The name of the works that Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin wrote. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties? "Pskovtyanka" (Ivan Grozny), "Life for the king" (Ivan Susanin), "Mozart and Salieri" (Salieri)

The name of the works that Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin wrote. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties?
The name of the works that Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin wrote. In which operas Shalyapin performed the main parties? "Pskovtyanka" (Ivan Grozny), "Life for the king" (Ivan Susanin), "Mozart and Salieri" (Salieri)

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin (Rod. 1873 - Mind. 1938) - Great Russian Opera Singer (BAS).

Fedor Shalyapin was born 1 (13) February 1873 in Kazan. Son of the peasant of the Vyatka province Ivan Yakovlevich Shalyapin (1837-1901), a representative of the ancient Vyatka family of Shalyapin (Shelepina). In childhood, Shalyapin was singing. Received an elementary education.

The beginning of his artistic career, Shalyapin himself considered 1889, when he entered the dramatic troupe V. B. Serebryakov. At first, as a statist.

On March 29, 1890, the first solo performance of Shalyapin was held - the Zarezksky party in the opera "Eugene Onegin", in the formulation of the Kazan Society of Scenic Arts. All May and the beginning of June 1890, Shalyapin - Chorisist of the Tweener Affrise V. B. Serebryakova.

In September 1890, Chaliapin arrives from Kazan to Ufa and begins to work in the choir of the leafy troupe under the leadership of S. Ya. Semenova-Samara.

Completely accidentally accounted for from Horist to transform into a soloist, replacing the sick artist in the opera Montusko. This debut nominated 17-year-old Shalyapin, which occasionally began to charge small opera parties, such as Fernando in Troubadour. Next year, Chaliapin spoke in the party of the unknown in the "Askold Togil" of the Versta. He was proposed a place in the Ufa navy, but the Malorosiysk troupe of Dergach arrived in Ufa, to which Shalyapin joined. The wanders led him to Tiflis, where he first managed to be seriously raised by his voice, thanks to the singer D. A. Usatov. The mustes not only approved the voice of Shalyapin, but due to the lack of the last material resources, he began free to give him singing lessons and generally accepted a big part in it. He also arranged Shalyapin to Tiflis Opera Forkatti and Lyubimov. Shalyapin lived in Tiflis for a whole year, fulfilling in the opera the first bass parties.

In 1893, he moved to Moscow, and in 1894 - to St. Petersburg, where he sang in Arkady in the Lental Opera Truppe, and in the winter of 1894/5 - in the opera partnership in Panayevsky Theater, in Zazylin troupe. The wonderful voice of the novice artist and in particular the expressive musical declamation in connection with the truthful game they paid attention to critics and public. In 1895, Shalyapin was adopted by the Directorate of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters to the Opera Truppe: he entered the stage of the Mariinsky Theater and sang with the success of the Mephistopel party ("Faust") and Ruslan ("Ruslan and Lyudmila"). A diverse graduation of Shalyapin was expressed in the comic opera "Secret Marriage" D. Chimaroza, but still not received due rating. Report that during the 1895-1896 season. He "appeared rather rarely and, moreover, in few parties suitable for him." The famous patron of S. I. Mamontov, who kept the Opera House in Moscow at that time, first noticing in Chaliapin to giving out of a series of outgoing, persuaded him to go to his private troupe. Here in 1896-1899. Shalyapin developed in an artistic sense and turned his stage talent, performing in a number of roles. Thanks to his subtle understanding of Russian music in general and the newest, in particular, it is completely individually, but at the same time deeply truthfully created a number of types in Russian operations. At the same time, he worked a lot over roles in foreign operations; So, for example, the role of Mephistofel in Fausta Guno in his transfer was strikingly bright, strong and peculiar lighting. Over the years, Shalyapin acquired loud fame.

Since 1899, he is back in service in the Imperial Russian Opera in Moscow (Bolshoy Theater), where he enjoyed enormous success. He was highly appreciated in Milan, where he performed at the "La Scala" theater in the capital role of Mephistofel A. Boyto (1901, 10 views). Chaliapin touring in St. Petersburg on the Mariinsky scene was a kind of event in the St. Petersburg musical world.

In the revolution of 1905, he joined progressive circles, sacrificed the fees from their speeches revolutionaries. His performances with folk songs ("Dubinushka" and others) sometimes turned into political demonstrations.

Since 1914, S. I. Zimin (Moscow), A. R. Aksarin (Petrograd) performs in private opera entreprepieces.

Since 1918, the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater. He received the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

The long lack of Chaliapina caused suspicions and a negative attitude in Soviet Russia; So, in 1926, Mayakovsky wrote in the "letter to Gorky": "Or live you, / how does Shalyapin live, / swelling applause / Ogolapan? / Return / Now / such an artist / back / to Russian ruble - / I am first crypt: / - Radi back, / People's Artist of the Republic! " In 1927, fees from one of the concerts of Shalyapin sacrificed to children of emigrants, which was interpreted and presented as support to the White Guards. In 1928, by the decision of the SNK RSFSR, he was deprived of the title of People's Artist and the right to return to the USSR; It was justified by the fact that he did not want to "return to Russia and serve that people whose title of artist was assigned to him" or, according to other sources, the fact that he allegedly sacrificed money to monarchist emigrants.

In the spring of 1937 he found leukemia, and on April 12, 1938 he died on his wife's hands. He was buried at the Paris Cemetery Batinol.

On October 29, 1984, the reburry ceremony of Prach F. I. Shalyapin took place in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

On October 31, 1986, the discovery of the tombstone of the Great Russian singer F. I. Shalyapin (sculptor A. Yelets, Architect Yu Voskresensky) took place.

The great Russian singer Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin joined two qualities in his work: acting skills and unique vocal data. He was a soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters, as well as the Metropolitan Opera. One of the greatest opera singers.

Childhood Fedor Shalyapina

The future singer was born in Kazan on February 13, 1873. Fedor Shalyapin's parents were married in January 1863, and after 10 years they had a son Fyodor.

Father worked as an archivist in the Zemstvo administration. Fedor's mother - Evdokia Mikhailovna was an ordinary peasant from the village of Dudintsy.

Already in childhood it became clear that the little Fedor had a musical talent. Possessing a beautiful doctor, he sang in Sloboda church church and on rustic holidays. Later the boy began to invite sing and in the neighboring church. When Fedor with a commendable diploma graduated from grade 4, he was given to the teaching to the shoemaker, then to the turner.

At the age of 14, the boy began working in the Zemstvo Management of Kazan County a writer. Earned 10 rubles per month. However, Shalyapin never forgot about music. Having learned a touch of a touch, Fedor tried to devote all his free time to music.

Start creative career singer Fedor Chaliapina

In 1883, Fedor first hit the theater for the placement of the play P.P.Sukhonin "Russian Wedding". Shalyapin "fell ill" the theater and tried not to miss a single performance. Most a boy liked the opera. And the most impression on the future singer was performed by Opera M. I. Glinka "Life for the king". Father sends the Son in School to learn to the joiner, but when Mother got sick, Fedor was forced to return to Kazan to care for her. It is in Kazan Shalyapin begins to try to get a job in the theater.

Finally in 1889 he is taken by a statistically in the prestigious Choir of Serebryakov. Before that, Shalyapin did not accept the choir, and they took some long-hearted, scary young man. A few years later, having acquainted with Maxim Gorky, Fyodor told him about his first failure. Gorky grinned and said that this, anger of young men was he, however, he was quickly expelled from the choir in view of the complete absence of voice.

And the first speech of Statista Shalyapin ended with failure. He was charged with a role without words. Cardinal, whom Shalyapin played, together with the retinue was to just go through the stage. Fyodor was very worried and constantly repeated the retinue: "Do it all like me!"

Having barely entered the scene, Shalyapin was confused in the Red Cardinal Mantle and fell to the floor. Sweet, remembering the instructions, followed him. Cardinal was never able to rise and crawled through the whole scene. As soon as the crawling retinue, headed by Salapin, was behind the scenes, the director from his heart gave Pinka "Cardinal" and lowered it from the stairs!

The first solo role is the role of the Zaretsky in the Opera "Eugene Onegin" -Shaliapin fulfilled in March 1890.

In September of the same year, Shalyapin moves to Ufa and begins to sing in the local operating troupe of Semenov-Samara. Gradually, Chaliapina began to charge small roles in many performances. After the end of the season, Shalyapin joined the Turcking troupe, with which he toured over the cities of Russia, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Life Fedor Shalyapin in Tiflis

As for many other great representatives of Russian literature and art, Tiflis played a very important role in the life of Shalyapin. Here he met the former artist of the imperial theaters, Professor Usatov. Listening to the singer, Usatov said: "Stay to learn from me. I will not take money for study. " The mustes not only "set" the voice of Shalyapin, but helped him materially. In 1893, Shalyapin's debut was held on the stage of the Tiflis Opera House.

Hey, fly! Russian folk song. Performed: Fedor Shalyapin.

A year later, all parties for bass in Typhlean opera were performed by Shalyapin. It was in Tiflis, Shalyapin acquired fame and recognition, and from singer-self-taught turned into a professional artist.

Fedor Shalyapin's Creativity Flower

In 1895, Fyodor Shalyapin arrives in Moscow, where he concludes a contract with the Mariinsky Theater Directorate. Initially, Fedor Ivanovich performed on the scene of the Imperial Theater, Fedor Ivanovich performed.

Meeting with the famous patron of sawn Mammoth laid the beginning of the bloodyness of Shalyapin's creativity. Mamontov invited the singer to work in a Moscow private opera with a salary three times higher than the salary in the Mariinsky Theater.

In a private opera, the multi-faceted talent of Shalyapin was truly revealed, and the repertoire was replenished with many unforgettable images from the operas of Russian composers.

In 1899, Chaliapina was invited to a large theater, where he had a stunning success. The singer's singers turned into a grand triumph. He became a universal favorite. The contemporaries of the singer were as evaluated by his unique voice: there are three miracle in Moscow - the king bell, the king-gun and the king bass - Fyodor Shalyapin.

Fedor Shalyapin. Elegy. Romance. Old Russian Romance.

Musical critics wrote that, apparently, the Russian composers of the XIXVEK "foresee" the appearance of a great singer, so they wrote so much wonderful parties for Basa: Ivan the Terrible, Varya Guest, Salieri, Melnik, Boris Godunov, Distane and Ivan Susanin. In many ways, thanks to the talent of Chaliapina, which included in his repertoire of Aria from the Russian operas, composers N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A.S. Kargomyzhsky, M. M. M. M. Glinka received world recognition.

At the same years, the singer receives European fame. In 1900, he is invited to the famous Milan La Scala. The amount that was paid by Shalyapin under the contract, for that period was unheard of high. After staying in Italy, the singer began to invite each year to tour abroad. World War of Revolution and Civil War in Russia for a long 6 years "put the cross" on foreign troops of the singer. In the period from 1914 to 1920, Shalyapin did not leave Russia.

Emigration period

In 1922, Chaliapin goes on tour in the United States. The Soviet Union, the singer never returned. In the homeland, in turn, decided to deprive the Shalyapin of the title of the People's Artist. The path to Russia was finally cut off.

Abroad, Shalyapin tries forces in new art - movies. In 1933, he was filmed in the film "Don Quixote" directed by Pabsta.

Fedor Shalyapin's personal life

Fyodor Shalyapin was married twice. With the first wife, Italian ballerina, Iona Tornagi The singer met in 1898 in Nizhny Novgorod. Seven children were born in this marriage.

Later, without terminating the first marriage, Shalyapin gets closer to Maria Petzold. The woman at that time had two children from the first marriage. They have met for a long time. Officially, marriage was registered only in 1927 in Paris.


Shalyapin died in the spring of 1938 in Paris. The great singer was buried at the Batinol Cemetery in Paris. Only almost after half a century in 1984, his son Fyodor made permission to reburial the ashes of the father in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Repeated funerals passed with all the honors.

And 57 years after the death of the artist, he was posthumously returned the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

So, finally, the return of the singer was held.

Born in the family of Peasant Ivan Yakovlevich from the village of Riesztsovo, which served in the Zemstvo Government, and Evdokia Mikhailovna from the village of Dudinskaya Vyatka province.

First, the little Fedor, trying to attach "to the case", gave to the students to the Sapozhnik N.A. Thin, then V.A. Andreev, then to the turner, later to the joiner.

In early childhood, he manifested a beautiful voice of the Covenant and he often sang along with his mother. At 9 years old, he began to sing in the church choir, where he was brought by Regent Shcherbitsky, their neighbor, and began to earn at weddings and funeral. Father bought a violin for his son and Fedor tried to play her.

Later, Fedor enrolled in the 6th urban four-class school, where there was a wonderful teacher N.V. Shoes, which finished with a commendable literacy.

In 1883, Fyodor Shalyapin first got into the theater and then sought to watch all performances

From the age of 12, he began to participate in the performances of touring troupe as a statist.

In 1889 he entered the dramatic troupe V.B. Serebryakov statist.

On March 29, 1890, Fyodor Chaliapin made his debut with the P.I. Opere Party Tchaikovsky "Evgeny Onegin", put by the Kazan society of fans of scenic art. Soon he moves from Kazan to Ufa, where he performs in the choir Troupes S.Ya. Semenova-Samara.

In 1893, Fyodor Chaliapin moved to Moscow, and in 1894 - to St. Petersburg, where he began to sing in the country garden "Arkady", in the theater V.A. Panayev and Troupe V.I. Zazulin.

In 1895, the Directorate of St. Petersburg Opera Houses took it into the Barpets of the Mariinsky Theater, where he sang the Mofistofel party in Fauste S. Gunov and Ruslan in Ruslana and Lyudmila M.I. Glinka.

In 1896, S.I. Mamontov proposed Fedor Shalyapin to sing in his Moscow private opera and move to Moscow.

In 1899, Fyodor Shalyapin became the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and, touring, with great success spoke at the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1901, Fyodor Shalyapin gave 10 triumphant ideas in La Scala in Milan in Italy and drove with a concert tour of Europe.

Since 1914, he began to act in private opera entreprepacy S.I. Zimina in Moscow and A.R. Aksarina in Petrograd.

In 1915, Fyodor Shalyapin fulfilled the role of Ivan the Terrible in Kinoframe "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny" on the drama L. Maya "Pskovtyanka".

In 1917, Fyodor Shalyapin acted as a director, putting in the Bolshoi Theater by Opera D. Verdi "Don Carlos".

After 1917, he was appointed by the artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater.

In 1918, Fedor Shalyapin was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic, but in 1922 he left for tour to Europe and remained there, continuing to act successfully in America and Europe.

In 1927, Fyodor Shalyapin sacrificed the money to the priest in Paris for children of Russian emigrants, which was presented as the help of "White Guards to combat Soviet authorities" on May 31, 1927 in the magazine "All-Russian" S. Simon. And on August 24, 1927, SNK RSFSR by the decision was deprived of his title of a folk artist and forbade returning to the USSR. This resolution was canceled by the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR on June 10, 1991 "as unfounded."

In 1932, he starred in the lead role in the film "Adventures of Don Quixote" Pabsta on the Roman Servantes.

In 1932 -1936 Fedor Shalyapin went to the tour of the Far East. In China, Japan, Manchuria, he gave 57 concerts.

In 1937 he was diagnosed with leukemia.

On April 12, 1938, Fyodor died and was buried at Batinol Cemetery in Parzhie in France. In 1984, his dust was postponed to Russia and October 29, 1984 was reburied at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich (1873─1938) - the great Russian chamber and opera singer, brilliantly combined unique vocal data with acting skills. The parties performed with high bass, solired in the Greater and Mariinsky theaters, as well as in the Metropolitan Theater Opera. He led the Mariinsky Theater, starring in the cinema, became the first folk artist of the republic.


Fedor was born on February 1, 1873 in the city of Kazan.
Father singer, Ivan Yakovlevich Shalyapin, was a peasant, originally from Vyatka province. Mother, Evdokia Mikhailovna (Maiden Surname Prozorova), was also a peasant from the Kumonsky parish, where the village of Dudintsy was located at that time. In the village of Vozganov in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord Ivan and Evdokia were in charge at the very beginning of 1863. And only after 10 years they had a son Fedor, later a boy and a girl appeared in the family.

Father worked in the Zemstvo administration as an archivist. Mom engaged in severely fit, soaps in humans, washed in lingerie. The family was poor, there was enough money to life with difficulty, so Fedor from an early age began to train various handicrafts. The boy was given to training for a shoemaker and a turner, a strip of wood, joiner, rewriting of papers.

Also, from an early age it became clear that the child had a hearty rumor and voice, he often sang her mother with a beautiful drip.

Schalia neighbor, Church Regent Shcherbinin, having heard the singing of the boy, led him to the church of the Holy Barbara, and they were singing all-in-bed and lunch together. After that, at the age of nine, the boy began to sing in the church Slobodo Choir, as well as on the rustic holidays, weddings, prayers and funerals. The first three months Fedya sang for free, and then he was made a salary of 1.5 rubles.

Already then, his voice did not leave indifferent listeners, later Fedor was invited to sing in the church of the neighboring villages. And he had a dream - playing the violin. Father bought him a tool on a flea market for 2 rubles, and the boy independently began to learn to pull the bow.

Once the father came home hard drunk and the symbol is unknown for what. The boy escaped to the field. Lyzhka on the ground at the lake, he buried bitterly, and then he suddenly wanted to sing. Tightening the song, Fedor felt that it became easier to the soul. And when he was silent, it seemed to him that the song was somewhere somewhere nearby, continues to live ...

Young years

Parents, despite the poverty, cared to give her son education. His first educational institution was the private school of Vedernikov, then followed the fourth parish Kazan and sixth primary school. The last Shalyapin graduated from 1885, having received a commendable sheet.

In the summer of the same year, Fyodor worked in the Zemstvo Pisarake, earning 10 rubles per month. And in the fall, my father arranged to study him in Arsk, there he had just opened a craft school. For some reason, young Chaliapin, for some reason, wanted to leave Sloboda, it seemed to him that a beautiful country awaits him ahead.

But soon, the young man was forced to return home to Kazan, because Mother got sick, and it was necessary to take care of her and younger brother with her sister.

Here he managed to join the theater troupe, which toured in Kazan, he participated in performances as a statist. However, this fading of Fyodor did not like his father, he told him: "We must go to the wipers, and not in the theater, then you will have a piece of bread." But the young Shalyapin theater just sick from the very day, when he first hit the play "Russian Wedding" play.

Start of theatrical path

When the young man was 15 years old, he turned to theatrical leadership with a request to listen to him and take as Horist. But at this age, Fedor began to change the voice, and during listening he was sang not very good. Shalyapin did not accept, but it did not affect his love for the theater, she was only strong with every day.

Finally in 1889 he was taken by a statistically in the dramatic troupe of Serebryakov.
In early 1890, Shalyapin first made a opera singer. It was the "Eugene Onegin" Tchaikovsky P.I., the batch of Zaretsky. And already in the fall, Fedor went to Ufa, where he entered the local prudent troupe, in many performances he got small roles:

  • Malnik in the "pebbles" Montyushko;
  • Ferrando in Troubadour;
  • Unknown in the "Askold Togil" of the Versta.

And when the theatrical season ended, the Malorosiyskaya traveling troupe came to Ufa, Fedor joined her and went to tour in Russian cities, in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

In Tiflis, Shaliapina acquaintance with Professor Dmitry Usatov, once served in the Imperial Theater. This meeting was vital for Fedor, the professor offered him to stay for training, and he did not require money for it. Moreover, he not only set the voice of young talent, but also helped him materially. And in early 1893, Chaliapin made his debut in the Tiflis Opera House, where he worked for almost a year, fulfilling the first bass parties.

At the end of 1893, Fedor moved to Moscow, and next year in the capital St. Petersburg. A beginner actor, his wonderful voice, truthful game and amazing expressiveness, the musical declamation was noting attention and the public, and critics.

In 1895, Fedor Ivanovich took to the Mariinsky Theater.

Flourishing, success and glory

I lived at the time in Moscow, the famous patron of Sava Mamontov, he kept the opera house and persuaded Shalyapin to go to him, offering the salary three times more than in the Mariinsky Theater. Fedor Ivanovich agreed and worked for Mamontov in the theater about four years since 1896. Here he had that repertoire, who allowed him to show his entire temperament and artistic talent.

Since 1899, Chaliapin entered the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, the success of his speeches was ambitious. Then they often loved to repeat that in Moscow there are three miracles - the king bell, the king-gun and the king bass (this is about Shalyapin). And when he came with tours to the Mariinian scene, for St. Petersburg, it became a grand event in the world of art.

In 1901, ten speeches were held in Milan La Rock. The gastrol fee was at the time unheard of unheard, now Fedor Ivanovich increasingly began to invite abroad.

Shalyapin say that he is the best bass of all nations and times. His first of the Russian singers recognized in the world. He created unique and great images in the opera, which to this day no one can surpass. It is said that the opera can pass, surpass Shalyapin - never.

Critics argue that only thanks to the opera parties in his performance, many Russian composers received world recognition.

Composition Composer Shalyan
"Mermaid" Dargomyzhsky A. Miller
"Seville Ciry" J. Rossini. Don Basilio
"Boris Godunov" Mussorgsky M. monk Varlaam and Boris Godunov
"Mephistopheles" A. Boyto Mephistopheles
"Ivan Susanin" Glinka M. Ivan Susanin
"Pskovtyanka" N. Rimsky-Korsakov Ivan groznyj
Ruslan Glinka M. "Ruslan and Ludmila"

In 1915, Fyodor Ivanovich his debut in the cinema, fulfilling the Tsar Ivan Grozny.

Since 1918, he led the Mariinsky Theater and at the same time first received the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

The overall repertoire of the singer consists of 70 opera parties and about 400 romances and songs.
No wonder Maxim Gorky said about Shalyapin: "In Russian art, he is the era like Pushkin."

Personal life

The first wife of Fedor Chaliapina was Iola Tornagi. It is said that the opposites are attracted, probably following this law of them, absolutely different, so much pulled to each other.

He, high and bass, she, thin and little ballerina. He did not know a word in Italian, she did not understand Russian at all.

An Italian young ballerina was in his homeland a real star, already at 18 years old Iola became a visit of the Venetian theater. Then Milan followed, French Lyon. And then her troupe invited Sava Mamontov to tour to Russia. Here, Iola and Fedor also got acquainted. She liked him immediately, and the young man began to provide all sorts of attention signs. The girl on the contrary for a long time remained cold to Chaliapin.

Once, during the tour, Iola got sick, and Fedor came to spend it from chicken broth saucers. Gradually, they began to get closer, the novel rose, and in 1898 the couple marked in a small village church.

The wedding was modest, and a few years later Igor appeared. Iola left the scene for the sake of family, and Shalyapin began to tour even more to earn money for a decent content of his wife with a child. Soon two girls were born in the family, but in 1903 there was grief - firstborn Igor died of appendicitis. Fedor Ivanovich was hard to survive this grief, they say that he even wanted to commit suicide.

In 1904, the spouse gave Shalyapin another son of Bornka, and next year they had twins - Tanya and Fedya.

But a friendly family and a happy fairy tale collapsed at one moment. In St. Petersburg, a new love appeared at Shalyapin. Moreover, Maria Petzold, was not just a mistress, she became the second wife and the mother of the three daughters of Fedor Ivanovich. The singer burst between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the tour, and two families, he flatly refused to throw his beloved torch and five children.

When Iola learned everything, for a long time hid from children the truth.

In 1922, Shalyapin emigrated from the country with the second wife Maria Petzold and daughters. Only in 1927 in Prague, they officially registered their marriage.

The Italian Iola Tornagi remained in Moscow with children, survived here and revolution and war. She returned to Motherland in Italy only a few years before his death, grabbed with him from Russia only a photo album with portraits of Shalyapin.

From all children of Shalyapin, Marina died in 2009 (daughter of Fedor Ivanovich and Maria Petzold).

Emigration and death

In 1922, the singer went on tour in the United States, from where she had never returned to Russia else. His homeland was deprived of the title of People's Artist.

In the summer of 1932, he starred in the sound of a movie, where he played Don Quixote. And in 1935─1936 his last tour was held, he gave 57 concerts in Japan and China, Manchuria and the Far East.

In the spring of 1937, doctors diagnosed at Chaliapina leukemia. After a year, April 12, 1938, he died in Paris on his second wife's hands. He was buried on the Cemetery Batinol. In 1984, the dust of the singer transported from France to Russia. In 1991, a decree was canceled to deprive the Chaliapin of the title of the People's Artist.

Fedor Ivanovich returned to his homeland ...

Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin was born 1 (13) February 1873, in Kazan. As a child, Fedor sang in church choir. Before entering school, N. A. Tonkov and V. A. Andreeva studied. Primary education was obtained by him in private school Vedernikova. Then he entered the Kazan parish school.

Training in the school ended in 1885. In the fall of the same year, he entered the handicraft school in Arsk.

Start of a creative path

In 1889, Chaliapin became a member of the dramatic troupe V. B. Serebryakov. In the spring of 1890, the first solo performance of the artist took place. Shalyapin spoke with the P. I. Tchaikovsky Opere P. I. Tchaikovsky, "Evgeny Onegin".

In the autumn of the same year, Fyodor Ivanovich moved to Ufa and entered the spirit of the cerebrospide S. Ya. Semenova-Samara. In Opere S. Montyushko "Pebble" 17-year-old Shalyapin replaced the sick artist. This debut brought him fame in a narrow circle.

In 1893, Chaliapin became a member of the troupe G. I. Derkach and moved to Tiflis. There was his acquaintance with the opera singer D. Usatov. According to the Council of the Senior Comrade, Shalyapin was seriously engaged in his voice. It was in Tiflis Shalyapin performed his first bass parties.

In 1893, Chaliapin moved to Moscow. A year later, he moved to St. Petersburg and entered the operatic troupe M. V. Lenta. In winter, 1894-1895 Joined the troupe I. P. Zazulin.

In 1895, Chaliapina was invited to the Peter Opera Truppe. On the stage of the Mariinsky Theater Shalyapin played in the roles of Mephistofel and Ruslana.

Creative takeoff

Studying a brief biography of Shalyapin Fedor Ivanovich, it should be known that in 1899 he first went on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. In 1901, the artist acted as Mephistople in the La Scala Theater in Milan. His speech was very liked by European audiences and critics.

In the time of revolution, the artist performed with folk songs, and fees sacrificed workers. In 1907-1908. It started his tour in the United States of America and Argentina.

In 1915, Chaliapin made his debut in the cinema, playing the title role in the painting "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny".

In 1918, Chaliapin was headed by the former Mariinsky Theater. In the same year he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic.


In July 1922, Chaliapin went on tour in the United States. By itself, this fact deeply excited about the new power. And when in 1927, the artist donated his fee to children polit .Emigrants, it was regarded as a betrayal of Soviet ideals.

Against this background in 1927, Fyodor Ivanovich deprived the title of people's artist and forbidden to return to their homeland. All accusations from the Great Artist were removed only in 1991.

In 1932, the artist played a capital role in the movie "Adventures of Don Quixote".

last years of life

In 1937, F. I. Shalyapin diagnosed leukemia. The great artist left his life in a year, April 12, 1938. In 1984, thanks to Baron E. A. Falset Fein, the ashes of Shalyapin was taken to Russia.

The reburial ceremony of an outstanding singer took place on October 29, 1984, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Other biography options

  • In the life of F. I. Shalyapin there was a lot of interesting, fun facts. In his youth, he was tried in the same choir along with M. Gorky. Shalyapina Heads of Choir "rejected" due to the mutation of the voice, preferring his arrogant competitor. Human offense at a much less darling, in his opinion, a competitor Shalyapin retained for life.
  • Having become acquainted with M. Gorky, he told him this story. Surprised writer, having fun laughing, admitted that a competitor to the choir, who was soon kicked out due to the lack of voice, it was he who.
  • The scenic debut of young Shalyapin was quite original. At that time, he was the main statist, and at the premiere of the play performed in the wordless role of Cardinal. The whole role was in the majestic procession through the entire scene. Sweet Cardinal played the younger stars who were very worried. Rehearsing, Chaliapin told them on stage to do everything exactly like him.
  • Going to the scene, Fyodor Ivanovich confused into the mantle and fell. Thinking that it is necessary, the same did the same thing. This "bunch of small" was spoiled on stage, making the tragic stage incredibly funny. For this, the raised director launched Shalyapin from the stairs.