How did the peasants live in the Middle Ages? The tools of labor and life of medieval peasants. Peasant life: housing and household buildings Peasant house life traditions Interesting facts

How did the peasants live in the Middle Ages? The tools of labor and life of medieval peasants. Peasant life: housing and household buildings Peasant house life traditions Interesting facts
How did the peasants live in the Middle Ages? The tools of labor and life of medieval peasants. Peasant life: housing and household buildings Peasant house life traditions Interesting facts

Medieval Europe was very different from modern civilization: it was covered with forests and swamps, and people settled on the spaces where the trees were able to cut down, dry the fopies and do farming. How did the peasants live in the Middle Ages, what was fed and practiced?

Middle Ages and the era of feudalism

The history of the Middle Ages covers the period from V to the beginning of the XVI century, up to the occurrence of the era of the new time, and refers mainly to the countries of Western Europe. For this period, specific features of life are characterized: a feudal system of relations between landowners and peasants, the existence of senors and vassals, the dominant role of the Church in the life of the entire population.

One of the main features of the history of the Middle Ages in Europe is the existence of feudalism, a special socio-economic structure and production method.

As a result of internecine wars, crusades and other hostilities, the kings gave their vassals to the lands, at which they built estates or castles. As a rule, all the land was given together with people living on it.

The dependence of the peasants from the feudal

The rich senor received in possession of all the land surrounding castle, on which villages were located with peasants. Almost everything that peasants were engaged in the Middle Ages, entrusted to the tax. Poor people, cultivating their land and His, were paid to Senor not only tribute, but also for the use of different harvesting devices: stoves, mills, press for grapes. The tax was given to natural products: grain, honey, wine.

All the peasants were strongly dependent on their feudal, practically they worked on him with slave labor, feeding in what remained after the cultivation of the harvest, most of which was given to his Mr. and Church.

Between the Vassals, war periodically occurred, during which the peasants asked for the protection of their owner, for which they were forced to give him her put on, and in the future they became completely dependent on him.

Dividing peasants into groups

To understand how the peasants lived in the Middle Ages, it is necessary to figure out the relationship between the feudal and poor residents who lived in the villages of the territories adjacent to the castle, land plots were treated.

The tools of the peasants in the Middle Ages in the field were primitive. The poorest rowed the earth to the log, others - the Broorona. Later, braids and forks made from iron, as well as shovels, axes and rakes appeared. From the IX century, heavy wheeled plows began to apply in the fields, housings were used on the light soils. For harvesting, sickles and chains are intended for thread.

All the tools in the Middle Ages remained unchanged by many centuries, because the peasants had no money to acquire new, and their feudal feudalities were not interested in improving working conditions, they were only worried only to get a large harvest with minimal cost.

Dissatisfaction of the peasants

The history of Middle Ages is distinguished by a constant confrontation between large landowners, as well as the feudal relationships of the rich senors and the impoverished peasantry. This provision was formed on the ruins of an ancient society, in which slavery existed, brightly manifested in the era of the Roman Empire.

There are enough difficult conditions for how the peasants lived in the Middle Ages, the deprivation of their land plots and property, often caused protests, which were expressed in different forms. Some desperately fled from their owners, others satisfied mass riots. The rebels of the peasants almost always suffered defeat due to inorganization and spontaneity. After such rebellion, feudal fogs sought to fix the dimensions of the mantles to stop their endless growth and reduce discontent of the poor.

End of the era of the Middle Ages and the slave life of the peasants

As the economy and the appearance of production, the Middle Ages occurred by the end of the era, there was an industrial coup, many villagers began to move to cities. Among the poor and representatives of other classes, humanistic views began to prevail, who considered personal freedom for each person an important goal.

As the feudal system is denied, the era came, named by a new time, in which there was no longer a place to be obsolete relationships between the peasants and their senites.

Classes "Tradition and life of the peasant family"

Purpose: Mastering the national culture and education of the sense of national self-consciousness.


    restoration of the traditional family image, as the greatest shrine;

    education of traditional household and family culture, demand for responsible and caring attitude towards members of their family;

    the formation of a valid careful attitude towards the spiritual and historical heritage of their people, the traditions of Christian culture;

    strengthening spiritual relations with the preceding and future generations of Russia;

    activation of cognitive activity;

    development and correction of mental functions and personal qualities of pupils.

Didactic equipment

    Desktop design: posters with image of peasant family, pets, pictures with antique objects, referred to in the process of occupation (spinning, plow, weaving machine, etc.)

    Exhibition of books with stories and verses about the peasant labor, the life of the peasants.

    Sheets indicating types of works, mastered girls and boys, magnets.

    Costume close to Russian people for conductive occupation.

    Electric samovar, tablecloth, cups with saucers, tea, sugar, beam, drying, jam to tea.

Hello guys!

Today's our occupation is called: "Traditions and life of the peasant family." That is, we will talk about what families were in Russia, what the family members did and, most importantly, what I would like to draw your attention to which traditions were respected in raising children in Russia.

As for the life of the peasant family, then after the conversation we will rise to our school museum "Russian Hill" and you will try to tell me how the dwelling of the peasant family, which subjects, tools, Russian people enjoyed in everyday life, and I will help you in this.

Since at the end of the past academic year, we with you had a sightseeing tour of the museum, now you will be my assistants in the description of the life of our ancestors.

Well, now the first part of our classes.

Traditions of the peasant family in the raising of children.

Labor duties were distributed in a village family for sexual sign. Families in the peasants were big and friendly. Large parents with love and concern treated their children. They believed that by 7-8 years, the diet already "enters the mind" and began to teach him everything that they knew and knew how.

Father instructed her sons, and her mother trained her daughters. From the small years, every peasant child prepared himself to the future duties of the Father - the head and breadwinner of the family or mother - the keeper of a homely hearth.

Parents taught children unobtrusively: first the child just stood next to the adults and watched himself. Then the child began to give tools, maintain something. He was already becoming an assistant.

After some time, the child has already trusted the execution of part of the work. Then the child has already done special children's tools: hammer, robberry, spindle, ribbed.

For the case performed, the child was praised, gifted. The first product made by the child, he also got a spoon, lapties, mittens, apron, a shoe.

And now listen carefully what boys were taught. Because the next task will be chosen from the proposed types of works by the father who trained sons.

The boys, together with the Father, Mastered from a different material toys - Self-Self-timers, Mudkushki, box, lapties, were handled dishes, homemade utensils, made furniture.

Each peasant knew how to master the lapties. Lapti men flee for themselves and for the whole family. They tried to make them strong, warm, waterproof.

In every peasant yard necessarily there was a cattle. Held a cow, horse, goats, sheep, bird. After all, the cattle gave a lot of useful products for the family. Men were taken for the cattle: they fed, cleaned manure, cleaned animals. Women milked cows, drove the cattle on the pasture.

The main worker in the farm was a horse. All day the horse worked in the field with the owner. Grazing horses at night. It was the duty of sons.

For a horse, various devices were needed: clamps, riders, burn, bridles, sleigh, carts. All this owner made himself together with sons.

From early childhood, any boy could bargain a horse. From 9 years of the boy began to teach ride and drive a horse.

From 10-12 years, the son helped his father in the field - Pakhl, Boronil, she filed sheaves and even thug.

By 15-16, the Son turned into the head assistant of the Father, working on a par with him. Father was always near and helped, suggested, supported.

If the father caught fish, then the sons were also next to him. It was a game for them, joy, and his father was proud that he had such assistants.

On the table lie sheets with types of work printed on them. You will choose and attach the magnets onto the board with the father who trained sons in peasant families.

Now listen to what moms taught daughters.

To cope with all the women's works of girls was taught by Mom, older sister and grandmother.

Girls learned to make rag dolls, sew foodfinds for them, spilled out of boats, decorations, sewed hats. The girls tried: after all, the beauty of the dolls people tried, what her master was.

Then the girls played with dolls: "We went to visit," Ubayuki, Pelenali, "celebrated holidays", that is, they lived with them a puppet life. The people were believed that if the girls are willing to play dolls, then in the family there will be profits, wealth. So through the game, the girls joined the concerns and joy of maternity.

But only younger daughters played in the dolls. When they smashed, the mother or senior sisters taught them to care for breasts. The mother went to the field for the whole day or was busy in the courtyard, in the garden, and the girls almost completely replaced the mother. Girl - Nurse spent the whole day with a child: playing with him, calmed, if he cried, taucale

So lived: younger girls - nannies are found with the baby, and the elder daughters help their mother in the field: knit sheaves, collect spikelets.

In 7 years of peasant girls began to learn to spin. The first small elegant ribbed daughter gave his father. The daughters studied to spin, sew, embroider under the guidance of the mother.

Often, girls gathered in one hill at the gatherings: talked, sang songs and worked: they were rushed, sewed clothes, embroidered, knitted mittens and socks for brothers, sisters, parents, embroidered towels, hoisted lace.

At 9 years old, the girl has already helped the metrics to prepare food.

The fabric for clothes the peasants also did the houses themselves on special weaving machines. It was called it - dominant. The girl helped her mother, and by the age of 16 she was trusted to weave themselves.

Also, the girl was taught to bother the cattle, milking a cow, harrow sheaves, turn the hay, wash underwear in the river, cook food and even the bake bread.

Gradually, the girl came to awareness that she is a future hostess who can fulfill all the female work.

Attach sheets on the board with types of works that girls taught.

Let's read out out loud, which traditionally taught boys and girls in Russian peasant families.

Thus, in the peasant families they grew up "good men" - fathers assistants, yes "Krasnov Maiden" - Clellitsa - needlewomen, who, growing up the skill of their children and grandchildren.

Guys, what was the main tradition of raising children in Russian peasant families? (Parenting in Labor)

And now we rise on the third floor to the Russian Museum "Russian Turnorna".

The second part of the lesson.

/ Educator in Russian costume meets the guys at the entrance to the museum /

Rus wooden, edge expensive,

Here, Russian people have long been living.

They glorify the homes of relatives,

Round Russian songs sing.

Today we have an unusual lesson. The occupation is an excursion to the Museum of the Peasant Life "RUSSIAN GORNYA".

Tell me, what did you call the "hill"? / Room in the hut /

What is the room? / Big, light, warm /

Before our tour starts, let's remember what the Museum is and how to behave in the museum / hands without permission to touch anything, do not shout, do not interrupt the guide /.

Well, well done. Now we can start a trip to the past.

And I will start my story with Russian stove.

In the middle of the flashes put the furnace. It was told about it: "The oven everything is head" / that is the most important /.

Why is the oven main? / Feed, heat /

Mittens to dry will help

sleeping to sleep in warmth.

And I sings somewhere next to

How warm with you stove - Mother / heated, feed, like mom /.

The stove is the very first helper of the hostess.

What ate the peasants? / Soup, porridge /

So they said: "soup yes porridge is our food." On holidays ate pies, pancakes, kissel.

Soup, porridge, potatoes - everything was boiled in pots or cast iron different sizes. They were placed in the oven and removed from there with grasp.

It was made simply - the round of the slingshot was strengthened on a long handle; She - it "grabs" a pot or cast iron "under the sides".

Guys, who wants to try to get out of the stove of pig-iron by grasp? / Waning try with my help /

Mortar - Another thing is the subject of rustic everybody.

Contemporary boys and girls she is known in Russian fairy tales. It is on it that Baba flies - Yaga, waving a lady. Well, in the free time, the stupa time was used in their direct intended purpose - in it the thickness of the grain.

The stupa is made simply: in the deck, a short thick log, the deepening is jeoped into the upper part, where the grain was hung. On it beat pest. - Small, but sweaty wooden rod with rounded ends.

They poured into the psho's pouch and beat the pest, until flour was obtained from it.

In everyday life, the peasant was necessarily spit and SERP - Curved knife with jarbrins for bread compression. Sickle became the symbol of the land of the landpasher. During the work of Spit, naturally, fascinated. And the Kosk sharpened her Bru, which was always with him - on the belt from behind in a wooden "Cobur" or wicker Tuesca.

That was born in the peasant family a child. Where will it sleep? / In a cradle or a hat /

Cradle Delivered from wood. Hang to the ceiling on the hook. The baby sewed a bed of flasks of fabric. So that the child fell asleep, he was sang with lullaby songs. / Include a lullaby song that wishes out of the guys shakes a cradle or a hat /

Chiffoniers and cabinets before was not. Things were kept in the chests. The chests did wooden, decorated with carvings, injured iron. The chest has a cover, handles, castle. The handles and the castle were made of iron so as not to break. Things folded in a storage chest. Let's open our chest and see if there is something / in the chest Russian folk costumes, costume elements. Guys put on things / vests, caps with a flower, girls - shawls.

The peasants were believing people. What does it mean? / believed in God, prayed /. And what religion did our ancestors confessed and we confess, modern Russian people? / Orthodoxy /

Therefore, in the "red corner", the painter from the stove was placed icons.

Guys, who can be depicted on icons? / Jesus Christ, Virgin Mary and canonized saints /

Decoration of hips and pride of the host was a samovar shine. "We have a samovar on the table, and the clock on the wall," the owner boasts.

The home of the peasants was monotonous. Clay bowls, wooden spoons. Forks, by the way, were very rare.

Guys, what is it? / Rocker / for what has needed a rocker, do you know? / Transfer buckets with water / Now let's try to transfer buckets with water with this kindergarten / in the corridor you try with my help, in water buckets by a third.

Now let's go back to the museum. You can go again, watch old things. If you have any questions - ask / guys go, look, ask questions.

/ Sitting on a bench / our lesson comes to an end. Who will tell me how it was called? What objects of peasant help did you know?

Well done boys. And now we will all go to the next room and on the old Russian custom will drink tea from Samovar.

/ At the table / Old Village it is impossible to imagine without a song. The songs were a great set: a dance, gaming, love, wedding, lullaby, even robbery ... The songs accompanied the peasant from birth to his last days. Sang at home, on the street, in the field. While working and on vacation. All together and alone. Here and tea we will drink under Russian folk songs / turn on the tape recorder.

Family traditions of peasants in Russia ...

Family traditions of Russian peasants were for them the guarantee of well-being. The peasant without a family is a dummy, a beobul, an unborn man. The peasant woman without a family was considered to be flawed. So something is wrong with her, since no one wanted to take her to his wife.

It is clear that there was more mercenary interest than the thoughts about eternal love and the perfect second half.

Children from a certain moment helped peasants at the farm, looked after the younger children in the house, cared for livestock. Yes, and old age was not as terrible when the family had a lot of offspring.

A married little is better and more fading to live. Legal children feed parents for old age, in case of illness there is someone to look after the patient. Life is a marriage has a definite goal - to live for yourself, and more for children and families, and the life of the celibe - aimless and restless

For marriage was preparing a smalod, especially the girls. The peasants learned to conduct a household, sew, spice, sharpen. Moms Yes, grandmother at this time were collected on the grains, they didn't have a chance without him the girl had a chance to find a worthy groom.

Divorces were not encouraged and were very rare. More often, the spouses tried to get off, because the well-being of each family members depended.

There is an opinion that the peasants rarely when familiarized family happiness. They say, life and hard work killed romanticism and tenderness of feelings. This is not true. The archives store many documented examples of the fact that love does not distinguish between social layers.

Here is an excerpt from the letter of the peasant Ivan Khudyakov his wife:

The premogo and honor of our keeper, and the health of our preseign patroness, and the all-terrainy in the name of the common office and the house and houses of our all-honest government Anne Vasilyevna, I send you my longer bow and lacrimal judor and with the fulfillment of your respect, wish you You have a long-term health and mental salvation<...> I ask you, as you can, write, and still our facilitator, about your health

In peasant families there was a clear distribution of responsibilities. Heavy work took on men and teenage boys. They plowed, engaged in a harvesting of firewood, repair at home and hunting. Cooking food, harvesting, order in the house - it was a female path.

Education of children consisted of two points: teaching prayers and admission to family work. As soon as the child began to understand the words and say, he was immediately taken to train with unaccomposed prayers, and from the two-year-old age she had to look after newborn children. It can be said that from this point on the childhood of the peasant child ended.

At seven years, the child received even more duties: answered the grazing of livestock, helped to remove the harvest. In fifteen years, the teenager worked along with his father.

It can be seen that the life of the peasants was by no means sugar. But the fortresses of their families could envy other aristocrats.

Russian dwelling is not a separate house, but a fenced courtyard in which several buildings struggled, both residential and economic. The hut was the general name of the residential structure. The word "hut" occurred from the ancient "Istba", "Istopka". Initially, the mainly heated residential part of the house with the furnace was called.

As a rule, the dwellings of rich and poor peasants in the villages were practically distinguished by the good quality and the number of buildings, the quality of the finish, but consisted of the same elements. The presence of such economic buildings like barn, Riga, Shed, Banya, Cellar, Hlev, Out, Mschik, and others, depended on the level of economic development. All the construction in the literal sense of the word was cut by an ax from the beginning to the end of construction, although longitudinal and transverse saws were also known. The concept of the "peasant yard" included not only buildings, but also a plot of land on which they were located, including a garden, garden, gum, etc.

The main building material was a tree. The number of forests with an excellent "business" forest was much superior to what was preserved now in the vicinity of Saitovka. Pine and spruce were considered the best wood species for buildings, but the pine was always preference. Oak was valued for the strength of the wood, but it was heavy and difficult to process. It was used only in the lower wedges of the log cabins, for the device of cellars or in facilities, where special strength was needed (mills, wells, salt barns). Other breeds of trees, especially deciduous (birch, alder, aspen), were used in construction, as a rule, household buildings

For each need, the trees were chosen according to special features. So, for the srub walls, they sought to pick up special "warm" trees, crumpled moss, straight, but not necessarily straight. At the same time, for the test on the roof, they necessarily chose not just straight, but it was the long-layer trees. More often, the logs were collected on the yard or near the courtyard. Carefully chose and place for the future house

To erect even the largest buildings of the cutting type, they usually did not build a special foundation around the perimeter of the walls, but supports were laid in the corners of the corners - large boulders or so-called "chairs" from oak stumps. In rare cases, if the length of the walls was much more ordinary, the supports were put in the middle of such walls. The nature of the concentration structure of the buildings itself allowed to limit the support of four main points, as the log house was a solid-linked design.

At the heart of the overwhelming majority of buildings lay the "cell", "crown", - a bunch of four logs, the ends of which were minced. Methods such a cutting could be different on the technique of execution.

The main constructive types of chopped peasant residential buildings were the "cross", "five-rank", a house with a bunch. For insulation between the wrenches of the logs, Moss was laid in a pair of passage.

but the appointment of communication was always one - to bore a log into a square of solid nodes without any additional elements of the compound (brackets, nails, wooden pins or spokes, etc.). Each log has a strictly defined place in the design. After having chucking the first crown, it was cut into it the second, on the second third, etc., until the log house reached a predetermined height.

The roofs of the nap were mainly covered with straw, which, especially in failing years, often served as feed for livestock. Sometimes more wealthy peasants were erected by the roofs of penetrated or from the drady. TERS was manually manufactured. For this, two employees were used high goats and a long longitudinal saw.

Everywhere, like all Russians, the peasants of the Saitovka on common custom, when booking at home, put money under the lower crown in all angles, and a larger coin was rejected the red corner. And where there was a stove, did not put anything, since this corner of popular ideas was intended for the house.

At the top of the log cabin, the uterus was located in the top of the stew - a tetrahed wooden beam, which serves as a support for the ceiling. The uterus was shed into the upper worsens of the log cabin and was often used to hang to the ceiling of objects. So, a ring was nailed to her, through which the cradle (flexible pole) of the cradle (swing) was held. In the middle for lighting huts, the lantern with a candle was suspended, and later a kerosene lamp with lampshade.

In rites related to the completion of the construction of the house, there was a mandatory treat, which was called "mathic". In addition, the laying of the uterus itself, after which there was still a fairly large volume of construction work, was considered as a special stage in the construction of the house and was tested with their rites.

In the wedding rite for a prosperous matchmaker, the matchmaker was never held in the house for the uterus without a special invitation of the owners of the house. In the folk language, the expression "sit under the uterus" meant "to be a wool". The uterus was associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe house, good luck, happiness. So, leaving the house, it was necessary to hold down the uterus.

For insulation throughout the perimeter, the lower wints of the huts were covered with the earth, forming a bumble in which a bench was installed. In the summer of Zavaling and the bench, the evening of the old men Cornney. From above, the ceiling was usually laid foliage with dry ground. The space between the ceiling and the roof - the attic in Saitovka was also called an Istka. It was usually kept stored things, utensils, dishes, furniture, brooms, bunches of grass, and a pr. Devora, arranged his simple caches on it.

The porch and canopies were pretended for the residential hollow - a small room that was prevented by the hodge. The role of Seine was diverse. This is a protective tambour in front of the entrance, and an additional residential premises in the summer, and the economic premises, where they held a part of food reserves.

The soul of the whole house was a stove. It should be noted that the so-called "Russian", and the most correct oven - the invention is purely local and quite ancient. It leads its own story from tripole dwellings. But in the design of the overall furnace itself during the second millennium, our era occurred very significant changes, which allowed much to use the fuel much more.

Fold a good oven - the matter is not easy. At first, a small wooden log house (ovens) was installed directly on Earth, which served as the foundation of the furnace. A small logs were laid on him in half and laid out the bottom of the furnace on them - under, even, without inclination, otherwise the baked bread will turn out to be coastal. Above the head of the stone and clay built a stove arch. The side part of the oven had several shallow holes, called the chubby, in which mittens, mittens, socks, etc. were dried. In the old days, the huts were treated in black - the oven did not have a pipe. Smoke went through a small magic window. Although the walls and the ceiling became smoked, and it had to put up: the stove without a pipe was cheaper in construction and demanded less than firewood. Subsequently, in accordance with the rules of rural improvement, mandatory for state peasants, chimney pipes began to be excreted over the sleeves.

Before everyone got up "Bolhukh" - the owner's wife, if she was not yet old, or one of the daughter-in-law. She flooded the oven, opened the door and the smoke. Smoke and cold raised everyone. Small guys sat down on the seas. The caustic smoke filled all the horses, plenty up, hung under the ceiling above human growth. In ancient Russian proverb, known since the XIII century, it is said: "Smoky sorrows did not tolerate, we did not see warmth." Purchased logs of houses were less subjected to rotting, so Kurkish huts were more durable.

The furnace took almost a quarter of the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling. She struck several hours, but, heated, kept warm and heated the room during the day. The furnace served not only for heating and cooking, but also as a layman. Baked bread and pies in the furnaces, cooked porridge, soup, stew meat, vegetables. In addition, it was also dried mushrooms, berries, grain, malt. Often in the oven, replacing the bath, batted.

In all cases of life, the furnace came the peasant to help. And the furnace accounted for not only in winter, but throughout the year. Even in the summer you needed at least once a week to cool the oven to bake a sufficient stock of bread. Using the property of the oven accumulate, accumulate warmly, the peasants were prepared to eat once a day, in the morning, left cooked inside stoves to lunch - and food remained hot. Only in the summer late dinner had to warm up. This feature of the oven has provided a decisive influence on Russian cooking, in which the processes of tomation, jarry, extinguishing, and not only peasant, as the lifestyle of many small-position nobles was not very different from peasant life.

The furnace served as a lair for a whole family. On the furnace, the most warm place of the huts slept the old men, who climbed there by attacks - the device in the form of 2-3 steps. One of the mandatory elements of the interior was the flavors - wooden flooring from the side wall of the furnace to the opposite side of the hut. We slept, climbing from the oven, dried Len, hemp, Lucin. For the day there were bedding and unnecessary clothes. The polls did high, at the height level of the furnace. The free edge of the bailies was often crossed by low perillers-balusters so that nothing fell from the climb. The faults were a favorite place of children: and as a place for a sphanish, and as the most convenient observation point during the peasant holidays and weddings.

The location of the furnace determined the layout of the entire residential room. Typically, the furnace was put in the corner to the right or left of the entrance door. The angle opposite the mouth of the furnace was the workplace of the hostess. Everything here was adapted for cooking. The oven was a kocherga, grasp, pomelo, wooden shovel. Nearby - Stupa with PEST, hand millstone and smoking spask for the break of the dough. Kocherg was burned as a stove. Casting Straapuha clinging pinched clay or cast iron pots (cast iron), and sent them to the heat. In the stage, she was a grain twelve, cleaning it from husks, and with the help of the mill grinding into the flour. The pomelo and the shovel were necessary for baking bread: the peasant sweat was swept under the furnace, and the shovel was put on him the future loaf.

Next to the furnace necessarily hung a rubbish, i.e. Towel and colorhouse. Under it was a wooden laghan for dirty water. The front corner also had a vessel (ship) or shelves with shelves inside used as a kitchen table. On the walls there were observables - lockers, shelves for a simple dining room, pots: pots, buckets, cups, bowls, spoons. Mastered them from the tree the owner of the house. In the kitchen, it was often possible to see the clay dishes in "clothes" from Berriest - the economical owners did not throw off the pots, korchags, bowls, and they were fluttered for strength to strengths of birch bark. Above the chimney bar (sis), which was put on kitchen utensils and laid a variety of economic accessories. Futwaste mistress of the furnished corner was the senior woman in the house.

The oven angle was considered a dirty place, unlike the rest of the pure space of the hut. Therefore, the peasants always sought to separate it from the rest of the placement with a curtain of a motley sense or a colored domain, a high wardrobe or wooden bulkhead. Closed, thus, the oven angle formed a small room, which had the name "Chulad". The oven angle was considered exclusively female space in the hut. During the holiday, when many guests gathered in the house, the oven was put on the second table for women, where they were singing separately from men sitting at the table in the red corner. Men even their families could not go without a special need for female half. The appearance of a foreign man was considered in general unacceptable.

During the walling, the future bride was supposed to be all the time in the furnace corner, having the opportunity to hear the whole conversation. From the furnace angle, it came out elegantly dressed during the view - the rite of dating the groom and his parents with the bride. In the same place, the bride was waiting for the groom on the day of departure under the crown. In ancient wedding songs, the oven corner comprehended as a place associated with his father's house, family, happiness. The output of the bride from the furnace corner in the red angle was perceived as a departure from the house, farewell to him.

At the same time, the furnace corner from where there is a yield in the underground, the mythological level was perceived as a place where people with representatives of the "other" world could occur. Through the chimney, according to reference, can fly to the fiery snake-devil to the deceased husband. It was considered that the days were especially solemnly for family: during the baptism of children, birthdays, weddings - the dead parents come to the furnace - "ancestors" to take part in an important event of their descendants.

The honorable place in the hut is a red corner - there was a painter from the furnace between the side and the facade wall. He, like a furnace, an important reference point of the inner space of the hut is well lit, since both components of his walls had windows. The main decoration of the red corner was the Borean with icons, in front of which the lamp was burning, suspended to the ceiling, so it was also called the "holy".

The red angle was trying to keep clean and eleven decorated. He was cleaned with embroidered towels, luffed pictures, postcards. With the advent of wallpaper, the red angle was often blocked or isolated from the rest of the spacing. On the shelves near the red corner put the most beautiful homemade utensils, stored the most securities and objects.

All significant marital life events were celebrated in the Red Corner. Here, as the main piece of furniture, there was a table on massive legs, which were installed. Stoles allowed to easily move the table on the hut. He was put on the oven when baked bread, moved during the washing of the floor and walls.

It was passed as everyday meals and festive feast. Every day the whole peasant family gathered at the table at the table. The table was so size so that everyone had enough space. In the wedding rite, the wedding of the bride, the redemption of her at girlfriends and brother was performed in the red corner; From the red corner of the house at home, she was held on a wedding to church, brought into the house of the groom and led too into a red corner. During harvesting, the first and the last gripped braid solemnly carried from the field and installed in the red corner.

"The first squeezed hennik was called a birthday room. From him, the autumn sharpening, straw fed him a sick cattle, the grains of the first snatch were considered healing for people and birds. The first sheaf usually heated the eldest woman in the family. He decorated with flowers, carried him into the house with songs and put it In the red angle under the icon. " The preservation of the first and last ears of the crop, endowed with the people's ideas, the magical force of the well-being of the family, home, the whole housework.

Anyone who was the first thing that came to the hut took off his cap, was baptized and bowed to the images in the Red Corner, saying: "The World of Home." The peasant etiquette prescribed a guest who entered the hut, to remain half of the hollows at the door, without going beyond the uterus. Unauthorized, without inviting the invasion of the "Red Half", where the table was put, was considered extremely indecent and could be perceived as an insult. The person who came to the hut could only go there at the special invitation of the owners. In the red corner put the most expensive guests, and during the wedding - young. On ordinary days, the head of the family was recreated here at the dinner table.

The last of the remaining corners of the hut, to the left or right of the door, was a host work site. There was a shop on which he slept. Under it, the tool was kept in the box. In his free time, the peasant in his corner was engaged in different crafts and minor repairs: the pellets of Napti, Lukokhka and rope, cut the spoon, crushed the cups, etc.

Although most of the peasant missions consisted of only one room, not divided by partitions, the secret tradition prescribed compliance with certain placement rules for members of the peasant hut. If the furnace angle was a female half, then in one of the corners of the house, a place for sleeping senior couple was specifically allotted. This place was considered honorable.


Most of the "furniture" was part of the hut design and was fixed. Along all the walls not occupied by the oven, wide benches were drawn, close from the largest trees. They were designed not so much for the seat as for sleep. The shops tightly attached to the wall. Another important furniture was considered benches and stools that could be freely transferred from place to place when guests came. Over the shops, the shelves were arranged along the all the walls - "shipyards", on which household items were kept, small tools, etc. Special wooden pegs for clothing were driven in the wall.

The inalienable attribute of almost every hut is a sew - a timber, which is located in opposite walls under the ceiling, which is found in the midst, opposite the simpleness, was supported by two sauces. The second pole was resting at one end to the first pole, and the other is in common. The designated design in the winter was supporting the mill for tedious of rogs and other utility operations associated with this fishery.


The special pride of the hostesses were accurate, carved and painted straps, which usually put on a prominent place: they served not only to the instrument of labor, but also the decoration of the dwellings. Usually, the peasant girls went to the "gatherings" - merry rural gatherings. "White" Izba was removed with home weaving items. The polls and laying were closed with colored flaxseed flaxes. On the windows - curtains from household kisa, the window sills adorned geranium to the peasant heart. It was especially carefully retired to the holidays: Women washed with sand and screamed a lot of big knives - "Kosari" - ceiling, walls, shops, shelves, flavors.

Clothes peasants stored in the chests. The more wealth in the family, the chests in the hollow. Mastered them from the tree, they were abundant for strength by iron stripes. Often the chests had ingenious mortise locks. If a girl grew in the peasant family, then from the small years in a separate chest, she was gathered.

In this space there lived a poor Russian man. Often, in the winter stepped in the hut contained pets: calves, lambs, kids, piglets, and sometimes poultry.

In the decoration of the huts, the artistic taste and skill of the Russian peasant were affected. His silhouette crowned carved

horse (oven) and roofing porch; FRONTON was decorated with carved breeds and towels, wall planes - windows of windows, often reflecting the influence of the architecture of the city (Baroque, classicism, etc.). Ceiling, door, walls, furnace, less often Outdoor Fronton painted.

Non-residential peasant buildings made up an economic courtyard. Often they were collected together and put under the same roof with riding. Build a household yard in two tiers: in Lower there were a chlev for a cattle, a stable, and in the top - a huge dental, scored by fragrant hay. A significant part of the economic courtyard was held by the barn for storing the working equipment - soy, harrows, as well as carts and a sled. Than wealthy the peasant, the greater the size was his economic courtyard.

Separately from the house usually put a bath, well, and the barn. It is unlikely that the then baths were very different from those that you can still meet - a small log house,

sometimes without a defendant. In one corner - the stove-Kamenka, next to it - shelves or the flavors on which they were soared. In another corner - a barrel for water, which heated, throwing rusted stones there. Later, pig-iron boilers began to heal the water in the stove-heater. To mitigate water in the barrel, wood ash was added, thus pretended. All the decoration of the bath was illuminated by a small window, the light of which was shattered in blacks of wrapped walls and ceilings, as in order to save the baths of the bath, "in black" and smoke was released across a partial door. From above, such a structure often had almost flat single-car roof, covered straw, bark and turf.

Barn, and often under him and the cellar, put in sight against windows and gone from the housing to keep the annual stock of grain in case of fire. On the doors of the barn hung the castle - perhaps the only one in the whole household. In the barn in huge boxes (slaves) the main wealth of the agriculture was kept: rye, wheat, oats, barley. No wonder in the village used to say: "What is in the barn, such and in your pocket."

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Municipal educational institution

Secondary school №3

Customs and morals in the 17th century

"Peasantry: everyday life and customs"

Work completed:

Student 7 "b" class


Chernyavskaya Alina

Work checked:

Teacher of history

Stepanchenko I.M.

Kotelnikovo 2009


Main part

1 lifestyle of peasants

2 peasant community; community and family; Life "on the world."

3 peasant yard.

4 Power Peasants.



The recreation of the Middle Age of the Middle Ages helped to realize that nature for the peasants was a living environment and life support, she defined the way of her life, classes, the culture and traditions of the Russian people were developed under its influence. In the peasant environment, the Russian folklore, fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, sayings, songs, in which various sides of the peasant life were reflected: work, rest, family, traditions.

Main part

1. Lifestyle of peasants

Labor ethics. Collectivism and mutual assistance, a circular order, an equalistic principle. Rhythms of peasant life. The abundance of holidays in traditional folk culture. Combination of everyday life and holidays. Everyday life, life of the holidays. Patriarchalness of peasant life. Types of creativity in the peasant life, the positions of self-realization and self-service. Social ideal. People's piety, the axiology of the peasant world. Range of life on demographic and property features. With the adoption of Christianity, the official holidays have become the highly honorable days of the church calendar: Christmas, Easter, Annunciation, Trinity and others, as well as the seventh day of the week - Sunday. For church rules, holidays should have dedicated to pious affairs and religious rites. It was considered a sin on holidays. However, the poor worked on holidays

2. Peasant community; community and family; Life "On the World"

In the 17th century, the peasant family was usually no more than 10 people.

These were parents and children. The head of the family was considered a senior man.

Church orders forbade girls to marry younger than 12 years old, younger than 15 years old, blood relatives.

Marriage could have been concluded no more than three times. But even the second marriage was considered a great sin for which church punishments were imposed.

C17 century, the conclusion of marriages was mandatory bless the church. Weddings to determine, as a rule, in the fall and winter - when there were no agricultural work.

The newborn baby was to be baptized in the church on the eighth day after baptism the name of the Holy of this day. The rite of baptism was considered the church the main, vital rite. Unreleased did not have any rights, even the right to burial. The child who deceased is not baptized, the church forbidden to bury in the cemetery. The next rite is "tonsured" - a year after baptism was held. On this day, Kum or Kuma (godparents) drew a strand of hair in a child and gave the ruble. After triggers celebrated the name day, that is, the day of the saint, in honor of which a person was named (later became known as the "Angel's Day"), and a birthday. The royal names were considered the official public holiday.

3. Peasant Dvor

In the peasant yard, they usually entered: covered with dranco or straw huts, to the "black"; Crate for storing property; Khlev for livestock, shed. In winter, the peasants were kept in their hut (piglets, calves, lambs). Bird (chickens, geese, ducks). Due to the furnaces of the hut "Floor" inner walls of houses were very smoked. For lighting, it was used by Lucin, which was inserted into the chimney clefts.

The peasant hut was pretty scanty, and consisted of simple tables and shops, but also for overnight stays fixed along the wall (they served not only for seating, but also for overnight). In winter, the peasants slept on the oven.

Material for clothing served dominant canvas, sheep skins (sheepdown) and caught on the hunt of animals (usually wolves and bears). Shoes - mainly served by Napti. The wealthy peasants wore pistons (pistons) - shoes made of one - two pieces of skin and assembled around the ankle on the strap, and sometimes boots.

4. Nutrition of the peasants

Food was preparing in a Russian oven in the clay dishes. The basis of food was grain crops - rye, wheat, oats, millet. From rye (sowing) and wheat (on holidays) flour baked bread and pies. From oats prepared kissels, beer and kvass. A lot was used in food - cabbage, carrots, radish, cucumbers, turnips. On holidays, meat dishes were prepared in small quantities. A more frequent product on the table has become a fish. The wealthy peasants had garden trees that gave them apples, plums, cherries, pears. In the northern regions of the country, the peasants were collected by cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries; In the central regions - strawberries. Also used in food and forest nuts.


Thus, despite the preservation in the main features of traditional life, customs and morals, in the 17th century in the life and everyday life of all classes there were significant changes, which was based on both Eastern and Western influence.


Peasant in traditional clothes

Peasant costume.

Municipal educational institution Secondary school №3 Essay of customs and morals in the 17th century "Peasantry: everyday life and customs" work performed: student 7 "b"