Zimbalyuk Romanovskaya led a double life, secretly visiting the lover. The mystery of Elina Mazur, her biography and personal life due to hidden cameras in his cabin

Zimbalyuk Romanovskaya led a double life, secretly visiting the lover. The mystery of Elina Mazur, her biography and personal life due to hidden cameras in his cabin
Zimbalyuk Romanovskaya led a double life, secretly visiting the lover. The mystery of Elina Mazur, her biography and personal life due to hidden cameras in his cabin

Mazur decided to tell the whole truth. In addition, she provided a consequence of some documents that exposed Vitaly.


Correspondents Dni.ru managed to interview Mazur. The woman said that before Vitalyna in Kiev was called Vika. Pianist moved to Russia. The ambitious girl decided that without much effort could conquer the capital.


Tsymbalyuk arrived in Moscow after his mother, which arranged to work in the house to the Rector of the Maimonide Academy, Veronica Irine Cogan. The house needed assistants, because there was an elderly person who was very sick. But when he died, Vika Tsymbalyuk lost her job. Veronica Irina-Kogan helped a poor girl in the shortest possible time to receive Russian citizenship.


Vitaly urgently needed work. The actor Vladimir Yachmenyev was familiar with the former employers Tsymbalyuk. He learned about the fate of an unfortunate girl in 2008 and decided to help her. He suggested Armen to hire a home assistant, but the actor refused. Then Gigarchhanyan remembered his friend Arthur Soghomonian. However, he had no vacant place for Vitaly. Armen is a very kind person, he is not indifferent to people who need help. Dzhigarkhanyan once again met with Tsymbalyuk and found out that she was a pianist. Then it turned out that she plays poorly on the musical instrument. Dzhigarkhanyan came up with a new position for her, which was not previously in the theater.


At the end of 2009, Vitalin began to work with Armen. The girl constantly walked for Gigarkhanyan, helped him. But who would have thought that it would be so selfish. Arthur Soghomonian says she looks like an angel, and in fact she is the most terrible and mean man who can only be. Also, the man reports that Vitalin took into his hands the formulation of one performance, which was unsuccessful. Armen was against, but Zymbalyuk stopped listening to him, he herself made decisions.


It is worth noting that Mazur admitted that there was no right. Requests for forgiveness from everyone who has caused pain. "Vitaly will plant and it will be knitting mittens in the colony. I know Tsymbalyuk, all its secrets. I have important documents that will help plant for the grille Vitalyna, this is the embezzlement of money, and cashing, and illegal shooting with a hidden camera, and a lot more. Pianist cynical, did everything with the calculation. True, she allowed mistakes for which he will soon pay. In March, a court session will be held, which will help arrange everything in its place. " - Elina reported.

Look at the video in which the pianist answers questions from journalists.

We hope that history will soon end, and everyone will be able to live calmly.

    The loud scandal around the divorce of Vitaly Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Armen Gigarhahanyan showed that the 39-year-old pianist received three apartments from marriage with a total value of 100 million rubles and several million rubles, taken from the account of theater figure. In addition to the names of the culprits of the scandal, all the name of the lawyer Vitalyna - Elina Mazur and everyone is interested, what role did she play in all this disgrace? The program "Man and Law" tried to understand this issue.

    For the first time we saw the representative of the ex-wife of Gigarhahanyan Elina Mazur on the air of one of the federal channels, when she was removed near the car, where Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was located. At that time, Vitalin was hidden from journalists, diligently adhering to the role of his beloved wife, whose husband "kidnapped" unknown people.

    And only a few days later, Dzhigarkhanyan stated for the whole country that his wife was "the thief, stole from his pocket."

    Elina Mazur immediately defended his ward: "If he told it just in the kitchen, it was possible to forgive somehow. But the man said it to the whole country, that is, in fact he accused her that she was a criminal offense. But to prove to the loss of at least the bottle of Kefir Armen Borisovich will not be able, because he did not miss anything. "

    Regarding Armen Borisovich Mazur promised that as a result of the divorce, he would not get anything that he would have to live in a hospice.

    Further on the facts: A hospital doctor acted on the transfer of "Man and the law", where Armen Borisovich lay, and stated that immediately after his hospitalization, he contacted Vitalina in early October, which he hid it and chose to declare that her husband was kidnapped. Masore also spoke on all channels - "We were looking for it in all hospitals, and did not find." And applied to the police! That was the first lie.

    When Mazur ask "Who," she is responsible - "difficult question". It is known that the representative of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is not a lawyer, not a lawyer. "I don't know who I am, I am a shadow!" - Laughing answered Mazur journalist "man and law".

    It turned out that Elina 18 years ago was a Galkina. But changed the surname to the more sonor. Moreover, together with her husband and daughter.

    As I told her familiar fortune teller Irina Krasenkov, Elina Mazur earlier took people at home, was a healer, and simply speaking - a witch. There were many financial conflicts between them.

    "The whole story with Armen Borisovich has fingerprints of black magic," the woman is sure.

    It also turned out that Elina Mazur is a founder of several firms at once, and in co-founders with her - the former "confusion", which more than once fell into the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for immoral behavior. Also on the Mazur, the physical culture center, the "clients" of which are supposedly running from Ukraine. Recall that Vitalina Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya itself from Ukraine.

    The biography of Elina Mazur is interesting to many, because a woman is always in attention. The public learned about its existence during the scandal, which originated in the family of Armen Gigarhahanyan. It is worth adding that Armen is the People's Artist of the USSR. The situation occurred around his quarrel with the ex-wife Vitaly. Today, the whole country knows about these events.

    Pianist Vitalin Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, the former wife of Dzhigarkhanyan, hired Elina to solve legal issues and its official representation. Not only lovers of the "yellow press" are interested in the biography and details of the Mazur's life, but also devotees of artist fans.

    About the biography and personal life of Elina Mazur, who instead of lawyer and protector of the ex-spouse Armen turned into her accuser, a little known. It is said that even the surname of Mazur is nothing more than just fiction. Social network users argue that the name of Women is Galkina. But there is no official information about this. Perhaps now she is the surname of her husband.

    If you believe Alina, she was born in 1976. But on the Internet, users found completely different information. The official website of the Russian Encyclopedia of Candidates has survived the data that Ealina was born on June 20, 1965. Information is on the site because the woman offered her candidacy at the deputy election.

    According to unofficial sources, Ealina was born in Rzhev. About parents and family in which an activist has grown is also unknown. In one of the interviews, Mazur said that she had an older sister.


    Elina Mazur has no pages in either the "Facebook" network, nor in "Instagram". Users who have previously been subscribed to her say that she has deleted all photos and accounts during the scandal with Dzhigarkhanyan.

    Journalists managed to find out that Mazur had no legal education. By the way, she herself never claimed the opposite. Several times she really hinting about her formation. But Elina never said in which year and which university finished.

    The sphere of activity is not clear and incomprehensible. According to her, the woman worked as a realtor, and also helped artists and creative individuals to solve personal problems and real estate problems.

    It is also often called the "solidist of family problems at a professional level." Elina does not refuse such a title. She tells about what she met Armen's wife at the request of Natalia Korneva, press secretary of the Moscow Dramatic Theater. Acquaintance took place in 2017 in October. I wonder, but they say that Mazur is co-owned several Moscow commercial firms.

    Unsight facts about a woman emerged in the program "In fact", which is leading Dmitry Shepelev. On the shooting came women who used to worked with Elina. They talked about a network of public houses operating under the guise of massage salons. According to them, Ealina owns these houses, speaking as a pimmer.

    The employees also told that cameras were installed in the rooms. With the help of MAZOR records, famous and wealthy customers are constantly blackmail. The polygraph confirmed that the girls talked the truth. Ealina denies the words of girls, considering it the revenge of her ill-wishers.

    Personal life

    About her husband and children, Ealina practically does not say. Journalists managed to find out only that she had a daughter. She is already in a fairly conscious age. The girl is a lawyer by education, she works at the Academy of Prosecutor General's Office.

    Lawyer Vitalina

    It was with her daughter Elina came to the first meeting with Vitaly Tsymbalyuk, after she learned about the abduction of Armen. Hearing the story of the former wife of the artist, the girl did not believe her and decided not to take part in solving the problem.

    Elina Mazur is an amazing person. It knows very little about it, not counting nationality, date of birth and family information. But there are other interesting facts associated with a woman:

    • in relation to Mazur, they opened a criminal case because she talked about the disease Lydia Timbalyuk in television transmission;

    • the plaintiff's family officially issued a claim a year after entering the screens;
    • Lydia and Vitalin Zymbalyuk - Mother and Daughter - Confident that Elina illegally collected information about their family;
    • today, Mazur is under a subscription of the unseen, but it can be deprived of liberty for a period of up to two years.

    Elina Mazur now

    The former wife of Dzhigarkhanyan allowed Eline to act in the fall of 2017. Vitalin personally signed a power of attorney, and allowed Mazur to make statements from her behalf.

    In December of the same year, the program "In fact," where Mazur shocked the public with a large-scale exposure. She said that for a long time he cheated the whole country with Vitaly.

    Elina also stated that she did not want to promote the famous Armen. Interestingly, Mazur itself also turned out to be a victim of a cheater.

    Judging by Elina, the former spouse of Dzhigarkhanyan said his husband to the phrase: "When he dies." Hearing her, Mazur realized that she was deceived and used. She realized that he was involuntarily helping Vitaly to take possession of the property of Armen Borisovich.

    Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya are continued to boil serious passions.

    One of the actors of this drama was the unlucky before Elina Mazur. What role did this woman play in the scandal? Why hurried and now? And what awful truth about the Ukrainian pianist knows only she?

    "She will sew mittens in a female colony"

    For several months now, the country has been following the exciting TV series called "Gigarhahanyan and Vitalin". Elina, do you know what he will end?

    I think that Vitaly will be placed, and she will sew mittens in a female colony. I have very serious documents for which Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya shines a long time. And she made crimes with special cynicism and not very competently.

    Many things have already been established by the investigation, the first court session will soon be held. And I assure you, she has no justifying papers.

    - But you were actually a reported by Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. Do not be afraid after her go on stage?

    At the end of December, I made a statement that I go out of this story, which did not carry any preferences and financial benefits for me. I just understood: what Vitalin is engaged in, this is the betrayal of Armen Borisovich, meanness - and did not want to participate in it.

    Dzhigarkhanyan - a huge scale phenomenon in culture. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - ordinary housekeeper from Kiev. And I am not to blame for anything, because I was not a mistake, nor the pile of Vitalyna.

    - However, in the eyes of most people you are the main negative character of this story.

    There is a notion of public conformism - the imposition of his point of view to the crowd. That happened to me with the filing of Andrei Malakhov.

    It is clear that in the information sense of Zymbalyuk a much more interesting character than Gigarkhanyan, who simply does not reach the last two months in public, makes no statements. But the Timbalyuk itself is fresh and boring. And here take me and serve as a world evil. At the same time, pursuing another goal to wash away from their own non-casing.

    After all, Malakhov gives testimony against Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in the investigative committee. And the next day I invites me to the "Direct Ether" program with the theme "Mazur found out who was the secret duck of Vitaly." I think it talks about the life position and decency of Malakhov himself.

    I note, I did not say a single bad word there - outlined only verified facts, documented facts. I try to help Armen Borisovich to return the property and peace of mind. I do this from love and respect for the Great Artist.

    "Vitalyna had no money even on the barn"

    - Today everyone talks about Gigarchhanyan's apartments, they say, Zembalyuk-Romanovskaya stole them, robbed the old man ...

    No, she did not crawl apartments - she made an absolutely fair deal on their acquisition and tested it before marriage, so they could not be considered jointly by their property. Another thing, where she took money to buy.

    I spent a fairly serious investigation and found out that neither in Ukraine, nor in Russia, where Zymbalyuk arrived in about 2006, she did not have such sources of income that would allow her to buy even a barn in the Tambov region. And she acquired an apartment for Money Arthur Sogomonian, who, being a banker and a businessman, took off the funds from his bills and presented them with Armen Borisovich to buy an apartment.

    Another apartment of Vitalin just rewritten on himself. In addition, she received 15 million rubles from the sale of the share of Apartments of Armen Borisovich's apartment in the ancient alley and the cash of Dzhigarkhanyan did not return to his demand.

    Another 198 thousand dollars, she simply took from the account of Dzhigarkhanyan.

    - And how was it originally launched in confidence in Armen Gigarhahanyan?

    Vitalin's Russia, which, by the way, according to the Ukrainian passport, was then called Victoria, and thanks to his mother, hired by the housekeeper to the home for the Rector of the Academy named after Maimonide Veronica Irine Cogan.

    That at that time in his hands was a dying mother, assistants were required - therefore Mom Vika Tsymbalyuk, Lydia Ivanovna, discharged daughter from Kiev. She did not shine special talents and appearance, but was able to undergo in confidence, and the powerful Veronika Irina-Kogan even helped her to issue Russian citizenship.

    When the mother of Veroniki Rafailovna died, in services Zymbalyuk stopped needing. In 2008, in the family, the actor Vladimir Yachmenov recommended Vitalina - now Vitalyna - Armen Gigarkhanyan as a household assistant. But he refused, they say, and he myself badly coped. And since Armen Borisovich is insanely, a foul person - picks up abandoned animals and people, - he asked her friend Arthur Soghomonian to take care of an unfortunate girl. That about a month tried to attach her, but unsuccessfully - the girl could only be a cleaner, because nothing else could do anything else.

    Then it turned out that the Vitanin on the formation of a musician, although very mediocre, who without notes and two clocks will not play. And especially for her, at the request of Sogomonian, Dzhigarkhanyan comes up with a position - something like a tapper before performances. So, at the end of 2009, as an ordinary employee of the Timbalyuk-Romanovskaya Theater and fell to Armen Borisovich.

    "Dzhigarkhanyan married pity"

    - How did the actor marry her? How did Vitalina conquer him, not having no talents, no bright appearance?

    Armen Borisovich saw that a young girl was devoting to him all his life. Therefore, from pity! - And decided to marry her. He could with the same success and adopt her - just wanted to somehow thank for finding next to him.

    Although Vitalina left him with Tatiana Vlasoy. At the lawyer of the theater, she issued the general power of attorney on behalf of Dzhigarkhanyan - allegedly he was hard to walk. Here at this power of attorney Armen Borisovich and divorced. The fact that he is in the state of the marriage process, the artist accidentally found out on the eve of the 80th anniversary.

    Scary shouted, but he was all put out in such a world, as if it was allowed by Vlasov for divorce. Gigarchhanyan whisked, said he did not want to see Vlasov. And she actually nothing. In short, the actor did not apply to the divorce and the section of the property - too.

    - At what point, the family life of Vitaly and Dzhigarkhanyan gave the crack?

    One day she just did not come home to night. Armen Borisovich This was scary. After all, he originally married her to give a girl from Kiev some status. Just out of pity. And he asked for her only a human relationship: you can not come home like a young girl, you have the right to do it, but call and warn it.

    Dzhigarkhanyan is afraid to stay at night, it is afraid that something will happen to him, and no one will cause a doctor, will not give medicine. So, and she left and did not even warn. In order not to stay one at home, Armen Borisovich went to spend the night in the theater. And he saw that his poster was decorated with a play, against whose exit he was categorically. He fell into a perfect rage, I understood what power in the theater found a housekeeper, which he from pity had prigid. He became bad, and Arthur Soghomonyan took the artist to the hospital. I also presented to me so that unknown people of Caucasian nationality in an unknown direction were taken away by the famous artist.

    - Why did Vitalin, when smelled fried, did not leave abroad?

    Due to some phenomenal nonsense. I think if Vitalin, when all this story began, would have left the country and stopped being disturbed by the media space, I would calmly beat it. She would stay with apartments, money, with a certain status.

    Could marry, make a career. But now it is excluded - everyone knows what it is a predator. Today, Vitalin is under a subscription of the unseen. I think, by the end of March, all her campaigns on the ether and glamorous photo shoots will end ...

    Elina Mazur, a former defender of the ex-wife Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Zymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, can be a fraction of a criminal case. Like her ex-girlfriend. That's just a woman can immediately immediately impress the crime - pimp and blackmail

    Elina Mazur Poguers

    The fact that the 41-year-old Elina Mazur is the owner of a brothel network that is officially referred to as massage salons, it became known on the program "In fact", YarskGrad.ru reports. The first girls came to the studio, who previously worked in them. They also told that Evelina massage salons were the most that neither there are real, bored. And they manage Mazur. She not only sold girls for money (not independently, she visited the salons only once a week), but also blackmail their wealthy customers.

    The employees told that surveillance cameras were installed in all cabinets. The resulting video Mazur and blackmailed the rich. Robert Vardanyan - the residents of the house, in which one of the brothels is located on the program. He confirmed that he had repeatedly seen an eline part. And the girls who discontinued the truth, the authors of the program were checked on a polygraph. Lie detector showed that they spoke to clean truth and did not invent anything. So Elina Mazur will soon become a criminal person. We will remind, recently a woman asked for forgiveness from Armen Gigarhahanyan and stated that the series of scandals started under the plan of his girlfriend, the final goal of which was the selection of all property from the actor.

    In fact, the masks are reset: the exposure of Elina Mazur. Release of 20.12.2017

    Who is Ealina Mazur: biography

    Elina Mazur became known for the whole country after the loud divorce of Vitaly Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya with Armen Gigarkhanyan. In this case, the woman acted as a lawyer from his girlfriend - Vitaly.

    Now Mazur repents in the deed and even apologized in front of the Dzhigarkhanyan on the air of one of the television shows.

    "I operated within the judicial system. Nevertheless, I can't forgive myself a lie and betrayal. Now I want to apologize to Armen Borisovich. I was really not right and found the strength to admit it, "she said.

    Elina Mazur in open said that her goal was to help Vitaly, and ultimately managed to do it. The Lacracy Process of Armen Borisovich and Romanovskaya was held according to the scenario of Elina, but after the divorce was decorated, and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya achieved what she wanted, she refused to elima services. After that, there was a conflict between women, and Mazur decided to confess all the country.

    It is known that Elina Mazur was born in 1976. It is noteworthy that a woman has no legal education. She at one time received a higher economic education and worked as a realist.

    "New Russian Sensations": "Announcement of Dzhigarkhanian's will"