Pugachev's uprising. Briefly

Pugachev's uprising. Briefly
Pugachev's uprising. Briefly
Emelyan Pugacheva's uprising is a popular uprising during the reign of Catherine the second. The largest in the history of Russia. It is known under the names of the Peasant War, Pugachevshina, Pugachev Bunth. There was a place to be in 1773 - 1775. Called in the steppes of the Volga region, the Urals, Kama, Bashkiria. Accompanied by large victims among the population of those places, internships from mobile, devastation. Depressed by government troops with great difficulty.

Causes of the rebellion of Pugachev

  • The hardest position of the people, fortress peasants, workers of the Urals factories
  • Abuse of government officials
  • Dettle of the territory of the uprising from the capitals, which gave birth to the permissiveness of local authorities
  • Deeply rooted in Russian society distrust between the state and the population
  • Faith of the people in the "good king of the intercessor"

Beginning of Pugachevshchina

The beginning of the uprising was put the riot of Yaik Cossacks. Jicial Cossacks - migrants to the Western banks of the Ural River (up to 1775 YIK) from the internal regions of Muscovy. Their history began in the XV century. The main classes were fishing, salt mining, hunting. Stitsa were managed by elected elders. With Peter the first and next rulers, Cossack liberations were reduced. In 1754, a state monopoly on salt was introduced, that is, the ban on its free extraction and trade. Once at once, the Cossacks sent petitions to Petersburg with complaints about local authorities and the general state of affairs, but this did not lead to anything

"From 1762, Yaitsky Cossacks began to complain about oppression: to hold a certain salary, unauthorized taxes and violation of the ancient rights and customs of fishing. Officials sent to them to consider their complaints could not or did not want to satisfy them. Cossacks were repeatedly indignant, and Major General Potapov and Skulls (the first in 1766, and the second in 1767) were forced to resort to the strength of the weapons and the horror of the executions. Between the Cossacks found out that the government had an intention to make up the hussar squadrons from the Cossacks and that he was already commanded to shave the beard. Major Major Traubenberg, sent to the Yaitsky town, brought the national indignation. Cossacks worried. Finally, in 1771, the rebellion was found in all its strength. On January 13, 1771, they gathered on the square, took the icon from the Church and demanded the rejection of the members of the office and issuing a detainee. Major Major Traubenberg went to meet them with the army and guns, ordering to disassemble; But his commands had no action. Traubenberg ordered to shoot; Cossacks rushed to guns. The battle occurred; The rebels overcame. Traubenberg fled and was killed at the gate of his house ... Major General Freiman was sent from Moscow to their pacification with the same Rotary Grenader and with artillery ... 3 and 4 June were hot battles. Frainian Creek opened his way ... Bunt's instigators were punished by whip; about one hundred forty man is exist in Siberia; others are given to the soldiers; The rest are forgiven and are presented to the secondary oath. These measures restored order; But calm was unreliable. "It's only the beginning! - said forbidden rebels, - and whether we are Moching Much. " Secret meetings took place in steppe able and remote farms. Everything foreshadowed a new rebellion. Lack of leader. The leader was reworked "(A. S. Pushkin" History of Pugachevsky Bunta ")

"An unknown tramp rushed to the Cossack courtyards in the vague yoram, hiring into employees to one owner, then to another and accepting all sorts of crafts ... He was distressed by his speeches, poured the authorities and talked to the Cossacks to flee in the field of Turkish Sultan; He assured that the Don Cossacks do not slow down for them to follow that two hundred thousand rubles were harvested at the border and the goods at seventy thousand and that some Pasha immediately on the parish of Cossacks, they must give them up to five million; Ponatov promised to everyone in twelve rubles per month of a salaries ... This tramp was Emelyan Pugachev, the Don Cossack and the Raskolnik, who came with a false written type due to the Polish border, with the intention to settle on the Irgiza River in the middle of the local Raskolnikov "(A. S. Pushkin" History of Pugachev Bunt ")

Rebellion under the leadership of Pugachev. Briefly

"Pugachev appeared on the farms of the retired Cossack Danila Sheudjakov, who he lived before in employees. There were then made meetings of intruders. First, it was about shooting Turkey ... But the conspirators were too tied to their shores. They, instead of escape, put to be a new meal. The impostation seemed to them a reliable spring. For this we needed only a newcomer, daring and decisive, still unknown people. Choosing them fell on Pugachev "(A. S. Pushkin" History of Pugachevsky Bunt ")

"He was forty years, the growth of medium, thin and broadcaster. In a black beard, he was shown to be sent; Live big eyes running. His face had a rather pleasant expression, but Plutovskoye. The hair was evicted in a circle "(" Captain's daughter ")

  • 1742 - Emelyan Pugachev was born
  • 1772, January 13 - Cossack riot in the Yaitsky Town (now Uralsk)
  • 1772, 3, 4 JUNE - Foreech suppression by a detachment of Major-General Freiman
  • 1772, December - Pugachev appeared in the Yaitskaya Town
  • 1773, January - Pugachev arrested and sent in custody to Kazan
  • 1773, January 18 - Military Collegium received a notice of personality and capture Pugachev
  • 1773, June 19 - Pugachev fled from prison
  • 1773, September - rumors spread on Cossack farms, which appeared, whose death is false
  • 1773, September 18 - Pugachev with a detachment of up to 300 people appeared under the Yaitsky town, the Cossacks began to be
  • 1773, September - Capture of Pugachev Iletsky Town
  • 1773, September 24 - Capture of the staining of the loose
  • 1773, September 26 - the capture of the village of Nizhne-Ozernaya
  • 1773, September 27 - Capture of the Tatisco Fortress
  • 1773, September 29 - Capture of the village of Chernorechenskaya
  • 1773, October 1 - Capture of the Sakmar City
  • 1773, October - Bashkirts, excited by their elders (whom Pugachev managed to apply camels and goods captured by the Bukhara), began to attack Russian villages and joined the troops of the riskers. On October 12, Starshina Cascän Samarov took the Resurrection Copperweight Plant and formed a detachment of Bashkir and factory peasants from 600 people with 4 guns. In November, Salavat Yulaev passed as part of the major detachment of Bashkirov on the side of Pugacheva. In December, he formed a large detachment in the northeastern part of Bashkiria and successfully fought with the royal troops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Redoufim Fortress and Kungur. Serving Kalmyks fled from outposts. Mordva, Chuvashi, Cheremis have ceased to obey the Russian authorities. The Lord's peasants clearly rendered their commitment to the impostor.
  • 1773, October 5-18 - Pugachev unsuccessfully tried to capture Orenburg
  • 1773, October 14 - Ekaterina II appointed Major General V. A. Kara Commander of the military expedition to suppress meant
  • 1773, October 15 - the manifesto the government about the appearance of the impostor and exhortation will not succumb to his appeals
  • 1773, October 17 - Druman Pugacheva seized the Demidov Avian-Petrovsky factories, gathered a gun there, provincial, money, formed a detachment from master and factory peasants
  • 1773, November 7-10 - Fight at the Village Yoseeva, in 98 versts from Orenburg, the detachments of Pugachev Atamanov Ovchinnikova and Zarubin-Chik and the avant-garde of the Kara Corps, Kara retreat to Kazan
  • 1773, November 13 - Orenburg captured a detachment of Colonel Chernyshov, consisted of up to 1100 Cossacks, 600-700 soldiers, 500 Kalmyks, 15 guns and huge traffic.
  • 1773, November 14 - Corger Brigadier Corger Corger broke into Orenburg with a number of 2500 people
  • 1773, 28 November-December 23 - Unsuccessful siege Ufa
  • 1773, November 27 - General-Annef Bibikov appointed with the new commander of the troops opposing Pugachev
  • 1773, December 25 - the detachment of Ataman Arapova took Samara
  • 1773, December 25 - Bibikov arrived in Kazan
  • 1773, December 29 - Samara liberated

In total, approximate calculations of historians in the ranks of the Pugachev army by the end of 1773 were from 25 to 40 thousand people, more than half of this number were the detachments of Bashkir

  • 1774, January - Ataman Ovchinnikov took the storm in the lower reaches of the Yaika Guriev town, captured the rich trophies and replenished the detachment by local Cossacks
  • 1774, January - a detachment of three thousand people of Pugachevs under the command of I. Beloborodova approached Ekaterinburg, along the way of salting near the surrounding fortresses and plants, and on January 20, as the main base of his actions was captured by the Demidov Shayansky Plant.
  • 1774, the end of January - Pugachev married the Cossacks of Ustini Kuznetsova
  • 1774, January 25 - the second, unsuccessful assault of Ufa
  • 1774, February 8 - The rebels seized Chelyabinsk (Chelyaba)
  • 1774, March - Promotion of government troops forced Pugacheva to remove the siege of Orenburg
  • 1774, March 2 - the St. Petersburg Carabinerian Regiment arrived in Kazan under the command of I. Michelson, quartered before this in Poland
  • 1774, March 22 - the battle between government troops and the Army of Pugachev at the Tatisco Fortress. The defeat of Buntovshchikov
  • 1774, March 24 - Michelson in battle under Ufa, at the village of Garznokovka, he defeated troops under the command of Chiki-Zarubin, and two days later captured the Zarubin himself and his approximated
  • 1774, April 1 - the defeat of Pugachev in battle at the Sakmar town. Pugachev ran with several hundreds of Cossacks to the Prechistenskaya fortress, and from there went to the Mining Zavodskaya Territory of the Southern Urals, where the rebels had reliable support
  • 1774, 9 Apersl - Bibikov died, instead of him the commander appointed General-Lieutenant Shcherbatov than Golitsyn terribly offended
  • 1774, April 12 - the defeat of the rebels battle at the Irttsky Forepost
  • 1774, April 16 - the siege of the Yaitsky Town was removed. continued from December 30
  • 1774, May 1 - the rebels off the Guryev town

Golitsyn and Scherbatov general groove allowed Pugachev to go from defeats and start offensive again

  • 1774, May 6 - the five thousandth of Pugacheva detachment captured a magnetic fortress
  • 1774, May 20 - the rebels captured a strong trinity fortress
  • 1774, May 21 - the defeat of Pugachev in the Trinity of the Fortress from the Corps of General Decolong
  • 1774, 6, 8, 17, 31 May - Battles of Bashkir under the team of Salavat Yulaeva with a detachment of Michelson
  • 1774, June 3 - Pugacheva and S. Yulaeva troops connected
  • 1774, beginning of June - the campaign of the Pugachev army, in which 2/3 was Bashkir, to Kazan
  • 1774, June 10 - Captured Redufim Fortress
  • 1774, June 11 - Victory in battle under Kungur against the harrisage
  • 1774, June 21 - the capitulation of defenders of the Prikamsky town of Osia
  • 1774, the end of June-beginning of July - Pugachev seized Votkin and Izhevsk Relumentary Plants, Elabugu, Sarapul, Menzelinsk, Agryz, Zainsk, Mamadysh and other cities and fortresses and approached Kazan
  • 1774, July 10 - the walls of Kazan Pugachev defeated the detachment under the command under the command of Colonel Tolstoy
  • 1774, July 12 - as a result of the storming of the suburb and the main areas of the city were taken, garrison locked in the Kazan Kremlin. A strong fire has begun in the city. At the same time, Pugachev received the news about the approach of Michelson's troops, which was sown from Ufa, so the detachments of the Pugachevs came out of the burning city. As a result of the short battle, Michelson made his way to the garrison of Kazan, Pugachev moved over the Kazanku River.
  • 1774, July 15 - the victory of Michelson under Kazan
  • 1774, July 15 - Pugachev announced his intention to move to Moscow. Despite the defeat of his army, the uprising covered the whole West Bank of Volga
  • 1774, July 28 - Pugachev seized Saransk and on the central square announced the "royal manifesto" about the liberty for the peasants. Inspiring, which covered the peasants of the Volga region led to the fact that the population of more than a million people was involved in the uprising.

"I complain about the SIMI with the monarch and the father of our mercy of all who were previously in the peasantry and in the citizenship of landowners, being loyal slaves of our crown their own; And we award the ancient cross and prayer, heads and beards, free and freedom and forever the Cossacks, without requiring recruitment sets, pillow and protected money supply, ownership of lands, forest, hayfields and fishing, and salt lakes without buying and without a lifting; And we liberate all from the victims of the villains and Gradtsky Mzzzovtsi-judges the peasant and the people of the imposed files and burdens. Dan July 31 days 1774. God's greatness, we, Peter, the third, emperor and autocrat of the All-Russian and Protect "

  • 1774, July 29 - Ekaterina The second ended General-Antshef Peter Ivanovich Panin Extraordinary Powers "In the preventing of the Bunta and the restoration of internal order in the provinces of the Orenburg, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod"
  • 1774, July 31 - Pugachev in Penza
  • 1774, 7 August - Saratov took
  • 1774, August 21 - unsuccessful storming Pugachev Tsaritsyn
  • 1774, August 25 - the decisive battle of the Pugachev army with Micelson. Crushing rebel defeat. Flight Pugachev
  • 1774, September 8 - Pugachev captured by the elders of the Yaitsky Cossacks
  • 1775, January 10 - Pugachev executed in Moscow

The foci of the uprising was extinguished only in the summer of 1775

Causes of the defeat of the peasant uprising of Pugacheva

  • The spontaneous nature of the uprising
  • Belief in the "good" king
  • Lack of a clear action plan
  • Vague ideas about the future device of the state
  • The superiority of government troops over the rebels in service and organization
  • Contradictions in the rebel medium between the Cossack Top and Golotboy, between the Cossacks and the peasants

Results of Pugachev Bunta

  • Rename: Yaik River - in the Urals, Yaitskoy Army - to the Ural Cossack Army, Yaitsky Town - in Uralsk, Verkhne-Yaitskaya Pier - in Verkhneuralsk
  • Disagreement of the provinces: 50 instead of 20
  • The transformation process of Cossack troops to army units
  • Cossack officers are more active than the nobility with the right of ownership of their own serfs
  • Tatar and Bashkir Princes and Murza equates to the Russian nobility
  • Manifesto on May 19, 1779 somewhat limited breeders in the use of the peasants attributed to the factories, limited the working day and increased labor payment

Pushkin's creativity is inextricably linked with history. He was interested in important critical points of history: People's movements, the historical role of the kings, the clash of state and personal. Pushkin attracted bright historical personality and events.

He is not only the author of artistic works on a historical theme, it can be considered a historian. Pushkin carefully studied historical documents, chronicles, historical stories and even oral historical legends. He watched the modern historical science, turned to ancient and world history. It helped him to realize the place of Russia in the global historical process.

The events of Pugachevsky Bunt Pushkin was interested since 1824. He studied newspapers and books, everything that was made public about Pugachev. In 1833, Pushkin turned to Military Minister Count Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshev with a request for permission to use the materials of the military archive. My desire explained to the intention to write "the story of Generalissimus Prince Itali Count Suvorov-Ramniksky". However, his interest was directed to the "Menietian king" Emelyan Pugacheva.

When permission was received, Pushkin met the materials of the secret expedition of the Military Collegium, archival materials of the General Staff, and why started the "Pugacheva History". He visited Pugachev Bunt - in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Siberian, Orenburg, Uralsk, where he recorded stories, songs, legends of witnesses of the peasant war.

In St. Petersburg, Pushkin appealed to the office of his imperial Majesty with a letter, in which she dared to ask for permission to imagine, written by him, the history of Pugachevschin to the highest consideration. 23 amendments were made to the manuscript and the name was changed from the "History of Pugacheva" on the "History of Pugachevsky Bunth".

In December 1834, the story of Pugachevsky Bunt saw the light. The book was celebrated cold, and the Minister of Folk Enlightenment Uvarov S.S. I agitated, as Pushkin struck the gap in the decree on the eternal obligation of the name of Emelyan Pugacheva himself.

Pushkin created the first in Russia scientific art The chronicle of the events of the Pugachev Bunt, which to this day did not lose its meaning. Events and rebels depicted by Pushkin, and significantly differed from the official point of view on the uprising, shook Russia. The reasons for Bunt Pushkin saw in the arbitrariness of officials who were impaired by the Cossacks, in the cruel actions of the government administration, in the absence of laws, in the Union of Reserved People.

The "History of Pugachev Bunta" became the basis of the historical novel. In it, social problems and events retreat in the background. The author is interested in the characters of people, their mutual understanding, ideas about the good and evil, debt, honor, conscience, about the meaning of life.

Roman "Captain's daughter" is inextricably linked with the "history of Pugachevsky Bunt".

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A very brief historical story outlined by Pushkin on the basis of historical documents is devoted to the Pugachev uprising. She conceived simultaneously with the "Captain Daughter" and came out with the permission of Nicholas I.

Chapter first

Pushkin leads various versions of historians about the emergence of the Cossacks on the Yak River, renamed later in the Urals Catherine II. According to the author, the writings of many historians are based on unreasonable guesses.

Next, the story begins about the beginning of the riot. Among the Yaik Cossacks, dissatisfaction begun due to restrictions by their state, which took place in the rebellion of 1771. The Kalmyk, who lived in the southern border, oppressed by the Russian bailors, moved to China. The Yaikovsky Cossacks were sent to the pursuit, but they refused.

Strout measures were taken to suppress meant, however, the rebellors won the battle. The rebels sent their elected to St. Petersburg. The Major Freiman's sent from Moscow was able to suppress the riot. Many rebels fled, but were caught. Freiman city retained. The instigators of the rebellion punished the whip, many were put in prison.

Chapter Second

On the farm, where the meetings of the attackers were held, Emelyan Pugachev, Don Cossack and Raskolnik appeared from the Kazan Prison. He was chosen to the leader.

Saving Pugacheva was looking for, but unsuccessfully. Many Cossacks, expelled for the capture of the impostor, moved on his side, others did not recognize. Pugachev took the city outside the city and hanged those who did not want to obey him. The leader of the rebels called himself by Peter III.

Pugachev took the fortress of scattering and lower-lake, as well as the fortress in Tatishchevo. The impostor brutally disappeared with unaccomplished officers and nobles.

"Izvestia about the successes of Pugacheva came to Orenburg one after another." Frightened Orenburg Governor, Lieutenant General Reinsdorp accepted various measures to not let the rebels in Orenburg. However, the army and the power of Pugacheva grew.


Kazan, Siberian and Astrakhan governors gave to know about the eggs in the State Military Collegium.

The then circumstances strongly conducive to unrest. The troops were in Turkey and Poland, the recruit set enhanced difficulties. Several squadrons and mouth followed Kazan. Due to the mistakes of the local bosses, Orenburg was besieged by the Buntovshchiki. Reinsdorp freed the villain clapboard, which twenty years ruined the edge, and asked him to Pugachev. The battle for Orenburg continued for a long time. Pugachev decided: "I will not spend your people, ... Framing the city by the sea."

Began running. Pugachev with his army is located in the opposite. The church was the wounded, the icons in it were rimmed, the temple was defiled by unclean. The bell tower was dragged by the gun. Then the impostor moved to the Berdy Slobod, which became the verteres of murders and breaking:

Pugachev, possessing only some military knowledge and unusual military, did not take anything without the consent of the Yaitsky Cossacks, "they often acted without his knowledge." They "did not allow the impostor to have other pets and attorneys."

Under Orenburg, the generals have arrived with the troops, however, they soon began to retreat under the onslaught of rebels. Many of them were captured and executed by Pugachev. The Empress sent to deal with the rioters of the reliable military man, General-Annef Bibikov.

Chapter fourth

Victory and success increased the audacity of the rebels: they robbed and ruin the villages and cities. By order of Pugacheva, the clapboard managed to take the Ilyinsky fortress, in the Upper-Lake he rebuffed, because of what Pugachev hurried him to help. In the meantime, Military reinforcement approached Ilinskaya, and the tsarist troops managed to take it: the Fortress did not break the fortress and did not burn. However, Soon Pugachev took her again and executed all officers. The siege of Orenburg continued.

Pushkin writes that the arrival of Bibikov encouraged local residents, many made back. Outraged Bashkirts, Kalmyks and other peoples from everywhere stopped the message, Yaiksky Cossacks Bunned, Robbed Rogues. Ekaterinburg was in danger. The Empress has taken action.

According to the decree, Pugacheva's house was burned, the courtyard of the oakopali and stitched, as the place is damned. The family was sent to Kazan, "To move the impostor in the event of a capture of it."

Chapter Fifth

Thanks to reasonable orders, Bibikov managed to drive up the rosers from Samara and Zainsk.

"The Yaitsky Cossacks in case of failure thought to betray the Pugacheva in the hands of the government and the topics to earn their pardon." In the Yaitsky, the town of the impostor met a decisive story.

Clapper during the absence of Pugacheva struck Iletsky defense and ruined it. Under the onslaught of Golitsyn's detachments, Golitsyn Pugachev sat in Tatishcheva and began to increase strength. There, Golitsyn overwhelmed in the battle of the Buntovshchikov, but the huge losses were made:

Pugachev fled with guns, and the clapboard tied Tatars and issued to the governor. In June 1774, the convicts of Kaznili.

The impostor was kept to go to Orenburg, but was greeted by the troops, lost the last guns and people. They captured and his main accomplices. The fortresses of the lake and loose, as well as the Iletsky town, the rebels were already left.

Despite the defeat and lack of leader, the rebels arranged the siege of the Yaitsky Town. Hunger began in the fortress. Exhausted soldiers cooked clay and consumed it in food.

The military knew that the ruffers had strengthened, and wanted to die with honor, the death of warriors, and not from hunger. But unexpectedly came to the besieged. The chiefs of the rebellion and the wife of Pugacheva were sent into custody in Orenburg.

Bibikov Zalenogo in hot and died.

Chapter Six

Because of the uprising of Bashkirts, the military could not catch an impostor. Michelson was able to break them. In the magnetic rebel joined the treason, the fortress was burned.

Michelson repeatedly managed to break the squaching squads, but I could not catch the impostor.

Pugachev approached Kazan, won the battle with the opponent. Sturm postponed until the morning.

Head seventh

Pugachev riskers were able to take Kazan. "The fiery sea broke throughout the city."

At the dawn, Husar Michelson and Potemkin's army liberated Kazan.

Pugachev did not lose hope of overcome finally Michelson and gained a new bastard. "It consisted of him from twenty-five thousand all sorts of sip." However, the next battle of Michelson won for a very short time. Captive from Pugachev camps were released.

Michelson entered Kazan as a liberator. The state of the city was terrible. "The living courtyard and the rest of the houses, churches and monasteries were looted." It was rumored that Michelson could warn the capture of Kazan, but on purposely gave the rebels to enter the city in order for the Liberator's glorious himself. Pushkin calls these rumors slander.

For Pugachev, they sent the pursuit.

Chapter Eighth

Pugachev ran into the forest. A few days later he rushed to the Volga, the whole western side of which rebelled and indulged himself.

Forces were thrown to block the impostor path to Moscow. But he already thought only about his salvation - to get into Kuban or to Persia. Understanding his position, the rioters were ready to give the leader.

The emergence of several villains in different areas sowed a terrible confusion. Catherine already intended to go to the province, but one of the generals volunteered to correct the situation. Pugachev was constantly moving, in all sides scattered his gangs.

Michelson pursued the impostor. However, before the meeting of the Prime Minister with the Pugachev, the latter managed to visit Penza, Saratov, Sarept. Only after that, his detachments hit Michelson. "Several cannon shots upset rebels." Finally, the remains of the rebels decided to pass the Pugacheva of the Imperial Guard. He was transported to Moscow, where they were executed on January 10, 1775.

Wanting to erase the memories of the terrible era, Catherine changed the name of the Yika River to the Urals.

History Pugachev

"History Pugacheva" was published in 1834 called "History of Pugachev Bunte. Part One. History. Part Two. Applications". On the back of the title sheet instead of the usual censorship permission, it was designated: "With the government's permitting."

The second part of the "Pugachev history", containing documentary applications to the main text (manifesto and decrees, secret reports to the military collegium about the fight against Pugachev, letters A. I. Bibikova, P.I. Panin, G. R. Dervina, "Orenburg Orenburg "P. I. Richkov and other primary sources) in this edition is not reprinted.

The time of completion of the "history" is determined by the date of the preface to it - November 2, 1833, and on December 6, Pushkin, Uzho, asked A. H. Benkendorf to present the book on the highest consideration.

Pushkin's hopes that the attention of Nicholas I to his manuscript can also provide permission to publish it, unexpectedly justified. On the printing of "Stories" Pushkin received an interest-free loan from the treasury in the amount of 20,000 rubles. When approving this approval, Nicholas I was approved on March 16, 1834, it proposed, however, to rename the work of Pushkin: instead of the "History of Pugachev", the King "History" wrote "History of Pugachev Bunth".

The book, whose printing began in the summer, was published (in the amount of 3000 copies) at the end of December 1835

Studying materials about Pugachevshchina Pushkin continued even after the release of his "history" into the light. On January 26, 1835, he turned to the king with a request to "the highest perception" on the printing of the "investigative case" about Pugachev (in which he had been denied) in order to make a "brief statement, if not for printing, at least For the completeness of my work, without that imperfect, and to calm my historical conscience. " February 26 Pushkin received permission to work on the "investigative work", the study of which was continued until the end of August 1835

In the memoirs of Folklorist I. P. Sakharov, who visited Pushkin a few days before his duel, preserved a certificate that the poet showed him "additions to Pugachev", collected after the publication. Pushkin thought to "remake and re-publish his Pugacheva" ("Russian Archive", 1873, kN. 2, p. 955).

Remarks about Bunte.

These materials were represented by Pushkin Nicholas I through Benkendorf with a letter in the name of the last on January 26, 1835. The draft manuscript of these "comments", with some significant additional considerations of Pushkin on the leaders of the uprising and his premieres who were not included in the white editorial board, published in the academic Edition of the full collection of writings Pushkin, t. IX, h. I, 1938, p. 474-480.

On the "History of Pugachev Bunt".

Article Pushkin, published in the "Contemporary", 1835, No. 1, Dep. 3, p. 177-186, was the answer to the anonymous analysis of the "History of Pugachev" in the "Son of the Fatherland" of 1835. The belonging of this parsing of Bronvorsky was indicated by Bulgarine in the Northern Pchele dated June 9, 1836, No. 129.

Bronvos Vladimir Bogdanovich (1784-1835) - Member of the Russian Academy, author of the "Note of the Sea Officer" (1818-1819), "Stories of the Don Army" (1834) and others.

In the letter of Pushkin to I. I. Dmitriev dated April 26, 1835 there is a clear hint of a review of armored personnel on the History of Pugachev: "As for those thinkers who indulge in me for the fact that Pugachev is represented by Emelyko Pugachev, and Not by Bayronov "Poor, then I will be happy to send them to the city of Polevoy, who probably will be at a similar price to idealize this face according to the latest style."

Records of oral stories, legends, songs about Pugachev

I. Krylov's testimony (poet). For these Pushkin records, see above.

II. From a road notebook. These records were made during Pushkin's trip in September 1833 in Orenburg and Uralsk.

The soldier's antipuguachevskaya song, partially recorded by Pushkin ("from Guryva Town" and "Ural Cossacks"), is fully known for the later entry of I. I. Zhelennova. For use of it with Pushkin, see the article N. O. Lerner "Song Element in the" History of Pugachev Bunt "(Sat." Pushkin. 1834 ", L. 1934, p. 12-16).

III. Kazan records. The stories of V. P. Babin on taking Pugachev Kazan, recorded by Pushkin on September 6, 1833, were widely used in the "Story of Pugachev", Ch. VII.

IV. Orenburg records. These records were used in the "Pugachev history" (ch. III and approx. KH. II and V) and in the "Captain Daughter" (Ch. VII and IX). See About these sources Article N. V. Izmailov "Orenburg Materials Pushkin for the" History of Pugachev "(Sat." Pushkin. Research and Materials ", M. - L. 1953, p. 266-297).

V. Dmitriev, legends. About the stories of I. I. Dmitriev, recorded by Pushkin around 14 July 1833 in St. Petersburg, see the book of Yu. Oxman, "from the" Captain Daughter "to" Preistent Hunter ", Saratov, 1959, p. 52-60.

Vi. Record from N. Svechina. The informant Pushkin was probably general-infanteria N. S. Cushkin (1759-1850), married to the aunt of his friend S. A. Sobolevsky.

For a suborpecics of the 2nd Grenadier regiment M. A. Shvanvice, see above.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    The interest of Pushkin to historical studies manifested itself long before the appearance of the first ideas on the topic of Pugachevschina, from the mid-1820s, the period of work on Boris Godunov, Arapom of Peter the Great "and" Poltava ". Later in the plans of the poet there were historical essays "History of Malororsia" (1829-1831) and "The History of the French Revolution" (1831). By the summer of 1831, when, with the assistance of Pushkin's friends, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. O. Rosset, E. M. Khitrovo, his problems at the St. Petersburg court were established and the situation in the highest light was prevailing, the poet himself in a letter to Benkendorf reported his Wishes to study the history of Peter the Great and his heirs, for which he asked for the permission to work in government archives. The Emperor Nicholas favorably reacted to this request and soon Pushkin was admitted to the service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the right to work in archives.

    Pushkin began to search for materials on the history of Peter in the Hermitage Library and in government archives from the beginning of 1832, but soon his attention was taken by another topic - the topic of the People's Republic of Ekaterina II. Many researchers believe that this was facilitated by the wave of people's performances in Russia 1830-1831 - cholera risks and uprisings of military settlers, as well as revolutionary events in Europe, especially the French revolution of 1830.

    In February 1832, Nicholas I, remembering the promise to engage in the history of Peter, handed over to Pushkin across Benkendorf recently published "Complete Assembly of the Laws of the Russian Empire", in which Petra I and his successors are collected, when studying Pushkin drew attention to the many materials of Ekaterina II. associated with the uprising of Pugacheva. Special interest of the poet caused the verdict - "Central Bank of 1775, January 10. On the punishment of the death penalty, the rebel, and the impostor of Pugacheva and his accomplices." Among the many of the names of Pushkin, Mikhail Shvanvich was interested in the name of Mikhail Schwanvich, the name of the surname sentenced to the civil execution and the reference for the fact that, according to the sentence, "preferred honest death." The plans of Pushkin there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the nobleman - the participant of the Pugachev uprising.

    The design of the work on Pugachev uprising originated from Pushkin no later than September 1832; September 30 in a letter to his wife he wrote: " I came to my mind a novel, and I probably love him" For his story about the nobleman-apostate Shvanvice, he originally found the plot in the story of his friend P. V. Nastokina on how he saw in Ostrog " one of the Belarusian poor nobleman, according to the surname Ostrovsky, who had a process with a neighbor for the land, was supplanted from the village and, remaining with one peasants, began to rob, first the attains, then and others" And on December 2, 1832, Pushkin told Nastokine: " ... Honor I have to declare you that the first is Ostrovsky<…> I wrote it in two weeks, but stopped because of cruel romanticism ..."In January 1833, he continued to work on him, but by completing the outlined part of the work (which remained" in the pencil "and was published after the author's death - in 1842, called Dubrovsky) and, apparently, not satisfied with him, returned to legend again About the Personality of Shvanvich - an officer, who turned out in the opal and switched to Pugachev, but a pardoned "Empress at the request of the elderly father who rushes her to her feet." In the "Album without binding" on January 31, Pushkin recorded the plan of the novel. At this time, Pushkin, on the basis of a few publications available to him about the Pugachev uprising, a fragment was recorded "between the displeased Yaitsky Cossacks at the end of 1771 was Emelyan Pugachev ...". " ... and the typology of the historical novel of the first third of the XIX century, and other indirect data allow to nominate the hypothesis that at the early stage of the formation of the "Captain's Daughter" plan, Pushkin thought to refer to the novel the historical introduction of the events of the Peasant War 1773-1774, against the background of which the narrative is deployed . To do this, the introduction even before the poet of thought about the historical monograph and was intended, apparently, our sketch» .

    Trip to Kazan, Orenburg and Uralsk

    In the process of work, Pushkin considered it absolutely necessary to visit the places of events and on July 22, 1833 he requested to allow him a trip to Kazan and Orenburg. On July 29, on behalf of Benkendorf, the head of the office of the III department of A. N. Mordvinov in a letter, Pushkin asked him about the additional explanation of the reasons for the planned journey. In response, Mordvinov Pushkin wrote that for two years he was busy with historical research distraught him from literary work that he wants to write a novel about the events that took place in Orenburg and Kazan, "and that would like to visit both these provinces." In the first days of August, Mortrebin sent a memorandum to the emperor Nikolai, in which almost literally repeated the arguments of Pushkin. In the memorandum preserved in the archives, Genkendorf autograph was preserved: "The sovereign allows." On August 7, Mordvinov informed Pushkin on the received permission for the trip, on August 11, the Minister of Nessel, on this basis, provided him with a 4-month vacation.

    Having received the desired resolution, Pushkin left on August 17 from St. Petersburg. He visited Nizhny Novgorod, on the way to Kazan, in the town of Vasilsursk Pushkin recorded a story about the execution of the Pugachev commander of the local disabled team Jurlov, later used in the text of the "Pugacheva History". Arriving in Kazan on September 5, the whole of the next day Pushkin went around the places of battle of rebels with the troops of the Kazan garrison. In the cloth Sloboda, he was indicated on the Babina known in the city, witness events. Pushkin talked for a long time with him in the restaurant, and then accompanied by Babina passed to the Arsa field, where the Pugachevs stood before taking the city, the German cemetery, where Pugachev placed his artillery, along the streets of Sukonnaya Sloboda. Returning to the hotel, Pushkin rewroted all the mark made in the notebook, presenting detail the details of the memories of the Babina. On September 7, the poet again drove in places of battle, making marks with their names, which gave him a visible idea of \u200b\u200bthe topology of tragic events, subsequently set out in the 7th chapter of his historical work. In the evening of this day, Pushkin at the Professor of the University of Kazan University of K. F. Fuchs, who told him a legend about the pardon by the impostor of a certain pastor, in his time gave the alms to Pugacheva, who was under investigation in Kazan Ostrog. Pushkin brought this episode in the "Pugacheva History", and later beat the motive of gratitude in the plot of the "Captain Daughter". After dinner Fuchs, Pushkin's lead to a merchant to the merchant, who was in captivity of the Pugachevs and described in detail about the circumstances of the grandiose fire, which destroyed most of the Kazan on the night after the capture of her rebels. Later, in a letter to the spouse, Alexander Sergeyevich wrote that "he was not in vain visited this side."

    On September 9, Pushkin arrived in Simbirsk, devoting the entire next day the search for old-timers, remembering the times of the Pugachevs. On September 11, the poet went to the estate to N. M. Language, but only his older brother, Peter Mikhailovich, who returned to Alexander Sergeevich, all the existence of the time of Pugacheva, and who gave him a full manuscript of the unpublished work P. I. Richkov " Description of the siege of Orenburg. " Earlier, Pushkin was already outlined by this document with an incomplete copy, but now Richkov's original 200-page text was at his disposal, which became one of its main sources in working on the "Pugacheva history" and subsequently fully included in the applications to historical work. Later, in Simbirsk, the poet heard and recorded a legend about the tragic fate of the Academician of the catcher, executed at a random meeting with the army of the impostor.

    On September 15, the poet left Simbirsk to Orenburg, his route passed through the lands of Stavropol Kalmykov, who took an active part in the uprising, Mordovian and Chuvash villages, the fortress of Alekseevskaya, Sorochinsky, Perevolotsky, Tatishchev and Chernorechenskaya, captured by the Pugachevs in the fall of 1773. In the Sorochinskaya Pushkin, he recorded from the words of the 86-year-old Cossack Pakova speech of rebellious eggs Cossacks after taking the fortress: "Will it still be? Are we still shaking Moscow? ", Used later in the" Pugacheva History ", and in the novel" Captain Daughter ". On September 18, Pushkin arrived in Orenburg, stopping at the country house of the Orenburg general \u003d Governor V. A. Perovsky, and V. I. Dahl arrived here, which caused to be a guide Pushkin in Orenburg lands. Perovsky ordered to provide Pushkin all of the assistance, in particular, in villages, where he will go - to collect old people to his arrival, remembering the Pugachev. On September 19, Pushkin and Dal went to the Berdy Sloboda - the Pugachev capital, where he was chatted with the collected old men, the streets of Slobods and the house in which Pugachev lived during the siege of Orenburg. The poet pointed to the old Cossack Arina Bunov, in a long conversation with which Pushkin learned many valuable details about the events of the uprising times, subsequently used by him in historical work, and in the novel. Bunkova also told about the tragic fate of his daughter and the spouses of the impoverished by the competent commandants of the border fortresses of Tatiana Harlovoy, who became the concubine of Pugacheva and shot later by the Cossacks.

    On September 20, Pushkin and Dal left in Uralsk, this trip contradicted with the transferred documents issued, where Orenburg was denoted by the end point of the route, but the poet considered it necessary to drive around the places where the Pugachevs tried their first victories. In each of the border fortresses, the Upper-Yaitskaya distances, the poet talked with eyewitnesses of those events. In the Tatisco Fortress, the 83-year-old Cossack Materon Dehtyareva, the widow of the Pugachev Ataman, who told the new details of the commandant of the Commander of the Colonel Elagina with his wife and the fate of their daughter Tatiana Harlovoy. Extremely interesting and beneficially painted in a conversation with the dehtyar memories of the fortress storm and about the following executions and the oaths followed, which became the basis for scenes of the storming of the Belogorsk fortress in the "Captain daughter". According to the researchers of Pushkin's creativity, it was these days in the consciousness of the poet there was a significant shift in creative plans, all previously harvested plot lines of the future historical novel did not fit the reality, more and more details of which appeared before the poet these days. The contrast was so great that Pushkin finally decided that during the planned vacation in Boldin he would write only the "Pugacheva story", and the novel should be postponed for the time he mentioned in a conversation with Dalem.

    On the same day, September 20, Pushkin and Dal arrived in the Low-Sene Fortress. Among the old people, the 65-year-old Cossack Ivan Kiselev, whose father was Kuma Komentant of the Low-Sene Harlov, was executed by the Pugachev, after taking the fortress with the rebels after taking the fortress. Kiselev told in detail about the last days and hours of Harlov, almost alone attempted to resist the detachment of the rebels of the Cossacks. Here Pushkin recorded reviews about the self-coaching: "Sin say, a 80-year-old Cossack told me, we do not complain about it; He did not make evil. " Another old man recalled: "In the morning, Pugachev seemed before the fortress. He drove ahead of his troops. "Beware, sovereign," the old Cossack told him, "they will kill unequally from the gun." - "Old you are a person, - answered the impostor, - Did the guns poured on the kings?" Having spent over in the lower-seed, the next morning Pushkin went to Uralsk, where he was taken by the Nazny Ataman of the Ural Cossacks V. O. Pontilov.

    On September 22, the poet examined the old district of the city - Kureni, where the events unfolded during the siege of the city fortress by the Pugachevs. The walls of the Cathedral of Mikhail Archangel at that time were still preserved the remnants of the RVA, shaft and fastener batteries of the "Retrant", followed by a government garrison led by the lieutenant colonel Simonov and Captain Krylov (Father of the famous Basinist). Pushkin looked into the High Stone House of Ataman Borodin, in which Pugachev lived on his stay in the Yaitskaya town, and where he celebrated his wedding with 17-year-old Ustiny Kuznetsova. According to the tradition of tradition, the evening of Pushkin talked with old people - eyewitnesses of the events of the uprising. One of the interlocutors of the poet was Mikhail Puzyan, the son of Cossack Denis Pozna, who Pugachev first announced his "royal" rank. In the notebook Pushkin, notes have been preserved about the conversation: "Tell me," I said to him, - as Pugachev was with your father. " "He is for you Pugachev," an old man's angry answered me, "and for me he was the great sovereign Peter Fedorovich." Puins remembered how Pugachev complained his father: "My Tesne Street!" This expressive phrase Pushkin also led to the "History of Pugacheva", he later invested in the mouth of Pugacheva in a conversation with Peter Grneeva: "My Tesne Street, I little ..." In the "Remarks about Bunte" Pushkin will write on the results of conversations in Uralsk: "The Ural Cossacks (especially old people) are tied to the memory of Pugachev. When I mentioned about my cruelty of my cruelty, the old people justified him, saying: "Not his will was; Our drunkards are flushed. " September 23, after a farewell lunch with Ataman and Officers of the Ural Troops, Pushkin went through a symbirsk in Boldino.

    Boldin Autumn 1833

    The publication was carried out in the state printing office of the office II of the Department, concluded by M. M. Speransky, the director of which was the Lyceum Comrade Pushkin M. L. Yakovlev. Initially, it was assumed to print the story "On his own, Pushkin, dependency", but already on March 8, Speransky, after a conversation with Nikolai I, orders: "Highest is commanded to print without censorship, as an essay has already been honored with the highest reading and on an identified account." In the censored manuscript, Pushkin text was broken into two volumes; The first included the head I - V, the second - chapter VI-VIII; Passing into the printing house on July 5, the first volume of "History Pugacheva", and on July 17 - the second Tom, Pushkin began writing notes.

    By November 1834, the printing of the "History of Pugachev Bunt" was completed, but Pushkin decided to prevent her release to the publication of two historical documents included in the Note to the IV Chapter - they were printed in the November issue "Reading Libraries".

    The "History of Pugachev Bunt" was published in December 1834 in the amount of 3,000 copies, but the success of readers did not have. M. P. Pogodin recorded in his diary in early January 1835: "I read Pugacheva. - Entertaining story.<…> They scold Pushkin for Pugacheva. " The first appeared Review of V. B. Bronvorsky (signed " P. K.") In the" Son of the Fatherland ", in which regret was expressed that Pushkin did not write the" Pugachev history "" Byron's PC. " However, a month later, E. F. Rosen noted the merit of Pushkin in the fact that he was not afraid of the disapproval of many to just please the strict connoisseurs of his work. " Nevertheless, at the end of February, Pushkin recorded in the diary: "In the public, my Pugacheva<…> Uvarov Large scoundrel. He screams about my book as an outrageous essay. " In a letter to Pushkin from April 10, 1835, I. I. Dmitriev soothed him: "The essay of yours was subjected and here different things, rather ridiculous, but never delirious, one was divided, as you dared to remind that there was no time to betray it. - There is no need that the river would remain.<усской> stories". Review M. P. Pogodina, intended for the Moscow Observer, remained in the life of Pushkin unpublished and was printed only in 1865. Pogodin noted that the "History of Pugacheva" "has much more advantage of the literary than historical, although it is rich and the last" and allocated as the literary advantages "simplicity of a syllable, idleness, loyalty and some point of expressions."

    • From the memories of V.I. Dalya about the trip of Pushkin in the surroundings of Orenburg for collecting materials about the book:
    And the Cossacks on the other day equipped with a condemnant to Orenburg ... and reported: "Yesterday de came someone else's Mr., notes: he is small, the hair is black, curly, the face is dark, and bought under the" Pugachevshchina "and gave gold; There must be an antichrist, because instead of nails on the fingers of claws "[Pushkin wore nails of an unusual length: it was a fad of it]. Pushkin laughed a lot of things.