Alla Pugacheva - biography, information, personal life. Alla Pugacheva songs

Alla Pugacheva - biography, information, personal life. Alla Pugacheva songs
Alla Pugacheva - biography, information, personal life. Alla Pugacheva songs

Details Created: 01/23/2017 16:02 Updated: 10/21/2017 22:40

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva - charming and delightful woman, famous to the world, artist, singer, TV presenter and producer. Let's learn more interesting Facts From the life of the artist in this article.

Her songs inspire and fascinate, and powerful voice, unusual behavior and bright appearance - attract.


According to the media, young lady appeared on April 15, 1949 in big city Moscow, B. ordinary family Frontovikov. According to the horoscope Aries - friendly, initiative and enterprising woman in which unstoppable energy is boil.

Alla in childhood photo

Celebrity family is small and consisted of four people: Alla (real name at birth, in honor of the famous film actresses Alla Tarasova), papa Boris Mikhailovich (first was the usual workers in the factory for the production of shoes, and eventually became director on sales), mom Zinaida Arkhipovna (all his life worked in the personnel department) and junior brother Eugene (died at 60s in the heart surgery). According to sources, Alla had an elder brother, but unfortunately he died still small from diphtheria.


Young years

Parents tied the fate of babies with music, even before she went to primary school. Considering that the music will bring a big future to children, Mom invited a local music teacher to check if her children musical abilities. Allochka pleased his parents, because it turned out that she had a wonderful ear for music. After that, stubborn daily piano classes began at three o'clock a day at home, as well as study at school music. The girl really tried and in 1954 he had already performed as a contestant in the national concert concert of the Unions.

According to sources, Allochka was very mobile and not quite calm child. She studied well, but her behavior was not perfect. It is concerned that she was a gown and could stand up for himself. Even some yard boys tried to bypass her face, because they knew that this brisk red-haired girl could give surrender. She was even nicknamed "Feldwebel" - senior sergeant. From adolescent age, the girl tried to smoke cigarettes and today it does not part with this harmful habit.


In 1964, after the end of two schools (Middle and Music), the girl filed documents to the music school, firmly deciding to become famous singer. Student years proceeded careless and fun, but the girl did not forget about study and showed big success. The first song "Robot" (1965) was recorded for a radio program "with good morning ". After a successful performance of the composition, the suggestions in the musical sphere fell on it, like snow on the head. Now she works on television, tours the world and performs songs.

By the time Pugacheva became a solo singer, she performed a soloist in different via (for example, "new electron", "Muscovites", " Funny boys "). When was the team of" funny guys, "performed the song" Arquino ", for which he received prize place On the song Festival "Golden Orpheus" and recognition of viewers. After that, her creative career went even higher. She first led the transfer of the "Blue Spark" and won the song "Song of the Year-76". Since 1977, the artist who has already consisted, decided to work more over its solo.


1977 - "Soul Mirror" (first album recorded solo). She also recorded many other albums. Among them can be noted: " Harlequino and others" (1979), "Oh, how do you want to live"(1985)," came and say "(1987)," Alla "(1990)," River tram" (2001), "Live calmly, country!" (2003), "Invitation to Sunset"(2008) and others.



Alla showed himself and how talented actress (participated in the filming of famous filmmakers and musicals). Among them: " Woman who sings"(1978)," came and say "(1985)," Old songs about the main 2.3" (1997-1998), "Old songs about the main thing. P.S" (2001), "For two hares"(2004) and so on.

"For two hares"

The brightest programs on television with her participation: "Song of the Year", "What? Where? When?", "Star Factory", "Factor A", " glacial period " other.

"Factor a"

Interesting Facts

Pugacheva is completely low, its growth is about 162 cm, and the weight is 68 kg. Many famous musicians And the performers devoted her songs to her (for example, Sergey Zverev, Philip Kirkorov and Other). The singer tried itself in the political sphere (it was the parties "Right case" and "Civil Platform").

Personal life

According to sources, femme fatale 5 times got married. Her personal life was as bright and saturated as a creative career, and the husbands and children contributed to the development of it as an independent person. With your first husband Mycolas Orbakas (by profession a clown) she met on joint tour and in 1969 they tied their lives with wounded uzami.

Alla with Mikolas Orbakas

Soon they had charming kristina daughter (05/25/1971). For half a year, Pugacheva was on maternity leave, and then continued his creative career again. Their marriage lasted only a few years, and then 1973 collapsed and the singer stayed with a small baby in his arms.

With the first husband and daughter of Christina

Kristina's daughter pleased Mom and presented her three charming grandchildren: Nikita Presnyakov (05/21/1991), Denis Baisarov (05/10/1998), Claudia Zemtsova (03/30/2012).

Christina Orbakaite with children and husband

Further, in 1977, Alla finds a new satellite of life - film director Alexandra Stefanovich And concludes his second marriage with him. But this marriage life did not last long. Marriage collapsed in 1980. It is rumored that the reason was solo career Alla. Others argue that there was more faith, as well as the fact that the husband decided to live on the money of his wife.

With the second husband Alexander Stefanovich

After the divorce, in 1985, Pugacheva is solved for the third time to marry per music producer Evgenia Boldina. This marriage lasted much longer - 8 years, but still ended in the same way as the previous-divorces. It is rumored that Alla twisted at that time a novel on the side with a partner in the scene Vladimir Kuzmin. Rumored that in this marriage Pugachev should have become a mom for the second time, but due to creative career She decided to make an abortion. It became a fatal mistake of his whole life, because after that she was so already able to become more pregnant.

With the third husband Evgeny Boldin

Then she was attributed to the many novels with Raymond Pauls, Alexander Rosenbaum, Igor Talcov and Sergey Chamobanov. But, any confirmations about love relationship With these people, unfortunately no.

Pugacheva and Rosenbaum

In 1994, Priadonna finds a new narrowed. The fourth husband this time becomes 18 years old younger singer And just a lovely fan - Philip Kirkorov. The two-meter Bulgarian handsome man and the heart of the singer for a long time, and ultimately achieved the desired. Spouses lived together for about 10 years, and then the couple broke up. Some sources argue that the reason was Maxim Galkin, in which the singer fell in love and began to move away from Philip. Others argue that their marriage broke up due to large debts of Philip (he invested $ 5 million in the formulation of the Musical "Chicago", which failed with a crack).

Alla and Philip Kirkorov

And the last fifth husband of Pugacheva becomes, for 27 years younger, humorist and parodist - Maxim Galkin. They registered their marriage in 2011 and live to this day together. It is rumored that this marriage is the happiest Alla, because it was with Maxim that she felt a real beloved woman. To date, they live together in a gorgeous countryside castle, which burned Galkin himself.

Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Alla with Maxim became happy parents, they had twins from the surrogate mother - Elizabeth and Harry (09/18/2013). It turns out that the singer has long been taken care of his future and froze his egg cells. The kids are surrounded by love and care, and Alla feels like a young and confident mother. She develops creative talents in them, so kids are already singing perfectly and dance.

Elizabeth and Harry


Incomparable singer And the artist on April 15 noted his birthday. Many ask for interest: how old is Alla Pugacheva? Universal favorite turned 67 years old. Widely celebrating the birthday of the singer did not want. Last year anniversary was already remembered by their greatness. This year, the singer wanted a quiet holiday.

With the wishes of happiness and health on a quiet holiday, close friends of Primaudonna came: Business -vuna Alina Redel, Israeli businessman Semen Mogilev and his wife Marina Ruzyn.

Where now lives the family of singers

Alla Pugacheva is currently resting in Israel. In this country, she marked Easter with their children. Twins and mom live on the villa. A huge three-story villa in Caesarea was rented for a family holiday. Together with Alla Pugacheva in a chic home, nanny babies live. The singer rarely leaves the villa, not wanting to attract too much attention to his personality.

Who congratulated the singer

Maxim Galkin, because of a dense work schedule, could not personally congratulate the famous spouse. On his social network page, he posted a congratulation with sincere wishes of love and health for many years. These words joined the stars of pop and close friends of Primateonna. Later, the famous parodist and the TV presenter is going to go to his family.
Six and seven At the age of Alla Pugacheva added her even more charm and charm. After the birth of twins, the second youth came to her. This approves her former husband Mycolas Orbakas. She bloomed and looks charmingly.

Alla Pugacheva - Personal Life

Russian pop scene is simply overflowing talented singers and actors. And yet from all this crowd, the most main actress And the singer can confidently consider only one one - Alla Borisovna Pugacheva! This person in his life has reached very high goals and even after 200 years, our great-grandfathers will know this singer. She will leave a deep mark on the history of world culture. Despite the fact that many media attribute her husbands to great merit in the career growth of Pugacheva, still it is worth noting that she herself passed this thorny path.

Probably none of the Russian singers for all their creative activity, I did not write so many poems and how many songs she wrote. Each of her song is worthy of not only attention, but also deep penetration. Pugacheva songs are filled with different experiences and emotions and each could become a hit. Under the Soviet Union, many actors and singers were awarded the title "People's". But Pugacheva is not just the "People's Artist of the USSR", but it is quite possible to consider it world.

Despite all the vulgarity addressed to her side, despite all the dirt, which is usually watered by career artists journalists, this person does not hold evil. No one has the right to condemn her for marriage with a man who is suitable for her in his sons. Such heights career growth She reached only. All over the world, listen to the songs of Pugacheva. Abroad, this person is not only respected as an artist, but they honor all its merits. Therefore, Pugacheva prefers to relax where the Russian speech is not heard.

If browsing all chronological table This man, with all its takeoffs and falls, it can be noted that everything in her life was obtained on time. In time I got married, in time I gave birth to children. And now, when she has grandchildren, she lives for her family, for her kids and her husband, whom she loves very much. After all, real love does not ask about age.

Pugacheva Alla Borisovna - Soviet and russian singer, actress, composer-songwriter.

A family

Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949 in Moscow. Mother - Pugacheva (in the Maiden of Odessov) Zinaida Arkhipovna. Father - Pugachev Boris Mikhailovich. Two years before Alla's appearance, a boy was born from her parents. Firstborn called Gennady. Unfortunately, the child was very weak and painful. The kid died at the age of just a few months.

Spring heart

Who is she, Alla Pugacheva? Folk artist Soviet Union And the heroine published by the yellow press fairy tales, sensation, muse, Priaudonna. Honorary citizen of the city of Makhachkala. That very, in which during the premiere of the film "Scarecrow" on the advertising shield it was written: "In leading role Stuffed, according to accurate information about Ahmet, the daughter of the giant, which sings. "

However, if you list all the titles, regalia and awards of the singer, the list will be very long, because the songs of Pugacheva fell into the charts not only of the Soviet Union and Russia, but also other countries: "Find me" in France, Superman in Sweden, "bad weather "In Poland," Vintage Watch "in Greece. And "Million Scarlet Roses" in Japan and Mongolia, even after many years, remained almost a national hit. When they planned to make a film about the famous Bore of Sumo Koekushusan (Batbayar), the main scenario had assumed that the entire film Batbayar would look for Pugachev to meet in the final.

Poets were devoted to her poems, musicians - songs, and writers - books. Its names are named the performances of the theater studio in the south-west in Moscow and the Satira Theater on Vasilyevsky in St. Petersburg, as well as flowers, perfume, shoes, magazine, music prize, radio and many girls in Russia. Her portraits did famous artistsThe image was replicated by parodists and twins, and the songs were disengaged or quotes. Even popular rapper In his composition, Piggy Bank used a fragment of her song "Sonnet".

Continued below

What to say, many famous people Split on behalf of Pugacheva. When the director of the film "Flying over the cuckoo nest" Milos Forman was going to shoot a film on the play by Nikolai Erdman "Suicide", he suggested that he suggested only because he worked a lot with Pugacheva, which Great Forman knew perfectly.

Pugacheva from the very beginning of his career was a newsmaker for all newspapers and magazines in Russia, her photos were decorated with the covers of metropolitan and provincial editions. Paparazzi was tracked every step, and fans - sigh. Nevertheless, many stories of her stormy biography Stayed behind the scenes. After all, life, in essence, it is not so much loud victory or defeat, but the mosaic of thousands and thousands of various events that are in one overall picture. She herself told the best bike on his own life, but it is impossible to reflect it on paper - so many nuances are invested in each intonation.

The director woke up in Pugacheva much earlier than the singer. When Alla just entered the music school. Ippolitov-Ivanova, in the theater on Taganka just came out the play "Ten days that shocked the world". Pugacheva, who was friendly with the theater artists, asked them for leaflets that were used during the performance to scatter them during the evening dedicated to the School on November 7. After that, her a little was not expelled from Alma Mater. Only when they read that in the leaflets "all the power of the Soviets" was written, calmed down.

When Alla Pugacheva worked in Moskoncert, she was the deputy secretary of the Komsomol organization of vocalists for production and creative work. Then her winged phrase was born: " I do not part with the Komsomol, I will be forever with young».

Going to the "Golden Orpheus", Alla collected his "main" wardrobe with the world on a thread. Already in Bulgaria, it turned out that concert shoes terribly rubbed their feet. Therefore, at the rehearsal, the singer went on the scene barefoot, which was perceived by those present ambiguously. Yes, and "Harlequino" she rather talked than she was missing. Maybe therefore such a sensation happened later, during the competition, that no one was waiting for her anything good.

However, barefoot Pugachev was repeatedly. When the magazine "Alla" noted the best artists For 1996, Alla Borisovna, the charter from uncomfortable dear shoes on his heels, broke up with them right on stage, which caused not only universal revival in the hall, but also an understanding, which in the sign of solidarity came out to get his prize, too, barefoot. And at a concert in Odessa in response to the perturbation of the first rows of the parquer, the fact that the fans dancing before the scene do not let the singer's shoes, Pugacheva removed them and, taking into his hands, raised higher. To see everyone.

At the end of 1982, the circulation of the first record debut album Alla Pugacheva "Soul Mirror" reached 7,753,500 copies. You can estimate how much the company "Melody" has earned at this at a price of 2 rubles. 15 kopecks For each instance. The very same singer paid 6 rubles. For a minute record.

In the summer of 1989, Alla Pugacheva took part in the concerts of "Mercy and Beauty" in Kiev, which took place at Dynamo Stadium. To go to the stands, it was necessary to overcome three cordon militia, warriors and riot police, which were more than Tatars and Mongol combined during the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. But as soon as Pugacheva came out on the field, all vessels and warriors were friendly to watch the concert, leaving the entrances without guard, and nothing cost nothing to go to the stadium without a ticket. Here she is, great Power art.

It's hard to believe in it, but Pugacheva has always auditioned the records that fall to it. A lot of evidence. Alexander Alov, who sent the singer by mail the lyrics of the song "The Propasses of Wheel, Cute," in a couple of months, heard his poems in the "Christmas Meetings" program. But the song "Australian" lacquered by Alla Borisovna in the honeycomb ten years, before she began to fulfill her at concerts.

Here she is, Alla Pugacheva. It is impossible to judge her on the publications of the yellow press, and on publications at all. You can not judge and television - television is not able to give a surround image. Sites on the Internet dedicated to her work, with all their numerous, only another image of the singer is created - virtual. You can judge the Pugacheva only by her solo performancesWhen the light and sounds of the first chords fall over the light and sounds of the first chords.

Here it came out on the layout - a figure in black on the background of a black backdrop. White concentrated person engraved with thin spokelights. Mim's face - expressive eyes, clearly discussed mouth. Plastic hands. Little conductor big Orchestra Our hearts:

"Hug me stronger
Kiss me happy.
See, wings weakened,
How to fly?
So that the heart does not hurt,
To re-soul again
Bring your guitar
Sight song ... "

Chronology of the most important events

1956 year

- admission to children's music school number 31;

- Admission to secondary school number 496.


- ending 8 grades of secondary school № 496;

- End of children music school № 31;

- admission to the conductor-choir department of the Moscow State Music School. Ippolitov-Ivanova.

1965 year

- entry for the program "With the Good Morning" of All-Union Radio Songs "Robot";

- debut on the radio with the song "Robot" in the program "With Good Morning";

- Tours with the program "PIF-PAF" Lifshitsa-Levenbuka in Russia.


- Towns in Polar and Tyumen as part of the Agitbrigada Radio Station "Youth";

- Debut in gramzapy - Song M. Tariverdiev "If you find love."

1967 year

- Towns in Polar and Tyumen as part of the Agitbrigada Radio Station "Youth".

1968 year

- March: participation in a concert on the occasion of the opening of the Palace of Oilmen in Tyumen;

- Speeches in Salekhard, tour of the popular;

- debut on TV in the program "Happy Birthday!";

- Work teacher music at school number 621.


- May: Delivery of state exams in the Music School named after Ippolitov-Ivanova;

- work by the concertmaster at the State Circus School and pop art;

- Summer: tour with the HUCI team with a paper ship program;

- debut in cinema (recording of sampling songs for the film "King deer");

soloist Via. "New electron" under the hands. V. Clausechikova (Lipetsk OblofilarMonia).


- Artist Rosoncert.


- work in the ensemble "Muscovites";

1972 year

1973 year

- soloist of the pop orchestra under the leadership of Oleg Lundstrema;


- October 18-25: V All-Union Estradi Artist Competition (3rd Prize) with Songs "Sit, Watch" and "Yermolov with Pure Ponds";

speeches in the program "You, I and Song" with Julia Slobodkin and the "Muscovite" ensemble

1974-1975 years

- Soloist Via "Merry Guys" under the leadership of Pavel Slobodkin.

1975 year

- As part of the ensemble "Merry guys" participation in the festival "Kiev Spring";

- Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival with the song "Arquino";

- July 20: the release of the first record (Mignon "sings Alla Pugacheva" with the songs of "Arquino", "Sit down, Watch" and "You dream of me");

- November 29: the beginning of the concerts of VIA "Merry Guys" and A. Pugacheva in Zheleznogorsk of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


- Guest Golden Orpheus festival;

- Participation in the program of the Festival "Middle" in Cannes.

1977 year

- shooting in the lead role and the first professional work as a composer (under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos) in the k / f "Woman who sings";

- arrival at the directorial faculty of guitis;

- Member of the jury of the 1st Television Competition "With Song in Life".

1977-1980 years

- Work with the Rhythm group under the leadership of Alexander Avilov.


- shooting Tallinn TV TV film "Theater Alla Pugacheva";

- Grand Prix "Amber Solovy" at the "Sopot-78" contest with the song "Everyone can Kings";

- Telecommus for the transfer of Studio 2 (Poland).

1979 year

- access to the screens to / f "Woman who sings";

- the creation of a program "Woman who sings";

- May: Shooting Ukrainian TV television film "Autograph" about Alla Pugacheva;

- July: Joint concert with Joe Dassin at the opening of the Sosmos Hotel in Moscow;

- Telepriser of the film "At Alla" ("Mainos", Finland);

- shooting a documentary by order of the company "ARD" (Germany);

- Guest contest "Sopot-79";

1980 year

- According to the survey of readers of the journal "Soviet screen", Alla Pugacheva is recognized as an actress of the year;

- the creation of the "Recital" group under the leadership of Yu. Shakhnazarov;

- Summer: Assignment of the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR";

- July 21-25: Solo concerts in the Estrada Theater (Moscow) within the framework of the Cultural Program "Olympiad - 80";

- shooting in k / f "Recital" (subsequently A.B. Refused to participate in the shooting and the film came out in the title title "Soul");

- December: Radioconcert (WDR) in the framework of the International Music Festival in Cologne;


- end of the directorial faculty of guitis;

- May: Tours in Cuba;

- June: Presentation of the Prize "Gold Microphone" as the best singer of the year from Dynakord;

- December 21-28: Premiere of the concert program "We are visiting Maestro" (with the participation of Raymond Pauls, etc.) in the stage theater (Moscow);

- Presentation of the medal for contributing to the case by the Chair World Council Peace R. Chandra;

- October: Tours in Australia;

- November: Tours in Finland;

1982 year

- January: TVPremper "New Year's attraction - 82";

- tour of Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary;

- participation in the program of the Golden Orpheus festival;

- participation in the Moscow-California Youth Bridge;

- November: Tours in Italy in the Olympic Room.


- January: TVPremper "New Year's attraction - 83";

- Tours in Hungary, Sweden;

- March: Tours in Yugoslavia;

- Speech as guest at the competition of the Soviet song in the city of Zelen Gora and Touring in Poland;

- May: Guest of the Bratislava Lira festival;

- May-June: Tours in Czechoslovakia;

- Shooting a television movie "How does Soviet superstar live?" (Sweden);

- Shooting in k / f "love for love."


- January: Telepriser "New Year's attraction - 84";

- contract with the company WORLD RECORDS MUSIC for the release of several giants discs;

- April: Concerts in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius;

- Tours in Sweden and Finland;

- participation in the radio and television programs of Scandinavia;

- June 2-17: Premiere of theatrical presentation "came and I say" in the IC "Olympic" (Moscow);

- shooting in the films "Season of Miracles" and "came and say";

- December: Presentation of the Gold Disk (Track Music, Finland).


- January: Assignment of the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR";

- Presentation of the "gold disk" of the All-Union company "Melody";

- April: A trip to Finland on the descent ceremony "Alla", named in her honor;

- Summer: participation in xxii International Festival youth and students in Moscow with Udo Lindenberg;

- September: Tours in the USSR with the program "Alla Pugacheva represents ..." with the participation of the Herraz Time (Sweden);

- Exit to the wide screen K / F "came and say";

- shooting in the television film "Rock around the Kremlin" (France) (in the film also starred, etc.);

- access to the screens to / f "Season of Miracles";

- Concerts in Germany with Udo Lindenberg.


- According to the survey of readers of the Komsomolskaya Pravda, the k / f "came and say" was recognized the best movie of the year;

- February: Participation in the transfer of Italian TV "Domenika Ying";

- April: TV program "Flowers and Songs of San Remo in Moscow";

- April: Turn on Scandinavia;

- May 30: Concert "Account 904" in the IC "Olympic" to help the victims in Chernobyl (filming of the Anten 2 TV company, France);

- Tours in the USSR with the program "Alla Pugacheva represents ..." with the participation, R. Gorobz;

- September: a solo charity concert at the Chernobyl NPP.


- Tours in Sweden, Denmark and Finland together with;

- March: Shooting of the Soviet-Swedish Transmission of "Jacob Stair" visiting "Morning Mail";

- April: Alla Pugacheva joined the song preparation of the Committee of Writers in the Literary Fund of the USSR among other 16 new members (Chairman -);

- May 17: Participation in the concert dedicated to the opening of the monument, symbolizing our planet, in Vienna in a duet with Bary Manilou with song One. VOICE;

- May 22: the presentation of the Fordoph medal "For the contribution of the world and harmony to the means of music" in Moscow by the President of the International Federation of Festival Organizations by Jim Halyzi;

- August: Concerts in Moscow and Leningrad "Alla Pugacheva represents ..." with the participation of Odo Lindenberg, Vladimir Presnyakova, under the motto "For the nuclear-free world by the 2000s";

- September: Participation in the Rock Festival in Winterthuria (Switzerland), on the Festival of Press "Rock for Non-Free World" in Duisburg and the Marche of the World of Memory of Ulof Palma in Munich (Germany) together with Opt Linderberg;

- October: Speech during the anti-war manifestation in Hasselbach (Germany) with Udo Lindenberg;

- November-January: Tours in India within the framework of the festival "Days of the USSR in India".


- March: Tours in Israel;

- July: Presentation of the "Songs instead of letters" disk together with Odo Lindenberg;

- creation of the Studio Studio "Song Theater" ( artistic director);

- August 31 - October 1: Tours in the United States (participation in the program "Bambershud" in Seattle, concerts in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, New York "Carnegie Holle") together with and a group " Recital ";

- shooting the video program "Fireworks" ("Meeting of Friends") in the restaurant "Kazakhstan" (with participation, etc.);


- February: Shooting TV program "Woman is always right";

- March 14: Awarding the "Golden Disk" for the album "Alla Pugacheva in Stockholm" by Ampex;

- April: Tours in North Korea;

- Concerts in Switzerland;

- July: participation in the charitable festival "Mercy and Beauty" (Kiev);

- Tours in the USSR with the program "Young young or concert for friends" with the participation of the artists of the song theater;

- participation in the France Festival;

- October: Awarding in Nashville Prize Distant Accord, established by Fordoph Artists for the first places in the festival and for his contribution to the festival movement and participation in the work of the jury and the Galaconcert of the Country Music festival in Nashville;

- October: Output of the 1st number of the newspaper "Rattlegock" (Minsk Union "Alla") and the newspaper "Tired Microphone" (Kiev club "Queen");


- Tours in the USSR with the program "Concert for Friends" (with the participation of the artists of the song Theater);

- Tours in Vienna;

- exit CD "Alla" ("Melody");

1991 year

- March 11: Awarding a diploma for contributing to the director at the evening meeting of Hitis graduates in the Central Committee;

- May: Conclusion of a contract with SOGO (France) on the production of the spirits "Alla";

1992 year

- January 19: Awarding "Music Maraton" ("Evening Moscow") Prize for the "Best Show of the Year" - "Christmas meetings";

- January and May: Tours in Israel;

- April: Creation of the company "Alla";

1993 year

- Turne in Russia and the CIS countries with the solo program "sing Alla Pugacheva";

- August: According to a survey, the weekly "interlocutor" of his readers Alla Pugacheva is named after great woman Xx century;

- October: Tours in seven US cities;

- December 23: The release of the 1st issue of the magazine Alla (the total of 11 numbers of the journal, two of them doubled);

1994 year

- January: Tours in Germany;

- February: Presentation by the Nobility Assembly of the Count Title;

- May: touring tour on Israel together with;

- June: Participation in the Star Surf Festival in Sevastopol;

- June: Jury Member of the Golden Orpheus Festival;

- July: participation in the festival " Slavic Marketplace"(Vitebsk);

- November: Tours in the USA together with;


- Summer: Starry Summer Concert Tour on the CIS with participation, including July 15 at the 40th anniversary of peaceful (Yakutia);

- July 29: a temporary termination statement concert Activities at a press conference in Alma-Ata;

- October-November: solo concerts in Tashkent, Irkutsk;

- December 10: Awarding the Prize "Komsomolskaya Pravda" "Star of the Year" in the framework of the action "Faces of the Year";

- December: disk output "Do not hurt me, gentlemen" ("Union").


- January: Woman in 1995 to survey VTsiom (Male of the Year -);

- January-February: tour of the Star Summer Program in the USA;

- March 31: Presentation of the "Star" award in the nominations " Best singer"And" Best album years "for 1995;

- September: the output of the collection of 13 CDs (General Records);

- October: director and production of solo concerts "Music for men";

- October 20: the presentation as a producer of the prize for the best animation clip "My Bag" at the Festival "Fantasy - 96";

- December: Shooting in the television film "Old songs about the main thing - 2".


- January: Woman in 1996 to survey VTsiom (Male of the Year - A. Lebed);

- January 24: presentation of the prize newspaper " TVNZ»In the nomination" Favorite Woman "in the framework of the action" Faces of the Year ";

- March: Presentation Prize " Golden Apple»Festival" Generation - 96 "for the best role of the second plan in the clip" My Bag ";

- May 3: In the final of the Eurovision contest in Dublin (Ireland), Alla Pugacheva made a song "Priadonna" (15th place out of 25 countries);

- May: Participation in the TV show "Evening with Leo" / Holland /;

- June: Awarding the Prize of the Festival "Master Class" in the nomination " Folk love" /St. Petersburg/;

- December: Shooting in the television film "Old songs about the main thing - 3";


- January: 1997 woman to survey VTsiom (Male of the Year - B. Nemtsov);

- March 17: Institution and press conference of a social creative confederation (co-chairman);

- August 27: Bookmark Plates named Alla Pugacheva and Concert in Atkarsk (Saratov region);


- April 15: Awarding the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" of the 2nd degree in connection with the 50th anniversary;

- December: Concerts in Greece, shooting "Christmas meetings visiting Alla Pugacheva."

year 2000

- January: the release of the photo album "Star Couple";

- November 18: Awarding the "Russian Radio" prize "Golden Gramophone" for the song "Madame Broshkin", Somiestor awards ceremony of the Russian Radio Awards "Golden Gramophone";

- December: Shooting in Telefilm "Old songs about the main thing. P.S";

year 2001

- April 24: Single Madame Broshkin received the "Record - 2001" award in the ceremony of the same name as the best single of the year;

- May 25: the "Ovation" award as the best singer of the decade, the ovation award "Love, similar to sleep" as the best song of the decade;

- May 30: Concert in Kharkov, Alla Pugacheva in the top ten Russians of the Volgodsky regional competition "Hero of the Century";

- June 1: Prize them. Svyatoslav Fedorova "For noble thoughts and decent acts" in the nomination "Culture";

- June 29: The Alla Pugachova trademark is recognized as the best in the nomination "The most effective use of the star name in the trademark" at the International Forum of Trade MMBA and NTU;

- August: Awarding "International Order for Music and Arts" of the International Cambridge Biographical Center, awarding the Named Medal "2000 Outstanding Musicians of the 20th Century" of the International Cambridge Biographical Center;


- May 29: a solo concert in Makhachkala, awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of the city of Makhachkala";

- July 7: Participation in the opening of the Slavic Bazaar festival in Vitebsk, the presentation by the President of Belarus of the Special Awards - Prizes "through art to peace and understanding";

2007 year

2008 year

- December-April: co-host (c) Show "Two Stars";

- March 3: Meeting with the Governor of St. Petersburg (discussion of construction cultural Center "Song Theater" in St. Petersburg);

- July 11, 21: Every Saturday at the ICP held a show " Dancing fountains", The program" Invitation to Sunset from Radio Alla on the songs of Alla Pugacheva;

Big love

On December 23, 2011, Alla Borisovna became a spouse of humorist and Showman. On the day of his wedding, Pugachev admitted that before that, they were happily lived under one roof for ten years. September 18, 2013 loving friend Children - Gemini Harry and Lisa appeared without memory of her husband and wife. Cute boy And a charming girl for a star family took a surrogate mother.

News Alla Borisovna Pugacheva

Philip Kirkorov shared with fans of plans regarding the future of his daughter Alla Victoria. The singer admitted that he would very much like his baby grew up and lived on human and life principles former spouse BUT...

September 18, 2017 Lisa and Harry Galkins, Children Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina, celebrated their 4th birthday. Kristina Orbakaite shared photos and video of this wonderful event ....

Photos of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva

Popular news

Oleg (Moscow)

I love the old songs of Alla Pugacheva and do not listen to new ones at all. Alla is very tired of this pita, the muse cannot pushed to the Temkin of Borisovna through the crowd of Piebel and media. ) And Kristinka got, half of the stress from the crowd, staring at the granddaughter of the queen ... After all, it can be seen that she does not like the stage, it is afraid to fall through the floor from the shame for not knowing how she sing as Mom ... Alla Borisovna, Let her go, let the movie gets better, it turns out. And to sing and the hairdresser now can, if the impudence is enough.

2017-03-27 22:37:02

Stas (Chelyabisk)

Thank you, Alla, for your creativity! Your new songs are light and dance! Do not listen to any imaginary heroes, Defenders of "New Year's lights". Create !!!

2017-01-15 08:07:59

Igor (Sochi)

Love and wait for new songs !!! Come on, Alla, on new Year Surprise!

2016-11-16 12:51:57

Avarov A.E. (Moscow)

Pugacheva ... This singer for those who have brains, imagination and good taste! Alla, Loggy!

2016-04-22 16:58:14

Vlad (Moscow)

Pugacheva never gets out! Thanks for the song "You do not let me go"! It is a masterpiece! We are waiting for new songs and clips!

2016-03-22 11:20:22

Dima (Nizhny Tagil)

Pugacheva - Sameya great singer on the ground!!! And she has no equal !!! Tina Turner nervously smokes on the sidelines !!!

2016-03-17 06:48:01

Vlasov (Moscow)

Pugacheva taxis! And everything is blunt!

2016-03-12 19:41:35

Igor (Moscow)

Were in the anniversary R. Pauls. Pugacheva is a wizard. It was all wrong. And she came out - and the fun began! Thanks for the song "The Latest". She, as there was a number one, will remain! Bravo, Alla !!!

2016-02-28 10:08:05

Alexander Richik (Kaluga)

Big Well done, Master !!!

2016-02-04 21:09:05

Irina (Stavropol)

Ever young and interesting, ambitious and pretentious, our Almighty and adorable Alla! Long summer!

2016-01-30 18:23:11

AV (Chelyabinsk)

Pugacheva and 100 years will be interesting! And all these young pevanks in panties are only so, in order for their eyes to "eat" and ... forget!

2015-11-14 19:35:02

Muranov (Moscow)

Pugacheva on the "New Wave" was gorgeous! Thank you, Alla, for the new turn of your creativity!

2015-11-09 10:54:22

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Hieromona Anthony in the Patriarch of All Russia Patriarch: "Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, of course, the main woman and singer main and best country World of Russia. Better not tell why such a low rating?

2015-10-28 11:22:42

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

I would gladly looked at the performance of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva on the "New Wave". She has no equal. To all the rest of our singer to it, like to the moon.

2015-10-27 20:23:56

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Favorite singer and actress. I look forward to her performance on the "New Wave" in Sochi.

2015-09-05 18:50:08

Saida (Baku)

I always loved her and her songs and I will love

2015-06-21 17:03:30

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

I bow, I love and respect this women. God forbid her and her close health. It is a pity that she finished performing.

2015-06-18 18:26:24

Polina (Angarsk)

Alla Borisovna, I adore you. I was going to leave for you in 3 years. I love you! I have been 9 years old and I still continue to love you !! And I would like to come to visit you ...

2015-06-18 06:45:08

Valery (Chelyabinsk)

2015-06-17 18:25:40

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

The best singer was and there. God for her health.

2015-06-02 07:50:47

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Favorite singer, Best Primaudonna.

2015-05-20 11:33:16

Irina (Smolensk)

She now saw on television, which is preparing or has already been the transfer of children of Alla Borisovna (I don't sit in front of the TV, it happened). And noticed how slowly and reluctantly moves the Primaudonna. It has an excellent appearance, and the movement does not match, does not fly. But I want to offer help. 7 days and your legs and joints will be worn like a gun. And the desire to live and work, as God ordered - a person should live from 100 years to 800. In the health and complete reason. This is real and I am ready to help you. Without operations and drugs. Write your decision.

2015-05-13 22:19:05

Maksimenko Sergey (Chesma)

Alla Borisovna, God forbid you health, Maxim and your children.

2015-05-06 07:35:48

Corhunova (Moscow)

I adore Alla Pugachev! Whatever it has in her personal life, but the actress is the best!

2015-05-03 13:25:44

Lysakova Irina (Moscow)

Alla Pugacheva was the best and will be.

2015-05-02 18:10:09

Pudovkin (Moscow)

Pugacheva is a bembly standard, a standard of tenderness, a set of dirt, a benchmark. What only standards for her did not attribute for her life. But to live in such a way that you put on the standard, not everyone is given! I am glad, the standard of Pugacheva, and annoy those for whom you are a matter of vulgarity.

2015-05-01 17:51:16

Svetlana (Yekaterinburg)

I love all the work, although there is no level in the repertoire of the song, but ... only the entry of the song - and already fascinates, dissolve in music and forget about everything. None of the artist has such a feeling. Pugacheva has some kind of captivating magic, after her concert, you do not immediately come to myself - the power is the most powerful. Whoever she was, no matter how she lived, but the talent does not take away, she is my idol, I adore her creativity. I was afraid to even touch her when it was on last speech in 2009. Let she live long and does not fade, pleases with a voice. I watch and know a lot about her. Daughter gave me 2 volumes of her books. I love very much and bow.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is the legendary singer of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Without a doubt, the biography of Alla Pugacheva and her personal life are of great interest both for numerous lovers of her creativity, and for people, just interested music. Where and what is it today, now?

short biography

Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949. The parents of Alla Pugacheva were interesting people. Father fought in war, and his mother went with performances to the front to raise the fighting spirit in the hearts. After becoming a singer, their daughter left its real name and real last name.

If we talk about the nationality of Alla Pugacheva, then her relatives in the father's line lived in Belarus, but the singer itself was born and grew up in Moscow.

As a child, the future celebrity studied well, while it was a fairly inappropriate child and even happened, fought with other children. The singing talent in Alla Borisovna manifested itself as a child, especially since five years old from the genus gave a music school.

Having finished eight classes, the girl entered the music school, where he continued his education. In parallel with training in the school, Alla began to appear on the radio, as well as ride a tour. Her first performances in prefabricated pop concerts were quite successful, and the young actress began to gain popularity.

A young performer has amazing beautiful voice - Mezzo-soprano, the timbre of which was very pleasant for hearing, and the sincerity and energy of the singers caused a living response in the hearts of the listeners. Alla Pugacheva in his youth fascinated by his voice and manner of execution, however, and now her singing leaves the indifferent, age is not a hindrance for the primaudonna.

After graduation, the girl came up with concerts and participated in various contests. The big creative success for her was to participate in the fifth All-Union Trend Artist Competition, where Alla won the third place, as well as participating in the Bulgarian song contest called "Golden Orpheus". The Arlequino song performed by her caused delight among the public. The young singer received the Grand Prix, and accompanied by its ovations.

At about the same time ascending star And her husband's husband of Mycolas Orbakas was born daughter - Christina Orbakaite, subsequently became the singer, dancer and actress. The birth of a child did not prevent the rapid development of the career of Alla, after a few months she returned to active gastro activities.

A young talented woman knew the whole country. She starred in several films that became popularly popular:

  • "The woman who sings."
  • "Alla".
  • "Came and say."

In 1985, the singer Alla Pugacheva was awarded honorary title folk artist RSFSR.

At the beginning of the nineties, the referee changed the repertoire on a more youth, began to actively leave abroad, tried herself in such a quickly identified popularity musical directionlike rock. She collaborated with famous Russian and western youth rock and pop groups, seeking to gain popularity and the younger generation.

In 1997, Pugacheva took part in the Eurovision contest with the most song "Primadonna" written by her. Unfortunately, the speech was not too successful: the singer took only the fifteenth place.

At the beginning of the two thousand years, the artist led an active concert and touring life, often appeared on the television screen, was a member of the jury of various competitions on the central TV channels, I tried to even do business.

In 2008, the legend woman released her last album, and in 2009 declared the completion of touring activities. However, after official farewell to the public, she continued to perform, participated in the jury of various contests and music festivals And for some time he was even engaged in politics (the singer actively supported Mikhail Prokhorov's political line).

Now the listeners are often asked how many years Alla Pugacheva. She is 68 years old, and she is not going to finally completing his career, while her fans remained. The birthday of Alla Pugacheva scale marks the artists and the centers of the singer.

Personal life

The personal life of Alla Pugacheva is of interest and is the subject of discussion of its fans. It is known that famous singer It was married repeatedly. There were many interesting, outstanding men in her life, and the husbands of Alla Pugacheva were famous and popular representatives of the Soviet and Russian creative elite:

  • Mycolas Orbakas (having Lithuanian roots Artist Circus, by specialty - clown).
  • Alexander Stefanovich (Soviet and Russian film director).
  • Evgeny Boldin (director of concerts and producer).
  • Philip Kirkorov (pop singer).
  • Maxim Galkin (parodist and actor).

The most famous children of Alla Pugacheva and her grandchildren are a singer, actress, dancer and just beautiful Christina Orbakaite and her son, Nikita Presnyakov, musician, creator of clips and singer. Without a doubt, these are creatively gifted personalities who inherited the musical talent for their great relatives.

An amazing novel Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina became a real shock for fans of both celebrities. Them incredible History Love quickly fell into the tabloids and became the east of the yellow press. So what happened?

Since 2002, the audience has noticed that mutual feelings star couple - Philip Kirkorov and Alla - weakened. Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov began to live separately, and a little later, the famous singer began to appear more often in public with young parodist Maxim Galkin.

In 2011, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin officially issued relations, and in 2013 they had twin children from the surrogate mother. Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - happy couple. They have been together for several years. Alla Pugacheva family supports it in all creative endeavors and gives this wonderful woman love and inspiration.

Contribution to art

Few people will find courage to deny that this woman is truly legendary personality. Its contribution to art is indisputable, and its songs, films and various projects have always been very accurately graspting the spirit of the era. She proved to all that he knows how to raise children, and now the daughter of Alla Pugacheva Christina Orbakaite pleases the listeners with their unforgettable performances.

Talent famous pop singers It was appreciated. Pugacheva is the owner of such essential awards as:

  • Order "For merit to the Fatherland".
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation.

And this is not full list Soviet, Russian and overseas medals, orders and ranks, which were awarded Alla.

Wikipedia devoted the singer in bulk article. This truly talented personality is a symbol of a whole era.

For novice artists singer Alla Pugacheva can be an example inflexible will, female strength and perseverance. The young girl of simple origin managed to independently achieve stunning results: recognition, popularity and worldwide fame, and all this thanks to a stubborn, exhausting work on themselves, as well as its own talent.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva can be a real sample for purposeful women and men who dream of achieving success in creativity. Posted by: Irina Shumilova