The sound ratchet Russian folk instruments. Master class "Musical instrument" Ratchet

The sound ratchet Russian folk instruments. Master class "Musical instrument" Ratchet

Noise musical instruments with their own hands. Ratchet.

Author: Markova Ruslana Pavlovna. Music director MDOU D.S. "Fairy Tale" of the village of Trostyaka Balashovsky district of the Saratov region.
Description: This master class will be useful to teachers and musical leaders. The ratchet will be relevant in music classes.
purpose: Making musical noise tools with your own hands.
Introduce the participants of the master class with the methods of manufacturing noise musical instruments;
Cause children's interest in musical creativity.
Increase the level of professional competence of most teachers, as well as parents, their motivation for systemic use in practice.
The ratchets were used in the wedding ritual in the performance of magnificent songs with extraction. The choir performance of a magnificent song is accompanied by a whole game of a whole ensemble, sometimes more than 10 people. During the wedding, the ratchet is decorated with ribbons, flowers, sometimes with puzzles.

The use of ratchets in the wedding ritual suggests that in the past this tool except musical, also performed the mystical function of the playful of young on evil spirits. In a number of villages, it is still alive not only the tradition of the game, but also the tradition of making cracks.

The simplicity of the design provided ratchets more popular in the old days. However, at present, the ratchet is successfully used as one of the main tools in the people's instrumental ensembles, along with harmony, wooden spoons and hurs.

In addition, the ratchet performs an important developing function - small children are much easier to learn this world through the loud, ringing sounds rather. A ratchet can be an excellent gift. Anyone, even a novice, will be easy to extract sounds from a rather, which can be an excellent entertainment at leisure.
Today we will make a ratchet with your own hands from unnecessary audio videos.
Material: Seven disks, six large beads (beads should not be less than the diameter of the opening of the disc, whatever failed), self-adhesive paper, scissors, pencil, round thin color gum - 1 m.

1. To our ratchet was a fun and beautiful extreme discs from the outside of the ratchet, we glue the self-adhesive paper, for this we put the disk on paper, we supply the pencil and cut out.

We remove the bottom layer of paper from the cut circles, glit to the disk, and gently cut out the blade from the stationery knife hole in the middle.

2. We start assembling a ratchet. On the gum alternately wear discs and beads. Extreme discs need to be clothed in this way. That the attached side turned out to be external.

We associate the edges of the gum, and cut the ends.

3. Our ratchet is ready. On this ratchet, you can play a stretching gum, by type of harmonica, you can play with the gum, the movement of the palm down.

Thanks for attention.

Valentina Baboshkina

The world around us consists of sounds: loud and quiet, gentle and disturbing, harmonious and dissonant. Music present everywhere. You only need to listen to a little. It is not necessary to throw away into the trash can not needed jars from yogurt, coffee, cards from film films, boxes, beads, feltolsters and more. Further we will see that of these objects You can continue life musical Life.

And now, I want to show you what musical toys made out of the cast material.

Bells - from yoghurt packages,

shock covers,

"Shotelki"- from plastic bottles, maratasas - from blue bottles,

slingshot - from bottle caps


Receive joy of creativity from making musical instruments, It is possible to extend it during musication. Form a readiness to study the game for more "Complex" musical instruments. Ratchets and rattles made of yoghurt boxes, wooden lines, beads, drums from cans, bells from flower pots and other original instruments, entertaining children, create a child with a child to work, engage music, create and compose, play unusual tools.

Therefore, in the process of creating musical instruments, Well, if the child will initiate and encourage the initiative when you want to do, create and build. The child acquires labor, design and inventive skills, during musical Activities develops their own musical abilities. The need for gaming activity is formed to transfer their knowledge, skills, experience to peers. As a result, I want to say that playing on such tools The child is developing comprehensively. And what else can be more important? Such musical instruments will become good assistants for your children and conductors to the country music.

And before proceeding directly to manufacturing musical instrumentsI want to tell about the rattle. I manufactured Here is such a ratchet and today I want to teach you, to do such musical instrument.

And now brushes, brushes

Cracked like ratchet

And let me rub it,

Sign ...

Music leader: What do you think, where do these words come from?

Pedagogues: These lines, well, of course with "Moydodyra" Chukovsky.

Music leader: Right. And we are talking about cracks. And who will tell me what a ratchet is?

Pedagogue: It's Russian, folk toolfor noise escort.

Music leader: Right. Ratchet- old Russian folk drum toolhaving a characteristic cracking sound. It is sometimes called crackling. The ratchet consists of plates (from 10 to 25, separated by small wooden straps, which are risen on the cord or strap. In the hinge straps, large and index fingers are made on the ends, on which the ratchet is held on the weight. Skomori played on ratchers. Used for rhythmic Maintenance of ritual songs. Parents are used in working with children of senior preschool age in the noise orchestra, ensemble of luggles, and also apply during the playback of Russian folk songs. They play with pleasure and emotionally, because they like to beat rhythm.

For manufacturing ratchet we need the next material: Sequencing (technology manufacturing) :

1. Assembly tool:

Dranco, I polished in advance with sandpaper.

Simple pencil and ruler.

Measure exactly 20 cm - it will be the length of our plank.


Take a secateur and cut off the bar. The edges need to polish sandpaper. So that they were smooth.

Awl. Simple pencil, ruler.

Take a ruler and simple pencil measure exactly 3 cm top 2 points. Sheel pierce these 2 points. Planck is ready.

Tassel, gouache, varnish.

After taking a brush and gouache, paint the strap with different colors. After the planks are painted, you need to cover them with varnish.

When all the necessary details are ready for us, we remained the final step-collect ratchet. For this, us need to:

Lesk, plank, beads.

Take the bar and the fishing line, we draw in one hole 6 beads for large fingers. We do in the second hole, we have a loop for your fingers. Now you need to go 2 beads on one and other fishing line. Beads we will now alternate with planks of different colors. Total 10 planks.

And they got this beautiful, elegant crack.


Ratchet - Folk musical instrument, idiophone, replacing cotton in your hands.


The ratchets consist of a set of 18 - 20 thin powder (usually oak) with a length of 16 - 18 cm. They are connected with a dense rope, which will be connected to the holes of the upper part of the duff. For the separation of skids between them, small plates made of a width of approximately 2 cm are inserted.

There is another ratchet design - rectangular boxes with a wooden gear wheel attached to a small handle. In one of the walls of this box, a slit is made in the hole of which a thin elastic wooden or metal plate is fixedly strengthened.


The ratchet is kept for the rope with two hands, sharp or smooth movements allow you to make different sounds. At the same time, the hands are at the chest level, heads, and sometimes rising to draw attention to their appearance.


With archaeological excavations in Novgorod in 1992, two planks were found, which, by the assumption V. I. Povethkin, were included in the aft of ancient Novgorod cracks in the XII century.

The ratchets were used in the wedding ritual in the performance of magnificent songs with extraction. The choir performance of a magnificent song is accompanied by the game of a whole ensemble, sometimes more than ten people sometimes. During the wedding, the ratchet is decorated with ribbons, flowers, sometimes with puzzles.

see also

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Pierre wanted to object, but could not say a word. He felt that the sound of his words, no matter what thought they concluded, was less heard than the sound of the words of a lively nobleman.
Ilya Andreich approved a mug behind behind; Some loyko turned shoulder to the speaker at the end of the phrase and said:
- So, so! This is true!
Pierre wanted to say that he was not away from donations to no money, no men, nor, but what should be aware of the state of affairs to help him, but he could not speak. Many votes shouted and said together, so Ilya Andreich did not have time to nod everyone; And the group increased, decayed, again converged and moved all, hauding talking, to the greater hall, to the big table. Pierre not only could not speak, but he was rudely interrupted, repelled, turned away from him, as from the general enemy. It did not take place that it was dissatisfied with the meaning of his speech, - she was forgotten after a large number of speeches that followed her, but for an animation of the crowd, it was necessary to have a valid subject of love and a valid hatred. Pierre got the last. Many speakers said after a busy nobleman, and everyone spoke in the same tone. Many spoke fine and original.
The publisher of the Russian messenger Glinka, whom they learned ("Writer, writer! - heard in a crowd), said that hell should reflect hell that he saw a child smiling with a brilliance of lightning and with raskats of thunder, but that we will not be this child.
- Yes, yes, when grumbled! - Repeated approvingly in the rear rows.
The crowd went to a large table, who, in the uniforms, in the ribbons, gray, whiskers, were sitting on the seventieth-year-old Velmazby old men, who were almost all, at home with jokes and clubs for Boston, see Pierre. The crowd went to the table, without ceasing to buzz. One after another, and sometimes two together, pressed from behind to the high backs of the chairs that the crowd of the crowd, said speakers. Standing from the back noticed that he did not tell the talking speaker, and hurried to say it missed. Others, in this heat and cramped, shake in their head, there is no thought, and they hurried to speak it. Friends of the Velmazbi's old people were sitting and looked around, then on the other, and the expression of most of them said only that they are very hot. Pierre, however, felt agitated, and the overall feeling of the desire to show that we were all nipple, expressing more in the sounds and expressions of individuals than in the sense of speeches, was reported to him. He did not bother his thoughts, but he felt something to blame for something and wished to justify.

Irina Spitovaeva

I want to present to your attention masterClass manufacturing musical instrument ratchet do it yourself.

Manufactured ratchet Of 14-20 thin milking, 15-18 cm long, made are usually made of oak and are connected with a dense rope, which is fed into the holes of the top of the duff. So that the planks are closely touched to each other, the small plates made of a width of approximately 2-2.5 cm are inserted between them.

Due to this, it is formed quite interesting, but a pleasant hearing sound, resembling a crackle. For such specific sounds tool And got his name.

One pretch I am with my husband i chisted from school lines.

For her, there will be eight or ten lines of 25 centimeters long.

The rules saw in half and at the top, retreating from the edge of 1.5-2 cm drilled two holes on each line.

Then we prescribe a rope, tie between each nodule.

Second the tool is made of dishpurchased in a construction store. The husband saw their fourteen pieces of 16 centimeters and three centimeters twelve.

We extend between the rolls the rope, inserting small little places.

These are wonderful we got tools.

Kids tried with pleasure instruments.

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There are a large assortment of wooden tools in the store catalog of Musical Instruments pretch and other noise tools at affordable prices. To choose and buy a ratchet you will help recommendations and advice advice from our store.

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The original tool for extracting sharp and loud sounds, a ratchet is an integral element of the ensemble of folk creativity, and is also used in musical compositions to achieve the necessary noise effect. In addition to an unusual sound, this tool has a fairly exotic appearance, being an original decoration of the speech of the concert team.

The "Four Quarter" store offers several types of cracks:

  • in the form of a set of wooden plates connected by a durable cape-cord;
  • in the form of a gear wheel on the handle, around which the elastic wooden plate rotates.

A plate ratchet is made of dry wood solid rocks (mainly oak, beech, maple or rosewood) and often represents a copyright musical instrument with its own sound-sleeve characteristics. Additional painting in the form of a folk, vegetable or geometric ornament emphasizes its originality and originality.

Despite the visible simplicity of the design, the ratchet is able to publish quite a variety of sounds, strengthening and complementing the sound of the musical work.

Selection ratchet

Depending on the form, the material of the manufacture and method of processing, as well as the manufacturer, ratchets differ significantly from each other both in size and designs and the character and volume of sound. Only comparing several models among themselves, you can choose the best option that satisfies the musician in all respects.

Consultants of the "Four Quarter" store will help you choose a ratchet depending on the desired nature of the sounds of the sounds, and also choose and buy at the lowest prices another noise tool for creating sound effects. We are confident that the proposed tool will not only bring a fresh note to the fulfillment of musical works, but also will serve as the very highlight that highlights your music against the background of other performers.