A complete list of sins in confession! How to confess correctly and what to say to the priest: examples.

A complete list of sins in confession!  How to confess correctly and what to say to the priest: examples.
A complete list of sins in confession! How to confess correctly and what to say to the priest: examples.

The sacrament of confession is a test for the soul. It consists of the desire to repent, verbal confession, repentance for sins. When a person goes against the laws of God, he gradually destroys his spiritual and physical shell. Repentance helps to cleanse. It reconciles a person with God. The soul is healed and receives strength to fight against sin.

Confession allows you to talk about your wrongdoings and receive forgiveness. In excitement and fear, you can forget what you wanted to repent of. The list of sins for confession serves as a reminder, a hint. It can be read in full or used as a blueprint. The main thing is that the confession is sincere and truthful.


Confession is the main component of repentance. This is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness for your sins, to be cleansed of them. Confession gives spiritual strength to resist evil. Sin is a discrepancy in thoughts, words, actions with God's will.

Confession is a sincere awareness of wicked deeds, a desire to get rid of them. No matter how difficult and unpleasant it is to remember them, you should tell the clergyman in detail about your sins.

For this sacrament, a complete interconnection of feelings and words is necessary, because the everyday enumeration of one's sins will not bring true cleansing. Feelings without words are as ineffectual as words without feelings.

There is a list of sins for confession. This is a large list of all obscene actions or words. It is based on 7 deadly sins and 10 commandments. Human life is too varied to be absolutely righteous. Therefore, confession is an opportunity to repent of sins and try to prevent them in the future.

How to Prepare for Confession?

Preparation for confession should take place in a few days. You can write a list of sins on a piece of paper. You should read special literature about the sacraments of confession and communion.

One should not seek excuses for sins; one should realize their wickedness. It is best to analyze your every day, sorting out what was good and what was bad. Such a daily habit will help to be more attentive to thoughts and actions.

Before confession, one should make peace with everyone who has been offended. Forgive those who have offended. Before confession, it is necessary to strengthen the prayer rule. Add to the nightly reading the Penitential Canon, the canons of the Mother of God.

It is necessary to separate personal repentance (when a person mentally repents of his actions) and the sacrament of confession (when a person talks about his sins in the desire to be cleansed of them).

The presence of an outsider requires a moral effort to realize the depth of the offense, and through overcoming shame, it will make us look more deeply at the wrong actions. Therefore, a list of sins for confession in Orthodoxy is so necessary, as it will help to reveal what was forgotten or wanted to hide.

If you have any difficulties in compiling a list of sinful actions, you can purchase the book "Complete Confession". It is in every church shop. There is a detailed list of sins for confession, especially the sacrament. Samples of confession and materials for preparation for it have been published.


Is there a heaviness in your soul, you want to speak out, ask for forgiveness? It becomes much easier after confession. This is an open, sincere confession and repentance for committed transgressions. You can go to confession up to 3 times a week. The desire to be cleansed of sins can help you overcome feelings of stiffness and awkwardness.

The less frequent the confession, the more difficult it is to remember all events and thoughts. The best option for conducting the ordinance is once a month. Help in confession - a list of sins - will suggest the necessary words. The main thing is for the priest to understand the essence of the offense. Then the punishment for sin will be justified.

After confession, the priest imposes penance in difficult cases. This is punishment, excommunication from the holy sacraments and God's grace. Its duration is determined by the priest. In most cases, the penitent is faced with moral and corrective labor. For example, fasting, reading prayers, canons, akathists.

Sometimes the priest reads the list of sins for confession. You can independently write a list of what has been done. It is better to come to confession after the evening service or in the morning before the liturgy.

How is the sacrament going

In some situations, you should invite the priest for confession at home. This is done if the person is seriously ill or is about to die.

After entering the temple, you need to take a line for confession. During the entire time of the sacrament, the cross and the Gospel lie on the lectern. This symbolizes the invisible presence of the Savior.

Before confession begins, the priest may start asking questions. For example, how often prayers are said, whether church rules are being followed.

Then the sacrament begins. It is best to prepare your own list of sins for confession. A sample of it can always be purchased at the church. If the sins forgiven in the previous confession were repeated, then they should be mentioned again - this is considered a more serious offense. One should not hide anything from the priest or speak in hints. It is necessary to clearly explain in simple words those sins of which you repent.

If the priest tore up the list of sins for confession, then the sacrament is over and absolution has been given. The priest puts the epitrachelion on the head of the penitent. This means the return of God's grace. After that, they kiss the cross, the Gospel, which symbolizes the willingness to live according to the commandments.

Preparing for Confession: List of Sins

Confession is meant to reflect on your sin, the desire to correct yourself. It is difficult for a person who is far from the church to understand what actions should be considered wicked. That is why there are 10 commandments. They clearly state what cannot be done. It is better to prepare a list of sins for confession according to the commandments in advance. On the day of the sacrament, you can get excited and forget everything. Therefore, you should calmly reread the commandments and write down your sins a few days before confession.

If confession is the first, then it is not easy to independently understand the seven deadly sins and ten commandments. Therefore, you should go to the priest in advance, tell about your difficulties in a personal conversation.

A list of sins for confession with an explanation of sins can be purchased at the church or found on the website of your temple. The transcript details all the alleged sins. From this general list, one should single out what was done personally. Then write down your list of wrongdoings.

Sins Committed Against God

  • Disbelief in God, doubt, ingratitude.
  • Absence of a pectoral cross, unwillingness to defend the faith in front of detractors.
  • Oaths in the name of God, pronouncing the name of the Lord in vain (not during prayer or conversations about God).
  • Visiting sects, divination, treatment with all kinds of magic, reading and spreading false teachings.
  • Gambling, suicidal thoughts, foul language.
  • Failure to attend a temple, lack of a daily prayer rule.
  • Failure to observe fasting, unwillingness to read Orthodox literature.
  • Condemnation of clergymen, thoughts of worldly things during worship.
  • A waste of time on entertainment, watching TV, inactivity at the computer.
  • Despair in difficult situations, excessive reliance on oneself or someone else's help without faith in God's providence.
  • Concealment of sins in confession.

Sins committed against fellow humans

  • Hot temper, anger, arrogance, pride, vanity.
  • Lies, non-interference, ridicule, stinginess, wastefulness.
  • Raising children outside of faith.
  • Failure to repay debts, failure to pay for labor, refusal to help those who ask and those in need.
  • Unwillingness to help parents, disrespect for them.
  • Theft, condemnation, envy.
  • Quarrels, drinking at the commemoration.
  • Murder by word (slander, driving to suicide or illness).
  • Killing a child in the womb, persuading others to abortion.

Sins committed against yourself

  • Profanity, vanity, idle talk, gossip.
  • Desire for profit, enrichment.
  • Flaunting good deeds.
  • Envy, lies, drunkenness, gluttony, drug use.
  • Fornication, adultery, incest, masturbation.

List of sins for a woman's confession

This is a very delicate list, and many women refuse to confess after reading it. Do not trust any information you read. Even if a brochure with a list of sins for a woman was purchased in a church shop, be sure to pay attention to the neck. There should be an inscription “Recommended by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church”.

The clergy do not divulge the secret of confession. Therefore, it is best to pass the sacrament with a permanent confessor. The Church does not intrude into the sphere of intimate marital relations. Contraception, which is sometimes equated with abortion, is best discussed with a priest. There are drugs that do not have an abortion effect, but only prevent the birth of life. In any case, all controversial issues should be discussed with your spouse, doctor, confessor.

Here is a list of sins for confession (short):

  1. She rarely prayed, did not attend church.
  2. I thought more about worldly things during prayer.
  3. Allowed sex before marriage.
  4. Abortion, persuading others to do so.
  5. She had impure thoughts and desires.
  6. I watched films, read books of pornographic content.
  7. Gossip, lies, envy, laziness, resentment.
  8. Excessive exposure of the body to attract attention.
  9. Fear of old age, wrinkles, suicidal thoughts.
  10. Addiction to sweets, alcohol, drugs.
  11. Avoiding helping other people.
  12. Seeking help from fortune-tellers, sorcerers.
  13. Superstition.

List of sins for a man

There is debate about whether to prepare a list of sins for confession. Someone believes that such a list is harmful to the sacrament and contributes to the formal reading of offenses. The main thing in confession is to realize your sins, repent and prevent their recurrence. Therefore, the list of sins may be a brief reminder or be absent altogether.

Formal confession is not considered valid because there is no remorse in it. The return after the sacrament to the former life will add hypocrisy. The balance of spiritual life consists in understanding the essence of repentance, where confession is only the beginning of realizing one's sinfulness. It is a lengthy process with several stages of internal work. The creation of spiritual resources is a systematic adjustment of conscience, responsibility for one's relationship with God.

Here is a list of sins for confession (short) for a man:

  1. Blasphemy, talking in the temple.
  2. Doubt about faith, afterlife.
  3. Blasphemy, mockery of the poor.
  4. Cruelty, laziness, pride, vanity, greed.
  5. Evasion of military service.
  6. Avoiding unwanted work, shirking duties.
  7. Insults, hatred, fights.
  8. Slander, disclosure of other people's weaknesses.
  9. Seduction to sin (fornication, drunkenness, drugs, gambling).
  10. Refusal to help parents, other people.
  11. Theft, aimless collecting.
  12. A tendency to boast, dispute, humiliation of one's neighbor.
  13. Impudence, rudeness, contempt, familiarity, cowardice.

Confession for a child

For a child, the sacrament of confession can be started from the age of seven. Until this age, children are allowed to take Communion without this. Parents should prepare the child for confession: explain the essence of the sacrament, tell what it is for, remember with him possible sins.

The child must be made to understand that sincere repentance is preparation for confession. The list of the sinful child is better to write yourself. He must realize which actions were wrong, try not to repeat them in the future.

Older children make their own decisions about whether to confess or not. You should not limit the free will of a child or teenager. The personal example of the parents is much more important than all the conversations.

The kid must remember his sins before confession. A list of them can be made after the child answers the questions:

  • How often does he read a prayer (in the morning, in the evening, before meals), which one does he know by heart?
  • Does he go to church, how does he behave in the service?
  • Does he wear a pectoral cross, is he distracted or not during prayers and services?
  • Have you ever deceived your parents or priest during confession?
  • Was he not proud of his successes, victories, was he conceited?
  • Does it fight or not with other children, does it offend kids or animals?
  • Does she bully other children to shield herself?
  • Did he commit theft, did he envy anyone?
  • Did you laugh at other people's physical handicaps?
  • Have you played cards (smoked, drank alcohol, tried drugs, swore foul language)?
  • Lazy or helping parents around the house?
  • Did he pretend to be sick in order to avoid his duties?
  1. The person himself determines whether to confess to him or not, how many times to attend the sacrament.
  2. A list of sins for confession should be prepared. It is better to take a sample in the church where the sacrament will take place, or find it yourself in church literature.
  3. It is optimal to go to confession with the same priest, who will become a mentor, will contribute to spiritual growth.
  4. Confession is free of charge.

First, you need to inquire on what days are confessions in the temple. Dress appropriately. For men, a shirt or T-shirt with sleeves, trousers or jeans (not shorts). For women - a headscarf, no makeup (at least lipstick), a skirt not higher than the knees.

Sincerity of confession

A priest as a psychologist can recognize how sincere a person is in his repentance. There is a confession that offends the sacrament and the Lord. If a person mechanically talks about sins, has several confessors, hides the truth - such actions do not lead to repentance.

Behavior, tone of speech, words used to pronounce confession - all this matters. Only in this way the priest understands how sincere the penitent is. The pangs of conscience, embarrassment, worries, shame contribute to spiritual cleansing.

Sometimes the personality of a priest is important to a parishioner. This is not a reason to condemn and comment on the actions of the clergy. You can go to another church or turn to another holy father for confession.

It can be difficult to voice your sins. The emotional experience is so strong that it is more convenient to make a list of unrighteous actions. Father is attentive to every parishioner. If because of shame it is impossible to tell about everything and repentance deeply, then the sins, the list of which has been compiled before confession, the priest has the right to forgive without even reading them.

The meaning of confession

Having to talk about your sins in front of a stranger is embarrassing. Therefore, people refuse to go to confession, believing that God will forgive them anyway. This is the wrong approach. The priest acts only as a mediator between man and God. His task is to determine the measure of repentance. The father has no right to condemn anyone, he will not expel the repentant from the temple. At confession, people are very vulnerable, and priests try not to cause unnecessary suffering.

It is important to see your sin, to realize and condemn it in your soul, to voice it before the priest. Have a desire not to repeat your wrongdoings, to try to atone for the harm done by deeds of mercy. Confession brings revival of the soul, re-education and access to a new spiritual level.

Sins (list), Orthodoxy, confession imply self-knowledge and the search for grace. All good deeds are done through force. Only by overcoming oneself, engaging in deeds of mercy, by cultivating virtues in oneself, can one receive God's grace.

The meaning of confession lies in understanding the typology of sinners, the typology of sin. At the same time, an individual approach to each repentant is akin to pastoral psychoanalysis. The sacrament of confession is pain from the realization of sin, recognition of it, determination to voice and ask for forgiveness for it, purification of the soul, joy and peace.

A person must feel the need for repentance. Love for God, love for oneself, love for one's neighbor cannot exist separately. The symbolism of the Christian cross - horizontal (love for God) and vertical (love for oneself and one's neighbor) - consists in realizing the integrity of spiritual life, its essence.

How to confess? What to say in confession? Are there any rules of conduct for this ordinance? You will learn about all this by reading our article.

At confession, you need to repent, listing your sins. Sometimes, coming to confession, they begin to tell something like the following: “I came home yesterday, my husband met me, who, as always, was drunk, I reprimanded him and he began to shout at me, I got angry and hit him in the face. I, of course, did the wrong thing. But what could I do? .. ”This is not a confession. It is necessary that confession be repentance, and not a story about your life, and even with an attempt to justify your sins.

Although there are people who, by their simplicity, do not know how to repent in any other way and, of course, their confessor will accept their confession in this form, but still it would be more correct to say this: “I am angry, I am very irritable, I am at my husband when he misbehaved, got angry, hit him in the face. I am very sorry about this, I repent. I asked him for forgiveness and I promise God that I will never do this again. " This is how the correct confession, it seems to me, will sound.

Often people write a lot in their notes, they talk too much about something, which is not entirely correct. There is another opposite, also wrong, when a person simply lists his sins in separate words: "I sinned with vanity, despondency, irritation ..." ? What does irritation mean? What does “bad thoughts” mean? What do you mean "misbehaved"? We must speak not in general terms about the passion that works in you, it works in everyone, but about how this passion manifests itself in you. For example, it would be more correct to say not “I was annoyed with my daughter,” but “I humiliated my daughter, called her bad words, hit her ...” Or, for example, pride ... How is it manifested, your pride? You humiliate other people, look down on everyone, have you rude to someone, wanting to humiliate him? That is, confession should not be a detailed story of all the circumstances of a particular case, but should be a repentance for specific sins, but, on the other hand, these sins should not be denoted by one word.

Some modern people have a desire to find the exact names of all their sins, and someone painfully seeks to find out what other sins there are of those that he does not know about. Some, for example, ask, what is “cheating”? What is "profanity"? What is ...? It seems to me that this is wrong, sins should be called those words that exist in modern Russian. When we pray, read the morning and evening canons, we use the words of the holy fathers, we borrow their images, and this is correct, since we are learning the language of the saints, we are learning the right relationship with God, but when we repent, it seems to me that we all need to repent - in your own words. It must be said, for example, that you sinned not by greed, but, say, cursed with someone in order to get money, or that you did good, wanting to be answered in the same way ...

We know that there are eight passions, that there are commandments - in all our susceptibility to these passions, in all violations of these commandments, we must repent.

Different sins need to be repentant in different ways. There is a kind of sins, unclean, nasty, in which you do not need to repent in detail, but at the same time you need to make it clear to the priest what happened to you, because often these sins are spoken of only in general terms, hiding behind them a terrible distortion of the relationship between a man and a woman. ... You can't just say, "I have a prodigal passion." It is nevertheless necessary to clarify how it manifests itself. There is no need to remember the details of these nasty sins, but it is necessary to say so that the priest understands the extent of this sin. When repenting, on the contrary, you need to remember that I have this evil passion, to avoid situations when it can manifest itself, but to drive away memories of committed sins. But about the sins of insane pride, vanity, theft, humiliation of other people - you must remember and even bring them to your memory, especially when we have vain thoughts.

Repentance or confession is a sacrament in which a person who confesses his sins to a priest, through his forgiveness, is released from sins by the Lord Himself. The question about Father, is asked by many people who join the church life. The preliminary confession prepares the soul of the penitent for the Great Meal - the Sacrament of Communion.

The essence of confession

The Holy Fathers call the Sacrament of Penance the second baptism. In the first case, at Baptism, a person receives cleansing from the original sin of the ancestors Adam and Eve, and in the second, the repentant is washed from his sins committed after baptism. However, from the weakness of their human nature, people continue to sin, and these sins separate them from God, standing between them as a barrier. They are unable to overcome this barrier on their own. But the Sacrament of Repentance helps to be saved and to acquire that union with God acquired at Baptism.

The Gospel says about repentance that it is a necessary condition for the salvation of the soul. A person throughout his life must continuously struggle with his sins. And, despite all the defeats and falls, he should not lose heart, despair and grumble, but repent all the time and continue to carry his life's cross, which the Lord Jesus Christ placed on him.

Realizing your sins

In this matter, the main thing is to learn that in the Sacrament of Confession a repentant person is forgiven all his sins, and the soul is freed from sinful bonds. The ten commandments received by Moses from God and the nine received from the Lord Jesus Christ contain the entire moral and spiritual law of life.

Therefore, before confessing, you need to turn to your conscience and remember all your sins from childhood in order to prepare a real confession. How it goes, not everyone knows, and even rejects, but a true Orthodox Christian, overcoming his pride and false shame, begins to spiritually crucify himself, honestly and sincerely confess his spiritual imperfection. And here it is important to understand that unconfessed sins will be determined to a person in eternal condemnation, and repentance will mean victory over oneself.

What is real confession. How is this sacrament going

Before confessing to a priest, it is necessary to seriously prepare and realize the whole need to cleanse the soul from sins. To do this, you need to come to terms with all the offenders and those who have been offended, refrain from gossip and condemnation, any obscene thoughts, watching numerous entertainment programs and reading lightweight literature. It is better to devote free time to reading the Holy Scriptures and other spiritual literature. It is advisable to confess a little in advance at the evening service, so that during the morning Liturgy you will no longer be distracted from the service and devote time to prayer preparation for Holy Communion. But already, as a last resort, you can confess in the morning (basically everyone does this).

For the first time, not everyone knows how to confess correctly, what to say to the priest, etc. In this case, you need to warn the priest about this, and he will direct everything in the right direction. Confession, first of all, presupposes the ability to see and realize one's sins; at the moment of expressing them, the priest should not justify himself and shift the blame onto another.

Children under 7 years old and all newly baptized people receive communion on this day without confession; this cannot be done only to women who are in purification (when they have their period or after childbirth until the 40th day). The text of the confession can be written on a piece of paper so as not to get lost later and remember everything.

Confession procedure

In church, a lot of people usually gather for confession, and before approaching the priest, you need to turn to face the people and say out loud: "Forgive me, sinner," and they will answer: "God will forgive, and we forgive." And already then it is necessary to go to the confessor. Approaching the analogue (high stand under the book), crossing yourself and bowing to the belt, without kissing the Cross and the Gospel, bowing your head, you can proceed to confession.

Previously confessed sins do not need to be repeated, for, as the Church teaches, they have already forgiven, but if they have been repeated again, then one must repent of them again. At the end of your confession, you need to listen to the words of the priest and When he finishes, cross yourself twice, bow to the belt, kiss the Cross and the Gospel, and then, crossing yourself and bowing again, accept the blessing of your father and go to your place.

What to repent of

Concluding the topic “Confession. How is this sacrament going? ”, It is necessary to familiarize oneself with the most common sins in our modern world.

Sins against God - pride, lack of faith or unbelief, denial of God and the Church, careless fulfillment of the sign of the cross, not wearing a cross, violation of God's commandments, mentioning the name of the Lord in vain, negligent fulfillment of non-attendance at church, prayer without zeal, talking and walking in church during services, belief in superstition, appeal to psychics and fortune-tellers, thoughts of suicide, etc.

Sins against one's neighbor - upsetting parents, robbery and extortion, stinginess in alms, cruelty, slander, bribery, insults, taunts and evil jokes, irritation, anger, gossip, gossip, greed, scandals, tantrums, insults, betrayal, treason, etc. etc.

Sins against oneself - vanity, arrogance, anxiety, envy, vengefulness, striving for earthly glory and honor, addiction to money, gluttony, smoking, drunkenness, gambling, masturbation, fornication, excessive attention to one's flesh, despondency, longing, sadness etc.

God will forgive any sin, nothing is impossible for him, a person needs only to truly realize his sinful deeds and sincerely repent of them.


Confessions are usually made in order to receive Communion, and for this you need to talk for several days, which implies prayer and fasting, attending evening services and reading at home, in addition to evening and morning prayers, the canons: Theotokos, Guardian Angel, Penitent, to Communion, and, if possible , or rather, at will - Akathist to Jesus the Sweetest. After midnight, they no longer eat or drink, they begin the sacrament on an empty stomach. After receiving the Sacrament of the Sacrament, one should read the prayers for Holy Communion.

Don't be afraid to go to confession. How is it going? You can read about this exact information in special brochures that are sold in each church, they describe everything in great detail. And then the main thing is to tune in to this faithful and salutary work, because the Orthodox Christian must always think about death so that it does not catch him by surprise - without even communion.

Every believer should understand that in confession he confesses his deeds to the Lord. Each of his sins must be covered by the desire to atone for his guilt before the Lord, this is the only way to achieve his forgiveness.

If a person feels that his soul is hard, then it is necessary to go to church and go through the sacrament of confession. After repentance, you will feel much better, and a heavy burden will fall from your shoulders. The soul will become free and your conscience will no longer torment you.

What is needed for confession

Before you make a proper confession in a church, you need to understand what to say there. Before confession, you need to make the following preparations:

  • realize their sins, sincerely repent of them;
  • have a sincere desire for sin to be left behind, with faith in the Lord;
  • sincerely believe in the fact that confession will help you to be cleansed spiritually through prayer and sincere repentance.

Confession will help remove sins from the soul only if the repentance is sincere and the person's faith is strong. If you said to yourself “I want to confess,” then where to start you should be prompted by your conscience and faith in the Lord.

How is confession going

If you are thinking about how to correctly confess in the church, then first you must understand that all actions should be as sincere as possible.... In its process, you need to open your heart and your soul, fully repenting for what you have done. And if there are people who do not understand its meaning, who do not feel relief after it, then these are simply unbelievers who have not really realized their sins and certainly have not repented of them.

It is important to understand that confession is not just a listing of all your sins. Many people think that the Lord already knows everything about them. But this is not what He expects from you. For the Lord to forgive you, you should be willing to get rid of your sins, to repent of them. Only then can you expect relief after confession.

What to do during confession

People who have never done the sacrament of confession do not have the slightest idea how to confess correctly to the priest. All people who are ready to confess are welcome in the churches. Even for the greatest sinners, the way there is never closed. Moreover, priests often help their parishioners in the process of confession, pushing them to the right actions. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of confession, even if you do not know how to confess correctly the first time.

During an individual confession, one should not forget about those sins that were named during the general sacrament. This can be done with any words, since the form of repentance does not matter. You can express your sin in one word, for example, "stole", or you can tell about it in more detail. You need to speak from the heart, with the words that your heart tells you. After all, you pour out your thoughts before God, and he does not care what the priest may think at this time. Therefore, you do not need to be ashamed of your words at all.

What if you forgot to name some sin?

Everyone can get excited. You can then just go to the priest and tell about everything. There is nothing criminal about this.

Many parishioners write down their sins on a piece of paper and so come to confess. This has its advantages. Firstly, this way you will not forget about the main thing, and secondly, by writing down, you will think over your actions and understand that you have acted wrong.

But here, too, one should not overdo it, as this process can make confession a mere formality.

At the first confession, a person should remember all his misdeeds, starting at the age of six. After that, it is no longer necessary to remember those sins that have already been named before. If, of course, they did not commit this sin anymore.

If these offenses are not considered a sin, then the priest should tell the person about it, and together they should think about why this act worries the parishioner so much.

How to Confess Correctly

After deciding to confess, you should find out how this procedure takes place. Indeed, for this there is a whole Orthodox ritual that takes place in a specially designated place called a lectern. It is a table with four kutas, on which you can see the Holy Gospel and a cross.

Before repenting of sins, you need to go up to him and put two fingers on the Gospel. After that, the priest can already place the epitrachelion on his head. In appearance, it somewhat resembles a scarf.

But the priest can do this even after he has listened to the sins of the person. After that, the priest will read a prayer for the remission of sins. The priest baptizes a parishioner.

At the end of the prayer, the epitrachelion is removed from the head. Even then, you need to cross yourself, kiss the holy cross. Only then can you receive a blessing from the priest.

The priest, after confession, can assign a penance to a person. Recently, this has happened quite rarely, but one should not be afraid of such a step - these are just actions, the purpose of which is to quickly eradicate sins from a person's life.

But the priest can soften or even cancel the penance if the person asks for it. Of course, you need to have a good reason for taking this step. Very often, as a penance, prayers, obeisances or other actions are prescribed, which should become an act of mercy on the part of the confessed person. But lately, priests most often prescribe penance only if the person himself asked for it.

How to Confess Correctly - Advice from a Priest

It often happens that during a confession a person has tears. You shouldn't be ashamed of this, but you shouldn't turn tears of repentance into hysteria.

What is the best way to come to confession

Before going to confession, it is worth reviewing your wardrobe. Men must wear long pants, shirts or long-sleeved T-shirts... It is very important that the clothes do not depict various mythical characters, women without clothes or scenes with elements of smoking or drinking alcohol. During the warmer months, men should be in church without hats.

Women should dress very modestly for confession. Outerwear must necessarily cover the shoulders, neckline. The skirt should not be too short, up to the knee maximum. There should also be a scarf on the head. It is very important not to use makeup and, moreover, not to use lipstick., since you need to kiss the cross and the gospel. You should not wear shoes with long heels, as the service can go on for a long time and your legs will get tired.

Preparing for confession and communion

Confession and the sacrament can take place on the same day, but this is not required. You can confess during any service, but you need to prepare for the second sacrament much more seriously, since it is very important to take the sacrament correctly.

Before the sacrament, the sacrament must go at least three days of strict fasting. A week before this, it is necessary to read the akathists to the Mother of God and the Saints. On the day before the sacrament, it is worth attending the Evening Service. Do not forget about the proofreading of the three canons:

  • Savior;
  • Mother of God;
  • Guardian Angel.

You cannot eat or drink anything before the sacrament. It is also necessary to read morning prayers after sleep. At confession, the priest will certainly ask the question of whether the person observed fasting before the sacrament and whether he read all the prayers.

Preparing for the sacrament also includes giving up marital commitments, smoking, and drinking alcohol. You should not swear or gossip about other people during the preparation for this sacrament. This is very important as preparations are underway to receive the Blood and Body of Christ.

Before the Chalice of Christ, you need to stand with crossed arms on your chest and before using wine and bread, give your name.

How to Confess Right the First Time

If a person wants to confess for the first time, then he needs to understand that not a simple repentance awaits him. Such a confession is usually called general. It must be approached consciously and very carefully. It is important for a person to concentrate and remember all his sins from the age of six (in subsequent times this will not have to be done).

The ministers of the church recommend during the preparation period to observe fasting and to abandon relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. How long to fast depends on the person himself. You need to listen to the needs of your soul and follow them.

Do not forget these days about reading prayers and reading the Bible. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the literature that exists on this topic. Some books can be advised by a priest. But before reading unverified publications, it is better to consult with your priest.

In confession, you should not use any memorized words or phrases. After the person tells about the sins, the priest may ask some more questions. They need to be answered calmly, even if they embarrass the person. Exciting questions can be asked by the parishioner himself, because the first confession exists so that a person takes the right path and does not leave it.

But do not forget about other people who came to the Liturgy and also want to confess. There is no need to take very long time, even if there are still some questions left. They can be asked to the priest after the Service.

The sacrament of confession has its purpose - it cleanses human souls from sins. But do not forget that you need to confess constantly. Indeed, in our time of troubles it is impossible to live without sinning. And all sins are a heavy burden on our soul and our conscience.

What to say in confession - a list of women's sins

1. She violated the rules of good conduct for those praying in the holy temple.
2. Had dissatisfaction with her life and with people.
3. She performed prayers without zeal and low bow to icons, prayed lying down, sitting (unnecessarily, out of laziness).
4. Seeking glory and praise in virtues and labors.
5. I was not always content with what I had: I wanted to have beautiful, varied clothes, furniture, delicious food.
6. She was vexed and offended when she received a refusal in her desires.
7. She did not abstain with her husband during pregnancy, on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, on fasting, in uncleanness she agreed with her husband.
8. She sinned with disgust.
9. After committing a sin, she did not repent immediately, but kept it to herself for a long time.
10. She sinned with idle talk, indifference. I remembered the words spoken by others against me, sang shameless worldly songs.
11. Grumbled about the bad road, the length and weariness of the service.
12. I used to save money for a rainy day, as well as for a funeral.
13. Was angry with her loved ones, scolded children. She did not tolerate comments, just reproaches from people, she immediately fought back.
14. She sinned with vanity, begged for praise, saying “you cannot praise yourself, no one will praise”.
15. She remembered the deceased with alcohol, on the fast day the memorial table was modest.
16. I was not firmly resolved to give up sin.
17. She doubted the honesty of her neighbors.
18. I missed opportunities to do good.
19. She suffered from pride, did not condemn herself, was not always the first to ask for forgiveness.
20. Allowed spoilage of food.
21. She did not always reverently preserve the shrine (artos, water, prosphora deteriorated).
22. I sinned for the purpose of "repenting."
23. She objected, justifying herself, irritated at the incomprehension, stupidity and ignorance of others, reprimanded and reprimanded, contradicted, disclosed sins and weaknesses.
24. Ascribed to others sins and weaknesses.
25. She succumbed to rage: she scolded loved ones, insulted her husband and children.
26. Made others angry, irritable, indignant.
27. I sinned by condemning my neighbor, ink his good name.
28. Sometimes she was discouraged, carried her cross with a murmur.
29. Intervened in other people's conversations, interrupted the speaker's speech.
30. She sinned by being contentious, comparing herself to others, complaining and getting angry at the offenders.
31. She thanked people, did not look out grateful to God.
32. She fell asleep with sinful thoughts and dreams.
33. I noticed the bad words and actions of people.
34. I drank and ate food that was harmful to health.
35. She was embarrassed in spirit from slander, considered herself better than others.
36. She sinned by indulgence and indulgence of sins, self-righteousness, self-indulgence, disrespect for old age, untimely eating, intransigence, inattention to requests.
37. I missed the opportunity to sow the word of God, to bring benefit.
38. She sinned with gluttony, guttural delusion: she loved to eat too much, savor tidbits, was amused by drunkenness.
39. Distracted from prayer, distracted others, emitted bad air in the church, went out as needed, without saying so in confession, hastily prepared for confession.
40. She sinned with laziness, idleness, exploited other people's labor, speculated in things, sold icons, did not go to church on Sundays and holidays, was lazy to pray.
41. She was bitter towards the poor, did not accept strangers, did not give to the poor, did not dress naked.
42. She hoped for a man, more than God.
43. Was drunk at a party.
44. Didn't send gifts to those who offended me.
45. Grieved at a loss.
46. ​​I fell asleep unnecessarily during the day.
47. Was burdened with regrets.
48. She did not protect herself from colds, did not receive medical treatment.
49. I deceived in the word.
50. Exploited someone else's labor.
51. Was discouraged in sorrow.
52. She was a hypocrite, pleasing to people.
53. She wanted evil, was faint-hearted.
54. Was inventive for evil.
55. She was rude, not condescending to others.
56. I did not force myself to do good deeds, to prayer.
57. Angrily criticized the authorities at the rallies.
58. Shortened prayers, skipped, rearranged words.
59. I envied others, wished myself honor.
60. She sinned with pride, vanity, pride.
61. I looked at dances, dances, at various games and shows.
62. She sinned by idle ranting, secret eating, petrification, insensibility, neglect, disobedience, intemperance, avarice, condemnation, love of money, reproach.
63. Spent the holidays in drunkenness and earthly amusements.
64. She sinned by sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, inaccurate observance of fasts, unworthy communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
65. Was drunk, laughed at someone else's sin.
66. She sinned with lack of faith, unfaithfulness, treason, treachery, lawlessness, groaning for sin, doubt, freethinking.
67. She was inconsistent in good deeds, did not care for the reading of the Holy Gospel.
68. She made up excuses for her sins.
69. She sinned by disobedience, arbitrariness, unfriendliness, malice, disobedience, insolence, contempt, ingratitude, severity, sneakiness, oppression.
70. She did not always conscientiously fulfill her official duties, she was careless in business and was in a hurry.
71. She believed in signs and various superstitions.
72. Was an instigator to evil.
73. Went to weddings without church weddings.
74. She sinned with spiritual insensibility: relying on herself, on magic, on fortune-telling.
75. I did not observe these vows.
76. She hid her sins in confession.
77. I tried to find out other people's secrets, read other people's letters, eavesdrop on telephone conversations.
78. In great grief, she wished for herself death.
79. Wore immodest clothing.
80. Talked during the meal.
81. I drank and ate what was said, water “charged” by Chumak.
82. Worked through strength.
83. I forgot about my Guardian Angel.
84. I sinned by laziness to pray for neighbors, did not always pray when asked about it.
85. I was ashamed to cross myself among unbelievers, took off the cross, going to the bathhouse and to see a doctor.
86. She did not keep the vows given at Holy Baptism, did not preserve the purity of her soul.
87. Noticed the sins and weaknesses of others, disclosed and reinterpreted them for the worse. She swore by her head, by her life. She called people “devil”, “satan”, “demon”.
88. She called the dumb beast by the names of the holy saints: Vaska, Masha.
89. She did not always pray before eating food, sometimes she had breakfast in the morning before the service.
90. Being previously an unbeliever, she tempted others into unbelief.
91. She set a bad example with her life.
92. I was too lazy to work, shifting my work onto the shoulders of others.
93. I did not always treat the word of God with care: I drank tea and read the Holy Gospel (which is reverence).
94. Took Epiphany water after eating (unnecessarily).
95. I would pick lilacs at the cemetery and bring them home.
96. I did not always keep the sacrament days, forgot to read the thanksgiving prayers. I overeat these days, slept a lot.
97. She sinned with idleness, late arrival to the temple and early departure from it, rare attendance at the temple.
98. Neglected the dirty work in extreme need of it.
99. She sinned with indifference, kept silent at someone's blasphemy.
100. She didn’t exactly observe fasting days, during fasting she was satiated with lean food, tempted others by gorging herself on something tasty and inaccurate according to the statute: hot loaf, vegetable oil, seasoning.
101. I was fond of nogue, relaxation, carelessness, trying on clothes and jewelry.
102. She reproached the priests, officials, spoke about their shortcomings.
103. Gave advice on abortion.
104. Disrupted someone else's sleep through negligence and insolence.
105. I read love letters, copied, memorized passionate poems, listened to music, songs, watched shameless movies.
106. She sinned with immodest looks, looked at someone else's nakedness, wore immodest clothes.
107. She was tempted in a dream and passionately remembered it.
108. I suspected in vain (slandered in my heart).
109. She retold empty, superstitious fairy tales and fables, praised herself, did not always endure revealing truths and offenders.
110. Showed curiosity in other people's letters and papers.
111. Idly inquired about the weaknesses of her neighbor.
112. Has not freed herself from the passion to tell or ask about the news.
113. I read prayers and akathists copied with mistakes.
114. She considered herself better and more worthy than others.
115. I do not always light oil lamps and candles in front of icons.
116. She broke the secret of her own and someone else's confession.
117. Participated in bad deeds, persuaded to do bad deeds.
118. Was stubborn against good, did not listen to good advice. Showed off beautiful clothes.
119. I wanted everything to be my way, I was looking for the culprits of my sorrows.
120. After completing the prayer, she had evil thoughts.
121. She spent money on music, movies, circus, sinful books and other amusements, lent money for a deliberately bad deed.
122. She conceived in thoughts, from the enemy of those brought on, against the holy faith and the Holy Church.
123. I disturbed the peace of mind of the sick, looked at them as sinners, and not as a test of their faith and virtue.
124. Yielded to falsehood.
125. She ate and went to bed without praying.
126. She ate before mass on Sundays and holidays.
127. She spoiled the water when she swam in the river from which they drink.
128. She talked about her exploits, labors, boasted about her virtues.
129. I used fragrant soap, cream, powder with pleasure, dyed my eyebrows, nails and eyelashes.
130. She sinned with the hope “God will forgive”.
131. She relied on her own strengths, abilities, and not on the help and mercy of God.
132. She worked on holidays and weekends, from work these days she did not give money to the poor and the poor.
133. She visited a healer, went to a fortune-teller, was treated with "biocurrents", sat at sessions of psychics.
134. She sowed enmity and discord between people, she herself offended others.
135. I sold vodka and moonshine, speculated, drove moonshine (I was present) and took part.
136. I suffered from gluttony, even got up to eat and drink at night.
137. She drew a cross on the ground.
138. I read atheistic books, magazines, “treatises on love”, looked at pornographic pictures, maps, half-naked images.
139. Distorted the Holy Scriptures (mistakes in reading, singing).
140. Exalted with pride, sought primacy and headship.
141. In anger, she mentioned unclean spirits, summoned a demon.
142. Was engaged in dancing and playing on holidays and Sundays.
143. In uncleanness she entered the temple, ate prosphora, antidor.
144. In anger she scolded and cursed those who offended me: so that there is no bottom, no cover, etc.
145. Spent money on entertainment (rides, carousels, all sorts of spectacles).
146. She took offense at the spiritual father, grumbled at him.
147. I disdained kissing icons, caring for sick, old people.
148. She teased the deaf and dumb, the weak-minded, minors, angered animals, paid evil for evil.
149. She tempted people, wore transparent clothes, mini-skirts.
150. She was baptized, baptized, saying: “I will fail in this place,” etc.
151. She retells unsightly stories (sinful in their essence) from the lives of her parents and neighbors.
152. She had a spirit of jealousy for her friend, sister, brother, friend.
153. She sinned with contentiousness, self-will, lamenting that there was no health, strength, strength in the body.
154. I envied rich people, the beauty of people, their intelligence, education, security, benevolence.
155. Did not keep her prayers and good deeds in secret, did not keep church secrets.
156. She justified her sins with illness, weakness, bodily weakness.
157. She condemned other people's sins and shortcomings, compared people, gave them characteristics, judged them.
158. She revealed other people's sins, mocked them, ridiculed people.
159. Deliberately deceived, told a lie.
160. Hastily read the holy books, when the mind and heart did not assimilate the read.
161. She abandoned prayer because of fatigue, justifying herself by weakness.
162. Rarely cried that I live unrighteously, forgot about humility, self-reproach, salvation and the Last Judgment.
163. In my life I did not surrender myself to the will of God.
164. She destroyed her spiritual home, mocked people, discussed the fall of others.
165. Itself was the instrument of the devil.
166. She did not always cut off her will in front of the elder.
167. I spent a lot of time on empty letters, and not on spiritual ones.
168. She did not have a sense of the fear of God.
169. She was angry, shook her fist, cursed.
170. I read more than I prayed.
171. Yielded to an agreement, the temptation to sin.
172. Powerfully ordered.
173. She rebuilt others, forced others to swear.
174. She turned her face away from those who asked.
175. She disturbed the peace of mind of her neighbor, had a sinful mood of spirit.
176. She did good without thinking about God.
177. Vaunted place, rank, position.
178. On the bus I did not give way to elders, passengers with children.
179. When buying, I bargained, fell into contempt.
180. I did not always accept with faith the words of the elders and confessors.
181. She looked with curiosity, asked about worldly things.
182. Undead flesh with shower, bath, bath.
183. Traveled aimlessly, for the sake of boredom.
184. When the visitors left, I didn’t try to free ourselves from sinfulness by prayer, but stayed in it.
185. She allowed herself privileges in prayer, delights in worldly pleasures.
186. She pleased others for the pleasing of the flesh and the enemy, and not for the benefit of the spirit and salvation.
187. She sinned by an unworthy attachment to friends.
188. She was proud of herself when doing a good deed. She did not humiliate herself, did not reproach herself.
189. She did not always feel sorry for sinful people, but scolded and reproached them.
190. She was dissatisfied with her life, scolded her and said: "When only death will take me."
191. There were cases when she annoyingly called, knocked loudly to open it.
192. When reading, I did not ponder over the Holy Scriptures.
193. She did not always have hospitality to visitors and the memory of God.
194. She did things out of passion and worked unnecessarily.
195. Was often kindled with empty dreams.
196. She sinned with malice, did not remain silent in anger, did not move away from arousing anger.
197. In illness, she often used food not for satisfaction, but for pleasure and enjoyment.
198. Coldly received mentally helpful visitors.
199. I grieved at the one who offended me. And they grieved for me when I hurt.
200. During prayer, I did not always have feelings of repentance, humble thoughts.
201. She insulted her husband, who avoided intimacy on the wrong day.
202. In anger she encroached on the life of her neighbor.
203. I have sinned and I am sinning fornication: I was with my husband, not to conceive children, but out of lust. In the absence of her husband, she defiled herself with masturbation.
204. At work I experienced persecution for the truth and grieved about it.
205. Laughed at the mistakes of others and made remarks aloud.
206. Wore women's whims: beautiful umbrellas, fluffy clothes, other people's hair (wigs, hairpieces, braids).
207. She was afraid of suffering, reluctantly endured it.
208. She often opened her mouth to show off her gold teeth, wore gold-framed glasses, an abundance of rings and gold jewelry.
209. I asked for advice from people who do not have a spiritual mind.
210. Before reading the word of God, the grace of the Holy Spirit did not always invoke, she was concerned about just reading more.
211. Transferred the gift of God to the womb, voluptuousness, idleness and sleep. She didn’t work with talent.
212. I was lazy to write and rewrite spiritual instructions.
213. She dyed her hair and rejuvenated herself, visited beauty salons.
214. Giving alms, she did not combine it with the correction of her heart.
215. She did not shy away from flatterers, and did not stop them.
216. I had a fondness for clothes: care not to get dirty, not dusty, not soaked.
217. She did not always wish salvation for her enemies and did not care about it.
218. At prayer I was “a slave to necessity and duty”.
219. After the fast, she leaned on fast food, ate until the stomach was heavy and often without time.
220. Rarely did she pray in the night prayer. She sniffed tobacco and dabbled in smoking.
221. She did not avoid spiritual temptations. Had mind-blowing dates. I was discouraged.
222. On the way I forgot about prayer.
223. Intervened with instructions.
224. She did not sympathize with the sick and grieving.
225. Didn't always lend.
226. She was afraid of sorcerers more than God.
227. She pitied herself for the good of others.
228. Dirty and spoiled the sacred books.
229. I talked before morning and after evening prayers.
230. She brought glasses to the guests against their will, treated them beyond measure.
231. She did the works of God without love and zeal.
232. I often did not see my sins, rarely condemned myself.
233. She was amused by her face, looking in the mirror, making grimaces.
234. She spoke about God without humility and caution.
235. Was burdened by the service, awaiting the end, hurrying to the exit as soon as possible, in order to calm down and do the affairs of everyday life.
236. Rarely did self-tests, in the evening I did not read the prayer "I confess to you ..."
237. Rarely did I think about what I heard in the temple and read in the Scriptures.
238. In an evil person I did not look for traits of kindness and did not speak about his good deeds.
239. She often did not see her sins and rarely condemned herself.
240. Took contraception. She demanded protection from her husband, interruption of the act.
241. Praying for health and peace, I often went over the names without the participation and love of the heart.
242. She uttered everything when it would be better to remain silent.
243. In conversation I used artistic techniques. She spoke in an unnatural voice.
244. She was offended by inattention and disdain for herself, was inattentive to others.
245. She did not abstain from excesses and pleasures.
246. Wore someone else's clothes without permission, spoiled other people's things. In the room she blew her nose on the floor.
247. I was looking for benefit and profit for myself, and not for her neighbor.
248. Forced a person to sin: lie, steal, peep.
249. To report and retell.
250. I found pleasure in sinful dating.
251. She visited places of wickedness, depravity and ungodliness.
252. She substituted her ear to hear the bad.
253. She attributed successes to herself, and not to God's help.
254. Studying the spiritual life, I did not fulfill it in practice.
255. I needlessly disturbed people, did not calm the angry and saddened.
256. She often washed clothes, wasted time unnecessarily.
257. Sometimes she fell into danger: she ran across the road in front of the transport, crossed the river on thin ice, etc.
258. She rose above others, showing her superiority and wisdom of mind. She allowed herself to humiliate another, mocking the shortcomings of soul and body.
259. I put off the works of God, mercy and prayer for later.
260. She did not mourn herself when she did a bad deed. I listened with pleasure to slanderous speeches, blasphemed life and how others were treated.
261. She did not use surplus income for spiritual purposes.
262. She did not save from the days of fasting to give to the sick, the needy and children.
263. She worked reluctantly, with a murmur and vexation because of the small pay.
264. Was the cause of sin in family strife.
265. I endured sorrows without gratitude and self-reproach.
266. I did not always retire to be alone with God.
267. I lay and basked in bed for a long time, did not immediately get up for prayer.
268. She lost her composure when defending the offended, kept hostility and evil in her heart.
269. Didn't stop the gossip speaker. Itself often passed on to others and with an increase from itself.
270. Before morning prayer and during the prayer rule, I did household chores.
271. She automatically presented her thoughts as the true rule of life.
272. I ate stolen goods.
273. She did not confess the Lord with her mind, heart, word, deed. She had an alliance with the wicked.
274. During the meal I was too lazy to treat and serve others.
275. She grieved about the deceased, about the fact that she herself was sick.
276. I was glad that the holiday had come and there was no need to work.
277. I drank wine on holidays. She loved going to dinner parties. I was fed up there.
278. She listened to the teachers when they spoke of the soul, against God.
279. She used perfume, burned Indian incense.
280. Was engaged in lesbianism, with sensuality touched someone else's body. With lust and lust she watched the mating of animals.
281. She took extra care of the nutrition of the body. She accepted gifts or alms at a time when it was not necessary to accept it.
282. I didn’t try to stay away from a person who likes to chat.
283. She was not baptized, did not read prayers when the church bell was ringing.
284. Being under the guidance of a spiritual father, she did everything according to her own will.
285. She was exposed when bathing, sunbathing, exercising, and in case of illness she was shown to a male doctor.
286. Not always with repentance she recalled and calculated her violations of the Law of God.
287. While reading prayers and canons, I was lazy to bow down.
288. Hearing that the person was sick, she did not rush to help.
289. With thought and word she exalted herself in the good she had done.
290. She believed in slander. She did not punish herself for her sins.
291. While serving in church, I read my home rule or wrote a commemoration.
292. She did not abstain from her favorite foods (albeit lean ones).
293. She punished and lectured children unfairly.
294. I did not have a daily memory of God's Judgment, death, the Kingdom of God.
295. In times of sorrow, I did not occupy the mind and heart with the prayer of Christ.
296. I did not compel myself to prayer, to read the Word of God, to weep for her sins.
297. Rarely did she commemorate the dead, did not pray for the dead.
298. With an unconfessed sin she approached the Chalice.
299. In the morning I was engaged in gymnastics, and did not devote my first thought to God.
300. When praying, I was too lazy to cross, sort out my bad thoughts, did not think about what awaited me behind the grave.
301. She hurried to prayer, out of laziness cut it down and read it without due attention.
302. She told her neighbors and acquaintances about her grievances. Visited places where bad examples were set.
303. She admonished a person without meekness and love. I was irritated when correcting my neighbor.
304. I did not always light an icon lamp on holidays and Sundays.
305. On Sundays I did not go to church, but for mushrooms, berries ...
306. Had more savings than necessary.
307. Spared strength and health in order to serve her neighbor.
308. She reproached her neighbor for what had happened.
309. Walking on the way to the temple, I did not always read prayers.
310. She cheated when condemning a person.
311. She was jealous of her husband, remembered her rival with malice, wished her death, used a healer's slander to put her to death.
312. She was demanding and disrespectful to people. She took over in conversations with neighbors. On the way to the temple she overtook those older than me, did not wait for those who lagged behind me.
313. She turned her abilities to earthly blessings.
314. She was jealous of her spiritual father.
315. I tried to be always right.
316. She asked unnecessary things.
317. Wept about the temporary.
318. She interpreted dreams and took them seriously.
319. She boasted of a sin, a deed of evil.
320. After communion, she was not guarded from sin.
321. She kept atheistic books and playing cards in the house.
322. She gave advice, not knowing whether they were pleasing to God, she was careless in God's affairs.
323. She accepted without reverence the prosphora, holy water (she spilled holy water, sprinkled crumbs of prosphora).
324. She went to bed and got up without prayer.
325. She pampered her children, not paying attention to their evil deeds.
326. During the post she was engaged in guttural abuse, loved to drink strong tea, coffee, and other drinks.
327. I took tickets, food from the back door, went on the bus without a ticket.
328. She put prayer and church above serving her neighbor.
329. She endured sorrows with despondency and murmuring.
330. I got irritated with fatigue and illness.
331. Had free treatment of persons of the opposite sex.
332. When she remembered worldly affairs, she threw up a prayer.
333. Forced to eat and drink the sick and children.
334. She scorned wicked people, did not seek their conversion.
335. She knew and gave money for a bad deed.
336. I entered the house without an invitation, peeped through the crack, through the window, into the keyhole, eavesdropped at the door.
337. She entrusted secrets to strangers.
338. Ate food without need and hunger.
339. I read prayers with mistakes, got confused, missed, put the emphasis incorrectly.
340. She lived lustfully with her husband. She tolerated perversions and carnal pleasures.
341. She lent and asked for debts back.
342. She tried to learn more about divine objects than was revealed by God.
343. She sinned by body movement, gait, gesture.
344. She set herself as an example, boasted, boasted.
345. She spoke passionately about the earthly, delighted in the memory of sin.
346. I went to the temple and back with empty talk.
347. I insured my life and property, I wanted to cash in on the insurance.
348. Was greedy for pleasure, unchaste.
349. She conveyed her conversations with the elder and her temptations to others.
350. Was a donor not out of love for neighbor, but for the sake of booze, free days, for money.
351. Boldly and willfully plunged herself into sorrows and temptations.
352. I missed, dreamed of travel and entertainment.
353. Made the wrong decisions in anger.
354. I was distracted by thought during prayer.
355. Traveled south for carnal entertainment.
356. I used the time of prayer for everyday affairs.
357. She twisted words, perverted the thoughts of others, expressed her displeasure aloud.
358. I was ashamed to confess to my neighbors that I was a believer, and I visit the temple of God.
359. She was naughty, demanded justice in higher instances, wrote complaints.
360. She denounced those who did not attend church and did not repent.
361. I bought lottery tickets with the hope of getting rich.
362. She gave alms and rudely slandered the beggar.
363. I listened to the advice of egoists, who themselves were slaves of their womb and fleshly passions.
364. She was engaged in self-aggrandizement, proudly awaiting greetings from her neighbor.
365. I was burdened by fasting and looked forward to the end of it.
366. She did not bear the stench from people without disgust.
367. In anger she denounced people, forgetting that we are all sinners.
368. She went to bed, did not remember the deeds of the day and did not shed tears for her sins.
369. She did not keep the Rite of the Church and the tradition of the holy fathers.
370. She paid for help in the household with vodka, tempted people with drunkenness.
371. In fasting she made tricks in food.
372. Distracted from prayer when bitten by a mosquito, fly and other insects.
373. At the sight of human ingratitude, she refrained from doing good deeds.
374. Shied away from dirty work: cleaning the toilet, picking up garbage.
375. During the period of breastfeeding, she did not abstain from marriage.
376. In the church she stood with her back to the altar and holy icons.
377. She cooked sophisticated food, tempted with guttural insanity.
378. I read entertaining books with pleasure, not the Scriptures of the Holy Fathers.
379. I watched TV, spent all day at the “box”, and not in prayers in front of icons.
380. I listened to passionate worldly music.
381. She sought consolation in friendship, yearned for carnal pleasures, loved to kiss on the lips with men and women.
382. Was engaged in extortion and deception, judged and discussed people.
383. In fasting I felt disgust from monotonous, lean food.
384. The Word of God spoke to people unworthy (not “to throw pearls in front of pigs”).
385. She kept holy icons in neglect, did not wipe them from dust in time.
386. I was lazy to write congratulations on church holidays.
387. She spent time in worldly games and entertainment: checkers, backgammon, loto, cards, chess, rolling pins, rucks, Rubik's cube and others.
388. She spoke of illness, gave advice to go to sorcerers, gave addresses of sorcerers.
389. She believed in signs and slander: she spat over her left shoulder, a black cat ran, a spoon, a fork fell, etc.
390. She sharply answered the angry one to his anger.
391. I tried to prove the justification and justice of my anger.
392. Was annoying, interrupted people's sleep, distracted them from the meal.
393. Relaxed with small talk with young people of the opposite sex.
394. Was engaged in idle talk, curiosity, stuck out at fires and attended accidents.
395. I considered it unnecessary to be treated for illnesses and to visit a doctor.
396. I tried to calm myself down by the hasty execution of the rule.
397. Too much trouble with work.
398. I ate a lot during the meat-eating week.
399. She gave wrong advice to her neighbors.
400. She told shameful anecdotes.
401. To please the authorities, she closed the holy icons.
402. She neglected a man in old age and the poverty of his mind.
403. She stretched out her hands to her naked body, looked and touched the secret ouds with her hands.
404. She punished children with anger, in a fit of passion, with abuse and curse.
405. Taught children to spy, eavesdrop, pimp.
406. She pampered her children, did not pay attention to their bad deeds.
407. She had a satanic fear for her body, she was afraid of wrinkles, gray hair.
408. Burdened others with requests.
409. I made conclusions about the sinfulness of people based on their misfortunes.
410. She wrote insulting and anonymous letters, spoke rude words, interfered with people on the phone, making jokes under an assumed name.
411. Sat on the bed without the owner's permission.
412. At prayer she imagined the Lord.
413. Satanic laughter attacked when reading and listening to the Divine.
414. She asked for advice from people who were ignorant of that matter, she believed in crafty people.
415. I strove for superiority, rivalry, won interviews, participated in competitions.
416. She treated the Gospel as a fortune-telling book.
417. Plucked berries, flowers, branches in other people's gardens without permission.
418. During fasting, she did not have a kind disposition towards people, and committed violations of the fast.
419. I did not always realize and regret the sin.
420. I listened to worldly records, sinned by contemplating video and porno movies, relaxed in other worldly pleasures.
421. I read a prayer, having enmity with my neighbor.
422. She prayed in a hat, with her head uncovered.
423. She believed in signs.
424. She indiscriminately used papers on which the name of God was written.
425. She was proud of her literacy and erudition, imagined, singled out people with higher education.
426. She appropriated the found money.
427. In the church she put bags and things on the windows.
428. I rode for pleasure in a car, a motor boat, a bicycle.
429. I repeated other people's nasty words, listened to people swearing.
430. I read newspapers, books, worldly magazines with enthusiasm.
431. She abhorred the poor, the poor, the sick, from whom they smelled foul.
432. She was proud that she did not commit shameful sins, murder, abortions, etc.
433. She was overeating and drinking herself before the onset of the posts.
434. Acquired unnecessary things without having to do so.
435. After the prodigal sleep, I did not always read prayers for defilement.
436. Celebrated the New Year, put on masks and obscene clothes, got drunk, swore, overeat and sinned.
437. She did harm to her neighbor, spoil and break other people's things.
438. She believed in nameless “prophets”, in “holy letters”, “the dream of the Mother of God,” she herself copied them and passed them on to others.
439. I listened to the sermons in the church with a spirit of criticism and condemnation.
440. I used my earnings for sinful lusts and amusements.
441. Spreading bad rumors about priests and monks.
442. She pushed around in the church, hurrying to kiss the icon, the Gospel, the cross.
443. She was proud, in lack and poverty she was indignant and murmured against the Lord.
444. I urinated in public and even joked about it.
445. The borrowed money did not always give it back on time.
446. She atoned for her sins in confession.
447. She gloated over the misfortune of her neighbor.
448. Taught others in an instructive, imperative tone.
449. She shared their vices with people and confirmed them in these vices.
450. I quarreled with people for a place in the temple, at the icons, near the eve table.
451. Inadvertently caused pain to animals.
452. She left a glass of vodka at the grave of relatives.
453. I did not sufficiently prepare myself for the sacrament of confession.
454. She violated the sanctity of Sundays and holidays by playing games, visiting shows, etc.
455. When crops were damaged, she swore dirty words at the cattle.
456. Arranged dates in cemeteries, in childhood ran and played hide and seek there.
457. Allowed sexual intercourse before marriage.
458. She was specially drunk in order to make up her mind to commit a sin, together with wine she used medicines to make her intoxicated more.
459. Begged for alcohol, pawned things and documents for this.
460. To attract attention to herself, to make her worry, she tried to commit suicide.
461. As a child, I did not listen to teachers, did not prepare lessons well, was lazy, and interrupted classes.
462. Visited cafes and restaurants in temples.
463. She sang in a restaurant, on the stage, danced in a variety show.
464. In transport, in tightness, I felt pleasure from touching, did not try to avoid them.
465. She was offended by her parents for the punishment, she remembered these offenses for a long time and told others about them.
466. She reassured herself that everyday worries interfere with the work of faith, salvation and piety, justified herself by the fact that in her youth no one taught the Christian faith.
467. Wasted time on useless chores, vanity, conversations.
468. Was engaged in the interpretation of dreams.
469. She objected vehemently, fought, scolded.
470. She sinned by stealing, in childhood she stole eggs, handed them over to the store, etc.
471. She was vain, proud, did not respect her parents, did not obey the authorities.
472. She was engaged in heresy, had a wrong opinion about the subject of faith, doubts and even apostasy from the Orthodox faith.
473. She had a sin of Sodom (intercourse with animals, with the wicked, entered into an incestuous relationship).

Confession is an important event in the life of every believer. An honest and sincere sacrament is a way of communication between a churchly laity and the Lord through a confessor. The rules of repentance are not only in what words to start with, when you can go through the ceremony and what you need to do, but also in the obligation of humility and a conscientious approach to the preparation and procedure of confession.


A person who decides to go to confession must be baptized. An important condition is to sacredly and unquestioningly believe in God and accept His Revelation. You need to know the Bible and understand the Faith, in which a visit to the church library can help.

It is necessary to remember and keep in mind, and it is better to write on a piece of paper all the sins committed by the confessing person from the age of seven or from the moment when a person accepted Orthodoxy. You should not hide or recall other people's misdeeds, blame other people for your own.

A person needs to give the word to the Lord that with His help he will eradicate sinfulness in himself and atone for low accomplishments.

Then you need to prepare for confession. Before serving, you need to behave like an exemplary Christian:

  • pray diligently and re-read the Bible the day before;
  • refuse entertainment, recreational activities;
  • read the Penitential Canon.

What not to do before repentance

Before repentance, fasting is optional and is performed only at the request of the person. In any case, you should not spend it on small children, pregnant women and sick people.

Before the sacrament, the Christian refrains from physical and spiritual temptations. A ban has been imposed on viewing entertainment programs, reading entertainment literature. It is forbidden to spend time at the computer, play sports or be lazy. It is better not to attend noisy meetings and not to be in crowded companies, to spend the days before confession in humility and prayer.

How is the ceremony

What time confession starts depends on the chosen church, usually it takes place in the morning or in the evening. The procedure begins before the Divine Liturgy, during and immediately after the evening service. Provided that he is under the auspices of his own confessor, the believer is allowed to come to an agreement with him on an individual basis, when he will confess a person.

Before the parishioners line up to the priest, a general prayer is read out. There is a moment in her text at which the worshipers call their own name. This is followed by waiting for their turn.

It is not necessary to use brochures with a list of sins issued in churches as a model for building your own confession. You should not thoughtlessly rewrite advice from there on what to repent of, it is important to take this as an approximate and generalized plan.

You need to repent honestly and sincerely, talking about a specific situation in which there was a place for sin. By reading the standard checklist, the procedure becomes a formality and carries no value.

The confession ends with the reading of the final prayer by the confessor. At the end of the speech, they bow their heads under the priest's epitrachilles, and then kiss the Gospel and the cross. It is advisable to end the procedure by asking for a blessing from the priest.

How to Confess Correctly

When conducting the ordinance, it is important to adhere to the recommendations:

  • Mention without concealment and repent of any perfect evil. It is pointless to attend the sacrament if a person is not ready to humbly get rid of sins. Even if the meanness was committed many years ago, it is worth confessing to the Lord.
  • Do not be afraid of condemnation from the priest, since the one who partakes is in dialogue not with the minister of the church, but with God. The priest is obliged to keep the secret of the sacrament, so what is said at the service will remain hidden from prying ears. Over the years of church service, priests have forgiven all conceivable sins and they can only be upset by insincerity and a desire to hide evil deeds.
  • Control feelings and expose sins with words.“Blessed are they that mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5: 4). But tears, behind which there is no clear awareness of their accomplishments, are not blissful. Feelings alone are not enough, most often those who receive communion cry out of self-pity and resentment.

    The confession to which a person came to release emotions is useless, because such actions are aimed only at forgetting, but not at correction.

  • Do not hide the reluctance to admit your evil behind memory diseases. With the confession “I repent that I sinned in thought, word and deed,” they are usually not allowed to the procedure. You can be forgiven if she was complete and sincere. A passionate desire to undergo the repentance procedure is necessary.
  • After the forgiveness of the most serious sins, do not forget about the rest... Having confessed his most evil deeds, a person goes through the very beginning of the real path of peace of mind. Deadly sins are rarely committed and are often greatly regretted, in contrast to minor misdeeds. Paying attention to feelings of envy, pride or condemnation in his soul, a Christian becomes purer and more pleasing to the Lord. The work on eradicating small manifestations of cowardice is more difficult and longer than on atonement for great evil. Therefore, we must carefully prepare for each confession, especially for the one before which it is impossible to remember our sins.
  • Talking at the beginning of confession about what is more difficult to say than the rest... Living with the awareness of an act for which every day a person torments his soul, it is difficult to recognize it aloud. In this case, it is important to remember that the Lord sees and knows about everything and only expects repentance for what he has done. This means that at the very beginning of the dialogue with God, it is important to overpower yourself and state your terrible sin and sincerely ask for forgiveness for it.
  • The more meaningful and laconic the confession, the better.... You need to state your sins briefly but succinctly. It is advisable to go straight to the heart of the matter. It is necessary that the priest immediately understands what the newcomer wants to repent of. It is unnecessary to mention names, places and dates - this is unnecessary. It is best to prepare your story at home by writing it down, and then cross out all unnecessary and interfering with the understanding of the essence.
  • Never resort to self-justification... Self-pity makes the soul languish and does not help the sinner in any way. Concealing perfect evil in one confession is not the worst thing a Christian can do. It is much worse if this situation repeats itself. It is important to remember that by attending a sacrament, a person seeks deliverance from sins. But he will not achieve this if he keeps them to himself, each time ending the confession with words about the insignificance of some offenses or their necessity. It is better to state the situation in your own words without excuses.
  • Make an effort... Repentance is hard work that requires effort and time. Confession involves overcoming your own being on a daily basis on the path to a better personality. The sacrament is not an easy way to calm the senses. This is not a constant opportunity to ask for help at a particularly difficult hour, to talk out about painful things, to go out into the world as a different person with a pure soul. It is important to draw conclusions about your own life and actions.

List of sins

All sins committed by a person are conditionally divided into groups, depending on their content.

In relation to God

  • Doubt about your own faith, the existence of the Lord and the truthfulness of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Prolonged non-attendance at holy churches, confessions and communions.
  • Non-diligence in reading prayers and canons, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness in their relation.
  • Failure to keep promises made to God.
  • Blasphemy.
  • Suicidal intentions.
  • Mention of evil spirits in abuse.
  • Eating food and liquids before the sacrament.
  • Failure to fast.
  • Work during church holidays.

In relation to neighbor

  • Unwillingness to believe and help the salvation of someone else's soul.
  • Disrespect and disrespect for parents and elders.
  • Lack of deeds and motivation to help the poor, weak, grieving, disadvantaged.
  • Suspicion of people, jealousy, selfishness or suspiciousness.
  • Raising children outside the conformity of the Orthodox Christian faith.
  • Committing murder, including abortion, or self-harm.
  • Cruelty or passionate love for animals.
  • Cursing.
  • Envy, slander or lies.
  • Resentment or insult to someone else's dignity.
  • Condemnation of other people's actions or thoughts.
  • Seduction.

In relation to oneself

  • Ingratitude and neglect of one's own talents and abilities, expressed in idle waste of time, laziness and empty dreams.
  • Shirking or completely ignoring your own routine obligations.
  • Self-interest, avarice, the pursuit of the strictest economy in order to accumulate money, or a waste of the budget.
  • Theft or begging.
  • Fornication or adultery.
  • Incest, homosexuality, bestiality and the like.
  • Masturbation (so it is better to call the sin of masturbation) and viewing depraved images, records and other things.
  • All kinds of flirting and coquetry with the aim of seduction or seduction, immodesty and disregard for meekness.
  • Drug addiction, drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Gluttony or deliberately starving oneself.
  • Tasting animal blood.
  • Carelessness in relation to your health or excessive concern about it.

For women

  • Violation of church rules.
  • Neglecting the reading of prayers.
  • Overeating, smoking, drinking in order to drown out resentment or anger.
  • Fear of old age or death.
  • Indiscreet behavior, debauchery.
  • Addiction to divination.

Sacrament of repentance and communion

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the processes of confession and communion are inextricably linked. Although this approach is not canonical, it is nevertheless practiced in all parts of the country. Before a Christian can receive communion, he undergoes a confession procedure. This is required for the priest to understand that the sacrament is given to an adequate believer who has passed the fast before the sacrament, who has withstood the tests of will and conscience, who has not committed serious sins.

When a person is released from his evil deeds, a void appears in his soul that needs to be filled with God, this can be done at the sacrament.

How to confess to a child

There are no special rules for the confession of children, with the exception of their reaching the age of seven. Leading your child to the sacrament for the first time, it is important to remember some of the nuances of your own behavior:

  • Do not tell the child about his main sins or write a list of what must be said to the priest. It is important that he prepares himself for repentance.
  • It is forbidden to interfere with church secrets. That is, to ask the offspring questions: "how do you confess", "what did the father say" and the like.
  • You cannot ask a confessor for a special attitude towards your child, ask about the successes or delicate moments of the church life of a son or daughter.
  • Taking children to confession before the onset of their conscious age should be less often, since there is a high probability that confession will turn from a sacrament into a routine habit. This will result in memorizing a list of your petty sins and reading them every Sunday to Father.

    Confession for a child should be comparable to a holiday, so that he goes there with an understanding of the sacredness of what is happening. It is important to explain to him that repentance is not an account to an adult, but a voluntary admission of evil in oneself and a sincere desire to eradicate it.

  • You should not deny your offspring an independent choice of a confessor. In a situation in which he liked another priest, it is important to allow confession to this particular minister. The selection of a spiritual mentor is a delicate and intimate matter that should not be interfered with.
  • It is better for an adult and a child to attend different parishes. This will give the child the freedom to grow independent and conscious, not tolerating the oppression of excessive parental care. When the family is not in the same line, the temptation to overhear a child's confession disappears. The moment when the offspring becomes capable of voluntary and sincere confession becomes the beginning of the path of separation of parents from him.

Examples of confession


I, a church-going Mary, repent of my sins. I was superstitious, which is why I visited fortune-tellers and believed the horoscopes. She kept resentment and anger at a loved one. She exposed her body too much, going out into the street to get someone else's attention. I hoped to seduce men unfamiliar to me, I thought about the carnal and obscene.

She felt sorry for herself, thought about how to stop living on her own. I was lazy and idly spent time doing stupid amusement activities. I could not stand the post. She prayed and attended church less often than she should. Reading the canons, I thought about the worldly, and not about God. Allowed sexual intercourse before marriage. I thought about dirty things and spread rumors, gossip. I thought about the uselessness of church services, prayers and repentance in my life. Forgive me, Lord, for all the sins of which I am guilty and accept the word of further correction and chastity.


Servant of God Alexander, I confess to my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, my evil deeds from my youth to the present day, committed consciously and unconsciously. I repent of sinful thoughts about someone else's wife, persuading others to use intoxicating substances and leading an idle lifestyle.

Five years ago, I diligently deviated from military service and participated in beating up innocent people. He ridiculed the church foundations, the laws of holy fasts and divine services. I was cruel and rude, which I regret and ask the Lord to forgive me.


I, Vanya, sinned and came to ask forgiveness for this. Sometimes I was rude to my parents, did not follow through on my promises, and got annoyed. I played with the computer for a long time and walked with friends instead of reading the Gospel and prayers. I recently painted on my hand and snapped back when the godfather asked me to wash off what I had done.

Once I was late for a Sunday service, and after a month I did not go to church. Once I tried to smoke, because of which I quarreled with my parents. He did not attach the necessary importance to the advice of the priest and elders, he deliberately did it contrary to their words. He offended people close to me and rejoiced in grief. Forgive me, God, for my sins, I will try not to allow this.