Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Solution of the World Council of the World On the celebration of the anniversary of Ivan Franco is a bright recognition of the correctness and honesty of the way that the writer

Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Solution of the World Council of the World On the celebration of the anniversary of Ivan Franco is a bright recognition of the correctness and honesty of the way that the writer
Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Solution of the World Council of the World On the celebration of the anniversary of Ivan Franco is a bright recognition of the correctness and honesty of the way that the writer

Prosaic works I. Franco are submitted by authoritative sources: individual books (mainly collections), published during the life of I. Franco and under its supervision, on the lifetime publications in Almanahs, newspapers, magazines, where they were printed from the knowledge and with the consent of the author. Unpublished works are served in autographs.

In the life of I. Franco, such collections of works of the writer appeared in direct participation:

Borislav.. Pictures from the life of the Podgoregsky people. Lviv, 1877. Content: Opening Word. - Oilman. - At work. - Potted sinner.

Galician samples. Lviv, 1885. Content: Small Miron. - Gritseva School science. - Pencil. - Schönschreiben.

In the sweat of the face. Pictures from the life of working people. Lviv, 1890. Contents: M. Dragomanov. Preface. - Excerpt from the letter to M. Dragomanov. - Stories: Lesshina Chelyant. - Two buddy. - Mason. - Small Miron. - Gritseva School science. - Pencil. - Schönschreiben. - At the bottom. - It is to blame. - Slug. - Good earnings. - Men's Commission. - The story of my straw. - Gypsies. - Forests and pastures. - Rebanuk. - Self-fishing. - Manipulatka. - To the light! - Between good people.

Obrazki Galicyjskie.. LWóW, 1897. Content: Nieco O Sobie Samym. - Dwaj Przyjaciele. - Historja Mojej Sieczkarni. - Hawa. - Jeden Dzień z życia Uliczników Lwowskich. - Pantałacha. (Part of the circulation came out without preface).

When more animals talked. Fairy tales for children. Lviv, 1899. Content: Preface. - Donkey and lion. - Old good is forgotten. - chanterelle and crane. - chanterelle and cancer. - Lis and Drozd. - Hare and hedgehog. - Korolev and Bear. - Wolf in all. - Hare and Bear. - Crow and Vajuk. - Three bags of tricks. - Wolf, Fox and Donkey. - Fox-nun. - Murco and Burko. - Fox-Cuma. - War between the dog and the wolf. - painted fox. - Crows and owls. - Basnie about the bass.

Semiy and other Borislav stories. Lviv, 1899. Content: Semiyk. - Oilman. - Shepherd.

Seven fairy tales. Lviv, 1900. Contents: Rubach. - Tale of welfare. - animal budget. - History of the casing. - Pig Constitution. - acute-prestained elder. - The story of one confiscation.

Good earnings and other stories. Lviv, 1902. Content: Preface. - Good earnings. - Mason. - It is to blame. - Slug. - The story of my straw. - Self-fishing. - Rebanuk. - In the forge.

Pantalaha and other stories. Lviv, 1902. Content: Preface. - Pantalaha. - Men's Commission. - In the prison hospital.

From stormy years. Lviv, 1903. Content: Preface. - Rubber. - Grisha and Panych.

Small Miron and other stories. Lviv, 1903. Content: Preface. - Small Miron. - Gritseva School science. - Pencil. - Schönschreiben. - Father humorist. - mustard grain. - Boris Grab.

Manipulatka and other stories. Lviv, 1904. Content: manipulatka. - Lesshina Chelyant. - Between good people. - Funny, or what?

On the lap of nature and other stories. Lviv, 1905. Content: on the lap of nature. - Nikitichev Oak. - Yandrues. - DRIADA. - Pike. - ODI PROFANUM VULGUS. - Zavka. - On the haymaker. - My crime. - In the joinery workshop. - Duel. - while the train is touching. - Wing Coyki.

Mission. Plague. Fairy tales and satires. Lviv, 1906. Content: Mission. - Plague. - Fairy tales and satires: 1. Wherever the old years go. - 2. As a lord, he was looking for trouble. - 3. How Rusin pushed in the world. - 4. Our public. - 5. Pig. - 6. How agreed the house built. - 7. Dr. Unvsenisser. - 8. From the Galician "Book of Genesis". - 9. Bodian. - 10. Thomas with heart and froms without a heart.

Motherland and other stories. K., 1911. Content: Opening Word. - Motherland. - Corolor. - Wilhelm Tel. - genius. - Gershko Goldman. - Voron and Vukkun. - Pies with blueberries. - For the holiday.

Barefassed bread and other stories. Lviv. 1913. Content: Opening Word. - Barbean bread. - Forests and pastures. - Gypsies. - History of the casing.

Ruttens. Types of Galician Rusins \u200b\u200bfrom the 60s and 70s. Lviv, 1913. Content: Opening Word. - I. Young Rus. - II. A common person. - III. Disappointed. - IV. Patriotic gusts.

As a separate collection, published by three issues, can be considered " Old Russian stories"Franco, published in 1900 in the three books of the Society of Society. Content:

Vol. 1: Opening Word. - 1. Story about the death pipe and four boxes. - 2. Story about annual kings. - 3. Talk about Tsar Aggya. - 4. Story about the lacquer guardian;

Vol. 2: 5. Story about the half. - 6. A story about a man who lent God;

Vol. 3: 7. The story about the Robber Flavian. - 8. The story about the Mason of Euroga.

From the above collections with original in composition, i.e. Such that are formed from the stories, first printed together in a separate edition, is Borislav (1877), "Galician pictures" (1885), "When the animals said" (1899), "Seven fairy tales" (1900), "Old Russian Stories "(1900)," From the Stormy Years "(1903)," On the Lon of Nature "(1905)," Mission. Plague. Fairy tales and satires "(1906)," Motherland and other stories "(1911)," Rutents "(1913). The remaining collections are the choice of stories from previous collections with the addition of several works published for the first time as part of the collection.

In this publication, the chronological principle of the location of the stories I. Franco was settled. The exceptions are the compilations "Borislav", "When there are still animals," Ancient Russian stories "," from the turbulent years "," Rutents ", which are sought integrity together with the prefaces.

Ivan Franco is an outstanding Ukrainian Belletrist, poet, publicist and scientist. The heritage of the classic is huge, and the impact on the culture is difficult to overestimate. In 1915, the writer was put forward to the Nobel Prize, but until consideration, Ivan Franco's candidacy did not reach the contener's death.

Childhood and youth

The future classic of Ukrainian literature was born in a wealthy family. Her head is the Galician peasant Yakov Franco - earned money for a former business, and Mom - Maria Kulchitskaya - was from "noble". Younger husband for 33 years old, a woman out of the impoverished Rusin-shroves raised children. The first years of life classic called blond.

When Ivan Franko turned 9 years old, father died. Mom married the second time, stepfather replaced the children of the Father. With Ivan, he set up friendship and kept her all his life. In 16 Ivan became an orphan: did not make moms.

In the Drohobych school, at the Catholic Monastery, Ivan was the best student: teachers referred to him the professorial future. The guy had a phenomenal memory - lectures quoted literally, and Kobzar knew by heart.

Franco knew Polish and German, did the poetic translations of the Bible, the poverty read European classics, works on history and natural sciences. Making money with a tutoring, the gymnasist Ivan Franco managed to collect a library from semi-tech books. Knowing foreign languages, he appreciated his native Ukrainian, collected and recorded old folk songs, legends.

Ivan Franco lived in the far relative, who owned a carpentry business in Drohobych. It happened that the young man was sleeping in freshly strange coffins (the story "in the joinery"). In the summer, the future classic of Ukrainian literature paste cattle in Naguevichi and helped stepfather in the field. In 1875, Ivan Franco received a certificate with honors and entered Lviv University by choosing the Faculty of Philosophy.


The first essays Ivan Franco printed in the university journal "Friend", thanks to him turned into a printed organ of revolutionaries. Donoms of unfriendliers and reactionaries caused the first arrest of Ivan Franco and the members of the editorial board "Friend".

Franco condemned for 6 weeks, but freed after 9 months (8 months waited for the court). The young man was placed in the chamber to sewers to criminals, the poor, whom poverty pushed into grave crimes. Communication with them was the source of writing of the fictional works, which, after the liberation, Ivan Franco printed in the editions editable. The stories of the "prison cycle" are transferred to foreign languages \u200b\u200band are named the best in the legacy of the writer.

After leaving the prison books, Ivan Franco faced the reaction of a conservative society: the "Criminal" turned away and the people and Rusophiles. From the university, young people were expelled. A young revolutionary with socialist views found himself in the avant-garde of fighters with the Austrian monarchy. With a companion M. Pavlik published the magazine "Public Friend", where he published poems, essays and the first chapters of the story "BOA Constrictor".

Soon the police confiscated the publication, but Ivan Franco resumed the exit under a different, more speaking name - "Bell". The magazine printed the program poem of Franco - "Masonry" ("Kamenyarі"). And again confiscation and changing the name. In the fourth and last issue of the magazine, called "Hammer", Ivan Yakovlevich printed the end of the story and poems.

Ivan Franco issued a magazine and improperly published brochures with translations of works and, to which the prefaces wrote. In 1878, the Galician revolutionary was headed by the magazine "PRACA" \u200b\u200b("Labor"), turning the provincial organ in the publication of Lviv workers. During these years, Ivan Franco translated the poem Heinrich Heine "Germany", "Fausta", "Cain", wrote Roman "Borislav laughs".

In the spring of 1880, on the road to Kolomyu Ivan Franko, the secondarly was arrested: the politician fell on the side of the Kolomyan peasants, with whom the legal charge was led by the Government of Austria. After a three-month stay in Ivan Yakovlevich prison, I was sent to Naguyevichi, but on the road to the village for the bold behavior, he fell into the junction of prison in Drohobych. Seen became a reason for writing the story "On the bottom".

In 1881, Ivan Franco publishes the World Magazine, which prints the story "Borislav laughs." The readers did not see the last heads of the work: the magazine was closed. Poems Ivan Franco picked up the magazine "Light". Of these, the collection "from the peaks and lowline" was soon formed. After the closure of "light", the writer is forced to earn, printed in the publications of the people. During these years, the famous story "Zakhar Berkut" came out in the magazine "Zarya", but soon the cooperation of the writer with "Zarya" ceased.

In the middle of the 1880s, in search of earnings, Ivan Franco came twice to Kiev, predicting money from the capital liberals to edition of his own magazine. But the promised money was not in Ivan Yakovlevich, but in the editor of Zari. In the summer of 1889, Russian students arrived in Galia. Together with them, Ivan Franco went on a ride around the country, but soon the group was arrested, Franco was accused of trying to "tear" Galicia from Austria and intent to join Russia. Two months later, the whole group was released without trial.

At the beginning of the 1890s, Franco wrote a doctoral dissertation by taking political poetry as a basis. But the University of Lviv did not accept the dissertation for protection. Ivan Yakovlevich submitted the dissertation in Chernivitsky University, but he was denied him there. In the autumn of 1892, the writer went to Vienna, where he wrote the dissertation about the ancient Christian spiritual novel. In a year in Austria, Ivan Franco was given a degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

In 1894, after the death of the department of Ukrainian literature, Professor O. Ogonovsky, headed by the Department of Ukrainian Literature, in Lviv University, is trying to take a vacant place. His trial lecture caused huge interest among students, but at the department Ivan Yakovlevich did not take. To the 25th anniversary of the creativity of Ivan Franko, which writers and creative youth of Ukraine celebrated widely, a collection of poems "My Izmaragd" came out.

The revolution of 1905 in Russia caused an engrability from the writer, he responded to the event by the poem "Moses" and the collection of poems "Semper Tiro", which included the poem "Conquistadors".

At the beginning of the 1900th relationship of Ivan Franco with the Ukrainian nationalists, at the head of which Mikhail Grushevsky stands, sharpen. In 1907, an attempt to lead the department in Lviv University once again failed: Franco's statement was not even considered. Support came from Kharkov: the university awarded Ivan Yakovlevich the degree of Dr. Russian Literature. The writer and scientist in Russia and the Pridneprovskaya Ukraine are honored.

Ivan Franco, like his predecessors and contemporaries, repeatedly addressed the theological, biblical. The interpretation of the writer of Christian humanism is original. The brightest sample is the verse "Legend of Eternal Life."

In 1913, the writer and scientist noted the 40th anniversary of creativity, but the edition of the jubilee collections was suspended due to the above imperialist war. Dozens of prosaic and poetic essays Matra published after his death.

In total, Ivan Franco wrote more than five thousand works. Contemporaries compared him with the great people of Renaissance, called the "big astral body warming the whole of Ukraine." But speaking about the life of the Ukrainian classics, often remember his quote: "They live like gods, executioners, and worse than Psa the poor people live."

Personal life

With the future wife of Olga, the Chinese writer met in Kiev in the middle of the 1880s. Ivan Franco was not a handsome man: red-haired, with leaking eyes, low. He attracted women with incredible erudition, progressive views and encyclopedic knowledge. Beauty Olga loved Galichanin. Cautions of relatives and friends that a young man belongs to another circle, did not led to anything. Ivan Franco was late for the wedding: putting the wedding fracture, he was read on a rare book in the library.

Moving the Kievans to the capital of Galicia did not bring happiness: the famous Lvivyanki called Olga "Moskalka", a young woman, contrary to efforts, could not become his own. Family in which four children appeared one after another, in dire need of money. Ivan Franko did not take a job, he was pursued by the police and power, creativity brought modest income.

Sons Andrei, Taras, Peter and daughter Anne Father read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Ivan Yakovlevich lamented them with German. In the native village of Franco, drove children into the forest and on the river. Olga, setting the children to sleep, translated from German and French, wrote articles for Almanachs, discussed his writings with her husband. But life troubles and poverty have undermined a unstable psyche - Olga showed a hereditary leaning towards nervous breakdowns.

In 1898, Ivan Franco received a national award. For these money, Olga added the remaining from the dowry and took the construction of the house in Lviv. But I couldn't live in a new home happily. Olga's mental disorder aggravated, nervous disorders and breakdown began at Ivan Yakovlevich. The last drop was the death of the Senior Son of Andrei in May 1913, Olga fell into a psychiatric hospital.


The last months of the life of Ivan Franco lived in a shelter for Sich Schiechov: Writers were courted by volunteers. Up to the 60th anniversary, Franco did not survive 3 months. He died in full solitude. Son Taras in captivity, Peter fought, Anna's daughter worked in Kiev hospital.

The writer died at home: Franco escaped from the shelter in May 1916. In that year, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but it is given alive. There was no scientist and writer on May 28. Buried him in the Lviv Lychakovsky cemetery.


  • 1877 - "Potted sinner"
  • 1880 - "At the bottom"
  • 1882 - "Zakhar Berkut"
  • 1882 - "Borislav laughs"
  • 1884 - "Boa Constrictor"
  • 1887 - "Lel and Fillas"
  • 1887 - "Yatsi Zelepuga"
  • 1890 - "Mis Mikita"
  • 1891 - "Adventures of Don Quixote"
  • 1892 - "Stolen happiness"
  • 1894 - "Pillars of the Company"
  • 1895 - "Abu Casimov Shoes"
  • 1897 - "For home hearth"
  • 1899 - "Oilman"
  • 1900 - "Cross Trails"

Was born in the Koval family on August 27, 1856, in p. Naguevichi (Lviv region). Franco studied in a rural school, first in Naguyevichi, and then in the neighboring village of Yasenice strong. In 1864, he went to study in a drogobitsky "normal" school.

In 1865 In his family it happens grief - father dies. Soon in the house of Ivan Frank comes stepfather Green Gavrilik. It was about the death of his father Ivan Franco will write his first poem "Great 1871 ROCA" (1871). Stephip was not an evil person and gave the opportunity to continue studying. In 1867 The future writer ends with school, and from 1873. Learn in the gymnasium, which finishes on "excellent" on July 26, 1875. And gets a certificate of maturity. During his studies in the gymnasium, the Mother Maria died (in 1872), which he loved very much and dedicated her memories in the poem "Pisnya I Puzia" (1883), in the poem "Dutchs at Interi" (1881).
After the death of Mother, stepfather married again, but did not change his attitude towards the foster son and helped him continue to learn.

From the early years of "Kobzar" T. Shevchenka became a favorite book I. Frank. In the gymnasium, he continued the formation of his worldview, so I was also interested in Polish, German, French literature. As a result, Franco came to the idea that the basis of the Ukrainian literary language should be a native language.

In the summer of 1874 Ivan Yakovlevich Franco for the first time travels independently according to Pipperpathy and makes folklore records. After drogobic in the fall of 1875. He rides in Lviv, enters the Faculty of Philosophy of Lviv University. He writes a lot and becomes the most influential person in the editorial office of the journal "Friend".

Another gymnasister, he prints his first literary works at the student university journal in Lviv "Friend". Having entered the student "academic circle", Franco became an active employee and the author of the journal "Friend". In the magazine, he places poetry, translations, prints the first large story of "Petrії і Dovbachiki." Also, Franco printed the translation of the novel "What to do?" M. Chernyshevsky in the magazine "Friends" (1877).

His activity, thanks to the denunciations, soon was noticed, and together with the members of the journal "friend" were arrested. In prison, I.Franko promoted 8 months. before the trial, and only 6 weeks have been awarded him. After the release with prison, the writer did not surrender and continued its activities. Together with M. Pavlik, I. Franco begins to publish the magazine "Public leisure", in which he publishes his poems "Comrades of the IZ TURMI", "Patriotic Pori", the beginning of the story "BOA Constrictor". Unfortunately, after the second number, the police confiscated the magazine, so the magazine name had to be changed to "Dzvіn".

In the renamed magazine, Franco printed its famous poem "Kamenyarі" and the story "My Strach Z Olekso". The last issue of the magazine (the fourth in a row) was published under the "Hammer". In this issue, Ivan Yakovlevich finished typing the story "Boa Constrictor", the Satyric poem "Duma about Nauma Naumozyovich", his very popular article "L_Teatura, ї" L_Teatura " .

At the end of 1878. I. Franco became the editor of Praca, who ultimately turned to the body for all workers of Lviv. Ivan Yakovlevich began to issue a whole list of NOVEL for Slovyanchi Almanach, among whom "Milyara" for the conceived new newspaper Nova Foreign Basis, Borislav SkієєєV, works on the translations of "Nіmetchina" Gaine, "Faust "Goethe," Kyan "by Byrona, etc., creates" Catechizis of Econi Socyalizmu. "

In March 1880 I. Franco rides in the Kolomoisky TN. On the way, he was arrested for the second time in connection with the shipping process, which was led by the Austrian government against Selyan Kolomia. In prison, Franco sat for three months, after which he was sent accompanied by the police to Naguyevichi, but on the road once again put in a drogobitty prison, which I.Ya. Franco described later in the story "On DNI".

Returning after such adventures in Lviv, he takes an active part in the workspace "PRACA", writes the social program "Whim Word of Galice's Rob_nitzka Gomadda." Also in the PRACA newspaper, Franco publishes his well-known poem "GIMN" ("Vіchny Revolutionary").

In 1881 Franco issues a brochure in Polish "about Prica. Booker for robberіv. In the same year, he begins to publish the magazine "Svit". In it, it is practically in every room publishes part of the story "Borislav Skyby", unfortunately, I. Ya. Franco and was able to publish the story to the end, because The magazine was closed. But before the closure of the magazine, he still managed to printed many well-known articles "Caution to Ontsinnya Piazia Taras Shevchenka". In 1881, in April, Ivan Franco rides in p. Naguevichi. There, besides writing new works, performs daily selenic work.

In February 1885 I.Franko goes to Kiev, where it meets from O. Konicimsky and V. Antonovich on the publication of the newspaper. But by regret, negotiations were not crowned with success. The only warm memory of Kiev remained about meeting with the families of Lysenkov, Staritsky and Koschacha. Taras Shevchenko

In the journal "Svіt" Ivan Yakovlevich Franco prints a number of revolutionary poetry, which later entered the assembly of "s-vertices of і ninn". After the closure and this magazine, Frank had to make a living in magazines "Dilo" and "Zorya". In Zori, he publishes the historical story "Zakhar Berkut", and a very large article "Ivan Sergіysich Turgeneus".

Dreaming about the publication of his own magazine, Ivan Yakovlevich twice goes to Kiev (1885, 1886) to get material assistance from the Kiev "Ground". But Kiev liberals simply did not hold the words and gave the money "Zori", not a writer.

IN 1886 In Kiev, Ivan Franco married Olga Khorunzhinskaya and took her to Lviv. But his happiness was overshadowed by the dismissal from "Zori", from now on he needed to look for how to earn money on bread. And he was lucky, he became an employee of the "Courier Lvovsky" newspaper. In the same year, the assembly of "s vertices і ninn" is coming.

A serious material condition forces Ivan Frank to work in "Pravdi". But even the need could not keep him there for a long time - in May 1889. He breaks his ties with the "trueness" and in the letter "Who for Cesar" accuses "true" in nationalist closure.

In August 1889 I.Franko rides with a student group from Rossi in a tourist journey. The Austrian government saw in an attempt by a writer to separate gallowing from Austria and to attach it to Russia. For that, he was arrested with students. As a result, Franco sat in prison 10 weeks, after which he was released without trial.

In 1890 Together with M. Pavlik, Ivan Franco publishes the two-week "people", which became the authority founded this year "Ukrainian Radical Partії". In the "People", the writer prints the stories "Pork", "Yak then Zhyoda DIM I Foure." In the same year, his assembly of stories "In Poti Chola" with the autobiography of Frank.

In Lviv, Ivan Franco organizes "Scientific Research", in which he himself speaks on the issues of political economy, scientific socialism, the history of the revolutionary struggle. Franco's struggle decided to arrange in the scientific sphere. He conceived to write a doctoral dissertation by choosing the topic: "Political poetry TG Shevchenka. "

Lviv University did not take the dissertation for protection. Therefore, the writer rides in Chernivtsi, but there is a failure there. Franco disappointed by the new doctoral thesis "Varlam I Johasaf" - Old Christian Spiritannika Roman І Yoy Lіteursna Istorіya. In June 1893 He is given a stage of the doctor of philosophy.

In 1893, Franco publishes the second (supplemented) edition of the assembly of the "s-vertices of і ninn". After it, four more wonderful assemblies come out: "Zіv'yal Sheet" (1896), "MIY ISMARAGD" (1898), "IZ Dnіv Zhurbi" (1900) and the story "reheat stitches" (1900).

From 1898 In Lviv, the magazine "L_teuro-Science Visnik" begins to go. Naturally. That Franco immediately becomes the most active employee of the magazine, and then the editor. In this magazine, he publishes his articles "IZ Secret of Fighting Creative", "Lesya Decorate" others.

In 1905 I. Franco writes in honor of the revolution in Russia its famous poem "Moise", the poem "Conk_stadori". In the same time, the writer writes an article review "Nova Istorіya Rosіyskoy Lіteraturi". He also speaks with his famous and popular article "ІDej" І "Іdeali" of the Galitskyo Moscow, "which shows Galitsky Moskovphons in their entire" glory ".

In 1906 There is an assembly of Semper Tiro poetry, and a year later - the story "Great Noise."

In 1907 Franco is trying to take a seat at the Department of Lviv University, but he does not receive a response to his request, because This place has already occupied Grushevsky.

In 1908 Ivan Franco is ill. The big overload led to nervous disorders, contractures of both hands. Treatment to Croatia has helped from this. But over time, health began to deteriorate again. He went to the treatment in Kiev, Carpathians, Odessa (1913). As soon as it became even easier for him, he immediately took a job. Thanks to this self-dedication, he wrote an article about the drama Pushkin "Boris Godunov" (1914), Article "Taras Shevchenko" (1914), the poems "єVshan-Zilly", "Konchakov Glory" and others.

IN 1915 The state of the health of the writer deteriorated on nothing. In the spring of 1916 The patient Franco moved to his house in Lviv. On March 9, 1916, the anticipation of the ambulance, Ivan Yakovlevich Franco is a will, in which all his handwritten works together with his own library asks for a scientific society. T.G. Shevchenka. May 28, 1916 Ivan Franco died. Three days later, Truno with his body was temporarily delivered in the crypt. But "temporarily" stretched out for 10 years, only after this period the remains of the Great Writer were transferred to the Licharkovsky cemetery in Lviv. At the grave of Ivan Frank, a monument was built with an employee carved on it - Kamenir. This monument can be seen now.

After graduating from school, he studied in the gymnasium, it worked along the way to secure his life after the death of his parents. Higher education in the biography of Ivan Frank was begun in 1875 at the University of Lviv. There he joined the Moscow Party.

In 1877, he was arrested, she spent 9 months in imprisonment, and could not agree at the university. In the further biography, Franco was twice under arrest - in 1880, 1889.

During imprisonment, there was a significant material for his works. In the soul of the writer, the fire of struggle against injustice, which was reflected in his novels. From 1885 to 1887, Franco worked as chief editor of the "Zorya" edition. Its a great popularity among the people received his collection "Z Verkhin I Lynod", the story "Missia", "Plague."

Also, the biography of Ivan Frank is known as an active public, political figure. Together with Pavlik, he organized a batch of strict Democrats - the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party, for a long time published the publication "People". In 1893, a lyrical compilation of Frank "Radiated Leaves" came out. Approximately from the same year is devoted to learning.

For research on Mitskevich Ivan Franko was forbidden to be printed in Poland. Become to cooperate with Schavchenko, Franco began to work as the editor of the "LiTureno-Scientific Protection".

Since then, there has been many scientists of writings. The great Ukrainian writer died in 1916 in poverty.

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Ivan Franco is a famous Ukrainian poet and writer. He distinguished himself not only in literary, but also in public and scientific activities. One of the greatest inhabitants of Ukraine is Ivan Franco. His biography, however, will be interesting not only to Ukrainians.

The origin of Franco

Years of life of our hero - 1856-1916. Ivan Yakovlevich Franco appeared in the village of Naguyevichi. Now it is located in the Lviv region (Drohobych district). His father was a rural blacksmith. Ivan Ros Sapoy. His father, Yakov Franco, died in 1865. At this time, the boy was only 9 years old. Later, in 1872, his mother, Maria Kulchitskaya, died. Despite the difficult financial situation, Ivan studied.

Period of study

From 1862 to 1864, he went to school that was in a nearby village; In 1864-67 - in primary school, located in Drohobych; And in the period from 1867 to 1875, Ivan visited the gymnasium in Drohobych. Subsequently, being already a well-known writer, he described the orders in the gymnasium with indignation. In such stories as a "pencil", a "cleaning lesson", "Gritz in school", "Father-humorist" Ivan Franco with an amazing truthfulness portrayed violent teachers who were driven by stupid gymnasic wisdom in children's heads.

In short, we describe one of these stories. In the work of "Father-humor", we are talking about a person who is considered a merryman, a humorist. However, in fact, this thin man with a horseful face teases children if they make mistakes, mocks them, punishes rugs, puts the guys on the "donkey bench". Other teachers depicted by the writer were no better.

The photo presented above refers to 1870. This is a gymnasic photo on which Ivan's classmates (he himself - in the second row, first left).

Franco would not be an outstanding person if at one time did not replenished his school knowledge reading books. Reading was his favorite activity. Ivan mined books where he could: in libraries, in his comrades, and sometimes, crewing some money, bought cheap publications. It should be said that Ivan distinguished himself in school. In 1875, he was provided with a scholarship from the Glovinsky Foundation. In the same year, in the fall, he entered the University of Lviv, to the philological department. Scholarship Ivan Franco was provided for the entire period of study at the university. It seemed that Ivan was waiting for a calm and secured future. He could be a professor at the university or a gymnasium teacher. His friends and relatives were counted for it.

First arrest

However, in the first years of study at the University, Ivan Franco showed himself as a public figure, besides the socialist, progressive direction. He started friendship with Mikhail Pavlik and Ostap Terletsky. Through the first one, he tied the correspondence with M. Dragomanov, who was at the time in Geneva. Dragomanov was a revolutionary socialist, dangerous in the eyes of the Ukrainian police. Due to correspondence with him, our hero was arrested in June 1877.

Together with the comrades Ivan Franco was accused of creating a secret socialist society. In January of the following year, the court recognized Ivan the guilty. He was sentenced to six weeks of imprisonment. Since at that time, the term of the investigative opinion was not counted in punishment, Ivan was released only six weeks later, on March 5, 1878.

Consequences of arrest

The sentence was small, but his consequences were terrible. The fact is that a person who has a criminal record could not become a teacher according to the law. Because of this, the purpose of further training Ivan Franco became unclear. Our hero also selected a scholarship. In addition, Franco is seriously cold during the conclusion. This disease later became chronic. She pursued Ivan all his life. But this is not all the consequences of imprisonment. Father of the bride Franco, Olga Rochekevich, was a priest and refused to him in the matchmaker. He even forbade Olga to see the "criminal" and correspond with him. Their marriage, unfortunately, did not take place.

New persecution

Police persecution of our hero did not end. He was again arrested in Kolomy in March 1880. Franco was again accused of socialist agitation. He spent three months in the conclusion, while the investigation lasted. According to its results, it was recognized that the arrest of Franco does not have reason. On June 13 of the same year, our hero was sent on stage from Kolomyi to Naguyevichi. Memories associated with this conclusion obtained by Ivan's impressions were reflected in his work. They formed the basis of the story of Franco "at the bottom."

Police did not leave Ivan Franco alone. For the third time she remembered him in connection with the arrival of Ukrainians in Lviv, who came from Kiev. Ivan was arrested in Lviv in August 1889. This time he was accused not only in socialism, but also in espionage in favor of Russia. However, this time the accusations were unfounded. The prison impressions of this time were reflected in the "prison sonnets" - the poetic cycle created by Franco.

Personal life

In 1886, Ivan married. His wife became a girlfriend from Kiev, Olga Khoruzhskaya. The Franco family had four children, but family well-being since 1902 began to collapse. The wife of Ivan began a mental disorder, intensified with time. It brought our hero a lot of grief.

Ivan Franco in 1902 moved to his own home (he previously filmed housing). The current address of the house where Franco lived. I. Franco, 152. There is a memorial Museum of the Writer. For the construction of housing Ivan took a big loan. Payments on it were completed already after the death of Ivan his son.

Ivan Franko's disease

Franco in April 1908 went for treatment and rest in Lipik, which is located in modern Croatia, near Zagreb. Here, his illness was greatly aggravated - both hands were paralyzed. In addition, signs of mental disorder were noticeable. In later years, these manifestations of the disease somewhat softened. However, Franco has never been completely healthy. Contemporaries believed that his illness was a consequence of syphilis suffered by once. It delivered great trouble to Ivan Franco. Currently, however, the doctors tend to believe that since 1877, since the conclusion, our hero was sick of one of the forms of rheumatism. We are talking about the concept of it were formulated after many years after Ivan's death.

Death Franco.

Exhausted by diseases, public and family problems, lack of money, our hero died in Lviv, in his home, on May 28, 1916. The grave of Ivan Franco is located on the Lychakov cemetery.

Ivan Franco as a poet

We now offer to get acquainted with the literary creativity of Ivan. For the first time, Ivan Franco appeared as a poet in 1874. Its biography is marked by the creation of poems until the last days of life, until 1916. Among his works are a lot of excellent poems on public affairs and personal experiences. They were collected in several books.

However, the poetic talent of our hero with the maximum force manifested itself in large poems, and not in the lyrics. Ivan created realistic pictures of the Galician life, modern to him. Here it is necessary to note such works as "Botokudi" (1884), "Human" (Poem of 1889), as well as the poem for love established in 1890. Ivan Franco has also captured the images of the historical past Ukrainian people. Among the works on this topic should be noted "Baric jokes" (1887), the poem "Ivan Skyzhensky", created in 1895, as well as another work - "on the Svyaturaskaya Mountain" (1900). Ivan Franco dedicated several of his creations to reasoning about God and religion. It should be noted the poem of 1885 ex Nihilo, as well as the Death of Cain, created in 1889.

An important place among written Ivan the poems belongs to the processing of various plots from world literature. These are such works of 1890, as "Mis Mikita", "Adventures of Don Quixote", "Tsar and Ascetic", "Abu Casimov", as well as the poem "Kuznets Bassim", created in 1900.

What kind of work is the vertex of the poetic creativity of the author of interest to us? Researchers believe that this created in 1905 the poem "Moses". In this work, the basis of which is the biblical plot, presented the Ukrainian people, who began the struggle for its independence.

Franco - Prose.

Ivan Franco was not only a poet, but also a prose. In these works, he acted as a realist who focused on the problems of the Galician life, modern to him. It was Franco that the first of the Ukrainian writers depicted a life of Borislava workers who worked on oil fishery, as well as entrepreneurs' Jewies who were their class antagonists. In 1877, the work of the "addressed sinner" appeared, in 1884 - BOA Constrictor, in 1887 - Yatsi Zelepuga, in 1899 - "Oilman". Created in 1882 Roman "Borislav laughs" is considered to be the best product of this cycle.

Creations dedicated to the life of the intelligentsia also occupy a significant place in Prose Franco. In 1880, Ivan wrote "at the bottom", in 1897 - "for the home focus", in 1900 - "cross-trails". An important place among the works of this series belongs to those devoted to the Ukrainian-Polish relations. Among them should be noted "Lel and Poleln" (1887), as well as the "Pillars of the Company" (1894). Both works, unfortunately, remained unfinished.

The fairy tale of Ivan Franco "Fibers Fox" is also very noteworthy ("Pillardings" means "painted"). According to her, in 1953, a Soviet cartoon was created, a multiplier director of which is Alexander Ivanov. "Painted Fox" is one of the most popular works by A. Ivanova.

Many Ukrainians have a film called "Zakhar Berkut". It tells the story of the struggle of the freedom-loving people with the social oppression and invaders. Speech in this film is about the Carpathian village. The plot was based on the work of "Zakhar Berkut" Ivan Franco.

Ivan Yakovlevich showed himself in drama. His play "Stolen Happiness" was innovative for his time. Yes, and today it looks quite modern. In the play "Stolen Happiness", a family life is depicted, which looks outwardly happy. However, this family is destroyed right in front of the audience. The provincial Ukrainian town was chosen by the venue. A classic love triangle lies in the center of the plot of this work. The lives of three people woven together - Anna, her spouse Moiku and his beloved Mikhailo. Jealousy, treason, love, true and imaginary deaths, repentance and murder, the wonderful "resurrection" - this play by passion power is not inferior to the drama of Shakespeare.

Translation activities

All his life, Franco worked on translations of various works of world literature. His merits on this field are very high. From the translations belonging to him, you can make a whole library.

Extremely wide range of works that were attracted by Franco. Its translations include the creations of ancient Greek, Old andarab, Ancient Indian literature; Ancient Babylonian poetry. As for the new literature, Ivan Franco translated it in 1882. He was interested in other German, as well as French, Polish, English and Italian works.

Among the translations of Franco are whole books of writings K. Gavlichka-Borovsky and A. S. Pushkin. Separately, it should be noted the cycle of translation transfers created by historians of ancient Rome. Ivan Franco worked on them from August 1915 to March 1916, that is, in the last year of life.

It should be noted that he translated Ukrainian folk songs into German, and also helped M. S. Grushevsky to create a German version of the "History of Ukraine-Russia". Not only artwork adapted Ivan Franco. Its biography is marked by interest and to popular science works of various topics, to which he addressed in the 1870-80s. Ivan considered them useful in enlightening the Ukrainian people.

Activities as a folklorist

From the very beginning of his creative activity, Franco showed interest in folklore. In 1876, the first folk tale in his record was published. "Galico-Russian folk proverbs", as well as the Studio over Ukrainian folk songs, have become the most important achievements of Franco on this field. Ivan published many ethnographic and folk recordings and research. In addition, he recorded a number of folk songs.

Franco as a historian of literature

In several directions, Ivan Franko proceeded above the history of literature flowed. The first of them is the story of the plots. The most significant achievement in this direction is the doctoral dissertation Franco, protected in 1895. The second direction is to pick up, studying and publishing various works of Ukrainian literature. Here you need to note the collection of Franco "apocryphas and legends from Ukrainian manuscripts." Ivan found and published the creations of Ivan Khozhensky, which a number of studies wrote about. He also published the works of T. Shevchenko, Yu Fedkovich, A. Svidnitsky and other Ukrainian writers. Another referral in which Franco worked is to write synthetic works on the history of Ukrainian literature.

Social activity

Young Galician intelligents in 1890 created the Russian-Ukrainian radical batch, which until 1898 was headed by Ivan Franco. This party adhered to the socialist direction. She sought to become a representative of wide circles of workers.

Ivan Franco In 1895, he became a candidate for the Vienna Parliament (from the Radical Party) at the Vostiska electoral district - Dobromil - Menley. In 1898, he was a candidate for another district - Skalat - Zbarazh - Ternopil. However, both times Ivan Franco was still not elected.

Franco in 1899 came out of the radical party created by him, and entered the Ukrainian National Democratic Party. As a result, the radicals lost the influential leader, and the National Democrats did not receive significant power. Franco in a new party did not distinguish special activities. After some time, he stopped political struggle and fully focused on scientific and literary activities.

Let's sum up

Ivan Franco, whose biography is considered in the article was a writer and a poet in his vocation. However, he could not calmly watch the political situation in his country. Therefore, he did not allow himself to remain only a writer. Ivan Franco is decisively and willingly accepted for any case, which was, in his opinion, useful for the Ukrainian people. Therefore, many literary plans could not be implemented by Franco, whose verses and prose nevertheless enjoy deserved recognition. In some lyrical works, our hero of Gorky complained that he failed to realize all his plans in the literature.

However, it is thanks to the universalism of the activities of Franco, we can say that it is one of the builders of the modern Ukrainian nation. This is confirmed by the fact that Ivan Yakovlevich is depicted on a bill of 20 hryvnia. Of course, this fact suggests that his figure is very important for the Ukrainian people. Since 1992, Ivan Franco, Ivan Franco, is at a bill of 20 hryvnia. Her design changed several times, but Franco's figure always remained in place.