Sculpture of ancient Greece skas. Late classic: Schedule work

Sculpture of ancient Greece skas. Late classic: Schedule work
Sculpture of ancient Greece skas. Late classic: Schedule work


Skashek (flourishing of activity 375-335 BC), Greek sculptor and architect, was born on the island of Paros Ok. 420 BC, perhaps the Son and the student of Ariistra. The first job of the work of the Schopase - the temple of Athena Alya in the tahery, on Peloponnese, which had to be erected again, since the former burned in 395 BC. The project has an interesting solution: unusually slender doric columns around the perimeter and Corinthian semi-colonges inside the witnesses. On the Eastern Fronton, hunting was depicted in the Kalidonian Vepry, on the Western - a match of the local hero phone with Achille; On the Moves reproduced scenes from the myth about the phone. Herakla heads, warriors, hunters and boar are preserved, and fragments of men's statues and women's torso, probably atalanta.

The scales came into a group of four sculptors (and possibly among them the elders), which Artemismian widow, commissioned the creation of the sculptural part of the Mausoleum (one of the seven miracles of the world) in Galicarneas, the tomb of her husband. He was completed. 351 BC The scopase belongs to the sculpture of the East side, for the plates of Eastern Frieza is characterized by the same style as for statues from Tehi. Sociality inherent in the works of the stem is achieved primarily with the help of the new interpretation of the eyes: they are deeply planted and surrounded by heavy eyelids. The liveliness of movements and the bold provisions of the bodies express intense energy and demonstrate the ingenuity of the masters.

The most famous work of the squat was a group of marine deities in the Sanctuary of Neptune in Rome, which, perhaps, accompanied Achille, sent to the islands of blissful. Perhaps the frieze with Poseidon, amphitrite, tritones and nonbeades that are going on on marine monsters (now in Munich), and the sacrifice scene (now in Louvre) was the basis on which this group was located in Rome in 1 V. AD The statue of Apollo with the kifar of the work of the Spropes was standing in the temple on the Roman Palatine between Artemida, Timothy and the Summer of Junior Ceffidot. All three copied on the pedestal from Sorrento, and Apollo is also in the statue (in Munich) and in Torso (in Palazzo Corsini in Rome). Other works attributed to the spopas - traveling Pandempos on the coin goat (in ELIDE, there are images on coins), Aphrodite and Potone (from the island of self-defrace), Pumps with erro and hymer (from Megara), as well as three statues in Rome - a colossal sitting The figure of Ares, sitting gesty and Nagaya Aphrodite, which some connoisseurs put the above-mentioned Aphrodites of the Book, belonging to Prakkitel.


Lisype (approx. 390 - approx. 300 BC), ancient Greek sculptor, born in Sicion (Peloponnes). In antiquity, they were claimed (Pliny senior) that 1,500 statues were created by Lisipp. Even if it is an exaggeration, it is obvious that Lisipp was an extremely prolific and versatile artist. The bulk of its works was predominantly bronze statues depicting gods, herakla, athletes and other contemporaries, as well as horses and dogs. Lisipep was a court sculptor Alexander Macedon. The colossal statue of the Zeus work of Lisippa was on the agior of the target. According to the same pillows, its height was 40 elbows, i.e. 17.6 m. Other statues of Zeus were erected by Lisippe on Agora Sikion, in the temple in Argos and in the temple of Megar, and the last work was represented by Zeus accompanied by MUZ. The image of the sicon of the bronze statue of Poseidon with one foot on the elevation is available on the preserved coins; A copy of it is a resembling image on coins Statue in Lateran Museum (Vatican). The figure created by Lisippe on Rhodes The figure of the god of the Sun Helios portrayed God on the barked four chariot, this motive was used by the sculptor and in other compositions. Available in the Louvre, Capitol Museums and the British Museum of Copies, which depict an erro, weakening the latch in Luke, take place, possibly to the gradation of the Lisippa's work in Fespios. The statue was also in Siciona depicted Cairos (God good luck): God in the winged sandals was sitting on the wheel, his hair was quenched forward, but the head was lying; Copies of the statue are preserved on small reliefs and cameras.

Skas Skas

(SKUPAS), ancient Greek sculptor and architect IV century. BC e. Representative of late classics. Born on the island of Paros, he worked in Tega (now, Greece), Galicarneas (now Bodrum, Turkey) and other cities of Greece and Malaya Asia. Take part in the construction of the temple of Athens Aleu in TEGE (350-340 BC) and Mausoleum in Galicarneas (middle IV century BC). Among the most important scopase scopase, the Fries of Mausoleum in Galicarnassia with the image of Amazonacia, i.e., the battles of Amazons (middle IV century BC, together with Brixis, Leohhar and Timofey, are fragments in the British Museum). Numerous works of the Skopas are known for Roman copies - Statues "Potos" (Hercuvi), "Young Hercules" (previously in the meeting of Lancel, London), "Meleagr" (Vatican Museums; Villa Medici, Rome), Menada (Sculptural Assembly, Dresden ). Rebuilding the V c characteristic of the ancient Greek art. BC e. Harmonic tranquility of images, Skasa turned to the transfer of strong mental experiences, dramatic struggle of passions. For their embodiment, the dynamism of the composition and new techniques of interpretation of details were used: deeply planted eyes, folds on the forehead, a ritted mouth, as well as the tense rhythm of the folds of the clothes. Saturated by tragic pathos, the work of the Schopase has had a great impact on the sculptors of the Ellinism era ( cm. Hellenistic art), in particular on masters worked in the III-II centuries. BC e. In the city of Pergam.

"Amazonacia". Fragment of the Freeza of Galicarnas Mausoleum. Marble. About 350 BC British museum. London.
Literature: A. P. Chubova, Skas, L.-m., 1959; Arias P. E., Skopas, Roma, 1952.

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Ed. Polevoy VM; M.: Publishing House "Sovetskaya Encyclopedia", 1986.)


(Skópas), Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC e. Perhaps the son and student Ariistra. He worked in the TEGE (now they have been piced), Galicarneas (now Bodrum) and other cities of Greece and Malaya Asia. He led the construction of the temple of Athens in Tega (Peloponnese), which was preserved only in the wreckage. On east fronton The temple was depicted by the mythical hunting at the Kalidonian Vepry, on the Western - Tele's hero duel with Achille. The head of Hercules, warriors, hunters and boar, as well as fragments of men's statues and female torso, probably participants of the hunting atalants are preserved. In one of the fragments - the head of the wounded warrior - for the first time in Greek sculpture, there was an embodiment of pain and suffering, confusion of feelings.

Skasa along with others. Outstanding sculptors of his time (Leochhar, Brixis, Timofey) worked on the decoration of the famous Galicarnas Mausoleum (completed approx. 351 BC. E.), who considered one of seven wonders of the world. Plates S. reliefs Sucked building solid ribbon frieze. It is possible that the scoofer was the author of the best of the preserved fragments, which shows the battle of the Greeks with Amazons. The battle scenes are permeated with fasteners, rapid movement; They seem to be heard with swords, whistling arrows, warlike screams. Dr. The work of the stems are known only in Roman copies ("Young Hercules", "Meleagr"). The most famous among the unaccompanied scopase sculptures was "Menada" - the figurine of the girl, the companions of God Dionysus, carried in a frantic dance. The body of the dancer seems to be twisted into the spiral, her head trapped, clothes fluttering, opening a beautiful body. In the art of Schopas, the expression of feelings, dramatic pathos, a stormy movement, - all that was not known to know the Greek sculpur before. The work of the stems had a significant impact on the sculptors of the era hellenism.

(Source: "Art. Modern illustrated encyclopedia." Ed. Prof. Gorkina A.P.; M.: Rosman; 2007.)

Watch what is "scales" in other dictionaries:

    Skas - Skas. Maenad. Marble. Roman copy. Sculptural assembly. Dresden. Skas, ancient Greek sculptor and architect (4 in. BC). The art of the spacing is distinguished by the dramatic pathos of the struggle, passionality, expressiveness of poses and gestures. ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Fessenitsa Fessenitsa Skasa, when he was asked some kind of excessive and useless thing from his home decoration, replied: "But it makes us happy exactly that is unnecessary, and not that everything is necessary." (Source: "Aphorisms. Golden Fund ... ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Skas, ancient Greek sculptor and architect (4 in. BC). The art of the spokes is distinguished by dramatic pathos of struggle, passionality, expressiveness of poses and gestures. The frieze of Mausoleum has been preserved in Galicarnassa with the image of the Battle of Greeks with Amazons ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    Ancient Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC e. The frieze of Mausoleum has been preserved in Galicarnassa (now Bodrum in Turkey) depicting the battle of the Greeks with Amazons (marble, approx. 350 BC, together with Brixis, Leochhar and Timofey). Art of the Spropes ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (scopas, σχόπα). Greek sculptor with about. Paros, who lived around 380 to R. X. He made several bas-reliefs at Galicarnas Mausoleum. His most famous product group depicting the Achilles of the weapon, forged by Hephaeste. ... ... Encyclopedia mythology

    The ancient Greek sculptor of the so-called new-intrudiccol, originally from Paros, worked in the first half of the IV Art. to R. XP. One member of his first, in time, there was a resumption of destroyed in 395. Fire of the Tehi Temple Athens Alya, for ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

    This term has other values, see Skas (values). Ares Louis ... Wikipedia

    - (Skopas) ancient Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC E., Representative of late classics. Born on the island of Paros, he worked in Teges (now I was to blame), Galicarnas (now Bodrum) and other cities of Greece and Malaya Asia. As an architect took ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Skas - (Greek. Skopas) (IV century BC) Greek sculptor and architect with about Va Paros. Participated in the construction of the temple of Athens in Tega (Peloponnese) and Mausoleum in Galicarneas; The author of a number of sculptural images, such as Melaga, a young herakla ... Antique world. Dictionary-directory.

    Skas - (4 V. BC. E.) Greek architect and sculptor from Paros Island. He led the construction of the temple of Athens in Teger (Peloponnes), he worked on the frieze of Mausoleum in Galicarnassa. Among the works that are attributed to him - the statuette of the dancing vakhanka, reduced ... Certain Handbook on Ancient Greece and Rome, by mythology


  • Front scouts. "I went for the front line", Artem Drabkin, "I would go with him in intelligence" - they talk about a person who can be rejected. That's just during the time passed from the war, the initial meaning of this phrase is erased and depreciated. What is real ... Category:


Skasa can rightfully be called one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. The direction created by them in the ancient plastic for a long time surchated the artist and had a huge impact not only on his contemporaries, but also on the masters of subsequent generations.

It is known that the scaocked was from Paros Island in the Aegean Sea, the island, famous for his wonderful marble, and worked between 370-330 to our era. His father, Aristandross, was a sculptor, in the workshop of which, apparently, was formed by the talent of the squat.

The artist performed orders of different cities. In the Attics there were two works of the Skopas. One, depicting the goddesses of the Avengers of Erinia, - in Athens, the other - Apollo-Fea - in the city of Ramunte. Two works of the spokes decorated the city of the hair in Besotia.

One of the most emotionally saturated works of the Schopasa is a group of three figures depicting Erosa, Pots and hymeraos, that is, love, passion and desire. The group was in the temple of the Goddess of Love Aphrodites in Megarida, the state lying south of Boeotia.

The images of Eros, Gimeros and Poche, according to PAsania, are also different from the other, as they differ in reality they personify the feelings.

"A composite construction of the pole statue is much more complicated than in earlier works of the Skopas, - writes A. G. Chubov. - The rhythm of smooth soft movement passes through the hand stretched into one direction, a raised head, a strongly inclined body. To transmit the emotions of the Passion, the scaocked does not resort here to strong facial expressions. Paddy face thoughtfully and focused, melancholic languid look asil asked. Everything around it does not exist for the young man. Like the whole Greek sculpture, the pole statue was painted, and the color played an important role in the general artistic plan. The raincoat hanging on the left hand of the young man was bright blue or red, which was well emphasized the whiteness of a nude body left in the marble color. Against the background of the cloak, the white bird was distinguished clearly with wings, easily tinted gray. The hair, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks and lips of the lip were painted.

Probably, the statue of poking, as well as a statue of hymers, stood on a low pedestal, and Eros is the statue - at a higher. This explains the turn of the punching figure and the direction of his gaze. The task set by the scales in this work was for plastics of the time new and original. Imprinting in the statues of Erosa, Poksos and hymeraos Nuances of large human feelings, he revealed before plastic art the possibility of transmission and other various emotions. "

Working in the church of the Peloponnesian city of tagi, the scales became famous not only as a sculptor, but also as an architect and builder.

The ancient temple in the tahery burned down in 395 to our era. PAAsani says that "the current temple is his magnifier and beauty exceeds all the temples, how many of them are in the peloponnese ... Architect it was a scoop Paros, the one who built many statues in ancient Elda, Ionia and Karya."

On the eastern frontion of the temple of Athens Alya, the master presented a hunt for the Kalidonian Vepry.

"The scene from the myth was shown on Western Fronton," writes G. I. Sokolov, and the Supreme Olympic Dehess from the participation in the V century, but with a complex collision and dramatic junction. Son Hercules Telephone, who went to war with Troy, did not recognize the Greeks, and the battle ended with the death of many of its participants began. Lucky not only plots chosen for these frontones, but also the images themselves.

The master shows the head of one of the wounded slightly trapped back, as if from painful pain. Cropped curved lines of eyebrows, mouth, the nose transmit excitement and colossal tension of the senses. The inner corners of the icing, deeply embedded into the thickness of the marble, increase the contrasts of lighting and create highly active dramatic effects. The relief of the face with the swollen muscles of the Absorption arcs, swelling angles of the mouth, is uneven, a bugist, distorted by hidden suffering. "

The most significant of the creations of the spokes in a round plastic can be considered the statue of the Vakhanki (Menada) with a goat.

Only a great copy of the statue stored in the Dresden Museum remained. But the IV century writer, the Callistrate left a detailed characteristic of the statue:

"The scoop was created the statue of a booth from the Paros marble, she could see in anima ... You could see how this hard stone, imitating a female tenderness, myself became easy and transmits us a female image ... deprived of the nature of the ability to move, he Under the hands of the artist found out what it means to rush in a nuts dance ... so clearly expressed was on the face of the Vakhanka crazy ecstasy, although it is not typical of the ecstasy manifestation; And that's all that covers the soul, a steadless salaughte, all these signs of serious soulful suffering were clearly represented here by the creative gift of the artist in a mysterious combination. Hair as if was given to the will of Marshmallow, so that he played, and the stone seemed to turn into the smallest strands of lush hair ...

The same material served as an artist for the image of life and death; Wakkanka he presented in front of us alive when she strives for Kieferon, and this goat already deceased ...

Thus, the scaocked, creating images of even these deprived of the lives of creatures, was an artist, full of truthfulness; In the bodies, he was able to express a miracle of spiritual feelings ... "

Many poets showed poems about this work. Here is one of them:
Stone Paros Vakhanka,
But the stone gave the soul of the brew.
And, like a cross, jumped, rushed into a dance she.
Having created this fiad in a frenzy with a killed goat
By the boobing cutter, you made a miracle, scas.

The famous creations of the Skopas were also in Asia Minor, where he worked in the fifties of the IV century to our era, in particular, decorated the temple of Artemis in Ephesus.

And most importantly, together with other scales sculptors, he participated in the design of the Galicarnas Mausoleum, performed in 352 and decorated with true oriental splendor. There were statues of the gods, Malsol, his wife, ancestors, sculptures of riders, Lviv and three embossed frieze. On one of the friezes, the chariot competition was depicted, on the other - the struggle of the Greeks with Centaurs (fantastic semi-coolers), on the third - amazonacia, that is, the battle of the Greeks with Amazons. From the first two reliefs only small fragments have been preserved, from the third - seventeen plates.

Fries with amazonacia, having a total height of 0.9 meters, with figures equal to about a third of human growth, looked all the construction, and if we cannot say with accuracy, in which part it was placed, all the same, it is possible to determine its length, Approximately equal to 150-160 meters. Probably, more than 400 figures were placed on it.

The legend of the Amazons is the mythical tribe of women warriors - was one of the favorite topics of Greek art. According to legend, they lived in Asia Minor on the Fermodontte River and, taking distant military campaigns, even reached Athens. They entered the battle with many Greek heroes and differed courage and dexterity. One of these battles is depicted on the Galicarnas Frieze. The battle is in full swing, and it is difficult to say who will be the winner. The action is deployed in a turbulent pace. Hiking and equestrian amazons and the Greeks fiercely attack and brave defend. Faces of fighting covered by Paphos Battle.

A feature of the composite construction of frieze was free placement of figures on the background, once painted in bright blue color. Comparison of the preserved slabs shows the overall artistic design, the general composite construction of frieze. It is very possible that the composition belongs to one artist, but it is unlikely that the author himself combined all individual figures and groups. He could outline the general location of the figures, give them size, to think about the overall nature of the action and provide other masters to finish the relief in the details.

On the stoves of this most preserved frieze, "Hand writing" of four masters is quite clearly distinguished. Three plates with ten figures of the Greeks and Amazons found on the eastern side of the ruins are distinguished by outstanding artistic advantages; They are attributed to the spopas. On plates considered by the work of Leohara and Timofey, the swiftness of the movement is emphasized not only by the poses of battle, but also enhances fluttering rates and chitonami. Skas, on the contrary, depicts Amazons only in short adjacent clothes, and the Greeks are completely naked and reaches the expression and speed of movement mainly by bold and complex turns of the figures and expression of gestures.

One of the favorite composite techniques of the stem was the reception of the collision of oppositely directional movements. Thus, the young man, having fallen on his knee, keeps the balance, touching the earth with his right hand and evading the strike of the Amazon, defending his left hand with a shield. Amazon, making a lunge away from the warrior, at the same time swallowed the secretions on him. Hiton Amazon tightly fits the body, well outlawing; The folds of the folds emphasize the movement of the figure.

Another harder is the location of the Amazon Figure on the next stove. The young warrior, retreating from the rapidly striker of the bearded Greek, has time to strike him a vigorous blow. The sculptor was well managed to transfer the clever movements of the Amazon, quickly evading the attack and immediately turning into the attack. Staging and proportions of the shapes, clothes swallowed so that half the body of Amazon was exposed - everything closely reminds the famous statue of the Vakhanka. Especially boldly scoofed used the reception of opposing movements in the figure of equestrian amazon. A skillful rider launched a well-trained horse to jump, turned his back to his head and shells enemies from Luke. Her short chiton swung open, showing a strong muscles.

In the complex compositions, the impression of the tension of the struggle, the rapid pace of the battle, the lightningness of the blows and the attacks is achieved not only by different rhythm of movement, the free placement of figures on the plane, but also plastic modeling and workshop. Each figure in the composition of the Spropas is clearly "reading". Despite the low relief, the depth of space is felt everywhere. Probably scas worked over the scene of the chariot contest. The fragment of the frieze was preserved with a figure of the erection. Expressive face, smooth bending of the housing, tightly adjacent to the back and hollows long clothes - everything reminds Skopasi Amazons. Interpretation of the eyes and lips is close to TEGE heads.

The bright individuality of the Schopasa, its innovative techniques in the disclosure of the inner world of a person, in the transfer of severe dramatic experiences could not be affected by all who worked next to him. It was especially strongly influenced by the scoop on young masters - Leohara and Brixis. According to Plinia, it is sculptors Skas, Timofey, Brixis and Leochar with their works made this construction so wonderful that it was among the seven wonders of the world.

"Freely owning various sculpture techniques, scas worked in marble, and in bronze, - writes A. G. Chubov. - His knowledge of plastic anatomy was completely. The image of the most complex provisions of the human figure did not imagine difficulties. The fantasy of the squat was extremely rich, he created a whole gallery of brightly characterized images.

His realistic works are imbued with high humanism. Imprinting various sides of deep experiences, drawing sadness, suffering, passion, vaccine ecstasy, warlike dust, scas never interpreted these feelings naturalistically. He poeticized them, forcing the viewer to admire the spiritual beauty and strength of his heroes. "


(SKUPAS), ancient Greek sculptor and architect IV century. BC e. Representative of late classics. Born on the island of Paros, he worked in Tega (now, Greece), Galicarneas (now Bodrum, Turkey) and other cities of Greece and Malaya Asia. Take part in the construction of the temple of Athens Aleu in TEGE (350-340 BC) and Mausoleum in Galicarneas (middle IV century BC). Among the most important scopase scopase, the Fries of Mausoleum in Galicarnassia with the image of Amazonacia, i.e., the battles of Amazons (middle IV century BC, together with Brixis, Leohhar and Timofey, are fragments in the British Museum). Numerous works of the Skopas are known for Roman copies - Statues "Potos" (Hercuvi), "Young Hercules" (previously in the meeting of Lancel, London), "Meleagr" (Vatican Museums; Villa Medici, Rome), Menada (Sculptural Assembly, Dresden ). Rebuilding the V c characteristic of the ancient Greek art. BC e. Harmonic tranquility of images, Skasa turned to the transfer of strong mental experiences, dramatic struggle of passions. For their embodiment, the dynamism of the composition and new techniques of interpretation of details were used: deeply planted eyes, folds on the forehead, a ritted mouth, as well as the tense rhythm of the folds of the clothes. Saturated by tragic pathos, the work of the Schopase has had a great impact on the sculptors of the Ellinism era ( cm. Hellenistic art), in particular on masters worked in the III-II centuries. BC e. In the city of Pergam.

"Amazonacia". Fragment of the Freeza of Galicarnas Mausoleum. Marble. About 350 BC British museum. London.
Literature: A. P. Chubova, Skas, L.-m., 1959; Arias P. E., Skopas, Roma, 1952.

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Ed. Polevoy VM; M.: Publishing House "Sovetskaya Encyclopedia", 1986.)


(Skópas), Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC e. Perhaps the son and student Ariistra. He worked in the TEGE (now they have been piced), Galicarneas (now Bodrum) and other cities of Greece and Malaya Asia. He led the construction of the temple of Athens in Tega (Peloponnese), which was preserved only in the wreckage. On east fronton The temple was depicted by the mythical hunting at the Kalidonian Vepry, on the Western - Tele's hero duel with Achille. The head of Hercules, warriors, hunters and boar, as well as fragments of men's statues and female torso, probably participants of the hunting atalants are preserved. In one of the fragments - the head of the wounded warrior - for the first time in Greek sculpture, there was an embodiment of pain and suffering, confusion of feelings.

Skasa along with others. Outstanding sculptors of his time (Leochhar, Brixis, Timofey) worked on the decoration of the famous Galicarnas Mausoleum (completed approx. 351 BC. E.), who considered one of seven wonders of the world. Plates S. reliefs Sucked building solid ribbon frieze. It is possible that the scoofer was the author of the best of the preserved fragments, which shows the battle of the Greeks with Amazons. The battle scenes are permeated with fasteners, rapid movement; They seem to be heard with swords, whistling arrows, warlike screams. Dr. The work of the stems are known only in Roman copies ("Young Hercules", "Meleagr"). The most famous among the unaccompanied scopase sculptures was "Menada" - the figurine of the girl, the companions of God Dionysus, carried in a frantic dance. The body of the dancer seems to be twisted into the spiral, her head trapped, clothes fluttering, opening a beautiful body. In the art of Schopas, the expression of feelings, dramatic pathos, a stormy movement, - all that was not known to know the Greek sculpur before. The work of the stems had a significant impact on the sculptors of the era hellenism.

(Source: "Art. Modern illustrated encyclopedia." Ed. Prof. Gorkina A.P.; M.: Rosman; 2007.)

  • - Scopas, Σκόπα, from Paros, the famous scaly and architect, was busy with the construction of the temple of Athens Alya in the designer, and in later years, during the construction of the Mausoleum, it means that there was approx. 380 to R. X. To the most famous ...

    Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities

  • - Greek. Sculptor and architect 4 in. BC. with O-Wa Paros, contemporary. Praxtel. Supervised the st. The temple of Athens in the tag, and in the sir. Century worked on the frieze of Mausoleum in Galicarneas ...

    Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Greek. Sculptor and architect 4 in. BC e. From the island of Paros, the contemporary of Praxitel. He led the construction of the temple of Athens in the TEGE, and in Ser. Century worked on the frieze of Mausoleum in Galicarneas ...

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  • -, ancient Greek sculptor and architect IV century. BC e. Representative of late classics ...

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  • - ancient Greek sculptor and architect ...

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  • - An ancient Greek sculptor of the so-called new-natical school, originally from Paros, worked in the first half of the IV Art. to R. XP. One of his first time was the renewal of the fire destroyed in 395 ...

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  • - Ancient Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC er, representative of the late classics ...

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  • - Greek sculptor and architect, born on the island of Paros Ok. 420 BC, perhaps son and student Ariistra ...

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  • - Ancient Greek sculptor and architect 4 in. BC e. Fries Mausoleum preserved in Galicarnassa with the image of the Battle of Greeks with Amazons ...

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  • - The Fesseniets Fesseniets, when he asked some kind of excessive and useless thing from his home decoration, replied: "But it makes us happy exactly that is unnecessary, and not what everyone needs" ...

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"Skas" in books

Scaocked (approx. 395 BC. Er - 350 BC. E.)

From book 100 great sculptors Author Musian Sergey Anatolyevich

Skaschaf (approx. 395 BC. E. - 350 BC. Er) Skasa can rightfully be called one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. The direction created by them in the ancient plastic for a long time the artist survived and had a huge impact not only on his contemporaries, but also on masters


From the book Aphorisms by Yermishin Oleg.

Skoba Fessenitsa Fessel Zakas, when he was asked some excessive and useless thing from his home decoration, replied: "But it makes us happy exactly that is unnecessary, and not what everyone


From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary (C) by Brocgauz F. A.

Skas Skasa - an ancient Greek sculptor of the so-called newatical school, originally from Paros, worked in the first half of the IV Art. to R. XP. One of his first, in time, the work was the resumption of destroyed in 395 by the fire of the Tague temple of Athens-Alya, for which they were born in July 1925 in the city of Panevezys in Lithuania. We were in the family four brothers. Father in 1928 went to America to earnings and did not return to Lithuania. Our family shot a one and a half of the room, all my childhood we looked and terribly starved. Total four

Skascha Shalom Leibovich

From the book Front scouts ["I went for the front line"] Author Drabkin Artem Vladimirovich

Skascha Shalom Labovich Interview - Grigory Koyfman I was born in July 1925 in Panevezys in Lithuania. We were in the family four brothers. Father in 1928 went to America to earnings and did not return to Lithuania. Our family shot a one and a half of the room, all my childhood we thought and

Skascha Shalom Leibovich (Interview in Koyfman)

From the book of the author

Skoba Shalom Leibovich (interview in Koyfman) Assistant commander of the platoon of the 18th separate intelligence company of the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division12 January 1945, a few days before the division of Division from Kurlenia under Klaipeda, I received an order to immediately take fresh

The statue was acquired by the Dresden Museum in 1902; The famous Antique Georg Tray recognized it a reduced Roman copy of the famous Dacha Wakkanka Skopas. Skas - Master of Paphos, strong passions. He presented to Vakhanka, a participant in orgiastic actions in honor of the God of Death-Renaissance of Dionysis, in a gusty, stormy movement. In his right hand, she probably kept the knife to have planted a goat. Taming the animal and by going his raw flesh, the participants of Dionysian Mysteries joined the flesh of God himself, one of the incarnations of which the goat was in antiquity. One ancient epigram was devoted to the statue:

Stone Paros - Vakhanka,
But the stone gave the soul of the brewer,
And, like a cross, jumping,
Rushed into a dance she ...

Menada (Dr.-Greek. Μαινάδες "Immantizing", "Furious") - in the ancient Greek mythology of the companion and the admirer of Dionysus. According to his name, Romans - Vakh, they were called Vakhanki, also bassarids - one of the epithets of Dionysus - "Bassari" (see also Bassara), fiads, milfons (see below).

Menada confused the legendary orpheus.

The word Menada is mentioned in the Homeric "Iliad" (XXII 460) as a comparison to describe the behavior of Andromaha. Menada Ges, Eschil calls IO.

They were numbered about three hundred. By interpretation, Vakhanok in the troops of Dionysus spears are disguised as tirs.

Skasa can rightfully be called one of the greatest sculptors of ancient Greece. The direction created by them in the ancient plastic for a long time surchated the artist and had a huge impact not only on his contemporaries, but also on the masters of subsequent generations.

It is known that the scaocked was from Paros Island in the Aegean Sea, the island, famous for his wonderful marble, and worked between 370-330 to our era. His father, Aristandross, was a sculptor, in the workshop of which, apparently, was formed by the talent of the squat.

The artist performed orders of different cities. In the Attics there were two works of the Skopas. One, depicting the goddesses of the Avengers of Erinia, - in Athens, the other - Apollo-Fea - in the city of Ramunte. Two works of the spokes decorated the city of the hair in Besotia.

One of the most emotionally saturated works of the Schopasa is a group of three figures depicting Erosa, Poksos and hymeros, that is, love, passion and desire. The group was in the temple of the Goddess of Love Aphrodites in Megarida, the state lying south of Boeotia. The images of Eros, Gimeros and Poche, according to PAsania, are also different from the other, as they differ in reality they personify the feelings. "A composite construction of the pole statue is much more complicated than in earlier works of the Skopas, - writes A. G. Chubov. - The rhythm of a smooth soft movement passes through the arms outstretched in one direction, a raised head, a strongly inclined case. To transmit the emotion of the Passion, Skafa does not resort Here to strong facial expressions. Paddy's face thoughtfully and focused, the melancholic languid glance is directed up. Everything that does not exist for the young man. Like the whole Greek sculpture, the pole statue was painted, and the color played an important role in the general artistic plan. Cloak hanging with the left hand of the young man, was bright blue

or red, which well emphasized the whiteness of the naked body left in the marble color. Against the background of the cloak, the white bird with wings, easily tinted gray. The hair, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks and lips of the pumped were painted. Probably, the statue of poking, as well as a statue of hymers, stood on a low pedestal, and Eros is the statue - at a higher. This explains the turn of the punching figure and the direction of his gaze. The task set by the scales in this work was for plastics of the time new and original. Imprinting in the statues of Erosa, Poksos and hymeraos nuances of great human feelings, he revealed before plastic art the possibility of transmission and other various emotions. "

Working in the temple of the Peloponnesky city of tagi, the scoffed was glorified not only as a sculptor, but also as an architect. The ancient temple in the tahery burned down in 395 to our era. PAAANSIAN says that "the current temple is his magnifier and beauty surpasses all the temples, how many of them are in the Peloponnese ... Architect His Paros was scas, the one that built many statues in ancient Elda, Ionia and Cary." On the Eastern Fronton of the temple of Athens Aley, the master presented a hunt for the Kalidon Vepry. "The scene from the myth was shown on Western Fronton, - writes G.I. Sokolov, - also far from the participation of the Supreme Olympic Dehesas Popular in the V century, but with a complex collision and dramatic junction. Son Hercules Tele, who went to war with Troy, Greeks They did not recognize, and the battle of completed the death of many of its participants began. Not only the plots chosen for these frontones are tragic, but also the images themselves. The master shows the head of one of the wounded slightly trapped back, as if from the painful pain. Radically curved lines of eyebrows, mouth, The nose transmits the excitement and colossal tension of the senses. The internal corners of the iceds are deeply embedded into the thickness of the marble, reinforce the contrasts of lighting and create strongly active dramatic effects. The face relief with the discrepanous muscles of the abnormal arcs, swelling angles of the mouth, is uneven, the bugist, is distorted by hidden suffering. " The most significant of the creations of the spopas in a round plastic can be considered a statue of the Vakhanki (Menada) with a goat.

Only a great copy of the statue stored in the Dresden Museum remained. But the IV century writer, the Callistrate left a detailed characteristic of the statue: " The scooled statue of the Vakhanka from the Paros Marble was created, she could see in anima ... You could see how this hard stone, imitating a female tenderness, myself became easy and passes to us a female image ... deprived of nature abilities To move, he learned on the hands of the artist what it means to wear in a nut dance ... so clearly expressed was on the face of the Vakhanki crazy ecstasy, although it was not typical of the ecstasy manifestation; And all that covers the soul, the madness stainlessness, all these signs of grave mental suffering were clearly represented here by the creative gift of the artist in a mysterious combination. Hair as if they were given to the will of Marshift, so that he played, and the stone as if he had turned into the smallest strands of lush hair ... The same material served as an artist for the image of life and death; Wakhanku he presented to us alive when She strives for Kieferon, and this goat is already dead ... Thus, the scoop, creating images of even these deprived of the lives of creatures, was an artist, full of truthfulness; In the bodies, he was able to express a miracle of spiritual feelings ... "

The famous creations of the Skopas were also in Asia Minor, where he worked in the fifties of the IV century to our era, in particular, decorated the temple of Artemis in Ephesus.

And most importantly, together with other scales sculptors, he participated in the design of the Galicarnas Mausoleum, performed in 352 and decorated with true oriental splendor. There were statues of the gods, Malsol, his wife, ancestors, sculptures of riders, Lviv and three embossed frieze. On one of the friezes, the chariot competition was depicted, on the other - the struggle of the Greeks with Centaurs (fantastic semi-coolers), on the third - amazonacia, that is, the battle of the Greeks with Amazons. From the first two reliefs only small fragments have been preserved, from the third - seventeen plates. It is assumed that the scales was the author of Amazonacia. Indeed, only a brilliant sculptor could create such an emotionally rich, dynamic multifigure composition. Fryz with amazonacia, having a total height of 0.9 meters, with figures equal to about a third of human growth, looked all the construction, and if we cannot say with accuracy, in which part it was placed, then it is still possible to determine its length, Approximately equal to 150-160 meters. Probably, more than 400 figures were placed on it.

The legend of the Amazons is the mythical tribe of women warriors - was one of the favorite topics of Greek art. According to legend, they lived in Malaya Asia on the Fermodontte River and, taking distant military campaigns, reached at the Athens. They entered the battle with many Greek heroes and differed courage and dexterity. One of these battles is depicted on the Galicarnas Frieze. Battle B.

frameholder, and it is difficult to say who will be the winner. The action is deployed at a turbulent pace. Hiking and equestrian amazons and the Greeks fiercely attack and brave defend. Faces of fighting covered by Paphos Battle. A feature of the composite construction of frieze was free placement of figures on the background, once painted in bright blue color.

Comparison of the preserved slabs shows the overall artistic design, the general composite construction of frieze. It is very possible that the composition belongs to one artist, but it is unlikely that the author himself combined all individual figures and groups. He could outline the general location of the figures, give them size, to think about the overall nature of the action and provide other masters to finish the relief in the details. On the plates of this most preserved frieze, the "Hand writing" of four masters differ quite clearly. Three plates with ten figures of the Greeks and Amazons found on the eastern side of the ruins are distinguished by outstanding artistic advantages; They are attributed to the spopas.

On the plates considered by the work of Leohara and Timofey, the swiftness of the movement is emphasized not only by the pose of battle, but also enhances fluttering rates and chitonami. Skas, on the contrary, depicts Amazons only in short adjacent clothes, and the Greeks are completely naked and reaches the expression and speed of movement mainly by bold and complex turns of the figures and expression of gestures. One of the favorite composite techniques of the spokes was to receive a collision of oppositely directional movements. So, the young man, falling on his knee, keeps the balance, touching the earth with his right hand and evading the strike of the Amazon, defends, stretching forward his left hand with a shield. Amazon, making a lunge away from the warrior, at the same time swallowed the secretions on him. Hiton Amazon tightly fits the body, well outlawing; The folds of the folds emphasize the movement of the figure. Another harder is the location of the Amazon Figure on the next plate. The young warrior, retreating from the rapidly striker of the bearded Greek, has time to strike him a vigorous blow. The sculptor was well managed to transfer the clever movements of the Amazon, quickly evading the attack and immediately turning into the attack. Staging and proportions of the shapes, clothes that swollen so much that half of the body of Amazon was exposed - everything closely reminds the famous statue of the Vakhanka.

Especially boldly used to reflect the oppression of movements in the figure of equestrian amazon. A skillful rider launched a well-trained horse to jump, turned his back to his head and shells enemies from Luke. Her Short Hiton swung open, showing a strong muscles. In the compositions of the squat, the impression of the strength of the struggle, the rapid pace of the battle, the lightningness of the blows and the attacks is achieved not only by various rhythm of movement, the free placement of figures on the plane, but also plastic modeling and workshop. Each figure in the composition of the spokes is clearly "reading". Despite the low relief, the depth of space is felt everywhere. Probably scas worked over the scene of the chariot contest. The fragment of the frieze was preserved with a figure of the erection. Expressive face, smooth bending of the hull, tightly adjacent to the back and thighs

long Clothing - Everything reminds Skopasi Amazons. Interpretation of the eyes and lips is close to Tegier Kim's heads.

The bright individuality of the Schopas, its innovative techniques in the disclosure of the inner world of a person, in the transfer of strong dramatic experiences could not not affect everyone who worked next to him.

It was especially strongly influenced by the scoop on young masters - Leohara and Brixis. According to Plinia, it is sculptors Skas, Timofey, Brixis and Leochar with their works made this construction so wonderful that it was among the seven wonders of the world. "Freely owning various sculpture techniques, Skaschak worked in marble, and in bronze, - writes A.G. Chubov. - His knowledge of plastic anatomy was completely. The image of the most difficult provisions of the human figure did not imagine difficulties. Fantasy of the Spropa was extremely rich. , he created a whole gallery

brightly characterized images. His realistic works are imbued with high humanism. Imprinting various sides of deep experiences, drawing sadness, suffering, passion, vaccine ecstasy, warlike dust, scas never interpreted these feelings naturalistically. He poeticized them, forcing the viewer to admire the spiritual beauty and strength of her heroes. "