Neoetics in Russia. Russian pseudochika and european neoochika: architectural cousins \u200b\u200benglish neoctic

Neoetics in Russia. Russian pseudochika and european neoochika: architectural cousins \u200b\u200benglish neoctic

Neoetics in architecture at first of the XVIII century throughout the United Kingdom Trendy architectural trends were based on the classic aesthetics of palladianism, then closer to the end of the century, the British interest gave the roll towards the Gothic motives. At first, the buildings were similar to medieval temples only outwardly, but later style Neoetics It has strengthened so much that he gave rise to the construction of many objects throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe Empire.

The Westminster Palace became a typical example of the English building of the Victorian era. His appearance is still one of the national symbols of London and the country as a whole. However, the popularity of neogenic touched the engineering structures, proof of which is the majestic Tower Bridge.

From the Great Past to Progress

The construction of the Tower Bridge was initiated in 1886 due to the acute necessity of a device further to the London Cross Bridge through Thames. His construction was completed for 8 years: in 1894, the bridge appeared to the public. Key figures in its history were:

  • H. Jones is an ideologist of the construction, the architect of many buildings of London;
  • D. Barry - an engineer who also worked on other bridges through the Thames;
  • D. Stevenson - an architect assigned by the project manager after the death of H. Jones.

The characteristic neootic appearance appearance is given by two pilons - beginners and closing the passage high towers with sharp spiers and stylized under the middle eyelid sculpture. The very fact of their presence is already indicated to relatives with the constructive features of the bridges of feudal times. If then the bridge towers were built to ensure control and travel of travel, now pylons support sidewalks at high from the river level.

Possessing a frame system of the device, these elements of the Tower bridge have fairly thin walls with large window openings. Such a specificity clearly proves that gothic and neoetics - Related to each other genres. Well communication epoch shows the presence of an exquisite elevated decor on the walls made in the facing of Portland limestone and Cornwall granite - materials traditional for finishing medieval castles of England.

Interestingly, he received his appearance bridge not only at the expense of fashion trends, but also due to his proximity to one of the oldest fortresses in Britain - Tower. Against the background of the fact that even then her walls and towers had a sacred value for the British, the desire of the authorities and citizens of new objects to erect in similar stylistics becomes clearly obvious.

There is no barrel of honey without impurities. The Tower Bridge is experiencing not only the Tower itself, but also more modern, although the old buildings. His features contributed to the emergence of the opinion that the construction spoils the historical appearance of London. However, if the bridge had been smaller, he could hardly effectively cope with his tasks.

Advanced engineering solutions

According to the principle of its work, the Tower Bridge is a peddler structure huge for the end of the XIX century power: its spans with a common weight over 11,000 tons are able to rise by 86 degrees. For the process of disclosing elements initially responded hydraulic mechanisms. The force for them was generated by four high-performance steam engines operating on the corner.

In 1982, the breeding system was modernized and equipped with an electro-hydraulic drive on a gear transmission, and in 2000 it is also automated. Outdated equipment is available to meet tourist interest. Museum platforms are broken in the interiors of towers and former pedestrian galleries at the height.

The large carrier ability of the spans is created due to the use of the rod system, where the support elements were performed from carbon steel. The multi-torque metal design is installed on large poults, for the manufacture of which it took more than 70,000 tons of concrete.

For a walking pass, there are sidewalks located along the roadway. However, the main advantage of the Tower Bridge for pedestrians in the presence of special galleries remote from the water surface of the river for 44 meters distance. In addition to the utilitarian function, these elements carried and decorative purposes.

Almost all the 20th century, the gallery became the face of criminal elements, which forced them to close them for use. They opened only in 1982: because of the equipment of a glass roof, their appearance approached the High-tech style, but it does not spoil the type of a majestic architectural ensemble.

The current state of the bridge

Architectural sizes of finishes, a brilliant design and a well-thought-out system of the organization make Tower Bridge in the UK One of the most amazing structures in the world. As before, its height allows the free passage of various types of vessels by Thames. However, due to the partial loss of the significance of the river communication, and in part due to the desire to preserve it is now bred no more than 5 times in one week.

Tower bridge today helps citizens to solve a transport question: over 40,000 people at various types of transport and hiking daily cross the river on it. Considering the high load, the Board of the City of London Corporation introduced restrictions on the speed and mass of cars - no more than 32 km / h and not heavier than 18 tons. Such measures are designed to preserve the initial type of sightseeing of the capital.

Tower bridge is impressive with its architecture and admire the principles of work. Imitating medieval architecture, building performs a sample application of progressive technologies.

In your basketThere is not a single product in the basket.

Neoetics in architecture. Church of Alexander Nevsky in Peterhof (1831-1834, Arch. K. F. Shinkel).

Neoetics (new gothic, pseudochika) - direction in architecture that stylistically reminds. Neoetics arose at the end of the 18th - early 19th centuries in England, where the ancient cathedrals and castles created in, who were considered an element of national culture were preserved. Interest in Gothic in Britain did not fade for a long time, even despite the departure from Catholicism (the gothic architecture was a reflection of the ideology of Catholicism) and the formation of Protestantia. Writer Horace Washpol *, a fan of the Gothic era, stylized in 1748 his home in the estate of Strozerry Hill near London under an ancient medieval castle.

Walpol Horace (1717 - 1797) Horace Walpole. English writer, politician, historian and antiquarian. Real name - Horace (Horatio).

In 1747, Walpol bought the estate on the banks of the Thames, near the city of Tiks, under London and began to rebuild it, calling his estate Strawberry Hill ("Strawberry Hill"). The writer reported to her friends that he was going to build a gothic castle in Strokerry Hill, and asked for him vintage colored glass, antique weapons. Construction went to 1770. In 1774, Walpol issued a description of his castle, the second edition was in 1784, then it was again published in 1798 with the illustrations and drawings in the complete writings ("The Works of Horatio Walpole, Earl Of ORFORD ", 1798, Vol. 2). In the neotic architecture of the castle complex used the main structural element of historical Gothic: a frame arch. Stained-glass windows, sculptures, stratven were present in the decor. Despite the fact that the "Gothic" castle caused the admiration of contemporaries who found in it "true" gestures of the style of gothic, in fact, the neo-neutic architecture of the house was distinguished by the multiple characteristic of the "Gothic Renaissance" of the 18th century. It was noticeable to mix architectural styles and directions of different countries and eras, mixed tempecks of temple architecture and castle construction. For example, the doors resembled portals of cathedrals, and the rooms were similar to medieval tombs (the drawings created in the tombstone chapels were repeated in the gallery of the ceiling, and the Camin's prototype was served by the Tomb of Westminster Abbey). However, the writer himself, describing his dwelling, emphasized the conscious use of various techniques and elements of gothic in facades and interiors, and at the same time not to return to everyday life, leaving for itself the opportunity to live in a comfortable space.

A strawberry Hill Walpola Horus. Architect John Chute (John Chute) and draft Richard Bentley (Richard Bentley) 1747-1770.

The writer's castle served as a model for the "Renaissance of Gothic" in the architecture of the 18th century in England, and then throughout Europe. It is believed that returning to Gothic was associated with disappointment, which was tested by the British in connection with the events in France in the 18th century, and the return of the national style. Gothic style was perceived by the British as traditional, so the return to it was perceived as a return to national culture. Another example of the British neo-neutic architecture of Fonthill - Ebi (FONTHILL ABBEY). In 1795, the son of the London Mayor William Beford began to build the estate of Fonthill-Ebi (Fonhill Abbey) on the manner of Gothic Abbey.

In the Epoch of Reformation, many monastic and religious buildings were given to noble families, and thus the cult facilities became housing of English families. The word "abbey" was often present in the title of the noble squads of the British. Reformation is a period of combating the dominance of the Catholic Church and the influence of the Roman Pope in England. British parliament in 1532-33. Missed the verdict, in which England was defined as an independent kingdom, while the king is the head of state in secular issues, and the English clergy does not obey Dictato Rome.

When erecting Fonthill - Ebi, builders tried to reproduce external gothic signs (the 90-meter octagonal tower should symbolize the vertical component characteristic of the Gothic architecture), without being familiar with the design features of Gothic architecture. As a result, the tower in the construction process collapsed several times and restored again, but after another collapse (after the death of the owner), the manor was demolished.

Manor Fonthill Abbey (FONTHILL ABBEY) before destruction.

Gradually, architects developed a universal approach to a neo-neutic style, which began to build churches, town halls, train stations and other public buildings of various purposes. Neojet appeared in the architecture of the British aristocrats. In the middle of the 19th century, Neojeta was officially recognized by the Government of England as a national style. From the 1870s in England, theoretical works on the history of Neoeta appeared. At the board of Queen Victoria in this style, settlements of metropolis and colonies were built up. Negotic universities of Britain and America were built. After the British Parliament burned in a fire, the architects of Augustes Pühin and Charles Barry in 1834, a Westminster Palace was built - a vivid example of neo-neo-neo-architecture. The British architectural and construction school occupied leading positions in Europe, offering to use new engineering achievements in the construction of buildings in neo-style style.

Neoetics in the architecture of Europe and Russia

From England, Neoetics got into Europe. The spread of neootics in architecture has largely contributed to literary works. For example, Shatubin wrote that medieval gothic has most reflected the Christian idea. Victor Hugo wrote the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady", which attracted attention to the Gothic art. In Europe, the spread of neootics in architecture began with Germany. Tired of the national uprisings 1848-1849. The Germans wanted to return to Starin, seeing greater stability in it. In Germany, the Cologne Cathedral was completed, the ruins of Heidelberg Castle, the Rhine Fortress were restored. From the new buildings in the style of neogenic, the most famous are royal castles in Schwangau (Schwangau). These facilities were created by the members of the Vittelsbach dynasty (Haus Wittelsbach). One of the castles - Hohenschwangau - was created by Maximilian II. (1832 -1837) The building was built by the architect Domenico Quado II (Johann Dominicus Quaglio) on the site of the ruins of the old fortress Shvantein (12th century) in the vicinity of the town of Füssen (Füssen) near Lake Alpzee (Alpsee). To date, it belongs to the members of the Royal House of Bavaria, the family of Vittelsbach.

Hohenschwangau Castle (Hohenschwangau) near the city of Füssen (Füssen) near Lake Alpzee (Alpsee) 1832 -1837.

Neuschwanstein Castle (Schloß Neuschwanstein) is built in honor of the legendary knight Lojangrine, Kumir King Ludwig II (1845-1886). The castle is 1.5 km from Hohenschwangau's castle on the site of the destroyed ancient watchtower. The first stone of the main building - Palace - was laid in 1869 plans and drawings of Neuschwanstein developed architects Edward Ridel and Georg Dolman with the participation of the Munich theater artist Christian Yanka. Construction was carried out 17 years.

Neuschwanstein Castle (Schloß Neuschwanstein) Not far from Castle Hohenschwangau 1845-1886.

In the second half of the 18th century, Neojeta in architecture applies to Russia. In Russian architects, the work of English architects had a great influence. And by the 19th century two directions of neoota in the architecture of Russia were separated. One of them was expressed in the construction of Catholic churches and at the same time the architects reproduced the forms of medieval architecture with great accuracy. Basically, this direction was developed in the Western regions of Russia, where most Catholics lived. The facades of the buildings in the style of New Gothic were distinguished by a great variety: there were single-bladeed, two-bone facades and facades with pinakles, as well as without towers or with spiers.

Pinacle (Pinacle) - Decorative Turkey with Pointed Spire

The bright example of neo-food in the architecture of Russia is the church of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary in Moscow (1901-1917). The temple is a cross-shaped pseudo-supply. It is believed that the facade of the cathedral in Westminster Abbey served as the prototype of the facade of the church, and the roof was created on the likeness of the Milan Cathedral. String windows are decorated with stained glass windows.

Cathedral of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Moscow. 1901-1917. Arch. F.I. Bogdanovich.

In neo-style style, not only temple structures for Catholics were erected, the second direction of the architecture of this style was private and profitable homes. The reflection of the revived fashion on Gothic was noticeable in Russian estates: in Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Shuvalov. Neoetics in the architecture of profitable houses was emphasized by luxurious front entrances, stroken window openings, decorated frontones, spiers and towers. An example is the "Castle of Richard Lion Heart" (1902-1904), created by order of the Kiev Industrialist Dmitry Orlova (during this period Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire).

"Richard Castle Lion Heart" - a building created under the Gothic English Castle. According to the project R.R. Marfeld (1902-1904)

Mansion Z.G. Morozova (1893-1898), Arch. F.O. Shechor. In the design of the mansion used elements of Gothic and Mauritanian architecture, which resembles the Gothic structures of Spain.

Each country developed its own direction of neo-food in architecture. This style in different countries reflected local culture, historical experience of society. Neojeta was expressed either in copying elements of known gothic structures or their elements, or in its eclectic manifestation, interpreting medieval forms, combined with other styles.

As part of the review of the historical British architecture and its influence on modern home-building, we have already considered. The next historical style was Gothic and it settled on the territory of Europe by no one century.

Its ideological prerequisites was a refusal of massive forms of Romanesque style and religious motifs. In those days, the architecture developed primarily within the framework of the temple buildings, and the architects for a couple with the clergymen decided that the narrow, aspiring the form of gothic would personify the desire for the better - to God, that is.

The main features of the Gothic style

    Extracted, directed upwards. Perhaps this is the most important feature of Gothic - Whatever its subspecies, era or country, it will always seek up and something to resemble the ordered planting of narrow stone formations.

    Many sharp elements. This feature is associated with the previous one. Gothic is characteristic of being "barbed", have angular and sharp both shapes and decor.

    Diverse decor. The main difference of gothic from the Romanesque style was that Gothic actively uses the decor. It is mainly implemented in the form of statues, elegant patterns and rare bas-reliefs.

Of course, in addition to these, Gothic has many other features, such as silicon windows, abundance of repeating elements, frame system, and so on. But since we are interested in this style mainly in terms of influence on modernity, we are considering general trends.

Views of Gothic

As we mentioned, the Gothic style existed in Europe in general and in England in particular, not a single century and, naturally, with time he was modified. And in addition to the classic early gothic, it makes sense to allocate two subspecies:

Gothic in modern construction

In the modern world, the gothic architecture is practically not used in its pure form. Some elements can be involved, more or less relevant stylization occurs in different kind of entertainment facilities, such as pubs and bars. But there, as understandable, obliges the atmosphere.

Gothic in a country house building

Gothic - the style of temples, castles, fortresses. And it is simply impossible to realize it with fully. And it is not necessary - the comfort of the cottage is waiting for comfort, amenities, a home atmosphere, and not an angry hanging statue of the Gargulia, which reminds of the sores. Therefore, the country house-building takes only elements from Gothic: vertical orientation, shape of windows, neat turrets. But adds a lot of yours: wood, bright and pleasant tones, elements. Here are some houses that are converting gothic canons to the country legs, but at the same time held in their framework:


Despite the entire severity of the Gothic style, many find a certain charm in it, especially if you correctly approach the integration issue. Our professional designers and architects know a lot about such issues - and can make for you an architectural project of a stylish, cozy and comfortable country house with elements of the Gothic style. And there is not far to the immediate implementation, which you can also order from us.

Hello the respected community and guests of the resource!
A Have you ever conceived, what is required by the Victorian era with her charm? Of course, there are many factors, and unrestrained progress and new ways to study the world and the appearance of philosophies of the church of the church denying the morality, against the background of religious fanaticism and the first protests against the shortest standards of behavior in society ... and a lot of things. True, it seems to me that the Victorian epoch must be a lion's share of this charm. So let's talk about ...... Nejote!

This amazing style is inextricably associated with the Victorian era, and not wise, given that it was the British Empire of 18-19 centuries that laid the beginning of the triumphal march of Neojet, as well as the fact that it was in the British Empire that this style was especially common. It happened in two stages: Early British Neootik and Victorian Neoetics. I will not conduct a detailed analysis of the Victorian architecture, it is rather an overview, although I tried to look at the cause of the heyday of such an unusual style. Let's start in order.
The appearance of the actual style of the "Neoetic" style is associated with the name of the fourth Count Orford, Horace Walpola.

Horace Walpol.

This English writer became the first author of the "Gothic" novel in 1764, the action, which occurs in Oranto's castle in the era of the first crusade. The plot of this work that became a bestseller, Hores inspired by the estate of Strozerry Hill, which he acquired in 1747 (in some sources mentioned 1746 and 1748). It was then that he decided to turn the estate in his own "medieval" castle, in which, among other things, there was even a knightly hall.

Strokerry Hill.

Now we are already, strictly speaking, we cannot attribute this castle to neoothetic, as part of it was built in the style of Rococo, but it was the idea of \u200b\u200bWalpola who gave impetus to the development of a neo-neutic style. However, the writer himself confessed that he didn't strive for a strict gothic style, so as not to deprive himself convenience, the estate was to satisfy his fantasy and nothing more. It is from Stroberry-Hill that the gothic decor went to the gothic decor. It became a fashionable "chip".
And the Duke of Argail, for example, even attracted to the construction of his "medieval" castle in the Scottish estate of Inrearri, the brother of the most fashionable at the time of the architect, the founder of the "Adam-Style" of Robert Adam, William.


One of the most striking examples of such extremes was the construction of an impressive estate of Fonthill-Abby, the son of a rich English planter, William Beckford, who, after the death of his wife, decided to build a grand building resembling the Gothic Cathedral.

William Becford.

Fonthill Ebby.

The magnificence of this building can only be compared with his sad fate. His architect was James White, who was not, especially, familiar with the construction of such structures. The main feature was the octagonal tower, reached at the initial construction, ninety meters. The first option was made of wood and cement. He collapsed in a few months, and Beckford sincerely regretted that he had not seen her grandiose sight with his own eyes. The second tower, from the same material was built for six years, she also collapsed, well, and the third, stone, the option built seven years, was finally collapsed in 1825, after 12 years, after the end of the construction of the entire castle. In 1822, Bekford ruined, losing his Yamaican plantations, and sold the building from John Farkvhara. Gradually, the rest of the construction and the castle were demolished, leaving only a small part of the northern wing.

The surviving northern wing.

Less secured British used in construction only characteristic, for gothic, elements, like that, stroke arches, loopholes, etc.

The starting point for the next stage of the spread of Neootch was the fire of 1834 of the Westminster Palace belonging to the British Parliament.
The construction of the new building was instructed by Ogasses Pühryu and Charles Barry. The competition and from the ninety seven (!) Competitors were chosen by the project that the project was chosen. Ironically, Poujunis, from fifteen years fascinated by the gothic architecture of Normandy, and adopted Catholicism, was an active supporter of Roman Catholic gothic in England architecture. He believed that all the useful elements of the building should not be hidden, but to be decorated. Poujumen expressed his views in the work of the "apology of the revival of Christian architecture in England." Barry, after visiting the Ottoman Empire, at the age of 22, was impressed by the Italian architecture of the era of the opposition. It is this journey and the magnificent fortresses of the first crusades that have seen in it, forced him to engage in architecture.

Ogasses Pühry.

Charles Barry.

These two neoctic enthusiast from the initial medieval palace left only the Westminster Hall of Takes (1097) and the jewelry tower (for the treasury Eduard III). The magnificence created by them became the visiting card of the entire neo-neutic style, the joke of Lee, the Palace Clock Tower, Big Ben - the symbol of the UK, although, strictly speaking, such a name originally wore a bell on the tower, and the Palace himself in 1987 was included in the UNESCO Heritage List.

Palace of Westminster.

Another bright work of the Pewžena is the Nottingham Cathedral, visited by the Holy Varnava.

Cathedral of St. Varnava.

And Charles Barry, among other works, was engaged in the reconstruction of Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square.

And here, as they say rushed. Instead of the term "neoochika" then used the word "revival" (English Revival). The style became an original British, in this style, tighten the Town Hall, universities, schools and train stations. In the neo-style style, the Royal Judgment Dvor, the court of the highest instance of England and Wales, erected by the project George Edmund Street.

Royal Judgment Courtyard.

St. Pancras Station building, named after the nearby church of St. Pankracy. Erected in 1865-68, architect Georg Gilbert Scott.

Saint Pancras.

The same architect designed the Memorial of Prince Albert, in the Kensington Park of London, opened in 1875 by the Queen of Victoria in honor of his husband.


College of St. Stephen. 1876 \u200b\u200byear.

College Harris Manchester. 1889.

Tower bridge over the River Thames, not far from London Tower. Designed by Horace Jones, opened in 1894.

Tower Bridge.

This style admiralized other countries. Gothic architecture, first of all, touched upon the colony, the truth in America was weak. There was greatly popular antique style and neo-shall. In the countries of German-speaking Europe, Neo-Neticism has undergone some changes related to the acute competition of non-hereniss styles and non-turnway. And to a greater extent, the rotation of the Gothic style there was perceived as the completion of medieval long-term prison, such as the Cologne Cathedral.

Cologne Cathedral.

However, the Bavarian King Ludwig II deployed the construction of Neuschwanstein Castle in 1869, which became one of the symbols of world neootics.


In Romanesque countries, they were fond of the heritage of antiquity and Renaissance. In France, Neojeta came quickly late and weakly rooted. The frivolous French was alien to the monumental majesty of neoota. But we must admit that Roman Viktor Hugo "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" (1830) forced the French to think about the preservation of the heritage of medieval architecture.

The greatest Spanish architect, Antonio Gaudi, on whose account many bizarre work, created, perhaps the most monumental session of neoota, the redemant temple of the Holy Family.

Antonio Gaudi.

The Redempted Church of the Holy Family.

Due to the lack of funds, the Spanish government cannot complete it since 1882.

And yet why such a style? Perhaps due to the passion for the romantic scenes of the medieval era in the work of writers of that time, reviving interest in Spencer, Milton, Shakespeare, despised in the era of the domination of classical forms; Perhaps due to the growth of patriotic sentiment against the background of the power of the British Empire and, as a result, the refusal of French style in architecture and search for their own; Perhaps "all new is well forgotten old." And maybe all this together, and a few more factors that I do not point out here, but we will not claim the fact that we are partly such an unusual and majestic architecture, we are obliged to the magnificence of the Victorian era and as a result, the culture of the width. Of course, in the architecture of the grocery era, there was a Gregorian style and non-heenestic and late colonial, but agree, when memories of the plots, Conan Doyle, Dickens and Ualda, the imagination draws non-Netical England, with stroken arches, towers, imaginary loopholes, Tower bridge and Big Ben .

I hope you were not boring! :-)

List of sources.

I suggest the attention of lovers of architecture small cleaning the historic buildings of educational institutions in style neootika in Russia (dedicated The beginning of the new school year).
Here are pictures of 20 buildings from various Russian cities, united by the fact that they are built at the end of the XIX - early twentieth century in style. Eclectics who dominated Russia at this time, one of whose manifestations is neo-theth.
The fact that Neojeta was widely popular among architects at the specified period, is evidenced by the fact that neo-style structures were built throughout the country, and not only in that region, which became Russian only in 1945 (Kaliningrad region), from Karelia and Central Russia to the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia.

Here is just a list of cities from this photo formation:
1. Greateron (Belgorod region);
2. Simferopol;
3. Sortavala (Karelia);
4. Vyborg (Karelia);
5. Ozersk (Kalinigrad region);
6. Soviet (Kaliningrad region);
7. Baltiysk (Kalinigrad region);
8. Kalinigrad;
9. Ulyanovsk;
10. Astrakhan;
11. Saratov;
12. Pyatigorsk;
13. Buzuluk (Orenburg region);
14. Biysk (Altai Territory);
15. Omsk;
16. Barnaul;
17. Plavsk (Tula region).

And notice that only buildings intended for educational institutions are presented here. And how many other - various administrative buildings, warehouses, factory buildings, etc., not to mention the chirks and churches. And, as you probably have already noticed, Moscow and Petersburg are not represented in the list of cities.

All photos indicating the address of the facility, year of construction and in most cases of the architect name.

2. Parish school building in the German Lutheran Cirche (now - management of justice), 1900, arch. V.A. Hecker.
Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, ul. Dolgorukovskaya, 16. Photo: Yandex Panorama.

3. The building of the Sortaval Women's Gymnasium (now - a branch of Petrozavodsk University), 1909-1911, Arch. Y.y. Assberg.
Republic of Karelia, Sortavalsky district, Sortavala, ul. Gagarina, 14. Photo: Artem Neuer.

4. Complex of the buildings of the real school (now - the technical school of the environmentalization), 1892.
Kaliningrad region, Ozersk, ul. Border, 23. Photo:

5. School of Ulanda, Folk School (now - Education Center), 1895-1896.
kaliningrad, Moscow PR, 98. Photo:

6. Saratov State Conservatory, 1902 / Goth. rivers. 1912, Arch. A.Yu. Yagn / S.A. Callistrants.
saratov, Kirov, 1. Photo:

7. The building of the People's School of Tilzit (now - boarding school), 1905-1906.
Kaliningrad region, Soviet, ul. Turgenev, 6 B. Photo: Igor Vishnyakov

8. The building of the Alemer School of Simbirsk (now - the educational building of ULGTU), 1913-1914.
ulyanovsk, ul. Engels, 3. Photo:

9. Parish school with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the name of Jesus, 1908-1909, Arch. S.I. Karyagin.
astrakhan, ul. Kazanskaya, 104. Photo:

10. Men's gymnasium (now - School them. M.Yu. Lermontov), \u200b\u200b1896-1903, arch. Y.G. Lukashev.
Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk, PR-t 40 years October 99. Photo:

11. The building of the women's gymnasium (now - Pedagogical College), 1902, Arch. Jan Adamson.
Orenburg region, Buzuluk, ul. M. Gorky, 59. Photo:

12. The building of the Sortaval Lyceum (now - the Sortaval College), 1901, Arch. Y.y. Assberg.
Republic of Karelia, Sortavalsky district, Sortavala, ul. Gagarina, 12. Photo: Artem Neuer.

13. Real school them. A.S. Pushkin (now - the hull of the Geographical Faculty of BGPU), 1902.
Altai Territory, Biysk, ul. Soviet, 11. Photo: Leonid Demidov

14. The building of the Communications Management School (now is the School of Arts), 1894.
omsk, ul. Marchenko, 1. Photo: Artem Neuer

15. Vyborg School of Joint Learning (now - Palace of Creativity), 1903, Arch. L. Iconen.