Games and contests in nature for children. How to entertain children in air: quiet games for children and adults on a picnic

Games and contests in nature for children. How to entertain children in air: quiet games for children and adults on a picnic

In today's release of the heading Maria Kostyuchenko , her lead, made a big review for us Nature games for children After all, in the summer I want to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air under the warm sun.

By the way, the selection of ideas on this topic is in the review and in the ladder, which contains a lot of interesting links. Today, thanks to Mary, we replenish our arsenal with new features.

Nature games for children

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today, I am glad to present to your attention the last year before the summer season, the release of the heading is - he is just dedicated to the summer. Last time I told you, and today we will chase those games that will be useful when you're getting to the resting place. So let's go!

Game zone from cardboard

Let's start with the games in nature for the smallest. What is most worried mom when she brings her karapuz to give? So that he does not hit, so that he did not accidentally find any nail or not stumbled about the brick so that he would not put a bump or did not receive the head of his hand or foot. Solving this problem found Anna, Blog author The Imagination Tree. To do this, you need only a large box, for example, from under the refrigerator, and a good knife. You cut a knife part of the box, leaving only half (as shown in the figure), and then everything is in your hands.

You can paint it with paints (so that the paints do not pack a child, take acrylic) or wovers. Draw at the bottom of the box and on her sides the city, the road, forest and everything that loves and knows your child. Or maybe it will be a magic country? You decide! The main thing is that the baby will not want to leave such a "magic" playground for games.

Unusual drawing

If your child loves to draw very much, then Anna proposes to decompose the remaining part of the box on the ground, put rubber boots on the feet and go draw.

If there was no rubber boot at hand, then it's time to prepare paints for drawing on asphalt from the spray gun. Blog author Thirty Handmade Days. Recommends in this case to use two kinds of paint.


  • 1 tsp. Washed tempera paints,
  • 1 cup of hot water,
  • 0.5 cup of corn starch,
  • a few drops of dishwashing liquid.

Add starch to a glass of hot water, beat so that there is no lumps, add a teaspoon of paints and liquid for washing dishes. Everything is well mixed and pour into a bottle with a pulverizer.


Cold water and corn starch mix in proportions 1: 1 and add food dyes.

Touch boxes

What loves to do all kids in nature (and not only)? To touch everything! Let's use this natural curiosity and make sensory boxes for our kids. What can they contain?

Firstly, mowed just the grass (not else, it can cut the skin of the child), fallen flowers and petals (the main thing is not to tear them), pebbles, twigs, small toys on nature, etc. SecondlyThis may be a touch box with a mini-country, where you will create a small "country" with the child, in which the pupae will live with your hands.

His garden

If your child loves to do everything yourself, as an adult, then suggest it to grow your own small garden.

You can highlight it a garden, and you can, how does the author of the blog prop The Imagination Tree, your own beautiful fenced gardening.

Puzzles in nature

There are peculiar games for children in nature - those that suggest the experience of contemplation and the development of observation. Blog author No Time for Flash Cards It offers us a very interesting occupation. You take pictures of different parts (flowers, beds, trees, bushes, household structures, etc.) of your garden and print the photo, and then offer the child to find a specific place and angle, from where a photo was made. But searching in the garden is not only vegetation and buildings, as well as living beings. Naturally, just to look for - and in no case do not catch and do not torment. For this you need a regular sheet of paper on which you draw and sign different insects, birds, animals. This sheet is issued to your child, and it goes in search. Such a sheet can be colorfully arranged on the computer and print.

Fresh air alphabet

What else can I search? Letters! A very unusual game was offered by the author of the blog Boys germs. For the game you will need letters, better plastic and volumetric (for example, from a magnetic alphabet). Spread the letters on the bench, asphalt track or on the site in front of the house and offer the child to find for each letter to one subject. On the most common letters, it is better to look for items that begin with them, but for such letters, like Kommersant, s, you can find objects just with the participation of this letter.

Funny rackets

Now I propose to go to active games in nature. Children are interested in everything new, and you can make an unusual game together with your own hands, which resembles one of the elements of baseball. To do this, you will need two plastic bottles, paints, a knife and a small ball or a piece of foil.

Plastic bottle must be cut as shown in master class on making game, after which the bottle can be painted, and roll a ball for the game from the foil. You can use a small children's ball. Catch the ball such a "racket" is a very interesting experience.

Twister on the grass

Another active game for the whole family is "Twister", just not ordinary, and Twister on the grass. To create such a game, you will need a spray can with paint or made by hand paints, which I told above.

Designer from Churbachkov

Another game, which can captivate the baby - the creation of your own designer and the game with it. To do this, you will need the help of Pope or Grandparents and a lot of a lot of wooden chumbachkov. After careful processing and grinding, the chumbachk is painted and become fully suitable for children's buildings.


And the last idea of \u200b\u200bwhich I want to tell you is to create your own treasure. To do this, you will need cement and many all sorts of beautiful pebbles and windows. You pour cement into the form (better plastic) and "decorate" it. And when he freezes, take out of the form and admire.

Summer is the time of year, when children of younger and older days are spent on the street. When a group of guys are going more than 2-4 people, they want to compete with each other in the development of strength, endurance, dexterity and other skills. For this, fun competitions are best suited for children who can be held in the summer.

Competitions for children in the fresh air in summer

For children spent in nature in the summer, such as:

  1. "Forest Lapta".At a distance of 10 steps from the guys, a predetermined design of the twigs is built. Each participant must knock down her stick, not crossing the drawn line.
  2. "Fishing". At a predetermined distance from the participants, various minor items are built. The first of the players is issued "fishing rod" - a stick with a length of about 2 meters with a rope and ship tied to it at its end. The task of the guys is to knock down the target with the help of the "rods", rocking the cable.
  3. "Battle of Sharikov".To the right ankle of each participant with a rope, the length of which does not exceed 30 cm, a small air ball is tied. At the same time, the hands of the players hold behind the back, confused in the lock. Initially, only 2 children compete with each other, which you need to burst the opponent's ball with their free leg. To the one who won the battle, the next player joins. So continues until one participant remains with a whole projectile.

For children who relax in the summer on the beach, the following competitions are suitable:

  1. "Bear Bear."A participant who will depict a bear sits down in the middle of the beach. Around him, all the guys lay out their toys, clothes and other things that can be used for this. At a distance of 5-7 steps from this "composition" stick on the sand, you need to read the line, followed by a safe place, or the "house". At a certain point, the presenter or someone from the guys pronounces "Bear woke up!", After that, all players try to save toys and other items, transferring them to the "house". Teddy bear, in turn, seeks to catch those participants, whose hands have nothing. The one who found himself in the paws of the bear replaces it in the post. The competition defeats the player who managed to save more objects and snatch them from the paws of the predatory beast.
  2. "Shortenozing".Each participant pins between the knees an empty plastic bottle and tries to escape as far as possible. At the same time, it is necessary not only to move away, but also to deposit other players to return to the beginning of the distance. Wins the child who managed to run away at the maximum distance.
  3. "Joust".If the beach has a wide log, it can be used as a pedestal for the next competition. Two players must stand on a log and arrange a duel, trying to keep it on it. The one who fell is dropping out of the competition, and the next participant joins the winner.

In the summer, comic for more fun children can be used for the fun pastime.

  1. "Fire brigade".The participants of each team get up in the rank, and each of them gets 2 disposable cups, one of which is empty, and the second is complete. Before the captain is a bucket. At the leading signal, the last participant transfers water into an empty glass of a neighbor, trying not to pour anything. So, gradually, the liquid comes to the captain, which pours it into the bucket. The one team comes to maintain a larger amount of water.
  2. "Corner".Players are divided into 2 teams, and everyone gets a small pebble. The task of all children is to reach the specified place, throwing pebbles, as if it was a hot corner, and fold the "bonfire" faster than another team.

Finally, the following contests are suitable for the quest for children passing on the street:

  1. "Repka".In the plot of this competition, grandfather forgot, where he sowed the repka. Moving from one character fairy tale to another, the guys perform simple tasks, for which a piece of the card is obtained. From the collected fragments, the players need to be folded the picture, after which you find a river in a specified location.
  2. "In search of lost treasures." This game is similar to the previous one, but ultimately the guys need to find a chest, which many years ago saved the ancient pirate.

May 28, 2017

Fantasy children really have no boundaries, and therefore games and contests in nature should be special for them. Any adult can envy their inventions. Children can come up with a game of nothing, just now it will not necessarily be safe. To avoid it, it is necessary to prepare in advance and pick up some interesting entertainment that will come to your child and will be safe.

1. Sports inventory. Assembling on nature, do not forget to take the ball, the rope, a frisbee plate, a vannel and a racket for badminton or something else.
2. Clothes and shoes. In nature, almost all the games are active, and therefore slapki and flip flops are definitely fit, because they will simply be inconvenient. Yes, and clothes should be free and comfortable. It is best to give preference to sports style.
3. Headdress. The first warmth is very deceptive: it seems that on the street is not very hot, but in your head may come easier.
4. Play with children. Some children are quite difficult on the rise, and therefore to stirre, start playing with them. And when the child fully turns on the process, you can safely deal with your affairs.
5. Competition. If a lot of kids, then arrange the relay for them. Children love competitive entertainment. Just do not forget that any competition implies prizes about which it is worth taking care in advance.

What games and competitions to stop?

"Shoust thieves"

For the game you will need: ball, rope, 15-20 small items (coins, pebbles, shells, small children's toys, candy, nuts ...).

The rope is tied to the tree branch so that it is smoothly hung down. The ball bind the bottom to the rope. It must be done so that there are no more than 2 centimeters between the ball and earth. Under the ball on Earth, all small items are arbitrary. On this preparatory stage is over.

Further, one of the players is suitable for the ball, takes it into hand, moving on 2-3 steps back, raises high above his head and pushes forward with all his strength. While the ball will rock, you need to quickly collect all the riches laid out on Earth. And, of course, at the same time the ball should not touch the player. After that, the total number of broken-collected things is calculated. Next, items are returned to their places and all players pass this procedure. The winner is determined by the number of collected items.

Important: If the ball still relates to the player, then its entire result is reset.

"Spin the rope"

For the competition you will need not exactly the usual set: the ball, the rope, the grid.
I put the ball into the grid, tie the rope to the grid, and the rope is tied up around the tree. Next, children merge into two teams, each of which is placed on different sides of this tree.

The essence of the game is that he is very kicking on the ball, wrap the rope around the tree. Each command in turn is hitting: the first is in the direction of the clockwise, the second is counterclockwise. It is logical that the stronger strikes, the more turns it turns out.

There are no restrictions on the number of shocks, and, it means that the game continues until some of the teams wins the whole rope on the tree in this way.

"Hot Corner"

For this game it will take the ball. It can be any. The number of participants is not less than four. But the more people are involved, the better.

Everyone becomes a circle. One of them is prescribed to lead and put in a circle, blindfolding. He will have to give commands to the rest. He starts with what announces: "Keep potatoes, take care of your palms." After that, the rest of the players quickly throw a sports projectile with each other in a circle, as if they grably grabbed hot potatoes. And when the driving unexpectedly says: "Stop!", One who in his hands remained the ball "burned", that is, lost and coming out of the game. And so until one is the most resistant. The winner becomes leading.

"Pigs do not dance"

This game can be called entertainment and intellectual. It also takes the ball and a good vocabulary.

All participants are in a circle and transmit each other a ball. You can do it in a circle and randomly. The difficulty lies in the fact that the first player must name any name noun, the second is the name of the adjective, which would come in meaning to the first word, and the third - verb, so that it also logically entered the offer. If, for example, at the end it turns out the phrase "Pig Big Dancing", then the player who called the word "dancing" drops out, because this does not happen. It is important to pronounce words quickly - the answer is given a maximum of 3 seconds. So far, the participant thinks others consider out loud. Wins the most resourceful.


This game is a bit similar to the previous one, but there are also significant differences. First, there is a leading, which stands in the circle of other participants. Secondly, it does not need to be phrases.

At the beginning of the game, the leading says: "We came to the zoo and saw that there is ..." Then he throws the ball to one of the participants, saying the beast. The participant should lightly call some kind of beast and return the ball to the water. Next, driving the ball with another player and says the "bird", and that accordingly quickly voicing the name of some bird and returns the ball. The third player gets the word "fish". The words "beast", "Bird" and "Fish" can be named in any order and even several times in a row. The one who answered wrong was lazy or called the living creature, which another player called, dropping out of the game.

Competition continues until one player remains. It becomes the next leading.


The game can be pretty attendant, so it is only in the presence of an adult. Children stand in a circle, and one child with the ball becomes in the center of the circle. This ring should be dense if possible: between the participants there should be 15-20 cm between the participants. The task of the central player is to break through the protection, that is, push the ball outside the circle. You can push the ball only with the help of legs, knocking it only at the ground level. That is, it is categorically forbidden to go on heads or in the stomach - the ball must roll on the ground.

The remaining players interfere with the central to make a breakthrough. But you can only act on our legs. At the same time, it is prohibited in a narrower ring. The one who misses the ball occupies a place of water. Here one winner is not provided. But if you want to create a competitive moment, then you can keep a loss. Who will have them less, the winner.

"Dragon Tail"

Such entertainment is perfectly suitable when there is no inventory at hand. Combine children in two teams and build them in two ranks. These will be two dragon. Determine where the dragons of the head, and where the tails. Put the ranks opposite each other so that the "heads" were face to face at a distance of 1 meter. Then voicing that the competition will now be held, in which the fastest and deft dragon will win. And in order to find out each dragon should be at the signal to catch the tail of another dragon, but at the same time do not get caught. Only the head of the dragon can catch.

All children put hands on the shoulders to each other and the signal starts the move. That team, whose tail caught, loses. And from the team is dropped by two - "tail" and "head". The game continues on until only one player remains in one of the commands. If this happens, then this dragon is recognized as the weakest.

"So far I didn't hit the thunder"

For the game again it will take the ball. Only now to tie it will not have to have. The number of players here is unlimited, but not less than three.

To begin with, the point is chosen to which the ball is given. All others get around it. The ball in the hands of a leading is "thunder." While he is in his hands, everyone should stand without movement. As soon as the ball is in the air or on Earth, everyone is running in different directions (the further, the better). At the very beginning, driving up the ball over himself, and until he fell into his hands again, the players are running out. When the point drives the ball, he loudly screams "thunder" and everyone stops. Then leading throws it into one of the players. If missing, runs behind the ball, and all at this time are scattering again. If it gets, it changes with "raised" in some places and the game begins again.

"Black Mark"

In this game, all participants, except for one, become one of the face forward. One (driven) is a little pronounced (2-3 meters from the rest) back to all. At this time, someone from the players throws his ball in his back. Just throwing needed slightly so that it does not hurt. After that turns to the players face and tries to guess who seen him "black label."

If the leading guesses, it changes with throwing places. If not guessing, it turns away and everything is repeated first.


No additional inventory needed. To begin with, it is selected by the leading, which moves to a distance of 6-7 meters and turns to the rest of the back. Participants are located arbitrarily on the game field, the sizes and boundaries of which should be discussed in advance.

Next, leading, he is the artist, sharply turns and shouts the name of any color. For example, "red". Then players should touched on their clothes to the named color. It will keep them from the artist-arrival. If the clothes did not find the desired color, you need to run in all the jump so that you are not caught.

If the artist still catches the player, he takes his place. The main thing is not to forget that the remaining players at this time are considered to 60. If no one is caught during this time, then the artist returns to the initial position and it all starts first.

Important: One artist cannot call the same color - they should be different.

Of course, the bastard will appreciate and relay, and, and traditional games, such as football, volleyball and badminton.

Nadezhda Permakov
Family Games Card in Nature

Dear colleagues, speaking of the role of the family in the life of a child and determining the importance of family education, I want to present several games to communicate parents and children during a family holiday in nature. Playing with children, your Sunday holiday will not only turn into eating kebabs, and will become something big, a real holiday to communicate parents and children who will certainly be remembered. And such a vacation will want to repeat.

1. "Who is faster"

Participants - "Dad-Son", "Mom-Daughter", etc.

Materials- Rope with chopsticks on each side.

Participants on the leading signal must swallow the rope on sticks together. The winners becomes a couple who shifted the whole rope faster than others.

2. "Mom, Dad, I and the Ball"

Participants - parents and children

Materials - Ball.

The most exciting, familiar and a variety of games can be organized with the help of the ball - everything depends on the imagination of all family members: volleyball; football; bouncer; Catching the ball in a circle (all the big and small players become in the circle and begin to transfer the ball in a circle. The pace is gradually growing, the dropping ball leaves the game. Wins the one who remained the last).

3. "Compliment or 3 nice words"

Participants - Children and Parents

Materials - a lot of candies.

Participants are offered to take several candies at will, how much will they want. After that, the presenter announces the rules of the game: everyone who took candy is obliged to give a compliment to the player sitting nearby, and each sweetie is worth three nice words. If the participant is repeated, then takes itself another sweetness.

4. "The most amazing and active!".

Participants - parents and children

Materials - Watman, or A-4 sheet, on which the main phrase is written: "We are the most amazing and active!". Participants must produce this text without using words. How? It is necessary to clap on vowels, stupid - for consonants, and punctuation marks, quotes, numbers and gaps to show this: sit down and get up straight again, graduates clap your hands.

5. "Beaver"

Participants - Children and Parents

Materials -list A-4, felt-tippers

The participating invent the abbreviation name for themselves, which most accurately characterizes them, is preferably funny. Suppose, beaver is a ripping, sociable, big, talkative. Opels open the names, and everyone else should offer their decoding options. The winners are those who came up with the funniest, original or fun version.

6. "Name friends" (who more)

Participants - Children and Parents

For a minute, call your friends without repeating

List all school supplies without repeating

Call school lessons without repeating

7. "Squeeze a comic definition"

Participants - Children and Parents

The presenter begins, participants pick up

* Cool leader - cool, tigers, San Sanovna, etc.

* Pupils in the lesson - Dead Souls,

* A response of the student - laughter through tears,

* Two - the hero of our time,

* Excellent - White Sail Lonely in the fog,

* Two for a hint - grief from the mind,

* Pupil without a crib - rider without a head,

* Diary of the student - the book of complaints and suggestions,

* Academic year - walking on the flour,

8. "Dates and numbers"

Participants- Children and Parents

The presenter proposes to recall the most significant events of the class life and groups that certainly erased from memory by the time of the game ... especially dates and other numbers.

What year did the first class entered?

What year graduated from elementary school?

How many steps in the stairs between 2 and 3 floors?

How old is our school?

How many classrooms at school?

How many windows in the corridor on the 2nd floor?

From myself or the door of the office of the director opens?

How many years in school is studied by geography?

What is the number of the Cabinet of the School Director?

How many steps on the stairs from the first to the last floor of the school?

What color is the curtains in the dining room?

How much hours hanging in the school corridors?

How many steps (on average) from the nearest stop to school?

How many bus routes stop at the nearest stop?

What is the size of the school table? Boards? window?

How much does the whole piece of chalk weigh?

What color is the eye of a teacher of mathematics (F. I. O.?

9. "Find by name"

Participants - Children and Parents

Materials -Convert with separate syllables

Each participant has an envelope with separate syllables, from which you need to make a name, name and patronymic of the teacher, width or director of the school. All different personalities, but the same total number of syllables. Who is encrypted, students are unknown. The winner is one who guessed all the fastest and coped with the task.

10. "Hero of our time"

Participants - Children and Parents

Participants must decide who from classmates the most suitable description (and in the go will have to remember who from the heroes of literary works belongs to this description):

Light, smudding, fearful. Without an adhesion and attraction for success. Not afraid to write a letter to his hero. (Tatyana Larina from the poem A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin").

11. "Associations for the school, educational theme where these numbers are present."

Participants - Children and Parents

For example, figure 2: the book of Cavery "Two Captains", the song "Two Merry Goose", the picture of the Reshetnikov "Again, Two", etc.

Associations with a digital zero. For example, someone will remember the saying "Zero without a stick", and someone has a fantasy or memory will tell anything completely unexpected.

By analogy, we remember everything related to the numbers 1 and 6. Let the children and adults fantasize!

12. "Crossing"

Participants - Children and Parents

Participants are built on the same line.

A task:responding correctly to the questions of the lead, take a step forward and get to another shore.

Having answered correctly, the participant takes a step forward. Who did not have time (answered later or wrong) - remains in place. Wins the one who was the first to pass through.

Who made a table of chemical elements? (Mendeleev).

Who made the discovery when an apple fell on his head? (Archimedes).

What pants in all directions are equal? (Pythagoras).

Which of the great classics wrote a novel in verses? (Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin").

Which writers composed a poem in prose? (Gogol, "Dead Souls").

What mammals are the largest on earth? (Whales).

13. "Mathematics"

Participants - Children and Parents

All participants, starting with the lead, are called the number of numbers from one to one hundred.

Condition: All the numbers in which the figure 2 is found, you need to replace the phrase "Mom, forgive!", And the figure 6 - the exclamation of "Wow!".

Thus, will be called: one - mom, sorry - three - four - five - Wow - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - mom, forgive me, etc. The main thing is to establish a good pace from the very beginning, and when Participants will reach numbers 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, will be fun and follow the players, and participate in the competition.

Who was wrong - it turns out, the rest continue the bill on. The winner is the most attentive and persistent.

14. "What? Where? When?"

Participants - Children and Parents

Approximate questions:

Without which it does not bake bread? (Without peel.)

What is found in the middle of the earth? (Letter "M".)

What is not in the cabbage, nor in beets, nor in the rope, but are there in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "Oh".)

How can I bring water in solid? (Frozen.)

Why a rooster when sings, closes his eyes? (Wants to show that he sings around memory.)

What makes the day and night? (Soft sign.)

More than an hour, less minute? (Second)

What language do you say silently? (Gesture language)

In which city did the male name and the side of the world hid? (Vladivostok)

What are often running, and rarely ride? (On the stairs)

Which table does not have legs? (Dietary)

15. "Happy Number"

Participants - Children and Parents

Materials - 10 - 15 balls, sheets of paper 13x18 cm., Prize.

Each piece written any wishes. On one sheet of digit 9, it will be a happy number. Numbered sheets are inserted inside the balls. Those who have received balls are satisfied with the salute in honor of the prom (burst the balls, and then take turns loudly read wishes. Number 9 becomes the winner of the prize.

16. "Forecast Bureau"

Participants - Children and Parents

Materials -plastic bottle, leaves, pens or pencils

This is the task, which is called, to the future. We distribute paper and handles to the participants, let everyone write, how he sees himself in 15 - 20 years (not enough to achieve something outstanding).

If someone from the parents leave these letters to memory, after years it will be very interesting to read and evaluate whose forecasts were the closest to the truth.

Summer is a wonderful season for all children. The school starts holidays, do not need to do lessons, full of free time. But every child knows that idleness is very rapidly annoying, I want entertainment. What could be more interesting than different contests in nature for children in summer?

In such fun games you can play in the courtyard with other guys, with children from a school camp or comrades from the recreation center. Wherever you are during the holidays, everywhere will be fun with the games presented in this article.

To organize interesting contests in nature for children in summer, it is enough to have a minimum of materials that are always at hand. These are hoops, inflatable circles, flippers, balls, sticks, plastic bottles and other throwing material.

It is very fun not only to play, but also to prepare benefits for games, showing a fantasy, something you can add your own, come up with similar games. All in your hands.

Games with balloons

1. "Knights". For these competitions in nature, in the summer, you need to have several balloons (by the number of children), a thin rope, plastic plates and paper clips. Inflated balls are tied to the belt. From the plastic plate make a shield on the arm with the help of a rope, in the other hand there is a clip. It is necessary, not pushing, getting to the enemy and try to burst his ball. And the "knight" protects him, putting his hand with a shield. Who on the belt will remain a ball, he won.

2. Relay "Hold the Ball". To play you need to have tennis or badminton rackets and inflatable balls. You need to carry the ball to the selected distance on the racket, while trying to damage it. Who drops the ball, gets a penalty point. Whose team will quickly postpone all the balls on the opposite direction and gain less penalty points, she will win.

3. "Battle". This is one of the most fun contests in nature for children in the summer. On a short rope (30 cm long), a balloon is tied on one side. The other end is tied up around the leg at the bottom, at the level of ankle. Hands need to keep behind the back in the "lock". In a limited area of \u200b\u200bthe playing field, children catch up with an opponent and come to the ball so that he burst. Who the latter will remain with the ball on the leg, he won the battle.

Games with balls

1. "Collect the harvest." In a limited small area of \u200b\u200bthe game field, small multicolored balls are scattered. These are vegetables on the bed. The player with tied eyes in a short time should collect all the "vegetables" in the basket. Who will gather faster, he won. You can simultaneously set two players and find out which of them will collect more.

2. "Basketball on the stomach". Play two children. On the belt they are tied by a bucket. In the hands - the ball. You need to get into the basket with a ball like in basketball. Who got more, that winner.

3. "Get into the goal." The ball is put in the grid (Avoska) and tie on a meter rope to the tree branch or a tour, if contests in nature for children in the summer pass on the playground. The ball is set to the items that need to be confused. It can be plastic water bottles, toys, etc. The player must dig the ball and push him towards the item with such a force to knock him down. Here you need a good eye.

Games with hoops

1. "Through the hoop". For such competitions in nature, two wrap will be needed for children. Children are broken into two teams and form two circles, holding hands. On one player put on the hoop. The task is the following: you need to convey the hoop through all children, without squeezing hands, that is, to be searched alternately into it until the subject goes around and returns to the initial level, to the child who first began to move.

2. "Routek". Here you need a little hoop. Children are built by couples. Each couple in hands - hoop. Only the last pair has no subject. In the resulting tunnel alternate two last players alternately. They take the hoop from the first couple and run to the end of the column. The remaining pair without the subject runs back and sews into the tunnel. So you need to move until all children go through the strip. Whose team fulfilled the task, those winners faster.

Games with inflatable circles

1. "Kolzebros". Such contests in nature in the summer are cool for children. You can play on the water, and you can on land. The game resembles Kolzebarros, only the role of a stick to which rings throws, a child performs his hands up. Who is the most damage and will not drop the circle into the water or to the ground, that winner.

2. "Strip of obstacles." For the game you need large inflatable circles, pieces 6 or 7. Children stand in pairs and hold the circle with a hole parallel to the ground. The first team in turn is starting to pass the strip as follows. In the first round you need to fly from below, and in the second one - from above. And so to the end. What the first team will finish passing, that won. Guys then change places.

Games with water

The best contests in nature for children in summer are water games. Children love water fun - that on land, that at sea. Games with water can be thought of extremely a lot. It is a shooting of a collapse of plastic disposable cups with tubes with water, plates with buckets filled to edges, knocking out items with water from a water pistol or machine.

"Firemen." For such a game, you need one big bowl with water, the same empty and many little buckets. The firefighters are put up with a chain and transmit water to each other, overflowing it from a bucket in a bucket. The latter pours water into an empty bowl. This is happening until the time is over. Who scored more water, he won.


1. "Ski". Two wide and short skis are manufactured from dense corrugated cardboard, two arcs for stop are attached to them. Children insert feet into the arc (photo below). Then the speed need to pass the distance in such "skis". Whose team The first reached the finish line, those players and won the competition.

2. "Train". For such a game you need to take a few large garbage bags of 120 liters, sew them together. Players and quietly turn on the resulting circle are moving away from start to finish inside such a device. Helping yourself with your hands. Whose "train" will first get to the final station, he won.

3. Favorite setting of all children is a relay with eggs on a spoon. You can keep spoons in your hand, and you can - in the mouth, as in the photo. Who will bring the egg to the basket faster and will not drop it, he won.

All these games are not only entertained and fun to go, but also teach endurance, accuracy, dexterity, develop motility, a sense of collectivism, the desire to win, which is very useful in adulthood.