L'one - biography, photos, songs, personal life, wife, children, albums, growth, weight. L'One - Biography name l she

L.'One – биография, фото, песни, личная жизнь, жена, дети, альбомы, рост, вес. L’One - биография Зовут л она
L'one - biography, photos, songs, personal life, wife, children, albums, growth, weight. L'One - Biography name l she

Anya is not only a wife and muse one of the best Russian rappers, mother of a five-year-old Misha and a ten-month Sophico, but also a successful businesswoman. She has its own brand clothes Inspiration Moscow, an important part of which is the help of charitable funds. On the help of other, family happiness and principles of the wife of the Russian rapper, Anya told in an exclusive interview with Peopletalk.

What did you do before meeting with Levan?

I was 17, I studied at school and did not dream about anything special - was the usual teenager.

How did you meet?

On September 1, in the first year in the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. MA Lithuania in Moscow at a student party in honor of the first day of study. I was then met with another guy, Levan beat me from this boy and said: "Well, now you are mine." Since then, we live.

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How has L'One changed since you met?

Well, at least he matured, he became a father twice, but for me he is still the same.

What is his father?

Stunning, the best father for your children! Attentive, sensitive, strict, reasonable, best dad I do not know.

Sweatshot, chipoodl; trousers, uniqlo; Sneakers, Poblenou

If Levana leave one with children, does he cope?

Well, with two, probably no, with one yes. I still did not risen and did not try ( Laugh).

Are you strict parents?

I hope that the Golden Middle, very strict I never wanted and do not want, but there should be borders, children should feel the authority, but I hope that our children will not need a rigor.

Do you have any rules in the upbringing of children you stick to?

Respect for older, moral principles, attention to others, kindness, responsiveness, the desire to love the world despite the fact that he is shit.

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Misha knows the patina songs by heart?

And how does the dad respond to the scene?

He is delighted, he is a devoted fan, shouted louder than everyone at the last concert in Crocus.

How did your life changed with the advent of his daughter?

Cool, I began to sleep less, the house was louder, but it's great!

Who is heavier - with daughter or son?

With both when they are two. One is a resort.

When are all at home, how do you spend the day?

We are watching a telly, we are lying on the couch, eat, play games. Home, calmly.

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At the concert of her husband, are you usually behind the scenes or in the hall?

In the hall. I was behind the scenes once when I drove Misha to the concert, I like to be in the hall, there is all the energy, you feel everything, you are not the case behind the scenes. I need to yell, jump, sing.

Are you the main fan of your husband?

No, I'm after Mishani!

Is there a favorite husband's song? Maybe of those that are dedicated to you?

It will be immodestly, but they are almost all devoted to me. ( Laugh.) But I love all the songs, it's hard to say which one.

Is it difficult to be a popular rapper wife?

It's not difficult for me, because I do not perceive him as a popular rapper, he was simply successful in his profession, which he chose, and I am proud of them. There are just household difficulties. We can't go to some places to walk, we although we live next to Gorky Park, but we can't walk there at certain hours, because we will be uncomfortable, but in general it is very normal.

Misha. Sweatshirt, givenchy; Trousers, IL GUFO; Boots, Fendy. (Danielonline.ru) Anna. Sweatshot, chipoodl; trousers, uniqlo; Sneakers, Poblenou

The most romantic deed of a husband?

We have a lot of our romantic moments, he generally comrade is romantic, so it is difficult for me to allocate. For 13 years, there was a lot of different things, he is a very attentive husband and a man, there are constantly surprises, from the last one - he gave me a day of his birthday to Amsterdam with a surprise, I flew with girlfriends to a concert.

(From the editorial board: to shoot, which was held on February 14, Levan brought Son Misha and two bouquets for Ani!)

How do you see your life in 10 years?

Pouring champagne. Children grew up, I can afford slowly. I dream that all my relatives and friends will be healthy and happy.

I plan to develop my company, an increase in sales, expansion of the line, and an increase in the number of children's homes that we help. Now, after four years of cooperation with specific children, we know that everyone needs. And we know that we can help them to fulfill dreams and desires. I hope I will have enough strength and teams to ensure that children we can help become more.

Misha. Sweatshirt, Dolce Sports trousers, Givenchy. (Danielonline.ru) Anna. Sweater, Free Age.


We make charitable events for the last two years, however, there was a break because of my pregnancy. We organize charitable days, sporting events, sending funds from training to helping the orphanage and the branch of nursing care in the hospital, which we help. Here on April 7 in St. Petersburg in Loft, the floor project (Ligovsky Prospect, 74) will be a great event "Inspiration of St. Petersburg. Inspiration St. Petersburg, sports workouts and PublicTalk with interesting personalities, it will all be combined with the market, wherees, except our St. Petersburg brands will be. And then we plan to do everything in Moscow.

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L "One (or Levan Gorosiya) is a popular rap executor, the founder of the Marseille group (Marselle) and the former artist of the Phlatline label, which in 2012 became a member of the BlackStar Inc group of the same name.

Childhood l`One

Levan Gorosiya was born on October 9, 1985. In the city of Krasnoyarsk. His father is Georgian, Mother is Russian. Together, they finished one university in Krasnoyarsk together, then the Father held senior positions in the forestry, and Mom worked as an accountant.

According to the artist himself, the father in his childhood was very strict with him, trying to instill Georgian values, and the mother always supported and belonged to his hobbies with understanding. Although his dad in his youth participates in theatrical productions, perhaps these genes and were transferred to Levan.

During the youth of the Son, his family moved to the city of Yakutsk, where the future rapper began to actively engage in basketball, becoming a player of the local national team. However, his sporting career was not destined to take place and Levan left the sport after the knee injury, which he received during one of the games.

Interest in hip-hop culture The future artist began to show pretty early. In one of the interview, he admitted that rap-lyrics began to write at 13 years old, and with the advent of the Internet began to develop programs for creating music.

Home career L`One

His path to Media Industry began with the KVN student team, in which he initially performed as a member, and rather soon became his leading.

By 20 years, the artist led 2 transmission on the Yakut radio channels, wrote scenarios for corporate events and even led the television transmission. Despite the fact that L'One has achieved great success in its activities - he decided to try his hand in Moscow, since the framework of a small media sphere of the city began to be crowned.

Studying and moving to Moscow L`One

Under the pretext of what rides into Moscow to enter the faculty of journalism, and in fact, setting the goal of developing his work, L "One, together with his comrade Igor Podrelik (NEL) moved to the capital, where the apartment began to take apart.

"The father hoped that I would become a lawyer, and my mother was supported by my journalistic inclinations," recognized the rapper.

On Zhurfak, Levan Gorosiya did, nevertheless came, but after two years of full-time learning, he moved to correspondence in order to concentrate on his work. After the state examinations, the artist went to school.

After numerous attempts get a job in Moscow, L "One received a place of leading on the radio station" Next "- the only one at that time a canal that did not neglect the songs in the Rap genre.

"I used a service provision, bringing songs on the radio with words:" Look at what! ". Music director said: "Well done!" "And she postponed them," L'One told in one of his interviews.

Salary, a young performer lacked, so he operated in parallel in a creative agency, writing scripts for corporate events.

Music career l`one

The path to rap music, as noted above, the artist began in his youth. Together with his friend Nel, he founded the Marselle group. Basically, Levan was engaged in writing texts, and his comrade - the imposition of a bit on them.

In 2007 The group concluded a contract with the representation of a large, German music label "Phlatline". Then the first mixture of the group was released: "I'am The Russian Dream Vol.1".

The first wave of popularity was flooded after the participation of both musicians in the TV show "Battle for Respect", which was going on the MUZ-TV channel. There L "One in the semifinals lost to his comrade for the group - NEL, who later became the finalist of the second transmission season.

However, the group began to learn. In 2008, the album "Mars" came out with their most famous single "Moscow", which was held at the top of the charts for many weeks. In the record of the album, such artists were attended as: Sasha Legend, Basta, Theon Dolnikov and others.

L "ONE - all dance elbows

On March 31, 2011, the Group announced the termination of cooperation with the Phlatline label, and in the year L'One on his page in Twitter reported that the group broke out due to creative disagreements.

Personal life l`One

Levan (L'One) is married to Anna Gorosiya, from whom he met still as a student of the Faculty of Journalism in 2004. After 5 years, the couple officially legalized her relationship.

Artist has a mezzan's brother, who is henger for 5 years. He is an active participant of KVN and accompanies Levan on a tour: leads the introductory part of the concert before performances L'One.

Since 2014, rapper is the owner of the RBT content store - showcases of melodies replacing the usual waiting beep.

L`One now

Since May 18, 2011 L "One signed a contract with the Blackstar leibol, under which his solo album" Satellite "was released. The single" all dance elbows "from the album quickly became the All-Russian hit and the first song in the" Trep "genre, which won the cult status in Russia.

L "One - Tour" All or Nothing! " (Episode 1. Yakutsk)

February 13, 2013 Channel "Blackstar" laid out on Youtube clip on this song, which collected a total of more than 10 million views. A week after release, the album "satellite" took the fourth line in the iTunes Store rating.

L'One actively cooperates with other label musicians.

In an interview with the spouse of the popular Rapper L'One, Anna Gorosiya told, whether her husband dreams on stage, why did his own business opened and when he plans to become a mom for the third time.

Wife L'One Anna Gorosia rarely meet in secular events. Neither the artist's spouse is neither an outbreak of cameras, nor the light of soffits, nor seductive for many the word "show business". With much larger enthusiasm Anna devotes her time to family and its own business - the brand of clothing Inspiration Moscow, the essential part of the profits from which goes to charity.

If you suddenly decided that in an interview with Anna, there will be a pathetic to argue about how good and help people have to disappoint.

Unlike many stars, our interlocutor says it is very simple, although it burns and pays attention to every little thing. The same approach has for family responsibilities.

Anna and L'One together for more than ten years. Holding a hand on the hand of fire, water and copper pipes (read: glory, money and constant absence of a house), the spouses not only retained, but also strengthened their relationship, giving birth to two children - Mikhail and Sophico. About all this our today's interview.

site: Anya, what is this - feel your wife of a popular artist?
Honestly, I never considered myself from such a part, in such an area, so I do not feel anything special.

site: Have you supported the spouse on the way to a big stage or tried to dissuade from the idea to get into the show business?

A. g.: First, I, of course, always supported him and support him. Secondly, I can not impede his aspirations, because it's not my business. Everyone should do what he likes.

"And thirdly, Levan is engaged in music, not show-business. And these concepts are very clearly divided into our lives. "

No show business, there are only music, creativity.

site: And you yourself, looking at your husband, did not think to become an artist?

A. g.: I do not have such ambitions, fortunately.

website: Today you have the opportunity to be a housewife and educate two children, nevertheless you have discovered your own business. Why do you need this?

A. g.: I need to do something, I have a need for self-realization. Husband, children, family are all fine, but not the only thing in life. I try to keep something from me myself. Otherwise, I'm just uninteresting, I'm going crazy, degrading. It is possible that women housewives will be offended for me, but I personally, I am dulling during the decree ...

"Of course, the family will always be in priority, but this is not limited to this."

site: Do you think self-realization is important for a woman?

A. g.: Sex is not important here, how old you are and in what status you are - self-realization is important for any person. There is always something that can be developed, on what to make an emphasis and from what fun. Someone immediately understands what he wants to do, and someone needs time. But sooner or later everyone comes to the case of their dreams. The main thing is to look stubbornly and not stop. Otherwise, what kind of life is this?

site: How did the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your clothing brand appear?

A. g.: It all happened as a puzzle, literally in one evening. In the first pregnancy, I went to maternity leave after a long work in a large corporation. And at some point I realized that there would not be back there. When the child grows a little, I realized that I needed to do something, implement myself.

"I felt that I was bung on maternity leave, there was some stagnation, and I can't live without movement."

I tried different activities. It so happened that I had a certain amount of money. I could spend it on myself, give it to charity or try something from these funds to squeeze. And in one evening the idea arose: why not try to combine business and charity?

site: Do you have this entrepreneurial veil, or are you responsible for the creative component?

A. g.: That's just an entrepreneur in me much more than creative. I am on the formation of a producer and much easier to decide what business questions. I sometimes even embarrass the word "brand", because this project is not about fashion. There is nothing supernatural in our clothes - it's just everyday things with meaning.

"In fact, I do not really love the word" "charity", "because today, as a rule, it gives an unpleasant lurch"

site: So, you have an idea to combine business and charity. How it works?

A. g.: This is called a socially responsible business. In fact, I do not really love the word "charity", because today, as a rule, it gives an unpleasant lurch. When I just started my job, someone called him a fully charitable project, and someone - even a foundation. And such definitions were misled, because I always said that this is a commercial project. Yes, there are 40% of the profits that I give, but there are another 60%, which I leave myself. And I want people to clearly understand. In front of my team, there are tasks not only to help in need, but also, for example, to increase sales to earn. Therefore, the socially responsible business is, as an entrepreneur, reserve the right to dispose of the profit, as I want.

"I think if you have the opportunity to help your activities someone else, then you need to help."

So, we organize events with the foundation of Konstantin Khabensky. For example, on April 7, the festival "Inspiration of St. Petersburg" will be held in St. Petersburg, which will be held in Golitsyn Hall. The festival is a market where various brands, including our, will present their products. There will also be a cinema with films about Petersburg. Famous St. Petersburg figures from various spheres will perform with their lectures. Inspiration is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis festival. We want to show that, no matter how hard life is, you should not lose inspiration and get sneezing from the intended path.

The admission ticket to the festival will cost 400 rubles, and all the funds collected from sales go to the foundation of Konstantin Khabensky. As for brands, they will be transferred to the account of 30% of revenue. Thus, we hope to provide substantial support for the ward.

site: Who helps your brand personally?

A. g.: We are directly working with the Udomelian orphanage in the Tver region and with the branch of nursing care at the hospital in the city of Pushkin.

Many ask why we help only one kindergarten. The fact is that when we came there for the first time, I realized that I could not go anywhere else. One-time communication with such children is ineffective at all, if you set a goal to help, and not just bring gifts and take a picture. Children do not need it.

"When you come to them for the first time, they look at you as an enemy, not understanding that you are doing here at all, why do you push gifts and wait for smiles. It is very difficult".

Only on the fourth of our arrival, the children finally opened. Girls came to us and asked to bring elementary lingerie, hygiene products. They cannot ask for such an unfamiliar aunt, but these are the necessary things that they do not have.

Today, coming, we bring the fact that children really need: books, clothes, toys. The guys learn in ordinary schools, and, for example, on graduation they also want to be elegant, like their classmates. Of course, we will respond.

With a hospital a little different story - there are older people after operations, injuries and so on. 80% - lying, so not with everyone it turns out to be in contact as I would like. These people we help more financially: buy medicines, equipment and everything you need to restore. They also ask us for something, and we bring it.

site: Did you think about getting a child from the orphanage?

A. g.: ... Honestly, my husband and I have never raised this topic, so I find it difficult to give an accurate answer. While I focus on your concerns about my children. Despite the fact that we are planning a third child with Levan until this topic in our family climbed. It is too early.

"A husband sacrifices all for the sake of children. May not sleep for days to see the son, daughter "

site: You have two children, spouse, work, homemade troubles. How do you all have time?

A. g.: I'm not always good luck, frankly. I am a man. You can depict a beautiful picture from yourself, but it will be untrue. Hard timing helps me to cope with all responsibilities. If I want to do everything, then since the morning I paint things on the clock and minutes. And then most often everything is developing. And there are days when everything collapses.

site: With the second child, it became more difficult to achieve everything or the motherhood experience still helps?

A. g.: On the one hand, it is easier because you have already passed all this and calmly react to many things. On the other hand, no one is easier - their two. Each child requires attention. The daughter is so very small: she is without a couple of days.

"Just recently became a little simpler: I didn't sleep at least to seven months - for some reason I didn't recognize the daughter at all. But I do not complain, children are happiness. "

site: How do you support fire in relationships?

A. g.: We are trying to get out together in cinema or restaurants, sometimes breakfast or dinner together. This, of course, is very important. Such joint gatherings occur infrequently because of Luvan's workload, because the weekend it tries to spend with children. He almost sees them practically. And here in rare moments, we cut the time for us two. Even if very tired, we understand that you need, because otherwise you forget what it is - to be alone. Sometimes literally with a silk self-taking into the cinema, but then sit down and kaifuh.

site: What is Levan Dad?

A. g.: Lovely, very attentive, sensitive. Husband sacrifices all for children. Maybe not to sleep for days to see the son, daughter.

site: What kind of mom do you?

A. g.: I hope that good. Ropes from me, of course, do not match. I can be very strict, but I want to believe that I do not overdo it.

"First of all, I am my children friend. I want them to understand it, they trusted me and were not afraid. "

But at the same time knew that they could always get (laughs - approx. site).

"After the first birth, I lost weight quickly. Now it's harder: the body does not want to let go of fat "

site: Do you find time today? For example, read the book, lie down in the bath.

A. g.: For the first time in a long time I took the bath quite recently when I was in London. My husband had a concert there, besides, my girlfriends live there, and I decided to fly for three days. For the first time since the birth of the daughter, we were together. And the first thing I did, being in the room, I took a bath, although I usually prefer shower. But this time I enjoyed exactly the fact that no one would pull me, I don't need to get up anywhere.

site: How else do you care for me?

A. g.: Be sure to sport: at least three times a week I go to the hall, I am engaged in about an hour in the morning. I, fortunately, I love to play sports. I recently went to a trichologist to return my hair after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

"In general, for the first time for the first time, I applied only after the birth of my daughter."

I looked so terrible that I understood: it's time (smiles, - approx. Site). I went, but I did not like it, therefore I prefer from cosmetology only massage.

site: Did you easily come into the form after childbirth?

A. g.: After the first birth, I lost it quickly, although then it seemed to me that extra kilograms leave very slowly. After six months, I was already in my premented form. Now it is more difficult: the body does not want to let go of fat. I still adhere to the dietary system, and until the ideal is far away.

"Lose weight quickly is not my story, I'm not Oxana Samoilova."

Of course, I, like any woman, I wanted to return to a prewed form as soon as possible. But, first, I initially understood that this is not my version of weight loss, and secondly, I was still thinking about health. Beauty beauty, but the main thing is not to harm yourself.

site: What see yourself and your family in the near future?

A. g.: I hope to see all members of my family healthy and happy. I do not know where we will, what we will do, but we will definitely be cool. The main thing is to all together.

Levan Gorzoriya is a popular rap executor, the founder of the Marseille group and the former artist of the Phlatline label, which in 2012 replenished the ranks of Black Star Mafia. On October 9, 1985, the chairman of the forestry committee of the Krasnoyarsk region and his wife was born a son, which was called Levan.

Rapper L "One (Levan Gorosiya)

Future rapper brought up in rigor. The head of the family, Georgians by origin, was a serious restrained person, who even in the presence of relatives and loved ones was a meager for emotional manifestations. Mother Levan - the full opposite of the spouse. She possessed a thin spiritual organization and was friendly and open both with family members and with unfamiliar people.

L "One in childhood

During the years of youth, the Gorosius family moved to the city of Yakutsk, where the future rapper began to actively engage in basketball. However, his sports career was not destined to take place. Levan left the sport after the knee injury, which he received during one of the games. Interest in hip-hop culture The future artist began to exercise at the age of 13. It was then that he wrote his first text and began to develop programs for creating music.

L "ONE engaged in basketball

By twenty years, the ambitious young man had already had experience in radio channels and was in parallel to be involved in the projects of two Yakut radio stations. Already at that time, the fame of the radio meeting did not cover the tirelessly growing ambitions of a young man. Levan decided to reach a new level and under the pretext of filing documents to the university, together with another Igor Villager (Rapper NEL) went to Moscow.

Family L "One

From the biography of the star BLACK STAR label, it is known that the institute Levan Gorosiya did after all. True, after two years of full-time learning at the Faculty of Journalism, the guy was transferred to the correspondence department to concentrate on creativity. After numerous attempts to get a job in Moscow, L "One still received the place of lead on the radio station" Next ". The salary was lacking with a young man, so he worked in parallel in a creative agency, writing scenarios for various celebrations.


Together with a comrade, Hip-Hop performer Nel "Ohm, he founded the Marselle group. Levan was writing texts, and his buddy - the imposition of a bit and selection of music. In 2007, the Group concluded a contract with representatives of the major German music label Phlatline. The first wave of popularity was floating after Participating friends in the television show Channel Muz-TV "Battle for Respect". Then L "One in the semifinals lost to his comrade for the group.

In 2008, the album "Mars" came out with their most famous single "Moscow", which was held at the top of the country's charts during a couple of weeks. In the album records, such artists were attended as Sasha Legend, and. On March 31, 2011, the Group announced the termination of cooperation with Phlatline label, and after a year l'one on its pages in social networks posted a post in which he said that the group broke out due to creative disagreements.

L "One and Timati

On May 18, 2011, L "One signed a contract with the Black Star label, under which his solo album" Satellite "was released. A week after the release, the composition ranked the fourth line in the iTunes Store rating, and the title song of the lock" all dance elbows "became the All-Russian A hit. On February 13, 2013, the Black Star channel laid out on Yutube clip for this single. The video collected a total of 11 million views. The charismatic tattooed performer in 173 cm also collaborated with other musicians of the label:

In October 2013, L'One together with Timati and wrote a song-promotion for GQ magazine. In addition, in addition to the authors of the composition, the stars of the Russian show business were starred:, and. On October 6, 2015, Levan's solo album "Lonely Universe" was released, whose track list was included for the first time after decay, the song of the Marselle "Mars" group was included.

In March 2016, the artist visited the program "Evening Urgant", where he performed the song "Hey, Bro!". A couple of months after the debut on the first channel, the singer recorded a duet with the Single "Yakutanochka".

L "One and Varbara Visbor

In the same year, L "One there was a conflict with a representative of the Dead Dynasty musical formation. At one of the concerts during the execution of the song" Mom, I don't want to live "Raper Pharaoh sent Levan far and for a long time. Gorpsieth could not leave the incident. The bid took place at the Adidas party, on which Levan came to the company Nike. After a conversation, Tet-a-Tet Pharaoh apologized to L "One.

In 2017, the lights saw clips on the composition "Time of First", "Chance", "Medal for Medal" and "Fire and Water". Also L "One, together with the Quest Pistols Show and Mumiy Troll groups, took part in the filming of Coca-Cola's video" Try ... Feel! "

Personal life

From the first and only wife, Gorosia met, being a university student. The love story of Levan and Anna began long before the whole country began to dance elbows under his composition. Young people weakened the relationship after 5 years from the moment of dating. In 2010, their wedding took place, and three years after a significant event, the wife gave him the Son, who was called Misha. Levan explained the choice of named by the fact that all Mikhails, who encountered on his life path, were strong and positive people.

L "One and his wife Anna

According to the stories of the artist, they and Beloved were preparing for the birth of a child throughout all nine months of pregnancy. A married couple made overhaul, as well as the permutation, so that in the house it became spacious. After the appearance of Anna in 2016, Tatler's debutant balls with a markedly rounded stomach crawled rumors about the second pregnancy of the spouse of the BLACK STAR label.

L "One with family

Suspicions were confirmed when in 2017 in the family of Gorosieu, replenishment happened. Musician's wife gave him a daughter Sophico. In an interview, the artist repeatedly recognized that after the birth of her daughter became sentimental and wounded. Now hip-hop performer often takes the heir to his concerts. Moreover, Misha often goes to the scene to help the chapter of the family to execute the Tiger track.

L "One now

In May 2017, the performer of the chance composition visited the show of the TV channel "Improvisation", in which participants, Dmitry Posov, and a couple with the lead they tried to make rapper. In early July, the singer performed at the VK Fest festival in St. Petersburg, which was the "Road" song, "I will be young", "Sleep", "Medal for Medal", "All or Nothing" and "Ocean". Concerts in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Sochi, Gelendzhik and Braslava (Belarus) took place in the same month.

About the latest news from the life of the star BLACK STAR label fans will recognize not only from the official community of the Singer "Vkontakte", his

L "One. // Photo: "Instagram"

A wonderful event occurred in the family of Black Star Musician Levan Gorzowia, which is known for the general public under the pseudonym L "One. On April 15, the rapper was twice with his father. The spouse of the 31-year-old performer gave him the second son.

The joyful news of the rapper L "One shared with the subscribers of his microbloga. He published a short funny video with him in the lead role made, apparently in the medical office.

"April 15. I am the happiest man on earth. Happinnes exists! Favorite, thank you! God is great!" - enthusiastically wrote a musician.

L "One has not yet informed the fans of any parameters of the newborn heir, limiting only the message with gratitude to the beloved wife Anna. No floor nor any kid parameters.

However, this does not prevent RPER subscribers to rejoice in his happiness and heartily congratulate him in the family. "Hooray! Grow healthy and strong "," Congratulations! Let the baby grow healthy and happy "," Leva Dubl designed, congratulations! "," I wish all the best, whatever the child is so beautiful and talented as his parents, "" I congratulate you, it's really the best day! "," Health, Levan, all the Georgians are proud of you, "cool! Even in Easter, "" Hurray, happy fate of the baby, "such comments under the post of Raper L" ONE leave his fans.

The newborn baby became a second child of a couple, which already raises the son of Mikhail. Firstborn L "One and his spouse was born in 2013. The performer will hear a caring father and is often confessed in microblogging, which is very missed by the family during the tour.

It is worth noting that the musician has replenished the list of celebrities, in whose families in April of this year replenishment occurred. In the first half of the month in the Russian show business, the most real baby boom happened. The third son gave birth to singer Natalie, the firstborn was born at the star of the world podium Irina Shayk, for the third time I became my mother's vocalist Anna Sedokova - the performer gave birth to his son. The fourth child was born in the family of Alla Dovlatova, a 42-year-old radio service gave birth to a daughter. Son to her husband, football player Alexander Kerzhakov presented His wife Milan, the parents called Artemiem's \u200b\u200bkid.