Mamenko is the last speech in the Simferopol Circus. Humorist Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts

Mamenko is the last speech in the Simferopol Circus. Humorist Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts
Mamenko is the last speech in the Simferopol Circus. Humorist Igor Mamenko: biography, personal life, creativity and interesting facts

Our today's hero is a wonderful artist Igor Mamenko. The biography of this humorist today is interested in many Russians. You too? Then we recommend reading the article from the beginning to the end. Only truthful information and interesting facts are waiting for you.

Igor Mamenko: biography, family and childhood

He was born on 09/10/1960 in the Zlatoblava capital - Moscow. In what family the future humor was brought up? His father, Vladimir Gennadyevich, was a circus acrobat and cascader. He performed dangerous tricks in the legendary picture of "Amphibian Man" and other films. Vladimir Matenko personally knew Nikulina Yuri. They worked in the same circus room.

And Igor's mother was the daughter of the leading opera artists who spent on the scene of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The woman received a good education, but most of his life played the role of a housewife.

Igorek grew an active and purposeful child. At an early age, he caught fire a dream of a hockey player's career. But then the boy refused this idea.

The ability to mix the surrounding people manifested from our hero in childhood. In the pioneer camp, Mamenko Jr. constantly participated in concerts and literary productions. He also started a notebook, where he recorded the most funny phrases from the jokes liked him. Then the boy came up with new funny stories and told them to friends.

At the footsteps of the Father

How was the life of our hero's life, which could tell the biography of Igor Mamenko about this? At the age of 15, he went to the metropolitan pop-circus school. There at one time studied his father. Mamenko-youngee managed to cope with the introductory tests. He was a diligent and responsible student. In addition to acrobatics, Igor mastered other circus genres - clowning, juggling and equilibristics.

The idol and an example for imitation for our hero was Yuri Nikulin. Igor liked how with the help of fun makeup and facial expressions he could cause laughter from the audience. Mamenko often satisfied the draws to his classmates, especially got him in (April 1).

Work in the circus and army

In 1984, Igor was presented with a diploma. He did not have problems with employment. A talented and confident guy took the circus.

He worked there by an acrobat until he came to the draft board. The young circusch did not shy away from the service in the army.

Igor Mamenko, whose biography is considered by us, got into the motorized rifle troops of the Kantemirov division. In the army, our hero continued to improve his acrobatic skills. He participated in concerts as part of a circus group. Then he was transferred to SK Skatrot.

Appearance on stage

After demobilization, Igor continued to perform in the circus. However, work stopped bringing moral satisfaction to him. Mamenko wanted further creative development, and also eager to try himself in another sphere.

Somehow, in a conversation with a long-time friend, Nikolai Lukinsky, he spoke about the desire to speak on stage. And a friend was vividly reacted on his words. Lukinsky offered Matenko to prepare several humorous numbers. And soon this duet spoke to the general public. Their joint number was called the "soldier and ensign". Igor Vladimirovich also told the audience several jokes. That day, Regina Dubovitskaya drew attention to the charming and extraordinary artist. She invited him to perform in the "manschlage". And our hero did not miss such a chance.

In 2003, all-Russian fame came to the pop artist. Biography of Igor Mamenko interested thousands of spectators. And after the speech with the monologue of the "mother-in-law", he had a nickname man-anecdote.

Further humorous career

A peculiar fairytale, imitation of female and male voices, an interesting feeding of the material - all this caused a smile with an appearance of an artist on stage alone.

Our hero not only reads works by famous authors, but also acts with its own monologues. For several years now, Igor Vladimirovich works closely with Leon Izmailov, and Altov Semen. He constantly recalls the wonderful author-Satirik Alexander Suvorov (now the late).

Mamenko has an ideal rumor and a nice voice. Perhaps musical abilities got him from grandfather and grandmother (on the mother's line) who sang in the opera. In the creative piggy bank, Igor has some funny songs performed in a duet with Anna Semenovich and Natasha Queen.

Today, many in our country know who Igor Mamenko (his biography is not secret for seven seals). Despite the merits and rewards, he remains a humble and kind person. He never had starry illness and arrogance. The artist does not refuse fans who ask him to give an autograph or make a joint photo. It can easily ride the subway.

What else can tell about our hero (humorist Igor Mamenko) biography?

Wife and kids

With youth, our hero was popular with the representatives of the opposite sex. Many young ladies dreamed of tie fate with a pretty and cheerful guy. But only one girl was lucky. With his future spouse, Maria, Igor met in the walls of the circus. The girl was a sportsman sports gymnastics. Mamenko has always been amazed by what inconspicuous pyruets under the circus dome she fought.

Once Igor and Maria included in one acrobatic number. Then between them, mutual feelings broke out. After that, young acrobats tried to spend more time together. Igoreek invited his beloved in a cinema, cafe, as well as for walks around the evening city.

The proposal to your future wife, our hero made quite modestly, without a bouquet of scarlet roses and invitations to the restaurant. But Mary is all not necessary. She loved Igor Vladimirovich so much, which, without hesitation, agreed to marry him. In 1980, the couple entered into a legitimate marriage. Celebration they celebrated in a close family circle.

In 1982, as the biography of Humorist Igor Mamenko says, his life has been replenished with a joyful event - he was born firstborn. The boy was called Dmitry. Another replenishment in the Matenko family occurred in 2000. The second son of Igor and Mary - Alexander appeared on the world.


How is Igor Mamenko? The biography indicates that in July 2014 he became a widower. Favorite spouse Maria died from a heart attack. The artist still can't accept her death. They lived in marriage 34 years. And only death was able to divide two sincere loving hearts.

Children of our hero have long grown. Senior son, Dmitry, is a successful businessman. However, the specific scope of its activity is not disclosed. And the youngest son, 16-year-old Sasha, is still studying at school. He is seriously interested in football playing as part of Spartak-2 team.

As for Igor Vladimirovich himself, he continues to participate in humorous programs ("Laugh is allowed", "Yumorina" and so on.).


We reported where I was born and when Igor Mamenko began to perform on stage. Biography, personal life and his work - about all these moments told in the article. We wish this bright and talented guide artist and more joyful events!

Name:Igor Mamenko (Igor Mamenko)

Age: 58 years old

Height: 167

Activity: Artist of pop, parodist, humorist

Family status: widower

Igor Mamenko: biography

Igor Mamenko - Russian pop artist, famous for his humorous monologues. The public loved as a virtuoso storytellor of jokes.

Childhood and youth

Igor Vladimirovich Mamenko was born on September 10, 1960 in Moscow. His mother is the daughter of opera artists who built a career in the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Father is the famous Acrobat, Circus Artist and Cascade. Vladimir Mamenko acted as Cascadera on the set of popular Soviet films, including participated in the creation of film "".

Also, the father of the future humorist could boast a personal acquaintance with his glorified and joint work with him over the commonly successful circus number.

Igor himself in early childhood dreamed not at all about the career of the artist: Being a boy, he represented how to become a professional hockey player. Although his mind was taken by deft pyruets with the key and successful falls of the washers in the gate, and from the young years, Mamenko was distinguished by the ability to raise the mood absolutely to everyone.

After going to the Pioneer Camp, Igor even started a special notebook with the sketches of the anecdotes liked, which the peers entertained every time a free minute was issued.

By the age of 15, the dream of a hockey player's career gradually disappeared from the head of a trigger boy. Instead, he decided to go in the footsteps of the Matenko-senior, who since childhood he considered the main model for imitating and the object of his pride. Igor entered the Moscow pop-circus school and took up the study of juggling, equilibristics and clowns.

Although now, looking at the colorful Igor Mamenko, to present it in the role of an acrobat, in his youth he was a promising circus. Of course, the shocking flights under the dome, he preferred to clownad, and on stage, and in life (the young artist adored "rolling up" his classmates). His idol in this area was all the same Yuri Nikulin - an artist who knew how to mix the public even in the absence of intricate makeup.

Mamenko graduated from the school and became a full-fledged circus artist. Soon after, he was called in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Igor served in the Kantemirov division (there, where he had previously gave the duty to his homeland and his father), in motorized rifle troops. During service in the army, Mamenko participated in the concerts of the circus group, continuing to cause violent ovations from the audience. Returning to civilian life, the actor again took up the improvement of circus skills.

Humor and creativity

Igor Mamenko was pleased with the career of the acrobat and loved the profession, despite the fact that it is conjugate with the constant danger of injury. According to the artist, it simply should not think about the possible consequences to achieve the success of circusch - he should strive to fulfill the trick as effectively as possible. But by the time of the 35th anniversary, the artist began to think about changing the profession, since age no longer allowed to be so flexible and accurate as in his youth. In addition, Igor began to add in weight. Now, with a height of 167 cm, the weight of the artist reaches 85 kg.

Nevertheless, Igor Manil the humorous genre and stage, what he once told Nikolay Lukinsky, his relative friend. Lukinsky took the revelation of a friend as a signal to action: immediately suggested Matenko to prepare joint humorous numbers. So began the creative biography of Mamenko on a humorous field.

Igor Mamenko and Nikolai Lukinsky

Nikolai and Igor performed a comic scene of "soldiers and ensign", in addition, the circus acrobat told a number of jokes. The charismatic artist failed to the audience, and already in 2003 he was invited to the TV show "Anshlag".

As part of the Anshan artists, Mamenko performed the "TShchche", "Dar of foresight", "Trip to Ethiopia", "I'm on Mars", "Hunter and Jew", "Stripter-Automeman", "Trip to Thailand from the mother-in-law" and Others. For the ability to spectacle to perform with long-term numbers and scarcely telling humorous stories Igor Vladimirovich soon received the nickname "man-anecdot".

Speakers Igor Mamenko

In a matter of months, Mamenko became one of the most popular artists of "Anshlag". Already in 2005, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and after three years he was given a prestigious Award "Golden Ostap".

In 2011, Igor Mamenko starred in the musical New Year's comedy "Adventures of Aladdin", where he fulfilled the role of the second plan. A fascinating tale was shown on the TV channel "Russia-1". The main roles were presented on the screen of the stars of the Russian and Ukrainian pop - ,. While this is the only film in the repertoire of the humorist.

Benefis Igor Mamenko and Sergey Drobotenko

As a sociable and the company, Igor quickly began his friends with other Russian humorists. The result of this friendship was joint numbers with glorified comedians ,. In 2009, Igor Mamenko prepared the number "At the doctor" in a duet with a famous humorist. And with repeatedly performed with benefits. The first large-scale concert artists prepared in the mid-2000s, after a concert program "Benefis for Two" appeared.

The company, an artist on stage, not once amounted to even "Buranovsky grandmothers", for which Russians were sick at Eurovision in 2013. Together with was the co-host television show "Parade of Stars". Humorists from the scene told jokes and showed joint miniatures.

Igor Mamenko and Gennady Winds

During the tour with Igor Mamenko, curious cases have repeatedly happened. Once, being with Svetlana Rozhkova in Germany, after the next speech, the artists received an invitation from the viewer to celebrate his birthday. Igor and Svetlana, having agreed, came out of the concert complex and saw the birthday officer sitting on a bicycle. Without the shadow of an embarrassment, the former compatriot offered Igor to sit on the frame, and Svetlana advised to get a job on the trunk. In addition to all, he informed the confused artists that the way to the cafe would be only 16 km away.

The comedian protrudes with monologues and other humorists, and also writes texts for their scenes on their own. Igor Vladimirovich was seriously surried by Alexander Suvorov's friend's life, in memory of which he performed the works of "day off in a circus" and "Spirit of the Earth."

Igor Mamenko and "Buranian grandmothers"

It is noteworthy that Mamenko has a musical hearing, and he sings well. However, the artist did not think about the singing career, making an exception only for comic songs. So, he gladly hesitated the public with musical performances with, and all the same "Buranan grandmothers". From the circus acrobat, it turned into a good-natured fat man, which always has a public to himself and, moreover, warmly communicates with fans.

Note that in the Internet space, Igor Mamenko sometimes believes for its monologues. Especially crumbled the audience after a number of jokes about the mother-in-law. The artist was accused of offering women aged.

As the comedian notes, these speeches can not be considered a broadcast of his personal opinion. The artist is trying on a certain image and goes to cheer the public. By the way, with his own mother-in-law Igor, Vladimirovich was always in warm relationships.

Personal life

The first love and faithful companion of life for many years - Maria - Igor Mamenko met in those days when he acted in the circus. As a master of sports in sports gymnastics, the girl soldered unthinkable pyruets under the dome. Once the will of the Fate Igor and Mary had to fulfill one acrobatic number together - then there was a spark between them and slipped.

The offer of the future spouse Igor Vladimirovich made modestly, without mostering scarlet roses and invitations in an expensive restaurant. However, to convince Mary to go with him under the crown and was not required, because the girl loved the groom with all his heart and agreed to marry him without hesitation. Since then, the personal life of the artist has not undergone changes.

At joint photos of this strong pair, Igor and Maria look at each other as if they were still young acrobats, suddenly and insanely fallen into each other. Spouses Mamenko lived a soul in the soul of 34 years, while in 2014 Maria suddenly did not dare from a heart attack.

The wife was for Igor Vladimirovich the main criticism and the first listener of his humorous monologues, and it was a stringent and unbiased critic. The artist was seriously worried about the death of the faithful spouse, but friends supported him in this misfortune.

Family of the Four Matenko turned out more than full: Igor and Mary had two children, sons Dmitry and Alexander. Dmitry became an entrepreneur, and Alexander, since his age is still small, studying at school and plays football. The young man is a member of the Spartak-2 team, where he comprehends the Aza skill of the goalkeeper. After the death of Mary Mamenko, Igor and Alexander live together, Senior Dmitry has long started his own family.

Igor Mamenko now

In recent years, Igor Mamenko has mastered a new stage image. The artist speaks with the "Daughter-predictor" number. Igor Mamenko puts on a bright wig, makes makeup, changes the manner of communication. The image was loved by the TV viewers of the Russia-1 channel.

Igor Mamenko in the image of a fortune

The new concert program artist prepared in 2018. Igor Vladimirovich's solo concerts have already visited the cities of Russia, a meeting with fans in the capital of Belarus is scheduled for autumn.

List of monologues

  • "Dar of foresight"
  • "Trip to Ethiopia"
  • "I'm on Mars"
  • "Hunter and Jew"
  • "Stripper-auto mechanic"
  • "Trip to Thailand from the mother-in-law"
  • "Gadal-predictor"

Few people know that the famous pop artist, parodist and humorist Igor Mamenko once worked as an acrobat in the circus. It can be said, continued a family business. His father, Vladimir Mamenko, was a fairly famous circus acrobat, worked as a cascadener in films, including in the "man-amphibian". When Igor turned 15, he entered the Moscow estate-circus school. And for many years he successfully twisted Salto and performed various tricks in the circuses of Russia. By the way, in 1984, Mamenko, then another acrobat, and not a humorist, came to Izhevsk and performed in our circus.

Oh, I remember your old circus very well! Until now, in memory, the picture has been preserved - all viewers are sitting in boots and drink kefir! And I on the arena of 15 meters a height of Sulto jumped and caught others, "said Igor Mamenko after the concert, which was held in Izhevsk on October 30. - At the same time they took me well. In those days, we worked a month in the circus. It was one united All-Union system. The Directorate was in Moscow. There was a department of formation, which sent artists in different cities. For example, clowns come from Bryansk, acrobats - from Voronezh and so on. The program was formed, there were discharge, and in a month everyone went back to different cities.

Igor Mamenko admits that she does not bored for Maneja - time left. Yes, and the acrobatics cannot be engaged for a long time: 30 years, a maximum of 35. After that, the person becomes older, in the sense that it cannot jump so beautifully as young. After 15 years in the circus, Mamenko left, guided by the rule: "If you go to the decline, it is better not to do this."

For 30 years, any acrobat is already defective, not the one. And I'm not even not 30. Therefore, as my dad spoke: "If you throw me, I'll shook, but ...", - the artist laughs.

"Your new circus is the best in the world!"

Igor Mamenko as a humorist comes to Izhevsk for the second time. And, as always, anchlage. The artist himself explains such popularity simply: he offers the viewer not "lots", but high-quality humor.

Now the TV is broadcast a huge number of third-rate humor. People of Soviet Exquisites, who grew up on brilliant humorists, do not need to explain what programs to watch, and which are not. But I would advise youth to choose a humor, over which laugh. Even a simple joke is ridiculous to tell not everyone. Frequently, the artists are so poorly served anecdotes, which, having a good sense of humor, you can simply read it in the newspaper and imagine much more funnier and better, "the artist is sure.

Arriving in Izhevsk at the invitation of the Production Center "Ovation", Igor Mamenko, of course, could not not look into the Izhevsk Circus - to remember the youth, to see what he became.

Best jokes Igor Mamenko

Talking husband with wife flying on a screw plane. The husband asks: - Dear, you think, why does the plane have these fans? - Yes, this is that the pilots do not sweat! Last time in flight they stopped, so the pilots instantly sweat!

Odessa. Odessa Khrushchevka, on the 4th floor he will rise to the native Odessa, calls on the door, he opens the door a hefty man, a dialogue approximately like that: - Good evening. - Good ... While - are you a friend of Barbaris? - I'm barberries, and sho? "So did you pull out my little son's abraj and heroys from the holes yesterday and saved his life?" - And ... yes, it was me! - And Kepachka Hde?

Imagine my husband and his wife, lie, rest, 3 o'clock in the morning, the very dream, and suddenly such an intense, I would even say the brazen, long-lasting doorbell. The husband went to open, who spoke quickly with someone, returns, falls on the barrel, the wife asks: "Who was?" He says: - The man came, asked that I pushed him. - Well? - Well, 3 o'clock in the morning! "What has happened here for 3 hours, a man came, he has a serious problem, you are also a motorist, you can also get into such a situation. - Zin! - Not Zina! Be a normal peasant, you will surprise me. " He puts on white-white pajamas, very beautiful slippers with pink bubo, descends down, on the street dirt, slush, rain. He flew half an hour, fell into the mud twice, lost the bubo, already pajamas of the khaki color, could not find this uncle, and that's it. Shouts: "Guy, where are you?" The voice of the right: "Brother, I'm here on a swing."

Young circus: childhood and family Igor Mamenko

On September 10, 1960, the future humorist Igor Vladimirovich Mamenko was born in Moscow. Father, Igor Vladimir Mamenko, was a famous circus artist, an acrobat and participated in the filming of famous films as a cascaderal, in particular, performed hazardous tricks in the "Amphibian Man" film. Vladimir Mamenko was personally familiar with Yuri Nikulin and worked with him for some time with him in the same circus room.

The mother of the future humorist was the daughter of the leading opera artists of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Bachelor Igor dreamed of becoming a famous hockey player. But his ability to cheer around the surrounding manifested in childhood.

In the pioneer camp, Igor began himself a notebook, which he recorded a few words from the anecdotes liked, to subsequently tell his friends. And when the boy turned 15 years old, he decided to go in the footsteps of his father, who Igor had always admired and proud.

Young Mamenko went to comprehend the aces of acrobatics to the Moscow pop-circus school, in which Matenko once studied. Like all students of the school, Igor Mamenko, in addition to acrobatics, mastered other circus genres: equilibristics, juggling, clownade.

Since everyone in the school knew Mamenko as the main junction, no one was surprised when he, together with acrobatic numbers, began to execute clowns. The idol among the circus artists for the young clown of Matenko was Yuri Nikulin. Igor liked Nikulina's manner to cause laughter from the viewer not an intricate grima, but a fairytale. Fun is an integral traction of the character of Igor Mamenko. He often played his classmates in circus school, especially delivered to his friends on April 1.

In 1984, the young Matenko graduated from the State School of Circus and Pop Art and began working in the circus acrobat. Soon he is called in the army. The young circusch is sent to serve in the motorized rifle troops of the Kantemirov division.

Interestingly, Mamenko Sr. also served in the Kantemirov division. In the army, Igor improves its circus skills, speaking at concerts as part of the Circus Group. Next, the service continues in SK Skat. After serving in the army, Igor Mamenko returns to his native circus and continues to work acrobat.

From acrobat to humorist: Circular career Igor Mamenko

Somehow in a conversation with his friend Nikolai Lukinsky Igor Vladimirovich shared his desire with him to try himself as a pop artist. Nikolay Lukinsky disagreed to this request, offering a friend to prepare several interesting numbers. Soon, friends spoke to the public in the joint number "Soldiers and the ensign", and Mamenko himself performed several jokes. At such an extraordinary and charming merchant could not not pay the attention of Regina Dubovitskaya. She invited him to his program. So Igor Mamenko fell into the "manshlag". And in 2003, Glory came to the pop artist Mamenko. After his speech with the monologue of "mother-in-law", the name "Anecdote man" was firmly strengthened at the artist.

Talented manner of performance, peculiar facial expression and imitation of votes - all this causes a smile and laughter when only the appearance of this good-natured fat man on stage. Not in vain Mamenko quickly seeks to recognize his talent not only in a grateful public, but also at the state level. In 2005, he was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in

2008, he is honored with the Gold Ostap award. Igor Mamenko performs works of both famous writers of humorists and their own. He enjoyed cooperating with Seed Altov, Efim Schifrin, Leon Izmailov. With sadness recalls his best friend's wonderful author Alexander Suvorov, who has gone away from life. In memory of the brilliant actor, Mamenko performs his works: "Spirit of the Earth" and "Weekend in Circus". Igor Vladimirovich has a good hearing, she sings well, not in vain his grandmother and grandfather sang once in the opera. But he is not going to sing seriously. The exception is made only if the song is funny. In such angle, he sang already with Natasha Queen, and soon it will be possible to see him in a duet with Anna Semenovich.

On the eve of the New Year, the artist receives many tempting proposals, one of which are shooting New Year's musical in St. Petersburg.

Igor Mamenko, despite all his merits and rewards, always remains a humble and good-natured person. He is alien to "Star Disease". It can easily be photographed with his fans and spectators, if they ask him about it. Mamenko does not consider it a gap.

Igor Vladimirovich for many years successfully performs in the "manshlag" and very much values \u200b\u200bby this program, rightly consider that it is here that a good humor sounds here.

Personal life Igor Mamenko

With his wife, Masha, the master of sports in sports gymnastics Igor Vladimirovich met the circus. While still unmarried, they worked in some rooms.

As Mamenko himself admits, they have a huge and mutual love and his wife and after his weekly touring, they are always found as if the husband was a year in space.

Igor Vladimirovich comes with delight to his wife, her ability to repay the brewing conflict, business, love for children, colors and animals. With everyone, she is happy with pleasure: both with a rabbit, and with a dog Johnny, grows and spread flowers. Mamenko admits that it doesn't know how to do anything around the house, but only everything breaks.

All men's work in the house makes his Masha. But it does not strain her. Together, the spouses have been twenty-three years old, and Igor Vladimirovich is ready to recognize his wife in love, as in his youth. In the family two children - boys. Senior, Dima, is engaged in a family business, and the youngest, Sasha is a schoolboy.

Mamenko's wife on tour with him does not go and rarely goes to his concerts, but in his work she and children take the most active part. Before appearing on the stage with another work, the artist reads it his loved ones. Sons and wife are his main critics. If they are not funny, they will not giggle just like that. And if the children and Masha are laughing from the soul, Igor Vladimirovich is sent to the scene with confidence.

Mamenko likes to sit with friends, drink some vodka or beer, tell me in the company Jokedot. He is fairly sentimental. May be confused, listening to a touching melody. Igor Vladimirovich Big fan of Jazz and the owner of a large phonothek, collected from his youth. He is a passionate fisherman and a hunter, and every summer goes to Karelia or Astrakhan to go fishing and hunting. Recently, the artist visited on vacation in Africa and there caught the catfish weighing 22 kg. Among the sports competitions prefers to monitor boxing and biathlon competitions.

Igor Mamenko, in contrast to many artists, does not see competitors. He has many friends among humorists: Elena Sparrow, Gennady Winds, Sergey Drobotenko, Light Rozhkov. The close friends of the artist are his classmates in circus school and Sergey Garmash - dramatic artist.

The main goal in the life of Igor Mamenko is to take place as an artist and ensure a worthy future to your children.

Famous Russian humorist, popular stage stage Igor Mamenko Native Moskvich. In the capital of our Motherland, he was born in 1960 in the family of circus artists. And, of course, from Early years, the boy began to comprehend the aza of acrobat skill. But I didn't like the circus art with young Igor, so at the first opportunity he ran into the courtyard, where, together with other guys, played moving games, and how all the boys of that time dreamed of becoming a famous athlete. Especially he was fascinated by hockey. At school, Igor Mamenko showed a good sharp challenge. To raise the mood he could absolutely to all. His cheerful stories from life, jokes and good jokes were born. For them, he walked himself a special notebook, where he had written in particular texts. By graduation, Igor left his dreams of great sports and decided to obey parents. At the insistence of the Father, he took the documents to a pop-circus school and at its end became a promising circus. He perfectly owned acrobat art, he knew how to juggle and knew the az clowns. Most of the young artist attracted exactly the clownade, his idol was Yuri Nikulin, with whom he was personally familiar with his father. In the circus Igor Mamenko met his half. She was a air gymnast. In love and harmony, they lived for more than 30 years, two sons gave birth to two sons.

Everything broke off the sudden concent of his wife. Woman died from a heart attack. Having served in the army, Igor Mamenko returned to the circus troupe, which has already become native for him. He continued his career of the acrobat, but here it with a new force of ugly humor. A young man seriously became interested in pop. And one day, he could not restrain and told his dream about his dream. And he suggested Igor to try. Friends developed a humorous number and together with him came to the stage in order to speak in front of the audience who came to the concert in order to laugh. It's hard to believe in it, but their amateur scene was waiting for success. Spectators began to call them on the BIS. And Mamenko told a few of his best jokes. This was the starting point of his pop career. Soon he was invited to the show "Anshlag", where his talent was finally revealed. Igor began to find out on the street. After 2 years, he became the best artist of "Anshlag" and a laureate of multiple premiums. He received a proud title of a well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation and became increasingly and more often to perform on stage, both solo and a couple with other well-known humorists. And Igor Mamenko began singing, not knocking out of the general humorous genre. It should be noted that many texts for their monologues he writes independently. But I will be happy to tell the texts of other authors from the scene. He interacts very well with the audience. Having barely coming to the scene, he immediately has the audience to himself. Igor Mamenko often travels on tour, stands up with his monologues on corporate enterprises and closed parties, takes part in the national concerts, flashes on TV screens.

Humorists and satyrics know how to diversify weekdays with light and positive. The uncommon sense of humor, intelligent and thin jokes help Igor Mamenko to seek stunning success at parties arranged in honor of the birthday, anniversary, weddings. At corporate holidays, in an informal setting, Quality Humor Igor Mamenko is relaxing and configures on holidays in colleagues. We will enjoy you to invite you humorist or satirist for the event.