Approximate cow breeding business plan. All about breeding cattle for beginners

Approximate cow breeding business plan. All about breeding cattle for beginners

Cow on the distance

Cow on the peasant soclarians of Russia "cult" of cows in the peasant economy goes into deep old. As more good, they were even preferred to use instead of bulls for the processing of the Earth. "Our Kormilitsa," the cow in the peasant families was so affectionately, and all said these words.

Cows love calm and affectionate appeal, for which the owners give up with abundant costs. Experiments show that music fruitfully affects their productivity. The cows easily master the teams and the necessary behavior skills and are very tied to their owners.

A good cow can fully provide the peasant seven of all necessary dairy products.

How to choose a good cow?

In order not to make a mistake when buying, we consider it necessary to give a few useful tips.

The best is to purchase a dairy breed cows that are distributed in your area. In our country, about 50 breeds are zoned. Black and print received the greatest distribution. These cows can be found almost throughout the country, as they adapt well to different climatic conditions. Usually an adult cow of this breed weighs 450-500 kg and with good content and feeding can give 5-6 thousand kg of milk for the year. In the southern regions of our country, hold the crust of the red steppe breed with about the same ODEM. Vintage Russian breeds, Kholmogorskaya and Yaroslavl, are common and the northern regions.

If, when buying animals in a tribal farm, it is usually possible to obtain information on origin and productivity, then, acquiring a cow or a chick from local residents, animals have to evaluate in appearance.

The sign of its highness is uniform, with an extensive area of \u200b\u200battachment, or a bowl-shaped ditch; Distribution udder (goat) is characteristic of low-daisy cows. The dairy cow should have a small, lightweight, dry head of the elongated shape, a long thin neck. Belubo - barrel-shaped, tail thin and long, back, loin and rear of the body should form from above almost the right line, backrest, narrowness and asotype of limbs are considered vices. About the health of livestock says his cheerfulness, clear eyes, no cough, solid light gait.

The age of the cow can be determined visually for two main features. First of all, on ring-shaped interceptions on the horns. The fact is that the horny rings are a consequence of the inner rearrangement of the body under the influence of pregnancy, and the worse there was feeding during the pregnancy period, the noticeable interception. The number of interception corresponds to the number of cow hotels. To this figure, it is necessary to add 2-2.5 years (age before the first hotel) - and we get the age of the animal. The distance between the annular interceptions in the middle of the horns should be 1.5-2 cm. If the gaps are wider - it means the cow a long period was Yalova, and it is better not to buy it.

The age of the cow can be determined on the teeth; In young - by changing the dairy cutters on the lower jaw for constant, in full-time - in the form of the erased surface of the incisors. In this case, for help you need to contact a specialist who can easily do it. Information about the acquisition of animals should be reported in the daily term to the veterinary doctor, which serves your location, and for three days - in the rural or village council of people's deputies.
When buying a cow must be reduced. During the progress of the udder, no internal hardening should be felt. A good cow will easily milk, milk from all nipples is poured with smooth jets, after milking, the udder decreases sharply in the amount, forming a row of folds, the skin becomes soft.
Buying a cow, you need to get acquainted with its veterinary certificate, where the state of the animal health is indicated, contains marks about vaccinations. If the owner of the animal has no such document, the cow is better not to buy. Sheep's meat breeds, meat sheep

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I sometimes reproach me that I am my own publications on demographics with people to livestock, whose account leads on the heads, villages, promises, etc. Alas, there is a share of truth, because the peoples are not much different from the herd, which paste people graze and shame, cut And lead to slaughter when you need. This analogy will inevitably come to mind if you look at the livestock of agricultural (cows, pigs, sheep and goats) of Russia over the past 100 years:

Approximately also behaved and the number of population of Russia in the same period. Correlation is at least accurately available.

The first blow to the livestock inflicted a civil war. It decreased by 20 million heads for 7 years. Then the NEP and the farms received by the peasants easily help to block the pre-revolutionary level and bring it to 110 million heads in 1927, actually equivalent to the number of animals with the population of the RSFSR.

The collectivization began in the late 20s dramatically reduces the length of the entire livestock by two times, from 110 to 52.5 million, but reduces the number of non-collectivization, and the peasants themselves begin to beat their cattle hardly so as not to reduce their burenoks and sheep to va. The short-sightedness of this step is to drink cattle - beats on the very same peasants already in 1933, when the crown of grain 1932 creates a lack of food and increased mortality from hunger in the spring of 1933. Here this cattle could save a lot of lives, but the peasants turned out to be evil chwarins themselves, alas.

After that, the sharp increase in the length of the livestock begins again, and the number of small cattle (sheep and goats), and also pigs easily overlaps the pre-revolutionary level. I will pay attention to the sheep, goats and pigs. They are the indicator of the private initiative of the villagers (collective farmers), which they contain on their private socios for their own nutrition and for the sale of meat in the city markets. The number of cattle is not so easy because of the natural reasons (long height and weight gain) and the complexity of the content - you need to pay a lot of time that the collective farmer is quite difficult at full employment in the collective farm.

The next blow to the livestock of cattle caused the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. The population decreased by one and a half times from 91 million heads up to 65.

After the war, the intensive growth in the length of the livestock is again, especially in private households. The number of cattle makes a jerk after the death of Stalin and is continuously growing almost until the very end of Soviet power. It affects the strengthened attention of the state to the development of this particular industry. Caution lies in large cappictions in the construction of capital farms and feeding complexes. With the same period, the beginning of mass imports of grain in the USSR coincides - intensive animal husbandry requires not only green feed, but also feed grains.

The reverse side of the Medal of the Khrushchev period is to suffocate the private initiative of collective farmers through tax raising. The collective farmers meet the mass caution of sheep, goats and pigs, the number of which is reduced by 25 million heads in one year. This is another Voluntarism Khrushchev cost him a post.

In the Brezhnev period of the Management Board there is a stable growth in the livestock of all types of livestock, which by the end of the 70s reaches its historical maximum of 160 million heads.

At Boltun, Gorbachev comes stagnation, which in liberals will turn into a catastrophic decrease in the entire herd (from 150 million to 50) of all types of livestock in all types of farms, regardless of the forms of ownership. This period, I would call the scotchofield and scotomor of the 90s. The result of this is the current extremely deplorable state of the village, which looks as if it was bombed for several years.

Next comes that I ironually called the Putin's lifting of the livestock of sheep, goats and pigs, as well as Curia. Cattle to liberal mantras and spells are not amenable and continues to reduce their livestock.

Useful to watch these data together with the production of meat and milk:

The decline in milk is completely understood - this is a consequence of the defeat of collective farms. Another thing meat: The growth was achieved only by the production of chicken, stuffed with "wonders" of chemistry and biochemistry and giving unprecedented bridges. A similar situation and the industrial production of pork. According to beef, the situation is the same sad, as in Moloka.

Approximately also behaved and the number of population of Russia in the same period. Correlation is at least accurately available.

The first blow to the livestock inflicted a civil war. It decreased by 20 million heads for 7 years. Then the NEP and the farms received by the peasants easily help to block the pre-revolutionary level and bring it to 110 million heads in 1927, actually equivalent to the number of animals with the population of the RSFSR.

The collectivization began in the late 20s dramatically reduces the length of the entire cattle twice, from 110 to 52.5 million, but cuts the number of non-collectivization, and the peasants themselves begin to stub va. The short-sightedness of this step is to drink cattle - beats on the very same peasants already in 1933, when the crown of grain 1932 creates a lack of food and increased mortality from hunger in the spring of 1933. Here this cattle could save a lot of lives, but the peasants turned out to be evil chwarins themselves, alas.

After that, the sharp increase in the length of the livestock begins again, and the number of small cattle (sheep and goats), and also pigs easily overlaps the pre-revolutionary level. I will pay attention to the sheep, goats and pigs. They are the indicator of the private initiative of the villagers (collective farmers), which they contain on their private socios for their own nutrition and for the sale of meat in the city markets. The number of cattle is not so easy because of the natural reasons (long height and weight gain) and the complexity of the content - you need to pay a lot of time that the collective farmer is quite difficult at full employment in the collective farm.

The next blow to the livestock of cattle caused the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. The population decreased by one and a half times from 91 million heads up to 65.

After the war, the intensive growth in the length of the livestock is again, especially in private households. The number of cattle makes a jerk after the death of Stalin and is continuously growing almost until the very end of Soviet power. It affects the strengthened attention of the state to the development of this particular industry. Caution lies in large cappictions in the construction of capital farms and feeding complexes. With the same period, the beginning of mass imports of grain in the USSR coincides - intensive animal husbandry requires not only green feed, but also feed grains.

The reverse side of the Medal of the Khrushchev period is to suffocate the private initiative of collective farmers through tax raising. The collective farmers meet the mass caution of sheep, goats and pigs, the number of which is reduced by 25 million heads in one year. This is another Voluntarism Khrushchev cost him a post.

In the Brezhnev period of the Management Board there is a stable growth in the livestock of all types of livestock, which by the end of the 70s reaches its historical maximum of 160 million heads.

At Boltun, Gorbachev comes stagnation, which in liberals will turn into a catastrophic decrease in the entire herd (from 150 million to 50) of all types of livestock in all types of farms, regardless of the forms of ownership. This period, I would call the scotchofield and scotomor of the 90s. The result of this is the current extremely deplorable state of the village, which looks as if it was bombed for several years.

Next comes that I ironually called the Putin's lifting of the livestock of sheep, goats and pigs, as well as Curia. Cattle to liberal mantras and spells are not amenable and continues to reduce their livestock.

Rent another schedule. Epic and monumentally came out. All chatries and cataclysms of our history affected Russian animal husbandry.

The first blow to cattle caused a civil war. The livestock decreased by 20 million heads for 7 years. Then the NEP and the land obtained by the peasants easily help to block the pre-revolutionary level and bring it to 110 million heads in 1927, actually equalizing the number of animals with the population of the Population of the RSFSR.

The collectivization began in the late 20s dramatically reduces the length of the entire cattle twice, from 110 to 52.5 million, but cuts the number of non-collectivization, and the peasants themselves begin to stub va. It affects one of the coalization flashers. The short-sightedness of this step is to drink cattle - beats on the very same peasants already in 1933, when the crown of grain 1932 creates a lack of food and increased mortality from hunger in the spring of 1933. Here this cattle could save a lot of lives, but the peasants turned out to be evil chwarins themselves, alas.

After that, the sharp increase in the length of the livestock begins again, and the number of small cattle (sheep and goats), and also pigs easily overlaps the pre-revolutionary level. I will pay attention to the sheep, goats and pigs. They are the indicator of the private initiative of the villagers (collective farmers), which they contain on their private socios for their own nutrition and for the sale of meat in the city markets. The number of cattle is not so easy because of the natural reasons (long height and weight gain) and the complexity of the content - you need to pay a lot of time that the collective farmer is quite difficult at full employment in the collective farm.

The next blow to the livestock of cattle caused the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45. The population decreased by one and a half times from 91 million heads up to 65.

After the war, the intensive growth in the length of the livestock is again, especially in private households. The number of cattle makes a jerk after the death of Stalin and is continuously growing almost until the very end of Soviet power. It affects the strengthened attention of the state to the development of this particular industry. Caution lies in large cappictions in the construction of capital farms and feeding complexes. With the same period, the beginning of mass imports of grain in the USSR coincides - intensive animal husbandry requires not only green feed, but also feed grain.
The reverse side of the Medal of the Khrushchev period is to suffocate the private initiative of collective farmers through tax raising. The collective farmers meet the mass caution of sheep, goats and pigs, the number of which is reduced by 25 million heads in one year. This is another Voluntarism Khrushchev cost him a post.

In the Brezhnev period of the Management Board there is a stable growth in the livestock of all types of livestock, which by the end of the 70s reaches its historical maximum of 160 million heads.

At Boltun, Gorbachev comes stagnation, which in liberals will turn into a catastrophic decrease in the entire herd (from 150 million to 50) of all types of livestock in all types of farms, regardless of the forms of ownership. This period, I would call the scotchofield and scotomor of the 90s. The result of this is the current extremely deplorable state of the village, which looks as if it was bombed for several years.
Next comes that I ironually called the Putin's lifting of the livestock of sheep, goats and pigs, as well as Curia. Cattle to liberal mantras and spells are not amenable and continues to reduce their livestock.

I want to conclude from all this that liberal ruin and robbery touched not only citizens of Russia, but still the whole animal. Those interested to make sure the similarity of processes can look at

Russian cattle breeding in 2016, data on October 1

Russian cattle breeding in 2016 - A review article, prepared by specialists of the Expert and Analytical Center of Agribusiness "AB-Center" based on Rosstat data. Materials of the article include statistical data on the livestock of cattle, beef and milk production in 2013-2016, including in the categories of farms, in quarters. Long-term trends (since 2001) are presented by reference - Livestock management of Russia. Overview is supported by useful references that complement the material.

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016

The total number of cattle (dairy, meat, meat and dairy rocks) in Russia as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories has numbered 19,556.1 thousand heads. Including the livestock of cows amounted to 8,322.4 thousand heads. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock has decreased by 1.8% or 358.3 thousand heads, by October 1, 2014 - by 3.7% or 751.1 thousand heads, by October 1, 2013 - 5.1% or 1042.0 thousand heads.

Recall that the bulk of the flock of cattle in Russia is the cattle of dairy and milk-meat breeds. A general reduction in the livestock for a number of years is due to this CRS category. In relation to 2001, it, as a result of the optimization of production efficiency (sejection of low-productive cows), decreased by 29.0%. At the same time, as a result of the increase in the flue on 1 cow, the production of milk in the country is relatively stable (in the period from 2001 to 2015. fluctuates in the range of 31-33 million tons). See milk production in Russia.

At the same time, there is a significant increase in the livestock of meat breeds of livestock. For more information about the development trends in the industry of Russia's meat cattle breeding (data on the livestock in the regions, on the import of purebred tribal cattle by rocks, about the dynamics of the development of tribal cattle breeding in the Russian Federation), see links:

The structure of the cattle of the cattle as of October 1, 2016 was distributed as follows: 43.5% had to be in agriculturalization, 12.4% - for peasant-farms, 44.1% on households.

Cattle's livestock (CRS) in 2016 by region

The region with the largest livestock of cattle (the cumulative population of dairy, meat directions, including cows) as of October 1, 2016 - the Republic of Bashkortostan (1120.1 thousand heads). The share of the republic in the total number of cattle in Russia amounted to 5.8%. In relation to the same date 2015, the CRS population has decreased here by 8.8% or 108.5 thousand heads.

In second place, the Republic of Tatarstan is located in 1030.6 thousand heads (5.3% in the All-Russian population). In relation to October 1, 2015, the cutting of the livestock was 0.8% or 8.4 thousand heads.

The third place is the Republic of Dagestan with a share in the total population at the level of 5.2% (1007.5 thousand heads). In this region there is an increase in livestock livestock - for the year by 0.9% or 9.3 thousand heads.

The Altai Territory is located on the 4th place in the Russian Federation on the Pattern of CRS as of October 1, 2016 (820.1 thousand heads). The share in the entire population CRS was 4.2%. For the year, the livestock decreased by 2.7% or by 22.7 thousand heads.

In the Rostov region with the livestock in 601.0 thousand heads, the share in the All-Russian population was 3.1%. In relation to October 1, 2015, the livestock decreased by 1.8% or 11.1 thousand heads.

6. Orenburg region - 577.0 thousand heads, the share in the total number of cattle in Russia - 3.0%.

7. Krasnodar region - 541.3 thousand heads, 2.8%.

8. Republic of Kalmykia - 523.0 thousand heads, 2.7%.

9. Transbaikal region - 485.4 thousand heads, 2.5%.

10. Novosibirsk region - 483.3 thousand heads, 2.5%.

11. Voronezh region - 464.1 thousand heads, 2.4%.

12. Bryansk region - 463.4 thousand heads, 2.4%.

13. Omsk region - 434.0 thousand heads, 2.2%.

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory - 432.6 thousand heads, 2.2%.

15. Saratov region - 430.3 thousand heads, 2.2%.

16. Republic of Buryatia - 415.3 thousand heads, 2.1%.

17. Stavropol Territory - 382.8 thousand heads, 2.0%.

18. Udmurt Republic - 350.2 thousand heads, 1.8%.

19. Chelyabinsk region - 346.5 thousand heads, 1.8%.

20. Irkutsk region - 315.6 thousand heads, 1.6%.

The number of cattle as of October 1, 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20, there were 8,232.1 thousand heads (42.3% in the total cattle of CRS in Russia).

Beef production in 2016

The production of beef in Russia (cumulative, both from dairy and meat breeds) in January-September 2016, according to the calculations of the AB-Center amounted to 953.0 thousand tons in recalculating for slaughter weight (1,677.2 thousand tons in Live Weight According to Rosstat).

In relation to January-September 2015, the production of beef decreased by 1.3% (by 12.2 thousand tons in slaughter weight). For two years, in relation to January-September 2014, the decline was 2.9% (28.4 thousand tons in slaughter weight), for 3 years the production of beef in the Russian Federation decreased by 1.0% (by 9.2 thousand . tons).

Production growth is observed only in peasant farms, where in January-September 2016 produced 80.6 thousand tons of beef in slaughter weight. Over the past 3 years, by January-September 2013, the increase in beef production here was 33.4% (20.0 thousand tons).

In agricultural organizations for 3 years, the production volume decreased by 0.1% (by 0.2 thousand tons), in households of the population - by 5.5% (by 29.1 thousand tons).

In January-September 2016, 39.5% accounted for 39.5% in January-September 2016, about 52.1% on households of the population, 8.5% for peasant farms.

Beef production in 2016 by region

Important! Data on the production of beef by regions of Russia is presented in recalculation for slaughter weight.

The main manufacturer of beef in Russia in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan. During this period, its share in the total production of beef in the Russian Federation reached 7.1% (67.9 thousand tons). In relation to January-September 2015, the volume decreased by 13.1% or 10.2 thousand tons.

In second place in terms of production of beef in January-September 2016, there is a Republic of Tatarstan with a share of 5.5% (52.7 thousand tons in slaughter weight). In the republic, the volume of production with respect to the same period of 2015 increased by 5.3% or 2.6 thousand tons.

Rostov region ranks third in the production of beef in January-September 2016 - 41.4 thousand tons (4.3% in total production). It also has an increase of 5.2% or 2.0 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory made 40.8 thousand tons of beef in the slaughter weight in January-September 2016, which is 3.9% or 1.6 thousand tons less than in the same period of 2015. The share of the Altai Territory in the All-Russian Beef Production in 2016 amounted to 4.3% (4th place in the Russian Federation).

In January-September 2016, the Krasnodar Territory produced 40.2 thousand tons of beef (4.2% in total production, 5th place in the Russian Federation). Growth towards January-September 2015 was 2.1% or 0.8 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 Beef Producers

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 38.8 thousand tons in slaughter weight, share in the total production of beef - 4.1%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (27.6 thousand tons, 2.9%).

8. Saratov region (26.7 thousand tons, 2.8%).

9. Volgograd region (26.4 thousand tons, 2.8%).

10. Bryansk region (24.0 thousand tons, 2.5%).

11. Stavropol Territory (23.7 thousand tons, 2.5%).

12. Novosibirsk region (21.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).

13. Orenburg region (21.4 thousand tons, 2.2%).

14. Krasnoyarsk Territory (21.1 thousand tons, 2.2%).

15. Omsk region (19.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Samara region (18.1 thousand tons, 1.9%).

17. Oryol region (16.8 thousand tons, 1.8%).

18. Belgorod region (15.3 thousand tons, 1.6%).

19. Sverdlovsk region (15.2 thousand tons, 1.6%).

20. Republic of Kalmykia (15.0 thousand tons, 1.6%).

The total production of beef in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions that did not enter the Top 20 amounted to 378.7 thousand tons in the slaughter weight (39.7% in the total production of beef).

Milk production in 2016

Milk production in Russia in the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 amounted to 24,031.9 thousand tons. In relation to the same period of 2015, milk supids decreased by 0.7% or 163.0 thousand tons. By the same period of 2014 - by 0.9% or by 224.4 thousand tons, by January-September 2013 - by 0.8% or 203.8 thousand tons.

Production growth occurred in agricultural organizations and peasant farms. So, for 3 years (in January-September 2016, in relation to January-September 2013) in agricultural organizations, milk production increased by 5.8% or 632.2 thousand tons. In peasant farms, growth amounted to 15.0% or 210.4 thousand tons. In the farms of the population there is a decrease in production volumes by 8.8% or 1,046.4 thousand tons.

In the structure of milk production in January-September 2016, 48.0% accounted for agriculturalization, 45.3% on population farms, 6.7% - for peasant farms.

Milk production in 2016 by region

The leader in the production of milk in January-September 2016 is the Republic of Bashkortostan (1,425.5 thousand tons). The share of the republic in the total production of milk in the Russian Federation amounted to 5.9%. In relation to January-September 2015, there was an increase in production by 0.4% or 5.5 thousand tons.

In second place is the Republic of Tatarstan with indicators of 1,373.8 thousand tons (5.7% in common milk's propellants in the Russian Federation). The growth in relation to the same period of 2015 amounted to 1.0% or 13.8 thousand tons.

The Altai Territory takes the third place with a share in the total production at the level of 4.6% (1,112.5 thousand tons). There is a decrease in milk boring in relation to January-September 2015 by 0.9% or 10.6 thousand tons.

In the Krasnodar Territory in January-September-2016, the nadids amounted to 1,018.8 thousand tons (4.2% in the all-Russian production of milk). In relation to the same period of 2015, production increased by 1.2% or 12.1 thousand tons.

Closes the top five regions leaders in the production of milk in January-September 2016, the Rostov region - 846.3 thousand tons (3.5% in total milk legs). A decrease in relation to January-September 2015 was 0.02% or 0.1 thousand tons.

In addition to these regions in Top 20 milk-producing regions In the farms of all categories in January-September 2016 included:

6. Voronezh region (production volume - 660.6 thousand tons, a share in the All-Russian milk production - 2.7%).

7. Republic of Dagestan (645.1 thousand tons, 2.7%).

8. Orenburg region (619.8 thousand tons, 2.6%).

9. Saratov region (587.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

10. Udmurt Republic (580.1 thousand tons, 2.4%).

11. Krasnoyarsk Territory (562.2 thousand tons, 2.3%).

12. Novosibirsk region (535.3 thousand tons, 2.2%).

13. Omsk region (512.8 thousand tons, 2.1%).

14. Stavropol Territory (504.7 thousand tons, 2.1%).

15. Sverdlovsk region (501.2 thousand tons, 2.1%).

16. Nizhny Novgorod region (474.7 thousand tons, 2.0%).

17. Moscow region (472.8 thousand tons, 2.0%).

18. Leningrad region (458.9 thousand tons, 1.9%).

19. Kirov region (458.4 thousand tons, 1.9%).

20. Tyumen region (426.4 thousand tons, 1.8%).

The total production of milk in January-September 2016 in the farms of all categories in the regions not included in the TOP-20 amounted to 10,254.7 thousand tons (42.7% in the total volume of milk production).

Livestock management of Russia

Livestock management of Russia - Analytical article prepared by specialists of the Analytical Center of Agribusiness AB-Center Materials include both general information about livestock breeding of Russia and statistical data on its separate industries. This review is supported by useful references that complement the material.

Russian livestock, along with crop production, forms a country of agriculture, which is one of the key sectors of the economy. At the same time, animal husbandry is also divided into a number of industries.

The main branches of the livestock breeding of Russia include pig breeding, cattle breeding (dairy and meat), poultry farming (meat and egg), sheep and goat breeding. Also, animal husbandry includes such industries as horse breeding, reindeer herding, beekeeping, rabbit breeding.

Articles AB-Center, dedicated to individual sectors of livestock breeding of Russia:

Russian livestock breeding - total production

The livestock breeding of Russia in 2015 provided 47.7% of all agricultural products produced in value terms. Accordingly, 52.3% accounted for the branch of the crop production of Russia.

The volume of the produced livestock production in all categories of farms (the commercial sector, which includes agricultural organizations and peasant farms and the non-commercial sector of population) of Russia in 2015 in value terms is 2,400.4 billion rubles. With respect to 2014, the cost of livestock production increased by 14.5% or 303.8 billion rubles. For 5 years, it has grown by 71.9% or 1004.1 billion rubles. For 10 years - by 237.5% or 1689.2 billion rubles.

Sustainable livestock development of Russia is carried out mainly at the expense of industrial (commercial) sector. The cumulative volume of livestock farms produced in agricultural organizations and farms of the Russian Federation increased in relation to 2014 in actual prices by 18.0% or by 227.6 billion rubles. and reached 1,491.8 billion rubles in 2015. In relation to 2010, the growth was already 107.8% or 773.9 billion rubles, by 2005 - 336.8% or 1,50.3 billion rubles.

In the farms of the population, the cost of manufactured products in 2015 increased in relation to 2014 by 9.2% or 76.2 billion rubles. and reached 908.6 billion rubles, by 2010 - by 33.9% or 230.2 billion rubles, by 2005 - by 145.8% or 538.9 billion rubles.

Important! The dynamics of the production of livestock production of Russia here is presented in actual prices. Translated in price of the reporting year, given the annual level of inflation, a sustainable trend towards growth in some years is not observed.

Livestock in the regions of Russia

The largest livestock area of \u200b\u200bRussia is the Belgorod region. The share of the region in the total value of the livestock manufactured in the Russian Federation is 6.4% (products in the amount of 154.3 billion rubles).

The Republic of Tatarstan is in second place - 109.0 billion rubles. (4.5% in the all-Russian value of animal products manufactured).

The third place is occupied by the Krasnodar Territory with a share in the total value in the damage of 3.8% (91.1 billion rubles).

The Republic of Bashkortostan is located on the fourth line of the rating - 84.5 billion rubles (3.5% in the all-Russian value of livestock production in 2015).

Chelyabinsk region with its share of 3.2% (76.4 billion rubles) closes the five livestock regions in 2015. It is more than in 2014 by 20.5% or 13.0 billion rubles.

The Top 20 of the Livestock Regions of the Russian Federation also included: Rostov region (the cost of livestock production - 74.2 billion rubles, share in total cost - 3.1%), Voronezh region (69.0 billion rubles, 2.9%), Leningrad region (68.8 billion rubles, 2.9%), Altai region (68.0 billion rubles, 2.8%), Stavropol Territory (55.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Orenburg region (55.6 billion rubles, 2.3%), Republic of Dagestan (54.9 billion rubles, 2.3%), Novosibirsk region (50.1 billion rubles, 2.1%), Krasnoyarsk region (50.0 billion rubles, 2, 1%), Kursk region (48.0 billion rubles, 2.0%), Sverdlovsk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Bryansk region (47.1 billion rubles, 2.0%), Moscow Area including territories of New Moscow (45.6 billion rubles, 1.9%), Omsk region (45.0 billion rubles, 1.9%), Tambov region (43.4 billion rubles, 1.8%).

The top 20 regions accounted for 55.7% in the total value of all animal husbandry products in 2015, the top 30 regions - 71.2%.

Livestock livestock in Russia

The livestock population in Russia in all categories of farms as of the end of 2015 numbered 18,963.2 thousand heads. Including the livestock of cows amounted to 8,379.2 thousand heads. With respect to 2014, the size of the herd of cattle decreased by 1.6%, by 2010 - by 5.0%, by 2005 - by 12.3%, by 2001 - by 30.8%. The livestock of cows per year decreased by 1.8%, for 5 years - by 5.3%, for 10 years - by 12.0%, by 2001 - by 31.9%.

The population of pigs in Russia as of the end of 2015 in all categories of farms amounted to 21,419.2 thousand heads. During the year, the livestock increased by 9.6%, for 5 years - by 24.4%, for 10 years - by 55.1%, by 2001 - by 32.0%.

The livestock of sheep and goats in Russia as of the end of 2015 numbered 24,528.4 thousand heads. In relation to 2014, it decreased by 0.7%, but in 5 years increased by 12.4%, for 10 years also increased by 32.0%, by 2001 - by 57.5%.

Meat production in Russia

The total amount of meat production of all types in Russia in the slaughter weight in all categories of farms in 2015 amounted to 9,483.9 thousand tons. It is 4.6% or 413.3 thousand tons more than in 2014. For 5 years (with respect to 2010), the volumes increased by 32.3% (by 2,317.1 thousand tons), for 10 years (by 2005) - by 90.1% (by 4,494.4 thousand. tons). For the first time, the volume of meat production in 1991 was exceeded when it was 9,375.2 thousand tons.

Structure meat production in Russia In 2015, it looks like this: the poultry meat accounted for 47.3%, on pork - 32.6%, on beef - 17.3%, on mutton and kozdyatin - 2.1%, on other types of meat - 0.8 %.

Meat production in Russia increases steadily, starting from the mid-2000s, when the quotas for the import of meat were introduced. Extension of volumes in 2014-2016. The devaluation of the ruble (which also had an impact on the fall in imported deliveries), as well as a ban on imports of meat from a number of countries introduced in August 2014.

Read more with data on the production of meat by type, other trends in the meat market can be found in the article on the link - meat market .

Egg production in Russia

In 2015, 42,523.6 million eggs produced in Russia in the farms of all categories. During the year, production increased by 1.6%, in relation to 2010 - by 4.7%, by 2005 - by 14.5%, by 2001 - by 20.7%.

Top 10 Eggs manufacturers in 2015 looks like this: the Leningrad region (the volume of egg production in the farms of all categories - 3,060.9 million pieces, the share in the all-Russian production of eggs - 7.2%), Rostov region (1 907, 0 million pieces, 4.5%), Yaroslavl region (1,717.1 million pieces, 4.0%), Chelyabinsk region (1,577.8 million units, 3.7%), Krasnodar Territory (1,516.7 million pieces, 3.6%), Belgorod region (1,474.0 million units, 3.5%), Tyumen region (1,456.8 million units, 3.4%), Sverdlovsk region (1,448.8 million units, 3.4%), Republic of Mordovia (1,422.5 million units, 3.3%), Nizhny Novgorod region (1,329.5 million units, 3.1%).

Milk production in Russia

Milk production in Russia in 2015 in farms of all categories amounted to 30,781.1 thousand tons. During the year, production decreased by 0.03%, for 5 years - by 3.3%, for 10 years - by 0.9%, by 2001 - by 6.4%.

In the TOP-10 milk manufacturers in 2015 included: the Republic of Bashkortostan (the volume of milk production - 1,812.3 thousand tons, the share in the total milk in the Russian Federation - 5.9%), the Republic of Tatarstan (1,750.7 thousand . tons, 5.7%), Altai region (1,414.9 thousand tons, 4.6%), Krasnodar region (1 328.2 thousand tons, 4.3%), Rostov region (1 080.5 thousand tone, 3.5%), Republic of Dagestan (820.2 thousand tons, 2.7%), Voronezh region (805.8 thousand tons, 2.6%), Orenburg region (797.1 thousand Tons, 2.6%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (730.2 thousand tons, 2.4%), Udmurt Republic (729.0 thousand tons, 2.4%).

Production of honey in Russia

Production of commodity honey in Russia in 2015 in the farms of all categories amounted to 67.7 thousand tons. This is 9.5% less than produced in 2014, by 31.4% more than in 2010 and 29.1% exceeds the 2005 figures. In relation to 2001, the growth was 27.9%.

The top 10 of the MED manufacturers in 2015 includes: the Republic of Bashkortostan (the volume of production of honey is 5.9 thousand tons, the share in the total production of honey in Russia is 8.8%), the Republic of Tatarstan (5.6 thousand tons , 8.3%), Primorsky Kra (4.9 thousand tons, 7.3%), Altai Territory (4.8 thousand tons, 7.1%), Rostov region (3.9 thousand tons, 5 , 7%), Saratov region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Krasnodar region (2.4 thousand tons, 3.5%), Belgorod region (2.1 thousand tons, 3.1 %), Orenburg region (1.9 thousand tons, 2.8%), Kostroma region (1.5 thousand tons, 2.3%).