Presentation on the theme "spring wheat". Presentation winter wheat.ppt - Presentation on the topic: "Technology of growing winter wheat"

Presentation on the topic
Presentation on the theme "spring wheat". Presentation winter wheat.ppt - Presentation on the topic: "Technology of growing winter wheat"

The purpose of the lesson: Educational: To deepen knowledge about wheat as the most important grain crop, about its national economic significance, about the history of wheat cultivation, about the importance of bread in human life. Developing: To activate the cognitive activity of students. Development of the ability to apply complex knowledge. Educational: Awaken interest in agricultural professions. Work on the formation of an aesthetic feeling. Patriotic education.

Equipment Tables "Wheat" "Phase of wheat development" "Composition of blockade bread" Diary of Tanya Savicheva Paintings by artists Scales with 125 g of bread Exhibition of books about wheat and bread Exhibition of flour products Musical cassette. Computer

Morphological features of wheat. Traits of the monocotyledonous classes Trait of the cereal family Which class does wheat belong to? Wheat flower structure Features of durum and soft wheat Features of spring and winter wheat Wheat development phase

Register of varieties of agricultural crops recommended for production in the Chuvash Republic. Winter wheat: Moskovskaya 808, Zarya, Moskovskaya 70, Vezenchukovskaya 330. Winter rye: Chulpan, Voskhod 2, Vezenchukovskaya 87, Blizzard, Kirovskaya 89.

From the history of wheat origin Wheat is a very ancient cultivated plant. Wheat grains are constantly found during excavations of the first human settlements. In the pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs, grains similar to the grains of modern wheat were also found. The finds of grains, as well as rock paintings, which depict what primitive people were doing, suggests that wheat was cultivated for a very long time, somewhere from the 7th millennium BC.

The word bread is of ancient Greek origin. The fact is that the Greeks baked bread in special klibanos pots. Hence the name "khleifs", which was then adopted by the ancient Germans, Slavs. In the ancient Greek language there is a word "hlaib" very much reminiscent of our bread or the Estonian "leib". The word bread is of ancient Greek origin. The fact is that the Greeks baked bread in special klibanos pots. Hence the name "khleifs", which was then adopted by the ancient Germans, Slavs. In the ancient Greek language there is a word "hlaib" very much reminiscent of our bread or the Estonian "leib".

Where did the bread come from? NI Vavilov and his colleagues studied the diversity and geographical distribution of cultivated plants. He identified 7 centers of origin of cultivated plants. The center of wheat origin is the Southwest Asian Center. Many types of wheat originated from this center. Currently, wheat is cultivated on all continents of our planet with the exception of Antarctica.

Did you know that ... The first finds of cultivated wheat on our planet (and this turned out to be the spelled spelled known to us from the tale of A.S. Pushkin) date back to the second half of the 10th millennium BC. It was discovered by archaeologists in the Jaramo settlement in northern Iraq. Spelled is hulled wheat, and the first finds of naked wheat were found in the Catal-Huyuk settlements in Turkey and date back to the 7th millennium BC. In 1748, during the excavations of ancient Roman cities, 82 loaves of bread were found, covered with the ashes of Vesuvius, who destroyed the city. In ancient China, there was a sowing holiday 500 years ago, it was celebrated annually. On this day, the emperor himself walked across the field after a plowman and threw grain into the furrows.

So, many millennia have passed since people began to cultivate cereals. The day when primitive man first baked the first bread has been lost in the mists of time. When it was? Who was the first baker in history? Alas, these questions are difficult to answer. So, many millennia have passed since people began to cultivate cereals. The day when primitive man first baked the first bread has been lost in the mists of time. When it was? Who was the first baker in history? Alas, these questions are difficult to answer. At first, people ate raw grains, then, having adapted two stones, they began to receive flour. Kneading flour with water got porridge. When they learned how to make fire, they began to cook porridge over the fire. It may be quite by accident that a woman who was preparing food for the family once, through an oversight, received a solid cake instead of porridge. People have benefited from this mistake. The flatbreads turned out to be more convenient and better than porridge.

The dawn was over the earth, The dawn was over the earth, An ear of bread was poured in the morning dew. At dawn, the streets of the cities were quiet and cool; Everything breathed such silence that the whole earth seemed to be asleep. Who knew that between peace and war Only five minutes remained

And suddenly the roar of planes! Bob explosions! Artillery barrage! WAR! Breads were burning. Babies screamed on the chests of dying mothers. In mournful but angry silence, the fathers stood over the ashes of their hearths. From around the corner treacherously, without declaring war, armed to the teeth, the fascist hordes invaded our Motherland. And suddenly the roar of planes! Bob explosions! Artillery barrage! WAR! Breads were burning. Babies screamed on the chests of dying mothers. In mournful but angry silence, the fathers stood over the ashes of their hearths. From around the corner treacherously, without declaring war, armed to the teeth, the fascist hordes invaded our Motherland. Leningrad was blockaded and a terrible threat loomed over the city on the Neva.

The first day was burning out. There were still 900-900 terrible, hungry days of blockade. 900 days of torment and tears, sorrows and deaths, hopes and worries, labor and struggle. How many human grief rises immediately after these words - 900 heroic days. The first day was burning out. There were still 900-900 terrible, hungry days of blockade. 900 days of torment and tears, sorrows and deaths, hopes and worries, labor and struggle. How many human grief rises immediately after these words - 900 heroic days.

A boy of about five is standing on the torn-up path. On the torn-up path is a boy of about five. In the eyes of widened languor, and his cheeks are white as chalk. -Where is your mom, boy? -Houses. - Where is your house, son? -Burned out ... He sat down. It drifts with a snowball. Light dims in his eyes. He will not even ask for bread; he also knows there is no bread.

Leningrad stubbornly resisted. In September 1941, the city gave out 250 grams of bread per worker, and 125 grams per child. Leningrad stubbornly resisted. In September 1941, the city gave out 250 grams of bread per worker, and 125 grams per child. I will remember the evening as a milestone: December, without a fiery haze, I was carrying bread in my hand, and suddenly a neighbor met me: - Change to a dress, - he says, - you don't want to change, give it out of friendship. The tenth day as a daughter lies, I do not bury. She needs a coffin. They will hammer him together for our bread. Give it back….

Tanya Savicheva's diary Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 am in the morning of 1941 Grandma died on January 25 at 3 pm 1942 Leka died on March 17 at 5 am 1942 Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 am 1942 Uncle Lesha died on May 10 at 4 am days 1942 Mom on May 13 at 7:30 in the morning the Savichevs died. All died. Tanya was the only one left.

According to IY Yakovlev's story "Kulache" Every time his father went to the market, he asked him to bring him a roll. On the market day, his father gives him a bag of bread and sends him to the field to weed the weeds. Arriving on the field, the father says: -Here, son, you work, but do not look back at the bread, he himself will turn into a roll. The boy works and works, but he himself no, no, but he looks back at the bread: has he turned into a roll. It goes on in the evening, and still there is no roll. The boy got hungry and could not stand it: he cut it off, salted it - the taste of bread cannot be compared with anything, it became tastier than a roll. Bread obtained by labor is tastier than honey.

References 1. Arefieva G.Ya. “Integrated lessons of geography, biology, ecology, life safety, chemistry) // Geography in school.-2002.-№ 3. -P. 70.2 Znagirova L.N. "Open integrated lesson in biology and geography" // Biology in school.-2007.- № 4.-P.41 3. Livansky V.М. “Resource approach to the formation of an integrated school and out-of-school educational space // Head teacher. -2006-№5. - P. 118 4. Maksimova V.N. “Interdisciplinary connections in the learning process. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1988

The work can be used to conduct lessons and reports on the subject "Biology"

Ready-made biology presentations contain various information about cells and the structure of the whole organism, about DNA and about the history of the evolution of mankind. In this section of our website you can download ready-made presentations for a biology lesson for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Biology presentations will be useful for both teachers and their students.

The tillage system for winter wheat depends on the predecessor, the weediness of the fields and the soil and climatic conditions of the area. On soils with a small supply of organic substances, deep fall plowing is carried out with a depth of 20-22 cm. In the spring - harrowing to preserve moisture. In the spring-summer period, the arable layer is cleared of weeds using 4-5-fold cultivation with a depth of 5 cm, and 2-3 weeks before sowing, the fallow is plowed and again cultivated to a seeding depth (4-5 cm). Before plowing, especially after harvesting perennial grasses, the soil must be discarded in two directions with disc harrows, which contributes to good soil preparation and moisture retention. Processing of fallows occupied by annual or perennial grasses after cutting, grain legumes, row crops, begins with stubble plowing, and then deep plowing with a plow with a skimmer and harrowing. In the future, before sowing winter wheat, the field is treated as a pair, i.e. as weeds appear, cultivation is carried out with simultaneous harrowing. After harvesting steam-bearing row crops, if the field is clean of weeds, it is enough to cultivate to a depth of 10-12 cm with harrowing, and then process it like steam. For better soil settlement (in dry summers), packing with harrowing gives good results, with sufficient moisture - the use of combined arable machines.

General information about the culture
Origin: Derived from hybrid
population (Obriy × Yantarnaya 50)
individual selection.
Botanical characteristics:
a variety of erythrospermum. Ear
white, hairless, fusiform,
medium length (8-9 cm) and density (18-
20 spikelets per 10 cm rod). Corn
ovoid, red,
glassy, ​​medium size (weight
1000 grains 40-45 g). Medium stem
thickness, durable, resistant to
lodging. Plant height 90-105 cm.
Biological features: variety
mid-season, high
winter hardiness, resistant to
early spring drought. The variety is resistant to
hard smut, weakly affected
powdery mildew, yellow rust.

Basic requirements for
timely release of the field from
steaming culture for
tillage and sowing, the possibility
clear the field of weeds, accumulate and
keep moisture and on this basis
ensure the receipt of friendly shoots,
good development of plants from autumn that
will contribute to better
overwintering and getting high
Crop rotation:
1. Sunflower
2. Steam black
3. Winter wheat
4. Corn for silage
5. Spring wheat

Nitrogen fertilizers
Phosphate fertilizers
Potash fertilizers
Complex fertilizers

Calculation of fertilizer doses for
winter wheat for
yield 60 kg / ha
main products

Item number Indicator
Removal of nutrients:
for the planned yield, kg
Content of available nutrients in the soil kg / ha
Use of nutrients from the soil,%
Plants will absorb nutrients from the soil, kg / ha
Dose of organic fertilizers application 30 t / ha
Nutrient content of organic

Table continuation
Item number Indicator

Nutrient content of 30t organic
fertilizers, kg
Use of nutrients from 30 tons of organic
Plants will absorb nutrients from 30 tons of organic
Sowing needs to assimilate nutrients from
mineral fertilizers, kg / ha
Use of nutrients from mineral
Estimated doses of mineral fertilizers kg a.i. / ha
It was decided to apply fertilizers: mineral, kg a.c. per 1 ha

Work plan for the use of organic and
mineral fertilizers for the planned
Mineral fertilizers, kg etc. for 1 hectare
the main
when sowing
N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O N
P2O5 K2O
P2O5 K2O
t / ha
spring top dressing in spring is highly effective, because winter wheat is moving in
- ٭2
growth in spring, and it especially needs available mineral nitrogen, the accumulation of which
inhibited due to weak microbiological activity.

Determination of the elements of the structure of the planned
The planned yield is 60 c / ha.
The mass of 1000 seeds is 40 g. The number of grains per ear is 30. Productive tillering 2.
1.Mass of grain from one spike:
30 x, x = 1.2 gr.
2. Density of productive stems. With a yield of 60 c / ha from 1 m2, you need to collect 600 gr.
600 × 1.2 = 720 pcs / m2
3. Density of standing of plants before harvesting:
720: 2 = 360 pcs / m2, 70% of the number of sprouts will remain by the spring, and 90% by the time of harvesting.
4. Density of standing of plants in spring:
360 × 100/90 = 400 pcs / m2
5. Density of standing of plants during germination:
360 × 100/70 = 514.3 pcs / m2
6.Seeding rate (piece):
Field germination rate is 80%, per 1 m2: 514.3 × 100/80 = 643 pcs., 6.4 million seeds are needed per 1 hectare.
7.Sowing suitability:
PG = purity × germination / 100
PG = 99 × 98/100 = 97.02%
8.Seeding rate (weight): HB = 100CHM / PG, where H is the numerical seeding rate, million seeds per hectare, Mmass of 1000 seeds.

Seed preparation for sowing, sowing.
Sowing high quality seeds is one of the
the most important conditions for obtaining high yields.
For sowing, use large,
leveled, ponderous, healthy, clean from
weed seeds meeting the requirements
state standard with germination is not
less than 92%. The mass of 1000 seeds should be 40 ... 50
d, the strength of growth is not less than 80%. Sowing large
seeds increases the yield of winter
wheat by 0.45 t / ha and more due to an increase

field germination, bushiness, the best
overwintering and plant survival.

Sowing preparation and
planting material
Goal and tasks
A drug,
kg / ha
Requirements to
Clear the seeds
from impurities and
calibrate by
To raise
seed germination
After cleaning
Cleanliness is not
less than 95%
In the sun
Before sowing
End of the second
ten days of August
seeds from
Vitavax 2.5
3 kg / t
Before sowing
End of the second
ten days of August
should not be
less than 80%

Sorting and

Technology system
winter wheat cultivation
Name and
performance of work
1. Stubble plowing
2. Introduction of organic
Immediately after
cleaning the predecessor
Before plowing
3. Plowing
4. Snow retention
5. Harrowing the plow
When shoots appear
In winter, at an altitude
no snow cover
less than 10cm
Upon reaching
physical ripeness
soil layer 05cm
December february
machines, tools
To a depth of at least 5 cm DT75M + LDG10
distribution over
field surface
To the depth of arable
layer 28cm
For the purpose of detention
moisture, across
prevailing winds
Loosening to a depth of 4
MTZ82 + 1ROU6
DT75M + PLN435
DT75 + SVU2.6
DT75 + 3BZS1

6.57 cultivations during
When shoots appear
During the summer

7. NP introduction
Before sowing
8. Presowing cultivation
soil, with simultaneous
On sowing day
End of August
To a depth of 6 8 cm with
the purpose of destroying
seedlings of weeds and
soil crust
distribution over
field surface
To create a bed for
seeds to a depth of 56cm
DT75 + KPS4
MTZ82 + 1RMG4
DT75 + RVK3.6
9. Seeding + application P
In the optimal time frame
End of August
To a depth of 56cm
DT75 + SZ3.6
10. Rolling
Immediately after
End of August
No flaws
DT75 + 3KKSh6
11. Pre-emergence harrowing When
12. Snow retention
weeds or
soil crust
In winter, at an altitude
no snow cover
less than 10cm
End of August - beginning
To a depth of 24 cm,
across the rows
DT75 + BZSS1
December february
For the purpose of detention
moisture, across
prevailing winds
DT75 + SVU2.6
13. Harrowing of winter crops
With physical ripeness
Across rows, bevel
tooth forward, speed
no more than 5 km / h
DT75 + BZSS1

State budgetary professional educational
establishment of the Kaluga region "Governor's Agrarian College"
Completed by a 2nd year student
group 21t. Rakhmonova M.Sh.
Head Pribylova O.V.

Spring wheat is one of the oldest and most widespread crops in the world. The largest areas of its sowing are

Spring yield value
Spring wheat is one of the oldest and most
common crops on the globe. The greatest
its sowing areas are located in Russia. Spring wheat -
one of the main food crops. Her grain
characterized by a high protein content (18 ... 24%) and
gluten-free, excellent baking qualities. From
flour soft. psh. bake bread, and from tv. wheat - manna
porridge, cereals, pasta. Industry feed
for animals. The protein content of the grain is soft. psh: 28-32%, and
tv.psh. -40%

The root system is fibrous, located in the upper arable layer of the soil, but penetrates to a depth of 120-200 cm. It consists of

growth and development phase
The root system is fibrous, located in the upper
topsoil, but penetrates to a depth of 120-200cm. She
consists of primary "embryonic" roots (develops from
the embryo of the seed) and secondary "nodal" (formed from the nodes
Spring wheat stem - straw, round, hollow
and is divided along the entire length by knots (annular thickenings)
on 5-6 sites (internodes).
Spring wheat leaf types:
Basal - formed from underground nodes
Stem - formed from the aerial part of the stem.
The sheet consists of 2 parts:

Leaves of cereals are lanceolate, with parallel venation. At the base, they are rolled into tubes attached to the stem nodes and

covering part of the stem. Leaves are basic
photosynthetic organs; therefore their number, size and
condition have a significant impact on yield
The size and number of leaves depends on biological characteristics,
varieties and soil conditions.
Wheat inflorescence is an ear consisting of:
Spike rod
Individual spikelets containing 1-5 flowers, of which the grain
give 2-3.
The fruit of wheat is a bare caryopsis (grain), in which it is distinguished
dorsal ventral side. At the bottom of the grain on the dorsal
the embryo is located on the side.

In the initial phases, this culture is cold-resistant. The grain begins to germinate at a temperature of 1-2 * C, sowing is carried out when the temperature

Biological features
Heat requirement.
In the initial phases, this culture is cold-resistant. Corn
begins to germinate at a temperature of 1-2 * C, sowing is carried out,
when the soil temperature at the seeding depth is 57 * C. The tillering phase takes place at T 10-12 * C, in the flowering phase and
maturation, the need for heat increases to 20-25 * С

It is more demanding on soil moisture, especially in the phase of getting into the tube and heading, because education occurs during this period

Moisture requirements.
More demanding on soil moisture, especially in the phase
exit into the tube and earing, tk. during this period
the formation of reproductive organs.

spring wheat is a self-pollinating long-day plant. After germination, spring wheat develops slowly and is more inhibited

Light requirements
spring wheat is a self-pollinating long-day plant.
After germination, spring wheat develops slowly and
more inhibited by weeds than winter
wheat. Significantly more sensitive to frost
wheat plants in the germination phases - the second leaf, at this time
frosts - 5 ° С already cause partial death and
damage to seedlings of soft wheat.

Among spring grain crops, spring wheat is the most demanding on the level of soil fertility. Cultivate it on

Soil requirements
Among spring crops, spring wheat is
most demanding to the level of soil fertility.
It is cultivated on sod-podzolic plants easily and
medium loamy soils, as well as coherently sandy loamy soils,
underlain by moraine loam, and on peat-bog
lowland soils.

Spring wheat varieties

1 rainbow
2. Diamond
3. Saratov
4. Omsk 36
5. Novosibirskaya 44 61
6.Moskovskaya 35



Novosibirskaya 44-61

Spring wheat cultivation technology

Spring wheat is placed in crop rotations after
perennial and annual legumes,
legumes and row crops, except
sunflower, after which the field is strong
littered with carrion making it bad
Sometimes spring wheat is sown after winter wheat
wheat. However, this is undesirable, since it leads to
accumulation of pathogenic infection and pests

Spring wheat responds well to nitrogen and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. For 1 centner of grain and
the corresponding amount of straw is 1 kg
phosphorus fertilizers, 2.5 kg of potash, 4 kg of nitrogen. Norms
fertilizers for growing wheat are differentiated,
based on the predecessor, soil characteristics, etc.
When sowing spring wheat, they bring
granular superphosphate. This method is not suitable
for nitrogen and potash fertilizers, as it changes
the concentration of the soil solution.
Top dressing is carried out at the beginning of booting, which increases
ear productivity and yield. Non-root
top dressing to improve the quality of grain is carried out in
heading-flowering with melt or urea solution.
The norm for nitrogen fertilizers is no more than 90 kg per

When placing spring wheat after row crops, which are subjected to intensive mechanical processing in summer-autumn

When placing spring wheat after row crops,
which are intensively machined in
summer-autumn and spring-summer periods, you can
restrict the surface tillage to a depth of
10 to 12-14 cm with disc cultivators LDG-10, LDG-15 or
heavy disc harrows BDT-3, BDT-3 for embedding
post-harvest plant residues, especially corn and
sunflower. Plowing to a depth of 25-27 cm is carried out
plows PN-4-35, PLN-6-35, PTK-9-35 equipped with
without fail skimmers after 15-20 days
after peeling. In case of regrowth of grasses in summer-autumn
period, they are destroyed by any cultivators.
Closing moisture in the spring on dump backgrounds and after
flat cutting with a small amount
plant residues are carried out with tooth harrows ZBZTU1.0 or ZBZSS-1.0 in two tracks.





Pln 4-35



... On stubble backgrounds with a large amount of stubble and when mulching the field with straw, use the BIG-3, BMSh-15 or

... On stubble backgrounds with a lot of stubble and when
When mulching a field with straw, use harrows BIG3, BMSh-15 or cultivators with needle discs LDGI10.
The final decision on the choice of implement and depth
processing is taken specifically for each field, taking into account
also humidity, texture and other conditions,
determining the quality of processing.
Presowing cultivation is necessary on weedy fields,
especially with wild oats and perennial weeds, as well as
sowing crops with disc seeders. Cultivation depth
KPI-3.8, KPS-4, OP-8 should not exceed 6-8cm.
Compaction of the soil with ring-spur rollers ZKKSH-6
after cultivation, it is advisable for the provocation of minors
weeds, as well as moisture retention from diffuse convection evaporation in dry weather.





For sowing, large sorted seeds are used (the mass of 1000 seeds is 35-40 g for soft). Pass the seeds air before sowing

Seed preparation for sowing and sowing
Large sorted seeds are used for sowing.
(1000 grains weight - 35-40 g for soft). Seeds before sowing
undergo air heating and processing
seed disinfectants against a number of diseases: dusty and
hard smut, root rot, seed mold, etc.
Decision on etching should be made based on
seed phytoexamination data: this will help to select
optimal dressing agent

Spring wheat is an early sowing crop. The optimal sowing time on mineral soils is at a temperature of + 2 ° C and above in

Sowing dates. Seeding rate
Embedment depth. Sowing method
Spring wheat is an early sowing crop. Optimal
sowing time on mineral soils - at a temperature of + 2 ° С and
higher within 3-4 days after the onset of physical ripeness.
The seeding rate on mineral soils is 5.0-5.5 million viable seeds per hectare, on peat-bog soils - 3.5-4 million.
Planting depth on light soils - 5-6 cm, on medium and heavy
- 3-4 cm, on peat bog - 4-5 cm.
Sowing method - continuous row, row spacing - 7.5,
12.5, 15 cm, leaving a constant tramline.

Also, with the intensive technology of cultivation of spring wheat, an important role is given to the care of crops, weed control,

Crop care
Also, with intensive technology of cultivation of spring
wheat an important role is given to the care of crops,
weed, disease and pest control.
Large damage to spring wheat is caused by rhizome and
root weeds such as: field thistle,
field bindweed, field thistle and many others. From
annual great harm is caused by wild oats, bristles
green, chicken millet, etc. With a small
weediness yield losses are 5 - 7%, and when
strong reach up to 30%. there are three main
the degree of contamination of crops by weeds:
weak, medium, strong.

To destroy wild oat seedlings, use light harrows in two tracks. This agrotechnical event

is considered the most effective, since
is carried out during the period when wild oats are in the phase of "white
threads ", i.e. when they have not yet had time to use up from the soil
moisture and nutrients. Control measures necessary
to prevent these diseases, they are chosen based on
phytosanitary monitoring carried out for each
field. Can be used as mechanical treatments,
and chemical. Before sowing, agrotechnical
events, and chemical both before and after.

Includes packing, harrowing, weed, disease and pest control. To obtain friendly seedlings, crops

Crop care:
Includes packing, harrowing, weed control,
diseases and pests. For friendly seedlings
the crops are rolled in. But this is in the event that it is dry
weather. To destroy the soil crust, carry out
harrowing. Spring wheat after germination
develops slowly and is strongly oppressed by weeds
plants. In the presence of root weeds
(more than two per 1 m2) crops in the tillering phase are processed
herbicide 2,4 - D amine salt, 40% w.r., at a dose of 2 l / ha.
Sodium salt 2.4 D is used in the fight against more
resistant weeds (mountaineers, sow thistles, field bindweed,
pickles) - 1 ... 1.2 kg / ha

Against 2.4 D-resistant dicotyledonous weeds, wheat crops can also be treated with diallen, 40% -1 w.r., at a dose of 2.25

l / ha. For spraying use boom
sprayers OPSH-15, OPSH-15-01 aggregated with
tractor MTZ-80/82, YuMZ-6L / 6M, sprayer OP-2000–
2-01 aggregated with the MTZ-80-82 tractor. Good
results in the control of weeds resistant to 2,4 - D weeds
provides basagran at a dose of 2 ... 4 kg / ha

Spring wheat is harvested in two ways: single-phase
(direct combining) and two-phase (separate
cleaning). Two-phase cleaning is used for
high-stemmed unevenly ripening crops and
with significant contamination. This makes it possible
start harvesting work 4 ... 5 days earlier and get
dry grain. Mowing begins in the wax phase
ripeness and grain moisture 36 ... 40%, cut height
set within 15 ... 25 cm, so that
the formed roll was sufficiently firmly held on
stubble and well blown. For mowing into swaths
use headers ZhVN-6A, ZhNS-6-12, ZhVS-6.


Single-phase harvesting is used for undersized, thinned breads in the phase of full ripeness, as well as in areas with

high humidity during the cleaning period. Height
cut 10 ... 15 cm. For single-phase cleaning and selection
and threshing rolls are used by SKD-5 "Sibiryak" combines,
SK-5M Niva, Don-1500, Yenisei 1200N.
Immediately after harvesting, the grain is cleaned, if necessary,
dried to a moisture content of 13 ... 14%, rent or fall asleep on
storage. During or immediately after harvesting fields
free from straw for processing under the following
culture. It is good at harvesting grain crops
have established themselves as harvesting and transport
include links:
Preparation of fields for harvesting, combine-transport,
maintenance, straw removal and handling

    Slide 1

    • The main types used in agricultural production.
    • Spring wheat is the leading food crop in Northern Kazakhstan. National economic value of soft and durum wheat.
    • Morphological features of spring wheat. Varieties admitted to sowing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
    • Features of the technology of cultivation of soft and durum wheat in the zone of Northern Kazakhstan.
  • Slide 2

    Main literature

    • Crop production // Ed. Academician VASKHNIL P.P. Vavilov - M., Agropromizdat, 1986.
    • NI Mozhaev, KK Arinov and others. Plant growing. Akmola, 1996.
    • Arinov KK Technology of cultivation of spring wheat under irrigation. Tselinograd, 1992
    • Ivanov P.I. Spring wheat. M., Kolos, 1973.
    • Suleimenov M.K. and others. Practical guidance on the development of intensive technology of cultivation of spring wheat. M., Kolos, 1986.
    • Suleimenov M.K. Agricultural technology of spring wheat. A-Ata, Kainar, 1981.
    • Spring wheat in Northern Kazakhstan. Ed. A.I. Baraeva. A-Ata, Kainar, 1976.
  • Slide 3

    Wheat (Tritikum L.) -

    an annual herb, has spring, winter and semi-winter forms,

    belongs to the Poaceae family.

    Among all grain breads, the wheat genus is the most diverse in terms of species composition, it has 27 species (according to the classification of P.M. Zhukovsky), which differ in the number of chromosomes in somatic cells:

    • diploid (2n - 14),
    • tetraploride (2n-28),
    • hexaploid (2n-42)
    • and octaploid (2n-56).
  • Slide 4

    Table - Subdivision of Tritikum (L.) based on genetic data

  • Slide 5

    For practice, the most convenient classification is based on the division of species by economic


    • real wheat (bare-grain);
    • spelled wheat (hulled).
    • In real wheat, the spike stem is unbreakable (it does not break apart when ripe). During threshing, grains are easily freed from the scales in which they are enclosed.
    • In spelled wheats, a brittle head shaft, when threshed, breaks down into separate spikelets, each with a segment of the spikelet. After threshing, the grains remain enclosed in spikelet and flower scales. This group of species has no industrial value, mainly these species are used in breeding work.
    • Wheat varieties cultivated in our republic belong to two types: soft and hard. The most common is soft wheat, which has winter and spring forms, as well as spring durum wheat.
  • Slide 6

    Wheat production indicators in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Slide 7

    Wheat production

    • Wheat production is the most priority sector in the development of agriculture in Kazakhstan.
    • It occupies one of the leading places, both in the agro-industrial complex and in the economy of the republic as a whole.
    • In the republic, about 90% of all sown areas are grain crops, of which 82-84% are sown with wheat.
    • Kazakhstani wheat in foreign markets is considered competitive in terms of price and quality.
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    Morphological features of wheat.

    • The root system of wheat is fibrous, consisting of embryonic (primary) and nodal roots.
    • The embryonic roots of cereals are involved in plant nutrition throughout the growing season, appearing before the nodal roots, they are ahead of them in growth and by the end of the growing season they reach a length of 150 cm or more.
    • However, a high yield can be obtained only with good development of the nodal roots. In dry years, the nodal roots may not be laid, and the wheat yield due to the primary root system is limited to 5-8 centners / ha.
    • Stem - straw (5-8 internodes), the number of internodes corresponds to the number of leaves.
    • The straw is hollow, but in durum wheat it is full under the spike, therefore, when over-grown at the root, it can break off with a whole spike.
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    • Wheat leaves are linear, consisting of a leaf blade and a leaf sheath, a tongue (colorless film) is located at the place where the sheath transitions to the plate, linear ears or horns are formed at the base of the leaf sheath, covering the stem.
    • Inflorescence is an ear, consisting of a spikelet and spikelets.
    • There is one spikelet on the ledge of the spikelet of wheat, but it is multi-flowered (3-5 flowers). The task of the agronomist is to pollinate all the flowers in an ear and set seeds.
    • The fruit is a weevil. The grain size depends, first of all, on the level of agricultural technology.
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    Spring wheat requirements for environmental factors

    • temperature regime
    • The minimum temperature for germination of wheat seeds is 1-20C, however, the minimum temperature for the beginning of wheat growth is 4-50C, but the processes of germination and emergence of seedlings at these temperatures are very slow.
    • Seedlings tolerate frosts down to -60C. Initial growth and tillering are best at moderate temperatures.
    • During the period of development of generative organs and flowering, wheat is very sensitive to temperature.
    • A number of researchers have established that anthers do not develop in wheat at + 120C, fertilization does not occur at temperatures below 50C, and although fertilization occurs at temperatures from 5 to 100C, the growth of the endosperm and especially the embryo proceeds very slowly, the grain dies off without taking shape.
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    • Wheat has large differences in its ability to withstand high temperatures. With continuous action of 38-400 ° C, stomatal paralysis occurs in different varieties after 10-17 hours. Wheat can tolerate high temperatures during the flowering period only with a good supply of moisture in the soil. Through the grain is caused by high temperature with low soil moisture.
    • Frosts during filling (-1-20C) damage the plant and grain (frost grain).
    • The sum of active temperatures for spring wheat is 1500-19000C, depending on the early maturity of the variety
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    Moisture requirements

    For germination of seeds of soft wheat, 50-60% of water is required from the mass of dry grain. Durum wheat seeds require 5-7% more water as they contain more protein.

    Wheat during the growing season is demanding on moisture. This can be confirmed by a high transpiration coefficient, which ranges from 400 to 450, although this interval can be much larger, depending on the level of agricultural technology.

    The transpiration coefficient of durum wheat is slightly lower than that of soft wheat. The root system of durum wheat is less developed than that of soft wheat. This difference causes drought, but it tolerates air drought better.

    Distribution of water consumption of spring wheat by phases of vegetation (in%):

    During the germination period 5-7;

    Tillering - 15-20;

    Outlet - flowering - 50-60;

    Milk state - 20-30;

    Wax ripeness - 5.

    Slide 21

    • Wheat makes the greatest demand for moisture during the period of going into the tube - flowering. This is a critical period in the development of wheat, and drought at this time has a very strong negative impact on yields.
    • The moisture requirements for different wheat varieties are far from the same. There are very moisture-loving and drought-resistant varieties.
    • The most drought-resistant varieties are those characterized by a slow growth rate in the initial growing season and slow ear formation. They usually tolerate better the aridity of the first half of summer, which is common in the zone of Northern Kazakhstan, and make good use of precipitation, which, as a rule, coincides with the period of their most intensive growth. These varieties are late maturing.
    • Early ripening varieties suffer greatly from spring drought. They grow very strongly at the beginning, quickly form an ear, but with a lack of moisture in spring and early summer, they usually give lower yields.
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    Attitude to soils

    • The type of soil and its level of fertility when growing wheat determines the yield to a greater extent than that of other cereals.
    • The wheat root system has its own distinctive features: only 30% of the roots are in the arable horizon, the rest of the roots are outside of it.
    • It is this nature of the root system that determines the exactingness of wheat to the soil, not only to its arable layer, but also to the quality of the subsurface horizons.
    • Chernozems, chestnut and other fertile soils are considered the best for it. Heavy clay and light sandy soils are not suitable for spring wheat.
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    • The optimum soil pH for wheat is considered to be 6-7.5.
    • The observations of many researchers in vegetation experiments have shown that the accumulation of nutrients in the phases and stages of wheat development is uneven.
    • Spring wheat is primarily stocked with phosphorus, then potassium and finally nitrogen.
    • She needs phosphorus nutrition until full earing, potash - before flowering, and nitrogen - until milk ripeness.
    • Wheat is a long day plant.
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    Common wheat varieties

    • Akmola 2
    • Astana Saratovskaya 29
    • Tselinnaya 3s Altayskaya 50
    • Virgin jubilee Irtyshanka 10
    • Tselinnaya 24 Lyubava
    • Erythrospermum 35 Lutescens 32
    • Kazakhstanskaya 19Omskaya 18
    • Kazakhstanskaya 25 Omskaya 19
    • Ertys 97 Omskaya 20
    • Pavlodar 93Omskaya 29
    • Karabalykskaya 90Omskaya 30
    • Karagandinskaya 70
    • Karagandinskaya 70
    • Kazakhstan early maturing
  • Slide 25

    Spring durum wheat varieties

    • Damsinskaya 90
    • Kostanay 52
    • Sid 88
    • Bezenchukskaya 139
    • Altayka
    • Omsk Ruby
    • Orenburgskaya 2
    • Orenburgskaya 10
  • Slide 26

    Spring wheat cultivation technology.

    • Wheat cultivation technology should be based on morphological and biological characteristics.
    • Predecessors. Considering the value of this culture in the conditions of the zone, as well as the exactingness of the growing conditions, therefore, the best lands should be allocated for its crops, and also take care of placing it on the best predecessors.
    • For the steppe zone, grain-fallow crop rotations with short rotation, based on flat-cut and minimum tillage technology, have been developed.
    • Steam, wheat, wheat, wheat, barley, wheat.
    • Steam, wheat, wheat, wheat, barley.
    • Steam, wheat, wheat, oats, wheat, barley.
  • Slide 27

    • Pure fallow is the best precursor for spring wheat in arid zones.
    • The vapors fight weeds, accumulate nutrients and moisture
    • But for all the positiveness of the steam, it also has its drawbacks: the field does not produce production for a year, the costs of cultivating the field go, and there is an unproductive loss of humus.
    • In this regard, in farms with a high culture of agriculture, steam is being replaced by steaming crops: peas, oats, etc.
    • Soil cultivation for wheat depends on the zone, the predecessor, the characteristics of the soil, the degree of its infestation, the prevailing types of weeds and many other conditions.
    • In the conditions of the zone, tillage should contribute to the creation of the greatest supply of moisture in the spring and its economical consumption during the growing season.
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    Soil cultivation.

    • Steam treatment. Pairs are processed in strict accordance with the zonal farming systems (KPSh-5, KPSh-9, KTS 10-01, OP-8).
    • The depth of flat-cut processing is set depending on the type of soil from 10-14 to 20 cm.
    • On light soils, the main cultivation of the fallow field is carried out at 10-14 cm, on heavy soils, loosening is carried out by 20-22 cm or 25-27 cm (PG-3.5, PG-3-100).
    • On the fields littered with wild oats, in the fall, small processing of BIG-3A is carried out to plant weed seeds.
    • In the spring-summer period, as weeds appear, the treatment is carried out with KPSh-9 flat cutters to a depth of 8-10 cm or with needle harrows in the absence of perennial weeds.
    • In the fall, fallow fields littered with wheatgrass are cultivated to the depth of the rhizomes, and in the spring and summer they are treated with cultivators KTS-10-01, KPE-3.8A.
    • To reduce the number of mechanical treatments of steam and preserve moisture in the soil, spraying of contaminated fields with herbicides is used.
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    Second culture after steam.

    • The main tillage is carried out in autumn with KPSh-9, KPSh-5, OPT-3-5 tools to a depth of 10-12 cm.
    • A timely and correct pre-sowing treatment has a significant impact on the yield. It is carried out to the seeding depth just before sowing.
    • Fertilizers. Nutritional conditions have a decisive influence on the development of plants and, ultimately, on the quantity and quality of the crop.
    • For the formation of 1 ton of spring wheat, on average, it consumes 35-45 kg of nitrogen, 8-12 kg of phosphorus and 17-27 kg of potassium. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied for the main processing and as an exception in the spring for cultivation.
    • 90 kg of a.i. are introduced into the steam field. (in 5-field rotation) and up to 120 kg (6-7-field rotation).
    • As a row fertilizer, when sowing in pairs, 10-20 kg / ha of phosphorus is given for grain and row crop predecessors in the zone of sufficient moisture, phosphorus is applied as part of complex fertilizers (ammophos, diammophos).
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    Seed preparation for sowing.

    • For sowing, seeds with high yielding properties and sowing qualities of varieties approved for sowing should be used.
    • Cleaning of seeds and bringing them to sowing conditions should be completed in autumn. In the spring, immediately before sowing, air-thermal heating, seed dressing and treatment with some preparations are carried out.
    • Air heating has a positive effect on the quality of seeds. This is one of the methods for increasing the energy of seed germination and laboratory germination.
    • Air-thermal heating is best done in the sun at a temperature of 15-200C.
    • It is convenient and profitable to use special active ventilation units for heating (temperature 15-200C for 3-5 days).
    • Seed dressing. To disinfect seeds from pathogens of fungal and bacterial diseases, it is necessary to pickle them in a timely manner and correctly (preferably 1-2 months before sowing). An effective method against smut, root rot and other diseases is etching with drugs of systemic action: foundationol, benomyl or vitavax.
    • Thermal disinfection is used to combat dust smut.
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    Sowing dates for spring wheat

    • must necessarily be considered taking into account the zonal features.
    • The timing of sowing grain crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan is one of the decisive factors that largely determine the level and quality of the obtained grain and seeds.
    • The peculiarity of the climatic conditions of Northern Kazakhstan requires a special approach to the selection of the optimal sowing dates for spring wheat.
    • In the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan, spring drought is a common phenomenon. The end of May - the first two decades of June is characterized by a very low amount of precipitation, and the plants after germination are affected by atmospheric drought.
    • In order for the harmful effect of spring and early summer drought to weaken, and the plants fell under the July-August maximum precipitation in the phase of maximum moisture demand, and ripening ended by the beginning of autumn frosts, the sowing time should be chosen correctly.
    • It has been established that the optimal time for sowing spring wheat is May 15-25. At the same time, mid-ripening varieties begin to sow on May 19-20 and end on May 28, and medium-late ones from May 15-18.
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    Sowing method

    • The most perfect sowing method is one that provides an area of ​​plant nutrition that is close to a square in shape. With this form of the feeding area, the plant's use of light, moisture, food improves.
    • Narrow-row, cross and cross-diagonal methods meet these requirements more fully.
    • But in the conditions of the zone, an ordinary sowing method is used with a width of 15 cm (SZP-3.6) 23 cm (SZS-2.1) seeding complexes (strip 14-18 cm).
    • The size of the yield largely depends on the number of productive ears per unit area. When establishing the seeding rate, the degree of tillering of the sown variety, moisture supply and weediness of the field are taken into account.
    • Since spring wheat thrives weaker than barley and oats, it is therefore responsive to a slight increase in the seeding rate.
    • On fertile soils and with sufficient moisture, as well as on weedy fields, the seeding rate is increased, and in arid regions, it is reduced.
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    seeding rate

    The seeding rate under the conditions of the zone ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 million viable seeds per hectare:

    On ordinary chernozems - 3.5-4.5 million crops. seeds per hectare,

    On the southern chernozems - 2.5-4.0 million crops. seeds per hectare,

    On chestnut soils - 2.0-3.2 million crops. seeds per hectare.

    • The main requirement for sowing is to cover the seeds to such a depth and in such a way that the best conditions for germination and rapid emergence of shoots are created.
    • Sowing too deep increases the seeding to emergence period. With a prolonged stay in the soil, the seeds spend a lot of nutrients on respiration, their seedlings are weakened, some of the seeds die from diseases and pests, the seedlings are uncooperative.
    • The biologically substantiated depth of planting seeds in wheat is 2-4 cm.
    • But in the conditions of the zone, taking into account the peculiarities of the spring period, the sowing depth is 5-6 cm, the maximum is 8-9 cm (as a forced measure).
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    Crop care.

    • On wheat crops, harrowing, chemical control measures, and top dressing can be used.
    • Pre-emergence harrowing - the fight against weed seedlings, as well as for the purpose of loosening the crust formed after the rains. The weeds should be in the unrooted sprouting phase, and the wheat sprouts have not reached the soil surface by 3-4 cm (4-5 days after sowing). Harrowing is carried out with light or medium harrows.
    • Seasonal harrowing can be carried out with deep seeding, dense seedlings, good rooting, fast plant growth and the presence of moisture in the soil. It is advisable to harrow in the tillering phase.
    • Chemical weeding is carried out at moderate and severe weediness of crops. Spraying is carried out in the tillering phase.
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    • The complexity of wheat harvesting lies not only in the fact that a lot of equipment is required (large areas), but also in the fact that at this time there are often unfavorable weather conditions, which leads to large losses in the yield and its quality.
    • You can use two methods of harvesting: separate and direct combining.
    • With good density and height of the stem and favorable weather, the separate method is preferable. It allows you to start harvesting earlier than eliminates shedding losses. With good drying of the rolls, dry grain is obtained, it is easily cleaned already in the combine.
    • If the crops are undersized, the grain is thinned out, the weather is unfavorable with frequent rains, it is necessary to use direct combining.
    • Consequently, the time and method of harvesting should be determined for each farm and field, depending on the situation.
    • The separate method of wheat harvesting can be started at a grain moisture content of 35-25%, when the influx of assimilants into the grain is practically stopped.
    • Direct combining is carried out at a grain moisture content of 18-16%.
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    Durum wheat

    Morphological features:

    • The root system is less developed than that of the soft one (increased requirement for soils).
    • The ear is almost always spinous (harvesting is more difficult), it tolerates air drought more easily.
    • The grain is angular with a convex embryo; it is more injured.
    • The straw under the spike is made; when it is over-grown, it breaks off with a whole spike.
    • Weaker to bush.
    • In terms of the duration of the growing season, it exceeds the soft one (2-4 days)
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    Biological, technological features of durum wheat

    • For seed germination, moisture is needed 5-7% more than for soft wheat.
    • Common wheat varieties are more resistant to spring frosts than durum wheat. In the tillering phase, soft wheat easily tolerates frosts down to -5-80C, while durum wheat is damaged already at a temperature of -1-20C.
    • Durum wheat does not tolerate repeated sowing, prefers steam, corn as predecessors.
    • With repeated sowing, the spread of a flower mite (barnacle) is possible.
    • Sowing dates are optimal for the conditions of the zone (May 18-22)
    • The seeding rate is 10-20% higher due to low bushiness and less preservation
    • Field germination within the zone is at the level of 50-60%, safety is 75-85%, which is significantly lower than that of soft.

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