Synopsis of nodes. theme "apple tree with golden apples in the magic garden" drawing senior group outline drawing lessons (senior group) on the topic

Synopsis of nodes.  theme
Synopsis of nodes. theme "apple tree with golden apples in the magic garden" drawing senior group outline drawing lessons (senior group) on the topic

The most recognizable fruit, the most recognizable and expensive brand - what is it? Yes, you're right, it's an apple. In the first case, it is fragrant and tasty, in the second, it is bitten. So let's learn how to draw an apple!

Living in the vastness of the countries of the former USSR, apples are a native fruit for us. It is eaten almost everywhere, people love it and eat it with great pleasure, being saturated with useful elements contained in it. And when it seems that we almost all know about this fruit, it will be especially surprising to learn about interesting facts about apples!

  • The elders taught us that the apple must be peeled, because this shell is like "natural cellophane", and it is harmful. I don’t know where our grandfathers and grandmothers got such beliefs, because now it is already known that it is this peel that contains the overwhelming amount of fiber and antioxidants for which the apple is famous;
  • How long do you think an apple tree can live? 50 or 100 years old? The official long-lived apple tree, still delighting with its fruits, was planted on the territory of modern Manhattan already in 1647 by a man named Peter Stuvensant;
  • If you want to make a liter of pure apple juice, you will need approximately 35 medium sized apples;
  • If you decide to plant a lot of apple trees in your garden, taking seeds from only one tree, then there is a high probability that as a result, a whole range of other types of apple trees will grow, different from this tree;
  • About one fourth of the mass of these fruits is air;
  • The earliest evidence of the popularity of apples as a favorite fruit dates back to 6500 BC. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations in Greece and other parts of the European continent.

Well, these are the main interesting facts about apples that we managed to unearth! But this is just a prelude, warming up before the real thing. Prepare a simple pencil for drawing and colored pencils for coloring it. At the last stage, you can "bring" watercolor or gouache.

So how do you draw an apple

I have said many times that these step-by-step instructions for drawing fruits and berries are very simple. In the near future we will have about a dozen fruit lessons, and then we will move on to flowers and other plants. And most of the tutorials are great for beginner artists.

1 - Draw a circle - it will be our sketch.

2 - Then give this circle the shape of an apple.

3 - Draw its upper outline, leaving gaps for the twig and leaf.

4 - Place a twig in the gap on the left.

5 - And on the right is a leaf. You also need to attach it to the branch and select the drawing.

6 - The drawing is ready, it remains only to erase the extra parts of the sketch and prepare paints or colored pencils for coloring.

7 - It remains only to paint our apple red. We did it!

Basically, you can draw Steve Jobs behind and bite off this apple on one side. So you can demonstrate how a businessman came up with the idea to call his company that name. This, by and large, is a matter of your imagination. The main thing is that you now know how to draw an apple!

Nina Minchenko

Drawing "Apple tree with golden apples".

Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Socio-communicative development", "Cognitive development"

Learn to create a fabulous image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees

Strengthen drawing skills with non-traditional drawing methods (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn to beautifully arrange the image on the sheet

Develop a coherent speech of children. Expand words knowledge.

Foster interest in artistic creation.

Equipment: We need:

Tinted album sheet

simple pencil

Gouache yellow, red, orange, green, brown, blue

The brushes are thin and wide

· Foam rubber "pokes"

Jars of water


· napkins

a small piece of paper for a test poke drawing

Methodological techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, productive activity of children, summing up.

GCD move:

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, there lived - there was a Gardener. Every autumn golden apples ripened in his garden. But the trouble happened: the Three-Headed Dragon flew in and ate all the apples, and burned the apple trees. The Gardener was saddened and went to the Wizard for advice. The wizard thought, thought and said: "I can help you revive the garden, only I need pictures with painted apple trees"

Guys, let's help the Gardener: let's draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?

How do we start drawing? (draw an apple tree)

We start drawing with the largest object - an apple tree. The drawing is located in the center of the sheet.

We draw an apple tree: first, with a brush, draw a trunk, branches with brown paint.

Then we draw the leaves by “wetting” them. To draw the leaves, we need green gouache. First, by “wetting”, draw the leaves with dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.

We will draw the apples with a foam poke.

How to draw an apple?

Dip one edge of the poke in yellow paint, the other edge in red paint

(remove excess paint on the auxiliary sheet)

We put a poke "Column" and carefully scroll. It turns out a round apple with a red barrel. Oh, what a magic apple! Round, gold, with a pink barrel!

Physical culture break.

"Apple tree" Serbian song

Apple tree! Apple tree! Children walk in a circle holding hands.

Where are your apples? There is one child in the center - an "apple tree".

Freeze their frost? Children stop, for every line

Or did the wind blow them away? bend one finger on both hands.

Or did the lightning burn?

Or beat them with hail?

Or did the birds eat?

Where did they go? They put their hands down, shrug their shoulders.

The frost did not freeze them, These words are pronounced by the child-"apple tree".

And it was not the wind that carried them away, Children bend one finger on both

They did not burn them with fire, hands, starting with large ones.

There was no hail with rain,

The birds did not peck at them.

Children cut off! Children scatter, the apple-tree child tries to stain them.

Independent work

Now sit down at the tables and we will draw an apple tree with golden apples.

Who has time to draw an apple tree, the drawing can be supplemented with details

Bottom line.

Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

The teacher thanks the children for their work.

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Our readers are very interested in how to draw an apple tree with a pencil. If so, I am in a hurry to help the young artists. I think this picture will do: But first of all, you should know that the apple tree is a plant filled to the very roots with forbidden fruits. In ancient times, if only to have fun, he planted one single apple tree in the garden and forbade eating its fruits, having previously warned that he would in every possible way seduce people to do this. Well, you know what I mean ?!

After taking a bite, Eva was immediately sent to Nara with her hubby, but managed to take with her a stub, from which she successfully propagated a tree throughout the sinful earth. The Almighty considered this behavior unforgivable and began to periodically send floods, the Holy Inquisition and the Third Reich to Earth. However, all to no avail. Apples become a symbol of life and prosperity for a person, people ritually eat them on the street, and without even peeling them, because only purified uranium can be purer than an apple on the planet.

The history of this fruit knows many interesting points:

  • China is the leader in apple production. No, it's not about technology. They, like us, collect them by hand. Just a lot of these Chinese people, and there are twice as many hands;
  • The oldest tree will soon be 400 years old, and this old woman still delights Americans with juicy fruits;
  • 25 percent of the structure of the fruit is air. Remembering your math lesson in third grade, you can count - eating four, you eat one hundred percent of the air;
  • With each apple you eat, you have less and less chance of getting to heaven, or do you think the Almighty has forgotten already?

And I really like not only to eat, but also to draw:

How to draw an apple tree with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a thin trunk of a young tree and indicate the places for the fruits in small circles. Step two. Select the trunk and draw some ripe apples. Step three. Let's start drawing the branches from below. Step four. Do the same with the top of the tree and sketch out the trunk. You can, of course, color it, but this is at your discretion. We have lessons on drawing other trees.

"Whoever eats an apple a day does not have a doctor's office",- says the English proverb. If, with these words, you give a friend a basket of sweet apples and a picture you have drawn with them, he will not only be pleased, but also a little funny.

A fruit rich in vitamins drawn on a large Whatman paper, a symbol of fertility, health and beauty, will effectively decorate the kitchen and will be a wonderful birthday present.

How to draw an apple correctly, why it does not sink in water and why wash with "apple" water, let's talk today.

How to draw an apple with a pencil?

It seemed that there had just been a whole bunch of apples, and then you look - only one thing remained ... Great! What you need to learn how to draw an apple from nature. For all little sweet tooth - the simplest master class on drawing an apple with a pencil.

1. Take a close look at the apple. Is it round or oblong? Draw a sketch. In our case, this is an uneven circle, slightly narrowed at the bottom. Mark the surface on which the apple will lie with a horizontal line.

2. Draw an arc on top of the apple - it will visually highlight the hole from which the tail grows. Draw a ponytail with a leaf. Draw the bottom of the apple in the form of a wavy line. Select the highlight area.

3. The most important stage is the hatching of the apple. With its help, you can correctly depict the play of light and shadow.

Sharpen a simple pencil well (2H is best) and start shading along the apple shapes, bypassing the highlight area.

4. Don't forget about the shadow. It is also easy to depict with the help of hatching. But for the shadow, it is better to take a softer and bold pencil than the one used for shading the apple.

To better highlight the highlight on the apple, use the eraser.

Interesting! Archaeological excavations show that humanity has been using apples as food from 6500 BC. And the oldest long-lived apple tree grows in Manhattan, USA. Back in 1647, it was planted in his garden by Peter Stuvensant. The tree still pleases its owners with juicy fruits.

Apple drawing lesson for beginners

Western Slavs believed: on New Year's and Christmas, it is imperative to wash with water in which apples were lying. It is curious that a quarter of the mass of apples is air. This is why these sunny fruits don't sink in water!

Let's try to draw simple still life with apples... Take the following photo as an example.

1. Take a close look at the image. What geometric shapes resemble apples: a circle, an oval, a trapezoid? Use them to sketch the apples. Don't worry about jagged lines - even better!

2. Draw clearly the contours of the apples and slices. Mark with circles the pits from which the tails grow. Don't forget about the leaves, the seed on the wedge, and the sepals. Mark the flare area.

3. Erase the auxiliary lines.

4. Make the drawing natural with shading.

The composition is ready to delight the eyes of your drawing teacher. But if you want to color the drawing, trace the contours with a black gel pen and prepare the pencils. , You will be prompted by one of my previous master classes.

When you finish the work, you should have something like this drawing:

Draw apples on a branch

Although the homeland of apples is Central Asia, the Slavs have always loved them and actively used them for ceremonies. By exchanging apples, the boy and the girl showed mutual sympathy. Taking an apple from the guy, the girl seemed to give consent to the marriage. How do you like an apple as a wedding invitation? This tradition has long existed in the South Slavs.

1. First, draw five circles (future apples) by hand. Draw branches and leaf centers with smooth lines.

2. On apples, mark the sepals with crosses. Draw the leaves.

3. Draw a strong branch on the left - our apples do not hang in the air.

4. The next step is to draw veins on the leaves. Try to maintain symmetry so that the leaves look natural.

5. At the bottom of each apple, add shading. Clearly draw a branch, sepals, guide the contours of the leaves.

6. Lightly shade the areas of the leaves that are not exposed to sunlight. At this stage, be especially careful, the light source in the picture is on the right.

The play of light and shadow works wonders! I am sure that your picture will become a real decoration of the living room.

How to draw an apple with paints?

The apple is not only the favorite fruit of millions of people, but also a frequent hero of the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest apple in the world was grown in 2005 by Japanese Chisato Iwasaki. The amazing fruit from the city of Hirosaki weighed 1,849 kg. But the apple was eaten, and the record was not officially recorded, so now the lead belongs to the Englishman Alain Smith. The weight of the apple he grows is 1.67 kg.

Don't worry, we won't have to play the fruit giant. Let's try to draw an ordinary apple with watercolors.

The technique is multi-layered and is best suited for those who are comfortable with paints.

1. Slightly sketch out the apple.

2. With green and orange paints, make a shadow at the tail of the apple. Make sure that the strokes are of different saturation. This will make the drawing look more interesting.

3. Paint over the right part of the apple, on which the shadow falls, with yellow, orange shades, and add a little red paint at the bottom. Make sure the color transitions are smooth.

4. Mix several shades of colors: pink, yellow, red and blue, so as not to be distracted by mixing colors during the drawing process.

5. Use a damp brush to paint a shadow around the apple. You need to apply watercolors quickly so that the colors flow smoothly into each other.

6. Paint the shadow with warm burgundy paint. Add yellow and paint in partial shade.

7. A little more yellow paint - and half the way is covered!

8. Paint the background around the apple with cool shades of purple. Make some areas darker.

9. And now - my favorite! Detail the drawing.

First add some folds to the tablecloth.

10. Then paint over the ponytail and add some stripes on the apple skin.

It's amazing how, with the help of simple brush strokes, the apple instantly changed and sparkled with new colors!

11.Using a squeezed out brush, highlighted the lower part of the apple - so it will look more voluminous.

12. Add stripes and dots to the apple. Choose shades one tone darker than the main colors, which are painted over the apple.

13. Work on the background. Make the color blend softer and smoother.

A small apple masterpiece is ready!

Dear friend! If you have not yet had time to give vent to your legs to run to the nearest garden, and you read the material to the end, write in the comments if you liked the drawing lesson and what other master classes you would like to see on the portal.

Apple is the most famous and widespread fruit in our country. It can be of various colors: green, yellow, with ruddy sides, or even deep ruby. The flavor and shape are also quite varied. But one thing is invariable: they are loved by adults and children for their great taste and benefits. It is also very easy to draw, which is why so often it is he who learns to draw one of the first. In this tutorial we will analyze many different ways of how to draw an apple, starting with the simplest ones and ending with realistic color images.

Regular apple

Chiaroscuro example

Step by step in color

For beginners

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

Still life with apple

Regular apple

First, we suggest seeing how to draw an apple with a pencil in one of the easiest ways. Such a pattern is quite similar to a real fruit, in the future it can be filled with your favorite color.

We draw a circle, since this is the shape that the depicted fruit usually has.

The place where the stalk attaches to the fruit is usually slightly concave. Let's draw it in an arc. Draw a stalk stick upwards from it.

Let's correct the shape of the apple at the top of the stalk and below, where the flower bloomed. Let's add a leaf.

At the end, remove the extra lines with an eraser, add streaks to the leaf. The drawing is ready.

Chiaroscuro example

This way of drawing an apple with a pencil is a little more difficult in stages, since with the help of a pencil shadows and small natural irregularities on the surface of the fruit are depicted.

Let's sketch it out. To do this, let's mark the work area in the form of a square.

Draw a circle inside this square - the future apple.

Below and above, we outline small concavities characteristic of the place of the stalk and flower.

The sketch is ready.

We outline the main shape with a thin felt-tip pen or pen. Construction lines can be removed. Add a stalk and a leaf on top. We will also add lines dividing the fruit into 3 horizontal parts: markings for more precise shadowing.

Let's clarify the leaf. To do this, you should make jagged edges and depict veins. The designated spot in the upper third is the future bright spot of light reflected from a smooth surface.

With the help of hatching, we apply shadows to the surface of the apple.

The drawing is ready. Now it can be painted with transparent paint so that the shadows underneath remain visible. For example, it might look like this:

Step by step in color

Below we will analyze a very good, but not the easiest way to draw an apple in stages. It is more suitable for artists with some drawing experience. For the drawing, you will need colored pencils of yellow, brown, orange, as well as different shades of red and pink.

Stage 1 - sketch

Draw a sketch with a simple pencil with thin lines. We pay attention to the place of the stalk.

Stage 2 - filling out the main form

Fill the surface of the apple with vertical strokes. First, paint over it completely with a yellow pencil, then with an orange one. We fill the sides more densely, and the center less densely. Leave a light spot for the highlight.

Stage 3 - color transfer

At this stage, we use pencils of red-pink shades. At first - light, gradually moving to darker, as shown in the pictures below. Outline the darkest at the end.

Stage 4 - detailing

With a darker color, brown, we begin to work out the details. On our apple there will be three drops of water: we denote them by shading from the outside. Also add color transitions and lighter stripes. Now paint over the place at the stalk, left white, with yellow or orange, and outline its outer contour in brown.

Stage 5 - working out the stalk

First, paint over the stalk with a light brown color, then darken the edges with a denser shading.

Stage 6

The final touch is the shadow of the fruit on the surface where it is located. A fresh ruddy apple is ready!

For beginners

The easiest way to draw an apple for beginners, suitable for children, is suggested below.

The basis of the drawing is a circle.

Above and below, we will flatten it a little to give it a characteristic shape.

Let's add a stem and a leaf.

Fill the finished drawing with color.

Apple with simple chiaroscuro

This option will help you understand how to draw an apple with a shadow. It also begins with a sketch in the form of a circle, on which we further draw indentations above and below at the point where the flower and the apple itself are attached to the branch with the help of the stalk.

We outline the contour of the apple with a thin felt-tip pen or pen.

Let's add some irregularities on the surface that are typical for a real fruit. You can draw a drop of water.

Draw shadows from below and to the right with shading, then mark the surface on which the apple lies and paint over it directly under the fruit.

Still life

We offer an option on how to draw an apple with a vase. The basic sequence is suggested below. The apple itself can be drawn in any familiar way.

First, we will depict the location of objects with geometric shapes.

Then we will give them more precise shapes.

Let's detail each object, remove extra lines.

Finally, add shadows with hatching or paint.