Lyrics A. K

Lyrics A. K

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Against the flow (collection)

A. K. Tolstoy - Alexander II

August or September 1861

Your Majesty, I thought for a long time, how I would state a deal, deeply affecting me, and came to the conviction that the straight path and here, as in all other circumstances, is the best. Sovereign, service, whatever she was, deeply opposed to my nature; I know that everyone should make a benefit of their strength to the best of their strength, but there are different ways to benefit. The path specified to me for this providence is mine literary datingAnd every other way is impossible for me. From me there will always be a bad military and bad official, but, as I think, I, not falling into self-conceit, I can say that I am a good writer. This is not a new vocation for me; I would have surrendered to him for a long time if during the famous time (up to forty years) did not raise myself from a sense of duty, believing with my relatives who had other views on it. So, I was first in the civil service, then when the war broke out, I, like everything, became a military. After the end of the war, I was already ready to leave the service to fully dedicate myself literature when your majesty could not tell me through my uncle Perovsky about your intention so that I consist at your person. My doubts and oscillations, I stated my uncle in a letter with which he introduced you, but since he once again confirmed to me the decision taken by your Majesty, I obeyed him and became a fluege-adjutant of your majesty. I thought then that I would be able to defeat the nature of the artist, but the experience showed that I was in vain fought with her. Service and art are incompatible, one harms the other, and you need to make a choice. Large praise would deserve, of course, direct active participation in state affairs, but I don't have a calling for this, while another calling is given to me. Your Majesty, my position confuses me: I wear a uniform, and the associated duties cannot fulfill properly.

The noble heart of your Majesty will forgive me if I begs to dismiss me to dismiss me, not to retire from you, but in order to go clearly defined the path and not to be more influencing in other people's feathers. As for you, the sovereign I will never stop love and respect, then I have a tool to serve your person, and I am happy that I can offer you: This means - speak to anythingAnd this is the only position possible for me and, fortunately, not requiring a uniform. I would not be worthy of her, the sovereign if in the present my past resorted to any defaults or was looking for imaginary predictions.

I fully opened my heart and always ready to open it to you, for I prefer to call your displeasure than to lose your respect. If, however, to your Majesty could provide the right to approach the individual of your majesty only to persons clothed with the official title, let me, as before the war, modestly become a chamber-junker, for my only ambitious desire, sovereign - to remain your majesty. loyal and loyal subjects.

C. A. Tolstoy

Against current1

Friends, you hear a crying stunning:
"Call, singers and artists! By the way Lie
Your fiction is positive in our age?
Do you still have dreamers?

Minimize the launch of the new time
The world stems, hobbies were hung -
Where to resist you who has learned the tribe,
Against the stream?"

Friends, do not believe! All the same one
Power of us manit to yourself unknown,
The same captives us a nightingale song,
The same the stars of heaven are pleased!

True, the same! The midst of the gloom is random
Believe the wonderful star of inspiration,
Higher, in the name of the beautiful,
Against the stream!

Remember: on the days of Byzantium relaxed,
In the attacks of Yarykh on God's abode,
Boldly swearing shrine drunk
Also shouted icons fighters:

"Who is opposed to our set?
The world was applied by the power of thinking -
Where is the defeated arguing of art
Against the stream?"

In the days, after the execution of the Savior,
On days, as the apostles walked inspired,
We went to preach the word teacher,
The scribes said so arrogant:

"Crucify a rebel! No procuer in ridic
All hated, insane teaching!
Are they poor to go to Galilean
Against the stream!"

Friends, hack! In vain, huliters
Mntit offeure us with your pride -
As shore, we soon, waves winners,
Let's come out solemnly with our shrine!

Top over the final will take the endless
Faith in our holy value
We will excite the course
Against the stream!

* * *

These poor villages.
This scarce nature!

F. Tyutchev

Odarily is very abundant
Our land, the king of heaven
Be rich and strong
She commanded everywhere.

But so that the seams fell,
So that the noves are empty -
We are blessing
The king of heaven gave hardly!

We are careless, we are lazy,
All of our hands fall.
And so we are patient -
This is nothing to praise!

February, 1869.

I. A. Goncharov

Do not listen to noise
Sens, gossip and hassle,
Think your own Duma
And go ahead!

Before your other, you do not care,

End of a familiarization fragment.

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On July 27, 1861, Tolstoy informed his wife from Peterhof that he wants to write Alexander II about his resignation in the Crimea, since "it is now impossible to speak now." Alexander II went to the Crimea on August 6, 1861. Decree on the dismissal of Tolstoy dated September 28. This defines the date of the letter.

L. A. Perovsky.

Cf. With a passage from another undited letter to Alexander II, written later: "Your Majesty, there are two types of devotion to their monarch: one is to always be one opinion with him and hide everything from him that can excite displeasure in it, reducing the strength and significance of ideas facing in its presentation with its control system; Similar devotion, when it is not a betrayal, could be called the devotion of a lake or a man of the Nearland. Another - the true type of devotion is to show the monarch all things in their true light, to warn when it is necessary, about the danger, what it is, and - in agreement with the conscience and to the measure of everyone's understanding - to offer the best way in these circumstances actions. Such is the sovereign, my dedication to you. Without occupying any official position, not belonging to any party, I have the opportunity to hear all opinions, to bring them a cumulative result and make the conclusions of them that would be significant to your Majesty ... "

A. K. Tolstoy - Alexander II

August or September 1861

Your Majesty, I thought for a long time, how I would state a deal, deeply affecting me, and came to the conviction that the straight path and here, as in all other circumstances, is the best. Sovereign, service, whatever she was, deeply opposed to my nature; I know that everyone should make a benefit of their strength to the best of their strength, but there are different ways to benefit. The path specified to me for this providence is mine literary datingAnd every other way is impossible for me. From me there will always be a bad military and bad official, but, as I think, I, not falling into self-conceit, I can say that I am a good writer. This is not a new vocation for me; I would have surrendered to him for a long time if during the famous time (up to forty years) did not raise myself from a sense of duty, believing with my relatives who had other views on it. So, I was first in the civil service, then when the war broke out, I, like everything, became a military. After the end of the war, I was already ready to leave the service to fully dedicate myself literature when your majesty could not tell me through my uncle Perovsky about your intention so that I consist at your person. My doubts and oscillations, I stated my uncle in a letter with which he introduced you, but since he once again confirmed to me the decision taken by your Majesty, I obeyed him and became a fluege-adjutant of your majesty. I thought then that I would be able to defeat the nature of the artist, but the experience showed that I was in vain fought with her. Service and art are incompatible, one harms the other, and you need to make a choice. Large praise would deserve, of course, direct active participation in state affairs, but I don't have a calling for this, while another calling is given to me. Your Majesty, my position confuses me: I wear a uniform, and the associated duties cannot fulfill properly.

The noble heart of your Majesty will forgive me if I begs to dismiss me to dismiss me, not to retire from you, but in order to go clearly defined the path and not to be more influencing in other people's feathers. As for you, the sovereign I will never stop love and respect, then I have a tool to serve your person, and I am happy that I can offer you: This means - speak to anythingAnd this is the only position possible for me and, fortunately, not requiring a uniform. I would not be worthy of her, the sovereign if in the present my past resorted to any defaults or was looking for imaginary predictions.

I fully opened my heart and always ready to open it to you, for I prefer to call your displeasure than to lose your respect. If, however, to your Majesty could provide the right to approach the individual of your majesty only to persons clothed with the official title, let me, as before the war, modestly become a chamber-junker, for my only ambitious desire, sovereign - to remain your majesty. loyal and loyal subjects.


Friends, you hear a crying stunning:
"Call, singers and artists! By the way Lie
Your fiction is positive in our age?
Do you still have dreamers?

Minimize the launch of the new time
The world stems, hobbies were hung -
Where to resist you who has learned the tribe,
Against the stream?"


Friends, do not believe! All the same one
Power of us manit to yourself unknown,
The same captives us a nightingale song,
The same the stars of heaven are pleased!

True, the same! The midst of the gloom is random
Believe the wonderful star of inspiration,
Higher, in the name of the beautiful,
Against the stream!


Remember: on the days of Byzantium relaxed,
In the attacks of Yarykh on God's abode,
Boldly swearing shrine drunk
Also shouted icons fighters:

"Who is opposed to our set?
The world was applied by the power of thinking -
Where is the defeated arguing of art
Against the stream?"


In the days, after the execution of the Savior,
On days, as the apostles walked inspired,
We went to preach the word teacher,
The scribes said so arrogant:

"Crucify a rebel! No procuer in ridic
All hated, insane teaching!
Are they poor to go to Galilean
Against the stream!"


Friends, hack! In vain, huliters
Mntit offeure us with your pride -
As shore, we soon, waves winners,
Let's come out solemnly with our shrine!

Top over the final will take the endless
Faith in our holy value
We will excite the course
Against the stream!

* * *

These poor villages.
This scarce nature!

F. Tyutchev

Odarily is very abundant
Our land, the king of heaven
Be rich and strong
She commanded everywhere.

But so that the seams fell,
So that the Nibs are empty -
We are blessing
The king of heaven gave hardly!

We are careless, we are lazy,
All of our hands fall.
And so we are patient -
This is nothing to praise!

February, 1869.

I. A. Goncharov

Do not listen to noise
Sens, gossip and hassle,
Think your own Duma
And go ahead!

Before your other, you do not care,
The wind let them wear them!
What is in your soul ripe
To have a clear image.

Tuchi black hung -
Let them hang - hell with two!
For their own only thoughts,
The rest of the Tryn-grass!

* * *

Darkness and fog stood the way
Earth night all goes around,
But I believe, I know: lives somewhere,
Somewhere yes lives king maiden!

I did not wait, did not guess, crushed in the dark
In that country where there is no road,
I dismissed the horse, I drove
And in the sides he squealed!

August 1870.

* * *

In the monastery of the desert near Cordoba
The picture is. Diligent hand
Depicted an artist in her harsh,
As a deduction martyr saint
Lies in chains and executioners from living
Tear the skin ... view of the painting of that
Cruel art
Squeezes chest and perturbs feeling.
But in the days of longing, I'm still again,
Persistently in thought invades
And flour that execution holy
Today I understand and relatives:
From my soul, coverings are counted,
Live cloth is naked,
And every one to her lifestyle
There is evil pain and burning torch.

Autumn 1870.

* * *

The door to the wet porch was dissolved again
In the midday rays, traces of recent already
Shave. Warm wind revenge on our face
And blossoming on the fields of blue puddles.

Still fastened fireplace molding fire
Last Morning Winter Recalling,
But the larks there, over a loss of the link,
Today announced that life came otherwise.

And in the air they sound the words, I do not know whose
About happiness, and love, and youth, and trust
And loudly invas the running streams,
Hesitory cane yellowing feathers.

Let them go on clay and sand
Melting snow, hurried, take water,
Doubtlessly take the soul of your longing
Customer power resurrect nature!

* * *

About the feat I heard a Croton fighter,
How, the young woman swaying on his shoulders,
So that the strength of strong muscles multiply gradually,
The city wall has walked, under it bent,
And daily work has repeatedly
Taurus he does not grind to a fat bull.

In the days of my day, with fate in brave dispute,
I, like Milon, wrapped myself on my shoulders.
Without noticing himself that the burden is hard;
But every day it invisibly grew,
And my head under it was already sad
It all grows without measure and limit!

May 1871.

On the cray

Dumping heaven through the glow
And small prevails are drawn by the pattern
In the spring sheets barely dressed forest,
On the meadow swampy sown by storage.

And wilderness and silence. Only sleepy thrills
How reluctantly arrive singing;
From the meadow, couples ... flickering star
At my feet in the water there was a reflection;

Cooked out, and last year's leaf
Sakers in oaks ... suddenly light whistle
Heard; behind him, reports and clearly,
Arrow familiar wheezing rated three times,

And Valdshnep extended - beyond shot. Other
Flies because of the forest, but long arc
The edge came down and disappeared. Rumor and sight
My tense, and now through a moment,

Whistling, one more, in the last light of the day,
A line of trembling rushing at me.
Dyhanye Pritav, bent under the aspen,
I waited a faithful moment - forward to Paul-ARSHIN

I threw up - lights shone, thunder rushed across the forest -
And Valdshnep falls on the ground with a wheel.
The blow of heavy distant rolled,
Weak, frozen. Tranquility embraced

Again sleeping young forest, and the cloud is gray
Valves hanging rifle smoke.
That came from a long swamp
Spring cranes jeeping notched -

And poke everything again - and in the depths of the branches
The pearl crushing lasted the nightingale.
But why suddenly, painfully and strange,
Past me re-enemy
And in these twilight, and in this silence
Exproy sorrow it appeared to me?

Departed joys! Forgotten sadness!
Why in my soul you sounded again
And again before me, the medium of obvious sleep,
Flashed the days of my deceased spring?

May 1871.

* * *

"..." in the very course and rhythm of poems breathes his joy of life; Often inner vision you catch on his face a cheerful, joking, sometimes - a mocking smile. Sometimes even pouring through the edge is a passionate, agitated and exciting feeling. I want to sigh all the breasts, I want to shout, - Neudomotia need, sounds without concepts, one chorus:

Goy, you, my homeland!
Goy, you, Bor dense!
Whistle midnight nightingale!
Wind, steppe yes clouds!
"Had the heart that life is good," and therefore
Heart jumps famously:
Oh, Lado, Lel-Luli!

He has, Tolstoy, irrepressible delight before the happiness of being, before the joy of breathing, and directly from the soul, one of the most beautiful sounds of Russian poetry is poured out - this bright wave of early spring, this forever fresh, full of admiration and sadness of the human heart.

It was in the morning of our years -
About happiness! About tears!
About the forest! About life! About the sun light!
About fresh birch spirit!

He is generally - Spring Poet; So to speak, undoubted, obvious, everyone likes, she, adapted to the universal taste, is his favorite time of the year, "green in his heart".

Your Majesty, I thought for a long time, how I would state a deal, deeply affecting me, and came to the conviction that the straight path and here, as in all other circumstances, is the best. Sovereign, service, whatever she was, deeply opposed to my nature; I know that everyone should make a benefit of their strength to the best of their strength, but there are different ways to benefit. The path specified to me for this providence is mine literary datingAnd every other way is impossible for me. From me there will always be a bad military and bad official, but, as I think, I, not falling into self-conceit, I can say that I am a good writer. This is not a new vocation for me; I would have surrendered to him for a long time if during the famous time (up to forty years) did not raise myself from a sense of duty, believing with my relatives who had other views on it. So, I was first in the civil service, then when the war broke out, I, like everything, became a military. After the end of the war, I was already ready to leave the service to fully dedicate myself literature when your majesty could not tell me through my uncle Perovsky about your intention so that I consist at your person. My doubts and oscillations, I stated my uncle in a letter with which he introduced you, but since he once again confirmed to me the decision taken by your Majesty, I obeyed him and became a fluege-adjutant of your majesty. I thought then that I would be able to defeat the nature of the artist, but the experience showed that I was in vain fought with her. Service and art are incompatible, one harms the other, and you need to make a choice. Large praise would deserve, of course, direct active participation in state affairs, but I don't have a calling for this, while another calling is given to me. Your Majesty, my position confuses me: I wear a uniform, and the associated duties cannot fulfill properly.

The noble heart of your Majesty will forgive me if I begs to dismiss me to dismiss me, not to retire from you, but in order to go clearly defined the path and not to be more influencing in other people's feathers. As for you, the sovereign I will never stop love and respect, then I have a tool to serve your person, and I am happy that I can offer you: This means - speak to anythingAnd this is the only position possible for me and, fortunately, not requiring a uniform. I would not be worthy of her, the sovereign if in the present my past resorted to any defaults or was looking for imaginary predictions.

I fully opened my heart and always ready to open it to you, for I prefer to call your displeasure than to lose your respect. If, however, to your Majesty could provide the right to approach the individual of your majesty only to persons clothed with the official title, let me, as before the war, modestly become a chamber-junker, for my only ambitious desire, sovereign - to remain your majesty. loyal and loyal subjects.


Friends, you hear a crying stunning:

"Call, singers and artists! By the way Lie

Your fiction is positive in our age?

Do you still have dreamers?

Minimize the launch of the new time

The world stems, hobbies were hung -

Where to resist you who has learned the tribe,

Against the stream?"

Friends, do not believe! All the same one

Power of us manit to yourself unknown,

The same captives us a nightingale song,

The same the stars of heaven are pleased!

True, the same! The midst of the gloom is random

Believe the wonderful star of inspiration,

Higher, in the name of the beautiful,

Against the stream!

Remember: on the days of Byzantium relaxed,

In the attacks of Yarykh on God's abode,

Boldly swearing shrine drunk

Also shouted icons fighters:

"Who is opposed to our set?

The world was applied by the power of thinking -

Where is the defeated arguing of art

Against the stream?"

In the days, after the execution of the Savior,

On days, as the apostles walked inspired,

We went to preach the word teacher,

The scribes said so arrogant:

"Crucify a rebel! No procuer in ridic

All hated, insane teaching!

Are they poor to go to Galilean

Against the stream!"

Friends, hack! In vain, huliters

Mntit offeure us with your pride -

As shore, we soon, waves winners,

Let's come out solemnly with our shrine!

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy Zhukov Dmitry Anatolyevich

Chapter Ninth "Against Treatment"

Ninth chapter


They say someone else's soul - dot. And the thick it is bright, transparent, like the air in the beautiful morning. There were people, and great people who took care of what will write about them biographers and say descendants, and therefore the warningly created their own image, limiting themselves in the statements in order not to disturb the whole picture, which is so convenient fit into the appropriate era. And this is on the mind, in the language. Aleksey Konstantinovich chuckle in his writings, remaining a good, strong, who relate to himself a good one. "Poet-Bogatyr," sometimes talked about him, implying not only what he loved the word "boys" and more than once did the heroes of his ballads of the legendary Russian heroes, but also the mind, passion, the nobility of motivation, the directness of statements and poetic power.

"When I look at myself from the side (which is very difficult), then it seems, I can characterize my creativity in poetry as a major, which is sharply different from the prevailing minor tone of our Russian poets, with the exception of Pushkin, which is strongly major."

Pushkin considered the national sign of the Russian "Merry Decity of Mind." Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy possessed this quality to the fullest. By the way, to recall here about the "moral quatrains", which, as they think, were written together with Pushkin. They seem very "prudkovsky". Here, for example, the "Law of Nature":

Violet in the air squeezed his fragrance

And the wolf hared in the oxidian people;

He was blood-blooded, a violet Mila:

Everything follows by its nature.

"Moral Quarters" were conceived as parodies to the didactic poems of I. I. Dmitriev, but they remember this only in notes - poems live their own life for more than one hundred and fifty years.

Alexey Tolstoy prayed to Pushkin. The publication of the poems of the great poet, he was killed by his marks, lovingly after all shades of Pushkin thought, admiring the Pushkin rhyme. Sometimes he allowed himself to make joking additions to Pushkin verses or comments to them.

So in "Anchar" after the poems:

And the prince of the poison drinks

His obedient arrows

And with them death sent

To the neighbors in alien limits ...

Tolstoy remembers:

Turgenev, now dared,

We, weighing boldly,

In the tricky youth read.

Tolstoy smiled by the addiction of a young Pushkin to "Wakhu, Harita, Tomny urns ...". Some supplements of thick full mischief. So, under the "Tsarskoil Statue"

Miracle! Water is not sharpened, pouring out of the urn broken:

Virgo above the eternal jet is forever sad sits.

Tolstoy writes:

Miracle does not see here. Lieutenant General Zakharzhevsky,

In the urn, the bottom drums, spent the water through it.

Beating over the edge of mischief is heard in the quatrains-tips, which Tolstoy gathered under the general title "Wisdom of Life".

The most funny, the most dyed poems of Tolstoy always contain grain of unexpected deepness, which, by causing laughter, makes thinking. Here, it would seem, just a ballad of ridiculous all-saying:

Wonl dagger killer wicked

In breasts Deliary.

He, having removed, told him a courteous:

"Thank you" ...

And the philosopher Vladimir Soloviev, starting in his "three conversations" with a joking analysis of her, wrote hardly not a whole treatise that the carriers of evil envy the unresolimlessness for them and the simple seriousness of kindness that evil could not do nothing with kindness - she for It is impenetrable ...

But if the poem, historical ballads, Tolstoy tragedies would be performed only by humor or romantic feelings, plasticity images, paintings, then, probably, would be the judgment of Chekhov, who said to the Bunin: "Listen, do you love the poems of Alexey Tolstoy? Here, in my opinion, the actor! How to put on the youth opera suit, so for life and remained. " For the heroes, the nobility of the heroes, the "ease of expression" and "youngerness", as the poet used to say about some of his things, but absolutely missed the fact that he would be closer in spirit, he would remember that "Prutkushchina" and satire of the poet. And it painfully distinguished the Chekhovsky creative method from Tolstovsky in the mundane. Chekhov took heroes from the most ordinary environment and glanced on a thick degenerate democrat on Tolstoy. It could have been affected by the dismissive opinion about a person, not otherwise, as with a mockery of the pronounced word "progress".

Even during a meeting of Tolstoy with Turgenev, Herzen and others, there were talk about "contemporary" and the reasons for disagreements with the editors of the magazine. It was then that Turgenev was born at the Roman Fathers and Children.

Although Turgenev tried to be impartial to "nihilists", the novel called the storm. There was no longer in the "contemporary" of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, but replaced by their "seminars" in the face of Antonovich bore the Turgenev for the "pure slander to the literary direction", which finally quarreled the novelist with Nekrasov. Antonovich picked up the word "nihist" mentioned by Turgenev and let him in turnover. Saltykov-Shchedrin interpreted the Bazarov as "Bushuba and a chatter, but in addition of still from the passing." Pisarev Bazarov was introduced by the brilliant artistic embodiment of the best aspirations and sympathies of the younger generation.

In a letter to his wife in December 1872, Alexey Tolstoy reported that he reread "fathers and children."

"I can't tell you with any unexpected pleasure I read it.

What animals are those offended by Bazarov!

They would have to put a candle of Turgenev for putting them in such a beautiful form. If I met Bazarov, I am sure that we would be friends, despite the fact that we would continue to argue. "

This letter reveals a lot in a very peculiar and complex character of Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

Recall when his poem "Pants Healer" was born, in which he openly declared his hostility towards part of Russian journalism.

They can not suffer a track

Submire the goods to the market!

All that they do not weigh, not to death,

All, shout, you need to do it;

Only that, they say, and indeed,

What is for our body sensitive ...

It appeared in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1866. But why not before?

A sharp sense of justice made Tolstoy to enhance Chernyshevsky in front of the king himself. He fell due to the courageous struggle of Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky.

Otherwise, he perceived Tolstoy those whom Bakunin called the "disarranged students of Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov." The famous anarchist in the same 1866 advised Herzen, who also did not find a common language with young nihilists, to look for readers and among them, people are very energetic.

In democratic journalism, a multi-chance was intensified caused by ideological sorts. Some in their propaganda of natural science materialism reached vulgarity, in criticism of noble literature - to absurdities. Particularly annoyed a thick read-adjacent tone, in which opinions were expressed.

In a letter to de Gubernatis, he wrote:

"With regard to the moral direction of my works, I can characterize it, on the one hand, as aversion to arbitrariness, on the other, to false liberalism, seeking to exalted what is low, but to humiliate high. However, I believe that both of these disgusts are reduced to one: hate to despotism, in whatever form it manifested itself. I can add to this hatred for the pedantic duty of our so-called progressors with their sermon utilitarianism in poetry. "

The opinion of the "authorities" was often expressed in censorship forbar offered to print verses of thick, provincial theaters categorically denied permission to put his plays. At the same time, journalists, perturbed by its anti-nigilastic poems, spread their anger to all his work.

Seeing one of the main tasks to protect the free will of the artist from Dictata Nihilists13, he proclaimed:

True, the same! The midst of the gloom is random

Believe the wonderful star of inspiration,

Higher, in the name of the beautiful,

Against the stream!

But when he read this poem of the youth audience, she perceived him as a call to the fight against the "darkness of the rainy" existing orders and enthusiastically applauded.

"In the Bogatyr stream", to carry from the time of Prince Vladimir in times closer, his hero sees a self-container, which is like "Khan in Russia,", and even later - a halistering crowd of married girls in the imprisoners, a pharmacist, proclaiming, "that, they say, There is no soul, and one is only flesh and that if really there is a Lord, then he only has a kind of oxygen. " And this is already directly echoing with the Pondor "Ceremonial".

In the disputes of a democratic camp about the future of Russia, vulgar opinions on the complete destruction of the family, the state, art, about the celebration of rationalism, which gave Tolstoy with him, as he said, "baby's shaskha" abundant food for ridicule. In the satir "Sometimes Happy May ..." He has a garden blooming going to sing repo, Solovyov destroy for uselessness. Intelligence in the democratic camp gave rise to evil words about the ricking crowds of "demagogues" and "anarchists", consonants only in the fact that universal prosperity will come as soon as everything is taken away, and then divided. And Tolstoy suggested a joke to the means of fighting them:

So that Russian power

Saved from their venture,

Hang Stanislav

All leaders on the neck.

And he turned out to be a visionary in relation to, for example, M. A. Antonovich and Yu. G. Zhukovsky, who once fiercely accused Turgenev in the "slander" to a democratic movement, and then moved to civil service and have served to the general ranks.

And a few more decades some of those former nihilists who gradually turned into liberal professors could not forgive his ridicule in any way. The angry critics like Skabichevsky did not want to see the original poet in it and wrapped their anger on everything that it was ever written.

Once, I also walked in Nigilists N. Kotlyarevsky, on the contrary, defended Tolstoy. He quite reasonably noticed:

"Tolstoy stood not lonely when she watched the development of ultra-radical views and moods, which seemed to be foreshadowed well, if not the end of the world, then the vortex of denial and destruction. And they are not alone conservatives and fans of cozy cosiness shared these fears with him.

In order to really judge the situation that Tolstoy took to the extreme our parties in the 60s, it is necessary to keep several historical references in the mind; It must be remembered, for example, as Herzen reacted to "jeliars" and what knowers he spoke Chernyshevsky ... "

Should humor certainly be mixed? Petrushka is woven with a stick, and it causes laughter from unassicious spectators. And it happens that the old familiar sudden appears in the new lighting. Fresh mockery eye sees somehow differently, and a new thought is born, which at first causes not a stormy laughter, and either just a joyful feeling of insight, or even bitterness of frustration in the usual. And yet it is humor ...

Other from the aphorisms of Kozma Prutkova caused laughter a hundred years ago, others became funny in our time. The reasons that served their birth were long forgotten, but the aphorisms healed their own lives and are distinguished by enviable longevity.

In the nineteenth century, literary feeders often, using foreign sources, reshaped Pascal, Laorrenist, Lichtenberg and other aphorists and published them in domestic newspapers and magazines. In turn, the goat rods reproved printed aphorisms, but already on their own way. "Processing" he and Russian authors. He sat down "historical aphorism" is pusher. He took an expression from the "whims and pondays" of Herzen: "There is no such distant place that would not be close from somewhere" and redid it to his: "The most distant item of the globe to something is close, and the closest from what -The stay is distant. "

Most recently, M. I. Tivalova examined some sources of "thoughts and aphorisms" of Prutkov. She suggested that many Prurtkov's aphorisms were born as a result of reading and rethinking "Pythagora laws" of Mareshal.

Pierre-Silven Marechal was a member of the Great French Revolution. The Russian laws "Pythagoras" were translated even at the beginning of the XIX century V. Co-Pink. This book contributed to the propaganda of the ideas of the bourgeois revolution in Russia, she denounced autocracy, serfdom, church. Marechal says: "Order yes will be your deity! Nature itself through it exists! " Goat rods claims: "Man! Build your gaze from the ground to the sky, - which surprise is worthy, is the order there! " Marechal: "Be a virtue, if you want to be happy." Rods: "If you want to be happy, be it!" Tolvalov also believes that such a motivating form of Prutkovsky aphorisms, like: "BDI!", "Trumpy!", Arose due to the fact that Marechal was abused by an imperative inclination. But this assumption is very doubtful. Rather, the arrogant character of the prostkov himself, the son of his era himself.

Interestingly other. Already the Soviet researcher V. Skovnikov wrote that the rods parodied the wisdom that it was an indirect response to rationalism and that "for people of the new era in the aphorisms of Prutkov, there is primarily a healthy note - aversion from abstract and arrogant thinking."

M. I. Talvivova, remembering the attacks Alexei Tolstoy on a democratic camp, suggested that the disgust for the rationalism of Tolstoy Putal long before antinigilistic poems. "Most likely, the author of the parody variations on the" Pythagorov laws "of Mareshal could be A. K. Tolstoy, who could not impress the views of the latter with their anarchism, a coarse equalization and a nihilistic attitude to the art."

And she leads the words of Mareshal from the "Manifesta of Equal":

"We are ready to demolish everything to the ground, if only it (equality) remains from us. If necessary, let all arts perish ... "

The authorship of the aphorisms of Kozma Prutkova was carefully disguised, and, in the opinion of M. I. Privalova, the reason for this should be sought in the desire of the "delicate" V. M. Zhemchuzhnikov, who in the eighties did not want to remember "On the unlapping attacks of the deceased A. K. Tolstoy" .

Such an unequivocal condemnation of the views of A. K. Tolstoy, and even attributed by V. M. Pearzhzhnikov, demands ideological understanding of them.

Even in the "Manifest of the Communist Party", K. Marx and F. Engels said how bourgeoisie, reaching the domination, destroys the feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relationships and leaves no other connection between people, except for a naked interest, heartless "Cleft", as It is drowned in the egoistic calculation of religious ecstasy, knightly enthusiasm, sentimentality, as she ultimately leaves at the site of all the most acquired freedoms one shameless freedom of trade, as she even turns the poets in their employees ...

Later, K. Marx and F. Engels, condemning the extreme forms of nihilism, wrote that "these all-use anarchists who want to bring everything to the state of amorphy to establish anarchy in the field of morality, bring to the extremes of bourgeois immorality."

Correctly understand the reaction of A. K. Tolstoy to Nihilism would mean to realize and some reasons for the emergence of a huge formation of Russian literature and, in particular, many works of F. M. Dostoevsky.

But listen to the other side. At least Prince V. P. Meshchersky, who told what diplomatic moves did Tolstoy in 1864 against M. P. Muravyov, who pacified the Polish uprising. Valuev and Suvorov's liberal state figures tried to undermine the influence of Muravyov, who lashed to the regulars of the living room of Bludovoy, on Freillan Anna Fedorovna Tyutchev, briskly with his future husband Ivan Aksakov. But if liberals managed the calculation "to break the large force of an independent statesman", "in the face of Count Tolstoy, as Meshchersky writes, there was a passionate, but honest conviction of a man of the most sincere and even fanatical, humane cosmopolitan views and aspirations ... His dreams demanded not Muravyevskaya energy after insurgency, and confessions in the Poles of elements of culture and European civilization are higher than ours; Hence, he naturally proceeded by the requirement of humanity instead of rigor ... "

Prince V. P. Meshchersky decided how he was expressed, to join journalism "with chaptering combat tasks." The aristocrat began to produce a newspaper "Citizen", in which he assumed an ungrateful case to fight against the monarchical positions against the seal of a democratic and liberal sense.

But in the new conditions, even the dignitaries preferred to be considered liberals, and Meshchersky soon felt that he was openly, according to him, "there was a conservative one and the same thing to be a fraudster." During the court, journalism did not respected at all, and the king Alexander II once dismissively asked Meshchersky: "Do you go to the Writing?"

Only thinking by the newspaper, which, by the end of the first year of its existence, edited Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, who began to print his "writer's diary", Prince Meshchersky somehow tried to enlist the cooperation of Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, although he knew that he was "the same sincerely hated two things : Service official and controversy newspapers and magazines "...

Meshchersky has long told him about the corrupting influence on the youth of existing newspapers and magazines, about the "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" Suvorin (he was considered a "crawl nihilist") and ended in the fact that he outlined his program - to defend church authority, autocracy and expand all Hobbies liberalism.

"I remember him, with a shade of thin mockery, intently at me, a perplexed look, when I told him about my journal dreams. His look so clear and so sincerly told me: here is a fool! - That I almost felt in front of him confused.

Yes, and not according to this Count A. K. Tolstoy treated my enterprise with skepticism and bewilderment. Fanatism, with whom he wanted the originality of his "I," was so strong and deep that Graph Tolstoy did not count himself to any camp; He treated the right not to think as others as the best blessing of his freedom, and since the cult of spiritual freedom, he put the above all, it seemed to me that with all his originality would rather be towards liberals than in our party, where he did not sympathize too defined Frames of beliefs. "

Obviously, Meshchersky understood the word "Liberal" somewhat differently than Tolstoy. But the main thing is not in this. The main thing is that Tolstoy did not believe in the "ideality of conservative aspirations" of Meshchersky.

"He seemed to admit that those who were transferred to the region of real, these ideal desires of conservatism will turn to the Khoplord Cult of the Holy Fist and the official feather ..."

"He rather ... was thoughts with fascinating freedom than with those who, in the name of the conservative cult, dreamed of this freedom to curb. He denied the benefit of such a just for the ideals themselves and predicted that she would only help the help of an officer. "

Tolstoy, as always, expressed his opinion without the atrocities. By the time of this conversation, there were already a lot of lists of satirical poems, in which his ability to see the funny and ridiculous sides of life.

In those years, Satira flourished. Rare of numerous publications did not have a special department, where poems, songs, epigrams were printed, in which the most acute problems of political life were addressed. Satyric journals led by Iskra became public power.

However, the Tolstoy Satira in these publications did not find themselves. He was so tightly at the royal, bureaucratic car, that the passage of his satir through censorship could not have any speech. All of them were printed only many years after his death.

It is enough to remember the story of the Russian state from the Genomysland to Timashev, "or the poem about the Chinese Tsu-Kin-Tsyna, who ordered the Council, or" Bunct in the Vatican "...

It could be removed from the power of the Muravyev-"Lisher", but he was replaced by such dignitaries, as P. A. Valuev and A. V. Golovin, who did not bother to liberal postures and speech like those who took and uttered the Minister or Colonel Bieninthenation In Drama Kozma Prutkov "Minister of Fertility" or again the minister in the satirical poem Alexei Tolstoy "Sleep Popova":

My ideal is the utter freedom -

I am a chain people - and I am a servant of the people!

We have passed the time, gentlemen -

I can say: sad time, -

When Pot and Labor Award

It was arbitrary. Him we overthrew the burden ...

Even the Terrible III branch changed the style and methods of work. It managed from a ridiculous incident - the appearance of Popov official without pants at the minister - to extract a whole thing. Tolstoy, the first in Russian literature spoke about the existence of this institution, about the "Ladzorian Colonel", inspired by the speech of the accomplice by intolerable Popov, who ran the denunciation for dozens of his innocent familiar ...

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy used to say about the "night popov":

Oh, what a nice thing it is, here is a real satire and excellent satire!

And he read the poem masterfully, causing laughter's explosions from the listeners.

Particularly delivered in verses Alexei Tolstoy Chairman of the Main Directorate for Press Mikhail Longinov and Member of the Council of the same Office of Theophilus Tolstoy, whose treacherous Casuistry poet ridiculed in his messages, having finished one of them by the mockery quotation from Kozma Prutkova:

We do not understand high measures,

Creator inspired by nobles

We are an example

In this case, we can choose:

In front of the shuvalov

Sloved the great Lomonosov -

I am a friend of the authorities and the eternal enemy

So-called questions!

Mikhail Nikolaevich Longinov, a bibliographer and a historian of literature, once liberal, a man close to the "contemporary" and who belonged to the surrounding of the goat Prutkova, finally got the opportunity to apply his views put on them in a letter to Alexei Pearzhuhnov and in a speech at a meeting of the Company Lovers of Russian literature. Longinov-censor raged so that even friends condemned him. Alexey Tolstoy heard that he had forbidden even the book of Darwin among other things, and wrote his "message to M. N. Longinov about Darwinisme," he predicted him a humorous warning: "Read carefully, siren not all loudly" and Prutkovsky Aphorisms.

Alexey Tolstoy was a man believer, but he could not imagine how it was possible to take seriously cruel, narrow-naughty windy tales, who have nothing to do with Christian ethics. But they exactly, by entering the part of the church teaching, many centuries slowed down the development of science and served as an example for very non-Christian morals. Tolstoy jokingly reproached Longinov even in the "heresy" - the Committee on the press prescribed the god to God for the creation of a person. "And for me," said Tolstoy, "the clay is not aware of the Orangutan not meaningful. But for a moment, I even put it: Darwin stupidity threatens simply - after all, your gaze is a fortune of all sorts of stupid times in a hundred. "

Tolstoy and here could not resist from ulcer words to nihilists who, with their untidiness and behavior, "tormented in their own ancestors."

Longinov also composed a poetic message to Tolstoy, in which he denied rumors about banning the book of Darwin. Tolstoy in a letter to Stasyulevich wrote: "He rents from the persecution of Darwin. The better, but other things quite ... "

Spring and summer of 1867 Alexey Tolstoy spent in the desert. And he worked not to focus. Finally, the first collection of his poems was released. Carefully selected their Tolstoy, but, occupied by the theater, a new tragedy, ballads, he threatenedly took advantage of Markevich's proposal to keep the collection of the collection, which came out with numerous typos and distortions. It upset Tolstoy, but did not deprive the sense of humor in the poetic gratitude sent by Markevich:

Changed Boutkova on Katkova,

Rejected you every false shame.

You mean the sensation is not Okova;

You are not frightened.

And I, you, distorted,

With exhaustion in the bone

Spere, confused and bent,

Thank you to bring you.

Tolstoy himself was extremely picky. Amazes lightness, the fold of his poems. But what work is worth it for this "ease," he could only tell them how he did in March, coping with Pavlova about the alteration of the transfer of the "death of John Grozny", begging her so that the maternal feelings for the work did not prevent her Behind the verse and smoking mercilessly ... "You can not imagine, as I am mercilened with" Fedor "and how I prohades not only whole sheets, but also whole notebooks. You, perhaps, say about me: Make a fool to God to pray, he and forehead hurts, by, right, without it is impossible. Just so can go something decent. "

He wants to preserve the laconicity of the original so that there are no two verses, where one is needed. He wants the tragedy in Germany, as in Russia. And he does not pride to report that the queue is built up from 8 am, which has already passed a lot of ideas, and the ladies sell tickets for chairs for 25 rubles that the newspapers shook him with praises and brave, from which he was almost as much as The fact that officials were stolen half of the money allowed to make money that there are only fans and malicious, but no indifferent. The St. Petersburg Politsmester belongs to the peak, who believes that the "Piece of Kramolny, aimed at the rule of power and to teach the people to build barricades." And more "followers of the late Muravyov say that the play should be banned. All red and nihilists are indignantand that there are forces pounce on me. "

Pavlova arrived in the desert and spent there for a whole month. "I brought to such a degree of perfection that I would call him a masterpiece if it were not the author of the original." It was done that was not without the help of a thick, who owned the German so perfectly that he had a good poems on him. Apparently, Pavlova infected a thick interest in translating, and when it came to go to Karlsbad again, he captured Tomik Goethe, wandered in the mountains and lifted the stanza from the "Corinthian Bride" and "God and Bayaders" to the notebook.

He tried to even theoretical in the sphere of translation, not the first made the discovery that it was necessary to move away from the "Substance", and stood for the liberty of translating - discarded without ceremonies, which seemed to him inserted "like rivets". As a result, the rule came out:

"I think it should not be translated the wordsand even sometimes meaning,and most importantly, you need to transmit impression.

It is necessary that the translation reader would be transferred in the same spherewhich is the reader of the original, and that the translation acted on the same nerves. "

Tolstoy turned fifty years. "I am old," he wrote Sophie Andreevna, and the thoughts at the most almost youthful - it's not time to work on my "I", which "is the inevitable wear of the sense of honor" so that it does not take the top over all the others. Singing self-respecting Pazhod pride ...

And in the meantime, the Great Duke of Karl Alexander Saxen-Weimar-Eisenakh invited him to visit his possessions, caught, and never touched him so good in Germany. And again he is in the castle of Vartburg near Eisenha. From his room with windows in lead bindings, like honey honeycombs, view of the narrow courtyard of the castle, and on the other hand - on the mountains covered with forest. There are ancient paintings, and the tools of the Minnesinger of the XII century, and the room with ghost, and the staircase with a screw, and the dishes of the XI century - everything is as expected, everything breathes by knight and the West. In Eger, Tolstoy stopped in a dirty hotel, but opposite the house in which Valenettein was killed. In Wilhelmstal, he remembered his childhood, Gutener Spevork, who told the story of Faust. He immediately met with Pavlova. The duke arrived, who told the legends about the historical ruins that came across every step ...

"And how your heart beats in the Asian world, so I beat and dug my heart in the knightly world, and I know that before it belonged to him ..." he wrote his wife. In Weimara, he introduced him to actor Löfeld, who should have played Ivan the Terrible. The actor and poet remained delighted with each other.

Tolstoy struck like the Germans bold ancient, each building, a setting. Resumed to be disretened. The duke used the respect of his subjects and liked the Tolstoy, who told him this for a farewell.

My God, - answered the duke, - I am grateful, but I know that this does not apply to me. This is inheritance, and I am his keeper. I try to act as much as possible, but I know that I am a tailor, which is trying to sleep well with all my might.

And after a hundred years after the death of Tolstoy in the cities, where he visited, it remained and unharmed (or restored) every stone ...

In October, Alexey Konstantinovich returned to Petersburg and brought with him the "Snake Tugarin", which he later considered the best of his ballad. In any case, it was a software thing, clearly expressing his eyes in Russian history.

There is no sound and mighty was Kiev. Prince Vladimir's rules in him, and in his feast he had once spoke by an unknown singer:

Eyes like a slit, stretched mouth,

The face on the face does not seem

And they were ambulance angles forward,

And the Russian people became horror:

"Oh eery, oh terrible face!"

He predicted the death of Kiev in the fire, the loss of Russian honor, which the whip will replace, and the eve of the Kagan will. He listened to the laughter of heroes, the threat of Ilya Muromets ...

The singer continues: "And the time will come,

Undeate our Khan Christians,

And the Russian people again take up

And the land is one of you will collect

But he himself will be Han! .. "

The terrible time will come in Russia.

"Custom you are our pass,

At the honor of you, learn to lay,

And so, heightened the Tatarschik region,

You will call her rusk!

And with honest, you will quarrel with an old

And, the ancestors are great on core,

You will say: "Let's go back to the scary,

Face turn to cartridges! "

This is all the same thought about the "stamps of the Tatar Yea", although the ballad breaks on an encouraging note - the Russian people will eventually rule the Russians and in Russian.

Wives Vladimir with a bright face

In the chest of the Bogatyr Otrada,

He believes: We are victorious we will pass the mountain

And having fun to hear him over the Dnieper:

"Oh Lado, Oh Ladushka-Lado!"

"Snake Tugarin" was the beginning of a whole series of ballads, in which Tolstoy fiercely defended the idea that Rus was only then and was Russia when she and Europe were inseparable. "Song about Garald and Yaroslavn", "Three Easterns", "Song about the campaign of Vladimir to Korsun", "Gakon Blind" - they are all generated by a close acquaintance of Tolstoy with Moscow Rus, rejection of it and the search for a light, truly Russian start in the Domongolian period, When, according to his ideas, the honor, the dignity of man and freedom was valued above all. At the same time, it is developed by violent Philippics in letters against Slavophiles. By sending the "Snake Tugarin" to the "Journal of Europe", he is waiting for "with a look of Moscow (Slavophilic. - D. J.)and nihilistic battle. "

Barni, by the way, it was not, but Tolstoy is torn to a fight, and when the article Stasova's "Origin of the Russians" origin appeared in the "Bulletin of Europe", where they were borrowed in the East through Mongolian and Turkic tribes and include not at all To Kievan Rus, and to the era of Mongolian rule, he immediately notices her and then he cannot calm down for a long time due to the weakness of the objections of Slavophiles and the lack of public speeches of serious scientists. Buslaeva, for example. What is the sense to blame Stasov in the absence of patriotism?

"The happiness of Stasova that his opponents are so stupid and that it is not attacking him from the other side ... I read something and not to digest anything and the same thing, and Stasov did not digest anything resolutely. Miller's free Oreste to threaten him some kind of dissertation about Ilya Muromets, instead of agreeing with him that most of our epic eastern(SIC!), Although not Mongolian, but pure Ariaskyorigin (which is contrary to the root of the statements of Stasov), and then split it in the fluff and dust for his mixing of these elements that do not have each other exactly nothing in common.

But after all, Stasov relied on the material collected by Rybnikov, Sakharov, Afanasyev, and all the same devotees who diligently studied and Alexey Tolstoy. But this is the already spoiled by the "Lacéan" alteration into the Moscow period. Where there is that scientist who seeks in them primitive Russian features, Kiev, Novgorod?

"Russia, a modern song about the shelf of Igor, and Russia that was writing the epics, in which Vladimirovy Bogatyri calm crawl, in the pores hide- These are two different Russia. "

Tolstoy is a big bill to scientists. "So come, alas! Partly and Slavophiles! So Konstantin Aksakov and Khomyakov came across and deeply cute me when they walked in Moscow in Kucher Kaftani with an oblique (Tatar) gate. Not from this side should be approached by Slav. "

He calls to refuse a formal understanding of the sources of Russian culture and the worldview and turn to the deep history of Indo-European peoples, to even then, when they became "separated from the ancient Aryan trunk, and there is no doubt that the interests and mythology we had common." Walter Scott in Ivango is mentioned by the Saxon God Chernobog. He took it, right, from the Saxon chronicle, and therefore, together with the genginal or with the Grasse, they came to Britain and Slavs, which brought this God. "Ugh on this antagonism of Slavs to Europeusm!" Down with the Golden Horde!

Letters of thick those years are full of all information about the close relations of Kievan Rus and in general Slavs with all the peoples of Europe.

"Yaroslav had three daughters - Elizabeth, Anna and Anastasia. Anna married Heinrich I, the King of France, who, in order to wipe it, sent her bishop of the Shalon Roger to Kiev, accompanied by 12 monks and 60 knights. The third daughter, Anastasia, became the wife of King Hungary Andrei. To the first, Elizabeth, Garald Norwegian, the same thing that fought against Garald English was killed and was killed three days before the battle of Hastings, who was worthwhile to his winner. His named Garald Gardenrad, and since he was then insignificantly, he received a refusal. The struggle and depressed by his failure, he went to pirate in Sicily, in Africa and Bosphorus, from where he returned to Kiev with unpretentious wealth and became the son-in-law of Yaroslav. Here is the plot of ballads. The case takes place in 1045, 21 years before the battle of Hastings.

Pulls it pulling it there.There are plans of new ballads.

"I will write them in the intervals between the actions of the" king of Boris ", and I already started one of them. Hate my K. m_O_S_K_O_V_S_K_O_M_U П_E_R_I_O_D_U.- Some idiosyngasia, and I do not need to make someone at all to talk about him what I say. This is not some trend, it is me myself. And where did it come from that we are antipods of Europe? We ran over cloud, Mongolian cloud, but it was just a cloud, and let his devil will die as soon as possible. "

Not denying the Norman theory, thickly objects against the fact that Scandinava with statehood has established freedom with state. "Scandinavians were not installed, and found quite established vese. "The Russian reprehensive republics were, and the Moscow gathering, in his opinion, established despotism. Of course, it was necessary to reset the yoke and survive Russia. But what happened? Tolstoy becomes rude: "The block of land is better than a bunch of shit."

But the one who thinks is deeply mistaken, the indignation of the thick is purely historical. First of all, he cannot reconcile with the statement of Slavophils that one of the main features of the Russian nature should be considered humility, "the examples of which we appeal in the transaction and which is to fold all the ten fingers on the stomach and sighing, remove the eyes to the sky : "God's will! P_O_D_E_L_O_M N_A_M, D .... A_M, Z_AG_R_E_H_I N_A_SH_I! H_E_S_T_E B_A_T_O_G_O_V, A_T_E N_E O_T B_O_G_A! " etc.".

And here it turns out that the indignation of Tolstoy refers to the modern Russia to him, which should take on his own "Stupidity of Timashev" and the like. He collaps his anger and for the whole nation, manifesting amazing patience to the arbitrariness and helplessness of the rulers, considers the country unprepared for the adoption of the Constitution. Not noticing a few times the great achievements of the nation, especially bright in the XIX century, he, so loving his homeland, grieves that "Russian nobility - a complete nothing, the Russian clergy - Channelies", etc., etc.

In the same letter, Tolstoy in the most sustained expressions fits orders that existed in Tsarist Russia. He "grabs the courage" to confess that he would like to be born anywhere, but not here. He thinks about the beauty of the Russian language, about the history of Russia and is ready to "rush to earth and ride in despair from what we did with talents ",by the nature of the Russian man. It echoes the famous exclamation of Pushkin: "Damn guessed me to be born in Russia with soul and talent!"

The Russian person has never been typical of the feeling of national chum. Who is who, and Russians love to talk about their own shortcomings, about the inability to bring the order of their own laziness and carelessness, and in the meantime the country is gaining power (whether they are free of charge?) And by virtue of the same criticality of the mind in spiritual terms. The rest of the world, although it is aware of this with some delay, not always the embodiment of the fruitful thoughts of their sons.

Speaking in the biography of the views of the hero, it is difficult to adhere to chronological order - it is sometimes necessary to go through his correspondence extended in time. Interestingly recently discovered by the author at the descendants N. Barsukov, a letter of Tolstoy to Podododnik from June 17, 1870, in which he did not agree with the historian who considered that the poet introduced Boris Godunov to the scoundrel.

"Where can I have a scoundrel! Take all three tragedies together (they make up the trilogy) and trace the role of Boris. He is not even a villain, but a man, the next Jesuit rule: the goal is sanctifying funds with the difference that his goal is really high. You are with true westernbut I will even say, with a knightly feeling behind his wife. I will not only challenge such a feeling, but I am glad that it brings us closer, for I'm in the soul westernand I hate the Moscow period, but it seems to me that this feeling is not applicable to the present case. Boris reproach, perturbing you,

"Not your tribe to understand

That for Russia the greatness is suitable "-

does not fit anything like. Boris married the daughters of Malyuts, of course, not for love, but by calculation. Maria Grigorievna stands immeasurably below Boris. With the death of Malyuts and John, she is not only not a subsea, but a hindrance; From kinship with her porch, Boris was left on Boris alone, and she was tired of him as bitter radish. "

In addition to the fact that the image of Godunova passes through the whole trilogy once again, we return to the search in the ancient Rus of the real government, which Tolstoy saw in the evening stored by princes.

And even the emergence of "sovereign-father" was explained to the thick very original. "Peter I, despite his stick," he wrote, - was more russian,what they, "Slavophiles", because he was closer to the dotar period ... The vile stick was not found to them. He got her inheritance, but used her to drive Russia in her former nativeking. "

However, Alexey Tolstoy, stretching to a certain "ideal Europe", unlike the Liberals-Westerners, despised the philistine spirit of modern Europeans, with whom he met in his numerous trips. He met the bourgeois practicality. Memoirist K. Golovin recalled Alexei Tolstoy dispute with Turgenev in Karlsbad.

Napoleon predicted, "Turgenev said, - that, after a hundred years, Europe will be either Cossack, or Jacobin. Now there is no doubt: her future in democracy. Possessed to France - this is a sample of order, and meanwhile it is increasingly democratized.

What France goes to, "said Tolstoy him, is the integrity of mediocrity. We are on the eve of the day when the talent will become an obstacle to the political career. As you do not see, Ivan Sergeevich, that France is steadily going down ...

Returning in 1867 to St. Petersburg, the poet had to spend their pregnant winter, and they and his wife decided not to bother themselves endless trips from the desert. They hired a house on the Gagarinsky embankment, which was opened for a very wide range of their acquaintances, who met in thick on Mondays. Beautiful musician and man encyclopedically educated, Sofya Andreevna reigned on these literary evenings, "golden voice" with his enchanting guests.

But, according to contemporaries, Sophia Andreevna, at the first acquaintance, as it were, a feeling of people, by turning their cold water with a hidden ridicule. Tolstoy tried to smooth out the emergence was unpleasant feeling with good-natured favor. He talked about a combination of his mind and hearty kindness, as well as about the natural humor, so thin that other punisters and jokes, very and very tidy, did not utter those whom they concerned. Tolstoy famous for the ability to bring together people. Many people have never been invited to Mondays, so that there is no heterogeneous crowd, and the guests felt nice and fun. Even harsh into the tongue, people behaved in their home very restrained. Guests were gonchars, Mikov, Tyutchev, Botkin, Ostrovsky, composer of Serov, Turgenev, Markevich ...

The best artistic forces of St. Petersburg were invited to these evenings, and Botkin wrote to Feta that "Tolstoy House is the only house in St. Petersburg, where poetry is not a wild meaningless word, where you can talk about her, and to surprise, I found a shelter and good Music, .. "and also:" The current winter is the most pleasant house was in thick. "

Already at the end of October 1867, Tolstoy sends Kostomarov a joking invitation for lunch in a new house, promising him to acquaint him with Vasily Ivanovich Kelsiev, "False from the Keels of the 3rd separation of the left", a skinny and inexpressible man. At one time, Kelsiev emigrated, collaborated with Herzen, leading propaganda among the Old Believers. In 1867, he retreated from Herzen, returned to Russia and indeed after a short stay at the gendarmes turned out to be in the wild and was adopted in many houses. Nikitenko recalls that in Tolstoy he said "mainly about the splitters, about which he is highly viewed, as about the real representatives of Russian nationality." Apparently, this attracted Alexei Konstantinovich to him, sometime engaged in the business of the Old Believers.

Together with Kostomarov, Mikhail Matveyevich Stasyulevich appeared in Tolstoy, a vulnerable Pole from the former liberal professors, who married Lyubov Isaacne Utina, Millionaire's daughter and the sister of famous Nigilists Nikolai and Eugene. They lived in a huge profitable house of duck on the Connogvardea Boulevard, where the new one has now sees - for example, the Baron Horats Ginzburg, on the Lensky fores of which they were later mercilessly shot workers. New know Right with the old - the daughter of Stasylevich was already Baratyan. For money, Testa Stasyulevich created a new magazine, taking the old name for him - "European Bulletin" (like the edition of Karamzin).

Appearing from the Thick on November 8, 1867, Stasyulevich immediately realized that it was here that he would like to meet the most famous of the writers. In two months, he reported to his wife: "The literary salon of Tolstoy has a huge impact on the fate of V. E.". Still would! On November 16, Ostrovsky read here "Vasilis Melentyev", the 26th Pavlova - Translation of the tragedy about Wallenstein. Stasyulevich imposed his hand on all the creativity of the very thick, watched by the support of Sophia Andreevna. He cleaned the new ballad "Snake Tugarin" through censorship. Literally on the same day, when Alexey Konstantinovich gave him his thing, the impression for the proof was already lying on the writing desk at the poet. Convenient acquaintance ...

And here, the goncharov hesitated with his novel that would be called the "opening". By the way, when Goncharov reproached in Oblombovskaya Len, he offered "instead leni.put artistic, contemplative nature,only his inner life and inclined to live, the interests of creativity, the activities of the mind, especially fantasy, and therefore alien crowds, crowds would be true, especially if adding the aforementioned nervousness, timidity! ". And added: "That's what my broom! It is if not all, then many writers, artists, scientists! Count Lion Tolstoy, Pisemsky, gr. Alexey Tolstoy, Ostrovsky - everyone lives in their corners, in close circles! "

In his memoirs, Goncharov wrote about the Tolstoy, with whom he met immediately after the Crimean War. Like everyone, he spoke about the mind, talent, open and honestly, Alexey Konstantinovich. It was especially remembered to him that winter when he went to the Gagarinsky embankment every day and once he met Stasyulevich, "Which then tried to revive his scientist magazine Fiction and fall with fat

Against the flow of Peter Petrovich-Sr. was concerned and destructed. He sat in the bedroom, deeply leaving a soft chair. Victoria Timofeevna Rifle and, half a walk on the couch, looked at the plaid, slowly saw from the old silver mug of hot decoction of lime color. - You

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Chapter V against the flow shortly before the calendar pages for 1915 approached the end, the Rotary Feldsher Cartov has already been freed from military service. We could find it in St. Petersburg, on Founder, 30, as ... official! Arriving on the first

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Against the course of May 23 of this year, Obama performed in the Kubino-American National Foundation, created by Ronald Reagan, and I outlined my impressions on May 25 in reflections called the "Cynical Policy of the Empire". In them, I quoted his words addressed to

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Vladimir Lichutin, floating against the current ... and where they, critics and ill-wishers, which for a long time Yazvili over the Bondarenka and did not love him for audacity, for the liberty of the style, for the breadth of sight, for the sharpness of the tone; Some were the same for the times, subsided over the scarce cake,

From books think like Einstein author Smith Daniel

Anti-current was infeld right? Was the persistence of Einstein's peculiarity? To some extent, this happy property has always been inherent. It is most fully manifested during his long lonely attempts to summarize the theory of relativity. Since the time of school in it

From the book of the author

Flow against the current What is really valuable in the bustling of our life ... - So this is an emotional creative individual, personality is the one who creates a great and noble, while the crowd as such remains stupid in thoughts and insensitive in the soul. Albert Einstein, 1930 Characteristic

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy

Against the flow (collection)

A. K. Tolstoy - Alexander II

August or September 1861

Your Majesty, I thought for a long time, how I would state a deal, deeply affecting me, and came to the conviction that the straight path and here, as in all other circumstances, is the best. Sovereign, service, whatever she was , deeply opposed to my nature; I know that everyone should make a benefit of their strength to the best of their strength, but there are different ways to benefit. The path specified to me for this providence is mine literary dating And every other way is impossible for me. From me there will always be a bad military and bad official, but, as I think, I, not falling into self-conceit, I can say that I am a good writer. This is not a new vocation for me; I would have surrendered to him for a long time if during the famous time (up to forty years) did not raise myself from a sense of duty, believing with my relatives who had other views on it. So, I was first in the civil service, then when the war broke out, I, like everything, became a military. After the end of the war, I was already ready to leave the service to fully dedicate myself literature when your majesty could not tell me through my uncle Perovsky about your intention so that I consist at your person. My doubts and oscillations, I stated my uncle in a letter with which he introduced you, but since he once again confirmed to me the decision taken by your Majesty, I obeyed him and became a fluege-adjutant of your majesty. I thought then that I would be able to defeat the nature of the artist, but the experience showed that I was in vain fought with her. Service and art are incompatible , one harms the other, and you need to make a choice. Large praise would deserve, of course, direct active participation in state affairs, but I don't have a calling for this, while another calling is given to me. Your Majesty, my position confuses me: I wear a uniform, and the associated duties cannot fulfill properly.

The noble heart of your Majesty will forgive me if I begs to dismiss me to dismiss me, not to retire from you, but in order to go clearly defined the path and not to be more influencing in other people's feathers. As for you, the sovereign I will never stop love and respect, then I have a tool to serve your person, and I am happy that I can offer you: This means - speak to anything And this is the only position possible for me and, fortunately, not requiring a uniform. I would not be worthy of her, the sovereign if in the present my past resorted to any defaults or was looking for imaginary predictions.

I fully opened my heart and always ready to open it to you, for I prefer to call your displeasure than to lose your respect. If, however, to your Majesty could provide the right to approach the individual of your majesty only to persons clothed with the official title, let me, as before the war, modestly become a chamber-junker, for my only ambitious desire, sovereign - to remain your majesty. loyal and loyal subjects.

C. A. Tolstoy


Friends, you hear a crying stunning:

"Call, singers and artists! By the way Lie

Your fiction is positive in our age?

Do you still have dreamers?

Minimize the launch of the new time

The world stems, hobbies were hung -

Where to resist you who has learned the tribe,

Against the stream?"

Friends, do not believe! All the same one

Power of us manit to yourself unknown,

The same captives us a nightingale song,

The same the stars of heaven are pleased!

True, the same! The midst of the gloom is random

Believe the wonderful star of inspiration,

Higher, in the name of the beautiful,

Against the stream!

Remember: on the days of Byzantium relaxed,

In the attacks of Yarykh on God's abode,

Boldly swearing shrine drunk

Also shouted icons fighters:

"Who is opposed to our set?

The world was applied by the power of thinking -

Where is the defeated arguing of art

Against the stream?"

In the days, after the execution of the Savior,

On days, as the apostles walked inspired,

We went to preach the word teacher,

The scribes said so arrogant:

"Crucify a rebel! No procuer in ridic

All hated, insane teaching!

Are they poor to go to Galilean

Against the stream!"

Friends, hack! In vain, huliters

Mntit offeure us with your pride -

As shore, we soon, waves winners,

Let's come out solemnly with our shrine!

Top over the final will take the endless

Faith in our holy value

We will excite the course

Against the stream!

* * *

These poor villages.

This scarce nature!

F. Tyutchev

Odarily is very abundant

Our land, the king of heaven

Be rich and strong