Sergei Belogolovtsev admitted that he was ashamed of his son with cerebral palsy. "We will watch how diligently a pretty boy hooks his arms and legs"

Sergei Belogolovtsev admitted that he was ashamed of his son with cerebral palsy.
Sergei Belogolovtsev admitted that he was ashamed of his son with cerebral palsy. "We will watch how diligently a pretty boy hooks his arms and legs"

The famous TV presenter and showman Sergei Belogolovtsev, shared a story about his disabled son, which happened not so long ago. Starhit talks about it. Eugene, the youngest son of Sergei, has been ill with infantile cerebral palsy since birth. Despite his illness, Evgeny leads a fairly active lifestyle: he goes in for sports, participates in social events and at one time hosted the “Various News” program on the “Raz TV” channel. Evgeny graduated from a school for gifted children and the Institute of Theater Arts, Advertising and Show Business.


Sergei Belogolovtsev said that not so long ago his son was also invited to act in films, but then they refused, preferring a healthy actor to him. It was about this story that Belogolovtsev Sr. told on his blog.

One aunt-director appears and says that in her new film the main character has cerebral palsy. And she wants to try Zhenya. Our eyes were running pleadingly. I push her a cookie and ask why, they say, there is such anxious attention to the disabled. Duty, he says, I have before them and a special relationship to them. Hurray, we think we will employ our stump for a while. We learn later that the cripple in the film will be played by a healthy, probably tall and handsome actor. We are again past the garden, - wrote Sergey.

At the same time, according to Belogolovtsev, such situations are not uncommon in Russian cinema.

Dear filmmakers, colleagues! Please shoot what you are really good at - "House with Caramel", 248 episodes. Or something military-patriotic, or sports-historical, you are doing well. Do not meddle in our topic with your sticky hands, otherwise we will then watch how diligently a pretty boy will hook his arms and drag his legs, we will look and think: are you mocking us, scoffing at us, or are you just cynical?

Sergei Belogolovtsev himself is actively involved in helping children with cerebral palsy. Three years ago, together with his wife Natalya, they created a non-profit organization "Dream Skis", which introduces disabled children to skiing.

  • Sergey Belogolovtsev is a popular Russian TV presenter and showman. He is known to viewers as the presenter of the TV programs “O.S.P. - studio "," In spite of records "," White against White "and others. He starred in several feature films. Football fan and promoter of the sport, federal ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
  • Sergei Belogolovtsev has three children: Nikita, Alexander and Evgeny. They are all related to television. The eldest - Nikita Belogolovtsev, a sports producer and political columnist for the Dozhd TV channel, was nominated for the TEFI award.

The mother of four children, supermodel Natalia Vodianova knows firsthand about the attitude of society towards people with disabilities, towards people with special needs. Among the thousands of families where babies with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy were born, there are famous moms and dads.

, actress

Evelina Bledans became one of the few stellar mothers who first challenged the doctors who advised not to leave the child, and then the society, which still has not learned to accept people with genomic pathologies, disorders and developmental disorders. Her son is already three years old - and he is a full-fledged member of society. Evelina and her husband-producer Alexander Semin are convinced that their son should receive everything the same as children without special features. The Bledans family inspires confidence and strength for thousands of moms like her.

Sergey Belogolovtsev, actor

Another well-known father of a child with special needs in show business is actor Sergei Belogolovtsev ("Duhless", "My Fair Nanny").

With his wife Natalia, they are raising three sons, the youngest of whom was born with cerebral palsy. 26-year-old Yevgeny Belogolovtsev did the almost impossible among people with developmental disabilities - he became a TV presenter (program "Various News"). Despite the fact that the TV project has already been completed, Zhenya does not despair and is ready to look for himself further. By the way, he is a professional actor.

, singer

Fyodor Bondarchuk, actor, director

A child with the same characteristics was born into the family of the famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk. His eldest son Sergei has a younger sister, Varvara, with cerebral palsy. Fedor, together with his wife, are engaged in the social adaptation of the child, to a greater extent abroad. The girl's mother, the director's wife, actress Svetlana Bondarchuk, in an interview with SNC magazine, explained their decision by the fact that life in Russia "is not at all adapted for people with disabilities." Today Varvara is 16 years old.

The daughter of the singer Lolita from her marriage to showman Alexander Tsekalo is 14 years old today. Eva was born five months old, after a while the child was diagnosed with autism. Despite the persuasion of the doctors, the singer did not refuse her daughter. Milyavskaya sincerely considers Eve to be ordinary. The girl speaks fluent English, swims well, reads poetry and goes with her mother to fashion shows.

, producer

Producer Konstantin Meladze and his ex-wife Yana are raising three children: two daughters Alice and Leah, 15 and 11 years old, respectively, and 10-year-old son Valery. The youngest child was born with autism.

Here is what the boy's mother told about her son's diagnosis in an interview with "KP":

"This is not a sentence, this is an execution, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not been cured in any way. It is being corrected. I am talking about a severe form of autism. Such children can be taught. I think parents who are faced with a similar problem, the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, shame is familiar. Our society does not accept, does not recognize. But when a child has the first successes, hope, faith awakens - and then a new starting point for true victories and bright pride for his child begins.

And parents do not have to be ashamed, blame themselves. Do not think that you could have done something wrong. When you understand what a responsible mission you are carrying out in your child's life, you realize the value or even invaluable value of your own. Most importantly, autistic disorder should be diagnosed in the first year of a child's life! The fatal mistake of doctors and parents is to wait up to three years. Children, with whom they begin correct correction up to one year old, show amazing results. And in the end, they are not much different from their peers. "

Host on Raz-TV

- You worked as a presenter on TV, do you plan to continue doing this?

Zhenya: Hopefully because I enjoyed working on TV. And make money. I was already making a little money, but then, unfortunately, an event occurred that interrupted my work. One cable channel, on which I worked as a presenter and editor (I myself selected materials for my program), bought and closed not only my program, but all programs in general. I would like to work in an office, it stimulates work. At home, you still relax. But to work on TV, in my opinion, you need persistence or connections. My parents are very supportive of my desire to work.

Natalia Belogolovtseva (Zhenya's mother took an active part in her son's interview): Zhenya has been out of work for half a year. But he demonstrated what a talented TV presenter he can be, how he conducts concerts and works professionally. We are worried that it is not in demand now. Although not so long ago personally K.L. Ernst, the general director of Channel One, approved a project for him on the channel, the launch of which has been postponed at the moment. At our own expense, we took off several pilot projects for him, so that he could not come to the tests empty-handed. We show how it works and how it looks.

Recently, a good friend who works on a federal channel told us the following thing:

"The country does not want to see unhealthy people successful, for the majority they are funny little animals that people treat with disgust."

Think about the future after such words ...

At some point, Zhenya, of course, can work in the library or as a taxi dispatcher on the phone, do sedentary work at the computer. But while we are trying to find him a job that he likes, which he studied. We have a couple of solo performances, we recorded an audio book with him, but we don't know how to promote it now.

In a civilized country, Zhenya would already be independent, he could play in the movies of children with cerebral palsy. Maybe it just didn't work out yet. Once we went to audition for a full-length film, for Zhenya it could be a real chance. But on the way, he suddenly developed symptoms that had not been there for a very long time. Samples fell through. I don’t know, maybe it’s no coincidence ...

I set my son the task of earning money even for a driver, since he cannot move around the city on his own, especially given the level of aggression in the country.

- Zhenya, here you are a Muscovite, your parents can help you. But do you think it is realistic for people with the same diagnosis to achieve professional success without support?

Complex issue. In my opinion, such people need to apply to organizations that specialize in job search. I know that the Perspective Foundation exists: you submit an application and they help you find a job.

I have many friends who work and study. There is a friend in a wheelchair, he says that working from home is easy, but getting to the office by metro is problematic. Another friend of mine filmed on TV and said that in order to get to the subway car, he sometimes has to turn to people for help. He has been a wheelchair user since childhood, has not walked for 35 years, and he constantly has to ask for help from others.

In the USA, for example, everything is much simpler, especially for wheelchair users. All public buildings are initially tested for comfort for people with limited mobility.

In the United States, I started skiing for the first time. I saw a guy without a leg skiing on special equipment, calmly pushing off the snow with sticks, and for him the lift was stopped and helped to climb.

In the USA, buses are also equipped with ramps. In Moscow, in my opinion, there is only one such bus, and only one public building is equipped in this way - the Center for Education and Teaching Technology, where I studied. The Center has its own bus with a ramp, and in the building itself, near the stairs, there is a ramp for wheelchair users. I have not seen anything like this anywhere else.

- And why - exactly the theater institute?

Zhenya: The Center for Education and Learning Technology, where I studied for 4 years, makes it possible to study at home via skype. Thanks to this school, I entered and graduated from a theater university. At the Center, I studied in a theater studio, and the director advised my parents to pay attention to my acting skills. I tried to enter various well-known theater universities, but with my diagnosis, no one wanted to take me. Fortunately, my dad turned out to be a very good friend who played in the theater with my teacher, he also helped to enter the theater institute.

The first year my mother went with me, but then I began to cope myself. We bought a dictaphone, and with the personal permission of the administration, I could record lectures. Professional subjects (staging a speech, vocals, dance moves and pantomimes) were difficult. But I am proud that in the history of Russia they gave me an automatic test, since I independently studied this subject.

Natalia: Yes, if it were not for the director's proposal regarding theatrical education, we would not even think in this direction. At first, this idea seemed to us absolutely delusional, because a huge number of actors are not in demand today, and it is difficult to do it. We phoned private universities, asked if it was worth coming with Zhenya at all. Despite the fact that Sergey called and introduced himself, the answers were extremely negative.

But when Zhenya began to study, it was the acting classes that became art therapy, a fantastic story of rehabilitation! Initially, his psychologist began to deal with productions with him, and was surprised how beneficial it was for him.

I spent six months of my life trying to find a school where they were ready to talk to us. Anatoly Bely, an artist of the Moscow Art Theater, who helped us to enter, noticed that Zhenya has abilities, and that this desire is not a delusion of his parents. A private theater institute agreed to watch Zhenya. At first, we wanted to agree on an individual visit program, but he tried to study in almost the same mode as the other students and it went well.

Difficulties arose not with classmates, but with some teachers. There were teachers, let's say, disloyal. Zhenya does not walk well, but he passed all the exams in choreography conducted by GITIS professor Maria Dmitrievna Korpusova. The choreographer put whole numbers for him, taking into account his capabilities. However, one acting teacher drove him so badly that Zhenya was even afraid to go on stage.

- Zhenya, do you have depression?

There are. My dogs help to cheer up. When you come home, they always greet me with joy. Communication with friends on the phone helps a lot. Most of all, he supports me when I achieve something, something new, which I myself did not expect from myself. For example, alpine skiing is a great achievement.

My psychologist Natalya Aleksandrovna Perfilkina helps me cope with depression. It was she who advised her to practice theatrical art as therapy. It helps not to give up, not give up and know that even if the disease is invincible, there is always hope for at least some improvement. Now we continue to study with Natalia Aleksandrovna once a week. She gives me different tasks, and I do them. This person is very important to me.

Friends are also helping - we have a big campaign. But we don't meet often because of the difficulty of moving around the city. At home, I like to sit at the computer. Earlier, when I had a normal computer, I composed music using a special program, which, unfortunately, is now hopelessly outdated.

- Explain to me as not an athlete - how can downhill skiing, which you mentioned, help a person with cerebral palsy? Isn't this a sport with an increased risk of injury, even for the average person?

Natalia: My husband and I have always been skiing ourselves, and just "automatically" put our son on them! We didn't even think that this sport would become such a successful rehabilitation. Difficult children begin to ride on the slider first, and we wanted to buy such a device for Zhenya. But when he started driving two weeks later without any equipment, we were both bewildered and delighted. Zhenya just straightened up before his eyes. He was then 23 years old, and before that I had not seen any visible changes in his condition, especially in such a short time.

This is how the idea of ​​the Dream Ski program was born. And its rehabilitative results are obvious. The program is currently working in seven regions of Russia, from Moscow to Sakhalin. The number of participants has increased by about 100 times over the year. Since the program, unfortunately, so far only works on donations, there are problems with the organization, collecting information, etc. We are trying to conduct medical research, but so far the work in this direction has not been established.

Nevertheless, according to the reviews of instructors and parents, the results are very indicative: there are children who did not walk, and after 10-15 courses of the program got on their feet.

Zhenya: Skiing helps a lot. At first it is very difficult to get up on skis, you have to ride with the help of a special device (trapeze): you hold on to it, they belay with ropes from behind, and an instructor rides nearby. Then you ride a slider, and then with a stick. Now I am skating myself.

Natalia: We work with the Natalia Vodianova charitable foundation based on the Nizhny Novgorod center, which uses American methods. The N. Vodianova Foundation is our partner who helped to purchase the equipment. Our other task is to test all participants together with the foundation and find out the rehabilitation impact of the program on children with autism.

The program can work all over the country, and there are non-CIS countries ready for cooperation: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Armenia and some parent associations of Western European countries. But we have huge problems with organizational and financial resources, we don't even have an office to work with. All this year I worked, practically, alone: ​​transported equipment, negotiated with representatives of government and other structures, doctors, etc. It is very difficult. I had a small team of volunteers to help me out and they are fantastic people.

Together with the Skolkovo Volunteer Club, we have developed an economic model for the program, which pays off in a season. I am trying to explain to the regional and federal authorities that "Dream Ski" is 10,000-25,000 rubles. in 10 lessons, and this course gives visible results. A course of 2-week rehabilitation in honey. institution costs about 300,000 rubles. Any resort that has a playground for children is eligible to implement the program. Minimum equipment required, trainers. Serious doctors, such as the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for child rehabilitation, President of the National Association of Experts on Infantile Cerebral Palsy Tatyana Batysheva, became supporters of our program, guarantors of its promotion. And I am very grateful to them, this is very important for all of us.

Recently we put the deaf-blind-mute on skis. All of them went in one day, although the participants were very different in terms of training level. For example, there was a 5-year-old deaf-blind girl with Down syndrome, and the oldest participant was 61 years old, and on the very first day she went to Snezhkoma without any equipment. We also tried climbing walls and rollers with them.

Quite recently, the first in the history of Russia competition "Skiing Dreams" took place, and the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, personally opened the competition.

"Dream skis" are also necessary for healthy people. We noticed that wherever the program was launched, all people related to it (even workers, cloakroom attendants, parking attendants) felt involved, began to relate differently to difficult people and to the problem of people with disabilities in general. So society is changing without any stupid propaganda. You can hang the whole city with the texts with shields: all children are equal, but the effect will be zero. You don't need to convince anyone, people change themselves.

Last year, the KANT sports complex hosted the official opening of the Dream Skiing program, and one woman yelled: "Take your freaks away, my child cannot ride!" And it seems to me that children with disabilities are bright and beautiful. It's worth a tremendous effort for me to do this program, but when I see these children, two minutes of communication with them is enough to cheer myself up.

Perm Center for the Development of Volunteerism

Zhenya and his friend from the Best Friends fund Nastya Orekhova read a poem about friendship

Ski training in Chulkovo, instructor Artur Dergachev

Zhenya and his friend from the Best Friends fund Natasha Shikunova are conducting a concert

The whole Belogolovtsev family goes skiing

Sergey Belogolovtsev: family, photos, video

TV presenter Sergei Belogolovtsev was born into the family of a physicist, but his father did not help when entering MEPhI and the future comedian had to enter the Mining Institute. Sergei Belogolovtsev married during his student years, his wife was Natalya Belogolovtseva, nee Barannik, a journalist by profession. The family has three sons: Nikita, Alexander and Eugene. The sons of Sergei Belogolovtsev, Alexander and Yevgeny, are twins, Yevgeny was born with severe malformations and suffers from cerebral palsy, the family put a lot of effort into his treatment and rehabilitation. All the children of Belogolovtsev linked their lives with television: the older sons work as TV presenters and are engaged in producing, the youngest son Yevgeny graduated from the theater institute and works as a presenter on the Raz-TV channel. There is a granddaughter Eva and a grandson Timofey. The Belogolovtsevs recently rebuilt a spacious country house.

A fragment from the program "Pravda 24" on the channel "Moscow-24"
with Sergei Belogolovtsev

Sergey Belogolovtsev is a fan of Spartak, a fragment from an interview
to the correspondent of "Soviet Sport"

Sergey Belogolovtsev, together with his youngest son, participates in the program
rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy "Ski dreams"

// Photo: Shot of the program "Alone with everyone"

The famous artist and showman Sergei Belogolovtsev and his wife Natalya are raising three children. The youngest child was born with a terrible diagnosis - cerebral palsy. In the program of Yulia Menshova "Alone with everyone," he said that the first time after the birth of the boy Zhenya, he and his wife tried not to talk to others about their son's problem.

“We, too, frankly, hid the first time and for quite a long time. And Natasha did not take him to the shooting. Now I understand that there was such a sin that we were also ashamed, and we also thought that we were somehow inferior, and we were somehow wrong, that we had such a child, ”Belogolovtsev shared in an interview with Menshova.

But Sergey and Natalya very quickly realized that they were doing the wrong thing in relation to their child. Belogolovtsev decided to reconsider his views on the boy's illness. He realized that there was no need to hide the problem. Moreover, it is necessary to talk about it as often as possible.

“Then at some point we just said to ourselves:“ This is disgusting, this is wrong, it is harmful for us, and for him, and for those other children who are the same, and for families. We need to talk about this, shout, and we need to help. No need to say: that's it, life is over! Because you have no idea what an incredible mass of terrible scary questions arise in the minds of parents, ”recalls the TV presenter and showman.

For a long time Belogolovtsev could not understand why such a test fell to the lot of his family.

"For what? Why is this to me, why is it to him, after all, he did not have time to sin, he just appeared, what is this punishment for? The most important thing is to stop asking yourself this at some point, otherwise you can go crazy, ”said the showman.

Sergei admitted to Julia that only recently he stopped asking this question. Now the showman is proud of Eugene, because now his heir is leading a program on television, despite his diagnosis.

“We dream that I work in my specialty - after all, after graduating from a theater institute, I’m probably the first professional actor with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy,” Belogolovtsev’s son told StarHit about his work. - I want guys like me to believe in themselves! At first I was confused, before that I was filming only with my dad in the OSP studio, as a spectator. But when I arrived at the studio and talked to the channel's management, I decided to take a chance - I agreed. Dad and I rehearsed for three days, he helped to learn the text. Then my father went and bought me a suit for filming, in the image I should be like Larry King: a bow tie and pants with suspenders. For these braces, my dad spent the whole day running all over Moscow. "