Russia's life of the XIX century on the living paintings of the forgotten artist Alexei Korzukhin, who adore in Western auctions. Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsian

Russia's life of the XIX century on the living paintings of the forgotten artist Alexei Korzukhin, who adore in Western auctions. Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsian
Russia's life of the XIX century on the living paintings of the forgotten artist Alexei Korzukhin, who adore in Western auctions. Russian painter Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsian

The art of the Netherlands of the 16th century
Picture "Peasant dance". In 1567-1569, Peter Bruegel performed a number of paintings on topics people's Life ("Peasant Dance", "Peasant Wedding" - both in the Museum of Art History, Vienna). Apparently, Bruegel managed to create one of its best genre works - "Peasant Dance". Its plot does not contain allegory, and the general character is distinguished by a paphos closed in itself and severe rationality. The artist is interested in not so much the atmosphere of the peasant festival or the painting of individual groups, but the peasants themselves are their kind, the features of the face, habits, the character of the gesture and the manner move. The cargo and strong figures of the peasants are depicted in a large scale of a large scale, creating an element and natural power of nature. Each figure is placed in the iron, permeating the entire picture of the system of composite axes. And each figure seems stopped - in dance, dispute or kiss. The figures are as if growing, exaggerated on their scales and significance. Circling almost urgent persuasiveness, they are filled with rude, even ruthless, but adamantly impressive monumentality, and the scene as a whole is implemented in a certain bunch of characteristic features of the peasantry, its spontaneous, mighty strength.

In this picture, a particular peasant genre is born in its method. But, unlike late work This kind, Bruegel informs its images exceptional power and social pathos. When this picture was written, the strongest rebellion of the masses was just suppressed - iconobor. The attitude towards him of Breygel is unknown. But this movement was from the beginning to the end of the people, it shocked contemporaries with an eyewitness of his class, and, it is necessary to believe that Bruegel's desire to concentrate in his picture the main, distinctive features of the people standing with this fact in direct communication (it is significant that he destroyed what he destroyed -This drawings, apparently, political character).

It is related to the iconocrousal and other works of Bruegel - "Peasant Wedding" (Vienna). Here, the severity of the vision of a folk nature has increased even more, the main figures have gained even greater, but there are already a few exaggerated power, and an allegorical principle has been reborn in the artistic fabric. Three peasants with horror or in bewilderment look at the wall, alleged in front, outside the picture. Perhaps this is a hint of a biblical story about Pera Valstasar, when words predicting the death of those who kidnap the temple of the Treasure and wished to get out of his insignificant state on the wall.

Recall that the rebels of the peasants who fought with Catholicism, the Catholic churches rumbled. The shade of some idealization and the unusual brag softness is even a taste of Gorky regret and good humanity - the qualities that were not in a clear and consistent "peasant dance". Some departure from the principles and ideas of the "peasant dance" can be found in the Figure "Summer" (Hamburg), at first glance, closely called the picture. However, the complete departure from the previous hopes was accomplished somewhat later, when the master created a number of gloomy and cruel paintings ("Misanthrop", 1568, Naples; "Care", 1568, Louvre; "Nest Spot", 1568, Vienna, Museum), and in including the famous "blind" (1568; Naples, Capodimont Museum). Indirectly they are associated with the first crisis in the development of the Netherlands Revolution.

Peasant life in the work of Russian artists.

Theme of the peasantry I. peasant life Attracted and worried about many Russian artists. They appealed to the folk life and labor activity of ordinary people and saw in this particular significance. It was believed that the peasantry was supported by the Russian state, and the head keepers of Russian traditions and the culture of the country, because it was the peasantry for many centuries to maintain the original-Russian lifestyle and self-organization.

The life of the peasant hung greatly from the change of seasons. In the period from spring to autumn, they worked on the field, they were engaged in collecting mushrooms and berries for the winter, grazed livestock and harvested hay and firewood on the cold.

N.E. Makovsky "Feeding of turkey" canvas, oil. V.E. Makovsky "Girl with Goose" canvas, oil. 1875.

V.E. Makovsky "Fishermen" canvas, oil. 1886.

I.F. Khrutsky "Portrait of a boy" canvas, oil. 1834.A. Strelkovsky "At the well" paper, watercolor. 1878.

The bulk of the time in the summer, the peasants from Mala was held to Velik in the field. Therefore, the mass of rituals and holidays was associated with precisely with agriculture and seasons. The peasants even existed their special calendar, which recorded the most important stages of agricultural work and holidays related to their completion.

A.G. Venetsian "On Pashnea, Spring" canvas, oil. 1820.

G.Myosoyedov. "Strying time" canvas, oil. 1887.

The peasants spent on the field all day. They worked from spring, all summer and the beginning of autumn growing harvest. They went to the field with the whole family, they also dined and rested. In the field they took even babyBehind who had to look after the older guys.

A.G.Vetsianov "Znztsy" canvas, oil. 1820-E.

Makovsky K.E. "Peasant lunch in the field" canvas, oil. 1871.

Z.E. Serebryakova "Peasants" canvas, oil. 1914.

Makovsky K.E. "Jince" canvas, oil. 1871.

The harvest of the end of the agriculture was harvesting or "harvest". The peasants very seriously treated this time after all, they collected the long-awaited harvest of everyday labor. They said: "That in August we will gather, with the more I will spend the winter." "The first sheaf is the first autumn holiday"On Assumption (August 28 - on a new style), a feast of the end of the harvest was noted. These days before the ancient rite was performed, associated with the reverence of the Mother Earth.

Z. Serbryakova. "Harvest" canvas, oil. 1915.

A.G.Vetsianov "Summer, on the harvest" canvas, oil. 1820.

K.S. Malevich "Stacks" canvas, oil. 1912.

In winter, the peasants were mainly engaged in homemade hassle. Women sat behind a needlework. They hung, the faults, knitted, sewed new clothes. Men went hunting, harvested firewood, caught fish, made tools for summer work. In some villages, they were engaged in folk crafts, such as weaving baskets or pottery.

VG Malyshev "Kitchen" canvas, oil.

Z.Serbryakova "Peasant woman with pots" Paper, watercolor, Belil 1900s A.G.Vetsianov "Peasant's embroidery" canvas, oil 1843

I.A. Deleevin "Children in Sanya" canvas, butter. 1870.

In most peasant families There were many children. Children from an early age were given love for their family, respect for the elders, to fellow villagers, respect for parents. They grew in conditions of mutual assistance, the older children always helped and cared for the younger, and the younger heard senior. Peasant children worked together with adults, over time, performing more and more severe and responsible work, often fulfilling the same work as their parents.

V.E. Makovsky "Peasant children" canvas, oil.

A.M. Kolelesov "Peasant woman who serves a soldier to drink" Canvas, oil 1859 K. V. Lemok "Varka" canvas, oil. 1893.

V.E. Makovsky "Custrian" canvas, oil. 1903.

A.G.Vetsianov "Sleeping Channel" tree, oil. 1824.

V.Vasnets "Water" canvas, oil. N.pimenko "Boy with a basket" canvas on cardboard, oil. end XIX. - Start XX

A.G.Vetsianov "Peasant children in the field" canvas, butter. 1820th Makovsky K.E. "Children running from thunderstorms" canvas oil. 1872.

In the Russian village of the past, the important side of the public and family life was a holiday. Holidays interrupted the monotony of everyday life, asked a certain rhythm. The holiday was a real ritual, where everything was his time, his place. Sunday after working week - The day is not just free, and the day of the festive, to which they are preparing.

To the big holidays seriously prepared. Hostess Soap Floors and Topi Baths, Dressed in Elegant Clothes, went to her festive service to church, baked pies, cooked meat soup. They collected on the table, cast a clean tablecloth, put the treats. The father of the family played the harmony, sang songs, danced. Big holidays celebrated all siel. The peasants even said: "We whole year We work for the holiday. "

K.A.Trutovsky "Horovoda on the Trinity in Kursk Province" canvas, butter. 1860.

One of brightest moments Life was the peasants of the young years before marriage. This is the time of joint playing girls and guys, gatherings, djorers, bonds on the sagnesses.

A special place in the life of peasant youth occupied the dance. The dance began. Often: two or three rafts and the same gruz girls became in the midst of the street and began to "play songs". Many young women and girls joined them, then young men and guys were suitable, often with harmonics, ratchets, tambourines. Then one of the participants also felt loudly, and in the middle of the circle it was a guy with a handkerchief in his hands. Began a dance song ... Horovod

B.M. Kustodiev "Horovoda" canvas, oil

A.P. Ryabushkin "Counting a guy in the dance" canvas, oil. 1902.

Wedding Wedding was the main ritual in the life of the peasant. The marriage meant acquiring the status of a full-fledged and full member of the community. In the ritual, all the settlement participated, and each of the participants had a role consecrated by the tradition. They married and married necessarily with the consent of the parents and for their blessing.

E.V. Chesnocks "Swamoka, kind, come out!" Tree, temperature

E.V. Cacade "peasant wedding" tree, oil

Long winter evenings, especially on Christmas Eve, the peasant girls were guessing, trying to penetrate the mysters of their fate and unravel them would be sick. Divination

N. K. Pymonenko "Satin fortune telling" canvas, oil. 1988 A. G. Venetsianov "Divination on the maps" canvas, butter. 1842.

Presentation prepared teacher additional education GBOU School No. 245 of the Primorsky District of Sankt-Petersburg Oreshkina Natalia Nikolaevna. 2014

A. Smirnov.
"Gerasim Kurin - Head of the Peasant partisan detachment In 1812. "


1. A rural resident, the main occupation of which is to process the Earth.
Annotichell was consisted of only twenty-two souls of peasants. ( Turgenev. Chertophans and inadequin.)
2. A representative of the lowest consolidated estate in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow. "Russian word". 1982.

Adrian Van Ostay.
"Peasant family."

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov.
"Peasant girl with sickle in rye."

The XVI century peasant was free bumps, sitting on a foreign land under an agreement with the landowner; His freedom was expressed in the peasant exit or refusal, i.e., in the right to leave one site and go to another, from one landowner to another. Initially, this was not constrained by law; But the most property of the accommodation relationship made a mutual restriction as this is the right of the peasant and for the arbitrariness of the landowner in relation to the peasant: the landowner, for example, could not drive the peasant from the ground to the harvest, as the peasant could not leave his site, without paying the owner At the end of the harvest. From these natural relationships agriculture The necessity of monotonous, the law of the prescribed period for the peasant exit, when both sides could pay each other. The lawsuit Ivan III has established for this one submitter period - a week to Yuryev of the Day of the Autumn (November 26) and a week following this day. However, in the Pskov Earth in the XVI century there was another legal period for the peasant exit, it was Filippovo Zaga (November 14).

V. Klyuchevsky. "Russian history". Moscow. "EXMO". year 2000..

Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov.
"Peasant courtyard in Finland."

Their own and other people's observers who divided the greatness of the acts of the converter [Peter I] were amazed huge spaces Unhandled fertile land, a variety of waste, processed by somehow, hitting, not introduced into a normal national economic turnover. People who thought about the reasons for this nestness explained it, firstly, a decline in the people from a long war, and then the neot of officials and nobles, who beat off his hands to attach all her hunt: the oppression of the Spirit, referred to from slavery, according to Weber, to such an extent, overshadowed any meaning of the peasant that he stopped understanding his own benefit and thinks only about his daily meager food.

V. Klyuchevsky. "Russian history" I am. Moscow. "EXMO". year 2000.

Vasily Grigorievich Perov.
"The return of peasants with the funeral in winter."
The beginning of the 1880s.

Immediately on the death of Peter before others spoke about plight peasants impatient prosecutor Yaguzhinsky; Then in the Supreme Secret Council went lively anyone about the need to facilitate this position. "Poor peasantry" became a walking government expression.

We caught, in fact, not the peasants themselves, and their shoots that took away from the government of recruits and submitted payers. Fled not only by individual yards, but also whole villages; From some of the estates, everyone flew without a balance; From 1719 to 1727, almost 200 thousand were numbered - the official figure, usually staging from reality.

The region of flight was widely moved away: before the fortues ran from one landowner to another, and now they poured on the Don, to the Urals and to the distant Siberian cities, to Bashkir, in the split, even abroad, to Poland and Moldova. In the Supreme Secret Council, in Catherine, I reasoned that if it was going to go, then it would come out that it would take that there would be no submissions, nor recruits, and in the note Menshikov and other Sanovnikov expressed an indisputable truth that if it was impossible to stand without the army to stand , I need to take care of the peasants, because the soldier with the peasant is connected like a soul with the body, and if the peasant will not, then there will be no soldier.

To prevent shoots, the pillow was reduced, arrears were greeted; Fugged returned to the old places first simply, and then with corporal punishment. But then the trouble: Returned fugitives fled again with new comrades, who talked by stories about the attractive life in the run, in the steppe or in Poland.

Single peasant riots, caused by the arbitrariness of the owners and their managers joined the shoots. The reign of Elizabeth was fully local silent perturbations of peasants, especially monastic. Selected the graceful teams who beat the rebels or were being broken, depending on the one, whose took. These were trial small outbreaks, in 20-30 years spilled in Pugachevsky fire.

V. Klyuchevsky. "Russian history". Moscow. "EXMO". year 2000.

Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov.
"Peasant girl."

Peasantry in Russia.Peasants are small rural manufacturers, leading individual economy by the family by the family and combined in the community. In 18 - Nach. 20 centuries. The peasantry was the main population of Russia.

The term "peasant" first appeared in the 14th century. And he occurred from the word "Christian" (as opposed to non-Christian from the Golden Horde, the enslavers of the Russian Earth).

By the time of the Great Reforms of the 60-70s. 19th century Protection (serfs) peasants accounted for 37% of Russia's population - 23 million people. In Lithuania, Belarus, in Ukraine there were from 50 to 70% of the rest of the population. In the northern and southern (steppe) provinces, the number of fortress peasants ranged from 2 to 12% of the population. In the Arkhangelsk province and in Siberia, the fortified was practically not.

Fortress peasants did not have civil and property rights.

Overlooking the peasants were shared on the bargains (who worked on the Barsky field) and the Orthodoxes (cashed landlords of monetary marks). On the eve of great reforms on the barbecine there were 71%, and on the lifting - 29% of the landlord peasants. In the central industrial provinces, the landowner prevailed. The landowners were more profitable to let go of the peasants on the lifts, rather than keep on the barchin. In these areas, there were up to 67% of peasants on the lifting, and in some provinces with developed trafficking, for example, in Kostroma and Yaroslavl, up to 80-90% of peasants. The urgent system and the development of the crafts gave some peasants the opportunity to acquire significant capital. The crushed fortress peasants sought first of all to buy themselves and their family to freedom, because they were often richer than their owner several times. From the fortress peasants, such mercenary dynasties like frost and Konovalov came out. On the contrary, in agricultural districts, central black earth, settlement and Ukraine, where farming conditions were more favorable, born prevailed (up to 80-90% of peasants). Bornbishchi also prevailed in Lithuania and Belarus, where the farm landowners were focused on the European market.

A variety of barbecues in the 18th and half. 19 centuries. There was a month. Fortress peasants, deprived of land plots, 6 days a week worked out the bargains, for which the monthly food swabs and clothing were obtained. The peasant translated on the month sometimes retained his farm - the courtyard, agricultural equipment and cattle, which also received the month. But most often he lived in the Barskoy courtyard and processed the landowner the field of the Lord's inventory. The month could not spread widely, as he demanded additional costs for the content of the peasant, almost the slave work of which was distinguished by low productivity.

In the serf position there were monastic peasants. In 1764, monasteries took OK. 2 million peasants and transferred them to the work of the Board of Savings. These peasants (they were called economic) received part of the monastic lands as incosques, the barishment was replaced by a monetary lifting in favor of the treasury. But monasteries until 1917 retained large land ownership.

Peasants belonged to the landlord were close to the landlord, and later the royal family, or the Palace. They were called "Palace". In 1797, the Department of Duties was approved for the management of palace peasants, royal estates and palaces, and the peasants began to be called specific. By this time there were 463 thousand male shower and the number constantly increased. They were bought from landlords, some of the government peasants were listed in the lot. To start. 1860s. Specific peasants were already ok. 2 million

However, not all the peasantry was fixed. All R. 19th century OK. 19 million people, i.e., a little less than the number of landlord peasants, amounted to state, or government peasants belonging to the state (treasury). It was legally free, but the category of peasants depended on the state. They were used in the use of the land, for which they carried the duration in the form of money. Although the state peasants were personally free, they were limited in the right of transition to other estates. They were forbidden to move to other areas of the country, to engage in spruples, contracts, wholesale trade, open industrial institutions. Until 1861, they did not have the right to acquire land in their property, to acquire real estate in their name, to start factories and plants, did not have the right to go on earnings without permission to go on earnings, could not defend their interests in court.

The legal position of state peasants took shape in the beginning. 18 V. In connection with the military and financial reforms Peter I. The name "State peasants" first appeared in Petrovsky Decals 1724. Previously, they were called "black-sized peasants" (the term appeared in the 14th century. From the words "Black Soka" that is, the suppressed, sooca taxi). With nach 18 V. The number of state peasants has increased. Different groups of the rural population were included in this category as the original Russian territories and the peasants of the land, which recently included in the Russian state: Baltic States, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Transcaucasia. The economic peasants were included in the state peasants, since in 1786 the economy collegium was abolished, as well as peasants selected from the Polish gentry after the uprising of 1830-1831; Residents of the "spent" cities that have lost the status of the city in connection with the abolition of them as administrative centers. The composition of state peasants were included and "midnight" - the peasants of the northern regions, who did not have lands and the rents of it for the sake of half of the harvest; The peoples of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia, crushed by natural tribute (Yasak) and in addition to the monetary and some natural contesions. State peasants were a tan in Moldova (from the Moldovan word "Tsar" - Earth, i.e. farmers). They lived on landlords and monasteries, paid them the tenth of the revenues from the station and worked out for 12 days a year every farm. To manage state peasants in 1837, the Ministry of Public Property was established. His head of P. D. Kiselev, a supporter of the abolition of serfdom, spent in 1837-1841. Reform of the State Village.

Cancellation of serfdom in 1861, conducting agrarian reforms In 1863, in the state in 1866, the villages equalined the legal status of various categories of the peasantry. Former landlords and specific peasants received the same rights as government, unified management was established in the village. Zemskoy and judicial reforms injected the peasants to local governance and court. However, the differences between the peasants continued to be continued in the flareform period: the quality of the ridiculous land was continued, the amount of payments, the deposit conditions, the nature of land tenure, etc., was continued to change all these differences in the feudal era, the process was characteristic of the capitalism of social The fission of the peasantry on the poorest majority and wealthy minority.

School encyclopedia. Moscow, Olma-Press Education. 2003.

Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov.
"The arrival of the sorcerer to the peasant wedding."

But why in old Russian literature Is the expression "resurrect fire"? Relax - understandable, and resurrect? Camera - Chair, knocking fire from stone! Then the cross is the ignition of life, and by the way, the landpash residents called the cross, that is, the firmware life on Earth!

And at the same time the peasant is no longer from the word "Christian."

Sergey Alekseev. "Treasures of Valkyrie. 6-truth and fiction. "

Vezsesslas Hollar.
"Peasant Wedding."

- Russia is a very cold country with bad soils, so these people live here, and not otherwise. In Europe, the agricultural period is ten months, and in Russia there are five, "Milov said sadly. - Difference - twice. In Europe, do not work in the field only in December and January. In November, for example, you can sow winter wheatThe English agronomists still knew about this in the XVIII century. In February, conduct other works. So, if you calculate, it turns out that the Russian peasant has for fatty work, except for grain thunder, 100 days. And 30 days go to the Senokos. What happens? And the fact that he robbed and barely managed. The head of the family of four (a single-incorporate peasant) has time to plow two and a half decades physically. And in Europe - 2 times more.

That in Russia the unconnected period lasts 7 months, wrote in state documents Back in the XVIII century. Understood the problem ... the average harvest with those tools of labor was Sam-Three. That is, three of the grains crossed three. Of the 12 pounds - 36. Minus one grain of three on the seeds, it turns out 24 Pone - a pure collection from the tithing. From two and a half tits - 60 pounds. This is a family of 4 people. A family of 4 people, given that women and children eat less, is 2.8 adult. While the annual consumption rate is 24 PUTD per person. That is, it takes without a small 70 pounds. And there is only 60. And of them, you still need to subtract part for the proceedings of livestock - the horse's oats, the fading of the cow. And instead of 24 laid according to the biological norm, the Russian consuming 12-15-16 pounds. 1500 kcal per day instead of the required body 3000.

Here is the average Russia - a country where bread has always lacked. Where life was always at the limit of the opportunity. Eternal struggle, eternal fear of hunger. And at the same time terrible work on wear with the involvement of women, children, old people ... Is it possible to expand arable land? You can, if you work somehow, on maybe. So worked. If in England passes 4-6 times, bringing the land to the "downholes", then in Russia there is still a bad processing of the Earth. Although the technique has changed - in Europe in Europe, "and in Russia of the tractor" - but the ratio of arable time remains the same and the result is the same: in Europe, you will not find a tatturous lump in arable land, and in Russia these cobblestones are lying on the field. Yes, compared with the XVIII century, labor productivity on the village increased 40-50 times. But Nature remained unchanged! Therefore, the cost of Russian agricultural products will always be more expensive than Western on the same climatic reasons.

Have you seen the movie "Chairman"? Remember there seeking the scene when the women raise a cow on the ropes so that she, wealing, did not fall? This is a typical picture for Russia. By the spring of cows and horses barely stood. It would seem - huge expanses, fields, moods, meadows. And the peasant has a deficiency of the Sen. Why? Because when the grass is full of vitamins, it is only to harvest and harvest, "the peasant has no time for it. Senokos on the old style began on June 29 - from Peter and Paul - and lasted until the end of July. And from August (and sometimes from July 20!) It was already necessary to hurry to harm the having sacing.

Therefore, despite the fact that during the period of Senokos, the entire village from Mala went to the Great leaving the kota and the peasants simply lived in the fields of the Tabor, with the then Miscelter technique, the peasant in 30 days was still not enough. And the stall period in Russia from 180 to 212 days - 7 months. The peasant single-incorporate courtyard (4 souls) had two cows, one or two horses for plowing, two sheep, one pig and 5-8 chickens. Goats rarely met. From the county to the county, the quantity could change, for example, in the Rzhevsky district of Tver province, the peasant had 3 sheep, and in the neighboring Krasnocholm 3-4 pigs. But, in general, in the conditional calculation it is equivalent to six heads of large cattle. For them, it was necessary to prepare hay on the norms of the XVIII century about 620 pounds. And the peasant with his family in best case Could hire 300. And it always was.

What is the way out? The cattle was given to the straw, which is a small caloriene and completely devoid of vitamins. But straw lacked! Pigs and cows fed a horse manure, showering his bran. The eternal headache of the chairmen of the collective farms and Russian landowners was a chronic non-peasant cattle. The cattle literally fell to the spring, it was suspended. And manure from such a cattle was little, not to mention milk; In some provinces, the cows were kept not for milk, which they practically did not give, but exclusively because of the manure. Which was also not enough for obvious reasons. Manure accumulated over the years!

The Russian cattle was extremely low quality. And all the attempts of landowners and enlightened people from the government to bring good breeds from Europe to Russia equally - the Western breeds quickly degenerated and became almost indistinguishable from the widest Russian cattle.

In all the laws, during the three-year crop rotation, the Earth should eat every three years. And in real practice, the peasants feather the land for about once every 9 years. Even such a saying was: "Dormant Earth is 9 years old remembers." And there were places in Russia - even at the beginning of the 20th century, - where they feather the earth once at 12, 15, 18 years old. And in the Vyatka province, for example, - once in 20 years! What kind of yield can we talk about? ...

But if you suddenly thought: "But our peasants were rested for 7 months in a year! On the ovens were lying in the winter, then deeply mistaken. In winter, the work was also a nepract. Here is an example. Because of the permanent poverty, the Russian peasant, unlike European, did not go to boots. In order to shut the whole family - 4 people - in boots, the peasant had to sell three quarters of his grain. It is unrealistic. The boots were simply not available. Russia went to the lapties. In the year, the peasant kept from 50 to 60 pairs of the lapes. Multiply for the whole family. They did Napti, naturally, in winter, in the summer there was no time. Next ... Buy the fabric in the market the peasant could not. More precisely, he could, but as a rare luxury gift - and then only his wife, she never bought her daughter. And you need to dress. Therefore, women in winter hung and tibes. Plus cooking belts, breaks, saddles ... Forest harvesting on firewood ... By the way, before end of XVIII The century in Russia did not even drink, and the forest was shaved with axes. Moreover, since the furnaces were imperfect, and the ceilings were not at all (the ceilings as additional thermal insulators began to appear only in the second half of the 18th century), the firewood needed simply a lot of about 20 cubic meters.

- In the summer, the Russian peasant got up in the third-fourth hour of the night and went to the bargainy - to ask food, remove the manure, and then worked until dinner in the field. After lunch was an hour and a half hours. The guys went to bed in the eleventh hour. Women a little later, because they sat for a needlework. In winter, the regime was almost the same, with the only exception that they went to bed an hour earlier - at ten.

... well, tell me, can you live like that? ...

The life of the Russian peasant was not very different from the life of a primitive neolithic savage. Is that for the worse ... What was the russian hut, for example? Low one-room construction covered with straw. About the lack of ceiling has already been told. Paul was often earthen. Entrance door - Rarely above the meter, and sometimes there were doors and half meter! A typical Russian hut until the XIX century was treated in black. There were no windows in this strange building. Smoke went out into the so-called wicked ends in the size of Polbrevna. About bedding and even mattresses and periods Peasants have no idea for a long time, slept on Dryug and Straw. In one "room" you slept on the shops and params of 8-10 people. There was a cattle - chickens, pigs, calves ... The imagination of foreign travelers was amazing hanging off her heads, legs, hands. "I seem every minute it seemed that they were put on the floor," wrote a researcher of Russian life coke.

The peasants treated the furnace in the morning. By three-four hours of the day she was very heated, and the whole evening was the wild heat. Sometimes among the nights, fleeing from the unbearable stuff, the men popped out sweat and sunset with a breast. From here, by the way, numerous illnesses, colds with fatal outcome. But in the morning, the hives lasted so much that sleeping bearded beards to the reasons. And since the hut was treated NO-black, everywhere hung a long black fringe from soot.

And the smell! In an unbelievable room (warmly warm), such miasms were bloomed that the head was spinning with unprepared people. Remember, Harsts Pushkin clamps his nose when Russian men pass? "It is Shesho Nicavo, Barin ..."

In fact, the country was divided into two human "subspecies" - cultural, European educated aristocracy, eating from the porcelain and discussing Ovid's poems, and absolutely gray, scored, semi-borne, superstitious mass, in cattle, living in the limit of opportunities and far-far beyond poverty. It is clear that these "subspecies" not only did not understand, but they could not understand each other: between them - the abyss. Sometimes they even talked to different languages - Some in Russian, others in French. Two countries in one ... Eloi and Morloki.

When Peter I began his reforms, there were 6% of the non-Christian population in Russia. Only six! Because the living injignment of the peasantry is more dependents to feed at the local climate simply could not. And from these six percent, a monasticism was formed, nobility, army, officials, science ... An amazingly inefficient country!

The standard of living of the elite is not just striking, but disastrously different from the standard of living of 94% of the population. While the black peasants ate the cake and Swan, in the spring were harvested sick - the first crumpled herb with small flowers ... At the same time, Russian know round year Rushed watermelons, plums, lemons, oranges and even pineapples. For growing tropical fruits in glass oranges, complex systems of underground soil heating were invented. At the same time, the glass for the greenhouse was expensive, and it was necessary for the greenhouses - Nemeless.

From the point of view of a simple Russian, officials and urban authorities are not only small and inaccessible. It is incomprehensible, as if he lives on another planet. The bosses are, as it were, not people, they are celers. They can be scolded - just as you can sometimes become tremendous, but if the celever suddenly connects to you personally ... Patty!

I have no one episode from memory, shot hidden camera Even in Yeltsin's era. An impressive man with a cell phone in his hand comes out on the street to a simple frequency rusch. And he says that he is a representative of the president, and asks: how are you, simple Rusich, treat our nationwide favorites? Rusich, of course, begins to splash saliva, waving his hands, swears very much. He lives badly! It seems to see the president now - Tell. After carefully listening to the passerby, the person dials the number on the cells and transmits it to him:

- Now you will talk to Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin. Tell him your aspirations.

- Hello, Russian, - the inimitable presidential voice responds the tube in the ear of a simple ineffective citizen.

And the miracle happens. To the question of the president, as he lives, the Russian suddenly answers:

- Yes, ok, Boris Nikolaevich!

A flexible daily work that does not bring any significant fruits and non-penetrating prospects; black hopeless life; life on the verge of constant hunger; Absolute dependence on weather conditions could not but affect the formation of Russian psychotype.

No matter how much you work, everything is still in the hands of God, will want - it will not want - die. Work, do not work - almost nothing depends on you. From here in Russians this eternal dependence on "solutions over". Hence the superstitiousness and eternal calculation on Avos. And according to this, the major gods after Christ for the Russians remain the great Lord Avos and his brother would probably.

All the life time of the Russian man, except for sleep, from childhood went on simple physical survival. Pregnant women hide in the field until the latter and give birth there. No wonder in the Russian language, the words "suffering" and "suffering" have one root ... A person who lives in the eternal extremum, who dies to half the children born, ceases to appreciate and alien and own life. Which is still not he, and God manages.

Hence the attitude towards children is completely consumer. Children - a thing for subscriptions by farm. Hence the appeal to your favorite Cadam: "Kill you a little!"

My buddy Lesha Torgashev who arrived from Chicago, who lived in America for three years and a little bit away, with unaccustomed was shocked when he heard at our airport, as a Russian milf shouts his three-year-old daughter, a dressed dress: "I will scout you!" It was astonished not only the situation itself, but also worked in the imagination of Mom, the detail of the deprivation of a child of life - "Raaren".

Our children are not at the sake of children themselves, but "so that there is someone a glass of water in old age to file." "Children are our wealth," - the most terrible, consumer slogan invented soviet poweras if pulled out of the peasant Russia XVIII century. Then the children were really considered wealth, because of them from 7 years it was possible to hide in the work. Up to 15 years old, the boy was polished, and from 16 years old - already full of charge, that is, it worked like a man. Teenagers are wealth. Small children - burden, extra mouths. They merley like flies, and no one really regretted them - the women more attach! From eternal nonsense and saying: "Give God the cattle with the sky, and the children with Primorye."

He was afraid of Europe Russian bayonet strike. Because he did not appreciate the Russian peasant soldier his life. His life was embodied hell, compared to which death is not the worst option. "On the world and death of Krasnu," another Russian saying.

"Mir" in Russia called the peasant community.

There is an opinion that only because Stalin's collective farms have taken root, that they were absolutely in the spirit of people. And in line former Life. Yes, yes, I'm talking about this fucking. All Russian peasant psychology is a psychology of collectivism. On the one hand, this is good: everyone should help each other. But the other side of the community is intolerance to "upstarts" - to people with something allocated (intelligence, wealth, appearance) ...

Without this collectivist psychology, which slows down the development of capitalist relations (the essence of which is in greater atomization, individualization of society), the Russian peasantry was simply not survived. Well, there could not exist a single farmer in arable cealing, when the "day feed". Ten-twenty days drilled, not plowed - and your family is doomed to hungry death. Burned the house, the horse died ... Who will help? Community. And when the Earth finally reached and stopped fruiting, the peasants did the Peasants with the world "Roschisti" - the forest was reduced under arable land, and then divided put on the number of employees. So without community "Verkhi", the peasantry as a class in Russia simply could not exist.

The community is a terrible, traumatic national mentality education. Which in human heads overcame the agrarian era and rolled into industrial. Maybe, who remembers, with the Bolsheviks, even the poems were such children: "My dad brought a real saw from work! ..." why from work, and not from the store? Why "brought", and not "stole"? Yes, everything is therefore. Everything around the people, everything around mine! No respect for private property. Community-Socialist concentration camp ...

Instructions mid XVIII The century for the management of landlord farms was noted: "Lenosta, deception, lies and theft as hereditatically in them (peasants. - A. N.) is supposed. Mr. It is deceived by pretended diseases, elderly, which is, false frowning, in the work - laziness. Cooked with shared works - steal, moved to the savings to take, clean, smeared, wash, dry, repair - do not want ... defined in the authorities, in the costs of money and bread - measures do not know. Remains to the pre-truthful time are not very fond of and, as if they were deliberately, try to bring to ruin. And above those who are attached to, so that it is true and in due time is corrected, - do not look. In rowness - for friendship and honors - are silent and covered. And on simple and good people They attack, crowd and chase. The mercy shown to them in awarding bread, money, clothing, cattle, freedom, do not remember and instead of gratitude and merits in rudeness, the evil and trick are included. "

Unpretentiousness and long-suffering, minimizing the level of needs ("If only there was no war"), disregard for others and at the same time, the dependence of them, the willingness to help and the black envy, emotional openness and guides that instantly can change hatred - just an incomplete list The qualities of the Russian man who went from our unfortunate ancestors. And in the post-industrial XXI century, in the information civilization, Russia with a rather significant part of his fellow citizens is not even with the industrial, but sometimes with purely peasant, patriarchal consciousness.

Alexander Nikonov. "The story is frozen in the context of global warming."

Vincent Van Gogh.
"Morning. Peasants going to work. "
Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky.
Peasant children.

Of course, Alexander II made a good deed, freeing the peasants (at that time not to do it was already simply impossible). But then ...

IN European Russia 76 million tentes of land belonged to 30,000 landlords, and 73 million tentes - 10,000,000 peasant yards. Such is the proportion. The fact is that the peasants were liberated almost without land, and for the one that they all got, they were forced to introduce the so-called "convex payments", canceled only in 1907, after well-known events. There is an interesting treasury document, the so-called "Proceedings of the Applied Commission". It follows from it that in the form of taxes and filters the peasant introduced a ninety-two percent of the percent of the income per year! And in the Novgorod province - all one hundred. And this concerned only former "state" peasants. According to the same document, former landowners in some provinces were forced to give a tax of two hundred percent income percent! In other words, not counting the little lucky ones, the peasants were constantly in debt, as in Shelka. Here are the excerpts from the fears of peasants to their deputies in the State Duma 1906-1907.

Stopino Village Vladimir Province: "The bitter experience of life convinced us that the government, the centuries oppressed the people, the government, who saw and want to see the obedient payment cattle, could not do anything to us. The government, consisting of nobles and officials who did not know the needs of the people, can not bring the exhausted homeland on the path of order and legality. "

Moscow Gubernia: "The Earth is all overuplined later and blood for several centuries. She was treated in the era of serfdom and they received beatings and links for the work and those enriched landlords. If you now present a suit of 5 kopecks. For a day per person for all the fortress time, then they do not have enough to pay with the people of all lands and forests and all their property. In addition, within the forty years we pay the fabulous rent for land from 20 to 60 rubles. Beyond the tenth in the summer, thanks to the false law of the 61st year, according to which we got freedom with a small launcher of the Earth, halfland people, and treuyevsev landlords had colossal wealth. "

Arzamas County: "The landlords spoke us at all: wherever you turn - everywhere they are land and forest, and we and the cattle expelled nowhere; Cow on the land of the landowner - a fine, drove it inadvertently his dear - a fine, you will go to it to rent land - Fasten to take as expensive as possible, and you will not take - sit at all without bread; I cut off the rod from his forest - to court, and drive three times more expensive, and even let me sit. "

Luzhsky County St. Petersburg province: "We were endowed with the exit to the will of three tenths per soul. The population has grown to the point that it is currently no half total. The population is positively dirty, and a mess is unlikely because there is no land; It is not only for a pashnya, but even under the desired building.

Nizhny Novgorod Province: "We recognize that the unbearable severity of idols and taxes is a heavy negle on us, and there is no power and the possibility of full and in a timely manner. The proximity of any duration of payments and duties to the stone falls on our heart, and the fear of the power for the inaccurability of payments makes us sell the latter, or go to Kabalu. "

The Bolsheviks are fine here - like any other "politicians." This is a genuine, undisputed voice of the peasantry. What are the Bolsheviks here?!

Alexander Buschkov. "Red Monarch".

"The sovereign speaks with the nobility about the forthcoming work for the liberation of peasants from the serfdom."


"Meeting of the State Council during the preparation of the peasant reform."
(The reign of Emperor Alexander II.)

I. Laminit.
"Russian peasants."
Engraving in Figure E. Korneev.

Ilya Efimovich Repin.
"Peasant courtyard."

Ilya Efimovich Repin.
"Peasant girl."

Konstantin Egorovich Makovsky.
"Peasant lunch in the field."

Christina Evgenievna Gasko.
"A visit to A. Pushkin Slak Zakharovo. Meeting with Zakharov peasants. "

Mikhail Shibanov.
"Peasant Lunch".

"The militant 1812 in the peasant hill".
Lumpy painting.

"The dismantled peasants bring Bread-salt Alexander II."
From the book: "School Encyclopedia. History of Russia 18-19 centuries. " Moscow, Olma-Press Education. 2003.

"Peasant dance."

"Peasant Wedding."
About 1568.
Museum of Arts, Ghent.

"Peasant Wedding."
Museum of Art History, Vienna.

"Heads of peasants."

"Peasant uprising of the 1860s."

"Peasant family."

"The peasant family before lunch."
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

"Peasant girl."

"Peasant girl."
State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

"Peasants and skate runners on ice."

Chapter 2. Like the peasantry in Russian art of the 18th century

2.1. The image of the peasantry in painting

In the 18th century, secular art is put forward in Russian art to the forefront of Russian painting. In the development of Russian painting of the 18th century, several stages can be distinguished. The first stage is the first third of the 18th century painters then depicted mostly people of high-ranking ranks. At this time, peasants practically do not depict. Popular genre is a portrait, landscape. The following two stages - the middle of the 18th century and the second half of the 18th century. These two stages are interested, as they are marked by the further flourishing of Russian national painting, which developed on the path of realism, but our topic is more traced in the second half of the 18th century, so we will talk about this half.

The 18th century is rich in Russian artists portraitists, but among them there are those who were interested in the theme of the peasantry. This includes Vishnyakova A.I. , Shibova M., Ermenova I.A. , Argunova I.P. . Through the paintings of these artists, we can see life, holidays and life in the general peasants.

Vishnyakov Alexander Ivanovich - Son of the famous portraitist Vishnyakova I.Ya. It's not so much known about him, he was a genristian artist. His picture "Peasant Pirushka" (Fig. 5) The end of the 1760s is the beginning of the 1770s. - One of the earliest images of peasant trapes. Here we see grotesque, typical of the image of rough nature characteristic of Dutch and flemish paintings Masters of the XVII century, that is, here we see the imitation of the Russian artist to these masters, which does not displays the identity of the Russian people and in the common of peasants.

Another artist Mikhail Shibanov is a Russian artist for the second half of the 18th century, a painter from the fortress peasants, from 1783 - "Free painter". It can be called the namoor of the peasant household genre in Russian art. His paintings are unique for their time on the subject of depicted - in the 18th century in fine art Peasants almost not one artist did not depict. Primarily, we are talking About two canvases depicting scenes from the life of peasants "Peasant Lunch" (Fig. 6) and "Festival of the Wedding Treaty".

Figure 5.

In 1774, Mikhail Shibanov wrote a canvas "Peasant Lunch". This job came out during pugachev Uprising. This topic was Nova for Russian society, as well as the work dedicated to the peasantry were even scandalous. And although what is depicted by Shibowan far from the real life of the peasantry, but he portrayed them as not because he wanted to embellish the life and life of peasants, but because the aristocracy could insult it. It can be said that Shibanov was placed in a certain framework and could not completely vision. Despite the festive clothing, you can see the love of the mother to the child, the thoughtfulness of the grandfather, crying the Russian soul, here is shown the truthful peasant life.

Figure 6.

Another picture of this topic "Festival of the Wedding Treaty" (Fig. 6). The name says that is shown in the picture. This is really a festival. Some women in decorated outfits, guests are glad and happy for the bride and groom, which are in the center of the composition. These stories Shibowa are depicted by masterfully. His courage is striking that he was not afraid to raise such an acute problem.

Argunov Ivan Petrovich Russian Portraitist. Argunov was not busy with this topic, but he can allocate one picture "Portrait of an unknown peasant in Russian suit" (Figure 7) is one of his famous work. The portrait displays interest in the theme of the peasantry, which appeared in Russian society. Argunov, the immigrants from the serf Count Sheremetyeva, tried to show beauty and dignity in portraits, regardless of the estate.

Figure 7.

The image of the peasantry at this work of Argunov was transferred with truthfulness, sincerity and respect. As the author of the girl rolled into a festive outfit, many believe that it was an actress. From an ethnographic point of view, we see how much the costume of the peasant of the Moscow province is precisely transferred. Also, belonging to the peasant class is easy to determine this girl in the absence of manneriness and infertility. Soft features of a girl, a slight smile, a calm posture point to modesty, openness, the kindness of the girl from the people.

Yermenov Ivan Alekseevich Russian Painter, also a fortified believed, he began hisd the future with the future grand land, to which he was attached to the service. Known by his series of eight watercolors "Beggars", as well as watercolor "Lunch (peasant lunch)." Most often, he portrayed two figures in growth against the background of the sky: a beggar old woman and a child, a beggar and a guide or a lonely figure of the beggar, but here's the "peasant lunch" (Figure 8) falls out of this series.

Figure 8.

Many researchers believe that this picture reflects Terrible power. ordinary people With such severe fate and life. The pictures of Yernmenova, especially the paintings on the theme of the peasants, have a tragic meaning, show the despair and darkness that we see even in the colors chosen for the picture.

2.2. The image of the peasantry in the literature

The literature of the 18th century has prepared fertile ground for the development of the 19th century literature, so it is impossible to say that the 18th century is oblivious. Writers of this time tried to solve the acute problems of their modernity. Of course, many of them did not go around the peasant question. As in painting, a number of authors of those interested in this problem can be distinguished, Bakhtina I. I., Lomonosova M. V., Radishcheva A.N., Fonvizina D. I., Karamzin N. M.

Ivan Ivanovich Bakhtin is a public figure and a writer, satirical topics prevailed in his work. The most bold topic in the work of Bakhtin was a peasant question. In the work of "Satira on the cruelty of some nobles to their subjects", the author showed the real features of the peasant life of the 18th century. In the fairy tale "Mr. and the peasant", the writer also showed sympathy for peasants as some others.

Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich Russian Writer, who also raised the theme of the peasantry in his work. First of all, we can trace this in its work "inexpensive." In this work, Fonvizin, seeing the root of all evil in serfdom, ridicules the noble system and noble education. And this can be noticed by the names and names of the main characters, all these surnames tell us about internal qualities These people. Fonvizin speaks many works about the nobility and make fun of their lives.

Another writer who was interested in the peasant question - Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. In his work we see the development of literature and an in-depth view of the attitude between landlord and peasant. These trends can be observed in the work " Poor Lisa" With the convention of the figure of Lisa, this is still an image of the individual experiences of a girl-peasant woman, her personal dramatic FateIn terms of emphasized sympathy and sympathy for the author, which in itself was new and, of course, a progressive literary fact. All this can be traced in a passage from the work of "Poor Lisa":

"One Lisa, which remained after the Father Fifteen Years, is one Lisa, without sparing their tender youth, without a rare beauty of His, worked day and night - the canvas tails, knit stockings, rolled flowers in the spring, and in the summer he took berries - and sold them in the summer in Moscow. Sensitive, kind of old woman, seeing the tirelessness of his daughter, often pressed her to a weakly tagged heart, called God's delicacy, feeding, the old age and praying to God, so that he awarded her for all that she was doing for the mother. "We see the image of hardworking Modest girl and as the author refers to her. Karamzin tried to reflect not only the attitude towards the peasantry and draw the real image of the peasantry, but also show his attitude to the relationship between the peasants and the landowners, the author himself believed that relations should go to another channel, and these relationships are the remnants of the past.

Despite the fact that the above-mentioned authors were interested, they said and considered the image of the peasantry and its place in Russian reality, but Alexander Alexander Nikolayevich brought to study this problem. This author for his views was arrested and exiled to Siberia. The image of the peasantry of Radishchev reflected in the works of "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow", "Velost".

One of the most significant phenomena of Russian literature of the eighteenth century is the work of A. N. Radishcheva "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." It is written in a popular journey genre at the time. The main characters is the traveler and the Russian people. The traveler on his way met representatives of all classes and the picture, which the traveler draws - unsightly, he speaks of the fall of Russian society. Moral lowness and dirt are characteristic of all layers of society, but the worst of all falls in peasants, as the most socially unprotected people: "The peasant in the law is dead." Indeed, the arbitrariness of the landowners passes the entire moral framework, and ordinary people have to endure him. For example, in the chapter "Lyubani", the author meets the peasant in Pakhto on Sunday - Holy Rest Day for Orthodox:

"- You, of course, a splitter, what pashing on Sundays?

No, Barin, I'm barefolded, "he said ... - In the week, Barin, six days, and we go to the barbecue six times a week ...

How do you have time to get bread, if only a holiday is free?

Not one holidays and our night. Do not be lazy to our brother, I will not die with hunger. "

The traveler is threatened with serfs. In addition, the author suggests that the traveler sees not only the patience and the heavy life of the oppressed peasantry, but also the sleeping strength of the people, which at any time can wake up. For this work writer and was exiled.

Chapter 3. The image of the peasantry in Russian art of the 19th century

3.1. The image of the peasantry of painting

In the second chapter, there was already mentioned about the relevance of the theme of the peasantry in the 18th century and that many art representatives began to raise this topic in their work, but still the topic was not the main and not common. In the 19th century, Russian art has acquired people's soundIn painting we see it in the transition from romanticism to realism. In Russian painting, the national emphasis was appreciated in creativity, which tells us that in this period the image of the peasantry is traced in the brightest form. The theme of the peasantry can be traced not only in more complicated form, i.e., the authors of the works illuminate problems in that sharp form that existed in fact in russian society Without censorship, but also the number of authors writing about the peasant question has become more than more, in addition, this topic has become new for Russian artists. All this is due to the events that occurred in connection with the reform of Russia and, first of all, it concerns the reform that canceled serfdom. Russian painters that this topic is interested in A. G. Venetsianov, V. A. Tropinin, P. A. Fedotov - they are the artists of the first half of the 19th century. In the second half of the 19th century, this topic is reflected in the work in the first place of the traffic police G.G. Myasoedov, I. E. Repin, V. M. Maksimova, S. A. Korovin, etc.

The 19th century can be divided conditionally into 2 parts. The first part of the 19th century is presented in the work of such artists as Venetsianov A. G., Tropinin V. A., Fedotov P. A. - The peasant world is reflected here before the abolition of serfdom, and the second part of the 19th century is presented mainly in the work of the Mobile - here We see the peasant world after the abolition of serfdom. In the beginning of the 19th century, the theme of the peasantry and national life was Nova. Venetsianov Alexey Gavrilovich Master genre scenes of peasant lifeHe not only brought a huge contribution to the culture with the help of his paintings, but also brought up a variety of peasants, giving them education and the path of life. Despite the talent of Venetsian in writing portraits, not portraits, but the writing of peasant images, was brought greatest fame. Although Venetsian was not the first to depict the peasants, but he first began to portray them in poetic form. The artist wrote peasant children, peasant girls and of course the life of the peasant people. We see a row called "Peasant woman" from the painter, who reflect peasant girls engaged in a particular activity, on their faces we see the fatigue and the sad aspiration of the view in the distance, their hands point to a heavy daily work girls, but at the same time talking about their hardworking and modesty; In addition, it is impossible to separately separate one of its most famous pictures in this subject "Zntsy" (Fig. 9) and "Gumno". The artist inspired the peasants who were admired by nature and a butterfly to the peasant in the hand to write the paintings of the "renges" of the artist. This picture is one of those that reflect the significance of the image of the Russian peasantry. The theme of the harvest in the works of Venetsianov can be traced throughout its artistic activitiesAs for this picture, we see the peasant with the son, who admire the nature, that is, the butterflies sitting on the hand of the peasant. Also looking at the naked eye on the picture, we see that all the action is happening during the harvest, their clothing is yellowed from hard work and dust, and the hands of black from just performed work. No matter how strange the picture "Zntsy" still did not bring such success as the work of "Khumno", which was performed for a huge amount of money. Here the topic of the harvest is traced here, but in the picture "Khumno" we already see the composition on which many peasants or vacationers are depicted, or preparing for hard work. The author emphasizes the importance of peasant labor and its difficult orientation.

Figure 9.

No less contribution to the transmission of the image of the Russian peasantry and Fedotov Pavel Andreevich. Fedotov laid the foundations of critical realism in the household genre, which was the main thing for him in creativity. But if Venetsian showed the peasantry itself, Fedotov showed the highest strata of society, showing their meaninglessness of existence, their emptiness inside. The artist with satire shows the insignificance of some, and the significance of others. To continue the case of Venetsian and Fedotov, artists-mobile artists, which made up the colors of the second half of the 19th century. Despite the fact that speaking of the beginning of the realism and the transfer of the image of the Russian peasantry, we are talking about the names of Venetsian and Fedotov, you can not forget to mention and tropinin. Tropinin Vasily Andreevich Master of Romantic and Realistic Portraits. He wrote people of different classes, trying to transmit them to a certain class, and show a concrete person typical of this society. We are interested in the works of Tropinin, such work as "Lace" (Figure 10), Gold Summer, where we see the heavy manual work of the peasants. These paintings were well met with critics and spectators. The painting "Lacy" became a real pearl of Russian art. This is a picture, like the "gold price" shows us a girl very cute and unlike a fortress peasant. The author of these works wanted to convey to the viewer the image of severe peasant work, and the Tropinin shows that heavier labor, happiness and dignity do not go into the incision. All this demonstrates the artist in his picture "Laneby". In the first half of the 19th century - the topic of the Nova's peasantry, but still the topic is much brighter manifested in the second half of the 19th century. In the second half of the 19th century, "mobile phrases" can be distinguished in painting, almost each of them contributed to the formation of the image of the peasantry. Myatseedov Grigory Grigorievich - most bright representative Russian realism. The main topic to which the meatons - peasant life appeared. The evolution of Myasoedov's creativity is visible by his works. One of the pictures reflecting the theme of the peasantry is "Zemstvo dintures" (Fig. 11). The picture was written during the abolition of serfdom. The peasants are located next to the land, apparently walked with some kind of business, but they are forced to sit on the threshold. In the window there is a servant who was seized by all the dishes, apparently the peasants decided that the ranks were well bought and their problem would not be interested. In the picture you can see new realitywhich shows without sticks russian Society.

Figure 10.

In addition, in the picture, we see a new admission of the author, expressing the topic He is a critic that shows the truth of the Russian society, and the author leaves some kind of persuasion, the question in his works, giving the viewer to draw conclusions on his own. The main focus in this picture is made on the peasants: their features of the face are well drawn, which shows us inner world peasants who seriously got off with a new free life and were not happier from reforms taken aside peasant question. Their expression of persons are unhappy and tired of hard work, which calls the viewer to sympathize and pity for poor peasant husbands.

Figure 11.

Unlike the previous painting "Kosks", written in front of the "Zemstvo" demonstrates us the lyrics of the image of the peasantry and speaks of their unity and good nature.

Another famous artist-Magnifier Maksimov Vasily Maksimovich all his work has been studied the development of the theme of the peasantry. One of his main works, the work of the "Narchar in a rustic wedding" shows the true kind of Russian village, here the author is trying to uncover the charm of folk images, the peasant life, but the author reflected not only the life of the peasant, but also described the image of the Russian peasantry, in such pictures as " Sick husband "," Family section ", etc.

Contributed to the development of this topic and such an artist as archups Abram Efimovich. About the archup is not well known, but it says a lot about his work. The main theme of Arkhipov's creativity is the peasant. He wrote a lot of paintings about peasant life, they include such a "drunkard", "Book" (Fig. 12), "North Village", "on the Volga" and others. All paintings show true life Peasants after the cancellation of serfdom.

Figure 12.

Each painting archupov shows the scene of peasant life. For example, "Book" cannon shows us exhaustive, heavy work. In this picture, we can trace the image detail, as well as social motifs. Social motifs can be traced in the image of fatigue from hard work and the hopelessness of their position of women, as well as mental longing, which is caused by a sense of hopelessness.

In consideration of this item, such artists like Perov and Repin should not be forgotten. Repin Ilya Efimovich - outstanding artistThe theme of the peasantry for him was not the main, but his first picture on this topic was world famous. "Burlaki on the Volga" (Figure 13) is this picture that we still know from school, it emphasizes many literary works. Each is individual on the painting of Burlakov, but they all show the oppression of the poor. The picture calls for mercy towards ordinary people. Repin showed this sentence to this contemporary society and showed oppression of powerless.

Figure 13.

Like the Repina Perov, peasant plots wrote, but unlike him, he paid great importance to this topic. He wrote many cloths on the theme of peasant oppression and severe peasant destiny. Vasily Perov, as the Repin wrote a picture of a similar "burlaci on the Volga", the picture "Troika". The meaning is similar, but in the second work of Perov says not about Bream, but about ordinary children who pull a barrel with water. Pattern Perova tells us about the need of peasants and peasant children and about their hard path, the latter emphasizes the author, showing how cold, water freezes on the street, so we can imagine how cold children carry such a burden.

Figure 14.

Authors depicting images of the Russian peasantry express national character Russian people. Artists in their canvases depict the real life of the Russian society of the 19th century, but speaking of the Russian peasantry in art should not be forgotten about writers who tried to reach Russian society, raising the urgent issue of consolidation.

"Return from the city." Fragment. / "Peasant girls in the forest." Fragment. Price: 266.5 thousand dollars. Christie "s. (2011).

Name Alexey Ivanovich Korzukhina rarely mentioned among family artists Russia XIX. century. But from this his creative heritage does not become less weighty in the history of art. Korzukhin - great artist, one of the best Russian painters of the household genre, whose name was forgotten. While his paintings are real documentary evidence of life and the life of the Russian people in the year before last. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Drunk Father Family". (1861). Author: A.I. Korzuchin." title=""Drunk father of the family." (1861).

The requirements of the Academy to students were high, and all the achievements of Korzukhin were not easy, but painstakingly work and diligence he was close to getting a gold medal and a foreign trip to enhance skill. Alas, the will of fate, he was among those students headed by Ivan Kramsky, who left the academy in protest against an imposed topic graduation work. This riot was named - "Bunk 14 and". A few years later, Alexey Korzukhin still returned to the Academy and received the title of Academician.

All his skills and skill Alexey Ivanovich dedicated to the household genre, reflecting the scene from the daily life of the people. But, unlike the artists who wrote in this genre and denounced the unfair existing order, Korzukhin was inclined to rebar and to indignation - on his canvases we do not see the accusatory pathos of the mobile phone. "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Gull Party" (1889)." alt=""Commemoration in the village cemetery." Author: A.I. Korzuchin." title=""Commemoration in the village cemetery."

In 1865, Korzukhin was assigned to the first-degree rank of the artist, and in 1868, the Academy assigned the title of academician in 1868 for the painting "Return of the Father of the Family Family Family.

"Return of the father of the family from a rural fair." (1868)" alt=""Sunday Day."

All the skill of the painter is brightly visible on the Sunday Day canvas. Composition of this special picture Amazing. Its center is a boiling samovar, around which the entire plot is tied. The whole family is assembled and is about to start the trapes. In the meantime, they are having fun, dance and play.

From such a living and cheerful plot blows with family warmth, tasty lunch smell. The viewer appears the desire to get on this cheerful glade itself, go to dance, play a harmonist and simply breathe the air of this amazing spring day.

"Return from the city." (1870) "Alt \u003d" (! Lang: "Avian Enemies" (1887).

Three peasant barefoot boys early morning bravely stepped on"охоту". Ловля птиц на продажу дает им неплохой доход, поэтому ребята подходят к этому занятию ответственно. Об этом говорят клетки для будущей добычи и длинный шест для ловли. Старший мальчик, по-видимому, увидел стаю пернатых и увлекает за собой, указывая другим, куда им следует двигаться.!}

"At the scratch of bread." (1890)

What to do? "And the spectator has a heart to pain.

"Collect failure." (1868) "Alt \u003d" (! lang: "Licay (1872)".

Pictures O. not easy life and life simple people, about his deprivation, suffering and small joy wrote and contemporary A. Korzukhin famous Russian artist