Eric Sati brief biography. Biography

Eric Sati brief biography. Biography
Eric Sati brief biography. Biography

The discoverer of many directions in music is impressionism, primitivism, constructivism, neoclassicism, jazz, ambient, avant-garde and minimalism. Created musical styles of ambient and minimalism 60 years earlier. Music author for the first avant-garde film.

Especially famous for some piano plays, such as Trois Sarabandes (1887), Gymnopédies (1888) (three plays for Piano) and Gnossiennes (1889-91) (six plays). He supported Jean Cocteau and helped create a famous group of French composers, calling themselves. Young writers were delighted with his rebellion against universities and independence in aesthetic judgments.

In the style of musical works of Sati, many see the features of impressionism, but its harmonic language and melody actually have a little common with this school. Most of his music has a soft, muffled character, its beauty and unusual are manifested in the fact that Sati does not adhere to any particular style.

Eric Sati at eighteenth

A musician was born on May 17, 1866 in Ontofler in the British family Jane Leslie Anton and Scotland Alfred Sati. Being still quite small, Eric began to show interest in music. Therefore, parents took him to the church of St. Leonard onfler, where he began to take music lessons at the local organist named Witness, former student of the Niedermeier school. The profession of an organist, of course, imposed a sufficiently weighty imprint, so the first works that Sati became, were Grigorian chants and slow waltzes. It cannot be said that during this period, Eric's musical abilities were outstanding.

At twelve years, Eric moves with his father to Paris, where Alfred Sati receives a translator's position in the insurance company. Soon, the father marries the pianist and the composer Evgenia Bamesh, which may have played a big role in the musical education of Sati. It is from this age that serious music practices begin.

In 1879, he enters the Paris Conservatory, where he takes the lessons of playing the piano in Descoma, and also studies musical theory and harmony from Agelignak. However, due to catastrophically low results that did not meet even minimal requirements, in 1882 he was excluded from there. Coming out of the Conservatory, on November 15, 1886 Sati goes by volunteer for military service to join the infantry in Arras. The service in the army after the very short interval of Eric, soon he runs off her, sick pleurite, for which deliberately opened clothes on the chest with cold winter nights.

"Bohemian period" of a young composer Eric Sati

In 1887, Sati is arranged to work in the Kabar "Black Cat" Tapper

The next few years after military service can be called the "bohemian period" in Sati's life. It was during this period that the most significant events occurred in the life of a young composer. First of all, he leaves the house of his father and settles at the foot of Montmartre, where it is arranged to work in the Kabar "Black Cat" Tchaper, and also worries the conductor there.

In the same 1887, his father, who tries himself as a publisher, publishes the first creations of Eric Sati for piano: "Three Sarabandes" (Trois Sarabandes), "Gnosien" and "Hypopedia" (Gymnopédies). The style of these works is not easy to characterize in one word; On the one hand, they are traditional, simple, and on the other - do not look like anything. After a decade, his friend, Claude Debussy, publishes selected parts by making an arrangement for the orchestra. It is in such a version that they remain the most popular works of Sati. Eric Sati and his friend Claude Debussy

In 1893, Sati had a speed, but a very stormy romance with Suzana Valadon. Eric was literally obsessed with her and, according to bibliographers, wrote "Danses Gothiques" (Gothic dances) as a prayer for his own soothing. At the same time, he writes his "vexations" (excitement) with a note "to play 840 times", followed by many years after the collapse of the composer and the row of musical marathons. But Suzanna leaves, and Erika Sati does not remain "nothing but the icy loneliness that fills the head by the emptiness and the heart of sadness." These were the only known intimate relationships throughout his life.

After that, Sati's gap moves to Arkay (District of Paris) and bases the Church "Metropolis of Art, conductor Jesus," being the only member.

"The faithful traditions of Christian barons, my ancestors, the glorification of my race and honor of my name, I am ready for this struggle. I came to my hour, but it will understand only a little later, because the fact that now only is preparing - truly huge "(Eric Sati)

Sati's refuge from prying eyes

In 1898, he figured out the seven complete sets of velvet from the velvet from the clergy and passed the next 7 years. Being the head of the Church, he betrayed the Anathema of all the outstanding personalities of Paris and wrote the Mesia of the poor (Église métropolitaine) for ceremonies in the church.

In 1903, Eric Sati presents the public "Three Pieces in the form of pear", opening them a large cycle of humorous musical rides and parodies on the work of famous predecessors and contemporaries.

In 1905, he changes not only the vestment of the church on the costume of a small official - a bowler, a collar and an umbrella - but all their own life lifestyle. At the age of 39, the composer returns to the student's bench and studies the counterpoint and composition from O. Grayerier and A. Russel. Three years later, Sati defends a diploma with a mark "Very good". And in 1911 he notes and introduces it to his circle as the "predecessor of new music."

Surreal ballet Sati "Parade"

Ballet "Parade"

The result of these meetings was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scandalous avant-garde ballet "Parade". Sati has spent half a year that Dyagilev himself took for this ballet, who was then the king of the ballet scene. Few later to work on his child joined the young, who is still not quite known to the general public an avant-garde artist Pablo Picasso. Unusual, cutting rumor Music Sati, Wonderful, surrealistic scenery and Picasso costumes, Circus choreography Myasin - All this created an unprecedented noise around the new ballet, which became the symbol of the spirit of France of the time.

"This is a stage poem that Novator Musician Eric Sati shifted in amazingly expressive music, such a clear and simple, that it is impossible not to know the wonderful transparent spirit of France itself" (APPOLINIER).

Decoration to Ballet Eric Sati "Parade" created a young artist Pablo Picasso

Already in the process of the appearance of ballet, it was painted "sur-realistic", ("surréalisme"). So the new term of musical art was formed - "surrealism", which occupied a significant place among the main directions of the art of the twentieth century.

"Furniture music" Sati

Sati writes music for a short film Renele Clera "Antraten"

From under Feather Sati, another invention came out - this is a fundamentally new genre of musical art - "Furniture music", based on the repetition of certain musical cells. The music was not understood by Sati's contemporaries, but after half a century, she became the basis of a new style "minimalism".

Pretty clouds, fogs and aquariums, water nymph and night fragrances; We need Music Earth, everyday music! ...
J. Kokte.

E. Sati is one of the most paradoxical French composers. He was more than once surprised contemporaries, actively speaking in his creative declarations against what had recently recently defended. In the 1890s, having acquainted with K. Debussy, Sati opposed the blind imitation of R. Vagneru, for the development of the nasty musical impressionism, which symbolized the revival of French national art. Subsequently, the composer attacked the epigones of impressionism, opposing its blurry and refinement of clarity, simplicity, the severity of a linear letter. Young composers "Sixters" experienced a strong impact of Sati. In the composer, he lived a restless rebellion of the spirit, called for the overthrow of traditions. Sati fascinated youth to a bold challenge to the solar taste, with its independent, aesthetic judgments.

Sati was born in the family of a port Macler. Among the loved ones there were no musicians, and early express attraction remained unnoticed. Only when Erica turned 12 years old, "the family moved to Paris," serious music practices began. At 18, Sati enters the Paris Conservatory, some time studies harmony and other theoretical subjects there, takes the lessons of playing the piano. But dissatisfied with learning, he leaves classes and leaving the volunteer in the army. Returning in a year in Paris, he works in a tapper in a small café on Montmartre, where he gets acquainted with K. Debussy, who became interested in original harmonies in the improvisations of a young pianist and even took the orchestration of his piano cycle "Gymnopedia". Acquaintance has passed into a long friendship. Sati's influence helped Debussy overcome the youthful passion for the work of Wagner.

In 1898, Sati moves to the suburb of Paris Arcay. He settled in a modest room on the second floor over a small cafe, and none of his friends could penetrate the composer's refuge. For Sati, the nickname "Arkay's Held" was strengthened. He lived alone, avoiding meetings with publishers, evading favorable sentences of theaters. From time to time, he appeared in Paris with some new essay. All musical Paris repeated Sati's sharpness, his label, ironic aphorisms about art, about composer colleagues.

In 1905-08 At the age of 39, Sati enters Schola Cantorum, where he is engaged in counterpoint and composition at O. Grayerier and A. Russel. Early compositions of Sati belong to the end of the 80-90s.: 3 "Gymnopedia", "Mass of the poor" for the choir and organ, "cold plays" for piano.

In the 20s He begins to publish collections of piano plays, unusual in shape, with extravagant names: "Three plays in the form of pear", "in horsepower", "automatic descriptions", "dried embryos". To the same period also includes a number of spectacular melodic waltz songs who quickly gained popularity. In 1915, Sati gets closer to the poet, playwright and musical criticism of J. Kokto, who offered him in the Commonwealth with P. Picasso Write ballet for Troupe S. Dyagilev. The premiere of the ballet "Parade" took place in 1917 under the control of E. Angery.

Purpose primitivism and an underlined disregard for the beauty of the sound, the introduction of automotive siren sounds into the score of the sounds, the dweller of the typewriter and other noise caused a noisy scandal in the public and attacks of criticism, which did not discourage the composer and his friends. In the music of "Parade" Sati recreated the spirit of the musical hall, intonation and rhythms of household street melodies.

Written in 1918, the music of "Symphony Drama with Socrates" on the text of the authentic dialogues of Plato, on the contrary, is distinguished by clarity, restraint, even the severity, lack of external effects. This is the complete opposite of the "parade", despite the fact that these essays shares only a year. Having finished "Socrates," Sati began to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bfurnishing music, representing a sound background of everyday life.

The last years of Sati's life spent in privacy, living in Arcae. He broke off all sorts of relationship with the "six" and gathered around him a new group of composers, which was named "Arkiyskaya School". (It included composers M. Jacob, A. Klike-Pleyel, A. Sog, conductor R. DEORMER). The main aesthetic principle of this creative union was the desire for new democratic arts. Sati's death passed almost unnoticed. Only at the end of the 50s. There is a rise in interest in his creative heritage, gramzapsy of his piano and vocal essays appear. Audio, photo, video on wikisklad

His piano plays influenced many modern style composers, ranging from Claude Debussy, the French "Six" and ending with John Cage. Eric Sati - the forerunner and the source of such musical trends such as impressionism, primitivism, constructivism, neoclassicism and minimalism. In the late 1910s, Sati came up with the genre of "Furniture Music", which is not specifically to listen, unobtrusive melody, continuously sounding in the store or at the exhibition.

Biography [ | ]

Home and Museum Sati in Ontflera

"The performance struck me with his freshness and genuine originality. "Parade" just confirmed to me, to what extent I was right when so highly set the dignity of Sati and the role he played in French music by opposing the vague aesthetics of the hopeful impressionism his powerful and expressive language devoid of any either stripping and stripes. "

In addition to the scandalous sensational "parade", Eric Sati is the author of four more ballet scores: "Sucuda" (1892), "Beautiful hysteric" (1920), "The Adventures of Mercury" (1924) and "Presentation is canceled" (1924). Also (already after the death of the author), many of his piano and orchestral works were often used to form a single-act ballet and ballet numbers, first of all, gymnopedia and suite "Jack in the stall". : 103.

Some works of Sati made an extremely strong impression on Igor Stravinsky. In particular, this refers to the ballet "Parade" (1917), whose score, he hardly asked for the author, and the Socrates Symphony Drama (). It was two of these writings that left the most notable mark in the work of Stravinsky: the first in its constructivist period, and the second - in the neoclassical works of the late 1920s. Having experienced a great influence of Sati, he switched from impressionism (and fusism) of the Russian period to almost skeletal style of music, simplifying the style of the letter. This can be seen in the works of the Paris period - the "History of the Soldier" and the opera "Maur". But even thirty years later, this event continued to remember not otherwise, as an amazing fact of the history of French music:

"Since Sixer felt free from his doctrine and was fulfilled by enthusiastic reverence, against whom he was exposed as aesthetic opponent, then she did not make any group. "Spring sacred" made a powerful tree, pushing our shrub, and we were going to recognize ourselves defeated, how suddenly Stravinsky soon he himself joined To our circle of receptions and inexplicably in its works, Eric Sati was even felt even felt.

Having invented the vanguard genre "background" (or "furnishing") of industrial music, which is not specifically to listen to, Eric Sati also appeared to the discoverer and the forerunner of minimalism. His obsessive melodies, speaking hundreds of times without the slightest change and break, sounding in the store or in the cabin during the reception of guests, ahead of their time for good half a century.

Bibliography [ | ]

In French

Notes [ | ]

  1. Internet Movie Database - 1990.
  2. identifier BNF: open data platform - 2011.
  3. Erik Satie.
  4. Encyclopædia Britannica.
  5. SNAC - 2010.

His piano plays influenced many modern style composers. Eric Sati - the forerunner and the source of such musical trends such as impressionism, primitivism, constructivism, neoclassicism and minimalism. It was Sati who came up with the genre of "Furniture Music", which is not specifically able to listen to the unobtrusive melody, sounding in the store or at the exhibition.

In 1888, Sati wrote the work of "Three Gymnopedia" (FR. Trois Gymnopédies.) For piano solo, which was based on the free use of non-acid sequences. Such a reception has already met at S. Frank and E. Shabrie. Sati first introduced the sequence of chords built in quarts; This technique for the first time appeared in his work "Son of Stars" (Le Fils Des Étoiles, 1891). This kind of innovation was immediately used by almost all French composers. These techniques have become characteristic of the modsus music directions of modern. In 1892, Sati developed his own composition of the composition, the essence of which was that for each play he composed several - often no more than five to six - short passages, after which she simply dug these elements to each other.

Sati was eccentric, he wrote his writings with red ink and loved to play friends.
The widespread Pirisian public found out Sati thanks to the Russian seasons of Dyagilev, where at the premiere of Sati Parade ballet (choreography L. Myasin, scenery and Picasso costumes).

"The performance struck me with his freshness and genuine originality. "Parade" just confirmed to me to what extent I was right when so highly put the dignity of Sati and the role that he played in French music by opposing the vague aesthetics of his speaking of his very much of his own powerful and expressive language devoid of any Understandings and gloves. " ( Igor Stravinsky. Chronicle of my life.)Eric Sati became acquainted with Igor Stravinsky back in 1910.

In addition to the "parade", Eric Sati is the author of another four ballet scores: "Sucud" (1892), "Beautiful hysteric" (1920), "The Adventures of Mercury" (1924) and the "submission is canceled" (1924). Also (already after the author's death), many of its piano and orchestral works were often used to form a single-act ballet and ballet numbers.

Under his direct influence, such famous composers were formed as Claude Debussi (formerly by his friend for more than twenty years), Maurice Ravel, the famous French group "Six", in which Francis Pulenk, Darius Miyo, George Oric and Arthur Oneggger. The work of this group (it existed a little over a year), as well as Sati himself had a strong influence on Dmitry Shostakovich. Shostakovich heard the works of Sati after his death, in 1925, during the tour of the French Sixters in Petrograd. In his ballet "Bolt" shows the effect of Sati's music.

Eric Sati became one of the pioneers of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe prepared piano and significantly affected the work of John Cage.

Having invented in 1916 the avant-garde genre "Background" (or "furnishing") music, which is not necessary to decide specifically, Eric Sati was also the discoverer and the forerunner of minimalism. His unobtrusive melodies, repetitive hundreds of times without the slightest change and break, sounding in the store or in the cabin during the reception of guests, beat their time for good half a century.

I composed - not too much music. Anyway, exactly It can be judged from the point of view of the ghost science of statistics and its - the same - the statists. If desired, summing up, you can even say that it was - not too fruit ..., or fruit below average. Of course, this is not a progress and not the accusation, but if the accusation is, not to him, but exactly opposite.

If no moreover ... - However, will we not repeat?

Looking with (his) side on the fruit author, the French usually say - pondeur. (Unfortunately, the French speak too much too much). Loudly, just say, not particularly pleasant, even if it is pronounced in Russian: "Ponder". - That's: "Ponder" - and that's it, no more. The prolific chicken, which carries a lot (and even eggs, possibly). In short, the Association is the word causes long away..., - I wanted to say - far from the most rainbow. And yet, I will return back to Eric Sati.

Back, - they always have it back ... - Empty conversation.

No, of course, Sati was not pondornor on the one hand. And he was not a professional either. One of you, gentlemen ... but it was - amaterom. And at least there was a desire to declare it: directly and unequivocally. Just like this: never not professionalbut always - a lover and lover (amatere) of own music (although it does not at all follow that he loved her, rather, on the contrary - only engaged..., with her). - And he ... not too loved people. Only ... by calculation. - And here I, perhaps, have to resort to (not) favorite eufemism. Because these ... people he was always afraid and despised, perfectly realizing the price (and even to say, it is worth) of this monkey, so fatally and so inadvertently bald. And better let's say a little simpler: despised and afraid- Although few people will understand these simple words in the world. And yet - invariably disappeared. All. Starting from himself, a loved one, of course. Nose to the earth, smoke to heaven ... in general, - everything is as far from a respected (or not even self-respecting) misanthropus: The only title, worthy of man.

So, it means why He had ... at times ... so much Drinks (it seems, the cheapest of publicly available ways to accept and even love, - them) . At least - for a minute ...

And yet, despite the fact that Sati composed not too much music, she is - (amateur and in the supreme sense of amateurskaya) - deserves a completely special consideration from all sides: both in the form of a carcass, and in the form of stuffed, and in the form of wallpaper ... remaining completely separate island, separate - from the mainland of all others music of this small world: both at the lifetime of your own author and after it. For she (I'm talking about music again), not wanting to himself, - it became a completely special and separate phenomenon around himself ... - as he himself. Her strange, forever strange writer ..., "bald from birth". : 306 - That's for nothing, hastily finishing a small preface to a non-existent article, I made up this almost complete list. "Full list of works by Eric Sati". Fully does not happen ... and even moreover. "Sati himself, I can say it confidently, I could not make a more complete list than this one, mine."

This is undoubtedly. And even - contrary to everything.

As if undoubtedly and thatthat in any list he will probably add more to a dozen works of their own essay (In order not to say: a hundred ..., slightly black), revealing their blatant drawback - and shook me for a finger, not at all musical. And it would be absolutely right, an excellent old man, even if these writings were suited to them from (the same) finger. Just. Like everything in the world.

Because ... As one of my n (e), a shared friend ... by name Yuri Khanon:

"... if all this life is really sudden from the finger,
who Do you prevent you from sucking from there - something else? .. "

Start of life (1866-1899)

Brief trout

Eric Sati was born ... - how the witnesses lie, he was born... May 17, 1866 at nine o'clock in the morning. So it was ... however, pardon me. The beginning of any life (not excluding human ..., and even your own, Madmoiselle ...) has a sufficiently unsightly kind to (not) put it at the bottom. Or opposite ... And therefore - slightly cut, modestly by moving the eyes.

If you understood me enough ..., - Madame, Monsieur ...

In November 1879, Eric Sati enrolled ..., it means that it was like this: Sati enrolled the "free listener" (as it was called, almost in Jesuit) to the Paris Conservatory. - However, as soon as soon as it turned out, the degree of his conceivable and unthinkable "liberty" was significantly superior to all submission of local teachers and demagogues - about this dubious subject. The usual student moisture and the lack of elementary creative freedom invariably inspired him disgust. Of course, not the last role in this disgrace was lazy. It is quite normal laziness: not only children's, but also general-human ..., common ... for all primates. And yet, not so simple. Not at all. From nature Sati - not only a disabled person (and I do not accidentally write this word with a large letter), but also a real anarchist of the temper. Of course, he frankly lazy (as a person, one of the people), but he also does not like conventional nonsense and responsibilities. No. Even very important and smart (although there are such a thing?) But people are so accepted: the fulfillment of duties and roles is always the necessary pass to Wednesday, clan, flock ..., the more such complex and deeply worked as this Music ... ( academic). Therefore, after five years in vain teachings, Eric's pianist deserves a solid reputation of one of the "worst students." Emil Decomb (harmony teacher) gives Sati characteristic of the "most lazy student of the conservatory", great Composer Ambruz Tom responds about him as a pupil of the "insignificant", and the Piano teacher Georges Matthias writes at all in the next annual report that a student Sati - "complete zero". That is, no more and no less: "Full zero". : 27-29.
Five years later, although reluctantly, but a former student (supposedly) forgave his teachers their impenetrable stupidity and cosiness. We will take this little children's lies on faith ..., obvious and unfastened. And yet, until the end of the life, the word "conservatory" remains for him a symbol of the clan: how stupid and cruel, so unsuitable.

... I first entered your classes for the first time; And my soul was so gentle that you were not able to comprehend her; And my habits surprised even flowers on the windowsill; And they thought they would see a plush zebra.<...>
And, despite my extreme youth and incomprehensible dexterity, you, for your unreasonableness, soon forced me to hate your coarse and non-living art that you teach; Your inexplicable stubbornness you forced me to despise me - from all sides. And I turned away, and I left your gross wooden hammer to my elastic thoughts and words ...: 67 - Eric Sati, "Personal word about prayer chastity", 1892

However, I will leave this topic as soon as possible - for the sake of another, perhaps no more valuable ...

Start of creativity

In 1886, Sati composed the first three romances (for voice and piano) to the poems of their buddy, Contamin de Great (do not believe it is a beautiful name - just a pseudonym), in full, anticipating all the main features of the future musical style called impressionism. Separately, it should be noted that in relation to the music of this term in those days, no one has yet been used: simply speaking, it did not exist (even in the territory of the analogies or metaphor). Several dry facts for comparison: in the same year, the eternal teacher Caesar (Frank) writes his dried (to the limit) Vagnery symphony re-minor, and the greenish-gray Uncle Giuseppe (Verdi) is working on the opera "Othello".

I did not slow down to wait and another demon (glorious) failure. Without withstanding the oppressive setting at once in two houses: the Father and the Conservatory, twenty-year-old Sati in November 1886, was recruited as a "typical adolescent protest ... to the army (concluding a volunteer contract for a period of three years). "Je Retire" Only away! .. However, the charge (Pro'testo) did not have enough too long. Four months did not pass, as the army of the opposite composer-recruit is cleare of the conservatory with dad. "And now ..., once in the student winter time ..., Simply put, one demon (glorious) February night, undressing to the belt, Sati spent a few hours on the permerating French cold to be free. This time, from service ... free. "Je Retire" - If only away, away from here! .. Wherever, only away! .. Delightful result: Pneumonia, Hospital, Medical Commission, Return. And here, in April 1887, the Communications from the army of Private Eric Sati is triumphantly and is discouraged to return to Paris, so that there is no longer back to the dad or a conservatory. Now, removing the room in the attic, he believes to the right to live separately - from hell of stepmother, the same father and the rest of the world. : 27-29.

Fortunately, Sati still young enough and trapTo transfer your own mistakes on your legs.

In 1887, Sati composed another bomb (extremely quiet and invisible): "Three Sarabands". For simplicity, let's say this: the first impressionistic opus in instrumental music. And then, in order not to stroke in place, in the next three years, bizarre "Gymnopedia" and "Gnososiennes" appear, perhaps, the most popular Sati, the style of which is difficult to determine in one word, to such an extent they (anti) are traditional simple and at the same time - none not alike. At one time, the regulatory (Soviet socialist) professor (in the field of music history) Galina Philenko had elegant negligence to express in three dozens of words the following thought:

... Himpsed in ancient Greece was called youthful sports exercises to the music. Pieces of Sati in a three-grade size are designed in a continuous monotonous yambic rhythm and for some reason at a slow pace; they are harmonious mainly by septakordami, worn melancholy-elegy character and more similar to lazy Waltz Boston than to music sport exercises involving live, energetic movements ...: 54 - Galina Filenko, from the head "Eric Sati"
Sati by impressionism Picture
"El Bohemio, Montmartremic Poet"

Bravo, Professor! .. It was a delightful reprise! - not knowing either Philenko itself, nor "Gymnopedia" nor Eric Sati, nor his music (which was almost impossible to get it and, especially, to see), but then being excellent awareness, what The immortal human (and even more so, female or official) stupidity, precisely since that afraid I sincerely love Sati along with his strange sports exercises (by the way, and the last remark was equally the clearer absurdity, for those who understand) . That's why I still I am grateful to Professor Filenko for its extremely fresh and sketchy "idea": to express bewilderment (and misunderstanding) in such an uncomplicated (straight and child) form.

However, come back for the best - To him, to Eric Sati himself.

At the end of 1888, some very refined Paris Plumber named Vital Oka, in his free work time wrote verses under the pseudonym Narcissus Lebo, (which means a pretty Narcissus) recommended one of his buddy (and they were just Eric Sati) to join the Masonic Cabaret Club Black cat" It was there that "extraordinary" acquaintance of both two (in order not to say: two) fellow countrymen born on the same street, but only with the difference in twelve years. Also extremely eccentric, and also Norman Alfons Alla was then chapter (if such "authorities" at all may be Head) and ideological leader of "Fumism", the avant-garde course of "smoke starters" in the eyes, nose and ears. : 34-37 And then it follows the phrase, which, with all cases, I would call the "yellow" ... with all (except for one thing, perhaps). Because (and in fact) the importance of this meeting for Sati himself can not be exaggerated ... (as well as it is also impossible to smallest). Although not at all composer (but rather, the balagen, narrator and permanent tenant of the black humor), this Alphonse was hardly the most (many) significant meeting in Sati's life. And although their friendship lasted at all long, crowned (as expected) the burning huddle of Sati and nearly long nearly Full nearly The gap, the direct and drastic effect of Alfons continued - until the death of death (in this case, as the "end of life"), as well as and some time - after.

Much less significant and interesting ... but also - a meeting with "Great" Monsieur "Sour", or, more simply, Josephen Peladan, theatrical mystic and priest his own sect resolutely deployed Sati to the side of cheap effects, where he also managed his new word - as the inventive inventor of "medieval and esoteric" harmonies (and even melodies, oddly to say ). And here his music (with thrust and coordinates) turned out to be completely original and resolutely none Not like. Meditative modal, sometimes frankly atomal music (often B. quart harmonies) Ahead of your time on one hundred two decades.

However, if we talk more precisely, then forever and ever.

And a few more words about the "eternal" values \u200b\u200b... if you allow ... in 1891 (in the cabaret "Tavern to the Cl", where Sati worked as a second pianist) a meeting with a certain Claude Debussy took place in those days "Only more »Laureat Roman Prize and Yarym (to the bone's brain) by a vagnerist. : 60-61 Three years later, a sharply changed Debussy, which became Yarym anti-Vagnerist, writes its " Afternoon rest of Favna"(As it turned out later, something like Manifesta) and gradually, year after year (step by step) turns into a recognized leader of the new musical direction: impressionism.

... Debussy aesthetics in many of his works is close to symbolism: she impressionisting In all his work. Forgive me too simple words: But wasn't I despite this reason?
At least they say so. And here is an explanation, if you want:
When we first met, at the very beginning of our communication, it was like a wet, pushed by Mussorgsky and painstakingly looking for his way, which he could not find it and find him. Just in this matter, I frightened him far: neither the Roman Prize ... nor the "premium" of any other cities of this world did not allocate my gait, and I did not have to drag them on myself, nor on my back ... For I am a person in the way of Adam (from Paradise), who never received awards, but only major bumps - the biggest lazy, undoubtedly.
At that moment I wrote a "son of the stars" - on the text of Joseph Peladan; And many times explained Debussy a need for us, French, finally, to get rid of the overwhelming influence of Wagner, which does not correspond to our natural inclinations. But at the same time I gave him to understand that I was not at all an anti-vagnerist. The question was only that we must have our music - and if possible, without German acidic cabbage.
But why for these purposes not to take advantage of the same visual means that we have long been visible in Claude Monet, Cezanna, Toulouse-Lotter and others? Why not transfer these means to music? There is nothing easier. Is this not this expressiveness?
This was the initial point of the right path of fruitful search, almost perfectly embodied - and even gave the first green apples, but ... Who could show him an example ? Demonstrate already made finds and discoveries? Show the land in which to dig? Provide him the first bright evidence and achievements? .. Who? ..
- I do not want to answer: it is no longer interested in me. : 510-511 - Eric Sati, from the article "Claude Debussy", 1922
Eric Sati., Parcs of God (~ 1895)

Three times (in a narrow gap between 1892 and 1896), Eric Sati exhibited the "candidacy of himself" for the competition of the title and chair of the academician (in the section of the Academy of Fine Arts): respectively, to the places of deceased composers Giro, Guno and Tom. Perhaps this act reminded (partly) public suicide. Or snatching idiots. Or, in the end, unprecedented perseverance performance... how now love. But it was (then) ...
- Age of amazing (& surprisingly arrogant) applicant under his first statement was 26, and with the last 30 years. All three times the candidacy of Sati was perceived by academicians as anecdotal and rejected almost without consideration (every time he managed to receive only one "comforting" voice in its favor). : 649 Printing with angry publics and sent Saint-Sansu (The then permanent chapter of the Academy) an offensive letter ,: 93 after the third failure Sati (spat and) stopped knocking into the oak door of the palace Mazarini. After a year and a half decades, he described the story of "three of his candidates" in the third article (fragment) from "Memoirov suffering from memory loss". : 265.

Some may ask: for what is this regular fiction? - Shooting? .. - Attempt to draw attention to yourself? ..

As always, the question is significantly stupid. - Of course, only for the conquest of the world. And no more. Throughout his life, this great disabled person tried and could not find himself. And every time he was sinful, I was looking for him about it in the center. Trying to understand the center in different ways, and still every time falling (foot) in the same obsessive point.

"The faithful traditions of Christian barons, my ancestors, the glorification of my race and honor of my name, I am ready for this struggle. I will destroy everyone incorrect, I cut them on the smallest pieces of the Martanel Charlem with a preching ax and a ledge sword of the Saint Louis. Their malice and goats are powerless against me, because I was guarded by the uncomplicable armor of true faith. And let them, crossed the malice, know that I invincible, for I act on behalf of genuine virtue, take away or give any of the mortals. Great strength, which patronate me, she is such that he breaks all the obstacles. I wear the name that worries them, and I hide the whole world in my brain. I possess the authority to order and command, and my destination is huge and extremely. I came to my hour, but it will understand only a little later, because the fact that now is just being prepared - truly hugely. The face of the world will be completely updated by a terrible shock. It is necessary that all villains simultaneously repent and bent into deep prayer and martyrdom; Otherwise, they will all die as one. And today I warn them about it in high and strict ... ": 94 - Eric Sati First , "Appeal"

The results do not slow down to affect. Step by step, Sati was divened to the whole deeper, in poverty ... At first he could not pay his luxurious attic and from the last floor he had to move to the first, in a modest abode of Parisian sinual. His room was so small that he had every reason to call it a "cabinet." But then even this room has decided to pay more strongly, and such a state of chronic bankruptcy Sati designated one short word: "Bib", very "bib", - by the name of the master of the cabinet, the attic and the rest of the house, the habitat and other charities of this small world. : 123.

Unfortunately ..., to very important regret, no one in this world (as well as maybe in all others) is not insured against failure, and even full failure. Including, even he is not insured, the main surgeon itself ... along with his assistants, serving and secretary. (So \u200b\u200bthat you do not doubt, in this case I meant - Him, the Lord God, I will say with the emphasis). Perhaps it happened because he for himself (on the last day of creation) did not create a sufficiently reliable insurance company. And since then in the role of the most obvious artifact of this failure - partly, inevitable, - we all, Elevative and diluted, just as unconflated, but also he himself, the victim (but still squeezed, in some miracle) the full fiasco in the case of the retreat? .. Answer more than Simple. - Being the head of the Ecumenical Church of the Arts of Jesus Driver, and as a result, being a companion (or parques) of the Lord God, a certain person named Eric Sati (I will not explain once again: who This is such) suffered with him the same ... or almost the same fiasco. It can be said that their joint-stock company Dieu & quietly went bankrupt about three years after his thorough institution. In principle, there is nothing unique here: this is quite the usual, traditional life life ... for a commercial enterprise. Some even faster cope ... with God's help. And yet, not everything is so good: it was although the main thing is, but far from the only trouble. For what would Parcs took place, there was a failure everywhere: immediately or gradually. Month month, year after year, his position was becoming more severe and desperate. And even more so acute his Felt, it is despair that he had two ... (at least two) aggravating circumstances.

Now I will try to say in order if it is required for someone ...

Firstly. Yes ... - First, Sati too good knew the price. And, perhaps, after these two words, you can put a bold point ... they do not require explanations. Or require, but too big, whom I am not ready to give, and you ... Madame, Monsieur, - take... And yet, I misfortune (before) I see unhappy faces. Required, waiting for explanations, satisfaction ... or something else, no less pleasant ... - Except. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. Price - the word universal. About him can be said almost everything ... - anything. Just like the Lord God himself - in essence, this is an universal none (or all) and any "price" ... Extreme (& extremely coal) angle of the human, animal, living and non-living world. Something excellent and fundamental, - pedestal not to say superfluous. Because everything- yes, and I repeat, - Everything In the world, has its price, quite concrete and usually not in money. And Mr. Sati (as I already said five rows above) Suffer well knew - this price. He knew ... the price is - both, and the people around him; He knew the price - and things, and its presence among them ... In short, you can not continue the list. In such cases, it is usually, not even trying to penetrate the mechanisms or phenomena, professionals put stamps or printing on top of them (a formal type of authenticity check, no more difficult amount of money). "Majoria" ... "The complex of inferiority" ... "The overestimated level of claims." - the truth is to say, I'm not finally ready to switch an idiot from myself ..., - Pardon, one of you - to such degree. Therefore, I will say simply. Alas, people around Sati were too small and insignificant to understand their place. Purpose. Role. Practically - insects, not people ... who have not played the necessary role, did not fulfill their appointments and did not occupy times and forever the place allocated. - What is The root of this problem was, - old like everything. The world matched by the Supreme Surgeon did not match the inner picture, which Parcs created, Eric. - And there was no curse, nor condemnation or renunciation. The world, stupid and inert, continued to stand on his ... as a cast-iron stand.

It is "first", so as not to stop too long.

And secondly, Sati in his ordinary life was not - not the slightest rear ... reserves ... Firkaso to speak. - One, everywhere solemnly alone. Or - almost one. He did not have capital, positions, synecins, rich (or caring) parents, bald patrons and donors, in the end he had no malfunctional friends. - One, everywhere one. Almost naked, almost barefoot, almost deprived of the skin - one as finist (with a hammer in pocket) in the middle of a large siety city. URBI & ORBI. Pardon. Grad and the world ... Burgers and Bourgeois. Ordinary and philistine. Where she decided to anyone before him. And almost everyone had - it, his place, which was necessary to equip, expand and lift in every way. I do not agree with any tablels about ranks and official schedules ... - Whether a parcian God or God himself, it was determined to spit on our own everyday nobility and someone else's greatness ... - The greatness of a small artist, such an exorbitant and not Fashionable inside of his unique and not like a similar world.

Borrow and not to give (money) is possible. And Sati pretty practiced such an opportunity. But, unfortunately, this operation does not give too long or sustainable well-being, all the more - in the absence of due Scope. So to speak, the scale of the personality (our brave people from the Kremlin will easily understand me) ... Support (younger) Brother Conrad (also Sati, oddly enough) ... - alas, these are miserable crumbs against the background of overwhelming poverty. True, among the memories there was one fine amount, a chic gift from childhood friends (Brothers Louis and Fernana Le Monie) From the onflora, unexpectedly received inheritance ..., however, it leaked through his fingers in months, weeks and days. In short, the joint venture "Sati & God Inc. °" very quickly gave a crack and began to crumble in front of her eyes. And the main one who did not cope with the responsibilities assigned to him, of course, the director ...

Director of the Enterprise, - I wanted to say.

"... I ended the fact that I believe that good God is just one of those eternal bastards that so much schier is around me, from side to side. His unobtrusive, pretentious mercy ..., I see too well, how he chopped himself and scatters it in different directions ... but does it reluctantly, and only in extreme cases.
And what do you want, my brother and therefore ... Now I will have to return for two years. Just two years. What, in essence, trifle. It was then that, desperately struggling with the need (and not at all, as I would like to say), and trying to earn at least some money for living among people, Sati began to work out in café-concerts with different chanson: first as an accompaniment, and then And - the writer of the most real cafesant songs, "terrible rubbish," - as he called them with full of almost performed: the songs composed by them ... some of which had a big and stable success among the public, allowed some stretch He is still five years old, six, eight ... almost until that time, at least something else, except for "terrible rubbish" appeared on the horizon of life. "... - This is your life. That's what I would like to say. But - refrain. Because not time. And not a place ... - Also Sati. Literally immediately, as soon as the first small opportunity was introduced, he (with genuine disgust and relief) quit writing nasty income songs and the play - "for the public": public people and women. However, it happened much later, only by 1909.

Yes, Monsieur ... was sometime for such a year, you know ... however this is quite a long time.

Few people can now remember ... if you understand, of course ...