Jennifer Lawrence: the biography of a talented actress. Interview Jennifer Lawrence: Questions about Darren Aronofsky, Star Packs and Not only between Heaven and Earth

Jennifer Lawrence: the biography of a talented actress. Interview Jennifer Lawrence: Questions about Darren Aronofsky, Star Packs and Not only between Heaven and Earth
Jennifer Lawrence: the biography of a talented actress. Interview Jennifer Lawrence: Questions about Darren Aronofsky, Star Packs and Not only between Heaven and Earth

FULL NAME: Jennifer Shreder Lawrence (Jennifer Shrader Lawrence)

DATE OF BIRTH: 08/15/1990 (Lion)

PLACE OF BIRTH: Luisville, United States

Eye color: Grey



A FAMILY: Parents: Gary Lawrence, Karen Lawrence

HEIGHT: 172 cm



American actress, producer.
Born in a large family owner of the construction firm Harry Lawrence. As an intelligent child, Jennifer was fond of sports from childhood, he was in the team of Culliding, hockey on the grass, and also fond of design and dreamed of becoming a doctor. The girl grew not only intelligent and sports, but also beautiful. When the future actress was 14 years old, a stranger was noticed on the street and asked for a photo. As it turned out later, it was one of the influential people in the company Brenda Abercrombie & Fitch. The event was seriously influenced by the girl - she began to think about his career in show business and went to New York to search for an agent. For her purpose, she had to finish school externally and reduce two years of study. Movie Jennifer Lawrence began with a small role in the painting "City Company". Then there were several episodes in the series, but its first significant work was the role in the series "Bill Inglavl Show", which went out three seasons in a row. A truly famous Jennifer woke up after entering the rental of Parker's tape, in which she received a prize for the main female role. Further, Career Lawrence went only to the mountain. In the film "Winter Kost", she played 15-year-old rolly, which brings up his younger brothers and sisters without parents. The role brought to her the omination on the Oscar and the Golden Globe, but both rewards were awarded Natalie Portman for the film "Black Swan".
Jennifer's Career Flower fell for 2011, when director Gary Ross conceived to film the Novuel Susan Collins "Hungry Games". For a very long time, the creators of the film could not pick up the actress, but Jennifer turned out to be one hundred percentage in the goal - as soon as she came to the casting and began a story about herself, it was instantly approved on a major role in the film. Saga was introduced to the show in 2012 and had a stunning success. Thanks to the film, the actress received several awards for the role of China Everdin: MTV Movie Awards in the "best fight" nominations and the "best female role", Teen Choice Awards in the "Best Kiss" and "Actress of Fantastic or Fantasy Movie".
In parallel with the filming in the "Hungry Games", Jennifer starred in the film Russell Crowe "My boyfriend - Psycho" with Bradley Cooper. After filming, Lawrence received Oscar and Golden Globe.
The final part of the "Hungry Games: Soyuka-Peredashnitsa" gathered at $ 2.8 billion, after which, in 2015, Forbes awarded Jennifer Lawrence the status of the highest paid Hollywood actress.
In addition, the actress in 2013 became the face of the famous brand "Dior", and also entered the top ten most beautiful people in the world according to People magazine.
But despite his beauty, Jennifker argues that in her personal life is not so smooth, as if she wanted. According to the actress, the guys are afraid of her, so she often spends the Saturday evening. A strong character and high position in society also served as a breaking of two-year relations with Nicholson Holt. Currently, the media is suspected Jennifer and its partner on the recently released film "Passengers" of Chris Prett in love communications. But while the actors will reduce these rumors, and Jennifer officially has the status of a free girl.

Relationships Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky in Hollywood Tusovka now does not discuss only lazy. Talented actress and recognized director shocked the public with their passionate kisses while walking in the evening New York. Interesting the fact that a couple of some time hid his feelings from prying eyes, and paparazzi was lost in guesses: whether colleagues only bind to working relationships or ran the spark between them. Peppercorn to this news adds the fact that Jen for 21 years younger than its chosen one. But is the difference in the age of obstacle for real love?

There was an ordinary girl ...

About Jennifer Lawrence can accurately say that the appearance of a gentle angel is only a shell. In fact, she is a volition girl, purposeful and confident. Such qualities of nature manifested themselves in the cutie even in early childhood. Born in the family of children's kamping workers and the owner of the construction company, Jenny since childhood participated in various school productions. She was in the group of cheerleaders in an educational institution, fond of design and intended to tie his life with medicine. The future determined the case. When Jen was 14, they went to New York with their parents, giving themselves small holidays. A photographer came out on the street to Young Beauty and asked permission to make her picture. It was Abercrombie & Fitch. The next day the girl was on the casting for the brand advertising campaign.

Some sources claim that he dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. She herself insisted on a trip to New York, in order to find a decent agent, and bypassed several solid offices with his parents, until he achieved his own. Whatever it was, the result was achieved, Lolita from Kentucky was noticed by the speech of show business, and she already spent the next summer in New York.

Lawrence instantly started in television series. Moreover, producers and directors highly appreciated its acting abilities, and after all, the girl had no special education by the shoulders. Just at Lawrence had a congenital reincarnation gift, which she is masterfully owned. By the way, the actress-novice participated in a second-time soap, but in decent projects, such as the "Detective Rush" and "Medium".

As a magic wand, from a serial actress Jen in one moment he jumped into a heavy division, having received several main roles in the author's films. Star Hour Lawrence struck in 2012, thanks to the Franchise "Hungry Games". It is the role of Kitniss Everdin that brought her world fame. As for the evaluation of critics, they unanimously recognized Lawrence "Great" actress, giving her Oscar for the main female character in the comedy "My boyfriend is a crazy." Now on the account of a 26-year-old beauty about thirty works, the victory in the race for the Oscar and the three "golden globes". It is not surprising that the producers are in need of a scenario to her to get it in the next project.

Men Jennifer Lawrence

Despite the charming appearance, Jennifer is a serious girl, with someone novels it does not turn out, and it tries to hide his rapid life from the press. Nevertheless, the public is known about several cordially affections of celebrities.

The first official beloved of the famous actress was her colleague on the film "People X: First Class" Nicholas Holt. The blue-eyed handsome man and a sexy blonde seemed to be the perfect pair, and their relationship lasted on Hollywood standards for a long time - without a small five years. Lovely quarreled and put up, thereby heated interest in their novel. In 2013, the press appeared information about the final discrepancy in a pair of Holt-Lawrence. However, after a few months, the couple reunited again. And the second double of their relationship was more serious, they even acquired a joint mansion in London. There were rumors about the engagement. But due to the workload of the graphs of both actors, their relationship was slowly faded. One of the versions of the final separation of Jen and Nika became information about the sympathy between Holt and Kristen Stewart during joint filming of the drama "equal". Lawrence quite painfully survived the gap with a boyfriend, but his beloved job gave her strength to shift this page.

For some time, Jennifer was in proud loneliness. She, of course, attributed a novel with Bradley Cooper, but the actor flatly refused to feed these rumors, calling him an old man in comparison with the young actress. As for Lawrence, both experienced men are presented.

For a while, the girl twisted the novel with the frontman of the Coldplay group Chris Martin, at least the paparazzi is sure. Although there were no evidence of this fact. Several times celebrities photographed together at lunch. Another shot confirmed the joint flight of the stars on the private aircraft of the musician, perhaps it was just friendship. Insiders close to Celabriti argue that Mama Lawrence was categorically against communicating his daughter with Chris. The reason for this is too close to Martin's relatives with the former wife Gwyneth Paltrow, but all this assumptions and speculation.

The guy from the ordinary family ...

Aronofsky for some 10 years acquired itself the status of one of the most talented directories. His films are fascinating the viewer, many celebrities are dreaming with him.Future talent was born in a large apple (this is also called New York), in the family of teachers, adherents of conservative Judaism.

The Darren family was very wealthy, despite the rather modest earnings of teachers. Parents managed to provide their own training in one of the most prestigious New York schools and a journey through Europe and Asia after graduation.

After Darren looked at his life, he had easily entered Harvard for the course of anthropology, animation and cinema. He finished him with honors. The graduation work of a young bachelor, a short "supermarket cleaning," was so good that he even won a special Student Prize of the Film Academy. On the wave of success, the aronophist has served another short work "Prediction Cookies".

Talented director

At this student years, Darren did not end. He went to Los Angeles to get a master's degree, and entered the American Academy of Cinema Articles. Having received a diploma, the aronophists immediately sat down for the scenario of his debut full meter "PI". The picture received a lot of positive feedback by film critics, several festival awards and paid off at the box office. With the $ 60 thousand spent 3 million. The aronophists did not waste time, and began working on his new brainchild - "Requiem in a Dream." It was absolute success. The picture collected 20 festival awards. The story of the usual people whom the drugs thwarted, became a real breakthrough of the 2000th.

Aononophists actively participates in social projects telling about the dangers of drugs. The director removed several shocking thirty-second rollers, in which young people told the consequences of the use of amphetamines in all colors.

  • In 2006, the director submitted to the public a film-reasoning on the topic of eternal life - "Fountain". The picture fell into the short list of many prestigious festivals, but did not receive the recognition of critics.
  • Big return of Mickey Rusk in the cinema, by the way, happened to the light hand of the same aronophist. The director was conceived by the Bayopic about the old rubbing, the star of the 80s, which decided to return to the scene. The drama received the Golden Lion, and its main characters were nominated for Oscar.
  • The most recognizable work of the director was the Thriller "Black Swan", which gathered a lot of laudatory feedback and festival awards.
  • After a four-year break, the aronophists released their reading the biblical parable to the screens. The picture, like all the films of Darren, turned out to be ambiguous. Its rental was even banned in some countries, due to a peculiar interpretation of the director. The film paid off at the box office, but did not have success at festivals.

Now the director is working on a new project, in which Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem will take part.

Darren Aroneal: personal life

As for personal life, Mr. Aronofsky does not protrude her atpon, that is why the rumors on this topic are many. One of the most serious and long Romanov of the director who almost ended with marriage was with the English actress Rachel Weiss. Young people met in 2001, four years later they announced their engagement, but they still did not hurry to the altar. In 2006, Pair was born firstborn Henry. They were happy and planned a wedding, but it was not destined to happen.

In the media, the current James Bond, Daniel Craig, with whom Rachel for that period was involved at the shooting of the thriller "House Gree". A strong attraction broke out between the actors, but both were incomprehensible at that time. Each of them tried to preserve his previous relationships, but the feelings took the top. Soon and Rachel, and Craig said goodbye to their second halves.

At the end of 2010, Aronofsky and Weiss "broke up with friends", in order not to injure her son Henry and agreed to raise the boy together. The tabloids argued that the director was hard to worry about the gap with his civil wife.

According to another version, the rugs of aronophists so tired of his girl that she was just tired to pay attention to them. Darren was attributed to the novels with almost all the actresses he worked with. One of the brightest wovers was the news about the intrigue with Natalie Portman. Just in the 2010 Celebrities worked on a joint project "Black Swan". By the way, some editions even argued that the son of Portman is not from her legitimate wife of Benjamin Millpe, but from the star director of the aronophist. This information was from the discharge of rumors, and, nevertheless, took place.

After parting from Weiss Aronofsky and at all "left underground", about his personal life was practically nothing known. Paparazzi periodically caught him for walks along with the son of Henry. Apparently, Darren's serious novels during this period did not have anyone. That is why the news about his relationship with Jennifer Lawrence shocked the public.

Darren Aronofsky and Jennifer Lawrence: Roman on the set, photo

The attachment of celebrities of the tabloids began to be just in the spring of 2016, it was then that the director approved Jen to a major role in his project.

There was no confirmation of these speculations, but the media periodically published the information that Darren and His Muse were very close to the shooting process, which took place in the summer of this year. By the way, the production has long been completed, and a strong friendship has been established between Darren and Jennifer, so such that Lawrence even consulted with him relative to his role in a new film.

In general, smoke without fire does not happen and in this case. The paparazzi then caught the stars together: they wander around the evening New York, then we have breakfast in a quiet restaurant in an informal atmosphere, then try to slip out of the hotel.

Darren and Jennifer completely ignore the press issues about their personal life, but their feelings, apparently, do not intend to hide anymore. Such a conclusion suggests itself after recent photos of the couple. The famous director and his actress found kissing right on New York Street.

Loves absolutely did not notice surrounding their journalists. Skeptics will say that this is a PR stroke, because the aronophist is famous for its provocations in the process of creating their films. So, after the release of his "Black Swan", rumors were held in the press for a long time that Darren tried to "strive" Natalie Portman and Mil Cunis to give them to rival the screen more juicy tones. Perhaps now, the aronophists decided to imagine interest in his new brain.

By the way, on the day of elections in the United States, the director appeared in the student town of the University of Duke and agitated the youth to go to the polling stations. In the exchange of aronophists promised fans of video call with his girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence. So, several conscious students were able to enjoy communication with Oscar-1, and hurried to write about it on their networks on the net.

In the meantime, foreign tabloids are discussing the news about the possible engagement of celebrities. At the premiere of his new film "Passengers" in Madrid actress arrived with a ring on a ring finger. Naturally, Paparazzi suggested that the aronophists made a proposal to beauty Jen.

The official confirmation of the novel celebrities in the media was not received. Only time will show how serious the relationship between Darren and Sexy Lawrence. In the meantime, Jennifer is delighted and fascinated by her new boyfriend, in one of the interviews for the Vanity Fair, she tirelessly admired them and called the Watch. Who knows, perhaps the dream actresses about marriage will soon be incarnated in reality, and Lawrence really found a man's dream.

Celebrities are the same people as everyone else, just shine brighter. Musicians, artists, actors, singers, composers, directories, athletes - all whose achievements and creations will remain in the centuries, attract my interest. I am glad to share with the readers of this site stories for Star Olympus.

0 December 21, 2016, 14:31

Within the framework of the Promotion, the tape not only walks on the red tracks and changes the outfits from the debut collection of Maria Curi Cury for Dior, but also appears on numerous television shows. The next in her schedule was a visit to the broadcast to Andy Cohen. Of course, it was clear that to discuss personal life and his novel with Darren Aronofsky actress would not become, but the leading still could not resist, so as not to ask Jennifer a provocative question, and asked to recall the best kiss of the outgoing year. The girl burned, he knew himself and did not succumb to the provocation:

I cant answer.

- Actress confusedly admitted.

But I had no answer to other questions, but her friend Lore Simpson. Laura became a guest of a special heading, the chip of which is in the tricky questions about the famous friend, in our case - about Jennifer. You do not want to answer - you make a sip from a giant glade with a cocktail, risking already on the fifth question to reach the condication.

Laura took the challenge and made it clear that preferred to drink a whole pool of alcohol than to give the secrets of his close girlfriend. Laura did not respond to the question of the worst habit of Jennifer, nor about whom Lawrence will not be filmed in the cinema. But it was not refused to call the nickname of the unloved colleague actresses.

Well, in fact, there are several of them: "brine", "lady in red", there is a "lady" ...

Jennifer clarified:

"Lady" is such a collectively hated by all the celebrity. There are variations of her nickname: "Lady, waiting for", "Mad Lady", "Lady in Red".

When the question appeared on the screen about Star Packs Jennifer, Laura replied:

She does not behave at all as a star diva.

However, most of the questions of Laura still left without answers, so he soon stated:

And I must make a sip again. Well, I'm drunk.

On the personal life of Jennifer her girlfriend also refused to speak. But we also know without her answers that Jennifer Roman with director Darren Aroneal. Recall that recently guesses of journalists about the gentle relations of 26-year-old Jennifer Lawrence and 47-year-old Darren Aronofsky received a visual. Paparazzi captured a couple on a walk in New York when she was kissed.

However, in the framework of the meeting with Coen Jennifer, other "attractions" were waiting, so that some of the hated colleagues, whom the actress, as it turned out, was a lot, she still called. To the question of whom the actress would dismissed the Vanderpump Rules from the project, the actress said:

It has already happened, but I still call him. This is James - the guy I hate. I would drink it from our planet.

But the question about the favorite and unloved parts of the long-playing project "Hungry Games" again made her think:

Favorite part, I think the first is simply because she was the first, and it was something completely new to me. And the unloved, probably the third, because it was broken into two parts.

Well, about the joint project with Amy Sumer:

The script is completed, it turned out very funny. It was even tedious - so much laugh. I laughed so much that I even had convulsions. Now we are trying to dock our schedule to continue work.

Responding to a question about the details of the plot of the film, Lawrence said:

This is a story about two sisters that are going on a trip to try to find your brother. I hope they agree to be Chris Prett.

Photo Images from the video

Yesterday, August 15, 2016, Young Gollywood Given - Actress Jennifer Lawrence turned 26 years old. Often, driven in the search string "Jennifer Lawrence Movies", people would like to find not simply filmography of actresses, but also interesting information about her personal life and becoming in the role of one of the most promising young Hollywood stars.

One of the most charismatic actresses of the XXI century


Childhood and youth

Jennifer Schreander Lawrence was born on August 15, 1990 in Louisville - the largest city of Kentucky USA. Father of the future star, Gary Lawrence, worked in a construction company, and Mama, Karen Lawrence (in Majm Koh), worked in a children's camp. The original and memorable appearance is Jennifer is obliged to prevent the English, German, Irish and Scottish roots. In addition to Jen, there are two children in the family - her older brothers Ben and Blaine. The future actress since his childhood was confident in choosing his life path - she wanted to tie him with the world of hystage, playing the theater and cinema.

Jennifer was charming and artistic already in school years

That is why, already at the age of 14, an ambitious girl persuaded the parents to take her to New York to find an agent. Without acting education, work experience in the industry, nevertheless, Jen managed to conquer and surprise her representatives of the agencies. Nothing could hold the guilt of the girl - to start earlier to the movies, she graduated from school externally 2 years earlier!

Jennifer Lawrence on graduation

Carier start

Lawrence began his career from filming in various television projects, its first appearance on television screens - TV project "City company" and the series "Defective detective". The first roles were very insignificant, so, in "a defective detective Jen starred in the role of Mascot (Talisman) of the school team on basketball, which was taken to train the main character. Its appearance was limited to several tens of seconds in a suit and a clutch of a cute pet and a pair of phrases.

The first role of the future four-time nominee for the Oscar Prize

Jennifer received the first prominent role in 2007 in the TV series "Billy Ingliva", where she played the eldest daughter of the psychotherapist Billy Ingvala, aspiring to take part in all life situations of his family. For this role, Lawrence received the first award - "Young actor" in the nomination "The Best Young Actress TV series." This award is awarded since 1979, and it most often goes out with young diving, whose brilliant game was not seen or not assessed in dignity, in view of the presence in the frame of more famous and adult colleagues. The clock, in 2007, Jen played episodic roles in the series "Medium" and "Detective Rush".

Young actress looked organically in a frame with more adults and famous actors

2008 He became a year of takeoff of the career of the future four-time nominee on the Oscar Prize - first she starred in an episodic, but a prominent role in a sufficiently passing Youth Drama "Party in the Garden", and then played the first major role in the serious drama "Poker House". In this film, Jen played the Girl of Agnes, the prototype of which was the director of the film Lori Petty, who wanted to tell how terribly the girl could pass in a small town. By the way, despite the fact that the film did not discourage any awards, it is the game of Young Lawrence and is completely young, but also the future stars Chloe Grace Moritz, did not remain unnoticed.

Jennifer Lawrence in the role of Agnes in the Drama "Poker House"

The only reward that this film was noted was the "Best Women's Role" award at the Los Angeles Film Festival. And that was enough for Lawrence to start receiving interesting offers. The first such proposal was to embody the image of the young Marianna, trying to save the collapsing marriage and the fascinating love of his parents in the film "Flaming Plain". Despite the fact that in the film, in addition to Jennifer, elegant Charlize Theron and Kim Bacyinger were involved, the film did not show a good cash register and disappointed critics. However, the usual viewer reacted quite favorably to a good drama - they are talking about it worthy, but not outstanding assessments on film resources. Nevertheless, Lawrence itself was noted by the named after Marcello Mastroanni on the 65th Venetian Film Festival. This prize is awarded to promising young actors and actresses.

Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lawrence and director of the film "Flaming Plain" Hilierymo Arriaga

Shooting in these projects allowed Jennifer Lawrence to declare themselves as a mature, characteristic actress. After that, the sentence fell out of the horn of abundance and already from the choice of the Jen itself depended whether these efforts will lead to the takeoff, or it will roll in the monotony of roles. As we see - the actress everything turned out!

Career takes off: 2009-2011

In 2009, Jennifer continued to be filmed in the TV series "Billy Ingliva", simultaneously sieving incoming proposals in search of high-quality and interesting material. And he was found. At the end of 2009, when the series filming was finished, Lawrence began to shoot in two paintings: the eccentric black comedy Jodie Foster "Beaver" with a magnificent chalk gibson in the title role and a minibuget drama Debra Jarik "Winter Bone". In the film "Bobur" she got a secondary role, but the offer will dream from Jodie Foster and also next to Chalk Gibson - such an opportunity to miss the sin. Also with them in the film starred, which was then bent, but promising a young actor.

Working moment: Frame from filming "Bobur". Jody Foster, Jennifer Lawrence and Anton Yelchin

But in the film "Winter Bone", Jen got the main role, and what else she played a 17-year-old girl named Ri-Dolly from a disadvantaged family. Her mother is seriously ill, and his father-a drug dealer is sitting in prison. By virtue of this position of the heroine and her younger brother and sister barely reduce ends meet. Soon, Rie learns about the disappearance of the newly liberated father, and the local sheriff informs the girl that if in the near future he will not appear in court and will not pay a fee on the mortgage, then her family will take home. Ri is sent to the search for the Father, who had already managed to die for rumors. In trying to achieve your girl will have to go through the most prosperous social layers, in which her dad is constantly spinning. In the process of shooting Jen learned to prick firewood, fresh protein and even fight.

Frame from the movie "Winter Bone"

The role of the girl Ri brought Jennifer the first nomination for an Oscar, although then she was only 20 years old! Then she lost Natalie Portman, starred in the Black Swan, which took Oscar, and the Golden Globe, and the US Film Actor Guild Prize. Despite the fact that then the girl did not manage to take a cherished statuette, she loudly declared himself in Hollywood, was able to get large-scale recognition and become the most promising young actress in the opinion of the Chicago film critics Association.

Jen was recognized as one of the most elegant and beautiful women on the Red Walkway Oscar in 2011

In 2011, three films came out at once with Jennifer Lawrence: Fantastic blockbuster "X-Men: First Class", and a small "house at the end of the street" and "How Crazy", in which actress again starred in Anton Yelchin, with whom he already played in Movie "Beaver" Jodie Foster.

"X-Men: First Class" became the first film actresses with such scales and budget - 160 million dollars were spent on the production of paintings. Lawrence played the role of Raven / Mystic, a mutant who could change his appearance. This film became a prequel to the trilogy about the people of X, in which Jennifer also will have to appear in the image of a mutant mystic.

Actress in the image of one of the most memorable mutants - mystic

For the role of Mutant Mystic Jennifer received two nominations for a premium in the categories "Best Reincarnation" and "Best Understanding".

Jennifer Lawrence - Personal Life

In 2011, Jennifer met with a colleague on the set of blockbuster "X-Men: First Class" Nicholas Holt. Relationships seemed strong, but the couple stayed together for two years. No one understood the reasons for the reasons in the relationship of this beautiful couple, while once, in one of the interviews, Jennifer did not admit to all the guilt of her sudden fame, giant fees and the new status of the "superstar".

When the film "My boyfriend is a psych" came out in 2012, the media attributed an actress Roman with a magnificent Bradley Cooper, a partner Jen on the court. Bradley denied any speculation, stating that the actress he could not be in her daughter and could not be any speech about the relationship. However, it was enough to shake the faith in the relationship from the idle.

Then, in 2012, a blockbuster "Hungry Games" came out. Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson played in it the main roles, and the media had already begun to attribute to them a novel, who, allegedly, caused a tackling with Nicholas Holt. However, after time it became clear that there was no novel between young actors - and all that fans were taken for attributes of relationships was only a promotional company to promote super-supersay "hungry games".

Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson in the movie "Hungry Games"

The actress talks little about personal journalists. One day, the Hollywood star admitted that Glory destroyed her personal life - she wants to cry, when she recalls the past times. Then she could easily enter the coffee shop, and visitors looked at her as an ordinary person. Now this is not - the actress, according to her, lives in another reality, to which he gradually gets used to and bother with the title of the highest paid actress in the world. "Jennifer Lawrence and her boyfriend - on this request you will not find anything at least more or less similar to the truth," the actress smiles.

Jennifer believes that he will meet a worthy and strong man, and her loved ones are confident that the Oscar-free actress will be a good spouse and a caring mother, besides with an excellent sense of humor.

Oscar 2013 and life Jennifer Lawrence after him

In 2012, Lawrence played the role of an eccentric Tiffany girl, having acquainted with which, the main character performed by Bradley Cooper, until the moment he considered his life with Nichkhemnaya after 8 months spent in a psychiatric hospital, finally acquires hope to change his life.

At the Oscar ceremony in 2013, for the game in this film, Lawrence was marked by the highest acting award - Oscar for the best female role. In addition, at the same time, "My boyfriend" film, in 2012, the blockbuster "Hungry Games" came out, which became superpopular and incredibly profitable. The combination of these two factors instantly raised the actress on the top of the acting Olympus. From now on, only she decides in which projects to take part, and vice versa - its participation in any project automatically attracts the attention of the public and, even if, from the point of view of the scenario, work may not be the strongest, the actress pulls it with its acting game.

This gesture Lawrence tells all his offenders and heyters as they were all wrong

In 2013, the actress was named the Forbes magazine the second highest paid actress after Angelina Jolie. On November 11, the premiere of the film "Hungry Games: and the flame will break up, where Jennedin played Jennedin again. According to the plot, Kitniss and Pita, the main characters of the previous film, from the twelfth distributes are sent to the anniversary 75th hungry games, where the winners of previous games become their rivals. In December, the criminal tragicomedy "Afraire American", where Lawrence fulfilled the role of Rosalin, the wife of the chief hero. At the shooting of the actress, the second time collaborated with the director David O. Russell and the actor Bradley Cooper. For the "American Asfer" Lawrence won a prize BAFTA. And the second year in a row "Golden Globe", and was also nominated for Oscar, this time as the best actress of the second plan. Louurens was also nominated for the US Film Actor Guild Guild in the "Best Actress of the Second Plan", however, on both ceremonies, I lost my nearest rival with Niongo.

The Oscar-2016 ceremony also did not cost without the nomination of the actress in the "Best Women's Role" section for the embodiment of the famous American, who made the American dream of reality - rich independently, promoting only his ideas, but the prize went to Bree Larson for his role in the psychological drama "Room". By the way, in the film "Joy" the actress once again crossed on the set with Bradley Cooper.

In 2015-2016, the final part of the "Hungry Games" film epopsychie came out, the 3rd film about the people of Xuz with Jennifer as a mystic "X-People: Apocalypse", and at the end of the year the film "Passengers", a cosmic drama in which the actress starred With Chris Pratt ("Guardians of the Galaxy", "Jurassic World").

Actors of the film "Passengers" at a promotional show

Jennifer actively cooperates with the brand of Dior, being her face. In the personal life of the actress has not changed, she is still alone, however, it does not lose, hoping to meet a strong man who can close his eyes on its fabulous fees and status.


  • Jennifer Lawrence Age: 26 years (1990)
  • Jennifer Lawrence Height: 175
  • Jennifer Lawrence Weight: 58-64 kg (varies from roles)

Jennifer Lawrence: filmography

  • Defective Detective (Serial, 2002 - 2009)
  • Detective Rush (Series, 2003 - 2010) Abby Bradford
  • Medium (Serial, 2005 - 2011) Claire Chase
  • City company (TV, 2006) Caitlin
  • Billy Inglev (Serial, 2007 - 2009) Lauren Pearson
  • Poker House (2007) Agnes
  • Garden Party (2008) Tiff
  • Flaming Plain (2008) Marianna
  • Winter bone (2010) ri
  • Beaver (2010) Nora
  • How crazy (2011) sam
  • X-Men: First Class (2011) Raven / Mystic
  • House at the end of the street (2011) Elissa
  • Hungry Games (2012) Kitniss Everdin
  • My boyfriend - Psych (2012) Tiffany
  • The Devil you know (2013) Young Zoya
  • Hungry Games: Flame (2013) Flame (2013) Cyniss Everdin
  • Afraire American (2013) Rosalin Rosenfeld
  • X-Men: Days of the Last Future (2014) Raven / Mystic
  • Serena (2014) Serena
  • Hungry Games: Soyuza-Moving. Part I (2014) Kitniss Everdin
  • Hungry Games: Soyuza-Moving. Part II (2015) Kitniss Everdin
  • Joy (2015) Joy
  • X-Man: Apocalypse (2016) Raven / Mystic
  • Passengers (2016) (details are unknown, release date: December 2016)

Lawrence in the image of Kitniss Everdin, who made it megapopular

Jennifer Lawrence in recent years has become a real sex symbol and the most popular actress Hollywood. The screen version of the novel Susan Collins "Hungry Games", brought her a tremendous success.

But this is not the only role of stars. In his 22 years, she has already received Oscar and Golden Globe. And in 2015, the Journal of Forbes recognized it with the highest paid actress.

Trained school on the filming pad

Jenny's childhood passed in the small American town of Luisville, Kentucky. Its emergence in 1990, she is obliged to father, who worked in a construction company, and mother - kindergartens of kindergarten.

It is said that from the young age she showed zeal to a performance on stage. School productions and performances did not work out without her participation. In addition, she performed in the church theater.

So fate was predetermined - Jennifer will become an actress. But she did not wait for his 18th anniversary.

For the last years of study, she passed the external and at the age of 16 appeared on the shooting platform of the series "City Company".

Glory and confession

Early period of creativity Actress is associated with small roles. She appeared in the episodes of the "Rasha detective" and "Medium".

In 2009, Lawrence receives his first award in the nomination "Best Young Actress", for work in the show "show Billy Ingvala".

At about the same time, she begins to act in full-length films. "The Garden Party" - the first "big" actress film was called.

True, her role was insignificant. But soon she gets an invitation to shooting together with Chalk Gibson and Judith Foster.

The film "Bobur" was with a chill perceive critics, through recent scandals with his main character. In parallel, the girl is filmed in another tape - "Winter Bone".

This work received a lot of praise reviews and was nominated for the most important film industry award. Unfortunately, Jennifer lost his "Oscar" Natalie Portman.

The peak in the work of the stars is 2012 year. At this time, there are 4 paintings with her participation at once. But the desired glory and the fan bring only two - "Hungry Games" and "My boyfriend is a crazy."

Fantastic tape on the adventures of the recalcitable airframe of China Everdin, conquered the hearts of millions of viewers around the world.

Jennifer did not achieve the outstanding results, but the cash fees were magnificent.

MTV TV channel awarded the heroine of trilogy in several nominations - "Best Actress", "Best Kiss" and others.

But "my boyfriend - psycho" brings Lawrence of the desired "Oscar". The picture narrated the relations of two young people who lost their beloved.

David Russell - director of the picture, was able to fully convey the spirit of this tragicomic novel, for which he received his statuette.

For the "American Asphaper", in 2014, the actress received a prestigious award from the British Film Academy - BAFTA, for the "best role of the second plan."

Also, Jennifer Lawrence signed a profitable contract for the filming of three parts of the new "Iks people." The first two paintings were published in 2011, 2014, and the final part is scheduled for 2016.

In this story about people with superpowers, she received the role of mystic. True, because of the special effects, the true face of the actress did not see the audience.

Personal life actresses

Jennifer Lawrence prefers not to spread about their amournables. For more than 2 years, she met with her colleague at the shooting area of \u200b\u200b"X-Men" - Nicholas Holt ("Beast").

Then, rumors were rumored about her novel with Bradley Cooper. But this information was not confirmed. Yes, and the actor himself said that the Fathers are suitable for Jennifer, and there is nothing between them.

Among the hobbies, you can select surfing and drawing. She also knows how to play a guitar well and shoots onions well. She acquired these skills during the preparation for the filming of "hungry games".

The girl was engaged in a few hours a day with climbing, parker and running. For a role, she also had to repaint in the brunette, in order to correspond to the image of his heroine.

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