LP made an operation. Biography Laura Perglice

LP made an operation. Biography Laura Perglice
LP made an operation. Biography Laura Perglice

Not so long ago, the star began to conquer the hearts of millions of idols. Her name is Laura Pergolitzi or LP. Its biography is just as unusual and interesting as the image of the singer itself. A 37-year-old performer has passed a long way until it became popular and recognizable in many countries. For some, its image may seem very strange and extraordinary. However, in real life, her personality is far from standards.

Childhood and Youth Singer

The future star was born on March 18, 1981 in Long Island. Her parents are immigrants from a small Italian town. Mother in origin is a napolitanka, and the father is half Siclian, half the Irishman. From parents, the girl inherited her unusual appearance and curly hair. Her an extraordinary voice got from the mother: she was an opera singer. And a strong and very hot-tempered character, inheritance in her eyes, she inherited from his father.

From the early childhood, the singer LP had a very powerful and strong voice. With his cry and cry, she could drown out the sound of the included vacuum cleaner and even (!) Lawn mowers. She began to sing early. According to her, even earlier than learned to speak. Her jackets are extremely pleased with their parents who were proud of their little daughter, however, they delivered significant discomfort to the neighbors, since Laura did not like to sing quietly.

Her favorite musical instruments are classic and Hawaiian guitars, the game on which she mastered while as a child. Since then, a lot of time passed. Nevertheless, the Laura's singer still practically never breaks up with them and, that is, the matter, composes new and new melodies.

The fact that she will become a singer, the girl firmly decided from an early age. By the way, the scenic pseudonym LP also comes from her childhood: So the laure was called friends from the summer camp. It is easy to guess that it is an abbreviation of her name and surname.

After graduating from school in 1996, young talent goes to New York, believing that this city is the best place to develop its singing talents and self-realization. However, a huge city with a multi-million population was not too warmly accepted the beginning performer.

Music Career LP.

However, in spite of everything, she pretty quickly managed to establish relations with the popular group The Plan, with which she subsequently gave touring concerts and recorded several singles together. On this, persistent and ambitious girl did not stop: she began working with other well-known groups, at the same time writing songs for his first solo album, which was released in 2001.

The fact that the album released did not bring the expected popularity, did not make the singer to lower his hands. He was actively bought by listeners, which a very seen girl. In this regard, she decided to release another album in conjunction with Linda Perry in 2004. After this event, the attention of journalists was riveted to the laure. However, so close attention was connected not so much with the work of the singer, how much with its non-traditional orientation.

Nevertheless, Soon LP is solved by another step: it begins to write music for already famous performers, such as Riana, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Joe Walch, Backstreet Boys, The Veronicas and other, no less popular, singers. It could not not affect the career of the laur. Her musical style is becoming very popular and recognizable, she began to perform at prefabricated concerts, participate in music shows and all sorts of festivals (Laura Vass, biography in Russian).

In 2006, representatives of several recording studios in vain proposed her to conclude a contract with them. In 2011, she already gave solo concerts, and the composition of her first album took the top lines of hit parades. Finally, the singer Laura (her name for the American manner sounds like this) embodied his children's dream and felt like a real star.

As you know, artists are an outstanding personality, possessing a large charisma and strong energy. However, we can say about many of them that they are "not from the world of this", do not look like everyone else. And Laura is no exception. Some facts from the biography of Laura will not leave indifferent connoisseurs of her creativity:

Children's dream Laura Perglice came true: She became a celebrity, which characterizes her as a volitional and purposeful person.

Personal life stars

It is no secret that Laura Pergolitzi is a representative of a non-traditional orientation. Her personal life has always been interested in fans and press. Girl decided to open about his inclinations only after the death of the mother who died pretty early. Father considered her youthful hobbies not more than a riot against public obscures. However, making sure that the love of Laura to the female sex is not just a momentary whim, and the natural feature of the girl, has come to accept this fact, having perceived it as proper.

Not too much likes to spread about its orientation and Laura itself. Laura's personal life nevertheless cannot be too hidden from camera lenses too long, since it is a person's person quite well.

For the first time about her close relationships with a representative of weak gender, it became known in 2012. The British actress Tamzin Brown became its chief of her, known at that time in his homeland. Subsequently, LP will conclude that the girl in such an unusual way wanted to become famous outside of his country. The singer and actress appeared together at all secular rounds, parties and award ceremonies, which could not not attract attention to the personality of the latter. Tamin insisted on the public manifestation of his senses to the partner and even offered to officially issue relations, but LP managed to unravel the cunning plan of the girl and to catch it in insincerity.

Pair broke up in 2015. Soon after that, the Single Singer "Lost On You" was published, in which she sneaks his feelings and past love. This song is a shout of Laura's soul, thanks to which it deserves such a wide popularity among the listeners. She sincerely hoped that the time spent with a former beloved would leave at least some trace and pleasant memories in the heart of Brown.

However, there was no long to raise about the former love of LP: after six months she meets the girl named Lauren Ruth Ward, who took place Tamzin and starred in the already mentioned video on the song "Lost On You", where she appears at the very end.

The newly minced passion was no less eccentric person, and soon the couple played a wedding in France. In Instagram, a photo appeared, where lovers hugging and kissing against the background of the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees.

Singers' discography

On the account of the Laura Four Studio Albums, which were released under the labels Koch Records, Lightswitch Records, Warner Bros. RECORDS and VAGRANT RECORDS. Among them are the following names:

  • Heart-Shaped SCAR, released in 2001.
  • SUBURBAN SPRAWL & ALCOHOL 2004 release.
  • Forever for now seeing the light in 2014.
  • Lost on You, an epochal album, which came out in 2016.

Among the singles entering these albums, you can allocate such:

  • "INTO THE WILD" (2012).
  • "Night Like This" (2014).
  • "Someday" (2014).
  • Muddy Waters (2015).
  • "LOST ON YOU" (2015).
  • "Other People" (2016).

Some of these hits, including the notorious "Lost On You", conquered the first lines of charts in many countries of the world.

With his example, LP once again confirms that it is necessary to believe in his dream and by all means go to her, overcoming all obstacles and obstacles in its path. Despite the fact that the girl was born in a simple family, it did not prevent her to succeed and recognition. Undoubtedly, there are still many achievements, awards and praise of grateful spectators ahead.

ATTENTION, only today!

This singer cannot be confused with anyone else. LP - owner of a unique voice with branded hoarse. Her songs fascinate with their sincerity, conquering the hearts of millions of fans. She is also known as the author of the songs of many popular performers, including Rihanna, Cher and Christina Aguilera.

Childhood and family

Present name of the singer LP - Laura Pergolitzi (Laura Pergolizzi). She was born on March 18, 1981 in Long Island, USA, in the family of Americans of Italian origin. Her grandparents on the mother line had emigrated to the state of New York from Naples and Palermo.

Loving father and mother supported Laura, and always were on her side. Parents of the girl were not people of creative professions, but the hobby of her mother was singing, and she liked the passion of the laur of the music.

In an interview with the singer with touching warmth, speaks of parents and thanks them for the main lesson in life. "Do not adapt to others, be ourselves," Mom, ethnic Italian, often said her. "Perceive what is happening with humor, and able to insist on your own," the Italian and Irish blood flowed in whose veins.

The girl herself learned to play on the Garmoshka and Ukulele, and her voice inherited from the mother, already in early childhood hit his strength and expressiveness.

When in 1996 Laura graduated from school to them. Walter Whitman, the choice of life path was not standing in front of it. She was not easy to accept the early death of the mother, but his father supported his daughter, and Laura, deciding to do a musical career, went to the capital of New York, where she opened grandiose prospects. By this time, she came up with a pseudonym LP, making it up from the initial letters of the name and surname.

LP. Start

In New York, the girl began to perform in the Lionfish duet. Also included a girlfriend LP Alicia. Diva called the group by connecting their zodiac signs - lion and fish. Their music was difficult to attribute to any direction: the guys were performed and melodious ballads, and industrial avant-garde. Lionfish gave concerts in clubs, went with tours in America. LP vocals remembered immediately and led listeners delight.

The unusual appearance of the girl was left without attention: the naughty curls, which she owes her Italian roots, pale leather, bright eyes on a thin face. The girl did not use cosmetics and preferred costumes that elegantly emphasized her androgic appearance.

Lionfish - Next Time In addition to working with Lionfish, the singer collaborated with The Plan team and the short time performed in the Cracker group. The voice of LP is heard and on the backer at the frontman Cracker David Lowery. It was he who helped girls from Lionfish to record a demo plate. In a full-fledged album of the "Too Much Love" group, also recorded at David Lowery studio, 11 compositions written by LP entered. The disc was sold out in a matter of days after exit.

First popularity

In 2001, the singer presented a debut album. The HEART-Shaped SCAR disk producer spoke again David Lowery. The album had an incredible success, LP called the discovery of the year and predicted a deafening success to the girl. The composition from this plate sounded in the Dram "Eternal Values" with Glenn Clowz.

Three years later, LP released the second album recorded with Linda Perry, one of the participants of "4 nonblondes". Bright pop fat "Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol" brought the popularity of LP and attribute attention to the Bons of the Music Industry.

One of the leaders of Jam Records invited a young singer to record the next album on their studio. LP happily agreed, realizing the need for producer support. However, cooperation with the glorified studio did not work. Producers did not like the appearance of the girl, they insisted on the change of image. But LP, comfortable feeling in men's suits and black sunglasses, did not meet them. Faithfully, less than a year she terminated the contract with the label.


Left without producers, the girl continued to write songs and perform. Her popularity grew, some of their compositions she wrote to order for recognized stars of pop music. She succeeded in the profession of the Slavera. In the period from 2006 to 2014, LP wrote songs for Cher, Christina Aguilers, Leona Lewis and Rihanna.

However, she refused the most personal songs. In her next album they entered exactly. "Forever for Now", recorded in 2014 at the Studio Warner Bros. Records, became a real breakthrough in the creative career of the singer. Compositions from this plate opened the name of the girl to the whole world.

In 2016, the fourth plate of the singer came out. Fully expected "Lost On You", called the main track, became the leader of sales and in America, and in Europe.


The singer touches a lot, at the end of 2016 she acted in Russia.

Life Life LP.

The singer never hid his orientation - she prefers girls. Her mother never learned about it, and his father in her youth thought it was a kind of teenage protest. But realizing that this is not intake, but its true nature, he, as always, and in everything, supported the daughter.

The singer is fond of yoga. A lot of questions cause her love for accessories in the form of crosses. But in an interview, the girl told that he was not religious, and the crosses for her were a symbol of rock music.

LP now

After the triumph of the fourth album, the singer touring a lot. She performed at the New Wave Festival in 2017. In 2018, he visited several cities of Russia with concerts and promised to return to 2019.

LP - Recovery.

LP works a lot, she writes songs to a new album to which an unprecedented success. The girl collaborates with famous producers, Isabella Summers, and Rob Cavallo (producer "Green Day").

Laura Pergolitzi - Suddenly became the superpopular American singer with Italian roots, was born in 1981 on Long Island.

Carier start

Vocal abilities and love for music Laura inherited from mother - singer who performed opera parties. But a quick-tempered character, irrepressible temperament and the surname went to her from his father, a leaving of sunny Sicily.

She was engaged in music from childhood. Favorite singer tool - guitar, and not only classical, but also four-string Hawaiian. With them, it practically does not part and from time to time, a new melody begins to be born under the fingers.

Sing Laura began almost before talking about. Moreover, quiet singing absolutely not satisfied with the young talent. Some favorite songs she could only in full voice, drowning sometimes even the sound of the TV or vacuum cleaner. Neighbors suffered from screams, parents laughed, and the girl developed a voice.

Road upstairs

Having also accepted the decision to become a singer, and the popular, Laura immediately after receiving a certificate goes to New York, believing that there are more opportunities for a quick musical career. Of course, no one was waiting for a young one who was not a famous performer in a huge megalopolis with open arms.

However, she soon managed to negotiate with the musicians of The Plan group, and for some time she toured with this team and even recorded several songs with them. Then she worked with several groups and in parallel wrote songs for his first solo, who saw the light in 2001.

The output of the album did not bring the popularity to which the girl counted, but sold quite well. Therefore, in 2004, she decides to repeat the attempt and produces a new album together with Linda Perry. Literally immediately after the presentation, Laura falls under the close attention of journalists. But it caused their curiosity not so much the music of the girl as her personal life.

Then Laura will decide to abandon his ambitious plans and agrees to write music for already promoted performers. For a few years she managed to leave Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Cher, Backstreet Boys, The Veronicas.

At the top of success

Although few knew about who was the author of famous compositions, the music style of the lasi became recognizable. And over the next ten years, she actively performed at the prefabricated concerts, various festivals, took part in the musical show. Some of the first and second album singles gradually gained popularity.

At the top of success, it turned out only in 2011, when the composition of the very first album unexpectedly occupied the top steps of several musical charts. Laura finally began to give full-fledged solo concerts and felt like a real star.

Personal life

The personal life of the singer always tried to hide from camera lenses. But it was difficult to do, since she always loved to stand out from the crowd and not like everyone else. This was reflected in her style of clothing - she prefers a vintage causal, supplemented with crosses, and in her unconventional orientation, which she stopped to hide only after the death of the mother. And also in her music, which she composed not as everything.

With Tamin Brown

According to the laurras of her songs are born. She does not invent anything. Can only sit, thinking about your own and sort out guitar strings. Suddenly a melody is born from nowhere. And only when she is already recorded, Laura is trying to understand what this song is about. Then the poems come by themselves. Maybe this is what makes her music so special?

Laura Pergolitzi (Laura Pergolizzi), more famous under his stage pseudonym LP, - American rock / pop singer, originally from Long Island, New York. In 2010, she moved to Los Angeles, where she released three full albums and one EP. She is also known as the author of the songs for pop stars, such as Cher, Riana, Christina Aguilera, etc.

1. Laura Pergolizzi was born in 1981.

2. In 1996, she graduated from the School of Walt Whitman.

3. Immediately after this Laura moved from Huntington (Long Island) to New York, where I took the stage name LP, which appears to this day.

4. David Loury (David Lowery) from the Cracker group, accidentally hitting her performance, highly appreciated the voice of Laura and invited her to participate in the record of one of the tracks to the album of his Gentleman's Blues group (1998).

5. Loury also became a predusor of her debut album "Heart-Shaped SCAR), which was released in 2001 near the Koch Records label.

6. The second album of the Singer "Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol" was released in 2004 on the Lightswitch Records label.

7. The record of the album was held in collaboration with the composer and the musical producer of Linda Perry (Linda Perry).

8. Despite the powerful tour in support of the album and positive feedback from critics, Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol has not received proper recognition from the general public.

9. In 2006, LP lit up at the South By Southwest Music Conference, where, according to eyewitnesses, a whole scuffle between competing sound companies broke out for the right to cooperate with her. The conference ended with the signing of the contract with Island Def Jam Music Group.

10. Island Def Jam Music Group is part of the Music Giant Universal Music Group.

11. Very soon, due to creative disagreements, LP had to terminate the contract. In 2007, she starts cooperation with the non-reported studio Sobe Entertainment and records the tracks accumulated during this time.

12. The song "Love Will Keep You Up All Night", composed during cooperation with Island Def Jam, saw the light in 2007 as one of the tracks of the Album Unbreakable BACKSTREET BOYS band.

13. The Wasted track from the album Suburban Sprawl & Alcohol has become a business card of the television show South of Nowhere, going on the channel The N (Teennick).

14. In the summer of 2010, the Damage Is Done track hit MTV and was released on iTunes. In 2009, LP, along with other musicians, worked on the album Superficial (Warner Music) for Heidi Montag. She was the author of such songs as "more is more", "twisted", "Hey Boy" and "Love IT or Leave it".

15. At the same time, she continued to compose songs for Montag. In collaboration with Cathy Dennis, there were light compositions such as "look how i'm doin", "I do this" and "Who's That Girl". Also came out, written with Alexander Kronlund (Alexander Kronlund) "Standing Where You Left ME ", which entered the debut album Erik Hassle.

17. The popularity of the author of the songs came to her after the release of the Single "Cheers (Drink to That)", which was included in the fifth Studio Album Riana, published on November 12, 2010. In the song "Cheers" there is an excerpt performed by LP itself (borrowed from Avril Lavigne from the song "I'm with You").

18. The following noticeable breakthrough was the song "Beautiful People", filled with Christina Aguilera and entered the official soundtrack in the Burlesque film, released in November 2010 on RCA Records.

19. In September 2015, the song "Muddy Waters" came out, the first single from the upcoming fourth studio album LP.

20. In June 2016, Muddy Waters sounded in the final scene of one of the episodes of the Netflix series.

21. In November 2015, the second single "Lost On You" came out from this album. Both songs were written in collaboration with Mike Del Rio.

24. It has the ability to achieve your soul depth. With living performance, this property increases many times.

25. "My mother died before I learned that I was a lesbian, and dad thought for a long time that it was just a figure of speech and only recently realized that it was not. However, I never received criticism and negativity from my parents. I do not get now, "she said in one of the interviews.

26. Sunglasses are an integral part of her style. "I wear them even at night," the singer jokes, "I would not shoot sunglasses at all, if it didn't create certain inconveniences. It always seemed to me that glasses would be part of my image, like Roy Orbisna. "

27. When LP with his girlfriend appear in public, the world ceases to revolve, admiring their perfection.

28. Androgic sense of LP style has no analogues in its flawlessness. One glance at her is enough to admit, she was born for a male costume.

29. Earring in the form of a cross in her ear has nothing to do with religion.

30. LP perfectly owns the art of artistic whistle.

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by: Showbizby.
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Clip "WHEN WE" RE HIGH "(" When we are under the buzz ") became a wedding gift that LP singers - Laura Pergolasi and Lauren Ruth Ward made each other. The video was published the day after they. It happened July 12 2017 in Paris during the LP European Tour.

36-year-old Laura and 29-year-old Lauren Ruth Ward together for almost two years. "It's true! We did it! Well, she did it, but I still was going to do it, so everything is over! She asked, I said "yes" and boom - we got married ... ", - commented on the Laura expressive Parisian photo on his page in Instagram.

In the clip "WHEN WE" RE HIGH "there are many beautiful women of all races and shades of the skin. And each trying to seduce the singer, the heroine of the clip. All beauties sooner or later turn out to be in the elevator, which is inexorably moving up. But LP remains cold-blooded and sings On Love only to one girl ... Of course, Lauren Ruth Ward is played by the central role in this kaleidoscope.

Lauren also recently released a provocative clip "Make Love to Myself" ("Love with Himself"), in which he made a director. In it, she changes a lot of beloved from the frame to the frame - so that in the last frame to see a smiling laur ...

LP tour is truly with a triumphal result. At concerts in Kiev, Moscow and St. Petersburg, the reception was so hot that the defeated Laura Pergolasi did his tattoo on his left hand - the Russian word "love". Russian fans (mostly fans) even released a T-shirt with a pattern of a sailboat - exactly what in the form of a tattoo wears Laura. In Moscow, it is believed that LP is an American embodiment and offer a laure with a duet. The singer listened to the record and found them very interesting. What thinks about this Zemfira is unknown.

After Ukraine and Russia, by the end of July, LP visited the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium and Israel with concerts.

When we are under the kayf

Coupling 1:
There Was A Time, There Was a Life, I Was Inside My Head
There was time, there was life, I was all in my thoughts,
And then, finally, I went to your bed.
Bars, drips, worst feelings -
I Thought Had Come to Pass
I thought all this was the past,
But Still i Couldn "T SEEM TO MAKE IT LAST
But I still could not extend it.

Cow 1:
I "D Swallow The Moon and The Stars
I would swallow the moon and the stars,
To Follow The Beat Of Your Heart
To keep track of how your heart beats.

When we are under the buzz,
Oh My God, You Blow My Mind
Oh God, you drive me crazy.
SO Let "S Get High, Let" S Get High
So let's catch a buzz, let's catch a buzz,
Live Until We Die, Yeah
Live while we are alive, yes!
Oh you and i, you and i
Oh, we are with you, we are with you,
Let "S Just Do it One More Time, One More Time
Let's do it again, once again
A Million Times.
Million times.
Let "S Get High, Let" S Get High
Let's catch a buzz, let's catch a buzz,
Live Until We Die, Yeah
Live while we are alive, yes!

2 verse:
A State of Mind Collected Like
State of soul -
A Slowly Wound Bouquet
Like a slowly wool bouquet
With Memories of Our Favorite Nights and Days
Memories of our favorite nights and days.

2 Jacket:
Let "S Swallow The Moon and The Stars
Let's swallow the moon and stars
Let "S Wallow Just Right Where We Are
Let's enjoy here and now.


Blow My Mind.
You're driving me crazy.
Blow My Mind.
You're driving me crazy.

Oh My, My, Kiss The Sky
Oh, God, God, Kiss Heaven,
Jimmy, Baby, You Were Right
Jimi, 1 cute, you were right:
She "S So Fine, Hips Don" T Lie *
She is so beautiful, the hips are not lying. **
Cute, stand me again.
Go ahead and Insert Any Random Ass Line
Come on, come up with any random stupid line.
Go Ahead, Yeah, Yeah
Come on, yes, yes!


* Sending to the song by Jimi Hendricks "She" S So Fine ".
** Squeeze to the song Shakira and Weiklef Jean "Hips Don" T Lie ".

Translation of Alex
© Amalgam Laboratory Laboratory



LP (real name Laura Pergolasis, Laura Pergolizzi, born in 1981) - American singer, author-performer. The songs of her authorship took into their repertoire such performers as Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Rita Ora, Backstreet Boys, Cher, Joe Walche, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others.Lura Pergolas graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York, where he began to perform under ...


LP. (real name Laura Pergolasia, Laura Pergolizzi, genus. In 1981) - American singer, author-performer. The songs of her authorship took such performers in their repertoire as, Joe Walsh, Cher Lloyd, Ella Henderson and others.

Laura Pergolasi graduated from Walt Whitman High School in 1996 and moved to New York, where he began to perform under the pseudonym "LP". Her mother comes from Naples, Father -Aponian Sicilian, half the Irishman.

In 2010, after Laura wrote for Rihanna, the song "Cheers (Drink to That), who came out on the fifth album of the Singer" Loud ", she moved to Los Angeles. In one of the interviews, Rihanna told that this song is one of her loved ones.

In 2012, LP was named the best performer of the week ("Artist of the Week") magazine "Vogue".

In July 2016, the singer successfully spoke with the song "Lost On You" ("You do not understand") in Rome at the Coca Cola Summer Festival 2016 festival. The composition ranked first lines in Greece's charts and Israel, and also became a number 3 in Italy.

July 12, 2017 in Paris during the European Tour Laura Pergolasi with his girlfriend, Folk-singer Lauren Ruth Ward.