Universe Assassin's Creed. Assassins in real life: truthful story

Universe Assassin's Creed. Assassins in real life: truthful story
Universe Assassin's Creed. Assassins in real life: truthful story

Today, the word "Assassins" is called in different countries contractors of registered killings, distinguished by special cunning and cruelty.

Medieval Islamic authors called Assassins, which existed Since the XI century, the warrant Nizarites, Muslim Shiites. Despite the fact that the assassins became famous as hired killers, so it was not always, their founder, Hassan Ibn Ass-Sabbach, became famous for conquering fortresses, not shedding blood, in particular, so happened to Alamut, subsequently became the capital of the Order.

The meaning of the word "Assassins" is interpreted differently. Perhaps it happened from the Arab "Hashishi" - inxisted hashish The other interpretation assumes that it was used in the meaning of the lower classes, blacks, unbelievers.

The most famous description of the inhabitants of Alamut, given in the composition of the traveler Marco Polo, However, it is very embellished. It is the information of Marko Polo that served as the basis for the myth that the representatives of the Order were in narcotic intoxication all the time, using the Gasish Great Bliss for this.

At the same time, in other sources on the use of hashish, members of the Order are not mentioned, it is recognized only that the opiates were used during some rituals. It is also considered that the members of the sect called "Gashishshin", or "herbades" because of their asceticity.

Hasan-Ibn Ass Sabbach

Hassan Ibn Ass Sabbach - Ismailith, leader and founder of the Order of Assassins, the personality is mysterious. He received a good education and dreamed of becoming a preacher, but founded the sect, very severe to his members, ascetic, not recognizing the estate differences.

An Ismailithic state was subsequently formed on the territories captured by him. He canceled taxes, but ordered residents to build fortification structures and roads, actively attracted scientists to work for the benefit of the Order. The legends about the assassins say that partially their martial arts are based on methods of Chinese schoolsAnd therefore, the leader of the Order was not alien to borrowing from other peoples of useful knowledge.

His commitment to justice Bounded with heartlessnessThus, some sources tell that Hassan Ibn Ass-Sabbach for violating the law executed his own son. Thanks to the extensive network of spies, he has always been aware of events in neighboring states. He was a strong ideologue and skillfully led people.

After the death of the leader, the successors continued to be the case of Hasan Ibn Ass-Sabbach, however, the first power of the Order, exhausted by the non-stopping struggle with Europeans, Fatimid and Seldjucid states, gradually faded.

Assassins activities from the XI century to this day

The assassins conquered a number of castles and cities in Iran and Syria, and the first captured fortress became the Citadel Alamut. Capture alamut in 1090 Almost coincided with the time of holding the first crusade (1096), it was at that time that the first armed and diplomatic conflicts of Nizarites and Knights were recorded. In the same period in the languages \u200b\u200bof Europe, the word "Assassin" appears, borrowed from Sunnites, but information about the Order came to Europe in a substantially distorted form.

Assassins gave desperate dismissed to the Crusaders who invaded the Arab territories. Summer warriors who, according to Europeans, were inxicated due to Gasishe, and therefore were Fearless death, they were horrified on the Europeans. It is reliably known that the assassins used various disguises, but there is no information that they always wore hoods, as they play in films and games.

Assassins used murder as a method political pressureThus, the victim of the sectarians was the Vizier of the Empire of Seljukov Nizam al-Mulk, he was stabbed to be disguised in Dervish Assassin on the road to Baghdad in 1092.

The Europeans also became victims of the Order, for example, in 1192, the Italian Marcgraf Konrad Monferratsky was killed by two disguises to assassins, and this murder is not by chance, because it was Marcgraf that the throne of the Jerusalem kingdom was proper.

Assassins sect has lost their position after invasion to Persia Mongols In the XIII century. The last ruler of the capital of Assassins, did not resist the Mongols, as a result of him and its approximal were destroyed, and the fortress of Alamut Pala. Then in 1256 sect officially ceased to exist.

Over time, Assassins have become perform the role of hired killers, It is this meaning of the word "Assassin" is most actively used in modern language. They are hired religious, terrorist and political groups.

In the past, their arms were daggers, today - grenades and sniper rifles. Most active modern assassins in the Middle East.

Middle East, Central Asia, like medieval Europe, experienced a sharp political crisis in the IX-XI century. In this region, the planet, the mass relocation of peoples was much larger than on the European continent. Political card has shed with kaleidoscopic speed. Following the Arabs, who managed to conquer huge territories, the Turkic tribes came to these lands. Some empires and state disappeared, much more powerful state entities appeared in their place. Political struggle wore a clear religious subtext and sometimes took the most unexpected forms - conspiracies and state coups alternated endless wars.

A political murder is becoming a favorite tool of Eastern politics. The word Assassin firmly enters the use of the political elite, personifying the merciless and rigid hired killer. No ruler of the East, the political figure could not guarantee himself complete safety. At any time it was possible to become a victim of a cunning killer. It is for this historic period that the most mysterious and closed religious and state education is the flourishing and the Order of Assassins.

The Order was a few state education, which became the most radical branch of Islam and was distinguished by extremely radical glances. During the subsequent whole century, the assassins kept the entire Middle East in fear, personifying the most cruel methods of political pressure.

Assassin - Who is it? Brief excursion in history

It has already been said above that the Middle East in the X-XI century was a worn socio-political boiler, which combined sharp political, socio-public and religious contradictions.

Egypt has become the epicenter of the acute socio-political crisis, where the political struggle reached the highest boiling point. The ruling fatimide dynasty could not cope with other political opponents. The country plunged into civil armed confrontation. Did not sit, folded hands, and aggressive neighbors. Ismailis - the Shiite branch of Islam - in such conditions were between the hammer and an anvil, risking to become a victim of acute socio-public and religious conflict. One of the branches of Ismailith - Nizarites was headed by Hasan-Ibn Sabbach. It was under his leadership that the numerous group of Nizarites was forced to leave Egypt, going to seek refuge. The end item of long-term wandering was the central hard-to-reach mountainous regions of Persia, which in those days was part of the state of the Seljuk. Here Hassan-Ibn Sabbach, together with his associates, decided to establish a new Ismailithic state of Nizarites.

The stronghold and the center of the new power was the fortress of the Alamut captured by Ismaili in 1090. Following the Alamut, the new owners quickly conquered the other neighboring cities and the fortresses of Iranian Highlands. The birth of the new state coincided with the beginning of the crusades, plunged the entire Middle East into a long bloody confrontation. Using its influence, Hassan-ibn-sabbach managed to bring a new form to the structure of state administration - a religious order, which was the basis of the religious cult, rites and traditions of Nazartites. He headed the Order of Hassan-Ibn-Sabbach, who received the title of Sheikh, and the symbol of the new Order was the fortress of Alamut.

The rulers of the neighboring principalities and the central government of the Semjuk state were negligiously related to the aliens and looked at them as rebels and rebels. The Khasan-Ibn-Sabbach, the population of the new state and in general Nazarites, the ruling Senjukskaya and the Syrian elite casually called the Black Hashshashin. Subsequently, with the light hand of the Crusaders, the Sunni name of Assassin was included in the source, which was no longer class belonging to a person, but his professional qualities, socio-public situation and a religious ideological worldview.

Sheikh Hassan I, thanks to his personal qualities, focused perfectly in a political situation. As a result of their foreign policy, the state of Ismailitis and the Order of Assassins not only managed to survive in confrontation with the central government. Domestic political distribution engulfed the Sultan State after the death of Sultan Malik-Shaha, contributed to the elevation of the Order and the political influence of Assassins on the policy of the world order. The Order became a tight political subject of foreign policy, and the assassins themselves began to consider religious fanatics, which were able to for the sake of ideological motives, naturally, for material and political benefits, to go to the most extreme measures.

The state of Nizarites existed for a century and a half, until 1256, sowing during this period to unite the extensive territories of modern Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran under its beginnings. This was facilitated by a fairly rigid control system, built on unquestioned subordination by the laws of Sharia, a communal system of socio-public relations. There was no division into classes in the state, and the entire population was combined into communities. The supreme power belonged to the Supreme spiritual and religious mentor - the leader.

The centralized state of Assassins was defeated by the Mongols that came to Iran from the East. Middle Eastern ownership, which were lost in 1272 as a result of the military campaign of the Egyptian Sultan Babers I. However, the loss of statehood did not mean the end of the existence of the Assassin Order. From this time, a new stage of life of this organization begins, which fully switched to the maintenance of subversive, sabotage and spy activities.

The origins of the real power and power of Assassins

At the peak of his power, the state and the Order was a real political force in the Muslim world. Assassin is not just the name of radical religious fanatics. Only one mention of them was horrified on the ruling and political elite. Assessins not without reason considered masters of political terror, professional killers and generally a criminal organization. The influence of the Order was not limited to the borders of the Muslim world. Fully with cunning and with the power of the Order also faced Europeans.

Such a policy has become the result of a well-thought-out ideological and political stroke. Hassan I, being a supreme leader of Nazarith, realized that without a powerful army, any defense strategy was doomed to failure. The output from the current situation was found in the brilliant. Unlike neighboring states and principalities that invest huge funds and resources on the maintenance of the army, the Hasan was created by the order - a secret and closed organization, a kind of special forces of that time.

The task of the new intelligence agencies was to eliminate political opponents and opponents, whose decisions could have a negative impact on the existence of the Nazartite state. Political terror was put at the head of the Assassin Order Policy. Methods and methods used to achieve results were chosen the most radical - political blackmail and physical elimination of the enemy. The main movement of the order was the fanatic dedication of members of the organization to their spiritual and religious mentor. This was facilitated by training technology that was required for each member of the Order.

The main conditions of membership in the Order were the following aspects:

  • full indifference to his own life, disregard for death;
  • education of feelings of self-sacrifice and devotion to religious ideals;
  • unquestionless subordination of the Wheel of the Chief Order;
  • high moral and physical qualities.

In the Order, as well as in the whole state, the heavenly rewards were promoted in exchange for the unquesting obedience to the will of the religious leader. In the usual view of that time, Assassin is a young man of strong physique, selflessly devoted by the ideas of Sharia and Holy People believing in the High Divine Position of his patron. Teenagers were gained in order of adolescents 12-14 years old who passed the most severe competitive selection. From the first day, recruits were inspired by a sense of election to achieve high goals.

It is believed that ideological and religious aspects are the main aspects of the solid structure of the Order. However, his real strength was held not only on the high moral qualities of its members. Professional training, which assassins were engaged in the morning to the evening, in the interruptions of Namaz, gave excellent results. Warriors of medieval special forces perfectly owned any weapons and receptions of a hand-to-hand combat. Assassin perfectly owned riding techniques, could accurately shoot from Luke, distinguished hardness and good physical strength.

In addition, the training program included practical and theoretical knowledge in the field of chemistry and medicine. The art of assassins in the use of poisons has achieved perfection. There is a theory that Catherine Medici, being a skillful master of poison poisoning, received the lessons of this craft at Assassins.


In a word, the preparation of spies and professional killers at Sheikha Khasan I was put on flow. The results are so thorough and comprehensive preparation did not make himself wait. The bad fame of the power of the Order quickly divided the world. Thanks to his servants, Hasan I, nicknamed in the Islamic world and far beyond the mountain elder, managed not only to achieve its goals, but also to put a political terror on the flow. The state of Nizarites managed to exister a fairly long period, successfully playing the political contradictions of its stronger neighbors.

As for the Order of Assassins, this organization has become not only a tool for the foreign policy of nizarites, but also a significant source of income. The services of professional killers and spies did not disappear use rulers and politicians from different countries and states, solving their political issues in achieving certain goals.

Check in a popular game Assassin's Creedpeople began to often be interested in, and in reality there are silent and agile the killers? Yes, it is absolutely true, in a distant era originated brotherhood Assassins. In this article, you will learn the full story of the existence of Assassins in real life.

By the end of the 11th century in the mountainous location Persia There was a small power. She appeared after the collapse of Islam and because of the development of Ismailith, just with which there was a long time struggle for power. The war in Islamic states often surrendered into a dilemma about life or death.

Communion Hasan-Ibn Sabbach Intended to create a new country to survive in hostile conditions between nations. At the same time, that the state was in the mountains, and all the population were closed near and unavailable, he often applied methods of intelligence and punitive operations against their sworn enemies. After that, after some time, people began to learn about the fact that Assassins are and what is their role in this world.

In the estate Hasan-Ibn Sabbach Exalted as King Mountain, because it was he who first created a closed association of elected people who were ready to give their lives for the words of Sultan's words and God Allah. Sect was built out of several stages of enlightenment in assassins. The smallest step took the squad of suicide bumps. Their commitment was to task the cost of their own life. They could lie, pretend to be ordinary people, wait for a long time, but after that, the death of the sentence was inevitable. Muslim and European leaders Long before that they knew who were such assassins.

Many young people from very much burned with a desire to get into the brotherly assassin community. After all, everything is because they wanted to master secret knowledge and gain universal consent. Only units could enter the palace to Hasan-Ibn SabbachSo for this required courage, perseverance and zeal to victory. First of all, the newcomer passed a psychological examination. He was given narcotic drugs and inspired that he visited a paradise. Young people under the influence of drugs saw how charming nude young ladies come to them, and they offer pranks with words: all the paradise bliss will be open after the will Allah Follow. Such a phenomenon explains the bold squaders-punisherswho, after a successful task, took it as a reward and did not try to avoid punishment.

Most the first brotherhood of Assassins War with Muslim states. Up to the fact that even after the appearance of the Crusaders in Palestine, their main enemies still remained other directions of Islam and the dishonest Muslim kings. For some time the society of the Templars and assassins retained allied bonds, even happened that the Order of the knights hired warriors Hasan-Ibn Sabbach To solve their problems. Although this position and lasts not so long. Assassins They never loved and did not lettend traitors if someone from their fraternity turned out to be a traitor, then he was simply waiting for the death penalty. Recently, the sect watched the war with everyone with whom it is possible, among them were: Christians and one-arts.

By the end of the 13th century was attacked by Mongolian troops. And then the question arises immediately: this is all, the end of the sect assassins? Some believe that after the attack on the state, the fraternity of silent murders broke out, others on the contrary even argue that they saw assassins in countries as Persia, Greece, and in Western European states.

All allowed - uttered the king of the mountains every time, sending fearless killers to hunt. Many sects pork this motto, and began to pronounce him in their communities when it came to solving problems related to them. In the remaining cases, religious feelings, interests and faith of suicide have been involved. Religious propaganda is already dominated on the last levels of enlightenment.

Order of Assassin. also known as Brotherhood of Assassin. Circle Liberals Roman times I. Hashshashina. During the high Middle Ages, he was organized by the order of murderers and the sword enemies of the Templars, against which they led a continuous war throughout the history of mankind.

While the Templars sought the authorities to save humanity from themselves against their will, the Order of Assassini fought for survival by goodwill, as it encouraged the progress and growth of individuality.

Assassines existed at least starting with 456 AD. Starting from the Roman era and up to the XXI century. By the way, traces of the Templars are found in our day!

In Assassin "S Creed III, we learn that the assassins and the Templars want to achieve one goal, but the assassins reach it freedom, and the Templars control.

And what is shown in the game Assasin Creed has historical foundations. There was such an order, there were both legendary people. The headquarters of the Order was the city-fortress of Alamut.

In his headquarters in the mountain fortress, Alamut, Ibn Sabbach created a real school for the preparation of intelligence and terrorist sabersants. By the mid-90s. The XI century Alague Fortress has become the best academy in the world for the preparation of secret agents of a narrow profile. She operated extremely simple, nevertheless, the results achieved by it were very impressive. Ibn Sabbach made the process of entering the order very difficult. Approximately from the two hundred candidates for the completion stage of the selection allowed a maximum of five to ten people. Before the candidate fell into the inside of the castle, he was reported that after admission to the secret knowledge of the reverse path from the Order he could not.

One of the legends states that Ibn Sabbach, being a person versatile, who had access to a different kind of knowledge, did not reject someone else's experience, honored him as a desired acquisition. So, in the selection of future terrorists, he took advantage of the techniques of the ancient Chinese martial arts schools, in which the discovery of candidates began long before the first tests. Young young men who wanted to join the Order were held before closed gates from several days to several weeks. Only the most persistent were invited to the courtyard. There they were forced to sit on a cold stone floor to sit on the cold stone floor, satisfied with the scarce residues of food and wait, sometimes under the ice heavy rain or snowfall when they were invited to enter the inside of the house. From time to time in the courtyard in front of the house of Ibn Sabbach, his adepts appeared from among those who had passed the first degree of initiation. They were insulted in every way, even beat young people, wanting to check how much and unshakably their desire to join the ranks of Hashshashinov. At any time, the young man was allowed to climb and leave the ravis. Only past tests of tests were allowed into the house of the Great Lord. They were fed, washed, disguised into good, warm clothes ... For them, the "gates of a different life" began to be disconnected.

Assassins are professional murderers. The first mentions about the assassins date back to the end of the XI century. The assassins significantly affected the course of history, in particular on the fate of the Middle East during the times of crusades. It is believed that the first assassins were members of the Nizarite Branch of the Shiite Sect of Ismailites.

The Order of Assassins was founded by Persian Hassan Ibn Sabbah, who received fame in the Crusader's environment as a "mountain elder". In 1091, Ibn Sabbach captured the mountain fortress of Alamut, located on the territory of modern Iran. In essence, the mountain fortress Alamut became the capital and the Assassin Coordination Center.

The assassins killed both Crusaders and Muslims, not adjacent to any side, remaining separate, but nevertheless, having a significant impact on all participants in the religious confrontation. Often killings from the hands of Assassins were registered, and their reasons could be worn both religious and political and economic.

Assassins killed very sophisticated. The murder's place could be like a dwelling of the victim and the central square of the city. The murder can be a poison, but more often it was a cold weapon. Assassins hiding under the left sleeve and had a mechanism that allows you to push the blade along the wrist, turning his left hand into a deadly sting.

In the middle of the XIII century, the fortress of the Order, located on the territory of modern Iran, were destroyed by the Mongols. Soon, Mamli destroyed the fortresses located on the territory of modern Syria. It would seem that the history of assassins ends on this. But I have no doubt that the secret Order of Assassins exists to this day ...

The Brotherhood of Assassins always tried not to advertise their activity, preferring to act in the shadows, attacking the places where they are least waiting for them. Such a genus involves some precautions, the most striking of which, perhaps, is the presence of a hood in Assassin costumes. However, this does not mean that members of the Order could not dress stylish and elegant.

Famous Florentine Assassin Ezio Auditore Throughout its active life, the blood and revelations described in the AC2, the brotherhood of blood and revelations, did not forget to regularly update his wardrobe: from simple raincoats and capeats, up to those left as the gift of the Arctic of Altair and Bruta. Also Connor Kenway It has the opportunity not only to stroll through shops and choose clothes in size and the latest fashion squeak, but also acquire more unique alternative costumes. To open these, you need to perform a number of quests and additional tasks, where you will need to show all your assassin dexterity and smelting. As soon as the task is completed, you can find a new outfit. in my wardrobe, in the basement of the house of Achilles.

In total, the choice, the game offers us 15 different variations on the topic of the appearance of the Konnar clothing. Six of them, without any problems, can be purchased in Boston's shops and New York to achieve a certain progress in passing the main plot of the game. You will receive four more, by performing a number of side tasks and quests. Two costumes to replenish your wardrobe at the end of the execution of the plot line tasks, two more are present in the game in the form of an additional loadable content. And one wrappers your wardrobe using the UPLAY in-game service. Which is in the game menu, where you can purchase this costume.

The costumes themselves do not affect the gameplay or the plot of the game and carry only aesthetic value.

I would also like to remember such things like armor. She is not. Do not believe? And in vain! Our prayers were heard, and there is no more armor in the game. Hurray, comrades! Em, it seems I played a little.

Moving directly to the costumes. Right under the title italic It is written how you can get one or another suit. Once again, for incredulous - all things are available in the basement of the Achilles House.

Assassina outfit

The original cape of the Connor, in which our young assassin is banging on most screenshots and arts. Tracing this outfit will fall the opportunity to pass 5 sequences and, even not looking at a long list of all sorts of alternative costumes, most of the players so do not remove it until the very end of the game. Multicolored variations of this cape does not count.

Assassins - this word in many countries call insidious performers in advance planned, carefully trained murders. It comes from the Arabic hashashin - intoxicated hashish. So in the Middle East, the members of the Muslim-Shiites sect, which arose in the XI century in the territory of the current Iran.

Assassins entered the story still during the times of crusades. Desperately resisting the hordes of the conquerors who invaded their territory, dumbfounded hashing warriors were horrified on the crusaders challenged in the lats. Subsequently, the assassins began to use as hired killers.

It is in this meaning that the word Assassin and twisted in our today's lexicon.

The hand of modern assassins is most often guided by political, religious and terrorist groups. Once upon a time armed with ancient dagger, today she squeezes the pistol handle, a bed sniper rifle or pomegranate ring. So-called custom killings, insidious blows in the back, attacks from around the corner - all this is the Devil's arsenal of modern assassins operating in the Middle East, in Northern Ireland and around the world.

A typical crime of this kind is the murder of Julia Caesar, who was a pinch of political opponents in the Roman Senate in 44 BC. However, the entire history of the Roman Empire is saturated with political murders. The victim of conspiracy fell and Guy Caesar, better known as Kaligula, who was slaughtered by his guard in 41 AD. The successor of Caliguly, Claudius, also died a violent death: he was poisoned by his wife Agrippina in 54 AD.

Sources: RU.assassinscreed.wikia.com, Otvechay.ru, Shikateka.beon.ru, Assassingame.ru, UFO-LEGACY.RU

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Assessin sect. Creation History, Interesting Facts

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The Assessin sect became famous for insidious murders, but her founder was a man who would brave the fortress, without shedding a drop of blood. It was a quiet, courteous young man, attentive to everything and honey to knowledge. He was mil and friendly, and he splured the chain of evil.

The name of this young man Hasan Ibn Sabbach. It was he who was the founder of the secret sect of Assassin, whose name is and is now considered to be synonymous with cunning murder. Assassins are an organization that prepared murderers. They were disappeared with each who were anticipated by their faith or launched on them. They announced the war to anyone who thought otherwise, intimidated him, threatened, and then without a long panicitis killed.

Founder of the Assassin Xasan Ibn Sabbach sect

Hasan was born around 1050 in the small Persian town of Kum. Soon after his birth, the parents moved to the town of Rai, located near modern Tehran. There, young Hasan was educated and already "from the younger years," he wrote in his autobiography, which came out to us only in passages, "praised the passion for all the spheres of knowledge." Most of all he wanted to preach the Word of Allah, in all "Store loyalty to the covenants of fathers. I never doubted my life in the teachings of Islam; I was invariably confident that there is an almighty and fancy God, the Prophet and Imam, there are permissible things and forbidden, heaven and hell, commandments and prohibitions. "

Nothing could shake this faith until the day when a 17-year-old student met the professor named Amir Zarab. He embarrassed the sensitive mind of the young people next inconspicuous, it would seem that the reservation, which once again repeated: "For this, the Ismailitis is believed to ..." At first, Hassan did not pay attention to these words: "I considered the teaching of Ismailith philosophy." Moreover: "What are they talking, disgusting religion!" He gave it to understand her teacher, but did not know how to argue his arguments. In a woman, a young man opposed the seeds of a strange faith, sowned by a zub. But that "refuted my beliefs and fell them. I did not admit to him openly, but in my heart his words found a strong response. "

In the end, there was a coup. Hasan is seriously ill. We do not know in detail what could happen; It is only known that on the recovery Hassan went to the abode of Ismailith in Rai and told that he wanted to go into their faith. So, Hassan took the first step along the path, who led him and his students to crimes. The path to terror was opened.

When Hassan Ibn Sabbach was born, the power of the Fatimid Caliphs was already noticeably shaken - she could say, was in the past. But the Ismailith believed that only they were genuine keepers of the prophet's ideas.

So, the international panorama was such. In Cairo, Ismailitsky Califa rules; In Baghdad - Sunni Khalif. Both of them hated each other and led a fierce struggle. In Persia, that is, in modern Iran, Shiites lived, who did not want to know anything about the rulers of Cairo and Baghdad. In addition, Selzhuki came from the east, capturing a significant part of Western Asia. Seljuki were Sunnites. Their appearance broke the fragile balance between the three most important political forces of Islam. Now the top began to take the Sunni.

Hasan could not not know that, becoming a supporter of Ismailith, he chooses a long, unreacted struggle. The enemies will threate him from everywhere from all sides. Hassana was 22 years old when the head of Ismailith of Persia came to Raiya. The young jener of faith liked him and was sent to Cairo, in the Citadel of the Government of Ismailitis. Perhaps this new supporter will be very useful brothers in faith.

But it passed as many as six years until Hasan eventually served in Egypt. In these years, he did not lose time in vain; He became a famous preacher in the circles of Ismailith. When in 1078 he still arrived in Cairo, he was met with respect. But he saw horrified him. Caliph, whom he read, was a puppet. All questions are not only political, but religious - solved Vezir.

Maybe Hasan quarreled with Almighty Vezir. At least we know that in three years, Hassan was arrested and sent to Tunisia. But the ship on which he was lucky, crashed. Hasan saved and returned to his homeland. The misadventures upset him, but he firmly held an oath given by Khalifa.

Hassan conceived to make Persia stronghold of Ismailithic faith. From here, her supporters will behave battle with thinking otherwise - Shiites, Sunnites and Seljuk. It was only necessary to choose a bridgehead for future military successes - a place where you can start an offensive in the war for faith. Hasan chose the alamut fortress in the Elbesk mountains on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. True, the fortress was occupied by completely different people, and this fact Hassan regarded as a challenge. Here, for the first time, a typical strategy for him was manifested.

Hassan did not entrust the will of the case. He sent missionaries to the fortress and surrounding villages. The local people got used to expect from power only the worst. Therefore, the sermon of freedom, brought by strange messengers, has found a quick response. Even the commandant of the fortress was welcoming them, but there was visibility - deception. Under a kind of pretext, he sent all people from the fortress, loyal Hassan, and after closed the gate behind them.

The fanatical leader of Ismailith was not intended to surrender. "After a long negotiation, he again ordered them (envoys) to let in, - Khasan recalled his fight against commandant. "When he ordered them again, they refused." Then, September 4, 1090, Hassan himself secretly penetrated the fortress. A few days later, the commandant realized that he could not cope with the "invincible guests". He voluntarily left his post, and Hassan swept the separation of the debt.

From that day, Hassan did not make a step from the fortress. He spent 34 years there - until the death. He did not even leave his house. He was married, got kids, but now the life of the hermit was still led. Even his worst enemies among Arab biographers, incessantly black and poring him, consistently mentioned that he "lived as ascetic, and strictly observed the laws"; The same who violated them, Kararal. He did not exclude from these rules. So, he commanded to execute one of his sons, putting him for drinking wine. Hasan's other son sentenced to death when he suspected him of involvement in the murder of one preacher.

Hassan was stringent and fair to the complete heartlessness. His supporters, seeing such stubbornness in the actions, were betrayed by Hasan with all his heart. Many dreamed of becoming his agents or preachers, and there were these people to him "eyes and ears" who came all that happened behind the walls of the fortress. He listened to his attention, silent, and, having gone to them, sat for a long time in his room, building terrible plans. They dictated the cold mind and revived a ferre heart. He was, according to the reviews of people who knew him, "insightful, skillful, knowledgeable in geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, magic and other sciences."

Gifted by wisdom, he eager forces and power. Power was needed to be in order to implement the Word of Allah. Strength and power could plunge the whole power to his feet. He began with small - with the conquest of fortresses and villages. Saying it, he crumbled a submissive country. He did not hurry. Initially, he convinced and exhorted those whom he wanted to take the attack. But if they did not open him the gate, resorted to weapons.

Assassins - mysterious sect

His powder has grown. Under his authority there were already about 60 thousand people. But this was not enough; He all sent his emissaries around the country. In one of the cities, in Sava, south of the current Tehran, the murder was first followed. Nobody looked it; Mostly it was caused by despair. Persia's authorities did not like Ismaili; for them vigorously followed; For the smallest binding cruel karaly.

In Sava, Khasan's supporters tried to replace Muzzin to their side. He refused and began to face the authorities to complain. Then he was killed. The answer was executed by the leader of these ambulances to reprisate the Ismailith; His body was labeled in the market in Save. So ordered the Al-Mulk Nizam himself, Vesir Seljuksky Sultan. This case shoved the supporters of Hassan and untied terror. The murders of enemies planned and organized perfectly well. The first victim was a cruel vesir.

"The murder of Schuytan will build bliss," Hasan declared his faithful, rising to the roof of the house. Turning to the attention to the attention, he asked who was ready to free the world from "Schuitan" then "the man named Boo Tahir Arranssi laid his hand on his heart, exploring his readiness," said in one of the Ismailitian chronicles. The murder occurred on October 10, 1092. Only Nizam al-Mulk left the room where he took the guests, and climbed into Palankin to go to the harem, as Arranran suddenly broke and, exposing the dagger, rushed to the dignitorn. At first, he dug, the guards darted to him and killed on the spot, but late - Vezir was dead.

The whole Arab world was horrified. In particular, the Sunni was indisted. In Alamut, the joy was joying all citizens. Hassan commanded to post a memorable table and engrave the name of the dead; Nearby - the name of the Holy Creator Revenge. During the years of Hassan's life, another 49 names appeared on this "Honor Chalkboard": Sultans, Princes, Tsari, Governors, Priests, Graders, Scientists, Writers ...

In the eyes of Hassan, they all deserved death. Hasan felt her right. He strengthened in this thoughts the stronger, the closer the troops were sent to destroy him and his supporters. But Hasan managed to collect the militia, and it could reflect all the attacks of enemies.

He was submitted to his enemies agents. Those intimidated the victim, threatened or tormented it. So for example, in the morning the person could wake up and see the dagger, stuck on the floor next to the bed. A note was made to the dagger, in which it was said that the next time his tip will die into the doomed chest. After such a direct threat, the estimated sacrifice usually behaved "quieter of water, below herb." If respected, she was waiting for death.

Attempts planned to smallest things. The murderers were in no hurry, preparing all the graveyard and gradually. They penetrated the retinue surrounding the future sacrifice, tried to conquer her trust and waited for months. The most amazing thing they did not care about how to survive after the attempt. It also turned them into ideal killers.

They rummed that the future "knights of the dagger" was introduced into the trance and ductile drugs. So, Marco Polo, who visited Persia in 1273, told him late that the young man chosen in the killer was faded with opium and attributed to a wonderful garden. "There have grown the best fruits ... Water, honey and wine flowed in the springs. Beautiful maidens and noble young men sang, danced and played musical instruments. "

Everything that future killers wanted, MiG came true. A few days later, they were again given opium and carried out from the wonderful vertograd. When they were awakened, they were told that they visited heaven - and may immediately return there if they kill the enemy of faith.

No one can say whether this story truthfully. It is only true that Khasan's supporters also called "Haschischi" - "having gashish". Perhaps the drug Hashish actually played a certain role in the rituals of these people, but the name could have a more prosaic explanation: in Syria all the madmen and Sadrodnov called "Gashisha". This nickname passed into European languages, turning into the notorious "assassins" here, which awarded the ideal killers.

The story, told Marco Polo, let them partly, but is undoubtedly true.

The authorities responded to murders very hard. Their gloomy and the bloodhounds wandered through the streets and walked around the city gates, looked out for suspicious passers-by; Their agents burst into houses, the rooms were searched and interrogated people - everything was in vain. Murders did not stop.

At the beginning of 1124, Hassan Ibn Sabbach was seriously ill "and on the night of May 23, 1124, the Arabic historian Juguney wrote sarcastically," he collapsed in the flame of the Lord and disappeared into his hell. " In fact, the death of Khasan is more like a blatant word "Usop": he died calmly and in a solid belief that he peered the right thing on sinful land.

Assassins after the death of the founder sect

The successors of Hasan continued his business. They were able to expand their influence on Syria and Palestine. In the meantime, dramatic changes have occurred there. Crusaders from Europe invaded the Middle East; They captured Jerusalem and founded their kingdom. Through the century, the Kurd surges the power of the Khalifa in Cairo and, having gathered all the forces, rushed to the Crusaders. In this struggle once again, Assassins were distinguished.

Their Syrian Leader, Sinan Ibn Salman, or "Old Man of the Mountain," glel murderers in both of the camp with each other. The victims of the murderers became the Arab Princes, and Conrad Monferratsky, King of Jerusalem. According to the historian B. Kugler, Conrad "caused a revenge of assassins against himself, robbing one of their ship." From the twinkle of the avengers was doomed even Saladine: only in a happy chance he was able to survive both attempts. People Sinana sowed such fear in the souls of opponents, that those and others - the Arabs and Europeans - submissively paid him tribute.

However, some of the enemies of osmelli before they began to laugh at Sinan's orders or to interpret them in their own way. Some even offered to Sinan to calmly sly killers, because it would not help him. Among the crisp were knights - the Order of the Templars (Tempers) and John. For them, the killer daggers were not so scary also because the chapter of their order could immediately replace any of their assistants. They were "not to attack the killers."

The tense struggle ended by the defeat of Assassins. Their forces gradually melted. Murders stopped. When Mongols invaded the Persia in the XIII century, the Assassin leaders submitted to them without a fight. In 1256, the last ruler of Alamut, Arun al-Dean, brought the Mongolian army to his fortress and persecuted, as a stronghold compare with the Earth. After that, the Mongols dealt with the ruler himself and his retinue. "His and his companions were trampled by her legs, and then their bodies spread the sword. So, from him and his tribe there is no more trace, "writes the historian of Juzzy.

His words are inaccurate. After the death of Manus al-Dean, his child remained. He became the heir to Imam. Modern Imam Ismailith - Aga-Khan is a direct descendant of this baby. The assassins submissive to him have long been no longer reminded by cunning fanatics and murderers who ruined around the Muslim world a thousand years ago ...