The template of the daily report on the work done. Work report

The template of the daily report on the work done. Work report
Improving the efficiency of the sales department for 50 days of Ryazantsev Alexey

Package templates on reports

Package templates on reports

1. Activity Report

In the activity report, the actions that managers committed per day are measured, as well as the results of the day. The table includes:

Month, date and day;

Late, in minutes;

The number of new cold calls;

The number of outputs on decision makers (LPR);

Number of commercial proposals (KP);

The number of repeated calls;

The number of productive calls;

Number of assigned meetings;

The number of meetings held;

Number of invoices;

Payment amount, in rubles;

A mark is about the fact that the call log (the next day) is filled and sent to the head of the sales department (Table 5.2).

This is one of the most powerful tools in the sales department. By introducing it, you will be able to maintain productivity, since with time managers begin to make less targeted actions. In addition, you can control how the number of actions managers are being executed, and see the conversion and amount of payment change.

Report fill time: 10 minutes.

2. Working Journal

Work journal is one of the main work tools of the sales manager. He is prepared at the end of the working day the next day. Contacts are entered into contacts. At the end of the working day, the completed working log is handed over to the head of the sales department by e-mail - if the public use system is not configured or CRM.

What data are entered into the work log.


The name of the LPR.

Phone and e-mail.

The result of the call.

The source of contact collection (so that managers do not choose independently low-quality bases) (Table 5.3).

Table 5.2.Call log

Table 5.3. An example of a working journal

This tool helps in the morning to quickly turn into operation and perform calls by the block in two or three hours, and not to search for the contacts of organizations according to one. The average speed of the manager in this case will be five to six contacts per hour. And having a working journal, people come to work and can immediately call the finished contacts.

If the list is not made from the evening, you can be sure that the manager will easily devote this important process. all The first half of the day.

3. Check-list "Schedule of the Day" (Table 5.4, 5.5)

Table 5.4.Check List for Sales Manager

It is important that work in the department is built by blocks: one block - two to three hours, within which one type of work is performed (mainly). Disconnect multitasking with your managers - and you can increase their productivity at least two and a half times. Do not believe? Assign a test month and see for yourself.

Scientists have proven that our brain needs about 30 minutes to reach the peak of productivity and enter the stream state. And in order to get out of it, grabs small switching to another matter, even for 30 seconds. It is important to understand. Therefore, it is impossible to give managers the opportunity to call all day. They must have a block of calls. So with the rest of the tasks.

The second plus here is a psychological aspect: when you put a time limit on the task, perform it much faster than if you had a lot of time to implement.

4. Base on the organizing of warm customers

The customer base is needed in order not to lose potential customers who have contacted you, they sent a commercial offer, maybe there were meetings, but before selling the case did not come. Our statistics says that at this stage 20-30% of transactions fall off - only because clients simply forgotten, hoping that if they define, they would call themselves. Working with all warm customers should be carried out, the dates of the following calls and the leading to the transaction (Table 5.6) are defined.

After filling in the database, the manager brings the schedule to his calendar and puts a reminder on the phone. Or fills your Google calendar and puts a reminder by SMS. Very comfortably.

5. Meeting Report

Meeting report Employees are filled after it. It records the subject of the meeting, the main agreements and the date of the next touch.

The report is important because thanks to him, the manual can control the actual meetings and their effectiveness.

Table 5.5.Check list for sales manager

Table 5.6.Sales Base

There is often a problem when managers put themselves meetings, but they themselves go to their affairs.

Sales Manager Meeting Report

Date _______________ F. I. O. Manager _________________

Company name ________________________________

The contact person _______________________________________

Manager Notes:

Meeting result:

Next steps:

Further actions from the client:

6. Reporting of the Sales Department

The report on the results of the sales department fills the head of the department and thus makes it possible to control sales indicators on the department as a whole and the results of each manager (Table 5.7, 5.8).

You can add any other indicators, such as the quantity and amount of supplement, the volume of sales of partner goods, etc.

Table 5.7.Report of the Sales Department

Table 5.8.Specific Manager Sales Report

7. Audit of the client base

Audit of the client base Head of sales department holds once a month / quarter. According to the results of the audit, it fills the table report (Table 5.9).

Table 5.9. Audit of the client base (by ABC-segmentation)

8. Reporting of the Sales Representative (Merchandiser)

Used to control on the details of the outlets, subordinate to the sales representative (Table 5.10).

Table 5.10. Daily report of the sales representative

9. Base of key clients

It is important that managers lead the key clients. Because with them you need to maintain the communication of completely different quality. This part of your base holds a business, and it is very important to establish system touches in it.

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Related article How to write a public report of a unified strict form for writing a report does not exist. Each organization as experience accumulates produces internal rules and requirements for it. If you first have to write a report, try it to be meaningful and logical. Instruction 1 Determine the reporting form. The report may be text and statistical. The first information is presented in the form of a connected story, which, if necessary, is complemented by tables, graphs and other illustrations. In the statistical report, the opposite: digital indicators and schemes are accompanied by brief text explanations. 2 Indicate the time frame. The report can be written about work in the week, month, quarter, year. But sometimes it is necessary to report on a particular event, the organization and holding of which spent several days.

Report on the work: sample

You just risk staying undervalued because the chief does not have enough strength to read about all your employment exploits that you barely managed to make a week or month. 4 The information presentation structure must be homogeneous for the entire document. Think out, it may be more convenient to make such reporting in tabular form.

The joke that sometimes it is difficult to report on the work done than to fulfill it, has a good reason. By how such a report was written, a person who will read it may be clearer, not only the results of your work, but also about your business qualities.

In order for it to be disappointed in them, it is necessary to competently and correctly write a report on the work done, knowing the basic requirements that are presented to it.

Examples of reports on the work done. How to make a report

Smirnova pp;

  • prepare the information support of the meeting with HR-Consulting LLC, send invitations to participants, prepare a draft meeting program;
  • take part in the conference on working time use optimization, prepare questions and suggestions.

All tasks set were performed, namely:

  • letters to the tax and employment inspection are prepared and sent;
  • information materials to the meeting with HR-Consulting LLC were prepared, invitations sent out, the draft meeting program was drawn up.
  • the conference was taken, the service note with proposals is attached to the report.

In addition, work was carried out with incoming documentation, namely:

  • two responses were prepared and sent to the labor inspection requests;
  • dana answers to written appeals gr.

How to make a report on the work done for the first time

  • Personnel office work
  • Internal documents

The work report allows the head to evaluate the quality and speed of tasks. The article presents samples of reports on the work done, and is given a step-by-step instruction of compiling a report on the work done.


From the article you will learn:

  • why do you need a report on the work done;
  • what to write in the report on the work done;
  • how to make a report: Step-by-step instructions.

Why do you need a report on the work done by the manager sets the task, the employee performs it - this is the essence of the labor process. The fact of the task is fixed in the form of a report on the work done.

Each employee periodically constitutes such a document. Report frequency and their form depends on the company's internal rules.
Who and why do you need a report on the work done? He needs a supervisor.

Report on the work: sample and step-by-step instructions


Instruction 1 Working reporting has different frequency and, accordingly, must have different content. If you write a weekly or monthly report, then in them your activity should be reflected in very detailed, as they are intended for operational control.

The Quarter's report reflects the main indicators and analyzes activities indicating the reasons that interfere with the work if they are available. The annual report is the main results, the evaluation of their speakers with the previous annual period and is given a forecast for the next year.
2 The report form may be arbitrary, but its information structure is homogeneous. For clarity, use the table form, decorated, if necessary, diagrams and graphs.
The report language must be business, the presentation is short and clear.

How to write a report on the work done?

The volume of monthly reports on the work done is greater, but also, mainly expressed in numbers. And quarterly, semi-annual and annual, most often, suggest text variants of the reports on the work done.

The text report on the work done is the process of creative to make a report in numbers, the task is responsible, but more easily than to compile a competent, qualified text report on the work done. Make a report in the text version, this is a kind of creativity.

It should be reflected in the operation of some kind of department or the whole organization as a whole, it should be written by the language of the document, but it should not be easily read, it should not be excessive "water", the text must be confirmed by the figures, the comparison with the previous indicators should be reflected in it. The reporting period or indicators of the same period last year, and it must end with some conclusions.

Glavbukh must report daily on the work done

In the "main part" describe in more detail the sequence of your work:

  1. preparation for the implementation of the project;
  2. stages of its implementation (specify all the resources used: marketing research, analytical work, experiences, business trips, attracting other employees);
  3. problems and difficulties if they arose;
  4. proposals to eliminate difficulties;
  5. achieved result.

The report in the form of a table will look more visually, structured and concise. If you have often to compile current reports on the work done, it will be convenient to pack the template in which you regularly make the necessary data. And in order not to forget anything important in the past working day, highlight for several minutes from your schedule, writing everything that they did. Otherwise, then you will definitely miss something.

How to make a report on the work done

An even more detailed chain "A specific problem is the causes of its occurrence - setting tasks - the decision" immediately suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing a daily report in tabular form. And the names of the Count are already known. The information is easy to read and analyze.

The presentation of quantitative indicators in cases where the report consists mainly of digital data, the table shape can be very difficult for perception. The solid flow of numbers literally tires the reader in a few minutes.

Another thing is multicolored diagrams and graphics. They are visual, understandable, easily. Each diagram must be comment. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how different graphics are interconnected; Clarification of causal relationships will further facilitate the analysis of the report.

How to write a report on the work of the accountant

Do not hire people whose data can interfere with the fulfillment of duties. For example, a PC statement cannot be with long nails. It will worsen his indicators. 5 Examine the foundations of non-verbal communication and apply them to interviews. If the applicant when answering questions is constantly touched by the head, then this is a sure sign that he is lying. The information he tells about himself is not to believe. 6 Check professional skills, if there is such an opportunity. In summary, you can specify a lot of information, but not the fact that it will correspond to the real skills of the candidate. It is worth trusting only what you yourself will see in reality. 7 Create a situation that will be similar to the working to test the candidate skills. Of course, the applicant should not know about the upcoming test.

How to make a report on the work of the accountant

In real life, supervisors are quite difficult to assess how well employees will cope with their work, if they do not see the results of labor. Therefore, almost all enterprises management obliges each employee to regularly compile a report on the work done. Often this document is created with periodicity of 1 week. Thus, the bosses can see what workers were engaged, as well as how much they were useful to the enterprise. The wrong example is drawn up a document in free form. It is possible that that is why there is a large number of reports that do not talk about guidelines or make it seems that the worker does not cope with the functions assigned to it. At the same time, a specific employee can be real harvesting and overfulfill its plan. Wine everything is an incorrectly compiled report on the work done.

How to make a report on the work done by the accountant

Drawing up a report on the activities of the whole organization as a whole, the work of all its departments and divisions is usually assigned to the head of the organization. The general practice of providing reports assumes that the higher authority sends to the organization, which should provide a report on the work done, the structure of the upcoming report, where it is indicated that it is specifically to be covered in a report on the work done, what figures, indicators and activities should be reflected in the upcoming report .

The head of the organization introduces departments with the structure of the report of each department, and each department is its report on the work done. The head checks all reports if necessary, corrects them, and forms a general report on the organization's activities.

There is no such manager who at least once a year does not require from his subordinate report on what was done. And the problem is that with routine employment, it seems a rather difficult task. And ask for examples of reports on the work done by the authorities for some reason we are shy. What if we decide that we do not correspond to the position?

Who needs it

This question is given by the artist who received the task to report. Most often, employees firms feel almost offended from such requirements. But in everything it makes sense.

First, the report on the work done is needed by the performer. Not formal, and the concerned attitude towards this process will allow finding narrow and weak points in their qualifications. So, the directions are determined by which it is possible (and necessary) to develop. After all, we are all learning on their mistakes.

Secondly, the leader needs. The work report allows you to objectively assess the quality and speed of solving the tasks. Thanks to this document, many questions will disappear - from the most primitive "what you are doing all the time" to a difficult "why I have to change your computer to more modern." Since the report it will be stated that to save changes in the document spends a lot of time. And from the artist it does not depend - the outdated office equipment can not work faster. Actually, therefore it seems that the worker drinks tea all the time - he is just waiting for the operation.

And the question is: "Why do you need to write a report on the work done for the month?" In itself, incorrect. Because the accumulation and filling of databases makes sense for strategists, and not for them is just easier to solve the task than to talk about the methods of its decision.

What to write

Examples of reports on the work done show that it is necessary to write in very detailed. All that seems to be trifling or minor television may be a key element in performing specific functions. But the understanding of this will come only after studying several written reports.

If the work is routine, for example, reconciliation of documents and detecting inconsistencies, it makes sense to develop a tabular form. At the same time, again, at first the table must be very detailed and contain a plurality of graph; Over time, the need for some columns will disappear, and the report form will take normal (read - reasonable) view.

In some cases, making a report on the work done (teachers, for example), it is impossible to formally approach the issue of self-analysis. After all, in addition to the planned educational and methodological load and studying the necessary material, the school is engaged in educational activities. It requires a special approach to the compilation of the document: it is necessary to understand the reasons for the lagging of a number of students, to find the prospect of children with their subject. And at the same time, it is impossible to forget about the time (or gifted) schoolchildren.

Objectives of reports

For proper compilation and minimum time costs, it is necessary to determine from the very beginning, for what purpose and what is written a report on the work done for the year. Let's call the most popular:

Substantiation of real benefits from a specific position in the organization;

Confirmation of the qualifications of a personal employee;

Demonstration of efficient work to leadership;

Obtaining financing for the next reporting period;

Obtaining consent to the development of the direction (ideas);

Justification of spending allocated resources and finances, etc.

Famous wording - the correct setting of the problem provides 50% of the solution - works in this case. The better we understand why you need a report, the easier it is to write it to us. Up to the point that the Document "For Talk" does not require a creative approach from us. And time spending.

Document structure

If there is no one to develop it on the enterprise, it is necessary. Knowing the goals of the document, it is necessary to think through its structure. Examples of reports on the work done allow us to conclude that a clear and simple scheme is needed.

At the very beginning, you should explain the appointment and logic of the application of information. Clarify the sequence of presentation and make a table of contents. For the table, it is necessary to give a brief explanation, why this form is selected.

Inside sections and subsections should also adhere to the unity of presentation. So the document will be more understandable, as a result it is easier perceived. The report for a long period of time is quite appropriate illustrations in and graphs, which will make it easier for perception. But here you need to adhere to the rules of "Golden Mid": a solid text, as well as exceptionally visual materials, very quickly tired.


For an ordinary employee, probably the most difficult in writing is the terminology and formulation. The pathos report will look unnatural and cause a negative management reaction. Too simple formulations (open 25 documents, for example), reader will also be pushed.

But at the same time, templates should be avoided. The exception is only the document that no one will never read. We sometimes encounter such tasks, but in this article we are interested in real (not for the deformations created) reports.

In any case, you should not speak only about achievements. To emphasize them, you need to tell about the difficulties that I had to face during the work. Among other things, the analysis of difficulties is about optimizing labor for senior staff. Examples of reports on the work done that it is not necessary to use the streamlined phrases like the "unsatisfactory state", "the difficulties arising", etc., is better to call everything by their own names: "Broken xerox", "Lack of Internet access", "Lack of or Incompretable receipt of information from the conjugate department. " All this allows adequately and objectively to evaluate the situation in the firm.

Assessment of results

Each result obtained must be confirmed by numbers. This specification provides an understanding of development dynamics.

In addition, it is necessary to specify the criteria for evaluating the results. There will be this previous one (if this is a report for a quarter, for example) or, on the contrary, the percentage value of the completion of the goals set, to solve the author of the document.

In general, indirect indicators can tell a lot about the process of solving the tasks. For further analysis, there is also a lot of information here. From the definition of labor costs before understanding the correctness of the setting of goals.

From problem to solve

Most reports are drawn up on the principle of job description. The advantage looks like a document in which the relationship is clearly traced. The reader immediately understands what methods and technique (if necessary), the performer took advantage of the timely and qualitative fulfillment of the task.

An even more detailed chain "A specific problem is the causes of its occurrence - setting tasks - the decision" immediately suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing a daily report in tabular form. And the names of the Count are already known. The information is easy to read and analyze.

Presentation of quantitative indicators

In cases where the report consists mainly of digital data, a tabular form can be very difficult for perception. The solid flow of numbers literally tires the reader in a few minutes. Another thing is multicolored diagrams and graphics. They are visual, understandable, easily.

Each diagram must be comment. In addition, it is necessary to indicate how different graphics are interconnected; Clarification of causal relationships will further facilitate the analysis of the report.

If the material resources were spent during operation, it is not necessary to simply list them all. Instead, you should specify the purchased benefits. Dry phrase: "Office equipment purchased" will sound completely different, if you write: "Created 2 jobs, which made it possible to increase the development of the department."

How to issue a document

Despite the fact that there is no single form of compilation, the report on the work done can be issued according to GOST, which defines the main criteria of scientific work. It is prescribed by the requirements for formatting, type and font shell, etc.

As for the readability of the document, there are several tips here:

Try to put in one paragraph there are no more than 5 sentences;

Key indicators can be separated by font or color;

Break the text so that the table or the schedule does not occupy the entire page; Be sure to leave a place to comment on them;

Make a clear and concise summary of the report.

These tips will help facilitate the perception of your report, and therefore initially configure the reader to loyal to the author of the document. Imagine that you are the boss. And make a report as it would be useful and interesting to read.

Analytical report is a description of a thorough study of a particular question upon completion of a certain planned stage. Before drawing up this document, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of its structure and registration requirements. The report structure is quite simple, but the knowledge of the nuances will largely facilitate its preparation.


To make a report competently and quickly, one must comply with such components:

  • title page;
  • content of the report;
  • introduction;
  • the main part of the document (analytical and project section);
  • conclusion;
  • list of sources used;
  • applications.

How to write an analytical report?

The title page contains information about the artist. He is the first page of the work, her "face". The content describes the report structure and page numbers of each section. In the introduction, it is necessary to bring arguments in favor of choosing the topic, relevance of the study, transfer methods used to explore the problem and methods. In joining, an analysis of the sources that were used in the study of the topic are given. It is important not to forget about the goals and objectives set in the course of work on an analytical report.

The main part of the report, as a rule, contains several sections and subsections logically interconnected. In each chapter or paragraph, the material should be clearly expressed. We must not forget about references to the well-used literature.

Conclusions about the work done are made in conclusion. It is necessary not to just list the results of the study, but also give clarification for each of them. Compiled alphabetically. Analytical report for the year may contain applications, they include large information blocks, each of which should be accompanied by reference in the text. The report is attached to the documents and sources used in its compilation: tables, charts, diagrams, charts, and others.

Analysis of the problem

The main secret to the proper compilation of the analytical report is to carry out a deep analysis of a certain problem. The description of its results should be clear and reinforced with argumentation. After parallel, comparing the phenomenon, you can make high-quality conclusions on the conducted study. Compliance with simple tips will help draw up an interesting and reliable analytical report on GEF in the shortest possible time.

How to put a goal?

The goal must be formulated briefly and as you as possible. In a sense, it expresses the main task that is facing a specialist, and expected results. For example, a pedagogical goal should be aimed at developing a child, the appearance of the expected result must be assessed and measured. Specifying and developing the goal helps the tasks - these are actions for its implementation, which in the report are listed in order. Thus, the process of achieving the goal is divided into steps. They are formulated as problems: technology development, creating a system of work, monitoring and other actions.

In the analytical annual report, all areas of activity provided for in working plans and magazines should be reflected. Analytical report of the educator according to GEF (or teacher) includes high-quality and quantitative indicators for each type of work. It can combine several types of analysis.

  • Comparative - comparison of phenomena, uniform in nature and general characteristics. Compare Requires external, internal signs and efficiency conditions.
  • An analysis of the structure allows you to identify the role and value of one or more factors for the successful functioning of the structure.
  • Correlation is to establish the dependence of one element from the other. The relationship may occur in the situation, in the process or system. "Correlation" translates from Latin as "mutual dependence of phenomena."
  • Functional is the characteristic of the object in terms of its functions and identify their relationship.
  • Systemic - allows you to identify the structure and methods of interconnection of objects.
  • The determination allows you to establish causal relationships between phenomena, events, objects.
  • Critical analysis is the identification of advantages and minuses of activity or personality.

Analytical part of the report

Analytical part describes the results of labor. For the teacher, this is self-development, the development of pedagogy in theory and practice, the results of the formation of pupils.

The report provides the result and criteria for its assessment. Among the latter there are procedural and efficient indicators. Processory include:

  • carrying out professional activities;
  • implementation of own professional potential;
  • organization of activities and communication;
  • means of impact contributing or preventing the achievement of the goal.

Executive indicators include the results achieved in quantitative and high-quality dimension. They are prioritized in assessing the effectiveness of activities. Therefore, the report to the author needs to be correlated with the results of the design.

Project part

The project part indicates problem situations, the difficulties with which the specialist faced in the process of its activities. Directions and stages on improving work, problem, subject, object and subject of the next reporting period are signed.

In the final part, its own analytical activity is estimated, directions for self-development are noted, self-improvement is planned in the professional direction.

Analytical report of the teacher

The significance of the teacher is confirmed during certification. This event allows you to set the level of teacher's qualifications. To provide the professional community the results of your work, you have to compile a teacher analytical report. Evaluation of the results of professional activity can be carried out in the interpretation period.

Analytical report of the teacher is a document that summarizes the results of professional activities for a certain period. This form allows you to systematically explore your own activity, its effectiveness, to correct the work, open up new opportunities for self-development. The teacher's report analyzes the results of work and its effectiveness. The results of their work are assessed in accordance with the goals and tasks set in the period. The purpose of the analytical report is to carry out self-analysis and self-esteem of the teacher's professional activity for the past period.

Psychologist's report

Professional activities of a psychologist, as well as a teacher, requires a constant analysis of their own actions and the characteristics of the people with whom it works. The conclusions made allow the specialist to design the following steps to improve their work. The analytical report of the psychologist is secondary and is based on the general data obtained on the basis of the operational or current analysis of the activities carried out.

The object of the report is the activities of the psychologist: surveys, prevention, diagnosis, research, corrective, educational activities. The subject is the analysis of professional actions, the study of properties or indicators.

Composing a report, a teacher-psychologist must comply with the principles of anonymity and confidentiality, that is, it provides information in the form of general results. Analysis of the tasks executed involves a description of the emerging difficulties, problems that, as a rule, become tasks for a new school period. New analyzes make out prospects for further employment.

Certificates and imprisonments

Analytical report of the psychologist is attached to statistical reference for the reporting period established in the organization. Data in the form of conclusions and results by type of activity is an addition to the service documentation. Conclusions in directions of work may include:

  • individual psychodiagnostics;
  • group psychodiagnostics;
  • individual developing or corrective work;
  • group educational or corrective work.

Conclusion can be made in a free form or based on standard forms.

Annual report of the teacher

Analytical report of the educator for the year contains the following sections:

  • General characteristics of the group.
  • Results to implement educational programs. School preparation activities and its priorities. Formation of a childish personality. In the process of what activities are the goals are achieved? This is a variety of game, communicative, labor, educational, research, productive, musical and artistic activities. Directions of work for the educator.
  • An analytical report of the educator for the year should contain a response to the question of what was able to achieve in the plan of physical, educational, speech, socio-personal, artistic and aesthetic development of children.
  • Events with children and their brief description.
  • Report on the results of working with children. Project activities.

What criteria is the report?

  1. Is the topical topic justified? Regulatory materials must be present confirming the importance of the topic, evidence of the need for its development.
  2. Is the problem, contradictions, are the analytical report on the resolution of which? Purpose of the report, hierarchy of tasks.
  3. Evaluation of the content of the report. Communication, methodological, regulatory justification, efficiency in socio-economic terms and psychological and pedagogical foundation.
  4. Partnership system.
  5. Results, their analysis and evaluation, relationship with goals, tasks and forecast.
  6. The level of information culture representation of the results. How is the DOU analytical report?
  7. The promising and applicability of the report in practice in professional activities.

Certification and Protection of Analytical Report

Defense of the report may be a form of certification. Speech will take from 10 to 15 minutes, plus answers to expert questions. What should be included in the report?

  1. Analysis of recommendations with past certification.
  2. Problem, its wording and relevance with reference to new documents.
  3. The object is what will be investigated, reality (level of knowledge, lifting, educational process, etc.).
  4. The subject is that with what affects the change in the object (methods of teaching, activity, tasks, approaches, etc.).
  5. The formulation of the topic should include an object and an object showing their relationship.
  6. The goal is the result that is expected to concrete and simple (creating conditions).
  7. Tasks (actions to achieve the goal).
  8. The hypothesis (not always required, sometimes just a planned result) is a scientific substantiation of the way to achieve the goal, the idea, the central thought.
  9. Strategy and mechanisms to achieve goals. An analytical report of the educator according to GEF (or teacher) involves the story that the teacher did throughout the entire period before the certification to achieve the goal. This is the biggest and main point. Here you need to tell about all your actions and show that the work was performed in the system.
  10. Result, i.e., what is actually obtained. Parameters and criteria for evaluating the result defines a specialist who makes a report (they are declared in the goal).
  11. Public performances on the topic, printed works and other provision of experience.
  12. Conclusion, conclusions: Is the goal, to what extent is what is done, which is proven, what is the significance of the work.

Each of us, many times in your life faces writing and executing various documentation. This documentation also includes a report that may require both a student in study and from an employee at the site of his professional activities. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a report correctly and arrange it. Writing reports - the theme is quite wide, includes many nuances, because reports are different in form and content. We will limit ourselves to the most popular cases, we will tell about how to make a report on learning and on work, as well as select the basic requirements for any kind of reports.

General Reporting Rules

How to make a report correctly? Any report must necessarily comply with the following criteria:

  1. Brevity. The report needs to clearly and concisely state all the necessary information resorting to a simple business language.
  2. The report should begin with a properly decorated title list (required for large reports).
  3. If you still need to write a big report, it is also necessary to issue a table of contents and on one additional sheet to indicate the main thoughts and ideas of the report.
  4. Clear structure. The report must be logically built. At first, it is necessary to enter a case, indicating all the necessary data, in the middle - the main thoughts of the report, at the end - conclusions.
  5. Proposals in the report must be short and properly built, there should be no huge paragraphs. The use of headlines and subtitles is welcomed. The report must be readable.
  6. For disclosure, if necessary, make out the application to the report: charts, drawings, diagrams, tables.
  7. The report is best presented in a special folder.

Report on work

Often, managers and directors require special reports on the work done. How to write a report in this case? Follow the form of writing and designing reports, which is accepted in your company, you will also be suitable for all the above-described tips. In addition, such recommendations can be allocated for the working report:

The report is not necessary to execute on the letterhead if it is accompanied by a letter or explanatory note.

If the report on work for a certain period is transmitted to the boss, the accompanying letter is not required in this case.

A travel report must be passed with all the package of necessary documents.

The report should be written on standard sheets (A4) and draw up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

For a large report, it is necessary to arrange a title page, for a small report header, you can specify in the top on the first sheet. First, you need to specify the word "report", then its topic and the period for which reporting is given.

The working report begins with the introduction, which describes the problem, tasks and goals of the work. If the report is a standard document with established periodicity (for example, a quarterly or monthly periodicity), then the introductory part is not needed.

How to make a report in its main part? Here it is necessary to list and disclose all the types of work that you have completed, and it is necessary to specify the timing of the execution of each specific task. If there is, then it is necessary to indicate difficulties in the course of the work or the reason for which the work was not performed properly, to explain why it happened.

At the end of the report, there is a conclusion in which the conclusions should be specified and evaluated the effectiveness of the work done in accordance with the tasks.

The working report is not just a piece of paper, it is an important document that can seriously affect your career, so we will take all seriousness to writing it and design.

Report on school

Another type of reports is student reports, the most popular among them is a report on practice, so let's talk about how to write it right.

Practice Report is an important document confirming the successful passage of the practice student. This report will depend on the final assessment for the practice, which will go to the diploma, so it is necessary to seriously consider it writing and designing.

How to write a report on practice, where to start it? In the practice report, it is necessary to properly arrange a title page. Surely in your educational institution there are templates of design of title sheets, you can use the most suitable ones and arrange your title page on its example. On the title page, your surname, name and patronymic must be indicated, the enterprise where you passed the practice, and the period of practice (which is some kind of).

The practice report begins with the description of the enterprise where you worked. Specify the main necessary data - what is the name of the enterprise than it does, what is its main characteristics (as long as there is a long time ago, as far as the company, etc.).

If the practice was fully introductory and you did not take active participation in work, it will be enough to indicate the basic information about the enterprise. Otherwise, the situation is with production practice - most of the report should contain information about your practical activity and its results.

Then it is worth specifying goals and objectives (it will benefit to you). The goal is what you want to achieve from practice, describe the goal specifically and accurately, you can specify different goals. For example, to get new knowledge associated with the profession, consolidate and learn to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, etc. Tasks are ways to achieve goals. For example, a systematic visit to the enterprise, in which the student passes the practice and attentive study of his work; conversations for professional topics with employees of the enterprise; Performing various types of work on the tasks of the chief, etc.

The next important and main point that should be described is all activities that you practiced in practice. Many teachers advise their students to enter all their activities into the report, even if it was a very short call to the client or a very easy assignment for work. One of the most convenient forms of writing this part of the report is: first - a full date (mark in order all days of practice), then - what a student did on every day of practice, and after - microwave (what I learned how the student has acquired). You can not make an output from each record, but to arrange it at the end, writing all the necessary information there. Your main goal in this part of the work is to fully and competently talk about what you did in practice, what work you had. You can also note the difficulties that you encountered, and specify the possible reasons for their appearance or emphasize that I liked the most in practice, to explain why.

The final part of the student practice report is a conclusion. It is by conclusions in the report that teachers will judge how well you have mastered the profession, which was able to learn how much you could apply our knowledge in practice. Pay special attention to the conclusions. Clearly and in order (you can list) set out all that new things that you learned and mastered in practice. In any case, write honestly, no need to invent what no artificiality will notice artificiality. Let it be a simple and honest story, but detailed and detailed.

As for the registration of the report, it must comply with the standards and standards. What exactly, you can ask in your faculty, you will probably tell you. Well, in general, the font must be simple (Times New Roman), the size of 12 points, the firmist interval - 1.5. A clear separation on parts, chapters, paragraphs and lists are welcome, if necessary. The report must be readable and meaningful.

Now you know how to write a report on work or training practice. We set out all the basic requirements for this kind of reports, we hope that our tips will help you.