And the "voice" gave this push.

- It turns out, without such a show, the talented ordinary guys do not break through?

Basically, yes, they are offended all the time on those who are with money, believe that those occupy their place. And this is the problem of such guys. They need to understand that the niche of singing deputies, the wives of football players, rich son and daughters will always. It still will not give anything to them - well, they score on the channel for a year, two, three, they will understand that the costs do not pay off, there are no full halls, and everything will end. Infinitely you will not be able to spend funds. Yes, and the audience will not deceive. They will look for good, high-quality music - and find poor artists who break through only thanks to their talent.

"Music - consumption, not pleasure"

One of the Russian performers said that we have no so good music to constantly do different premiums for it. Do you agree with this?

Part of our mentality is to believe that only we are bad. In fact, it is not. All over the world - in London, in New York - a popular radio station with some incredible garbage can play in a taxi. There will always be momentary music. She is shorter to the consumer, but the way back is faster - she quickly disappears. All this is done due to the fact that the main pool of people, nursing industry, are young people from 15 to 30 years. For them, every day you need to make a new product, but as you understand, it is impossible to do it every day with the soul.

Where did the donkey-talisman come?

Anton, autumn and winter you will have rich. A lot of work: the release of a new show, a solo album, concerts, and there and the parade of New Year's corporate standards is not far off. Could you describe your perfect day? All in tasks?

As today is about - almost without tension. A short interview, several small working issues and the evening with the family. If you can see more and the cinema will be perfect in general. I really like nothing to do, it almost does not happen, and today I feel - deserved.

- Where is your famous plush donkey with whom you did not part am even on the "voice"?

He was he inherited to Sea. Before birth, the baby Plush has always been with me, just lay in the pocket of the backpack. And already with the advent of the son, I left him in the crib and left for tour. Only in someone else's city realized that I forgot the plush: "How am I without him?" I had to keep in touch with my wife, learn the deeds of a teddy pet. Such is the infantile habit.

Most recently, the Russian musician Anton Belyaev and his group Therr Maitz were known and loved only in a narrow circle of like-minded people. Now they know the whole country. Their music inspires on something new and unusual, awakens to creativity. Thanks to the participation in the national project "Voice", Anton Belyaev and the group Therr Maitz became nationwide pets. In this article, we will get acquainted with the leader of the group.

Roots artista

Parents of a successful musician, producer and TV presenter are far from the world of show business. Anton's father - Vadim Borisovich Belyaev - Born on December 4 in 1946 in the city of Saratov, worked almost all his life in the electronics center computing center. Artista's mother - Alfina Sergeyevna Belyaeva (Maiden's name - Konishva) - appeared on January 30 in 1949 in the village of Zharbulak in Kazakhstan. He studied in a geological technical school, and also received a diploma on the end of the Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a programmer and teacher computer science.

Future spouses met in Kazakhstan, and in 1962 he moved to Magadan with their parents. In early 1968, they got married, and in November of the same year they had a firstborn - daughter Lily, the older sister of Anton. Lily - a graduate of the Khabarovsk Institute of Culture, works by a bibliographer. On September 18, in 1979, another joyful event occurred in the Belyaev family - the Son was born, which was called Anton.

Start of a creative path

Anton Belyaev since childhood was a musical child. His first consisted of mom - saucepan, covers and spoons. Parents immediately noticed the talent of the Son, so at the age of five he took him to a music school. Apparently, the forces no longer tolerate his kitchen concerts.

Anton really wanted to learn the game on the drums, but children from nine years old were engaged in the drums. Nothing remained for him how to master the piano. Despite the fact that the boy often missed the occupations due to diseases, he participated in almost all musical competitions and even received rewards for prizes.

Hard teenager and music

Anton was a very problematic child, a real hooligan. His parents were pretty proud of his youthful tricks. The only thing that was saved from the unfavorable influence of the street - music.

When the future artist was thirteen, he met the Black Yevgeny, the owner of the jazz studio, who invited the young man to his classes. Already at fourteen years, Belyaev played jazz compositions together with famous Magadian musicians, and sixteen became part of the youth jazz orchestra.

From English Gymnasium №17, where Anton studied, he was expelled. The ninth grade he had to finish at school №29. He did not see sense to learn further, so I decided to enter the Magadan Music School for the Piano Department. But there he did not hold out for a long time - he was expelled for absenteeism.

Life in Khabarovsk

In 1997, Anton finally received a certificate of secondary education in the Magadan Gymnasium No. 30, and then thanks to his heartfelt game on the piano that local teachers admired. After that, at the insistence of Mom Anton went to Khabarovsk, where he entered the pop-jazz branch of Hgiik.

The first time the guy was easily studied, he even received an increased scholarship. Nevertheless, in rubbing his pants in class, he did not see sense, so almost immediately got a job. Anton Belyaev, whose biography is filled with extraordinary actions and decisions, went to work as a musician to one of Khabarovsk clubs to the detriment of school.

Beginning Career Producer

In 2004, Anton was appointed to the position of Art Director of the Rus Club. There the musician gathered talented guys into one team. His part of Steel Pavlov Dmitry (Guitar), Bondarenko Maxim (BAS), Horin Evgeny (drums), shot Constantine (tube). At the same time, Anton begins to write music, which will subsequently become the basis for the repertoire of the THERR MAITZ group created by him. So did his first steps in the sphere of show business Anton Belyaev.

Moscow has already been waiting for a talented musician. In 2006, Belyaev moved to the capital and begins cooperation as an arranger with such famous stars of the Russian pop, as Tamara Gverdziteli, Igor Grigoriev, Polina Gagarin, Christmas tree, Nikolay Baskov, Maxim Pokrovsky and others. The work of the arranger brought its financial fruits, but the artist always had high-quality music, which refers to the category of underground. In Moscow, the musician meets the guys who invites you to the already formed team, and launches the project called Therr Maitz.

In 2011, the Anton Belyaev group begins an active concert activity in the clubs of Moscow.


Therr Maitz had their audience, devotees of fans and connoisseurs of their creativity, but still guys, and in particular their creator and frontman Anton Belyaev, wanted more. In 2013, the music project "Voice-2" started. Anton Belyaev decided to go to the casting. For him, it was a good opportunity to declare himself and about his team, to introduce broad masses with high-quality and deep music.

To participate in Casting, Anton prepared a very beautiful song of Chris Aizek "Wicked Game" and could sing it in such a way that in the first seconds of his speeches, all the judges wanted to work with him further. Anton did not expect such a turn of events that he would have to choose among mentors. Among the four producers - Dima Bilan, Pelagia, Leonid Agutin - was the one with whom the musician wanted to work most. He chose Leonid Agutin. Together with this mentor, Anton managed to reach the semifinals of the competition. The audience was remembered for a long time, as at the New Year's concert of the "First Channel" presented their number two contestants "Voices" - Anton Belyaev and they perfectly sang the song "Blurred Lines". This number lit the public and made his bright colors to the New Year's view.

Features of the show "Voice"

Anton Vadimovich Belyaev admitted the press that he planned to participate in the first season "Voice" and even hit the casting. But Belyaev did not go, as she was afraid that he would lose his uniqueness that he would break it and would be like all other artists of the Russian pop. Also worried that a lot of people who listened to Therr Maitz are disappointed in their idols.

In front of the second season of the project, Anton revised all issues to analyze the show for honesty and correctness. Making sure that the project is really standing, he still decided to take part in it.

After the performance, the artist told the press about some nuances of the show, which are not visible to the viewer from television screens. According to him, there are no random people, so-called singers-amators - only professional performers who want to tell the world about themselves are involved in the project. All participants undergo predoor, as a result of which only 140 people are allowed to listen to judges. All compositions that are performed in the first ether are also not accidental - their participants help to choose the mentors themselves and vocal teachers. It is also interesting that even before the first speech, all artists get acquainted with each other and communicate with the judges. Belyaev is confident that the viewer generally sees less than fifty percent of everything that happens on the show.

As for the atmosphere within the project, the artist calls it very friendly. There are no scandals and collisions that illuminate for the viewer. All this is done for intrigue and for inciting the interest of the public. In fact, all participants are intelligent people and are very well treating each other.

Attitude to glory

Attractive young man with a charming smile in an elegant costume with a surprisingly beautiful voice - what else needs to be public? Sucking is not surprising that Anton Belyaev after the air show "Voice" woke up by the celebrity. He admits that it was for the project for this, for the sake of fame of his group, but did not expect such an effect. The artist even upsets a little that he can now just pass along the street and quietly knead the hairdresser. His everywhere pursue fans.

But the main goal of the singer, producer and just an amateur of high-quality music was achieved - the country became interested in his work. In April of this year, the second album of Therr Maitz group was released. And on May 15, their first enchanting solo concert will be held in the nightclub "Arena Moscow". Musicians plan to see more than 3,500 thousand people on their speech.

Personal life

In 2012, unfortunately, Belyaev connected himself to marriage. The spouse of the artist became Markov, who comes from the city of Shakesfeherwar, one of Julia's most important settlements graduated from the faculty of journalism at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. I began my career in the Evening Moscow edition, later worked as a correspondent and TV presenter "MUZ-TV", "Channel One", "DTV", "Russian Music Box". Currently, Anton Belyaev and his wife not only live, but also work together. Julia is the director of Therr Maitz group and part-time editor of the Europa-Plus TV channel.

Musician date of birth September 18 (Virgo) 1979 (39) Place of birth Magadan Instagram @Therrmaitz

About Anton Belyaev Russia spoke thanks to the "Voice-2" project, in which he unsurpassedly performed the Wicked Game songs of Chris Aizek, accompanying his piano. However, his musical career began long before the speech in the show. It is the founder, composer and vocalist of the famous musical group Therr Maitz. A pleasant velvet timbre of his voice leaves the indifferent.

Biography Anton Belyaev

Anton was born on September 18, 1979 in an ordinary family that is not related to art. They lived then in Magadan. Mom taught computer science, dad worked in the computing center. Anton has an older sister Lily.

The boy has already manifested his abilities from early childhood. The parents did not interfere with this, and when Anton was 5, sent him to study at the music school in the piano. The boy dreamed of playing drums, but there did not take the children under 9. Without difficulty, having mastered the game on the piano and the piano, Anton took part in many children's musical competitions and repeatedly became the prize.

Being a teenager, Anton, like all the boys, forced the parents to revere. For too violent behavior of 15 years, he was expelled from the gymnasium with an in-depth study of English. Having completed the 9th grade at school, he entered the music school, but was deducted from there.

The situation was saved by the fact that the guy invited Evgeny Chernonog to his jazz studio. When Anton was 16, he was already a member of the jazz orchestra and recorded several compositions performed on two pianos together with Evgeny Chernonog. It helped the guy to send the energy to the "peaceful" channel and not to let life under the slope.

At 18, Belyaev began studying in Khabarovsk Khgik at the Department of Pop Music. He studied well and earned an increased scholarship. And at night Anton played nightclubs. He completed his studies at the university in 2002.

In 2004, Belyaev gathered the group Therr Maitz. The guys played in the club "Rus", whose owner became Belyaev Anton Vadimovich. In 2005, it was possible to conclude an agreement and go on touring clubs in the clubs of the largest cities in Japan. However, since 2006, the members of the team went on different working contracts. Anton went to Moscow, where he worked in recording studio by an arranger and producer. He collaborated with many celebrities. However, it was just a job, the musician Anton Belyaev did not leave dreams to return to his own creativity.

In May 2010, Maitz again gathered together. Belyaev played by keyboards, sang and wrote music for the group. It changed several times several times, it was finally formed in 2011, and now 6 people have already entered: Anton Belyaev, Victoria Zhuk, Boris Ionov, Ilya Lukashev, Artem Tildikov, Nikolai Sarabyanov. The main genre of music is Indies.

The group participated in many music festivals and concerts:

  • Manor Jazz;
  • Republic of KaZantip;
  • Red Rocks;
  • Maxidrom;
  • Bosco Fresh;
  • Gipsy Parking.

The first album of the updated group was released in May 2014, and in a year - the second, and in 2016 - the third.

In 2013, Bellyaev spoke the whole country thanks to his successful performance in the project of the first channel "Voice". He participated in the second season of the television house under the "patronage" of Leonid Agutin. Thanks to this project and Anton and Therr Maitz have become popular more than ever before.

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New Motor Parents and Maria Melnikov, Happy Father Dmitry Malikov and other guests of a closed cocktail GQ Anton Belyaev, 38 years old, Member of the 2nd season Anton Belyaev came to Casting "Voices" for a specific purpose - to declare himself and his project Therr Maitz, which Already at that time he had his own audience. Anton tied his life with music ... How was the lives of the most vivid participants of the show "Voice"

Personal life Anton Belyaeva

With Yulia, who later became his wife, Anton met the cafe. He achieved her hearts not immediately. I also had to sing Mary Magdalene from a well-known opera, and right on the table. And select the numbers in the phone number itself, which she specifically recorded incorrectly. And yet Anton has achieved his own and in 2012 the couple got married. Julia worked as a correspondent in the "evening Moscow", a leading journalist on several well-known TV channels. Later she became the editor of Europa Plus TV and the manager of Therr Maitz. Talisman, who often accompanies Anton - toy donkey, this is his gift to his wife.

In addition to music, Anton has other hobbies. He loves cycling, watch Hollywood filmmakers.