What teaches the tale of the adventure of Tom Sawyer. Characteristic Tom Soyer

What teaches the tale of the adventure of Tom Sawyer. Characteristic Tom Soyer
What teaches the tale of the adventure of Tom Sawyer. Characteristic Tom Soyer

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov for ten years worked on the novel of "Oblomov". The characteristic of the main character is so convincingly represented by the classic, which went beyond the framework of the work, and the image became nominative. The quality of study by the author of the characters of the narration is impressive. All of them are solid, possessing the features of the modern writer of people.

The topic of this article is the characteristic of the heroes of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Slide on the plane of laziness

Centrally the book is a young (32-33 years) of the landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy Valya dreamer. He is a man of medium height, with dark gray eyes, pleasant features of the face, childishly raised chubby hands. In St. Petersburg apartment on the Vyborg side, this person lives ambiguously. Oblomov is a wonderful interlocutor. He in nature is not able to cause any evil. His soul is clean. Educated, has a wide range. At any time, his face reflects the continuous flow of thoughts. It would seem that we are talking about if it were not for a huge laziness, united in Ilya Ilyich. Since childhood, numerous babysitters befeed him. "Zakharki and Vanya" from the fortress did anything for him, even small work. In idleness and lying on the sofa are his days.

Trusting them, Oblomov signed a bondage agreement on his Vyborg apartment, and then paid the lime "moral damage" to the brother Agafi Mukhoyarov in the amount of ten thousand rubles by a false borrowed letter. Friend Ilya Ilyich Stolz exposes the villains. After that, tarantyev "starts in running".

Close bug people

The surrounding feel that he is a mental man, bugs. Characteristic - characteristic, However, the self-destruction of the main character is not preventing him from having friends. The reader sees how the real friend Andrei Stolz is trying to snatch Oblomom from the close embrace of Noschena. He began after the death of Oblomov, according to the will of the last, adoptive father for the son of Andryushi.

Oblomov has a devotee and loving civilian spouse - the widow of Agafya Pshenitsyn - an unsurpassed mistress, near, illiterate, but honest and decent. Externally, it is complete, but the bulky, working. Ilya Ilyich admires her, comparing with the cheese. A woman rummates all the relationship with the brother Ivan Mukhoyarov, having learned about low selling her husband. After the death of a civil husband, a woman feels that "the soul from it was reversed." Giving the Son to the upbringing gallery, Agafya simply wants to leave after her Ilya. The money is not interested in it, which is seen from her refusal due to income from the estate of Oblomov.

Ilya Ilyich serves Zakhar - untidy, lazy, but the home -coming owner and devotee to the end of a servant of an old hardening. After the death of Barina, the former servant prefers to be a bent, but is located near his grave.

Read more about the image of Andrei Stolz

Often the topic of school essays is Oblomov and Stolz. They are opposed even to appearance. Supported, dark, with the shoulder cheeks, it seems that the gallery is all consists of muscles and tendons. He has a rank of rank, guaranteed income. Later, working in the trading company, he earned to buy a house. He shows activity and creativity, it is offered interesting and cash. This is he in the second part of the novel tries to bring Oblomov with Olga Ilinskaya, introducing them. However, the breakdowns stopped in the construction of relations with this lady, since it was afraid to change the accommodation and engage in active work. Frustrated Olga, who planned to re-educate lazy, left him. However, the image of the gallele is not ideal, despite its constant creative work. He, like Antipode Oblomov, fears to dream. In this image of Goncharov invested with excessiveness and rationalism. The writer believed that the image of the glass was not finalized. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov even considered this image negative, the judgment that "too satisfied" and "thinks about himself too good."

Olga Ilinskaya - Future Woman

The image of Olga Ilinskaya is a strong, finished, beautiful. No beauty, but surprisingly harmonious and dynamic. She is deeply spiritual and at the same time. Meet her who sings Aria "Casta Diva". This woman turned out to be able to stir even such a phenuty. But the re-education of Oblomov turned out to be a superhett, not more efficient to the training of Dyatlov, lazy deeply launched roots in it. In the end of the relationship with Olga, the first (because of the laziness) refuses bugs. The characteristic of their further relationship is the active sympathy of Olga. She marries a loved ones who loved her active, reliable and faithful Andrei Stolz. They have a wonderful harmonious family. But the insightful reader will understand that the active German "does not finish" to the level of his spouse of the spiritual principle.


Reniece Goncharovsky Images passes before the eyes of the reader of the novel. Of course, the brightest of them is the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Having wonderful prerequisites for a successful, selfless life, he managed to ruin himself. At the end of his life, the landowner realized that it was still happening with him, giving this phenomenon the capacious concise name "Oblomovshchyna". Is it modern? And how. Today's Ilya Ilyach have, except for dreams, also with impressive resources - computer games with stunning graphics.

The image of Andrei Stolz Roman did not reveal to the degree conceived by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. The author of the article considers it natural. After all, the classic depicted two extremes in these heroes. The first is a useless dream, and the second is pragmatic inadvertent activities. Obviously, only by combining these qualities in the right proportion, we will get something harmonious.

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich - the protagonist of the same name Roman I. A. Goncharov, a nobleman of a pleasant outside of 32-33 years old, with a lack of a certain goal in life. Oblomov has dark gray eyes and a soft look, and any concentration is absent in the face. With the way Oblomov is associated with the main meaning of the novel. It would seem that there is nothing important in this story, but it reflects the Russian life and the reality of the middle of the XIX century. It was after this book that the word "Oblomovshchina" appeared.

Oblomov is a kind of excess person in society, symbolizing the typical path of the provincial nobility of that time. He served several years in the department from year to year, waiting for the increase, he decided that such a worthless routine was not for him, intending to choose Nurelian. Now he is going on a day on the sofa, without thinking about the future and not set any goals. He is not just not able to manage his estate, but even for a guest evening can not get together and go. Such an inaction is a conscious selection of a character. He is quite satisfied with such a life, and he is pleased with the fact that there is no depth that hurts for the living. From time to time it is capable of stirring only his friend - gallery, which is his full opposite.

At the time, Oblomov changed the love of Olga. He even begins to read the books, get up from bed, view newspapers and wear tidy clothes, instead of a shedding robe. However, realizing its inability to active love, he himself initiates the break of relationships, so Olga was not disappointed in him. As a result, the perfect life is only surrounded by a hero


Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" is a significant product of Russian literature of the 19th century, describing the phenomenon characteristic of the Russian society. A bright representative in the book of this social trend is Ilya Oblomov - a leaving from the family of landowners whose family entry was the reflection of the rules and rules of the housework. Developing in a similar atmosphere, the hero gradually absorbed the values \u200b\u200band priorities of their parents, which greatly influenced the formation of his personality. Brief description of the Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" is given by the author Even at the beginning of the work - it is an apathetic, introverted, a dreamy man who prefers to live life in dreams and illusions, presenting and experiencing fictional paintings so brightly that sometimes can sincerely rejoice or cry from those scenes who are born in his mind. The inner softness and sensuality of Oblomov seemed to be reflected on his appearance: all his movements, even at the moments of vigorousness, were constrained by the outer softness, grace and sparkle, excessive for a man. The hero was not in the years wavering, had soft shoulders and small chubby hands, and a little-living and inactive lifestyle was read in his sleepy look, in which there was no concentration or some kind of basic idea.

Life of Oblomova

As if the continuation of the soft, apathetic, Lazy Oblomov in the novel describes the Hero's life. At first glance, his room was perfectly removed: "There was a red wood office there, two sofas, silk material, beautiful screen with embroidered in nature in nature and fruits. There were silk curtains, carpets, several paintings, bronze, porcelain and many beautiful little things. " However, if you look better, it became noticeable by a web, dusty mirrors and long-stayed and forgotten books, stains on carpets, unacceptable household items, bread crumbs and even a forgotten dish with a grinding bone. All this made the room of the hero of neglected, abandoned, made the impression that no one lives here: the owners had long left the housing, did not have time to strengthen. To some extent it was true: Oblomov did not live in a real world for a long time, replacing it to the world of illusory. This is especially clearly visible in the episode, when his acquaintances come to the hero, but Ilya Ilyich does not even learn to stretch their hand to the greeting, and, even more so, climb from bed to meet visitors. The bed in this case (like a bathrobe) is a borderline between the world of dream and reality, that is, getting out of bed, the bugs to some extent agreed to live in a real dimension, but did not want hero.

The influence of "Oblomeness" on the Personality of Oblomov

The origins of the comprehensive escapherism of Oblomov, his irresistible desire to escape from reality, lie in the "Oblomovsky" to raise the hero, about which the reader learns from the description of the sleep Ilya Ilyich. A native estate of the character, a crushing, was far from the central part of Russia, sitting in the picturesque, peaceful terrain, where there was never strong storms or hurricanes, and the climate was distinguished by calm and softness. Life in the village flowed measured, and time was measured not by seconds and minutes, but by holidays and rites - birth, weddings or funerals. Monotonous quiet nature was reflected on the nature of the inhabitants of the crushing - the most important value for them were rest, the tape and the opportunity to destroy. Labor was considered as a punishment and people tried to avoid him every way, to pull the moment of work or force her to do someone else.

It is noteworthy that the characteristic of the hero of Oblomov in childhood is significantly different from the image, which appears before readers at the beginning of the novel. Little Ilya was active, many interested and open to the world with a beautiful imagination. He liked to walk and know the surrounding nature, but the rules of the "Oblomovskaya" life did not assume his freedom, so gradually parents reiterated him in their image and likeness, growing it as a "greenhouse plant", protecting from the external world, the need to work and know the new one. Even the fact that they gave Ilya to learn, it was more likely to tribute fashion, the more realistic, because they left the son of the house for anyone else. As a result, the hero of Ros, as if closed from the Society, who did not want to work and perhaps everything that, with the emergence of any difficulties, it will be possible to shout "Zakhar" and the servant will come and will do everything for him.

The reasons for the desire of Oblomov to escape from reality

Description Oblomov, Hero Roman Goncharova, gives a bright idea of \u200b\u200bIlya Ilich, as a person who firmly extinguished from the real world and internally not want to change. The reasons for this lies in the childhood of Oblomov. Little Ilya loved to listen to fairy tales and legends about the great heroes and heroes who told him a nanny, and then to imagine himself one of these characters - a person, in one moment a miracle will occur, which will change the current state of affairs and make the hero on the head above Others. However, fairy tales differ significantly from life, where miracles do not occur by themselves, and to achieve success in society and career, it is necessary to continue to work, stepwise through the fall and persistently move forward.

Greenhouse education, where Oblomov was accustomed that someone else would do for him, having decided with the dreamy, sensual nature of the hero, led to the impossibility of Ilya Ilyich to deal with difficulties. This feature of Oblomov manifested himself at the time of the first failure in the service - the hero, fearing the punishment (although, perhaps, no one would be punished, and it would have decided to be a banal warning), he fired from work and does not want to face the world where everyone for myself. The world of his dreaming is becoming an alternative to the hero, where he represents a wonderful future in a crushing, wife and children, the peaceful calm, reminding him of his own childhood. However, all these dreams remain only with dreams, in the reality of Ilya Ilyich in every way the issues of arrangement of the native village, which without the participation of a reasonable owner gradually collapses.

Why didn't bily find himself in real life?

The only person who could pull the Oblomov from his permanent semi-free idleness was a friend of childhood hero - Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. He was the complete opposite of Ilya Ilyich as an external description and in character. Always an active, aspiring forward who knows how to achieve any goals, Andrei Ivanovich, still treated friendship with broom, because in communication with him, there was a peace of mind and an understanding that he was very difficult surrounded.

Stolz, the most fully realized the destructive influence of "Oblomovshchina" on Ilya Ilyich, so until the last moment, he tried to pull him with all their forces. Once Andrei Ivanovich, it was almost when he introduced Oblomov with Ilinskaya. But Olga in her desire to change the identity of Ilya Ilyich moved exclusively its own egoism, and not an altruistic desire to help his beloved person. At the time of parting, the girl says Oblomov, which could not bring him back to life, because he was already dead. On the one hand, it is so, the hero is too firmly mired in the "Oblomeness", and in order to change his attitude to life, inhuman efforts and patience were required. On the other hand, an active, purposeful in nature, Ilinskaya did not understand that for Transfiguration Ilya Ilyich, it takes time, and he cannot change himself with one jerk and his life. The gap with Olga became for Oblomov even more fails than a mistake in the service, so it is finally immersed in the "Oblomeness" network, leaves the real world, not wanting more to experience mental pain.


The author's characteristics of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, despite the fact that the hero is a central character, ambiguous. Goncharov exposes both positive features (kindness, tenderness, sensuality, ability to experience and sympathize) and negative (laziness, apathy, reluctance to solve themselves independently, rejection of self-development), depicting a multifaceted personality, which can call as sympathy and disgust. At the same time, Ilya Ilyich is undoubtedly one of the most accurate images of a truly Russian man, his nature and character traits. Named this ambiguity and multi-faceted image of Oblomov allow even modern readers to discover something important for themselves in the novel, putting the eternal questions that touched in the Roman Goncharov.

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