Berlin is the capital of Germany. The population of Berlin for the year rose to the whole Frankfurt-on-Oder

Berlin is the capital of Germany. The population of Berlin for the year rose to the whole Frankfurt-on-Oder
Berlin is the capital of Germany. The population of Berlin for the year rose to the whole Frankfurt-on-Oder

Useful information for tourists about Berlin in Germany - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Berlin is the capital of Germany, its largest city and in the area, and population. The city lies on the rivers Sprey and Hafel.

The first settlements on the site of the current Berlin arose several thousand years ago. Around 1200 there were two towns here, and in 1307, both cities united in one administrative unit - Berlin. Berlin was the first capital of Prussia, then the capital of Germany between 1871 and 1945, and again became the capital of the country, after the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990.

In Berlin, as in any other city, with such force faces each other past, present and future: in architecture, in worldview and in the form of thoughts. After the combination of Germany, Berlin is experiencing his new birth. There is a fire of the eastern and western parts of the city.

Berlin meets its guests with a wide boulevard of Kurfürstendians and the historic street Unter-Den Linden, where there are world famous museums, the buildings of the Kaiser Prussia era. This is a kaleidoscope city, in which historical buildings and modern quarters coexist.

Its main attractions are focused in the center of the city: the Brandenburg Gate is the symbol of the reunited now Berlin, Reichstag, Berlin Cathedral, closely related to the history of Germany and the Imperial Dynasty of Hohenzollernov, Red Town Hall, AlexanderPlatz Square, Nikolaev Quarter - the oldest settlement of Berlin, the main streets of the city - Unter - Linden and Kurfür-standamm and, of course, the famous island of museums.

Berlin is called a large "stories textbook in stone." His largest museum centers: Museum island, Charlottenburg Palace and its surroundings, museums in the distance and cultural center in Tirgar'an ... There are more than 130 museums in Berlin.

In the city, three opera theater, old and new national gallery, eight symphony orchestras, over 150 theaters and scenic sites.

Berlin is an event on any day of the year. In the program - concerts, parties and balls, international film and theater events, opera and other theaters, concert halls and libraries, Berlin festival weeks, International Film Festival, Berlin Theater Festival and Jazz Festival, as well as well-known long nights of culture and science - Just a kind in the world.

Life in Berlin hits the key and does not freeze even deep at night, when in other places everything is immersed in sleepy calm. In Berlin, there is a notable area - Kreuzberg, which many good burghers from other metropolitan districts consider hooligan, especially for his brown nightlife. On the contrary, the residents of Kreuzberg are approved, we have much safer, because even at night there are always someone on our streets.

Berlin offers a million opportunities to spend time. There are more than 300 restaurants and restaurants in the city, 1,500 bars and countless clubs and discos.

The city in which fascism was destroyed forever. Berlin is the largest city in Germany. The city is highlighted in a separate administrative unit (land).


Berlin can also boast of its difficult story rich in various events.

There is no accurate date of founding of Berlin. It is assumed that the city arose at the beginning of the XIII century of two small villages - Berlin and Cologne (I ask not to be confused with a large city of Cologne in the west of Germany!). The first messages about Berlin appeared in 1244.

Ancient man in a place where Berlin is located, appeared either 60,000 years ago, when the whole territory of modern Germany was covered with a glacier - in those days there was a big cooling on Earth. The terrain and nature in those days did not differ from modern Greenland - from living beings there were only northern deer! 18 thousand years ago, the Loda retreated and the River Spree was formed in the valley. After the departure of the glacier, the ancient people began to build permanent dwellings. In the fourth millennium, agriculture and cattle breeding were penetrated into the territory of modern Berlin - people began to have a settling lifestyle.

In the VI century, Germanians come here - the ancestors of modern Germans.

And in 720, the Slavic tribes appeared on the territory of modern Berlin, which then went east to the territory of modern and. Slavs themselves did not leave these places, he began the war with them. One of the early German princes on nicknamed Albrecht Bear. Slavs suffered defeat and left the spree of the river valley. Several villages appeared, the largest of them were Berlin and Cologne. After the founding of the city, the village is connected to a single city - Berlin.

In the early Middle Ages Berlin was a permanent destination for his possession between the German princes. 1380 Rated for the city of Fiery - the city burned down in a large fire. In 1415, the city began to rule the first FRIDERY Kurfürst. Again, readers of this article should not be confused by this historical person with the emperor Prussia Friedrich III, who reign in Berlin after 360 years!

Kurfurst Friedrich The first became the first emperor from the German dynasty of the Gaenzollerns. Gogenzollers ruled Germany 600 years - the last ruler was the German Kaiser Wilhelm II and during these 600 years the ruling dynasty did not change! It was Friedrich that made Berlin with his residence.

At all times, the city acted newly new and new migrants from other land of medieval Germany and other countries. As a result, the city continuously grew and developed. Back in the 16th century, persecuted and reprisals with local Jews were common in the city. 300 years after a crystal night, all the Jews of Berlin will be concluded in German concentration camps and destroyed in gas chambers.

In 1700, Berlin became the capital of Prussia - the Kingdom, covering the territory of the northern coast of Germany, Poland and the modern Kaliningrad region. In Friedrich, the urban suburbs began to develop - Shpandau, Charlottenburg and others.

In 1755, Berlin turned into a huge Prussian military garrison. With a population of 100,000 people, 55 thousand were soldiers - every second resident of the Prussian capital! During the reign of Friedrich Wilhelm (Friedrich III Son), the city was observed by a wooden wall that had 14 gates.

1806 was the year of the French occupation. Napoleon's troops entered the city. Napoleon applied democratic forms of city management, no oppression of local residents from the French was observed.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, the population of Berlin has increased to 400,000. Railway was laid. The city has evolved very quickly.

In 1848, the city shocked the March revolution, the purpose of which was the overthrow of the royal power in Prussia. The uprising was suppressed, but the riots in the city continued for several more years.

Only in 1871, Reichskanzler Otto Bismarck managed to restore order in the city and create a single Germany. Berlin became the capital of Germany. Under Bismarke, the population of Berlin has already been 800,000 people.

In 1884, Reichstag was built in Berlin - the future symbol of Nazism.

The First World War began, which led Germany to complete collapse. Berlin was covered by hunger. Started strikes. Kaizer Wilhelmu was not able to restore order in the country and he was moving away from the throne. In the Boulogne Forest, a mulings for Germany was signed, forbidden to have its armed forces. The era of the so-called Weimar Republic began.

Until 1924 in Berlin was a very heavy economic situation. Then began an economic rise, which lasted to the global crisis of 1929.

On January 30, 1933, red flags with black swastika began to develop over Berlin. The power in Germany was captured by the National Socialists headed by Adolf Hitler. The era of fascism began.

On the night of November 9-16, all Jewish shops and banks were defeated in Berlin. This night got the nickname "Crystal". And by the beginning of World War II, all Berlin Jews were already taken to the concentration camps. With the beginning of war, Berlin began to bomb the British and Americans from the air.

From the very beginning of the war with the Soviet Union Berlin at night began to bomb and Soviet far bomber aviation. By the end of the war, Berlin was completely lying in the ruins, metro, water supply, sewage, connection was not working.

Then the fate of the city became even more dramatic. The city was divided into four sectors of the occupation - Soviet, English, American and French. Two Germany was formed - Western (Germany) and Eastern (GDR). Three quarters of Berlin turned out to be in the territory of Western Germany - the Americans, the British and the French completed the occupation of these sectors. Berlin wall was built between Eastern and Western Berlin, and the Germans were divided into Western and Eastern.

From that moment on, one city immediately began to be in two political systems - capitalist and socialist.

Berlin united in one whole in 1989, when the Berlin country collapsed, and Germany and GDR united into one Germany.

After 20 years, there are significant differences between Western and East Berlin, and today the city is a single large metropolis, in which there are no unfavorable for living areas - and in the former Western, and in the eastern part of living in the city is the same.



Let's start a review of the German capital with museums! Berlin is the city of museums, there are a lot of museums here!

New Museum (Neues Museum) - includes three branches: Egyptian Museum, Museum of Primitive and Early History and Museum of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. The museum has the sculptures of the Egyptian pharaohs and the Egyptian queen of Nefertiti, the ancient Egyptian papyrus, the sculptures of the ancient Greek rulers and the Roman emperors. The museum collection is very rich, so everyone who fell into Berlin must try to look into this museum.

DDR MUSEUM (Museum of the GDR) - The life of Eastern Germans in the times of the German Democratic Republic is clearly depicted here. This is a very unique museum: it is allowed to take things into hand and inspect them! Here are collected photos that show life in the socialist GDR, there are cult cars Trabant and Warburg - the only German cars that were allowed to have in the personal use of East Germans. There is a sample of the situation in the apartment of the Eastern German. There are documents and items that confirm the anti-people activities of the Eastern Bohemian secret service of the Stati, who was afraid of all the Germans living in the GDR.

Museum " THE STORY OF BERLIN » - The museum telling about the 800-year history of the city from the moment of emergence and to the present. A separate landmark of the Museum is an active atomic bomb shelter on Kurfürstendam Street.

Museum of computer games - The modern museum, which formed quite recently. Almost all computer games of the world are collected here, there is a games catalog, and for a certain fee, the tourist can purchase a working copy of the disk.

Deutsches Historisches Museum (German Historical Museum) - interesting museum. The main exposition of the museum is an exhibition dedicated to the achievements of the Prussian King Friedrich. The museum has a pronounced patriotic orientation, which is to promote the historical military success of Prussia.

Old Museum - There is a huge collection of sculptures of ancient Greece and.

Alte NationalGalerie (Old National Gallery) - An interesting museum where the pictures of famous German artists of the XIX century - Karl Friedrich Shinkel, Adolf Background Menzel, Max Liebermann.

Alliierten Museum (Allied Museum) - This museum talks about the activities of the British, American and French troops during the time of the post-war occupation of Berlin and about their role in the formation of West Germany.

Berlinische Galerie (Berlin Gallery) - Another museum where the works of modern German artists, photos and layouts of houses in various architectural forms are collected. The museum was founded in 1870.

Bode-Museum. - This museum collected in his exposition a lot of sculptures of the Byzantine Empire. The museum has a separate exhibition hall dedicated to Byzantine art.

City Museum Berlin - Another museum, which tells about the history of Berlin.

Open-air Museum in the village of Duppel - This is a reconstructed medieval village, in which medieval dwellings, sheds, fields, gardens are reconstructed. Very love to come tourists who are interested in the history of medieval Germany.

Memorial of memory of the killed Europe Jews in Berlin - This is a very young museum. Created in 1999. The museum is a large monument with granite slabs, which are enclosed by the names of the Berlin Jews in concentration camps.

Deutschetes Technikmuseum (German Technical Museum) - An interesting museum, the visit of which is very likely to love the technicians. Everything is collected here: cars, locomotives, mills, airplanes.

Berlin Art Gallery - Perhaps the best gallery in the German capital. The works of outstanding artists of the Middle Ages are collected here: Raphael, Titian, Rubens, Bruegel, Van Gogh, Rembrandt. The most visited picture gallery in Berlin.

Jewish Museum - The museum was formed in 1995. Talks about the 2000-year history of the residence of Jews in the territory of modern Germany.

Erotic Museum in Berlin - Includes sex shop, three cinema for adults, where erotic films are demonstrated. There are a lot of exhibits brought from all countries of the world. There are a lot of erotic miniatures from ancient Rome, ancient Greece, the Middle East, vases depicting sexual postures, tobacker, tube. The museum has age qualifications - access to children here is prohibited here!

Museum "Topography of Terror" - The museum, which is located in the former building of the Berlin Gestapo. Numerous photos captured during the assault of the Gestapo by Soviet troops, reveal to people of the animal methods of human treatment in the Gestapo, the camera torture and interrogations are preserved here, there is a photo of the Berlin Gestapo Henry Müller.


It is time to walk by the streets and the squares of Berlin and inspect the sights that come across along the way.

Unter der Linden - One of the central streets of the city. The landmark of this street is the century-old linden, who survived and Kaiser Wilhelm, and the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Unter der Linden is considered a business card of the German capital.

Brandenburg Gate - Historical attraction, survived not one mode. This is another symbol of Berlin. It was here that the wall was held, dividing East Berlin and Western. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the gate has become a symbol of combining two Germany.

Reichstag building - Currently, the German parliament is sitting here - Bundestag. For many people, Reichstag is associated with the symbol of fascism. It was from this building that fascism began in Europe. Here Adolf Hitler came to power. It was here that he was destroyed. During Berlin's assault, the Soviet troops of Reichstag was taken by storming and the red flag was hoisted on his dome.

Storeroom - An interesting building on Unter der Linden Boulevard. In the Middle Ages was used as a powder arsenal. The building is decorated with elegant figures, and on its main portal, the Prussian King of Friedrich I is depicted. Nearby are two goddesses of the victory, who carry his family coat of arms. In 1806, the Zehghaus building was destroyed by the French, when those led by Napoleon occupied Berlin. In Zehghause, one of the attempted Hitler was planned, but it did not take place - the Führer loss from there earlier than the hour mine worked.

State Berlin Library - It's just the place where you should go to lovers to read books! Here is kept by scientific literature, covering all historical epochs. The library has books in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and even in Russian!

Palace Bridge - Another landmark of the city is located at the end of Unter-Den Linden. Once this bridge was called dog. The bridge overlap through the spree and connects two urban areas of the city.

Berlin Wall - In the area of \u200b\u200bBernacare Strats, the power for the descendants decided to preserve the only piece of her piece. The wall serves as a reminder to the descendants of the events held in Germany after the end of World War II.

Palace Square Berlin - On this area there was once a city palace, which was demolished since 1950. The name of the square remains - Palace.

Place - where was underground hitler bunker - Now there is an ordinary city square with benches. Hitler's bunker was blown up in 1947. At the site of the bunker there is a memorable stand.

Palace Charlottenburg - Located in the western part of the city. This is a graceful palace built in the style of Italian baroque. The palace was built by order of Spouse Friedrich I - Charlotte. It was the summer residence of the Prussian King. Currently, the palace is open to visits all those who want.

Wilhelmstrasse Street - Very famous Berlin Street. Once here there were government agencies of Prussia and the German Empire.

Prison Shpandau - Previously was a fortress, which was built in 1594. Located on the Hafel River in the western part of the city. In Schapandau, I was serving a life imprisonment by the sentence of the Nuremberg Tribunal, one of the Nazi criminals - Rudolf Hes. After the death of Gees, the prison stopped his existence and the museum opened in it.

Cult structures

There are many different churches in Berlin, there are mosque and synagogues, we will list the most famous:

- Memorial Church of Kaiser Wilhelm;

- Church of St. Matthew;

- Emmauskirkh - Protestant Church;

- Church of St. Michael;

- Berlin Cathedral - the main temple of the city;

- Cathedral of Holy Jadwig;

- Church of St. Mary;

- Church of St. Nicholas - the most ancient Church of Berlin;

- German Cathedral;

- French Cathedral;

- New synagogue;

- Berlin mosque.


The city is replete with many sculptural monuments:

- Equestrian statue of Friedrich the Great - Prussian King;

- Monument to the founder of the German Empire - Otto Bismarck Chancellor;

- Monument to Ludwig Van Beethoven;

- Monument to Wolfang Amade Mozart;

- Monument to Josef Gaidn;

- Monument to the fallen Soviet soldiers in Tirgarian Park;

- Monument by the Warrior Liberator.

These are not all monuments. In fact, there are a lot of them in the city!


Berlin has three railway stations - West, Central and East.

The central station is completely rebuilt. This is a modern fully glass building in the style of modern modern.

From the central station at all corners of Germany and in a large number of European countries, many trains are sent. In addition, many transit trains connecting countries of Eastern Europe with Western European countries are held through the central station Berlin. From Berlin, you can practically go to any corner of Europe. By train from Berlin, you can get to Warsaw, Brest, Minsk, Moscow, Kiev, Lviv, Donetsk, Kharkov, Novosibirsk (summer), Saratov, Adler (in the summer), Rostov-on-Don (in summer), St. Petersburg, Odessa, Paris, Munich, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Brussels, Rome, Prague, Bratislava, Budapest, Vienna, Geneva, Zurich, Bern, Luxembourg, Amsterdam.

Berlin is an ideal place for transplanting on trains, following in Western European countries.


Walk to the parks of the city.

Treptov Park - The most famous park city. There is a monument to the Soviet warrior, who freed the city from the "brown plague". The park is located on the banks of the River Sprey and is a good place for walking.

Park Tiergarten - Also famous park in Berlin. In Tirgar'an, there were fights on the approaches to Reichstagu. Also suitable for recreation, so many green trees.

Botanical Garden Berlin - Exclusive place, which will enjoy many lovers of nature. In the garden there is a huge covered greenhouse, in which palm trees grow, bananas, bamboo. And all this - in Berlin.


Before leaving this wonderful city, you need to buy something for memory.

In Berlin, there are two flea markets that are famous for all Germany: the market of old books and the market of vintage paintings. A feature of these markets is that only books sell on one of the markets, and on the other - only paintings. The remaining markets of the city remind the same markets in other European cities.


In the conclusion of the article - about the climate of Berlin. The climate is moderate, there are quite cold and snowy winter. Often there is a rather hot summer with abundant rains and thunderstorms. For those tourists who cannot live without swimming, there are several beaches in the city - on the Spree River and on several lakes allowed in the parks. Germans are bathed in all summer - from June to August - three months.

Berlin's population increased in 2016 by 60,500 people, which almost corresponds to the number of residents of Frankfurt-on-Oder. The population of the German capital as of December 31, 2016 is 3 million 671 thousand people. About this Friday, February 24, reports the statistical department of Berlin and Brandenburg on its official website. On average, in recent years, the population of Berlin is growing at 50 thousand people per year.


Given that from 60.5 thousand new residents of Berlin, 55.7 thousand are citizens of other states, it turns out that in 2016, one new resident of Berlin - German accounted for 11 new Berliners - foreigners. Increasing the population of Berlin, the statistical department explains the popularity of the city from foreigners and registering the refugees in 2015.

The number of foreigners among the inhabitants of Berlin is 18.4 percent, and if we take into account the owners of German passports of foreign origin, then this figure will increase to 31.4 percent. Among foreigners in Berlin, Turks (97,700), Poles (55,800) and Syrians (28,600) live most. If you consider the owners of German passports, then in Berlin most people from Turkey (176,700), Poland (107,800) and Russia (53,800).

See also:

  • Bus Route number 100 depart from Bahnhof Zoo station. And literally around the corner, the first attraction is waiting for the Memorial Church of Kaiser Wilhelm (Gedächtniskirche). This Protestant temple was erected in 1891-1895 in honor of the first emperor of the German Empire. He suffered greatly during World War II. The surviving part was the diet and creation memorial.

  • On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    In the same part of the city is the Berlin Zoological Garden - the oldest in Germany. It was opened in 1844. One of the largest German zoos ranks first in the world in terms of the number of animal species. From an architectural point of view, elephant gates (Elefantentor) are deserved here - a copy of the original gates of 1899, destroyed during the war.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Berlin Kadewe (West Trading House) is the largest department store of Europe. His gastronomic department is used by special fame, which sells 34 thousand types of products. This multi-storey store appeared on Kurfürstendamm Boulevard in 1907. Now every day there are more than 50 thousand buyers.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Further, the bus route runs through the park Big Tiergarten, in the center of which at the place of intersection of several roads is the area of \u200b\u200ba big star, laid down at the end of the XVII century. In the center of Square in 1873, the victory column (Siegessaule) was established in memory of Prussian military successes. The sculpture of the goddess Victoria residents of the German capital nicknamed the Golden Elsa (Goldelse).

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    In the northern part of Tirgarian Park there is a Bellevue Palace (Schloss Bellevue) - the official residence of the federal president of Germany. This Palace in the style of early classicism was built on the banks of the Sprey River in 1786 for one of the Prussian Princes. He strongly suffered from a fire during World War II, but was restored in 1959 and served as the residence of German Presidents in West Berlin.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    The acute inhabitants of the German capital nicknamed this building in the Berlin district Tiergarten "Pregnant Oysters" ("Schwangere Auster"). The Congress Center in which the HAUS Der Kulturen Der Welt is now erected in 1957-1958 in the tradition of the style of new substance in the framework of the International Construction Exhibition Interbau.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Reichstag (Reichstag) was built in 1884-1894. Today it is the place of meetings of the German Parliament. The new dome of the Reichstag, created during the reconstruction of the building after the reunification of Germany on the project of the British architect Norman Foster, visits up to 8 thousand people daily.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    From the Reichstag hand to the Brandenburg Tor, decorated with quadriga - the chariot of the goddess of Victory. The gate was erected in 1789-1791 in the style of classicism. Woning Berlin, Napoleon ordered to carry the quadriga to Paris, but after the victory over the French they were returned to the place.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    On Unter-Den-Linden Boulevard, the 100th line buses fall, making a small hook, riding Paris Square (Pariser Platz). On this area there are Ad Allas, Embassies of France and the USA. The name of the boulevard was given limes. The first trees were planted here in the middle of the XVII century on the orders of the Kurfursta Friedrich Wilhelm I. The length of the street to the palace bridge does not exceed one and a half kilometers.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Unter Den Linden (Unter Den Linden), a long time, which has been a kind of business card Prussian capital, is rich in the sights of this period. Among them are the monument of Friedrich the Great. He belongs to the number of famous equestrian monuments of the XIX century and is considered the most important work of an outstanding German sculptor of the era of Classicism of Christian Daniel Raug.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    From the Great King - to an outstanding scientist. On Unter-Den Linden, the main building of the Berlin University, based on the initiative of Wilhelm von Humboldt, whose name is now wears (Humboldt-Universität). The building was erected in 1748-1766 for Prince Heinrich Prussian. The university of the palace was presented in 1810. Among his graduates - almost thirty Nobel laureates.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Opposite the university is the Bebelplatz Square (Bebelplatz), which received the name of August Bebel after the war. In 1933, she became a venue for the burning of 20 thousand books, arranged by national socialist. In the center, or rather, underground, there is a memorial resembling this barbaric action. In the space under the glass plate there are empty white racks - the underground library of burned books.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    The Sankt-Hedwigs-Kathedrale (Sankt-Hedwigs-Kathedrale), built in 1747-1773 in the image of the Roman Pantheon, comes to the Bebel Square. He was the first Catholic temple erected in Protestant Prussia after the Reformation. The church was dedicated to the Catholic nun - Silesia and Brandenburg patrone. He is the main temple of the Berlin Archbishland.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    In the same part, Unter-Den Linden in the former Royal Gaupwather "Neu-Vakhe" (Neue Wache) is located the main German memorial dedicated to victims of wars and tyranny. The building was built at the beginning of the XVIII century as a guard room for the protection of the palace. On the day of the folk sorrow, celebrated in November, the first persons of the state lay wreaths to the sculpture of Ketolizz "Mother with the deceased son."

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Zeyghause (Zeughaus) is the oldest building on the Unter-Den Linden Boulevard and one of the most beautiful. It was laid as an arsenal in 1695. Erected in the baroque era. Twice was destroyed and restored: after the occupation of Berlin, Napoleon's troops and after World War II. Now in the building there is a German historical museum.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Let's leave Unter-Den Linden. The bus rides past the Kronprinzenpalais and Old Command Tatura (Alte Kommandantur). Palace in the style of late classicism is now used for exhibitions. The office of the commandation was almost completely destroyed during World War II and later demolished. Recovery was completed in 2003.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Further, on its route, the 100th Berlin bus pass through the Stone Palace Bridge (Schloßbrücke), built through the Sprey River in 1821-1824 for the project of an outstanding German architect Karl Friedrich Shinkel. Monumental sculptures conceived by architects to decorate the bridge were installed on it after his death. They depict the ancient gods and heroes.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    In this place, many bus passengers make stopping. If not, then it is necessary to return here later. On the left side immediately behind the bridge there is a museum island. The Facade of the Old Museum (Altes Museum) comes to Lustcarten Park. The building was built in 1825-1830 on the project of Shinkel in the style of neoclassicism. Now it contains an assembly of ancient artwork.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    On the right of the old museum there is a Berlin Cathedral (Berliner DOM). It was built on a museum island in 1894-1905. It is the largest and most important evangelical Temple of Germany. His creators used in their project architectural elements of the Italian Renaissance and the Baroque era. Every year, the Cathedral is attended by about 700 thousand tourists.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Forum Marx and Engels (Marx-Engels-Forum). This monument in the eastern part of the city reminds of the socialist past. The sculptural ensemble was created in the 1980s. After the reunification of Germany, it was offered to remove it, but still left, moving a little due to the construction of the subway.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    If, about the stone Marx and Engels, it is possible to argue, it does not arise about Neptunbrunnen's fountain (Neptunbrunnen). It is considered one of the most beautiful in the city. By his appearance, Karl Friedrich Shinel is owed to his appearance before the Red Town. I implemented it the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor Ringold Begas - a representative of the Berlin Direction Neurokko. The fountain was solemnly discovered in 1891.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Not far from the Red Town Hall on Karl Liebknecht Street is the oldest acting Temple of Berlin - the medieval Church of St. Mary (St. Marienkirche). The first written mention of this monument of architecture erected in the style of brick gothic refers to the end of the XIII century. As a result of destruction and reconstructions, elements of baroque and neootics also appeared in the appearance of the church.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    The Church of St. Mary is located next to the TVBashney at Alexanderplatz (Berliner Fernsehturm) - the highest construction of Germany and the fourth highest in Europe (368 meters). It was commissioned in 1969. The characteristic silhouette of the tower has long become one of the architectural symbols of Berlin. The number of visitors exceeds a million people annually. The rise at a height of 210 meters takes only 40 seconds.

    On Berlin - on the 100th bus

    Alexanderplatz - the final stop. The "World Time Watch" (Weltzeituhr) is widely fame here, near which residents and guests of Berlin are like to meet. The clock was set here in the time of the GDR during the General Reconstruction of the Square in 1969. In the way back, if there is a need to return to Bahnhof Zoo, experts recommend to go to the 200th route.

24 Jan.

Berlin - Berlin.

In this article you will learn:

Berlin is the main city of Germany, which is its capital.

According to the magnitude of those living, it is the second city of the European Union.

This is a very interesting city known for its heavy and long history. In it, until this time, the features of the medieval building were preserved. Squares and cathedrals, theaters and museums, including other attractions of the city, are very popular with tourists.


Berlin is an extremely rapid center, it is one of the most famous and interesting places in the European Union. It is incredibly diverse: parks and the newest buildings, parties, various eaters and expensive restaurants, a bunch of young people and employees.

Today it is a megalopolis with a population of about 3.4 million people, as well as the Economic Center of the European Union. At the same time, Berlin remains the most cozy and beautiful corner of Europe.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe capital is approximately 890 kilometers in a square. The capital operates Tegel airports, as well as Shenefeld, bus stations and including railway stations. The largest transport system gives effortless to each corner of the city - for coming guests, tourists almost around trams and buses, as well as the subway.

Modern Berlin


The modern architectural state of the capital is mostly determined by the heavy history of Berlin, because during the whole of its existence it has changed radically. On his appearance, the results of the military events took place significantly, where Berlin played one of the noticeable and essential roles.

At the site of today's capital were originally - Berlin and Cologne, which served as trading paths. About Cologne was mentioned in 1237, this year and taken as its basis. And after 70 years, these territories were united, turning into one. Each of these territories at the same time possessed and self-government.

By 1432, these two self-governed territories were actually one of the whole, but at the official level, the final association was carried out only in 1709.

Thirty-year war

Over the years of the thirty-year war, which happened in 1618-1648, he was incredibly very destroyed, the population was significantly reduced - too many dead in the war.

In 1701, the Kurfürst Brandenburg was crowned, he became King Prussia, and Berlin - the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia. A significant contribution to the development of the capital was submitted by Friedrich the second. As a result, in the 18th century, Berlin became one of the main centers of European enlightenment.

1871 - Berlin became the capital of the German Empire, in 1919-1933 the capital of the Weimara Republic, and directly in 1933 - the capital of Germany.

After World War, 1945, the capital was divided into four parts, it later led to the formation of two opposite countries on the ideology of the GDR countries and Germany.

In 1961, the famous Berlin Wall was erected, which in 1989 was demolished. The country and the city again united.

Berlin Wall


The capital is in the belt of a moderate climate zone. The precipitation on average drops 582 mm. The temperature in the middle of the year is 9 ° C.

The warmest months are called July and August, their average temperature is 18.6 and 17.8 ° C, February and January C -0.4 and -0.7 ° C are most cold. The at most precipitation should be expected in July - about 71 mm, the smaller - in March (approximately 31 mm).

More than 40% of the city's territory is covered with various green plantations, more than 400 thousand trees are planted through the streets. The city has a huge number of small open places, including extensive urban park areas, which nipped the "islands of cold", they form a very useful climate for citizens and coming people.


About Berlin can speak long enough, and also infinitely chanting his sights, but it is much better to see everything with its own eyes.

But if you went to Berlin, then start your excursion from - the main symbol of the citywhich already so many centuries personifies the reunification of the West and the East.

Over the gates rise the famous statue of the goddess of victory on a chariot with four horses. Imagine how the famous Napoleon liked this symbol of the city, which by his order was forced to demolish it and move it to Paris.

But a lot of time passed while this statue was able to return to the original place.

Brandenburg Gate

One of the memorable places in the city is the Berlin Wall. It is considered the most famous building of Berlin, which the memory continues to live from year to year.

Interested in where the habitat is the famous Berlin Wall? But all it, you can hardly see, but some fragments see, and even take a picture of them - quite possibly.

Berlin Wall

Reichstag - one of the central authorities In the medieval sacred Roman Empire of the German nation witnessed a turbulent German story. But, whatever history, we did not keep the country, tourists can get to this place through the Western gate, then on the elevator it remains to rise to the dome.

From the sightseeing view, an amazing panorama on Berlin will open before you. And from this point you can see the city and admire the extensive review.


And you can walk along the boulevard Unter-Den Linden. This walk has become the most famous and huge street of Berlin. It focuses on the entire totality of the best buildings of urban areas - the German State Opera, the Russian Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe building of the former Gaupvakta.

Boulevard Unter-Den Linden

Potsdamskaya Square combines the whole history of Berlin. Once it was a wasteland, but after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it turned into a beautiful city center. Square is located: Casino, hotels, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, cinemas and theaters. In 2010, there was open his boulevard stars.

Potsdamskaya Square

Among other attractions, such famous architectural buildings such as television, Charlottenburg Palace and the Memorial Church are noted.

Palace Charlottenburg

Berlin is not vainly called one of the cultural capitals of the world - there is a huge number of monuments, theaters, concert halls and museums in the city. The city takes the largest musical festivals, for example, the jazz festival "Jazzfest".


The most famous and popular theaters among residents and coming people include "Volksbüna", Berliner Ensemble, theater of the West.

In addition, the city has three opera theater: a comic opera, a German opera, Opera Unter-Den Linden.


In February, annually passes, which is considered the largest public festival.

Berlin is a place where large festivals are being held quite often, which enjoy very very popular among citizens and coming tourists.

Holidays, all kinds of parades and processions that are organized outdoors are very captured. These are carnivals of cultures, all kinds of carnival processions, various festles and the like.


All the sights of Berlin are very difficult to list, because some museums on its territory are over 200.

But among them there are record holders - museums that are most often visited by tourists. And they are: Pergamm Museum, Old National Gallery, Egyptian Museum, Security Museum, M night of Natural Science, Bauhaus Archive, Palace of Griefald And the world's grand museum in the world. Be sure to take a look at the entire presented beauty.

Bauhaus Museum Archive

Palace Grunevald.

Museum of Erotics

Symbols and landmarks

The main visiting card of Berlin, the Germans themselves call the Bradenburg gate, which are often called the goal of the world.

A no less significant landmark for tourists will be a television batch in the Mitte area, which is present on postcards with views of Berlin.

Television Tower and Museum Bode


We decided to arrange a walk around Berlin, experienced guides or just people who live in the center of Germany will help you. With the help of the TRIPSTER service, you can choose the excursion you are interested in and enjoy the beauties of the city.

Berlin is one of the most "living" cities in Europe, which was in the soul of many tourists. There is a very large number of clubs in this city, many new styles, trends and subcultures. There is a very good shopping, and the quality of service is buzzing throughout Europe. Berlin is famous for its cultural heritage, there are many galleries and museums.

In Berlin, a very large number of cultural entertainment. Consider how to save on them.

  1. Walking along Berlin, you must have a hotel map with you or a copy of the passport.
  2. Concert tickets are better booking at the EBay service. Many people who for some reason can not do it, sell them on private announcements for a scentual.
  3. For frequent connectors on Berlin, you need to purchase the "Berlin - Potsdam Welcome Card" map. It will save in public transport and with it there is a discount for visiting museums and theaters. Buses go even at night, they are indicated by the letter N. It is worth taking a round-the-clock pass in order not to use expensive taxi services.
  4. To settle in Berlin, despite the fact that this is the capital of the country, you can cheap. To do this, use the German services airbnb, and It often happens that students pass their accommodation when they are not at home. Usually these dates come on holidays. The term of their absence can even be delayed up to the month.
  5. With an ISIC International Student ID, you will have many discounts to visit most of the attractions, galleries and museums. On Mondays, all cultural institutions are closed, the best time for excursions will be Tuesday and Wednesday.
  6. Shops in Berlin at every step, you can find here them everywhere as souvenir shops and fashionable boutiques. Most accept payment by credit card, so you do not need to carry a large amount of money with you. There are also a variety of cafes with free access to Wi-Fi.
  7. Residents of this city are very scrupulous, they will never allow themselves to be late for the meeting.
  8. You can contact an unfamiliar person on the street using the phrase "Herr Doctor". It is the word "doctor" in Germany is widespread and refers to many types of professions.
  9. Cheap supermarket chains in Berlin are Lidl, Aldi, Kaufland, Netto. Also visiting them, you can find a lot of shares and sales.
  10. Most young Berliners own English, so tourists should not have problems. It has been proven when you will refer to local in German, they will be more willing to answer you.
  11. Visiting a cafe or bars, follows at the entrance with everyone to say hello, using the phrase "Mahlzeit", which means "pleasant appetite". In the center of Berlin, the food is expensive, but you can go to eat in any supermarket.
  12. All attractions in the German city are in one radius. You can see them on foot or take advantage of the bike rental.

Where to stay in Berlin

We decided to go to the capital of Germany and do not know which hotel it is better to choose. We will show you the most optimal options, next to the city center.

Hotel Star Discount Price per night, from Select dates

Hotel Alexander Plaza.


8 027 5 438

Adina Apartment Hotel Berlin Hackescher Markt


6 603 5 891

Hotel Nikolai Residence


Berlin is the capital of modern Germany, one of the largest cities in Europe. This modern city is a constantly updated, fashionable European Center.
Berlin is located in the heart of the lands of blunderburg, on the shores of the Hafel River and the Spree River. The main language is German, the English is common.
This is a city with an unusual and difficult story. The urban law found in 1244, was the capital of the Brandenburg market, after the capital of the German Empire. I experienced the division into two parts - GDR and Germany, was combined in 1990.
Nowadays, this is a densely populated, an important cultural, industrial and scientific center. In Berlin, many historical monuments and attractions have been preserved.
Rest in Berlin is perfect for lovers of historically important places, young people and married couples.

Climate and weather

Moderate climatic zone gives Berlin a non-good summer and moderately cool winter. Spring and autumn have bright seasonal severity. The average daily temperature in winter is + 2 ° C, which is higher by 2-3 ° C than in the nearest cities. In the hottest summer months, July and August, the average daily temperature is about + 19 ° C.
The most comfortable time for a trip to Berlin begins from the end of April and continues until the beginning of October.


The historical part of the city is located in the floodplain of the River Sprey, in the lowland, between the hills. The modern part is located on the hills.
The city is decorated with a variety of colors, trees and shrubs. Often, you can meet the protein, hares, heels, sometimes it can be fortunate enough to see the pheasant or fox.


The Berlin Wall is undoubted and main notableness of Berlin. Virtually 30 years, this gloomy building separated the Communist East of Berlin from the capitalist West of Berlin. The wall was destroyed in 1989. Now the remnants of it are a reminder of those years, as well as a place attracting many tourists. In East Side Gallery, 1200 meters are preserved, painted by artists around the world, walls. On Bernauerstraße, the debris of the Berlin Wall with small holes, which were worn at night on November 10, 1989.
The history of the city will be told in the documentation center, where hundreds of documents, video archives and photos about Berlin are posted.

Special attention is worth the reconciliation chapel, which was erected in honor of the 200 dead people who died when trying to escape through the Berlin Wall. The Museum of Chekpost-Charlie is devoted to the same events.
It is worth visiting Alexander I Square (AlexanderPlatz). It is located on the center of East Berlin, Kaufhof Department Store and Hotel Stadt Berlin. The 368 meters of the television tower rises near it - the highest structure of Berlin. At an altitude of 203 meters above the ground, an observation deck is opened, and even above - a rotating restaurant.

Undoubtedly, one of the main attractions of the city is Reichstag. From the windows of Reichstag there is a picturesque view of the city. Nowadays, Parliament meetings are held here.
The Brandenburg Gate is a kind of symbol of Berlin. The gate is decorated with a sculptural group, where Victoria Victoria's goddess heads. It was from here that the construction of the Berlin Wall was launched.
The Egyptian Museum is one of the most visited museum tourists in Berlin. It stores the ancient works of Egyptians, sarcophages, papyrus and even mummies found as a result of excavations. The most famous exhibit of the exhibition is Bust Nefertiti, which is about 3,000 years old.


Oddly enough, find a restaurant in Berlin, where national dishes are preparing, it is very difficult. As a rule, national cuisine is served in bars and beer. You can drink a famous German beer and enjoy excellent meat dishes. Tourists recommend ordering Klops and a special chop klops. Potato salad is popular as a garnish.

Among women are in demand, white beer in which the fruit syrup is added. As a national dishes, we must try the chicken fruit and EINTOPF soup, which is rather similar to Rag, and not on the first dish.
For gourmet - Hacketer snack. This is a mixture of raw mince with sharp spices, filled with a raw egg.

For dessert, try Berlin pancakes with marmalade.
In Berlin, many gastronomic institutions, where everyone will find the dish to their taste. Among the most popular establishments are the Maxwell restaurant, where the menus make up national dishes. The beautiful interior and advantageous location in the historic building of the 19th century makes Maxwell the perfect place for both business negotiations and celebrations.

Continental cuisine served in the restaurant Alt Luxembourg. This is a fascinating place where the atmosphere of antiquity and grace reigns.
European cuisine and modern interior will offer you a Marjellchen restaurant, it is extremely popular in the tourist and local population.


There are about 850 hotels and hotels in Berlin, because there are usually no problems.

Modernist two-star H2 Hotel Berlin-Alexanderplatz will offer good rooms, buffet for breakfast for 45 € per day.
Among the three-star hotels, Apartments Am Brandenburger Tor and Hotel Gat Point Charlie can be recommended. Room rates from 50 to 340 € per day.
Four-star hotels in Adina Berlin Hackescher Markt and H10 Berlin Ku'damm are known for excellent service, reasonable prices and a wide range of services provided. Prices for rooms from 73 to 700 €.
The Five Star Eurostars Berlin Hotel will provide high-quality service and comfortable rooms worth 85 €.

Entertainment and recreation

Berlin is the best city for outdoor lovers. If you like the thrill, be sure to visit the room of fear. In the Berlin Room of fear, in addition to the house and ghosts there is a museum where all the horrors of the Second World War are reflected.
Exclusive riding in the city will be the passage of Veloiksha. Veloriksh parking lots are located on the Gencarmenmarkt Square and the Brandenburg Gate.

Every day, ZOO Aquarium Berlin works for you - the stunning aquarium presented by the manifold.

Botanical Garden "Gardens of the World" will show you plants from all known in the world, botanical gardens.
For recreation with children, the Jacks Fun World is open: fun attractions, exciting games for the smallest and funny photos with fabulous characters will get involved in your children and will give beautiful memories.

For a comprehensive holiday, visit the ADLON Day spa. This is the most prestigious establishment of Berlin in this area. Therapeutic baths, massage and a huge pool will help you truly relax and relax.
Club life lovers will find an institution for every taste in Berlin. Extremely popular club "90˚". Every evening in the club there are various thematic evenings, and visitors must be dressed in the appropriate musical direction.
A romantic evening can be spent on Friday at the Knaack Club. On Mondays, fans of rock music are gather.


In Berlin, shopping lovers will feel extremely comfortable. Fashion boutiques, shopping centers, shops with exclusive clothing, outlets - a huge variety of goods and democratic prices can even be headed.
The main shopping streets of the city are Kurfrstendamm and Friedrichstrasse.

Kurfurstendamm (Kurfrstendamm) begins from the memorial church, and ends at Lake Halency. This shopping street is filled with global brands, antique shops, here is one of the largest shopping centers of Kaufhaus des Westens. The most exclusive things will wait for you here.

Friedrichstrasse (Friedrichstrasse) is located in the eastern part of Berlin. There are car dealerships, and expensive boutiques, and shops with an exclusive product.
Cheap and high-quality clothing is sold on Wilmersdorferstrasse or on Alexander Platz Square.

In shopping towns called outlets, sell design things of famous brands of past collections, because they are extremely low prices.
If you want to save even more, you need to come to Berlin to the last Monday of July or January. From this time, large sales take place within two weeks. Designer things sell with discounts up to 80%.
Stores work from 9.00 or 10.00 to 18.00. On Thursdays, the working day of supermarkets was extended to 20.00. Saturday is always a day of abbreviated work schedule until 16.00.


Public transport in Berlin is represented by buses, trolley buses, metro and, in the eastern part of the city, trams. The metro covers the main areas of Berlin.

Working time Metro from 4.00 to 2.00, bus and tram from 5.30 to 01.00. At night, private nightlife routes and trolley buses run.

The city is divided into zones, in accordance with which the fare is determined. AB is the complete territory of Berlin. In this zone, the cheapest travel option is a disposable ticket worth $ 3.70. If you intend to often enjoy public transport, you should buy a ticket for a day. The price for one person is 5.5 € for a large zone, all zones - 8.15 €. A ticket to a group of 5 people will cost 7 € per large zone and 10 € for a common zone. Three-day tickets sell only for a large zone, their cost is 12 €. Preferential travel in transport you will provide "Berlin - Potsdam Welcome Card", which, in addition, gives the right to 50% discount when visiting museums and excursions.

A bus ticket can be purchased from the driver, and for the train - in the automatic machines of orange.


City links, postal message, Machines, Mobile, Internet are available in the city.
With access to Internet problems, there will be no problems because there are many Internet cafes throughout the city. Cafes, restaurants and large bars provide free access to Wi-Fi. In Potsdamer Platz the largest free access area of \u200b\u200bWi-Fi.


For a walk, it is better to take a map of the hotel with you or a copy of the passport. The presence of a document certifying your personality is necessarily with any unforeseen situation.

It is undesirable to wear large amounts of cash. To pay purchases in large stores, restaurants, cafes take credit cards.

The penalty for non-flying public transport throughout Germany is 40 €.
Conversation on a mobile phone without a headset while driving by car, can do it with a fine of 40 €.

Business climate

Berlin is the economic and financial center of Germany and the EU. Main Development Industries - Mechanical Engineering, Radio Electronic Industry, Transportation. Berlin is also an annual center for international exhibitions and trade fairs.
Here are the headquarters of such companies like Siemens AG, Deutsche Bahn AG and many other companies of the same level.

The property

The average value for real estate ranges from 1,2 to 3,000 € per m2.
Berlin's housing prices begin from 20,000 €, which is much cheaper compared to other cities not only Germany, but also in Europe.
One bedroom apartment in a remote area will cost 30,000 €. Apartment in the city center, 90 m2 - 122,000 €. 54 m2 you can buy for 60,000 €.

The best days for visiting museums and galleries are Tuesday and Wednesday. These days, cultural institutions are working late. Monday, as a rule, day off.

For access to local residents, the turnover "HERR DOCTOR" is convenient. Such an appeal is appropriate for people of any profession.
A sign of good tone is a mandatory greeting of the "Mahlzeit" expression, at the entrance to the restaurant. It translates as a "pleasant appetite!".

Cash funds on the most favorable terms can be in ATMs Geldautomat. They will be charged a minimum commission, and they are located near each major trading center and a state institution.