Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) "Clarissa, or the story of the Young Lady ..." ("Clarissa Gallow") (1747-1748). Clarissa, or the story of the young lady, Richardson Samuel Clarissa or the story of a young lady

Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) "Clarissa, or the story of the Young Lady ..." ("Clarissa Gallow") (1747-1748). Clarissa, or the story of the young lady, Richardson Samuel Clarissa or the story of a young lady

Samuel Richardson

"Clarissa, or the story of a young lady ..." ("Clarissa Gallow")

The first cult novelist of the XVIII century. Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), the owner of the printing house, which combined the profession of the editor, publisher, typographicer, book service and writer, wrote three family-household novels, of which, undoubtedly, the best is a huge semitomic "CLARISSA; Or The History of A Young Lady ... "-" Clarissa, or the story of a young lady, covering the most important questions of privacy and showing, especially disasters arising from the bad behavior of both parents and children in relation to marriage "(1747-1748 ). Richardson, as the starving Puritanin, who believed that the artistic fiction was synonymous with the terrible sin - lies, the story was extremely documented, and as a large sign of the art of the letter, Clarissa, her friends, the aristocrat of Lovelass and his friend. Four stories about one and that Dice story were presented to the reader - the reception operated later in psychological and other prose, as well as in cinema. Richardson Himself was given not for the author, but for the publisher I accidentally came to him letters.

The ideals and vital values \u200b\u200bof the Epoch of Enlightenment were bright and convincingly embodied in Karissa Garloou. On the life and nrules of the Middle Anglicin and to Richardson in England XVIII century. I wrote A. Pup, J. Addison, R. Styl, D. Defo, but it was he who attached the conventional phenomena of the private existence of a person a genuine drama pathos, who touched the hearts of millions of people.

Brilliant Cavalier Robert Lovelace, who was eagerly taken in the house of the wealthy family Harloh, coldly rejected Arabella, who had species on him, which provoked a duel with her brother James. James was wounded, Lovelassa refused home, but in order not to interrupt relations with the influential family, offered the younger sister Arabella of sixteen-year-old Clarissa write a letter to him. The grandfather, about which Clarissa since childhood showed care, bequeathed her own property, which led the family to indignation. Everyone began to force a girl to abandon the inheritance, with which she rather easily agreed, and marry a rich and nasty Mr. Solma, which she resolutely opposed.

Title sheet of the first edition of the novel "Clarissa ..."

A vulnerable slate, the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge on Garloou, conducted a correspondence with the charming Clariss, which he perceived as love. The family arranged an obstacle obstruction, accusing her in the passion by Lovelas and making everything to respond to the courting of the aristocrat. He himself, at this time, fell for the young Nurse, which, however, at the tear request of her mother not only did not seduce, but even gave dowry.

Knowing the intention of the family to send it to the uncle, and then issue for Salms, virtuous Clarissa reported that Lovelace. He suggested to meet her to discuss the escape. Entertaining the meeting as a persecution by relatives, Robert took her to a public house, where he kept locked. Sporaly offering her hand and heart sporadically, he tried in vain by cavering and the oaths "to rip the flower of innocence." Clarissa, without immediately realizing that she was a prisoner, and not confident in the sincerity of the Savior's feelings, refused to him. ONAUEMEMALLY-CLOSEVEDY, T. K. Her, disgraced in the eyes of society, would not have any at home, nor in the world, but still attempted to escape from the triton, than just Juncounted Lovelas. He ran in potion and raped her. After what happened, the girl was clear. Lovelace, also suddenly twisted, was horrified by the deed, repented, but it was too late. For all his assurances in love and so on. Clarissa responded with a contemptuous refusal, escaped from imprisonment, but on false charges in non-payment of money for housing was in prison. Something from clothes, oncupodigrob, wrote farewell letters, in which she asked not to pursue the sewer, amounted to a will, in which he did not forget any of those who were good with her, and fade like a candle. Lovelace left England in despair. In France, Clarissa cousin called him a duel and mortally wounded. Molver on redemption were the last words of the aristocrat. The father with Mother Clariss died from remorse of conscience, and his sister with a brother entered unsuccessful marriages.

A description of the moral and psychological struggle of the hero and heroine, the struggle of two different life principles of sewer and the "Puritan Saint", accounted for the public, especially the girls, the main readers of the novel. Clarissa had a huge success. To the great regret of the writer, contrary to his intention to glue the Great Lamid Lamodynik, he fascinated the ladies' hearts, and a virtuous Clarissa was reproached in reference and arrogance. The ladies demanded from the author to change the ending, spare heroes, combine their happy marriage. They caught the writer on the street, arranged under the windows of the demonstration, but he did not get their requests, for his prototypes perfectly knew about the ruthlessness of the fate of their prototypes and sacredly believed that the vice should be punished, and virtue would triumph. Let even the price of the death of a person. Not only a lie, but all sorts of not true was opposed to Richardson, a beautiful family mannies to the caring father of the family. The author was accused of a manifestation in the literature in the literature and in his life, he built a walk on the whole male genus, to which Richardson responded, creating the perfect image of the hero in the "Stories of Sir Charles Grandison".

Richardson's novels instantly won the entire European reading public. There were many arrangements, imitation, theatrical performances, as well as parodies on his writings, the most famous of which became the "apology of Mrs. Shamelai Andrews" of the city of Fielding.

The influence of Creativity Richardson (first of all "Clarissa") experienced an English sentimental novel of the XVIII century, and even more French and German. Enthusiastic critics, among which were D. Didro, propheted Richardson immortal glory on a par with Homer and the Bible. J.J. Rousseau believed that nothing like Richardson's novels was not created in the same language. A. Mussensno "Clarissus" "Blistersmannasvet". Sh. De Laklo was a sincere fan of Richardson. His novel in the letters "Dangerous connections" called the French response to the English "Clariss Garloow". O. Balzac wrote with admiration: "Clarissa, this beautiful image of passionate virtue, there are features of purity leading to despair."

In Russia, the novel was published in the French language in the abbreviated version at the end of the 18th and middle of the XIX centuries., For the first time in 1791, the "memorable life of the Maiden Clarissa Garlov" translated from the French N. Osinov and P. Kildyushevsky. N. Karamzin and his school experienced the influence of Richardson. A. Pushkin made him for his Tatiana Larina "favorite Creator". From the English original into Russian, the novel was not translated.

The longest English novel, about which when he went out into the world, they said that, "I wonder alone only, you can hang from impatience," I was interested in leisurely readers not to plot, but feelings and morals, not fantasies and fiction, but threatening and plausibility. Today, the story about the destroyed girl innocence, waving at 1500 ppm, it seems to cease to worry readers even before they study. Read a million words - not that forces, not enough time released to reading young people. Alas, you have to state that the times of long novels, who were already in the time of Pushkin yesterday, left irrevocably into the past. However, give them a tribute to them - akin to the Egyptian pyramids and a great Chinese wall - for themselves, for the writer's feat, for the memory of unprecedented noisy success in conquered by them contemporaries. They played, in the end, their brilliant role. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi -so passes the glory worldly. And at all while in the XX century. Many critics were ready to return Richardson precisely for this novel title of the best novelist XVIII century.

In 1991, English Director R. Birman removed the series "Clarissa", shown in our country.

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Anna Hou writes to his girlfriend Clarissa Gallow that in the world they talk about the skirmis between James Garloou and Sir Robert Lovelace, who ended with the wounded by the older brother Clarissa. Anna asks to tell about what happened, and on behalf of his mother asks to send a copy of that part of the will of the grandfather of Clarissa, in which the reasons that prompted the elderly gentleman to refuse their property Clarissa, not sons or other grandchildren.

Clarissa describes in detail in detail what happened, starting his story from how Lovelas fell into their home (he introduced Lord M. - Uncle of the Young Esquier). Everything happened in the absence of a heroine, and about the first visits of Lovelace, she learned from his older sister Arabella, who decided that the sophisticated aristocrat had serious views on her. She told Clariss about his plans without constraint, until she finally understood that the restraint and silent courtesy of a young man testify to his coldness and the absence of any interest in Arabelle. The delights were replaced by an open hostility, which brother wouldingly supported. It turns out that he always hated Lovelaces, envy (as Clarissa accidentally reasoned) of its aristocratic refinement and ease of communication, which is given by origin, and not money. James started a quarrel, and Lovelas was only defended. The attitude of the family Gallow to Lovelaus changed dramatically, and he was denied home.

From the promised copy attached to the letter of Clarissa, the reader learns that the Garloou family is very consistent. All three sons of the deceased, including the Father of Clarissa, have significant means - mines, commercial capital, etc. Brother Clarissa is provided with his godmother. Clarissa, since his childhood, taking care of the old gentleman, and thus the reassembly days, declared the only heir. From subsequent letters, you can learn about other items of this testament. In particular, upon reaching the eighteen-year-old age, Clarissa will be able to dispose of inherited property at its discretion.

Family Garloou is indignant. One of the Persons of the Father - Anthony - even says his niece (in his answer to her letter) that the rights to land of Clarissa all Harloou appeared earlier than she was born. Her mother, fulfilling the will of her husband, threatened that the girl would not be able to take advantage of his property. All threats were to force Clariss to abandon the inheritance and marry Rodger Salms. All Garloou knows perfectly about the misfortunes, greediness and cruelty of Salms, as it's no secret that he refused to help his native sister on the grounds that she married without his consent. He also cruelly he acted with his uncle.

Since the family of Lovelas has a significant influence, Harho does not immediately break with him, so as not to spoil relations with Lord M. In any case, Clarissa's correspondence with Lovelas began at the request of the family (sending one of his relative abroad, Garloou needed the advice of an experienced traveler) . The young man could not help but fall in love with an adorable sixteen-year-old girl who had an excellent syllable and distinguished loyalty of judgments (as follows all members of the Garloou family, and so for some time it seemed to be the Kdarissa himself).

Anna Hou writes to his girlfriend Clarissa Gallow that in the world they talk about the skirmis between James Garloou and Sir Robert Lovelace, who ended with the wounded by the older brother Clarissa. Anna asks to tell about what happened, and on behalf of his mother asks to send a copy of that part of the will of the grandfather of Clarissa, in which the reasons that prompted the elderly gentleman to refuse their property Clarissa, not sons or other grandchildren.

Clarissa describes in detail in detail what happened, starting his story from how Lovelas fell into their home (he introduced Lord M. - Uncle of the Young Esquier). Everything happened in the absence of a heroine, and about the first visits of Lovelace, she learned from his older sister Arabella, who decided that the sophisticated aristocrat had serious views on her. She told Clariss about his plans without constraint, until she finally understood that the restraint and silent courtesy of a young man testify to his coldness and the absence of any interest in Arabelle. The delights were replaced by an open hostility, which brother wouldingly supported. It turns out that he always hated Lovelaces, envy (as Clarissa accidentally reasoned) of its aristocratic refinement and ease of communication, which is given by origin, and not money. James started a quarrel, and Lovelas was only defended. The attitude of the family Gallow to Lovelaus changed dramatically, and he was denied home.

From the promised copy attached to the letter of Clarissa, the reader learns that the Garloou family is very consistent. All three sons of the deceased, including the Father of Clarissa, have significant means - mines, commercial capital, etc. Brother Clarissa is provided with his godmother. Clarissa, since his childhood, taking care of the old gentleman, and thus the reassembly days, declared the only heir. From subsequent letters, you can learn about other items of this testament. In particular, upon reaching the eighteen-year-old age, Clarissa will be able to dispose of inherited property at its discretion.

Family Garloou is indignant. One of the Persons of the Father - Anthony - even says his niece (in his answer to her letter) that the rights to land of Clarissa all Harloou appeared earlier than she was born. Her mother, fulfilling the will of her husband, threatened that the girl would not be able to take advantage of his property. All threats were to force Clariss to abandon the inheritance and marry Rodger Salms. All Garloou knows perfectly about the misfortunes, greediness and cruelty of Salms, as it's no secret that he refused to help his native sister on the grounds that she married without his consent. He also cruelly he acted with his uncle.

Since the family of Lovelas has a significant influence, Harho does not immediately break with him, so as not to spoil relations with Lord M. In any case, Clarissa's correspondence with Lovelas began at the request of the family (sending one of his relative abroad, Garloou needed the advice of an experienced traveler) . A young man could not help but fall in love with a charming sixteen-year-old girl who had an excellent syllable and distinguished loyalty of judgments (so they judged all the members of the Harloou family, and so for some time it seemed to Clarissa himself). Later, from the letters of Lovelace to his friend and forever John Belford, the reader learns about the true feelings of a young gentleman and how they changed under the influence of the moral qualities of the young girl.

The girl persists in his intention to refuse marriage with Salms and denies all the accusations that he is passionate about Lovelas. The family is very brutally trying to suppress the plump of Clarissa - they are searched for her room to find letters that are climbing her, and trusted maid run. Its attempts to find help at least one of the many relatives do not lead to anything. The Clarissa family was easily decided on any pretense to deprive the recalcitable daughter of supporting others. In the presence of the priest, a family world was demonstrated and consent, so that then to do with the girl even tougher. As later Lovelas writes to his friend, Garloou did everything for the girl to respond to his courtship. To this end, he settled near the estate Garloou under a stranger name. In the house, Harhu was visited by heavily, who reported to him all the details of what happened there, which he later hit Clariss. Naturally, the girl did not suspect the true intentions of Lovelass, who chose her to the tool to revenge with a hated Haroow. The fate of his girl was little interested, although some of his judgments and deeds allow us to agree with the original attitude towards him of Clarissa, who became worthy of judging by him fairly and not biased by all sorts of rumors and biased towards him.

At the end of the courtyard, where the young gentleman settled, a young girl lived, admiring Lovelass his youth and naivety. He noticed that she was in love with a neighbor young man, but there is no hope for the marriage of young people, since he is promised a significant amount if he marries the choice of his family. Adorable idleness, raising his grandmother, cannot count on anything. He writes about all this, he writes to his friend and asks him on arrival with respect to relate to the poor man.

Anna Hou, learning that Lovelas lives under one roof with a young special, warns Clarissus and asks not to get involved in a shameless fiber. Clarissa, however, wants to make sure the truthfulness of rumors and appeals to Anna with a request to talk to the alleged beloved. In delight, Anna reports Clarissa that the rumors of Linger, that Lovelas not only did not seduce the innocent soul, but also to talk with her family, supplied the girl dowry in the size of the same hundred gines that were promised to her bridegroom.

Relatives, seeing that no persuasions and oppression act, declare Clarissa that they send it to the uncle and the only visitor would be Salms. This means that Clarissa is doomed. The girl tells about this Lovela, and he offers her to run. Clarissa is convinced that she should not flow in such a way, but, but touched by one of the letters, decides to tell him about it at the meeting. With great difficulty, coming to the agreed place with great difficulty, as all members of the family followed her garden walks, she meets her devotee (as it seems) to her friend. He is also trying to overcome her resistance and carries me to the cooked prepared in advance. He managed to fulfill the conceived, as the girl does not doubt that they are pursued. She hears the noise behind the garden wicket, she sees the running pursuer and instinctively gives care of his "Savior" - Lovelas continues to firm that her departure means marriage with Salm. Only from the letter of Lovelace to his accomplice, the reader learns that the imaginary persecutor began to break the castle on the agreed sentence signal and chase behind the hiding young people so that the unfortunate girl did not recognize him and could not suspect the collusion.

Clarissa did not immediately understand what the abduction occurred, as some details of what was happening corresponded to what Lovelas wrote, offering escape. They were expected by two noble relatives of the gentleman, who actually were his disguise reporters who helped him keep the girl locked in a terrible obstice. Moreover, one of the girls, tired by the orders (they had to rewrite the letters of Clarissa so that he would know about the intentions of the girl and about her to him of the relationship), advises Lovelas to do with the captive, just as he once did with them that with the time And happened.

But first time the aristocrat continued to pretend, then making the girl a proposal, then forgetting about him, forcing it, as she once put it, between hope and doubt, leaving the parental house, Clarissa was in power of a young gentleman, since public opinion was on his side . Since Lovelas believed that the latter circumstance is obvious to the girl, then she is completely in his power, and he did not immediately understand his mistake.

In the future, Clarissa and Lovelas describe the same events, but they interpret them differently, and only the reader understands how heroes are mistaken about the true feelings and intentions of each other.

Lovelas itself in letters, Belford describes in detail the Clariss reaction to their words and actions. He argues a lot about the relationship between men and women. He assures a friend that, they say, nine women out of ten are to blame in his fall, and in the fact that, subduer a woman once, you can expect humble and in the future. His letters are replete with historical examples and unexpected comparisons. The persistence of Clarissa annoys him, no tricks act on the girl - it remains indifferent to all temptations. All advise Clarissa to accept the sentence of Lovelas and become his wife. The girl is not sure about the sincerity and seriousness of the feelings of Lovelace and doubts. Then the Lovelace is solved on violence, after afterbilling Clariss with a sleeping potion. The happening deprives Clarissa of any illusions, but it retains the former hardness and rejects all the attempts of Lovelass to redeem the deed. Her attempt to escape from the triton failed - the police were on the side of Lovelace and the villain of Sinclair - the owner of the triton who helped him. Lovelas finally turns and horrifies the deed. But it can not fix anything.

Clarissa prefers his marriage with a dishonest man. She sells a little that she has from clothes to buy a coffin. He writes farewell letters, make up the will and quietly fuses.

The testament is touching with black silk, testifies that Clarissa forgave everyone evil. She begins with the fact that he always wanted to be buried next to his favorite grandfather, in his feet, but since the fate soon ordered otherwise, gives an order to bury her in the parish where she died. She did not forget any of the members of his family and those who were good to her. She also asks not to pursue Lovelas.

In desperation, a repentant young man leaves England. From the letter sent to his friend Belford in one French nobleman, it becomes known that the young gentleman met William Morden. A duel took place, and a deadly lovelace died in torment with words about atonement.

Brief content of Richardson Roman "Clarissa"

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Created in the era of mature enlightenment in the genre of the family-house-matting novel of education. This genre at that time was very common in the literature. In particular, to Clarissa, Richardson wrote such novels as the "History of Charles Grandsson", "Pamela, or Renewal Virtue." The main idea of \u200b\u200bthese novels was extrunted virtue in a traditional understanding: Blessed sinless, be virtuous, and you will be happy. The Roman "Clarissa" is written differently - the tragic line dominates it.


The novel is written in an episristolar genre. Events are shown to the reader through the correspondence of the characters.

Clarissa Harlow is the youngest daughter from the rich bourgeois family - gets a great inheritance from grandfather. As a girl is highly agreed and altruistic, it conveys their rights to other family members. Brother James and Sister Arabella begin to oppress her, seeking marriage with disgusting, but rich solmb. For Clariss, marriage without love is impossible, and it categorically refuses.

Aristocrat Lovelas (Lovelace), seeing what kind of situation she decides to take advantage and seduce an innocent girl. He abducts her under the guise of salvation, keeps in a dirty triton, giving him for a decent house of widow of the priest. Several of his familiar prostitutes and friends play the role of ladies of secular society and their cavaliers. There is a moral duel between Clarissa and Lovelas. Lovelace subjures her spiritual testing that Clarissa passes with honor. In the end, he takes her strength. For Clarissa after that everything is over. All her spiritual principles are Popran. She dies, having time to forgive him, and Lovelas lives the rest lives in terrible repentance. In the end he dies on duels.

Psychological analysis

Clarissa is a masterpiece of psychological prose. Moral debt in the face of Clarissa is opposed to the deflectionity of lovelaes. Clarissa good and moral, Lovelaks Cynic and Egoist. She is a victim, he is a predator. They are opposite concepts of man.

Richardson traces all the complex development of their relationship. First, mutual sympathy, then love and acute moral and ideological duel. The predator-demon Lovelace is trying to suppress the identity of Clarissa, break it spiritually and physically, subordinate to himself. Clarissa, for his part, hopes for its correction and moral transformation. Having met resistant resistance, Lovelas begins to doubt himself and comes from it into rage. He builds more and more insidious goats to break the will of Clarissa.

Clarissa was raised, faded, died. However, her death is a victory, because Lovelas repents and lives in an hopeless longing. Clarissa is not rewarded for virtue in life (unlike Pamela), but her virtue triumphs.

Author and readers

The novel had a huge success. They read them, begged Richardson, so that Clarissa was not died to, like Parelo, lived happily. However, the very impression of the audience was produced by a demonic image of loving. According to some estimates, loving as a character of brighter Clarissa. (Pushkin called Clarissus "boring fool"). According to some critics, readers perceived the psychology of the novel and the capacious characters characteristics otherwise than the author was calculated. Moreover, psychologism entered the fore and blocked the moral side, which for Richardson was the main one.

Richardson found that his novel did not understand - misunderstood the figure of Lovelas. He supplied the third volume by extensive comments, where he explained exactly how to read his novel and how to understand all the actions of heroes.

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An excerpt characterizing Clarissa (Roman)

Chernoglazaya, with a big mouth, ugly, but a living girl, with his children's open her shoulders, who, shrinking, moved in their savage from rapid run, with his back black curls, thin bare hands and small legs in lace pantalones and outdoor shoes, It was in that kind of age when the girl is no longer a child, and the child is not a girl yet. Turning away from the Father, she ran up to the mother and, without paying any attention to her strict remark, hid her painted face in the lace of the material Mantile and laughed. She laughed by something, intensely fading about the doll, which was taken out of the skirt.
- See? ... doll ... Mimi ... See.
And Natasha could not say anymore (she all seemed funny). She fell to the mother and looked so loud and ringing that everything, even a spherical guest, was laughing against their will.
- Well, let's look with your freak! - Mother said, pretended angrily repenting daughter. "This is my smaller," she turned to the guest.
Natasha, tonging to a minute of her face from the lace Kosynka Mother, looked at her below through the tears of laughter and again hid face.
Guest, forced to admire the family scene, found it necessary to take some participation in it.
"Tell me, my sweet," she said, turning to Natasha, "how do you have this Mimi?" Daughter, right?
Natasha did not like the tone of connecting to the children's conversation, with whom Guest turned to her. She answered nothing and seriously looked at the guest.
Meanwhile, all this is the young generation: Boris - an officer, son of Prinugini Anna Mikhailovna, Nikolai - a student, the eldest son of the graph, Sonya - a fifteen-year-old Count, and a little Petrusha - a little son, everyone is located in the living room and, apparently, tried to keep decency within the borders The revival and the funship that every their trait breathed. It was seen that there, in the rear rooms, from where they all were so rapidly came running, they had conversations more fun than here about urban gossip, weather and comtessse apraksine. [About Apraksina Countess.] Occasionally, they glanced at each other and barely held away from laughter.
Two young people, a student and officer, friends since childhood, were one years old and both beautiful, but not like each other. Boris was a high blond young man with the right detached features of a calm and beautiful face; Nikolai was a low curly young man with an open facial expression. On the upper lip, it was already shown by black hairs, and in the whole of the face, swiftness and enthusiasm were expressed.
Nikolai blushed as soon as he entered the living room. It was seen that he was looking for and did not find what to say; Boris, on the contrary, immediately found and told calmly, jokingly, like this Mimi doll he knew another young girl with a unspoken still nose, as she was on five years old on his memory and how she cracked his head around his overall. Having said it, he looked at Natasha. Natasha turned away from him, looked at the younger brother, who, clogging, was shaking from silent laughter, and, no longer able to hold, jumped and ran out of the room so soon, as soon as her fast legs could carry. Boris did not laugh.
"You seem to want to go, Maman?" Care you need? - He said, turning to his mother with a smile.
"Yes," I look, I called, we walked, "she said, walking.
Boris came out quietly at the door and went for Natasha, the thick boy angrily ran up for them, as if annoying on a disorder that had occurred in his occupations.

From young people, not counting the older daughter of the Countess (which was four years older than sister and held herself already, as a big) and guests of the ladies, Nikolai and Sonya niece remained in the living room. Sonya was a thin, miniature brunette with a soft, laid long eyelashes, a thick black braid, twice with her head, and a yellowish tint of the skin on the face and especially on nude thin, but graceful muscular hands and neck. The smoothness of the movements, softness and flexibility of small members and a few tricky and restrained manner, she resembled a beautiful, but not yet formed kitten, which will be a pretty kitty. She, apparently, considered it decent to show a smile to participate in a common conversation; but against the will her eyes from under long dense eyelashes looked at the Cousin [cousin's brother] with such a virgin passionate adoration that the smile could not deceive anyone for a moment, and it was clear that the kitty sent only to still It is more vigorous to jump and wake with your compassion, as soon as soon as they just like Boris with Natasha, get out of this living room.

3.016 Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, or the story of the young lady

Samuel Richardson

The first cult novelist of the XVIII century. Samuel Richardson (1689-1761), the owner of the printing house that combined the profession of the editor, publisher, typographicer, bookciper and writer, wrote three family-household novels, of which, undoubtedly, the best is a huge semitomic ("Clarissa; Or, The History of A Young Lady: Comprehending The Most Important Concerns of Private Life; and Particularly Sheewing The Distresses That May Attend The Misconduct Both Of Parents and Children, in Relation to Marriage »," Clarissa, or the story of a young lady, covering the most important questions of privacy and showing, in Features, disasters arising from bad behavior both parents and children in relation to marriage "(1747-1748).

Richardson, as the starving Puritanin, who believed that the artistic fiction was synonymous with the terrible sin - lies, the story was extremely documented, and as a large sign of the art of the letter, Clarissa, her friends, the aristocrat of Lovelass and his friend.

The reader was presented four stories about the same story - the reception operated later in psychological and other prose, as well as in cinema. Richardson Himself was given not for the author, but for the publisher I accidentally came to him letters.

"Clarissa, or the story of a young lady, covering the most important questions of privacy and showing, especially disasters arising from bad behavior both parents and children in relation to marriage"
("Clarissa Gallow")

The ideals and vital values \u200b\u200bof the Epoch of Enlightenment were bright and convincingly embodied in Karissa Garloou. On the life and nrules of the Middle Anglicin and to Richardson in England XVIII century. I wrote A. Pup, J. Addison, R. Styl, D. Defo, but it was he who attached the conventional phenomena of the private existence of a person a genuine drama pathos, who touched the hearts of millions of people.

Brilliant Cavalier Robert Lovelace, who was eagerly taken in the house of the wealthy family Harloh, coldly rejected Arabella, who had species on him, which provoked a duel with her brother James. James was wounded, Lovelassa refused home, but in order not to interrupt relations with the influential family, offered the younger sister Arabella of sixteen-year-old Clarissa write a letter to him. The grandfather, about which Clarissa since childhood showed care, bequeathed her own property, which led the family to indignation. Everyone began to force a girl to abandon the inheritance, with which she rather easily agreed, and marry a rich and nasty Mr. Solma, which she resolutely opposed.

A vulnerable slate, the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge on Garloou, conducted a correspondence with the charming Clariss, which he perceived as love. The family arranged an obstacle obstruction, accusing her in the passion by Lovelas and making everything to respond to the courting of the aristocrat. He himself, at this time, fell for the young Nurse, which, however, at the tear request of her mother not only did not seduce, but even gave dowry.

Knowing the intention of the family to send it to the uncle, and then issue for Salms, virtuous Clarissa reported that Lavelas. He suggested to meet her to discuss the escape.

Entertaining the meeting as a persecution by relatives, Robert took her to a public house, where he kept locked. Sporaly offering her hand and heart sporadically, he tried in vain by cavering and the oaths "to rip the flower of innocence." Clarissa, without immediately realizing that she was a prisoner, and not confident in the sincerity of the Savior's feelings, refused to him.

She could no longer return to the family, because Her, disgraced in the eyes of society, would not take at home or in the light, but still attempted to escape from the triton, than only I was glanned by Lovelas. He ran in potion and raped her.

After what happened, the girl was clear. Lovelace, also suddenly twisted, was horrified by the deed, repented, but it was too late. For all his assurances in love and so on. Clarissa responded with a contemptuous refusal, escaped from imprisonment, but on false charges in non-payment of money for housing was in prison.

Something from the clothes, she bought a coffin, wrote for a farewell letters, in which she asked not to pursue the sewer, amounted to the will, in which he did not forget any of those who were with her kindness, and fade like a candle. Lovelace left England in despair.

In France, Clarissa cousin called him a duel and mortally wounded. Molver on redemption were the last words of the aristocrat. The father with Mother Clariss died from remorse of conscience, and his sister with a brother entered unsuccessful marriages.

A description of the moral and psychological struggle of the hero and heroine, the struggle of two different life principles of sewer and the "Puritan Saint", accounted for the public, especially the girls, the main readers of the novel. Clarissa had a huge success.

To the great regret of the writer, contrary to his intention to glue the Great Lamid Lamodynik, he fascinated the ladies' hearts, and a virtuous Clarissa was reproached in reference and arrogance.

The ladies demanded from the author to change the ending, spare heroes, combine their happy marriage. They caught the writer on the street, arranged under the windows of the demonstration, but he did not get their requests, for his prototypes perfectly knew about the ruthlessness of the fate of their prototypes and sacredly believed that the vice should be punished, and virtue would triumph. Let even the price of the death of a person.

Not only a lie, but all sorts of not true was confused by Richardson, an excellent family man and a caring father of the family. The author was accused of a manifestation in the literature in the literature and in his life, he built a walk on the whole male genus, to which Richardson responded, creating the perfect image of the hero in the "Stories of Sir Charles Grandison".

Richardson's novels instantly won the entire European reading public. There were many arrangements, imitation, theatrical performances, as well as parodies on his writings, the most famous of which became the "apology of Mrs. Shamelai Andrews" of the city of Fielding.

The influence of Creativity Richardson (first of all "Clarissa") experienced an English sentimental novel of the XVIII century, and even more French and German. Enthusiastic critics, among which were D. Didro, propheted Richardson immortal glory on a par with Homer and the Bible. J.J. Rousseau believed that nothing like Richardson's novels was not created in the same language. A. Mussse called "Clarissus" "the best novel in the world." Sh. De Laklo was a sincere fan of Richardson. His novel in the letters "Dangerous connections" called the French response to the English "Clariss Garloow". O. Balzac wrote with admiration: "Clarissa, this beautiful image of passionate virtue, there are features of purity leading to despair."

In Russia, the novel was published in the French language in the abbreviated version at the end of the 18th and middle of the XIX centuries., For the first time in 1791, the "memorable life of the Maiden Clarissa Garlov" translated from the French N. Osinov and P. Kildyushevsky. N. Karamzin and his school experienced the influence of Richardson. A. Pushkin made him for his Tatiana Larina "favorite Creator". From the English original into Russian, the novel was not translated.

The longest English novel, about which when he went out into the world, they said that "I wonder alone only, you can hang from impatience," I was interested in leisurely readers not to plot, but feelings and morals, not fantasies and fiction, but threatening and plausibility.

Today, the story of the destroyed girl innocence, smeared by 1,500 pp., It seems that ceases to worry readers even before they study. To read a million words - not that forces, there is not enough time released for reading young people.

Alas, you have to state that the times of long novels, who were already in the time of Pushkin yesterday, left irrevocably into the past. However, give them a tribute to them - akin to the Egyptian pyramids and a great Chinese wall - for themselves, for the writer's feat, for the memory of unprecedented noisy success in conquered by them contemporaries. They played, in the end, their brilliant role. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi - so passes Glory worldly. And at all while in the XX century. Many critics were ready to return Richardson precisely for this novel title of the best novelist XVIII century.

In 1991, English Director R. Birman removed the series "Clarissa", shown in our country.