How to locate the entrance door to the house. In which direction of the light is the entrance door

How to locate the entrance door to the house. In which direction of the light is the entrance door
How to locate the entrance door to the house. In which direction of the light is the entrance door

The front-shui entrance door is of fundamental importance: the quality of the energy of Qi included in the house will be determined precisely by the location of the door.

If the basic requirements of Feng Shui are not observed - the dwelling from the moment of construction is filled with negative energy from which it will be difficult to get rid of it. If you build a house - consider the features of the requirements of Feng Shui immediately, then it will be much easier to furnish the house and fill it with a positive.

The main door through which people enter the building should be massive, large, and the more solid - the better. It is required to bring good luck to someone who brings the main money to the house - the breadwinner. And if the owner is lucky and rich - they will not endure the needs and other households.

Unsuccessfully located doors

If the vertical line passes along the main door and the window is not good in terms of Feng Shui. Favorable energy Qi and good luck will not love this building. You can talk about cases when the entrance and intercomed doors are located opposite each other.

To mitigate the negative effect, put a screen, light partition, or any other barrier on the way of direct energy - this will allow it to slow down, smoothly flowing the obstacle, become more favorable. The unsuccessful door arrangement in front of the window or opposite the other door can also be adjusted by the bells (wind music).

Nevertheless, such means of energy correction of the apartment do not eliminate adverse effects, but only soften them.

When windows and interior doors are on the wall, which is perpendicular to the entrance door, Feng Shui apartments are much better. The energy of q will settle and smoothly spread at your home.

Avoid installing large windows "to the floor" in the hallway - in the configuration of the Feng Shui they will be recognized as doors, and there is nothing worse than the doors in the same wall with the main entrance to the dwelling.

Where is the entrance?

The entrance to the dwelling should not be sent to objects with strong energy yin (church, prison, cemetery, hospital, monastery). It is possible to neutralize the negative, painting the outdoor side of the door of red paint. It is not worth sending the entry side of the road junction - it leads to discords in the family.

Bad, when the hill or mountain is located opposite the entrance to the dwelling. Living in the apartment, it does not particularly concern, but for the home is of great importance. It is better to change the location of the entrance door so that the plain is in front of it. Do not arrange a garbage dump opposite the main door - it entails various problems in the career and financial issues.

How to paint the door?

The front door on the hair dry shui is associated with the direction with the direction that it comes out. Find out the side of the light in which the entrance looks into your home, and choose the appropriate color to it.

Element East - traditionally tree. If the sun comes in opposite your door, it is better to choose green and brown for her, and since it is elements that eat the elements and water, use their colors to create a great hairdryer.

The south corresponds to the element of fire, and the best color, of course red. Other suitable colors for fire elements are yellow, orange, pink and purple. Food is a tree, which means that brown and green will also fit.

The best colors for the Western door are metal, white and gray colors, while you can apply the color of the earth, but it is worth avoiding the colors of fire and water weakening the metal.

North is the direction of water, so choose the black and blue color for the door. If these colors are not suitable for the exterior of the house - you can paint the front door to white or gray, for the metal - power for the water element. Do not paint the north door in the colors of the tree and the fire - the tree is powered by water, and the fire devours it.

Intermediate sectors also have recommendations on color: southeast - black and blue, southwest - yellow, sand, beige, red, purple, orange. But when choosing a color, take into account your attitude to it: if for some reason the color suitable for the teachings of Feng Shui does not like you personally, causing dislike and rejection, it is not worth raping and blindly follow the recommendations. First of all, the house should be cozy to you.

For the northwestern doors, the colors of the West will be good, because the main element of the North-West is a metal. However, and the northern colors are not prohibited.

Northeast - place of development and spiritual growth. This is the kingdom of land. Use the color of the earth and fire, but beware of weakening colors - green, white, gray, blue, black.

Mirrors and doors

The location of various items relative to the entrance door is of great importance. Good luck will leave the apartment from the residents if their entrance door can be seen in the mirror, for example.

Located opposite the windows, the entrance doors will not be able to keep positive energy in the house, it enters the door and goes out the window (sometimes on the contrary). When buying an apartment, it is why it is worth paying attention to the mutual position of the entrance door relative to the windows.

Also, it is also impossible (according to individual experts) hang clock on the wall, in which the input and interior doors are located. The clock can stop or fall from the wall from the constantly clapping doors - this is true. It will not be too convenient to look at the clock above the door in the apartment.

The subconscious feeling that it is necessary to go somewhere, or that someone will come now - it does not contribute to mental health.

But the stories that the clock is of great importance in Feng Shui and are interconnected with the location of the door - the bikes, which should not believe.

Given all the nuances and the requirements of Feng Shui, you can ensure your luck and material prosperity forever.

How to effectively correct the shortcomings?

The shortcomings associated with the position of the entrance door, interior doors and windows should be provided for construction, because it is virtually impossible to correct them or very difficult in practice. If you live in the apartment - just use bells, flashlights, screen and other hairdryer attributes, which helps to smooth out the consequences of violations and keep positive energy in the house, does not light up the free output of the energy negative.

Fengshui does not help a person in material life - Alexander Anischenko, head of the Russian Academy Fengshui, believes. This teaching is part of the religion of Taoism, and the task of any religion to help a person grow spiritually. Fengshui helps organize space so that it gives a person an additional energy that can be directed, including and to receive material goods.

In Feng Shui, vital energy is called qi. In the books on Feng Shui there are thousands of rules, how to attract Qi to your home. In this article we will talk how to choose from the point of view of this philosophy, because it is through them qi falls into the house.

Doors in House and Feng Shui

The height of the opening should be sufficient for all family members. The inlet steel door on Feng Shui in the apartment should be more interior. Choose a canvas of a rectangular shape, arched structures better avoid.

What is in front and the threshold is also important. Before the entrance is undesirable columns and pillars. It slows down and blocks the course. So that the energy does not stop on the threshold, watch the cleanliness in the hallway. Remove trash and excess furniture. Well, if in the hallway light. So, if there is no window, turn the light more often.

These rules are understandable even to a person far from Feng Shui. They are dictated by the comfort and safety of residents. The following recommendations cannot be explained rationally, but the followers of the teachings are confident that they work.

Energy door on hair dryer for careerists

In Encyclopedias, Feng Shui is much attention to choosing the location of the input group. These tips will be useful if you decide to buy new accommodation.

  • If you are important to recognize in the professional sphere, pay attention to the southern direction. This option is also suitable for active, purposeful people.
  • Also for those whose aspirations are associated with a career, a favorable eastern location of the door.
  • For those who dream of financial well-being, a favorable southeastern direction.
  • If you are aspire to gain knowledge, the northeastern direction will be favored. But this location of the input group is not always good for older people.

Favorable location of the entrance door for those who have a family and children in priority

  • For families with children, a favorable West direction. Feng Shui experts believe that the Energy of Qi, which comes into the house from the West contributes to the proper development of children.
  • If you strive for harmony and happiness in the family choose the south-west direction.
  • Northwest - direction of the head of the family. So the stream of energy will be directed in its direction. This location is suitable for families with traditional way.
  • If you dream about a calm measured life, choose an apartment that is facing north. But there is a risk that the calm course of life will turn into indifference.

What to do those who already live in the apartment, the door is not located in that direction? It is impossible to change its location. But the way the teaching of Feng Shui is that there are other ways to affect the energy of qi.

The color of the entrance door, if they are directed south or north

According to Feng Shui, color can strengthen positive factors and neutralize negative. Therefore, the door of the door is important to coordinate with the direction:

South. Patron Fire. The direction is associated with glory. To strengthen the action of positive energy paint the canvas in red, yellow, green or brown. This will contribute to recognition in a professional environment and growing popularity.

North. Patron water. The direction is responsible for the door career, which is drawn to the north fit cold and contrasting shades: blue, white and black. Avoid yellow, green and brown shades.

Door color, if it is directed to the East or West

East or southeast. Patron Tree. Responsible for financial well-being. Suitable color blue, black and green.

Southwest or northeast. The direction is patronized by the Earth. Responsible for the relationship. Use all shades of yellow, brown, orange colors.

West or Northwest. Here is the metal element, so all the shades of the metal are suitable: bronze, silver, gold. The direction contributes to the development of creative abilities.

In pursuit of happiness and success, all methods are good. Try to apply these tips in practice. Moreover, the rules of Feng Shui do not contradict common sense.

What do you think in an old china, called "households", through which all positive and negative energy flows penetrate?

It is the front door that is best, if there is also a mirror, on the front door on the fengs there are main passages for circulating the energy flows of qi.

Under the ideal circumstances, Qi-flows accumulate and redistributed in the near-solid spaces, and then activate the movement of incoming-leaving residents.

Color of the entrance door on Feng Shui

The importance of lighting the entrance door

Visitors must have easy access, visibility and lighting entrance doors. Since surely illuminated doors show the direction of movement in the houses. The very lighting of the entrance doors is already considered to be protected by the house, as a result, it is not desirable to delay the replacement of burnt light bulbs. The absence or lack of light can lead to a decrease in positive energy, which is fraught with problems.

Selection of suitable colors

The coloring of the doors will be able to tell a lot about homeowner.

  • Red doors give good luck and glory. Actually these colors are more preferable in China.
  • Yellow talk about host hospitality.
  • Blue about calm
  • Green about life forces.

In multi-storey houses, doors are usually made under the tree, so they are their shades and will characterize the owners.

It is not recommended that at the entrance to the house of energy some obstacles are met, for example, second tambourities, nearby walls, colonnades, or simple trash - positive streams meeting such obstacles on the way returned back.

It should be borne in mind that the location of the entrance door on Feng Shui relative to the parties affects the incoming energy flows, and their strength is determined by the colors of the entrance doors.

Consider how it works together.

Northern doors

Affect career growth.

  • They should not be painted in yellow, brown and green.
  • More suitable white, red and black colors.

Southern doors

  • The doors of red and green colors help in supporting an active life position.
  • But they can, and weaken with yellow, brown, blue and black colors.

Western doors

Paste the energy of health and has a beneficial effect on family relationships, but only golden, silver and white.

Oriental doors

What to hang over the front door on the fan


One of the most ancient protective symbols of the house comes horseshoes. They are also favorable fengsui-talismans, because the horseshoes have perfect forms to keep Qi. Close to the spirit of Feng Shui Indian system Vasta Shastra, considers horseshoes among the strongest security talismans, besides, they attract good luck.

Despite the fact that the horseshoes are not traditional feng-talismans, they are undoubtedly a wonderful faith for entrance doors.

The music of wind

In some homes in the doorways hang wind music, believing that attracting these Qi and scare the evil spirits.

However, this is a big mistake, especially if the wind music is made of metal. It, similar to the mirror located on the hairdryer Shui opposite the door, will display energy flows back.


For the teachings of Fenzui to create protection in the house, above the door it is worth sinking a simple metal bell.

Wind music in this case can be moved away from the entrance door, approximately in the center of the hallway, where it will help in the redistribution of qi energy in residential premises, especially when the toilet is located opposite the front door.

Well, opposite the entrance to the house hang bright, infant eye composition (paintings, photos). These can be images with flowers bouquets or a large decorative fan.

In cases where the columns, sewer pipes, sharp corners of the walls are located opposite the doors, or the bathroom (toilet) is to distinguish them with the door of bamboo or beaded curtains with bright pictures on them. These attributes will help a greater entry into the house of Qi-flows and spread through other residential premises of the house.

What not to hang opposite the doors along the Feng

Ideal when there is a free space on the sides of the entrance door, which will create a sense of life prospects and will help in achieving the goals. And from what is worth abandoning the interior of the hallway?


According to experts, the worst option will be mirrors opposite the front door on Feng Shui. Under such circumstances, almost everyone in the home cylinder houses will be recorded back.

As a result of the establishment of a mirror opposite the front door on Feng, in residential premises will come, extremely little energy, which is necessary for the state of health, abundance and prosperity, as well as personal happiness.

To adjust the mirror on a different wall should be moved, preferably perpendicular to the previous location. For example, a mirror, a lot of negativism can be smoothed at the front door on the fanchee and correct energy flow

Deaf Wall

There is also no better option, it is also corrected. It is not necessary to destroy the wall, you can simply hang an image on it (picture, photo wallpaper) of open space, in particular, fields or leaving distance in the distance. But not water landscapes, especially with a floating ship. Otherwise, new perspectives can float and even funds.

Nevertheless, due to the fact that the water still attracts qi well, the panel can be hanging on one of the lateral walls. It will be fine if it is a floating sailboat in the house.

Military topics

It can also attract bankruptcy, judicial claims and even the broken processes.

Direction of the entrance door on Feng Shui

Choosing houses or apartments preferably consider some recommendations for the location of the entrance doors.

  • It is not desirable to have three doors on one wall at once, especially if one of them is input. Such an arrangement to become a fatal threat to residents. If the situation is not reversible, then the entrance doors should be blocked from other partitions or dense shirms.
  • Fengusui recommends placing the front door so that they lead to an entrance hall or in a spacious hall. Under such circumstances, all negativism will remain in the hallway, and exceptionally positive energy flows will be penetrated into residential premises.
  • Under no circumstances, the front doors should not be located near the home inner staircase or to be a continuation. A similar situation will lead to the lightning output of QU-ENERGY and the increase in negativism from Sha-Energy.

Attention! The most bad location of the doors are single-level doors or with an entrance leading directly on the staircase. In such dwellings, discomfort will be indispensable, feeling danger, often frequent diseases are also excluded. A simple way to avoid negativity is to raise the threshold for several centimeters so that the part in the house has to be recalculated through it.

Where the front door opens

In the perfect understanding of Masters Fenzui, the entrance door is suspended to the nearest wall of the house and open towards this wall.

If the entrance door is opposite to the toilet

Practical experience shows that in almost every apartment of old, Soviet homes opposite the front door there are either toilets or mirrors or all together. On Feng Shui, it is an extremely harmful and dangerous trend. Because the house provokes a whole many human problems that no one thought about.

So, if the toilet is located before the entrance, then all the incoming luck will simply be washed into the sewer. If there is no possibility on the transfer of the toilet, while at least you must always hold toilet doors closed.

It is even better to put a screen about what has already been mentioned above.

In any case, Feng Shui recommends when buying an apartment or at home carefully refers to the location of the door, the entrance to the entrance and decoration of the hallway with mirrors and paintings. Each of these trifles can bring positive energy and wealth to the house or rid it from negative.

Through the entrance door to the apartment or to the house, the main part of positive and negative energy passes. Through the location of the entrance door, it depends on what kind of energy flow will fall into your room.

What prevents the passage of energy into the apartment through the entrance door?

The passage to the apartment or to the house should not have different barriers from things.

The location of the door near the elevator or staircase, the Feng Shui is considered an unfavorable sign. Residents of such an apartment may have health problems. You can eliminate the problem with a threshold where negative energy will be delayed.

It is not desirable that immediately after the last step was the entrance door, otherwise, the money in the house will not linger for a long time. So that money in the house remains, make a small platform.

The most basic cause of various troubles in the house is coming home with a bad mood. Before arrival home, try to leave all your problems behind the entrance door. In exactly the same way, take the accumulated anger from your home to the street and various troubles.

Clean the negative energy (bad mood) in nature. Stroll a few hours in a small forest park, in the meadows or near the reservoir. Even in the first hour of privacy, you can feel the influx of positive and sedative energy. Your bioenergy will start increasing and the damaged chakra of a person will begin to recover.

Where along the Feng Shui should open the door ideally, the front door must be located near the extreme wall. It is desirable that the entrance door be opened on the same wall and inside the room. With this location, a sense of space is created and after penetrating the room, the door is convenient to close (Fig. A).

In modern apartments, in order to fire safety, the entrance door is installed so that it opens the door to outward. In this option, in the corridor or in the hallway there is more useful place, but it is less convenient to open and close it (Fig. B).

In which direction should the door from the direction of the entrance door depends on the health of the owner, and this is talking about the well-being in the family. At all times, the main owners of the house considered the oldest man of male sex. In the modern world, a lot of things changed and some masters of Feng Shui, speaking of the owner of the house, mean the head of the family and in not frequent cases it has a woman.

When the entrance door is located northwest, this means that the head of the family is a good leader and a family man. Neighbors to it relate with respect.

North - a calm and kind person who has not strongly developed leadership abilities, but he loves and appreciates his family. Perhaps, at first glance, calm, but, with time, it can turn into lethargy.

Northeast - due to the drain of two energies, possible problems in mutual understanding in the family. But, this does not mean that the entrance door is located in the wrong direction, even on the contrary, the owner is waiting for new opportunities and active life. To the east - for a young family, this means great opportunities both in business and in family life.

Southeast - this direction of the entrance door will improve your financial condition.

South - such a location of the door speaks of a strong and progressive character. Magic and leadership, these are two components of a person. With this location of the door under the influence of fire, with a big desire, the owner of the house will be able to achieve high results, and to avoid a quarrel in the family, cool its temperament from time to time.

Southwest - here well-being belongs to the mother and women in the family. With this location of the entrance door, the main role in the family often falls on the weak half of humanity.

West is a good direction of the entrance door if children live in the house. The Western side is symbolized with creative development and romantic feelings.

Qi energy is going to the entrance door and penetrates through it. The Chinese are interested in the entrance door with mergers or gates through which Qi passes.

Dangers waiting outside

That is why pay attention to your entrance door outside: whether there are no secret arrows on it, sending aggressive energy Sha.The probability of such arrows in your side happens if you live in your own home, as the outside of the room is the secret arrows are created by sharp corners and pointed roofs opposite your home, satellite plates and power lines, lonely growing trees, etc.

More details: The enemy needs to know in the face: Secret arrows

If you live in an apartment building, then from the side of the entrance you can wait for the elevator or stairs, which are directly opposite the entrance door. To protect yourself from malicious energy, try slightly raise the threshold. So malicious energy will be harder to get into the house.

What color is suitable for the front door according to Feng Shui

For the door located on westor Northwest, Suitable colors of metal elements: white, gray.

For the door, located on south-westor Northeast, The colors of the Earth Element are suitable: light yellow, beige, brown, sandy shades.

If the door is located in southern sector, it is perfectly suitable for the colors of the fiery element: red, orange, purple, saturated yellow.

If the door is located on eastor Southeast, It is good to use the colors of the tree element: brown, green, salad.

For the door located in the north, Aquatic Element Colors are suitable: blue, blue, black.

Adverse location of the entrance door in the interior. Possible problems

Cases are adversely when:

  • bathroom and (or) Toilet are located opposite the front door,
  • bathroom and (or) Toilet are located above the entrance door,
  • the staircase indoors is located opposite the entrance,
  • the wall that is too close is located opposite the entrance door,
  • another entrance door (rear output) is opposite the front entrance door,
  • the mirror is located opposite the front door.

Consider all cases.

Bathroom and (or) Toilet are located opposite the entrance door

The bathrooms have a not a good reputation in Feng Shui. By nature, bathrooms have a stagnant, low energy and are characterized by a drainage of energy. Of course, this does not mean that in the bathroom it is impossible to make a good hair dry shui, but also the protection should not be neglected.

Why unfriendly : Finding into the house, the energy of qi first rushes forward and gets straight into the bathroom (bathroom), where it is safely washed off through the sewer.

How to adjust the situation:

  • Keep the door to the bathroom is always closed. And in the bathroom itself, follow the condition of the cranes and pipes (they should not leak or drip).

Bathroom and (or) Toilet are located above the entrance door

Such a problem can be found in a private house.

Why unfriendly : The entrance door is symbolically poured on top.

How to adjust the situation :

  • Create a separation between the two spaces - the bathroom and the area of \u200b\u200bthe inlet door - with the help of flooring or rug of the desired color. The color is determined depending on the Bagua sector in which the bathroom or toilet is located. However, if it is the northern sector, you should not use a lot of water element, which is again capable of pouring from above. To weaken the water, add the colors of the tree element.
  • Keep the door to the bathroom is always closed.
  • Strengthen protection from the bathroom can also be used using the lamp in the main entrance zone. Well with this will cope with a crystal chandelier, for example.
  • Visually push the energy up and such a way to repulse using wallpaper predominantly with a vertical strip or movement, as well as high lamps.

The staircase indoors is opposite the entrance

Why unfriendly : Finding into the house, the energy of qi rushes up the stairs, leaving the first floor without energy.

Of course the house is home. And if the hallway is large, it is likely that energy is gradually and harmoniously spread through the rooms. This is more the problem of small parishions when the staircase is opposite the entrance. In such cases, the energy is forced to ride up the stairs.

How to adjust the situation:

It is necessary to slow down the energy and focus it on other things.

  • Use a large plant or an outdoor vase on the way of the energy, if the place allows.
  • You can hang a mirror or a bright picture that distracts attention.
  • In addition, you can use wind or crystal music.

The wall that is too close is located opposite the entrance door

Why unfriendly : The wall that is located opposite and (or) is too close to the input door can block the stream of energy, thereby creating a stagnant space where nothing good happens.

How to adjust the situation:

  • To detain energy, you can use beautiful pictures, bright wallpapers, live plants.

Rear exit is opposite the main entrance door

Why unfriendly : Not having time to get into the house, energy immediately goes out through the other door.

How to adjust the situation:

  • It's good to hang on the back door curtain: she will distract attention from the door.
  • In addition, you can distract attention with the help of wind music and crystals suspended on the ceiling.

Mirror is located opposite the entrance door

Why unfriendly: as soon as the Energy qi falls into the apartment or the house, the mirror instantly reflects it and removes it back.

How to adjust the situation :

  • Under any conditions do not hang the mirror opposite the entrance door!

Entrance door in Feng Shui: other aspects

In Feng Shui, the most favorable sector for the entrance door is considered northwestSince he is connected with the head of the family, the oldest and authoritative man in the house. However, not always the entrance is in this sector, but it is not scary: the rest of the sectors and directions are no worse.

Southwestthe direction is connected with the mother, the oldest woman in the family. There is a possibility of disharmony in the family associated with the increasing dominance of the mother. To weaken such an effect, add metal element in the sector.

The entrance door located in northern sector helps maintain a calm lifestyle. But taking into account the fact that the element of the sector is water, the main thing is not to overdo it with it, because the excess element can lead to apathy, indecision and constant fatigue. To weaken the water element add some tree.