Creative work everywhere good people around. Good people around

Creative work everywhere good people around. Good people around
Creative work everywhere good people around. Good people around

For some reason, in our time, people are docked on their problems and do not notice what is happening around. They do not believe that someone outsider can help or simply say a good word. But in fact, there are good responsive people nearby, we just do not notice them. Users shared touching storiesthat prove that in this world there is still a good place.

In contact with


I always come to work before all. I pour yourself a cup and gain both kettles to the edge. And at 08:55 I turn on them. How nice to see the joy on the faces of the not yet woken people who do not need to wait until the kettle boils to brew tea or coffee.

My best friend Finally introduced the whole of our company (all the long-time family) with their chosen one. Lips, eyelashes to the eyebrows, Selfi, - the company did not accept her. Suddenly, my younger daughter needed donor blood, asked for help in social networks, the people with whom we were friends with the years have evaporated. What was my surprise when I saw that very diva in the hospital. The girl came to his daughter daily with gifts, food, and even helped my wife with cleaning at home and with her senior daughter.

I stand on the side of the road, the car stops, and the guy with a gesture and a smile misses me to move the road. I do not decide to make a move, and he nods, they say, "go, do not be afraid." So moved to the dude not offend. And I just waited for a friend, I haven't needed anywhere.

When I had no money at all, I lived a month from a unconscious Tajik with his family. He is the driver of the minibus, on which I often went and in which one day from hopelessness, when they were evicted with a removable apartment, began to cry. Told, offered help. There were no other options, I'm in someone else's country, nor friends, nor relatives. Agreed. I was fed a delicious swarm and did not give anything to do at home, they say, guest. Route, very grateful to him and his wife, communicate so far.

When frosts hit and snow falls out, I can not get rid of the thought that somewhere there is a cat or a dog. When there is time, I wonder the nearest areas in search of such soloers. Thus attached two cats and ps. Recently, they took a dog, so this miracle in the first walk found a kitten in a snowdrift and brought in the teeth. It seems now I have a companion.
The kitten is already transferred to loving hands.

Winter, 2000. Route Odessa-Kiev. An old Muscovite with a poorly working oven. Very much needed home. The night comes, faded the headlights. It is not possible to stop until the morning - gasoline in the edge, we will presume to death, and they can bring down, we are without light, we crawl 10-20 km. We are 20 and scared us. Through his back grows the bullfighted wagon, does not overtake, slows up to 50 km, includes a long-distance and crawls for us until the dawn, lighting the path and protecting. When dawned, overtook, snagged and left the distance.

Being a student, interrupted from bread on the water. Ten years later I have an apartment, a car, business. Every week I go to the library, I take atlases / benefits / methods and hiding money in them. I will not lose me, and someone will receive an increase to scholarships.

I went to the pharmacy, and there I was sitting there, and she was one of the pharmacists of Meryl pressure. I stand at the checkup, punch me the goods, and hear the conversation: "You throw this device, you have an old one and does not work, but this one (removes your grandmother the device for pressure and removes the box, put it in the package) I will pay I myself, I understand everything, there are different situations, take, please. " The grandmother fell in, and I, too.

My husband worked all his life by a lawyer, a rather severe person, which plays a considerable role in his profession. But one day, opening the door, I discovered it, shaking and very concerned. At home, near the pipes found a tiny kitten in the winter, which was already covered with Inem. The kitten went out, very affectionate babe grows, and I once again made sure that harsh people have a big heart sometimes.

Once, he passed a two-pole road with a small daughter in his arms. According to the nearest strip, Baha and stopped, missing us. I went, but I noticed that the second lane is the old "Lada". So this "bay" sharply took the right side and by creating a living shield between us with her daughter and the second machine. "Lada" refused somehow. We probably would not hit, since I was on a check, but this act of a man from "Beehi" I remember for several years with goosebumps on the skin. Supermen among us.

Somehow I was presented with a huge soft bear (with me with a growing), and I lived then on a removable apartment and, when I moved, in order not to start with his transportation, I decided to leave. I had a hostess of the apartment bad relationshipsAnd she did not leave such a gift, but he went into the staircase, she listened and called the apartment from which the children's screech came. I explained the situation to parents of a cute girl of four years old, they, a little reflection, agreed to take a toy, but slightly surprised when I asked the dad's help to move the bear to them. These huge eyes and the undisguised happiness of the child, when she saw a toy 10 times more her, never forget.

My mother works in the social center and every year, before the New Year, takes a list of poor families. They with dad buy gifts for all the children and go to congratulate them secretly. In a suit Santa Claus and Snow Maiden arrange a surprise kids. Parents do not tell anyone, even in the family do not know everyone, and I am so proud of them! Wizards!

When I studied at the university, I went home on the train, naturally, a hare. And in one of my trips, the controllers for a long time ago, the controllers (perforated control) decided to punish me - they simply did not let me go to the train arrived. All my attempts to flush were in vain ... The doors of the wagons closed, my subconscious began to draw not the most cheerful watches At the station. The controllers with a sense of accomplishment went ravis. Here I hear the scream of the driver: "Run!" - The doors of the wagons open, and under the mat of the controllers I run into the car.

When I was 8 years old, pulled out a sinking one from the sea. Already 15 years old, this guy found me and asked to be a godfather of his son, with the wording: "You saved me, so I am ready to entrust you the most expensive." It was insanely nice, especially when I saw pride in my eyes of my parents and spouses.

I go to work on the tram. One route goes as I need, the second does not turn. It happens that not my route goes to the depot on the street you need. So the driver when the tram goes on my street, approaching, nods me, they say, sit down, and the conductor always greets.

I went to a bank loan to pay. The day was damn terrible! Near the bank, a tiny parking, unfold. I arrived, I look, at the very end there is a place to pray in it (the benefit of the machine is small), but still not fit. I'm trying to turn around and finally stuck, hersing in the middle of the cars. I sit in the car, roar. The facade of the bank workers did, saw me, the man came six and on the hands of my car for 180 degrees turned with the words "not roar."

Fucked by bus Peter-Moscow. It was already night, and the bus was very cold. Since I sat alone, was able to get on two seats, but because of the cold could not sleep. And here, unexpectedly, something was very warm at the top, I quickly plunged into sleep. Waking up in the morning in Moscow, I saw that a man who was sitting behind me, covered me his jacket, and himself stayed in the same T-shirt ... It was a couple of years ago, but I still remember that warm.

When a child went to school, I bought him a phone for communication with me.
Once I go in the evening after work home and see ads on the door of the entrance, written by felt-tip pen of children's handwriting and all in the fluthers tears: "the phone disappeared. Please return, "and the number of our apartment! I teck out the announcement, run home, and the son of the scattered meets (he played with the guys and dropped somewhere). For the evening, four tenants from our entrance were timidly knocked on the door and brought the phone "found".

I have a friend - a schoolgirl girl. Their three sisters, she is older. In the courtyard of their high-rise building ornament. And here in the company they met with the orphan boy from there. Began to communicate, play, stuck in the yard. After a while he began to go home to them. Then she met her parents, sometimes they saw tea. In general, I gained a guy. And then the girls began to ask for this guy to adopt, it hurts. And parents did not refuse! Thus, the girls suddenly appeared an elder brother, and he gained his family.

I go on the underpass, inside someone sings, and my child in the stroller was about to fall asleep ... I didn't even have time to think that, they say, Tryndets, now the child will wake up, as the musician began to play a slow melody quietly. That's so small and at the same time great good!

Very often B. lately I hear that people became indifferent. All do not care for everyone. Dash on the street - no one will come. BUT B. the last days I am convinced about the opposite. The world decided to prove to me that all people around in their undoubted majority are beautiful.

Case 1.
Recently, we sit drink tea in the kitchen with her husband and friend. It starts heavy rain, a sharp gust of wind. Suddenly the child was crying. The husband suggested that the baby was frightened, but got up to see what was happening. Begins to scream a woman: "Help!" Husband and friend instantly undermine and jump out on the street. While they are engaged in the house (a few seconds, in fact) see the following picture: a woman with a child in a wheelchair on the roadway. Front machine and behind two. Men lightly run away from everyone! machines. In the front car, a man sits down the wheel, passengers rear cars One pulls out the child, with him stands in the first car, the second takes a woman, sits down with her in the same first car. Go to the hospital. The stroller removes the seller from the store (the store is located in a pair of meters) Here I only ran up my guys. As it turned out, a piece of slate from the roof threw, poured the leg of the baby. And 3 completely unfamiliar men together and instantly assisted the baby and his mother.

Case 2.
It so happened that the familiar my mother was left without a livelihood, without work and practically no roof over his head with two children, thanks to his beloved spouse. Mom helped, what could, but ... as in different cities, it is very difficult. And yesterday I call my mother and tells a stunning story. A neighbor came to this woman. (70 years old, do not think what) I paid all the debts for it, I bought a car (designed for it) I took a job with a personal driver (in fact, working in the five-year plan in the clinic, or for the products) and rewrote my apartment on it. Promised to help. I am ready to pray for this noble person who simply helped people in difficult moment.

Case 3.
Today. I go, I do not touch anyone. Suddenly I see the crowd in front of the crowd. It turns out in the bushes lies a young man, the girl came to see what he was. He is unconscious. Immediately someone called an ambulance, someone ran into a pharmacy for the amusing. The female nurse ran up, began to provide first help. Someone removed the sweater to put under the head. The most important thing is that everyone tried to help, no one flew, waited for an ambulance, and the nurse went with him to the hospital.

Sorry, so many letters, and perhaps tedious to read. But what did I want to say to this? Thank you, people! Familiar and unfamiliar. For your responsiveness, help. Now I began to live calmer on Earth. Now I believe that everything will be fine.

Research project "Everywhere of good people live"

Nomination: Ethics secular life, Initial classes.

named V. Lesunova Varitsky Vladimir,

Ionina Anastasia, Kurmaeva Victoria,

Minnihammethes Nyaz, Ponomarev Anna.

scientific adviser: Teacher primary classes

Fahretdinova L.P.

from. Ulu- TV 2013

    1. Introduction

      Objectives and objectives of the project.

      Research methods.

      Main part.




1.1. Entering.

Studying in the lesson of ethics of the secular life of the topic "Good and evil", "Virtue and Plok", we faced a social problem: people became evil, greedy, indifferent to the fate of other people, rarely make virtuous acts. Relevancethis topic is no doubt. Problemwhat we grow in modern society I care about not only us, our parents, teachers, but also the state, therefore appeared at school such interesting lesson like ethics. Taking into account all this and was chosen the topic of study "Everywhere good people live."

Object of study: The people around us, actions, a relationship between people, students of our class.

Subject of research There are virtuous actions of people in a modern situation that can serve as an example for us to imitate.

Purpose of the study:we decided to find out in what people in our time a virtuous feeling still left and continues to do good, show the significance of them charitable activities For those who need help.

1.2. Tasks:

- expand our knowledge of modern society, about relations between people;

- acquaint classmates, relatives and acquaintances with the collected information and convince folk wisdomthat "life is given to good deeds."

- hold a charity event "Help children";

- examine what influence has our work on the education of a virtuous feeling with us and our friends.

Foundation research hypothesisthe assumption that, as a result of studying this topic, people will become kinder, responsive to someone else's misfortune, which evil in society will become less, and good - more.

1.3. Research methods:

- Theoreticals:study and analysis of literature on the topic under study, modeling of the general hypothesis of research and design results at various stages of search engine work;

- empirical:polls and diagnostic methods (surveying, conversation), analysis creative workobservations.

- Statistical: Assessment of the statistical significance of the hypothesis.

1.4. Main part

"Kindness for the soul is the same as

Body Health: It is invisible,

when you own it, and she gives success

in any case. "

L.N. Tough

In Our. modern time There are few noble, good people and a lot of malicious, cruelty, every kind, every kind moral man He thought about it and set itself the question:

"Why does evil take over the good? After all, 25 years ago there were no so busy people! " And we did not exception to them and decided to find out what people a virtuous feeling remains and continues to do good.

Lion Tolstoy said: "To believe in good, you have to start doing it."

But, unfortunately, not all this understands and this is one of the problems of our society, that we have become unknown to the troubles of others. We think that "life is given to good deeds" and the main qualities of a person is that he sincerely wants happiness to someone else and knows exactly what needs to be done for this. In such a person, Chulpan Hamatova is.

Chulpan Mailet Hamatova - folk artist Russia, the winner of the State Prize, the leading actress of the Moscow Theater "Contemporary", mother of three daughters. Chulpan Hamatova is known for his social activitiesconcluded in attracting the attention of society to the problems of children with oncological diseases.

Together with the actress Dina Korzun in 2005, they organized on the stage of the "contemporary" a charity concert "Give me life" to help these children. In 2006, Chulpan and Dina became co-founders of the Charitable Foundation "Give Life", helping children suffering from cancer and oncohematological diseases. By the summer of 2009, the Foundation collected and sent more than 500 million rubles for treatment.

In many ways, thanks to its efforts, permanent charitable shares and stories about the suffering children, I have become in Russia at least fashionable. Well, in bouquets of colors from the audience, she finds envelopes with money with the inscription "Children".

"My whole story in charity began with meetings with doctors. I saw extraordinary people, sensitive doctors with non-changing hearts, and realized that they need help. If there are such fireflies on this planet who are fighting for the life of children, then I have no right to leave them alone in this fight. Saw how volunteers work, these people with big, good hearts. I was struck by their dedication. And, of course, I met the children. For me, a separate happiness to come to them, play, chat ... "" You need to always remember that there is nothing more good in life than the health of people who around us ... "(Ch. Hamatova)

We have heard a lot about the Chulpan Hamaya Foundation, and decided to help children who live with incurable diseases, SMS sent through the "easy payment" of MTS. We encourage everyone who has a good, responsive heart, support our charity event.

Before the New Year in the district newspaper "Inessine news", the guys of our class saw the article "they need our love and care", which said that the editors were announced to the help of small patients of the Children's Department of the CRH, which different reasons They remained without parental care. We decided to support this promotion together. In that noble deed We were supported by our parents and teachers. On the collected money were bought objects of care for kids and were transferred to the Children's Department of the CRH. Our share has passed under the motto: "Let good people around be more!"

Explore information literature at the topic chosen by us, we learned that many organizations, entrepreneurs and simple people Organize charity events before the new year, visit children in hospitals, shelters, orphanages. For example, the editorial office of the newspaper "Evening Ufa", in which the sister of Volodya Varitsky works, supported the All-Russian action " New Year Each child. " Buying a gift to your child, parents could buy a gift and for someone else's kid, who has no one to buy it. It was not just a gift - it was the confidence of the child in the fact that he is not alone in this big worldthat someone remembers him and cares. Thanks to this promotion, many children of children's homes of our country received gifts.

During the winter holidays, we guys have spent a sociological survey. We decided to find out how people relate to charity, whether the Foundation "Give Life", what kind of people in our society are more: good or evil. From the results, we learned that the majority of respondents positively belong to charity, but they themselves do not often make noble deeds. About the Chulpan Hamade Foundation "Give Life" many did not hear, but most believe that good people in our society are more than evil and this despite the fact that our country takes 2 place in the world in crime, and it makes everyone think about What awaits us in the future.

"And as we good words Need!

More than once we were convinced of this

Or maybe not words - are it important?

Cases - matters, and words.

They live with each of us

To pronounce them at that age

When they are needed to others. "

1.5 . Conclusion.

1. Establishing information, literature on the topic chosen by us, we learned about the charity of people, about the Chulpan Hamaya Foundation "Give Life", which helps children suffering from cancer diseases. We learned that in our country there are a lot of people who at least once in their lives provided in China in need. We read works about good, noble people, picked up aphorisms, proverbs and sayings about virtue, wrote writings about good and evil. Summing up the work on the project, it can be noted that we have achieved the goal and made sure that a virtuous feeling in people is still left and continues to do good.

2. We expanded our knowledge of modern society, introduced classmates, relatives and acquaintances with the information collected by us, learned to make good deeds not in words, but in practice. Charity events were held: they helped the patients of the Children's Department of the CRH in the area and provided in China, send SMS to the "Give Life" foundation (with removing money from your account), and in the future we decided to take part in such events. We saw that our work was interested in our loved ones and acquaintances, and they responded to our appeal. It means that our work was not in vain and we hope that other people will hear us and become responsive to someone else's trouble.

Media materials, newspapers "Evening Ufa".

Proverbs and sayings.

Articles of the newspaper "Inessine News" in №144, №150 2012.

Attachment 1.

Questionnaire for a survey.

    Your name.

    How do you feel about charity?

3. What did you hear about Chulpan Hamataya Foundation "Give Life"?

4. And you could have an exaggeration of the one who needs it?

5. What do you think: what kind of people in our society are bigger or evil?

6. How do you think you need to do so that people become kinder?

Actress Ksenia Alferova and her spouse Actor Egor Beroev established his own charity foundation "I am." His task is to help children with special needs. These are children suffering from autism, Down syndrome.

Russian actress Theater and cinema Chulpan Hamatov is known for its public activities consisting in helping children in combating heavy diseases. In 2006, together with actress, Dina Korzun, they became co-founders of the Gift Life Charitable Foundation, helping children. By the summer of 2009, the Foundation collected and sent more than 500 million rubles for treatment.

Russian actor Theater and Cinema Konstantin Khabensky founder of a charitable foundation for children, cancer patients. On the ceremony of his awarding title " National artist Russia "he came to the Kremlin with a homemade badge" Children are out of politics.

The actor and movie actor Evgeny Mironov is the founder Charitable Foundation Support for artist artist, founded in 2008.

A kind person is the one who loves people and is ready to recover them in a difficult moment to help them. A kind person loves nature and protects her. A kind person loves birds and animals, helps to survive them in winter strules. A kind person tries to be neatly dressed, polite and respectful in communicating with comrades and adults.

The kindness is responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good others. Good - all positive, good, useful. Mercy is ready to help anyone; - willingness to forgive man; - the desire for good to another is to participate in someone's fate; - humanity, selflessness, etc.

What is good? It's all good, kind, beautiful. What is evil? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad, trouble, misfortune. We live with you on the planet Earth. Kohl exist on our planet good and evil, then people can create both kind and evil deeds.

Good and evil are the main, the basic concepts of morality (morality). All that helps to man and nature, goes to them - good. What harms it - evil. Higher manifestation of goodness: peace and love for homeland, to mother, other people, close and distant, to the living and dead, to business, nature, etc. The highest manifestation of evil - war, murder.

Good people, as always, lacking, good people, as always, deficit. Good people do not always understand the heart of good hurts. Good - generously sick helps, kind - give warm and comfort, good - in the legs with the weak walk and no spa-bib are waiting. Whoever confident in the world is worth it, the other is not a cube, good all pays for good, his heart flashes courage.

Our lesson comes to an end. You are still children, but there are many glorious things ahead of you. You will make our planet the earth beautiful. But before you have to grow real people. Which means that you must be brave, responsive, polite, kind, hardworking

Regardless of whether they are welcome or not waiting for him - we are good. Regardless of whether your good will notice or won't notice it - we are good. Regardless of whether you are welcome or discard him - you are doing good. Regardless of what will pay you for good: good or evil - Creating good. Create good and no one ask permission, for no one is dominated over your good. S.A. Amonashvili (a memo with the words Sh.A. Amonashvili receives each of the children)