Florence Foster Jenkins is a famous singer who did not know how to sing.

 Florence Foster Jenkins is a famous singer who did not know how to sing.
Florence Foster Jenkins is a famous singer who did not know how to sing.

Mark Twain once noticed: "If the person combines ignorance and self-confidence, then success is inevitable." In 1944, a concert Florence Foster Jenkins was held at one of the prestigious musical sites of Carnegie Hall in New York with anchlage. The story of this woman is unique in that she managed to achieve tremendous success, having no feeling of rhythm or voices. The future singer was born in 1868 in a rich family of the Industrialist Charles Darranz Foster. Since childhood, the girl played on the piano, some even believed that Florence was a gifted child. When at 17 years old, the girl declared his intention to devote himself to music, she met a categorical refusal from parents. Father did not want to pay such a lesson to his daughter. Then Florence married Frank Jenkins, who was twice as older than her, and rushed out of Pennsylvania to Philadelphia.
Their marriage lasted three years. When Florence learned that her husband infected her with syphilis, she filed for a divorce. But it was not the worst thing that could happen. All the dreams of Florence Steel a professional pianist did not come true, because she hurt her hand. But the woman was not desperate. At the beginning of the twentieth century, she and her mother (father had already died at that time) moved to New York. Florence organized "Club Verdi" where lovers gathered classical music. She encouraged musical talents, and herself decided to become an opera singer. Florence Foster Jenkins belonged to those rare people who were confident in their irresistible and talent. The inheritance of the father allowed the woman to take the lessons of singing and live as she wants. Poster Plorence Foster Jenkins in 1944 in Carnegie Hall. In 1912, the newly minted opera singer organized his own money solo concert. Then other performances followed. True, at first, only acquaintances and musicians from the "Verdi Club" came to her concerts, in whose development she invests money, but gradually Florence became a celebrity. The uniqueness of Florence was that her had no sense of rhythm, and she did not know how to contact her voice. Critic Daniel Dixon wrote about her: "She caught and shine, a pipe and vibrated. When it comes to sing, she forgot about everything. Nothing could stop her. She thought she was a great artist. " The singer herself, hearing from the dump hall, believed that these were just the worshipers who envied her talent. Florence considered himself an unsurpassed vocalist. This phenomenon is also called the "Dunning-Kruger Effect", when a person believes that he is geniant, despite the fact that it is not. In 1937, the recording company Meloton Recording made a proposal to the singer Write a gramplastine. When Florence came to the studio, she abandoned any rehearsal, saying that everything would be perfectly performed. What was the surprise of workers in the studio, when the singer said that the first time she sang perfectly, so the record stamps should be printed on these records.
On October 25, 1944, a landmark event was held for Flase Foster Jenkins - a performance on the most prestigious Music Platquin Carnegie Hall. It was a full all-week, people bought tickets for another week before the concert, and their price was $ 20 (quite a lot at the time).
Meryl Strip in the role of Florence Foster Jenkins. 76-year-old Florence gave all his strength to this concert. A month after the speech, she died. Some believed that the woman was too touched hard and mocking reviews of critics. She sighed: "They are such nonsense, such nonsense!"

Alas, the girl had no voices or hearing, but it was a problem later, when the decisive and stubborn Florence firmly told parents about the desire to continue musical education Abroad to become an unsurpassed opera artist.

Amazing story Florence Foster Jenkins went on the basis of four plays only for last years. Third of them, "Souvenir" Stephen Temperley (Stephen Temperley) started on Broadway in November 2005, and the fourth, "Glorious!" Peter Kilter (Peter Quilter), at the same time was set in England (England). Since then, it has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200band came out in more than 20 countries. The musicians were dedicated to Jenkins their albums, there were entire programs about her and her work. Probably, in the sooner time you can expect interest in Jenkins life and from Hollywood producers.

Meanwhile, the Broadway Star Judy Kaye, who played Florence in Souvenir, told that it was very difficult to "sing so bad." Contemporaries and descendants called Jenkins the most terrible opera singer of all the times and the peoples and the greatest artist of all bad singers, and the audience gathered in Carnegie Hall on her famous performance in 1944, did not even try to restrain laughter. Critics wrote that this singer is completely devoid of talent, voices, rhythm feelings, musical hearing, diction, respiratory control, voice ownership and even at least any pleasant timbre, and the modern listener will fully agree with them - from Jenkins there were records, quite accessible to listening to YouTube, and they sound like a cruel parody of opera art.

Why people still remember Jenkins why they write and talk about her why she did not disappear from human memoryAlthough almost 70 years have passed since her death? The reason for how the Italians say, Il Sacro Fuoco, "Sacred Fire", who had all her life, was enough to revive her image and return him to the stage as a literary heroine.

Florence was determined to make single career And absolutely unshakable in their ambitions. Even dying, Florence sincerely believed that she was the greatest opera singer in the world, and laughter in visual halls And criticism in the press - no more than attack by the evil envious of its divine soprano. Modern researchersHowever, such a condition is considered one of the types of cognitive disorder and even gave him a scientific name.

So, the history of Narcissa Florence Foster began on July 19, 1868 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania). Loving parents, Charles Dorranz Foster (Charles Dorrance Foster) and his wife Mary Jane (Mary Jane Hoagland) took care of Florence a good education, of course, like all girls from good familiesShe took music lessons. Alas, the girl had no voices or hearing, but it became a problem later, when a decisive and stubborn Florence firmly told parents about the desire to continue musical education abroad to become an unsurpassed opera artist. Despite the fat wallet, the father refused to pay her bills, and then Florence escaped from the parental house to Philadelphia (Philadelphia) with a Frank Thornton Jenkins, a doctor by profession. They got married in 1885, but the marriage turned out to be unsuccessful - it turned out that the husband either did not approve the artistic inclinations of his young spouse - and, in the end, in 1902 they divorced.

After the divorce Florence remained in Philadelphia and earned a living with teaching and playing on the piano. In 1908 in her life appeared theater actor Saint Clair Bayfield (St. Clair Bayfield), who later took over the responsibilities of her manager, and this is this relationship and was destined to continue until the end of her life.

When her father died in 1909, Jenkins, who had already had the fifth ten, inherited an impressive condition that finally allowed her to take care of her singing career. She took the lessons of vocal from a certain opera diva, whose name carefully hid, and began rotating in musical circles Philadelphia and New York (New York City), where he founded the Verdi Music Lovers Club.

In 1912, Florence began to perform with concerts, and at first she had to finance his speeches.

In 1928 her mother died, and the singer added to his account additional means. She was over to that time for 60 years, but Florence did not think about leaving the scene. Over time, she became not just a celebrity, she turned into a legend. The repertoire of Jenkins consisted of works of Mozart (Mozart), Verdi, Strauss (Strauss) and Brahms Romances (Brahms), which were far beyond its technical capabilities. According to the memories of eyewitnesses, even her permanent accompanist Kosme McMoon (Cosmé Mcmoon) was sometimes forced to strain the face behind Florence to resist laughter.

Florence loved the complex costumes that came up with herself, and often went on stage in the image of the "Angel of Inspiration", in a sophisticated silk dress with cardboard wings behind his back, which, maybe a young slim girl would have created an additional comic on the campaign lade Effect. The audience Valil's shaft on her concerts.

Apotheosis of her career was the performance in Carnegie Holly on October 25, 1944 - the places were sold out a few weeks ahead, despite war time, crisis and high ticket costs. Stormy applause even drowned in the hall.

She died in a month, on November 26, 1944, fulfilling his dream. Florence wanted to sing, and she sang, and the rest, in essence, no matter.

Today we will tell about who Florence Foster Jenkins. Biography of it will be described in detail below. We are talking About the American pianist and singer with soprano voice. It is one of the first representatives of the so-called outsider music. She became famous thanks to the absence of a singing talent, and at the same time she considered himself an unsurpassed vocalist. She had a kind of so-called Dunning-Kruger's effect. In such a state, a person is confident in his genius or talent, although it is objective not so.


Foster Jenkins Florence - Pianist, who was born in 1868 her parents called Charles Dorrance and Mary Jane. She studied piano game With eight years. In 17 declared the desire to go to Europe to study music. Rich industrialist Charles Foster her project refused to pay. As a result, she escaped with a doctor named Frank Tornton Jenkins in Philadelphia. Later he became her husband of our heroine. Florence Foster Jenkins earned the fact that he gave music lessons.

With Frank, the marriage was unhappy. They divorced in 1902 in 1909, after the departure of the father from life, our heroine inherited an impressive amount. This allowed her to start her singing career. She dreamed about it for a very long time. However, this idea was disapproving ex-husband And parents.

"Club Verdi"

Florence Foster Jenkins took lessons from the famous opera singer, However, only our heroine and Claire Bayfield - Her Managing knew her. Actively engaged in creative musical Life New York and Philadelphia, she founded the Verdi Club. He reminded the society of connoisseurs of classical music.

Florence Foster Jenkins In 1912, a debut solo concert organized personal funds. Next, it began to perform on various scenes Springs-Springs, Boston, Washington and Newport. Over time, the efforts of our heroine was crowned with success. She became a celebrity in New York. Every year, she gave a closed concert at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Only Favorites are invited to this event: colleagues, critics, fans and friends. Stone into the hall to 800 people. In 1928, the mother of our heroine died.


The phenomenon of Florins Jenkins Florence lies in the uniqueness of her voice. The fact is that no one dared to sing so for the general public. She had no sense of rhythm and musical hearing. She could not completely hold a note. Kosh Macmun, its permanent accompanist, could hardly suppress laughter at its concerts. The laughter of the public who came from the hall, our heroine regarded as a professional envy. The repertoire consisted of the famous scenic Aria Strauss, Verdi, Mozart, Brahms songs. It was also included in it written by her and mamogo work.


Florence Foster Jenkins for performances often put on extraordinary people invented by her. Most famous image - "Angel of Inspiration", a silk dress with cardboard wings and sparkles. In 1937 sound recording studio Under the name Meloton Recording suggested our heroine to write a gramplastin.

She distinguished itself a very original approach to work in the studio. All equipment settings and rehearsals were rejected by it. She came to the studio and dug. All disk tracks were recorded from once. After listening to the result of the result, the singer recognized it excellent. She demanded that the records were created precisely on the basis of these records.

In 1943, a taxi, which was transporting Florence, suffered in an accident. The singer remained unharmed. In addition, she found that it was after an experienced event that could take the most high Note F. Previously, she could not do this. As a result, she sent a taxi driver with expensive cigars as a sign of gratitude.

For a long time, our heroine was kept to perform on the Karnegi Hall scene - the most prestigious site of New York. However, she refused without explaining the reasons. But in 1944, October 25, Florence at the age of 76 finally gave there a concert there. The hype was so great that all the tickets managed to sell a few weeks before the concert. Florence Foster Jenkins died a month after the triumph. It happened in 1944, November 26th.

Do you think that only in our time a person can become famous as a singer, being completely devoid of abilities to singing? Nothing like this!

Meet Florence Foster Jenkins. She had neither musical hearing, nor a feeling of rhythm nor singing talent. And that is why she became famous for the whole world.

Florence was born in 1868 in the family of Charles Dorranz Foster and Mary Jane Chogland. From the age of 8, she studied the game on the piano, and seventeen declared his desire to go to Europe to study music. Father, a rich industrialist, refused to pay her project, so she escaped into Philadelphia with a French doctor Tornton Jenkins, who later became her husband.

She earned on life, giving private music lessons. Frank's marriage was unhappy, and in 1902, Florence was divorced with him. And after the death of the Father in 1909, Florence inherited an impressive amount, which allowed her to engage in his singing career, which she had dreamed of so long.

Once again, we note: to sing Florence completely did not know how she had no abilities for singing. At the same time, she considered himself an unsurpassed vocalist.

In psychology, there is such a concept - "The Effect of Dunning - Kruger", it describes the phenomenon when people having a low level of qualifications make erroneous conclusions, accept unsuccessful solutions And at the same time unable to realize their mistakes due to the low level of their qualifications. So, Florence was confident that she was genius, and completely unable to understand that it was not.

Actively engaging in the musical life of Philadelphia and New York, she founded something like a society of lovers of classical music - "Club Verdi". In 1912 on own funds She organized her first solo concert. Next, she began to play on the scenes of Newport, Washington, Boston and Springs Springs.

Little way, year after year, the efforts of Madame Jenkins were crowned with success: she became a local celebrity in New York, and once a year she gave a closed concert at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, who was only invited to favorites - Friends, fans, critics and colleagues for workshop. Up to 800 people were stuck in the hall.

"She caught and shine, pipe and vibrated,"

Chiticus Daniel Dixon wrote in December 1957, remembering Madame Jenkins. Her permanent accompaniator Kosme McMoon could hardly suppress laughter during her concerts.

"When time came to sing, she forgot about everything. Nothing could stop her. She thought she was a great artist ",

He told. Laughter of public who is coming from the hall, Florence regarded as a manifestation of professional envy. If you, too, it seems that the detractors envied the talent of Florence, listen to her singing, because quite a lot of her records reached the present day. But we, if that, you were warned.

Her repertoire consisted of popular scenic Aria of Mozart, Verdi, Strauss, Brahms songs, and also written by her and Macmun. Often Madame Jenkins put on the speeches "chic" stage costumeswhich she came up with herself. The most famous image was the "Angel of Inspiration" - a silk dress with sparkles and cardboard wings behind his back.

Florence Foster Jenkins - "Angel inspiration"

In 1937, the recording studio Meloton Recording offered Florence to record a gramplastine. Madame Jenkins showed a very original approach to studio work. All rehearsals and equipment settings were rejected. She just came and soldered, the disc was recorded, and all the tracks were recorded from the first time. After listening to the records, she called them "excellent" and demanded that the record stamps were printed from them.

In 1943, a taxi in which Florence was kicked by an accident. The singer remained the whole and accidentally and even suddenly discovered that after experienced shocks could now take the highest note of Fa, which could not. And instead of suing a taxi driver, she sent him as a sign of gratitude box of expensive cigars.

For a long time, Madame Jenkins fans crossed it on the most prestigious stage of New York - in Carnegie Hall, but she refused for unknown reasons. However, on October 25, 1944, 76-year-old Florence finally gives a concert there. The excitement was such that all the tickets were sold out a few weeks before the concert, and the price for them reached $ 20 (considerable money for those times!).

One month after his triumph, November 26, 1944, Florence Foster Jenkins died. There were rumors that she passed away, did not move the numerous mocking reviews of critics to the speech in Carnegie Hall.

"They are such nonsense, such nonsense!"

She crushed about them. However, everything says that she died happy man. But it is probably the most important thing.

Based on the life of Florence several plays were delivered. And in 2016, Foster Jenkins film was released, main role In which brilliantly performed Meril Streep.

Florence Foster Jenkins - famous singer, which is not able to sing at all, do you think that only in our time a person can become famous as a singer, being completely devoid of abilities to singing? Nothing like this! Meet Florence Foster Jenkins. She had neither musical hearing, nor a feeling of rhythm nor singing talent. And that is why she became famous for the whole world.

Florence was born in 1868 in the family of Charles Dorranz Foster and Mary Jane Chogland. From the age of 8, she studied the game on the piano, and seventeen declared his desire to go to Europe to study music. Father, a rich industrialist, refused to pay her project, so she escaped into Philadelphia with a French doctor Tornton Jenkins, who later became her husband. She earned on life, giving private music lessons. Frank's marriage was unhappy, and in 1902, Florence was divorced with him. And after the death of the Father in 1909, Florence inherited an impressive amount, which allowed her to engage in his singing career, which she had dreamed of so long. Once again, we note: to sing Florence completely did not know how she had no abilities for singing. At the same time, she considered himself an unsurpassed vocalist. In psychology, there is such a thing - "Dunning - Kruger Effect, it describes a phenomenon when people having a low level of qualifications make erroneous conclusions, take unsuccessful decisions and are unable to realize their mistakes due to low levels of their qualifications. So, Florence was confident that she was genius, and completely unable to understand that it was not. Actively engaging in the musical life of Philadelphia and New York, she founded something like a society of lovers of classical music - "Club Verdi". In 1912, on its own funds, she organized its first solo concert. Next, she began to play on the scenes of Newport, Washington, Boston and Springs Springs. Little way, year after year, the efforts of Madame Jenkins were crowned with success: she became a local celebrity in New York, and once a year she gave a closed concert at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, who was only invited to favorites - Friends, fans, critics and colleagues for workshop. Up to 800 people were stuck in the hall. "She caught and shine, a pipe and vibrated," wrote Critic Daniel Dickson in December 1957, remembering Madame Jenkins. Her permanent accompaniator Kosme McMoon could hardly suppress laughter during her concerts. "When time came to sing, she forgot about everything. Nothing could stop her. She thought she was a great artist, "he told. Laughter of public who is coming from the hall, Florence regarded as a manifestation of professional envy. If you, too, it seems that the detractors envied the talent of Florence, listen to her singing, because quite a lot of her records reached the present day. But we, if that, you were warned.

These are Adeli's couplets from " Battle"Strauss, if you suddenly not recognized her repertoire consisted of popular scenic Aria Mozart, Verdi, Strauss, Brahms songs, and also written by herself and Macmun. Often Madame Jenkins put on the speeches "gorgeous" scenic costumes, which she came up with herself. The most famous image was the "Angel of Inspiration" - a silk dress with sparkles and cardboard wings behind his back.

In 1937, the recording studio Meloton Recording offered Florence to record a gramplastine. Madame Jenkins showed a very original approach to studio work. All rehearsals and equipment settings were rejected. She just came and soldered, the disc was recorded, and all the tracks were recorded from the first time. After listening to the records, she called them "excellent" and demanded that the record stamps were printed from them. In 1943, a taxi in which Florence was kicked by an accident. The singer remained the whole and accidentally and even suddenly discovered that after experienced shocks could now take the highest note of Fa, which could not. And instead of suing a taxi driver, she sent him as a sign of gratitude box of expensive cigars. For a long time, Madame Jenkins fans crossed it on the most prestigious stage of New York - in Carnegie Hall, but she refused for unknown reasons. However, on October 25, 1944, 76-year-old Florence finally gives a concert there. The excitement was such that all the tickets were sold out a few weeks before the concert, and the price for them reached $ 20 (considerable money for those times!). One month after his triumph, November 26, 1944, Florence Foster Jenkins died. There were rumors that she passed away, did not move the numerous mocking reviews of critics to the speech in Carnegie Hall. "They are such nonsense, such nonsense!" She crushed about them. However, everything says that she died a happy man. But it is probably the most important thing. Based on the life of Florence several plays were delivered. And in 2016, Foster Jenkins film was released, in which Meril Streep brilliantly performed.