Italian Musical Film Festival. All Music Festivals Italy

Italian Musical Film Festival. All Music Festivals Italy

Order in advance to avoid tiring waiting in the queues. That's right? Do you plan to visit the Opera, which Italy is so famous, or concerts, whose program is sometimes very saturated and diverse? We bring to your attention list of best Summer musical festivalsYou can enjoy outside air, Under the lunar light, in the ancient, fascinating places of Italy. So, after visiting museums and attractions, take your best outfits (men - a dark suit, ladies - evening dress) and join music lovers from around the world!

1. Roman Opera House - Terms of Caracalla

The final chord of your trip in should be a visit to the performance on its summer platform among the majestic collapsies of the ancient term Karakalla. The Romans call them the main scene "Roman Estate" (Roman summer), which has long been famous for its diverse and bright program.

The terms were obtained in honor of the Roman emperor Antonino Karakalla, who during his board (211-217 AD) managed to create a monumental structure - the second largest public baths. Using modern vocabulary, this ancient Roman complex can be called a sports and entertainment center.

The terms have found their theatrical life in 1937. Summer music seasons attracted here the best world performers. Voices sounded in ancient walls Mary Callas and Benjamino Gieli, the famous trio of tenors shone here Placido Domingo, Jose Carreras. and Luciano Pavarotti.

In 1993, the concert hall in the ancient ruins was closed on a seven-year restoration, and in 2001, the summer seasons in the terms of Caracalla were resumed.

The opera or ballet performance in the ancient ruins will produce on you, without a doubt, an indelible impression.


It is worth hurrying with the purchase of tickets - they are bought very quickly.

Where: The terms of Caracalla are located on via Delle.Terme DICaracalla, 52, A 15-minute walk from the Grand Circus.

2. Arena di Verona

Rate Opeer at best! Ancient Roman Amphitheater, built in Verona OK.30 G.N., is the third largest building of Italy of this type and is world famous as the greatest concert area. Open-air can accommodate up to 14,000 opera gourmets.

Before the performance, certainly, not forgetting to turn on the juliet house on the route, enjoy a glass of wine in one of the numerous restaurants on Piazza Bra and tune in to a meeting with beautiful!


Where:Arena di Verona is located in Piazza Sconce, in the heart of the city's central part

3. Opera Festival Pucchini

Puccini Festival, which is the event of summer in Torre del Lago (Tuscany), is held in honor of the famous Italian composer and his operas. Jacomo Puccini appeared in 18 km from here in the city of Lucca, and in Torre Del Lago is a memorial villa, where such opera such as "Bohemia", "Tusca", Madame Batterflys were written by the composer. The festival was first spent in 1930, 6 years after the death of Pucchini, and since then it is attracted annually about 40,000 spectators. The performances take place on an open amphitheater, which accommodates more than 3,300 people.


Where:Torre Del Lago - west from Lucca and south from Viareggio. Easy to get from Lucca, Pisa and Florence.

4. Opera Festival Siferuserio

An open-air isna, where this annual opera festival is held, was conceived in 1819 as a playground for the ball. But by the 1900s, she took possession of the opera - the first was the "norm" of Bellini in 1914. To date, the Siferuserio Theater is one of the best European places for opera performances.


Where:the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bMacerata in the region.

5. Music festival in Ravello

Since 1953, an international music festival is held in the city of Ravello on the Amalfi coast, known as the "Wagnerovsky" name. It is here that at Villa Rufolo Wagner wrote fragments of his opera "Parsifal". Usually performances and are held at the Rufolo villa, but in the summer, with good weather, you can enjoy the concerts outdoors.

Performances and concerts:

- Schedule you can see

Where:ravello concert society holds concerts in the room and outdoors in various places of the city.

Have you ever been to these musical festivals? Tell us!

Venetian Carnival (Carnevale Veneziano)

One of the most famous and significant events in the Italian calendar is a carnival in Venice, which is held in February-March immediately before the beginning of the Great Post. By the way, the word "carnival" itself already symbolizes the post and translates from the Latin language as "goodbye, meat" (Carne Vale).
Folk festivities are stretched for 10 days, during which it does not happen! The dressed (mainly tourist) crowd moves through the streets of the city, everything is having fun and take pictures with the owners of the most gorgeous masquerade costumes, the scenes of Commedia Dell "Arte (Comedy Masks) are played, in the theaters there are performances on the appropriate themes, and in the walls of magnificent palaces are arranged Bali Masquerades for the most elite public.

Well, and the main stage, as always, the San Marco Square is becoming the most interesting events of the carnival. It all starts on the holiday called Festa Delle Marie, which reminds viewers about the famous history of the liberation of excellent Venetian, abducted by pirates from Istria. Another iconic representation of the carnival is the so-called flight of angel (Volo del Angello) or the flight of the Turk (Volo del Turco), during which a wonderful girl in the angelic attire makes a breathtaking flight from the Stater bell tower of the Cathedral of San Marco to the Palace of the Doge. For his history, Venice saw not one accident in the execution of this trick, so every time the audience with a fading of the heart look at the flight of a beautiful angel.

Venetian historical regatta (Regata Storica)

Another, a slightly less popular event in Venice is the historical regatta, conducted on the main transport artery of the city of Grand Canal on the first Sunday of September. In addition to the magnificent masquerade taking place on the streets and squares of Venice, the riot of paints is unfolding on the water. Here are luxurious carved boats, and parade gondolas, and many other types of vessels decorated under the old days. In the evening, as a rule, by half the fifth, they are all ready to take part in the regatta.

The competition is divided into 4 stages: youthful, female, male and, finally, the most spectacular is the champions race. After passing almost the entire Grand Canal twice (there and back), the court finishes at the CA Palace "Foscari, where the winners award ceremony occurs. The championship is becoming a fireworks, started directly from the water and accompanied by music.

Chess game in Maostic (Partita A SCACCHI)

Not leaving the Veneto region (emphasis on the first syllable!), We will move a little north of Venice, in a small town of Maostota, on the main square of which every two years in mid-September, the most real living chess tournaments are held!

The history of this unusual game began in the 15th century, when the local ruler decided to turn the square from his palace in a chess board and playing alive people, four of whom, of course, is involved in the party right on horseback. One day, two cavaliers were launched at the eldest daughter of the ruler. To resolve the dispute, the father commanded to hold a chess duel, the winner of which would be the hand and heart of beauty, and the loser as a punishment was obliged to marry younger sister (probably not so beautiful))) Thus, both the ruler's daughters were attached to the wives and all Satisfied besides, perhaps the loser))))

In addition to the game itself during the festival, a parade of presentation participants are held in magnificent vintage outfits, dancing with flags, as well as traditional feverwork.

Competition of light designers in Turin (Luci D "Artista di Torino)

We will continue the festo-trip over the north of Italy already in Turin, where at the end of the autumn - the beginning of winter is a competition of lighting installations created by leading designers. At this time, usually strict Turin turns into a fabulous city. Somewhere over the street does the many constellations of the solar system, somewhere merge into the kiss glowing men's and female figures. Turin Square is covered with hundreds of multicolored light bulbs, and covered shopping galleries, on the contrary, as if they would gain sky. Every corner of the city is decorated original and unique. Especially winning the work of designers look at Christmas-New Year's time, when the atmosphere of the holiday is found throughout the city, and elegantly decorated ate effectively complement the picture of lighting installations.

Holiday White Madonna in Portovener (Festa Della Madonna Bianca)

Now we will move to a little south in a small seaside town of Portovenere, where annually on the night of August 16, celebrations are held in honor of the local patroness, White Madonna. The legend says that it was this holy that this holy helped the Portovenere to get rid of two misfortunes: a terrible epidemic of the plague of 1399 and endless internecine wars. Since then, White Madonna has been recognized as a patroness of the city, and the holiday in her honor became one of the most important for the porter and at the same time also the most beautiful!

Celebrations begin after the evening messes, when night is already descended on the rocky Ligurian coast. The festive procession ignites about two thousand torches and, together with the icon, White Madonna moves along the picturesque cape to the Church of San Pietro. The spectacle is unimaginable beautiful! Well, the culmination of celebrations, as usual, becomes a firework, launched over the waters of the local harbor.

Racing in Siena (Palio Di Siena)

In one of the most pretty, in my opinion, the towns of Italy, Siena, twice a year (July 2 and 16), historical horse racing are held. In competitions, animals and riders from ten of seventeen contrald (districts) of the city are involved in the competition, which are chosen by lot just three days before the ramp. After that, the horses are contained in the district church under special protection, in order to their life did not bring rivals, and immediately before jumps, the priests necessarily bless animals to win!

Traditionally, there is a solemn procession with flags before jumps. The same action occurs on the main square of the city, where a completely crazy atmosphere reigns. Residents of each district come here with flags and songs to support their representative, as well as shout something unpleasant to rivals, it is officially permitted. Very similar to football passions, right?! The jumps themselves are literally a few minutes, during which the competition participants make three circles in the area. Riderists are allowed to behave not in the best way: it is allowed to kick rivals and face them with horses. But the most interesting thing is that jumps wins the animal that will come to the finish line first, while the rider is completely optional!

Italy is a cradle of unique, spectacular and exciting cultural events of an international scale.
In order to get bright impressions and unforgettable emotions here have a lot of opportunities. Especially great and there is no equal choice of festivals for music lovers held all year round.
If you go on the "boogue" from the north to south, the first will meet the "Sudtirol Jazz Festival" (Sudtirol Jazz Festival) - a musical event organized in 1982, which brings for speeches on the scenic sites of the South Tyrol artists who enjoy world fame. Moving a little south, in the province of the city of Padova (Padova), namely, in Piazzola Sul Brenta, we fall into the Amphitheater of Kamenini, which is an exceptional place of the "Hydrogen Festival" (Hydrogen Festival). In the region of Lange, Piemonte (Festival Collisioni) is held, and in the Liguria region (Liguria) - "Goa-Boa Festival" (GOA-BOA Festival), which C1998 combines commercial music with music in their programs For a specific niche audience, inviting Italian and foreign celebrities. The Theater "Ariston" in Sanremo (Sanremo) hosts the "Author's Song Festival - AUTORE Award" (Rassegna Canzone D "AUTORE - Premio Tenco) - a historic music event" Flower Town "dedicated to Luigi Tenco (Luigi Tenco).
Many musical events take place in Emilia Romagna (Emilia Romagna). The Festival in Emilia-Romagne (Emilia Romagna Festival) is a music look, which affects almost all the provinces of the region and offers concerts designed for different from the point of view of taste and perception to the public. The I-Day Festival (I-Day Festival), organized in 1999 in Bologna (Bologna) in the Arena Parco Nord), attend lovers of alternative music, especially punk, rock and india.
Closer to the center of the country, in Pesaro (Pesaro), the city where the Joachino Rossini (Gioachino Rossini) was born (Rossini Opera Festival).
Lucca City (Lucca), which in the Tuscany region (Toscana), as well as its province, holds two different events, none of which cannot be skipped: this is the "Summer Festival in Lucca" (Lucca Summer Festival), passing in the stunning design of Napoleon's Square (Piazza Napoleone). For over 15 years, the festival has turned this Tuscan town to the capital of Italian and foreign music. And also the oldest "Puccini Festival" festival (Puccini Festival), dedicated to Giacomo Puccini and the small town of Torre del Lago, in which the composer lived for more than thirty years.
In the heart of Italy, in the Umbria region (Umbria) since 1973 passes the Festival "Umbria Jazz" (Umbria Jazz). This festival offers a variety of genres and famous names, and the events of the Winter Jazz Festival (Umbria Jazz Winter) are very popular (Umbria Jazz Winter), which annually, in December and January, attracts Orvieto to the amazing town of jazz music, so And people are just inquisitive.
No less known and "Festival of two worlds" (Festival Dei Due Mondi) in Spoleto (Spoleto) is a music event that has resonance worldwide. And again in Umbria, this time in Gubbio (Gubbio), for more than twenty years, the Gubbio Summer Festival (Gubbio Summer Festival) is arranged at the concerts of which musicians with international fame are encountered with still young performers.
Lazio Region (Lazio) also provides a wide range of events. In addition to the numerous proposals of the capital, in the province of Viterbo (Viterbo), now for six years in a row in San Lorenzo Square (Palazzo Dei Papi), which is "Opera Festival in Tushi" (Palazzo Dei Papi) Tuscia Operafestival).
In the south of the country, the undisputed king of summer musical festivals is still a festival in Ravello, the pearl of the Amalfi coast. Ravello Festival - Decoration of the cultural life of the Campaign region, he is faithful to the traditional traditional concert of Wagnerian Music and a wonderful "concert at dawn" from other festivals of the traditional "Concerto Wagneriano" (CONCERTO All'Alba).
Roccella Ionica (Roccella Jonica) that in the Calabria region (Calabria), holds a large jazz music festival "Jazz Festival in Roccella" (Roccella Jazz Festival), in which the names enjoying worldly famous appear annually.
Teatro Petruzzelli Theater in Bari (Bari) is a venue of the Jazz Festival Bari (Festival Bari in Jazz) with the participation of the most famous names of world jazz music.
Sicily (Sicilia) is the birthplace of the Blues & Wine Soul Festival festival (BlueS & Wine Soul Festival), a major ethno-musical event Agrigento (Agrigento), which has become the largest ethno-musical event of an international scale. This is the only festival that turned out to be able to create a phenomenal spectacle, where the best music of such directions such as blues, soul and gospel is combined.

For four year old days open-air on a historically significant site of the city, Cathedral Square, Perm and guests of the city will be able to plunge into the world of Italian music. Beautiful architectural environment and a magnificent view of Kama effectively complement world opera and symphonic hits, demonstrated in the Festival program in HD quality. The performances of the soloists of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater will become an exquisite addition to the festival, which will open guests from Italy - representatives of the GTRK Italy Rai.

Italy's music is known all over the world, Bel Paese is considered the cradle of musical art, the country who gave the world the greatest genre - Opera, the loud premiere of productions of which is held annually in Italy, like the San Remo Festival, loved by Russians since the 70s. In late July, the best of the world of Italy's music will be shown in the regional capital of Kama.

The main program of the Italian festival of musical films will make concerts and performing the opera and ballet scene of the main symbols of the music country - Teatro Alla Scala and Teatro Di Torino. Little-known works by the work of J. Rossini "Soroka-Worp" (La Gazza Ladra), whose overture, at one time, made a sensation in Milan, and Opera J. Manon Lesko (Manon Lescaut) will be performed in a sunny departure of the water stroit.

The sophisticated Perm viewer will be presented and the opera Andreo Jordano (Andrea Chenier Umberto Jordano) - the loud premiere of La Rocks, held at the end of December last year, and the June concert in Milan on Duomo Square with Denis Matsueva. Guests of the festival will also see the Final Festival of the San Remo 2018 Festival and the classics of the Italian song - a concert reunited for creativity for the most famous couple of Italy - Al Bano and Romine Power in the Colossee of Verona (Arena di Verona).

In the afternoon, animated songs for the smallest ZECCHINO D'ORO will be shown at the Cathedral Square in the performance of the participants of the festival of the same name, on which several generations of Italians and the classic of Italian cinema - "Adventures of Pinocchio" have grown.

For the first time, the festival is held in collaboration with the State TV and Radio Broadcasting Corporation of Italy RAI and the Valtvo TV company within the framework of the Perm period festival project. New time, "that will allow the audience to see the newest productions and concerts and will consolidate the relationship of the Music Country of Italy and one of the most musical city of Russia, Perm.

Entrance to the festival is free.

Additional Information:
Nevolina Marina,
Co-organizer of the Italian Festival of Music Films.

Festival program

Children's program. LE CANZONI DELLO ZECCHINO. Musical cartoons, songs to which are performed by the participants of the famous children's festival ZECCHINO D'Oro.

The history of the festival began since 1959.

14.00- 14.40

15.00- 18. 20

Festival of San Remo 2018. The most famous and loved by the Russian spectator of the Music festival of Italy.

Concert, opening of the festival
The soloists of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater and Chamber Orchestra "Orpheus" will perform famous Italian works

Film-Opera "Andre Shhenie". Composer Umberto Jordano.Teatro Alla Scalla, 2017
Main Parties: Yusif Evazov, Anna Netrebko.

13.00- 15.30

Children's program. Festival San Remo 2018. Children
Children's version of the San Remo competition with participation Biangio Antonacci, Laura Pausini, James Taylor, Sting and other Italian and foreign artists.

Classic Italian cinema. "Adventures Pinocchio" Part 1
Cast: Gina Lollobrigid, Nino Manfredi, Andre Baluese and others.
Adventures from Pinocchio (IT. Le Avventure Di Pinocchio) - the Italian mini-series of 1972 director Luigi Komencini. Based on the novel of Karlo Collodi's novel, the film got a huge success of critics and had an average of twenty-one and a half million viewers during his first broadcast on RAI 1.
The jeeppetto carpenter (N.Mfredi) always dreamed of a son. Once, he smasherly Pinocchio (Italian puppet) and called him Pinocchio, the name of the familiar rich, hoping that it would bring him good luck. Thanks to the intervention of Fairy (D.Lolobrigid), Pinocchio turned into a real boy. Well, then the adventures were waiting for him ...

Musical pause.

Film-ballet "Romeo and Juliet". La Scala Theater, 2017
Classical choreography performed by Roberto Boulla to the immortal notes S. Prokofiev under the control of Patrick Fournel in the formulation of "Romeo and Juliet" Kennet Macmillana.

20.30 – 23.00

Film - Concert Al Bano Carrisi and Romina Power "Signoree Signori" . 2018
The most famous couple of Italy Al Bano Carrisi and Romin Power reunited after 20 years of break to give a concert in the Coliseum of Verona and fulfill their hits. IN
concert , Ricchi I Poveri, Michele Placido, Umberto Tzziand Boy George.

13.00- 15. 35

Children's program. Prodigy La Musica E Vita. Joint RAI and UNICEF project. Children demonstrate pop talents.

Classic of Italian cinema "Adventures Pinocchio" Part 2. Continuation of adventures.

Musical pause

Movie Opera "Manon Lesko" (Manon Lescaut) Composer Jackkomo Puccini.
Teatro Regio Di Torino, 2017
Lyrical drama in
Roman Abbat Preview "The History of Cavaller de Grier and Manon Lesko"
"Manon Lesko", the premiere of which took place in 1893, was not the first essay of Puccini. But it was she who became his first triumph and marked the beginning of Pucchini herif.

CONCERTO PER MILANO concert film, 2018
Conductor Riccardo Shaii (Riccardo Chailly. )
Piano-Denis Matsuev
Teatro Alla Scala.
The program performed in June 2018 on the main square of Duomo in Milan will be performed by the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.Morusorgsky and Maurice Ravel

Children's program. LE CANZONI DELLO ZECCHINO. Musical cartoons, songs to which are performed by the participants of the famous children's festival ZECCHINO D '

Oro. The history of the festival began since 1959.

15.00 - 16.45

Classic Italian Cinema
"Adventures Pinocchio" Part 3, 1972.
Continuation of adventures.

17.00 – 18.40

Film - Concert FILARMONICA.
In addition to masterpieces of classical music, tribute is given to the music of Italian: compositions of famous Italian composers Nino Rota (godfather, all films Federico Fellini) and Roma (Pini Di Roma)

Festival closure

Film - Opera "Soroko-Tigner" (La Gazza Ladra)
Teatro Alla Scala. Composer Jakimo Rossini

"Forty-thief, or danger to judge outside the outside") - Opera Joakino Rossini

Dear visitors! We draw your attention to some changes in the mode of the museum

In connection with the maintenance of repair and restoration work, entering visitors to the Kremlin territory is carried out through the Trinity Gate, - Through Spass and Borovitsky. The passage of visitors to the Armory and Exit is carried out through the Borovitsky Gate.

From October 1 to May 15Museums of the Moscow Kremlin are moving to winter mode. The architectural ensemble is open to visit from 10:00 to 17:00. The Armory is open from 10:00 to 18:00. The sale of tickets at the box office is carried out from 9:30 to 16:00. Day off - Thursday. The exchange of electronic tickets is made in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement.

From October 1 to May 15 the exposition of the bell tower "Ivan Great" is closed for visiting.

In order to ensure the safety of monuments in adverse weather conditions, access to some museums can be temporarily limited.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.