Personal life Emma Roberts. Calendar "Gossip": Rising Star Hollywood Emma Stone Emma Roberts: filmography

Personal life Emma Roberts. Calendar "Gossip": Rising Star Hollywood Emma Stone Emma Roberts: filmography

There are no ugly women. Nevertheless, among women there are those who conquer their beauty, surprise their appearance, even despite age.

Today we have prepared for you a selection of photos "The most beautiful Hollywood actresses", in which you will see how the most famous and most beautiful Hollywood actresses look like when they are closely considered fans, and the camera lenses are followed by the impeccability of their images.

In our photo collection "The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood" are represented stars that have gained popularity, both due to infinite creative abilities and impressive appearance.

Someone can say that the most beautiful women of Hollywood are not worth attention, because there are a very beautiful representative of a beautiful sex.

Maybe you are right. Nevertheless, we offer to see who enters the Hollywood elite, and evaluate their external data.

Also in our review you can see what gorgeous, unique dresses prefer the first women of Hollywood, as they confidently positive, pleaseing their fans with impeccability and exclusivity of their images.

Beauty Hollywood: photo review of star beauties

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: the championship still belongs to Angelina Jolie, who even looked after the divorce. Recently, former spouses began to see more often, according to insiders.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: 47-year-old Jennifer Aniston - an actress with an iron exposure. Parapazzi absolutely got it with his persecution in the hope of getting a sensation about the pregnancy of the star.


The most beautiful Hollywood actresses: Actress Charlize Theron looks amazing, loves to wear dresses. Recently, the star surprised everyone, dress his dress on her son.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: 44-year-old Cameron Diaz looks wonderfully, follows the figure. In everyday life, Cameron most often chooses Casual and street clothing.


The most beautiful Hollywood actresses: Star with a disarming smile Scarlett Johansson divorced her husband Romain Doriak, but still supports good relationship with him.

Hollywood's most beautiful stars: Kate Beckinsail in his 43 years looks amazing, despite the fact that it is now experiencing a divorce with her husband - director and producer Lena Waysman.


The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Recently, no one would have thought that the actress with a cute peer of Kristen Stewart on a woman's moral. According to rumors, the star of the movie is found with the model Stella Maxwell.

The most famous and most beautiful women of Hollywood: Penelope Cruz always differed on a red carpet, because ideal forms allow the star to wear the most open and frank outfits.

The most famous and most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Julia Roberts for 49 years. Once the possessor of a chic figure now recovered by almost twenty kilograms, "coming" family problems.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Actress Nicole Kidman for 50 years, but it still looks like a girl.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Natalie Portman a few months ago, the second time became a mother, but this pleasant fact did not in any way affect the career and the activities of celebrities.

The most beautiful Hollywood actresses: Anne Hathaway is not afraid of fashionable experiments, demonstrating that she is good with any haircut.

The most beautiful women of Hollywood: Megan Fox does not hide that it does not refuse plastic operations to look impeccable. It applies to the stars breast. Recently, fans have noticed a decreasing breast. Apparently, something happened to implants.

The most beautiful Hollywood celebrities: Jessica Alba is now resting in Hawaii. Star in anticipation of the third child, but even the pregnancy does not spoil her beauty.

The most beautiful women of Hollywood: Mila Cunis and Ashton Kutcher - a wonderful couple. Recently, the star mother and Star Pope pleased the fans with a picture with grown kids who managed to make paparazzi.

The most beautiful Hollywood beauties: for Holly Berry is not a problem to wear a short mini, and get into a gorgeous dress in the floor. In anyone she looks immaculate.

The most beautiful stars of Hollywood: another charming beauty Reese Witherspoon. This actress can not but like it, because her fearless face disarms. Stunning similarity with mommy boasts of celebrities kids who grow by its copies.

The most beautiful Hollywood actresses: Beauty Kyra Knightley always get the original roles. Soon the actress will participate in the screening of the Nutcracker.

The most beautiful Hollywood beauty: the personal life of Christine Davis has not yet been formed, but she raises a small adoptive daughter, and very happy.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Emma Watson is a pretty, gentle and very talented actress. And although its account has not yet a lot of roles, every film with her participation is the attention of the audience.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: the smile became a business card actress Catherine Heigle. It always looks cheerful and positively, both on the screen and in ordinary life.

The most beautiful stars of Hollywood: Jennifer Lopez proved that it can not only perfect musical hits, but also to film. Films with Lopez are very romantic, and almost all with a happy ending.

The most beautiful Hollywood celebrities: Most recently, Amanda Seyfried and actor Thomas Sadoski got married, and soon they became happy parents, a little princess appeared in their family.

The most beautiful Hollywood stars: Actress Chloe Grace Market tried itself in different creative manifestations. She recently voiced one of the cartoon characters about Snow White.

Hollywood beauties: 30-year-old Camilla Bell Ruth always fascinated with a shrill look. The girl was repeatedly recognized by a real style icon.

The most beautiful celebrities Hollywood: Sheron Stone in a dress from Roberto Cavalli looks like a goddess.

The most beautiful Hollywood celebrities: 51-year-old Salma Hayek looks elegant on a red carpet. As the star told, the secret of her flawless appearance is a good corset who makes her beauty in any dress.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: Kirsten Dunst will soon marry the actor Jesse Plems. In addition, the star tried himself in the new role, starring topless for the underwear advertising campaign.

Olivia Wilde is a happy mom of two kids, but this does not prevent her from being all the most beautiful stars of Hollywood.

The most beautiful Hollywood celebrities: Catherine Zeta-Jones has long been in all the lists of beauties, but recently the fans began to notice that the star moved with injections, and now on the face of Catherine a suspicious smirk.

The most beautiful stars of Hollywood: Although Emma Stone is now - one of the most spectacular beauties, according to the star, in childhood it was considered a guffic duckling.

Hollywood's beauties: Diana Kruger always loved extreme outfits. For her, it is not a problem to reach the red carpet without underwear or in an ultra-screwed dress.

The most beautiful actresses of Hollywood: despite employment, Mill Yovovich tries to pay the time to his family. This time, the famous actress pleased children by vacation in France.

The most beautiful Hollywood celebrities: for Margo Robbie any victims for the sake of the role are allowed. So for one of the roles, the star had to be very corrected, but it was not afraid of the actress. For the sake of career, everything is possible.

The most beautiful stars of Hollywood: Gadot Gal - a miracle - a woman not only in the film, but also in life. The role of wonderful women brought actresses to the unprecedented popularity and considerable fee.

Its without a doubt can be called unique even for Hollywood! After all, this wonderful actress comes from Britain, combines not only a powerful drama gift, but also comedy and literary talents. This is also talking about the set of their roles, among which there are Shakespeare Heroes, and Comedy, and even the role in Harry Potter. And a set of premiums, including two Oscars: one - for acting in the movie "Howard &" (1993), and the second - for the best scenario for the film "Mind and Feelings" (1996). As for the sense of humor ... The best proof is the best friend. And this Hugh Laurie is the famous Cynic and Jotnik Dr. House, friendship with whom even a novel that happened from Emma with Hugh at the beginning of dating.

Emma Thompson photo: East News

Emma Hemming: Prize - Nut

Sometimes the best friends of girls are not at all diamonds, but their own husbands. History Emma Hemming is just about it. And all due to the ability on time and qualitatively console the man who remains unattended. Emma was lucky to console Bruce Willis himself, expelled from the marriage Lodge Demi Moore. And let evil languages \u200b\u200bwhisper that the new wife of the "strong nut" painfully looks like the old one, Hamming is not at all: now she is waiting for a second child from her husband, for the sake of such a matter temporarily interrupting his career. And, by the way, well developed. After all, the Emma model has come to Pantheon - for a long time she was the Angel Victoria Sikret. And on the acting path - to full-fledged roles in the films "Avengers (2007) and the" ideal stranger "(2007).

Emma Hemming Photo: East News

Emma Stone: not afraid of spiders

Youth comedies are an excellent springboard for pretty girls in Hollywood. However, not everyone who is removed there, so talented as Emma Stone. The best proof is the rating of these comedies. Those in which Emma took part, became cult. "Superpets" (2007) and "Excellence of Easy Behavior" (2010) made it recognizable by her face for the viewer, and for producers they told about talent, because after them the pretty Emma Stone managed to light up in much more serious pictures. Such as "servants" (2011) and "Hangers hunters" (2013). But all this is just the beginning! After all, quite recently, EMME entrusted the place at the helm, left the Kirsten Dunst itself - now she became a man-spider girl. So, the world glory is not far off!

Emma Stone Photo: East News

Emma Watson: Best of all

This young Briton broke into the hearts of the audience around the world at the age of all nine years! Moreover, it was able to defeat thousands of competitors on Casting for the role of Hermione Granger in a preparing franchise about the little wizard Harry Lost. And the producers never regretted this: the reputation of the young actress soon found the features of her character - Perfectionaries and honors of Hermione. It is not by chance that Harry Potter Emma was called - "Watson is one oak." She played all scenes without rehearsals. Having stayed on the screen with a wizard for 10 years, and becoming one of the richest girls of the world (a common account on the set of "Harry Potter" actress earned about 10 million pounds sterling), Emma and further continued to create magic. Today she remains one of the most sought-after actresses of Hollywood. And in the process hesitated the title of one of the first beauties, becoming a face of Burberry fashion houses and Lancôme.

Emma Watson Photo: East News

Emma Schweiger: My dad is the best lover

Well, this Emma is direct evidence that the famous proverb "Nature is resting on children." Lies. After all, an angel-like girl is the daughter of the famous sex symbol of our German Tille Schweiger. And she proved his consistency in the cinema at the age of five, starring with dad in the film "Handsome" (2007). Now Emma 11, but the career is stubbornly going uphill: 2011, Emma has already noted the main role in the film "Seducer". Moreover, in its reviews, criticism increasingly forget about whose Emma Daughter, noting her natural beauty, charisma and comedy talent.

Young and talented Hollywood actress Emma Roberts became a continuing acting dynasty. Her father is widely known in the past Eric Roberts, and the aunt is an inimitable Julia Roberts itself. However, Emma received his place in the profession was not at all for the right of birth, but proved the right to him hard work.

Actress Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts was born on February 10, 1991. Her father became the actor Eric Roberts, and Mother was the model Kelly Cunningham. However, almost immediately after the birth of the girl, the couple broke up, and later Eric deprived the former beloved with a small child and roofs above his head. The actor tried and to achieve the Pava guardianship over her daughter. But the resistance in this matter was met not only by the ex-wife, but also from the sister of Julia. It was she who stood on the side of Kelly, helped her to defend the rights to raising her daughter and even acquired a new home for them. Julia Roberts and in life and adulthood of the little Emma actively participated. She often visited former daughter-in-law, and also took a girl with him to the set. It was there that Emma Roberts for the first time saw the backstage work of modern cinema and lit the dream of becoming an actress.

The girl received her first experience in the movie at the age of 10. In the drama "Cocaine" she was lucky to work with such actors as Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz. After that, Emma Roberts played some more completely successful roles of the second plan.

But the first steps as a performer of the leading role Emma Roberts made on the set of the series "Not Suite", launched by the nickelodeon children's channel. This project was very successful. The show went from 2004 to 2007. At the same time, the producers notice the singe talent of the girl (according to the scenario of the series her heroine herself writes and performs songs). Very soon after launching the series, the first solo album Emma Roberts "Unfabulous More: Emma Roberts".

After the filming of filming in the TV series, Emma is removed in two children's full-length films: "Nancy Drew" and "Torza". Both of them get visual recognition.

In a serious, adult film Emma Roberts receives its first major role in 2008. The painting "Luxury Life", in which Alec Baldwin became a partner of Emma, \u200b\u200breceived recognition of film critics and was demonstrated at the International Film Festival in the city of Toronto, the United States. After this painting, Emma was recognized as one of the most talented modern young actresses, and the proposals for the work began to come to her continuous flow. Now the girl is filmed in several films at the same time, its last works were the projects "February", "Billionaires" and the picture "nerve".

Personal life Actress Emma Roberts

Emma Roberts is still very young and, it seems, does not want to get married at all. In addition, according to their acquaintances, from his father, a girl got quite difficult and stalling, which brings additional difficulty in her personal relationship. However, several visible novels from the actress was already.

So, there was a girl with a colleague on the workshop Alex Pettifer. However, soon Emma Roberts and her guy broke up.

The famous skateboarder Ryan Shakeler became a new guy Emma Roberts, but this novel did not last long.

The most serious and long-term relationships associated Emma with actor Evan Peters. The couple met in 2012. After some time began to talk about the engagement of young people. However, the wedding of Emma Roberts and Evan Peterers did not take place, the couple was parted in 2015, then agreed at the beginning of 2016, but in the end, young people again diverged.

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To the question of who is now found by Emma Roberts, it is difficult to give an unequivocal answer. So, there is information that Emma has already met a new one, but the chosen name is not revealed, according to the other data, the girl is still alone and completely focused on the career and new roles in the cinema.

Hollywood is a source of film gesture and modes in the television industry. And the actresses appearing in Hollywood films are invariably attaching close men's attention and evaluating female. Very difficult to select the most beautiful actresses of Hollywoodbecause beauty is in the eyes of the look. In our top 25, we do not compare the beauty of one lady on the other, and do not rank them from the most beautiful actress to the least. We present to your attention the hit parade of those Hollywood beauties who remember the audience at successful cash films.

25. Angelina Jolie.

He starred in such hits as "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", "Salt", "MaleFistent" and participated in the voice of Kung Fu Panda. Jolie has an Oscar Prize for the best female role of the second plan. She recently decided to disperse with her husband, Brad Pitt. Who knows, can one of the millions of admirers Angelina appeared a chance.

24. Jennifer Aniston

Until now, the star of the series "Friends" remains a cumome of many young (and not very) people. She starred in such popular film guards as "Marley and I", "divorce american" and "Bruce Almighty". And Aniston was married to Brad Pitt until he met Jolie.

23. Margo Robbie

The magnificent Harley Queen from the "suicide detachment" immediately fell in love with the audience, unlike the criticized Joker, played by Jared Summer. She was nominated for several awards, and won the Empire Prize for his role in the Wolf with Wall Street.

22. Gal Gadot.

31 - Summer actress from Israel is most famous for his role in different parts of the "Fast anda". She also starred as a wonderful woman in Batman against Superman. Gadote, like other Israeli, served in the army. She received an officer rank, but left the service for the sake of a career in the cinema.

21. Rachel Makadams

The 37-year-old Canadian actress is known mainly for its role in the "Dried Girls". In 2009, she was Irene Adler in Sherlock Holmes, Guy Richie, and her film partner was Robert Downey ML. Makadams participated in Casting on Sue Storm in the "fantastic four", but the role was given to another participant to the top of the most beautiful actresses, Jessica Albe.

20. Jessica Alba

Played in such bestsellers as a "fantastic four", "Good luck, Chuck" and "City of Sin". There was among the 100 sexiest women in 2001 according to Maxim magazine.

19. Zoe Saldan

38 - Summer actress played the role of figured green-stop gamora in the "Galaxy Guards". By the way, the second part of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" is in

And the most famous role of Zoe was in the film James Cameron "Avatar". She was chosen personally by Cameron.

18. Megan Fox.

When Megan was a little girl, she constantly begged her parents to send her to acting lessons. It was clear that she really wants to be an actress, and her desire, in the end came true.

17. Mila Kunis

The actress came from Ukraine from Ukraine in a variety of small roles, until he received his star chance in the film "In the Spangle". Her voice says Meg Griffin in the cartoon "Griffins". Also known for his role in the Black Swan, for which Kunis received the Saturn Award.

16. Emma Stone.

Charming red-haired 27-year-old actress in 2008 played minor roles in the films "Boys like it" and "Ghosts of former girlfriends." The role of the first plan went to her in "Welcome to Zombiend", and in 2012 she became Gwen Stacy in the "New Peace Man".

15. Melissa McCarthy

He is a Hollywood heavyweight in all senses. But who said that beautiful Hollywood actresses are exceptionally thin? McCarthy proves on their own experience that the construction of a successful acting career does not depend on the figure. She is talented, witty, and in 2013 fell into a list of a hundred influential celebrities according to Forbes.

14. Marion Coodyyar

Actress, ecologist, singer, songwriter and representative Greenpeace. She received many awards for their roles in many films, such as "midnight in Paris", "Long engagement", "nine", "rust and bone". She also received an Oscar in 2008 as the best actress in the movie "Life in Pink Light".

13. Cameron Diaz

In 2013, elegant and smiling Cameron was recognized as the highest paid actress Hollywood. He starred in many film sedabilities: "Mask", "Wedding of the Best Friend", "Gangs of New York", "Milashka", etc.

12. Natalie Portman

The star of 1-3 parts of the "Star Wars" first appeared in the cinema in the militant "Leon", where Portman's partner was brilliant Jean Reno. Beauty Natalie is the only actress with dual citizenship (Israel and America).

11. Scarlett Johansson

Blond Scarlett is one of the modern sex symbol for women, as well as regularly decorates the ratings of the sexiest women in the world.

10. Jennifer Lawrence

Soyuza-Peredashnitsa from the "Hungry Games" received the "Oscar" award for shooting in the franchise. 26-year-old Lawrence is an ideal combination of beauty and talent, and can break millions of hearts. This is one of today.

9. Charlize Theron

Does someone can forget the smile of Charlize, once looking at the film with her? But alas of fans, now the actress is in the midst of a novel with a long-standing friend McFarley. On a date, Charlize caught the paparazzi.

8. Keira Knightley

Brave and beautiful Lady Elizabeth from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" twice (in 2006 and 2015) nominated for Oscar. Let's hope that the third time will be happy for her. And Nightley is very similar to Portman and in the first series of "Star Wars" performed the role of the Double Queen - Sabe, and also sometimes replaced Natalie and in the role of Padme.

7. Emma Watson

So the little Hermione rose into one of the most beautiful women of Hollywood . The combination of its luxurious hair, an aristocratic person (Emma Rod from Britain) and the charming figure for surely breaks a lot of male hearts.

6. Halley Berry

A real woman cat: beautiful, graceful, independent. In 2010, PEOPLE magazine included Halley's most beautiful celebrities.

5. Kristen Stewart

Looking at the Vampire of Edward, seeking Beauty Bella (Kristen's character) in the Twilight, many of the leadership of the audience probably thought: "In his place I should be!" In reality, Stewart threw Robert Pattinson, one of the men for the sake of Rupert Sanders.

4. Salma Hayek

Sensual, seductive beauty. Which of the men would refuse to be in the role of a snake with which Salma danced in the vampire horror "from sunset to dawn"?

3. Mill Yovovich

Who are we first remember with the word "multipasport"? Of course, the charming and direct lila from the "fifth element". And if the zombie apocalypse is coming, it is better to stay to Mill closer. She starred in the "abode of evil" and knows what to do.

2. Jennifer Lopez

Over the years, Jay Lo is becoming more beautiful. She is not only an actress, but also singer, dancer, designer and producer.

1. Emilia Clark

The first number in the ranking of the sexiest and welcome actresses of Hollywood There is an elegant, fragile but very strong dragon mother from the series "Game of Thrones". The secret dream of many men and perhaps the future spouse of John Snow. Rumors go different.


The "Dream factory" of a small Emma opened her aunt Julia Roberts. The actress, that and the case took her niece on the shooting, so about the process of working on films in Hollywood, a girl knew not by obstacle. She, of course, wanted to be part of this magic world of cinema, and from 5 years of age she dreamed of becoming an actress. But the parents (in particular, Mom) did not support the baby, although her father Eric Roberts is also a well-known actor, with nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe. Childhood Emma did not want to "spoil" with filming, but the girl still joined the industry, starring in the film "Cocaine" with the participation of Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz, when she was 10 years old.

Emma Roberts: filmography

The debut of Emma Roberts was very successful (to take into account at least, with what matrah she was on the set!), So soon she moved to Los Angeles, closer to film studios to continue attempts to achieve success on the acting field. Here Emma continued to study at school. I must say that Emma perfectly managed to combine her studies with acting business.

Already at 13, the actress Emma Roberts became famous for all America and became the idol of most of his peers. The thing is that Emma received a major role in the adolescent series "Not Such". It was not so simple for her: neither the Nickelodeon channel (the show was filmed for him) nor the creator of the series Su Rose at first were not sure if the girl would cope. But on Casting, Roberts conquered them with singing and playing the guitar. Young actress played a seventh grader named Eddie Singer, who writes songs about his school life. The program had crazy ratings and was the most popular in the US among viewers aged from 9 to 14 years. Thanks to the series in 2005, Emma was even able to release the Unfabulous And More Music Album.

Since 2006, the actress Emma Roberts returns to the shooting in full-length paintings. The comedy "Aquamarine" about the two girlfriends who found the mermaid in the pool, brings young actress Award Young Artist Award. This should be involved in the tapes "Nancy Drew" about the teenagers of the teenager Nancy and "Torza".

In 2009, Emma is invited to play "Luxury Life" film, which allowed her to work with Martin Scorsese and. She could even become China Everdin in the famous "hungry games" instead of Jennifer Laurence, which in the end approved for the role. In 2013, Emma played in the film "We - Millers" with Jennifer Aniston. Then she joined the acting of the third season of the series "American Horror History: Shabash".

Emma Roberts: Growth, weight

Emma's growth Roberts 157 cm, and the weight is 50 kg.

Emma Roberts: Personal Life

Emma Roberts had a novel with actor Alex Pettifer, who played with her in the movie "Torzov". In 2012, Emma had a novel with actor Evan Peters, who from the first season is removed in the "American Horror History". Their union seemed not very strong, especially in the summer of 2013, when Emma was even arrested for applying power during a quarrel with Evan and broke his nose. But shortly before the New Year, at the end of 2013, Evan offered Emma to get married, to which she agreed without hesitation.