What dreams of an old house. Interpretation of dreams about a wooden house

What dreams of an old house. Interpretation of dreams about a wooden house

There is an old house, foreshadowing different events in real life, to interpret the visions by one dream book is absolutely impossible. It is possible to understand the meaning of night plots by analyzing information based on the details of the abandoned structure, its functionality and even the location. According to modern dream book, it is worth establishing relationships with loved ones. In ancient interpretation, it is said that the ruins and the ruins warn about the real threat to life and health. The Great Freud argued that such dreams require cardinal changes in sexual relationships.

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      Interpretation in modern dream

      To see in a dream, an abandoned or destroyed house is to troubleshoot, great financial problems and even to death. According to modern interpretations, such dreams are worried about people before moving or unexpected divorce. If in an abandoned state is the house of childhood - there are a number of problems that have long been guessing the dream of a dream.

      • Feelings of loss and sadness in a dream, associated with the house of the deceased grandmother, in reality reflect the circumstances that are put on a person. Such dreams indicate the instability of relations with the surrounding world. Esoterics warn that be in the abandoned home childhood - it means to have difficulties in relationships with blood relatives.

        A stranger old house means that sooner or later will have to be responsible for perfect errors in front of other people. For the most terrible acts, the punishment is waiting throughout the rigor of the law. After all, one day all the secret becomes clear. Return to the native, but abandoned housing in the village - to difficulties and failures in life. Dreams with destroyed houses symbolize spiritual dots based on permanent thoughts about the past. It does not give a dream to fully live and breathe full of breasts.

        Predictions on Miller

        An abandoned house on Miller predicts problems and failures where they should not be at all. The situation may be so complicated that only hope is constrained from the last step of a person. Hisness with health prophesate a dream, where the dreams find himself under the ruins of the structure in which there are no many years. More optimistic interpretations have dreams with stepfather house, even if there are terrible dawns. It is not worth worrying in the case of being in your own home.

        A large old house in a dream can carry various semantic loads. Gustav Miller advised to carefully remember which function was entrusted to the structure before destruction:

        • boarding school or nursing home - you need to assist old friends or forgotten relatives;
        • children's camp or school - it is important to look at the problems of junior households, perhaps one of the children fell into a difficult situation;
        • hospital or sanatorium enclosures - a signal to an immediate survey of their health, there is a risk of death;
        • the prison serves as a signal to the fact that the dreams for too long restrains his emotions or constantly tolerate emotional pressure from the second half.

        The dirty old palace or the castle warns about the rampant deeds that will provoke discontent and contempt of surrounding people. Probably, plans for the future contradict the moral principles and ethical norms of the dream family. Bad thoughts are reflected in the subconscious level as dreams with destroyed and abandoned buildings in several floors. The desire for a cherished goal can lead to loneliness or an unexpected turn in fate.

        Freuda vision

        By the dream book Freud, any house symbolizes a person. To dream wooden dwelling - to a coffin in real life. Smooth structural walls personify the male beginning, a high-rise building with balconies and loggias - a woman. Without windows and doors, its own home predicts death, often the very dream. To repair the old house - to new sex contacts. Unpleasant feelings when repairing old chambers is interpreted as dissatisfaction with intimate relations with a partner.

        A house with ghosts for a man means that it is worth being reserved in their sexual fantasies. To see the destroyed building from the side - problems with the health of the reproductive system. To be inside an abandoned room - attempts to establish an intimate life with a partner will be vain. To climb the roof of an abandoned dwelling - the dream has a dream for scandals and treason. A woman crawling on a bare wall - to unrequited feelings from his beloved.

        To knock on the door of the old champion of the house, on the interpretation of Sigmund Freud, to meaningless attempts to find a permanent partner. To see an empty room in an old treason building - stay alone for a long time. A woman to climb a balcony of an abandoned house - a tendency to lesbian ties. Go down or climb on the bare wall of the old house for a man - a homosexual inclination is likely. A well-known psychologist argued that all hidden subconscious desires are being implemented in dreams.

        What dreams of a former husband - Interpretation in dream books

        Interpretation in the Lunar Dream

        Abandoned burning house promises a dream of a loss of state, humiliation and deception of loved ones. Fire in the old family birthday nest foreshadows the betrayal of friends and relatives. Their infidelity will result in the fatal loss in the most difficult moment. Still according to the lunar dream book, the night vision can be interpreted as soon trial.

        Clear and high flame, without collaps and destruction of structures in the old building - to good news. The visit of the long-awaited guests is expected. A poor person to get an inheritance rich - to establish authority in society.

        The interpretation of a dream with a strange housing characterizes the unpleasurness in everyday life and inexplicity in relations with half. Enter such a dwelling means an adventure, which is not to be involved, even if the initiative comes from a permanent partner.

        To see how the old house turns into a new and well-maintained housing, - ahead of the successful permission of a long opposing issue. Life will definitely improve for the better.

        A huge abandoned structure, who was once rich in the estate, rehabilizes the treason of his beloved or betrayal of the closest people. This is especially true of the vision, in which the dreams feels his loneliness.

        To restore order in an abandoned dwelling, restore structures, bring new furniture - to victory over the worst enemies. In real life, the dreams will gain long-awaited peace of mind and confidence in his abilities.

        Family book interpretation

        The general esoteric meaning of dreams about houses is enclosed in the device of life, establishing cases, change in the family. It is believed that in what condition the house is located, this and the future is waiting for a dream ahead. Very beautiful or gold-covered house foreshadows trouble and misfortune. According to the interpretations of the family dream interpretation, abandoned or old house, on the contrary, promises success and good luck in affairs.

        Buy or look after housing, especially in an unsightly condition - most likely, there are pleasant surprises associated with plans for the future. Restore the abandoned house, it means to overcome multiple obstacles in matters. In achieving a stable position in society will have to be not easy. Repairs in this case is a symbol of perseverance and perseverance, with which the dream will have to meet the tests.

        Changes with health at a not better direction can be a dream with an abandoned parent structure. Abandoned building causes twofold feelings. In a series of complex relationships in the family, you should expect in vain experiences and loud scandals.

        To see the building intended for destruction - the rampant deeds will provoke trouble and threatening well-being. Living in an abandoned house with the whole family - ahead of good news. Financial opportunities will improve, and the career will go uphill. Old and empty building in the dark forest - to the discrepancies between spouses, parting or divorce. Ahead of grief, unfulfilled hopes and material losses.

        Dreams in the ancient dream book

        Abandoned and encircling house foreshadows problems and failures in life. An unfamiliar building in a dream should serve as a signal to analyze and let go of the past that does not give a dream to go on life further. Ancient dream book writes that the dilapidated walls of the house will take off to the losses and difficulties of the material plan. For a man of lowest, bare walls in the old house foreshadow troubles in the family. If such a dream sees rich - the loss of welfare and poverty is possible.

        Death foreshadows sleep with a unclean garden in an old house. The dreams are harvested by the dilapidated structure and sweeps there floors - there is a risk of death of a close relative. The precursor of death will serve and collapsed ceiling.

        Be the owner of an abandoned and old house, take guests in it, which praise comfort and arrangement - to betrayal from friends. Such visions can foreshadow quarrels and families in the family. Soon there are difficult times in relationships with colleagues at work.

        The unkind sign, the harbinger of negative events is to live in an old castle, where many empty rooms and high ceilings. See many people in a small wooden dwelling - to a deadly disease or a funeral of the closest relative. Move from a rich mansion to the collapsed building - existence will complicate old unresolved affairs. The old half-burning Terem is interpreted in ancient dream book as a harbinger of a series of trouble with loved ones.

Everyone, seen by man, opens the most hidden corners of his soul. The dreams sometimes predict the future, feeding the signs of fate, or on the contrary, make you think about the past. Many, seeing the old building in a dream, are asked about what the old house is dreaming? The answer to this question cannot be unequivocal. From what exactly the house can be introduced in a dream, the essence of its purpose depends.

What dream of an old house?

The house is very significant in dreams. It seems to us the most comfortable location, some refuge from the chaos of the surrounding world. A person can subconsciously reproduce such familiar baby memories, returning to the father's house, or experience the fear of someone else's housing. Emotions experienced in a dream are important to accurately determine sleep value.

If a person is glad and love examines the familiar walls and the situation, then sleep can mean spiritual well-being, but if the feeling of fear and helplessness literally paralyzes the sleeping, this may indicate his insecurity and fear. Also, an important role is played by the details of the situation. Old is a housing or a landscaped room? Sleep action takes place in the house or around the house? Is this your home or someone else? All items are very important to define sleep value. In psychology, this dream may mean that problems tormented by man remained far in the past, and which time it was, it is possible to interpret thanks to important details.

His old house

What dreams of living in the old house? You can answer this question in different ways. If the dreams, seeing his native expanses, returned to childhood and enjoying this time - he is awaited good events. For someone who wishes to create a family, this dream can be a prediction of a meeting of a beloved person and a wedding. But if sleeping in a vision lives in an old house with an incessant feeling of anxiety and anxiety, if the entire atmosphere around him is shrouded in a sense of abandonment and injustice, then such a dream demonstrates resentment on relatives and parents.

A man who saw such a dream, while having experienced negative emotions, most likely, is in a protracted depression, and the dream is a signal to start changing his life for the better. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the house. If sleeping sees himself in a lonely collapsed room, it shows that this life does not suit him at all.

Old residential building

What dreams of the old residential building can be described using people living in it. The first thing to pay attention to is a relationship with the surrounding people. Do the owners take guests with care and joy? How does communication flow? Usually, if a person sees a residential building in a dream, it means that it compares it with close people. If communication goes down on "no", and the owners will in every way ignore the presence of a dream, then the dream will tear away.

It happens that in a dream, a person falls into one building with tenants, but not by people, but animals. It should also pay attention to the general atmosphere that reign in the house, and on the emotions that the dreams are experiencing. If the feeling of fear and anxiety does not leave, then in a short time, a person who saw this dream will cover a strip of failure from the past. If the animals living in the old house are attacking the dream, and he managed to win them, sleep promises getting rid of old problems. What dreams the old home of someone else's or dwelling of friends? Such a dream can be a rapidness of subconscious problems and complexes to free the soul of a person from old anyone who does not need problems.

Wooden house

What the old wooden house is dreaming is able to bear controversial meaning. The interpretation of this sleep can begin with good-natured children's memories, to terrible and even nightmarish images from childhood. To gain complete confidence that there is a similar dream, it is worth paying attention to the details of the structure, its internal and external state, as well as to the territory around. Of particular importance is attached to the emotional background of sleeping.

If a person in joyful and raised mood walks through the dwelling and its surroundings, it promises him a profitable purchase of new housing or a decide of the apartment issue. If the dream is all annoying, disturbing and scares, it is better to postpone the intended transaction to avoid problems in the future. A man in a dream buys a house? It promises him wealth and well-being.

Strong house

The one who managed to see a sturdy house, with well-kept walls and a beautiful roof, can not worry about anything. This means that a person is determined and fate favors him. What dreams old house with strong walls? Such a vision is promoting well-being and good luck that awaits sleeping in the future.

In the soul of man reigns order and well-being. No problems can make sure it. This dream is interpreted as bright and harmonious, regardless of who is present in the room, happiness and peace reigns in it.

If the house is abandoned

What dreams old house with non-heavy walls and mud inside? This vision does not promise anything good. This means that in the life of a dream, who sees a similar dream, something goes wrong. If the dwelling is not as abandoned or destroyed, then the dream has every chance to correct and establish their affairs. Special attention should be paid to health, usually at the subconscious level the body gives the picture of your own state, giving a person the opportunity to see all the sadness of what is happening.

Such a dream can demonstrate a mental state, similar to a destroyed born house. Perhaps a person who seems to be part of this housing is suffering from a protracted depression or apatine. If the dreams see how the structure collapses in his eyes, but at the same time he does not suffer from this, then all changes should happen by itself and in the near future. Life will change for the better.

Grandma's House

In a dream, man is happily torn to the house of his beloved grandmother? This may mean that he is unhappy with his life and the whole soul stretches to the home comfort and his native hearth. If the dreams strive for the dwelling, and sees the destroyed or burnt building, it means that he lacks protection and confidence in the future. The answer to the question of what the old grandmother's house is dreaming, may depend on whether this room is empty or not.

If the house is empty and lonely, it promises the destruction of the planned plans, but when you are met with love and caress, this means that everything is scheduled to be implemented. If the dreams see how the housing, to which he fits, begins to collapse, it does not promise anything good. Such a dream can mean problems with the health of the very dream and his relatives. Possible losses and failures in all endeavors.

Interpretation by dreambooks

Open the unknown secrets will always help the dream book. What dream of an old house? Each individual dream book has its own vision of what is happening and its interpretation of such sleep. Some dreams contradict each other, so before finding the right answers to your questions, you need to carefully examine them.

  • Freud's dream book - this interpreter believes that seeing the old house in a dream means an approaching disease. If a person begins to live in such a room, it means impending problems with a partner.
  • Dream Jose - believes that seeing an old destroyed house is to profit and success in affairs. And if the dreams sees how the building in which it is located, it collapses is the obertation of the disease.
  • Miller's dream book - interprets the old house as a messenger of good news. It all depends on the general emotional background of a person of a seeming such dream. If the dreams are saddled from being indoors, then it is worth waiting for troubles. And if you are glad and happy, it promises well-being and success.
  • Esoteric dream book - warns that if a person saw an old house in a dream, he needs to return and finish everything. If the dwelling is falling apart, then it is necessary to urgently clean the space from excess trash. If the dreams saw the housing that was falling apart, it is necessary to immediately pay attention to his environment.

Thus, it must be remembered that the main thing in sleep is the details, such as colors, sensations, the state of surrounding items. And the dreams should be interpreted, focusing on them.

Dreams about the house should not be ignored. They indicate future changes and emotional state of a person. Cth house? What does such a dream mean? See your old house - to repeat the mistakes of the past. If the housing is someone else's changes come in the life of sleeping. Joyful or unhappy will be these changes - depends directly from the appearance of the house.

What dreams of a house?

Dreams about the house, according to various sources, personify the inner state of a person - his joy and sadness, problems and relationships. Therefore, the dreams about cozy, pure housing characterize the human harmonious, balanced. And on the contrary, the dirty, launched Hibara indicates that sadness and sadness settled in the soul of the dream.

If there is a beautiful new home, then the dream he will promise poor changes in life. A rich interior decoration means that the sleeping will find hidden spiritual resources. He will be able and will soon satisfy his life in the best possible way: he will succeed or recover health, will meet love or acquire financial well-being.

Moving to a new beautiful house - Promotion over the career ladder. This is a big responsibility, but also a successful change in life.

How does the old house dream of? A dilapidated structure with knocked windows or rotten boards symbolizes the upcoming adverse events. Destroyed old housing indicates chaos in thoughts and heart. It can be unrealized ambitions, lost health, unhappy love. Sleep warns that it is time to go to themselves, deal with life, to fix working works, make up or forgive offenders.

Wooden housing

What dreams old wooden house? What is the interpretation of this dream? The structure of wood testifies to energies. All things will argue, creative breakthrough or zeal will be rewarded.

Wooden house, for some dreams, foreshadows an ambulance wedding. But an old hut with black smoke from the pipe will bring temporary difficulties, troubles in the family.

If there is breakdowns in the old wooden structure and need to be eliminated, then such a dream indicates that problems with close people have problems. So that there are no difficulties in the future, it is necessary to establish relationships.

If a unworthy house dreamed, the dream should be done by deferred affairs. Otherwise, the coming changes may complicate the situation.

Stone housing

What dreams the old house, more resembling the castle? If a stone destroyed structure is seen with gloomy towers, it means that a person should be done with its internal growth. Stone iconic castles - a symbol of secret knowledge, hidden information. Such a dream means that the sleeping should be sought in their internal conflicts, to reconcile with you.

Old stone house in a dream can bring unexpected changes that will contribute to success in affairs. This is a symbol of reliability and stability. The stone house personifies inner peace and confidence in their abilities.

If in a dream, the old stone structure collapses, this is a warning that the crisis comes in real life. Or divorce will have a dream. In order for the dream to be "in hand," you should urgently reconsider your relationship, to fix the shackles.

Dream of native house

Dreams, in which there are references to relatives, warn about diseases, misfortunes. Old parent housing foreshadows problems with relatives or trouble, with them related.

Grandmothers? Such a vision indicates a shortage in the life of a dream of warmth and care. Grandma - Symbol of kindness. If the grandmother's house seems in a dream, then the lack of family heat and comfort will bring sleeping sorrow.

But how to dream the old house of the dead grandmother? The deceased relatives warn the sleeping that anything will happen in life. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the design of the dream. If the grandmother's dead grandmother's housing, warm, cozy, then it is a good sign. He promises good news, joyful events. If the dwelling of the dead grandmother looks untidy, abandoned, frightening, then such a dream leads to unpleasant changes in life.

A dream in which a person comes into an empty grandmother's house (or his former house), speaks about the inner emptiness. Unrealized desires, failed career, collapse in his personal life - emptiness is treated as aimlessly real life.

Dream of someone else's house

Dreamings about someone else's dwelling are considered dreams as the foresight of global changes. It may be a change of work or family condition, moving to another city or country. In such dreams, attention should also be paid to the general structure of the structure.

House? Alien, but the big house foreshadows changes in the career, work. And a small building is a symbol of the family.

Even if the old house is old, but it is clean, warm, comfortable, then the coming changes will bring only joy and happiness.

If the old and alien dwelling looks untidy, in it garbage and ruin, then there are difficulties and tests in front.


The residential structure, inhabited by people, indicates a dream relationship with its surroundings. If in a dream, the house does not cause anxiety if the sleeping is good and joyful, it means that harmony will be in fate and relationships, happiness. If in the house of quarrels and swearing between tenants, then the same events are coming in the life of a dream.

Empty house

What dreams the old house, empty and warns about a possible disease. And the lack of windows in such a house is a symbol of the coffin. So, soon the news about someone's death will upset the dream.

Closed on the castle door (or just locked house) - a bad sign. He also foreshadows death, illness, painful events.

Actions in a snow

Not only emotional sleep color leads to the right interpretation of the vision. But the actions that sleep saw will help the right interpretation.

Fire is a harbinger of future failures. How to dream old wooden house? A stranger or native house embraced by a flame symbolizes the end of the old life. A good sign, if the dreams are trying to cause firefighters, means his unsuccessful strip will last long. There will be assistants who will try to change the situation for the better.

Repair of old housing says that a person needs to "repair" his life - fix mistakes, restore good relations after the conflict.

The arrangement of the old structure means that wealth and success are waiting ahead. New furniture, carpets - joyful events in life will not make themselves waiting for a long time. Revenge floor or get to the arrival of guests. And the washing of floors is a bad sign. This is a symbol of death, severe illness.

Purchase of housing is directly related to the financial side and career affairs. The appearance of the building will indicate positive or negative changes. Old, but big and bright home - career and finance will be in order. Uncomfortable housing with broken walls or holes - illness, difficulties, obstacles will soon appear in the life of sleeping.

If you have dreamed of old people in a dream, then this means that you are tired of the vitality and want peace. To see in a dream herself old and weak means great difficulties in the near future. If the girl sees in a dream that the old man watches her, then it means that it will marry a secured person. To see the old woman - to gossip and tightness. Old things to see in a dream - to the need and poverty. However, throw out old things, on the contrary, means profit and success. To see an old castle in a dream - to change in life. The old, destroyed cemetery in a dream signals that the trouble is waiting for you, humiliation and collapse of all your plans. To see or carry old clothes - a symbol of needs and deprivation. However, to shoot with herself old, worn clothes means that you will achieve good luck and favorable changes in life.

What dream of an old house?

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that immediately put all the points on "E". After all, an old house in a dream can take any appearance: from a dilapidated hut to a stray apartment in a multi-storey skyscraper. And the context in which the old house dreams can be absolutely different. Therefore, you should consider at least a dozen situations and give as many interpretations. Agree?

And since you still did not leave our site, then let's get together, why dream old house ...

Sometimes the old house dreams of disease

The alerts are expected in two cases: if in a dream the old house is falling apart right on your eyes, and if the house is still worth it, but very soon some ruins will remain. In both cases, it is necessary to immediately go to the sensible doctor, which will be able to appoint a complete survey of vital systems of the body. After all, as it says: "God is escaped."

By the way, Diseases -...

Dream Interpretation Old House - Meaning and Interpretation of Sleep

The dreams predict the future, open the mystery of the souls, and sometimes even return us to the past. What dreams of the place where we conducted our childhood and youth, such a cozy and such an old house where the best years of our life passed. And if in a dream you got into such distant memories, then this is exactly something indicates, and our dream book will give a complete interpretation of such a dream.

First you need to recall the plot in a dream in the smallest details, how did the housing looked like, what happened to him, and in general, is it. Dream Interpretation is most often repelled from the old one's home, or you saw your dream.

What dreams someone else's old house

According to the Male Velesovka dream book, see the old house in a dream - the consequence of the fact that in real life you will make a very bad act, which will cause the indignation of contempt of others. Carefully consider your plans for the future, do not contradict ...

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Dream Interpretation Old House

Dream Interpretation Alphabetically: A B C D E F G H I C L M N O P R C T U V W X Y I

What dreams old house
Dream Interpretation Old Domasply Dream, talks about your change in life

Dream Interpretation Old houses - a very old house in a dream attracts old connections, especially if there are many old things inside the house.

Dream Interpretation Old Wooden House- Old House, which is about to fall apart, then a person should immediately consult a doctor

Dream Interpretation Old House Buy Such a dream warns you that it is time to bring all the things started to finish.

Dream Interpretation Old House Grandmother -Sourity You miss this time

Dream Interpretation Old House See-in the near future He will lend old connections

Dream Interpretation Old Childhood House - it says ...

Sonniest Medea

The house - personifies the dream itself, his inner "I". Also reflects the problems of the body, thoughts, feelings, spirit.

Interior rooms at home - relate to the needs and condition of a person.

Dream of Freud.

House residential - most often symbolizes man.

However, a wooden house - can symbolize the coffin.

The house with smooth walls - symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and erkers - a woman.

Repair the house - join sex contacts.

If you repair the house with pleasure - in your personal life full order.

If, by repairing the house, you experience unpleasant feelings - do not like your sexual partner, maybe even hate, but hide your feelings.

If a man is closed or descended on a smooth wall of the house - it is inclined to homosexual ...

Probably, many have experienced such a feeling: the next dream dreaming does not give rest. Some kind of sleep detail does not leave thoughts, you think all day: what is it that foreshadow? In this article we will find out what the house is dreaming.

What does the dual

Often the house in a dream symbolizes our spiritual and physical I. In other words, it will be important in a dream, what kind of house you dreamed about what actions are connected with it, etc. Consider the most common dreams of the house.

You see the house under construction in a dream or build it yourself - it is possible to win, improving the financial situation. Buying a house - wealth or bringing a good idea in fulfillment. Destroyed houses marvel poverty. Painting at home foreshadows joy. Repair the house - Beware of money loss. Make a repair in the house - perhaps you have the need to change something in yourself or correct your mistakes. In a dream, the house falls - to the loss or failure, perhaps a quarrel in the house. Dreamed ...

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dreams of a house in a dream:

House - in a dream with a home can occur different things. You can build it or buy it, it can destroy it, destroy the element or war, the invaders can be flooded, etc. As a rule, the house dreams of serious change, instability or significant growth. Hearing something or busy with someone's home testifies to your unstable relations with the outside world. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in such a state constantly, then see your home inhabited by any people or animals is a restless signal. The destroyed house is dreaming when moving, financial turmoil, to death or to divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart on the part, losing its primary destination: to provide man. Seeing such a dream, think about: what circumstances will oppress and press you and how this is reflected on your real life. Home construction -...

Dreamed the house: what?

See your home

Seen in a dream home is an personification personally and changes in your life. The plot of sleep can develop in different ways, you can build a house or destroy it, move it into a new housing or visit your old house, buy a house or be homeless. Such dreams characterize the closest environment to you, namely the environment, changes in your own life, provoked by you or other people.

Miller's dream book says that dreams in which you for any reason change the house - are considered to be a quick trip or a business trip, and the girl such a dream can indicate a possible slander to its address. Loffa sees in such dreams to parents, it is possible to pay attention to the presence of possible pregnancy or translate relationships with a loved one in a new, more stable direction. Flowers are firmly sure that dreams in which you ...

What dreams of a house. Dream Dom

Dream Dream House point to various aspects of a dream "I". The upper part of the house and the upper floors symbolizes the consciousness and the highest "I", and the bottom are associated with the subconscious. Separate details of the structure reflect the nature of the hopes, plans and capabilities of sleep, and the inner chambers of the house - its inner world at this stage of time.

The dream is popular in which you find yourself in an unfamiliar house with a strange setting. Cleanliness, comfort and order in the house is a symbol of internal dream harmony, and on the contrary, a dirty, launched room indicates mental decline, sadness, sadness and melancholy.

The mess in the house, accompanied by devastation (knocked out windows, broken furniture, holes in the floor, etc.), - an unfavorable sign. Obviously, a dream reigns such a mess in the life of a dream, chaos can be both in thoughts and in his soul.
Broken stairs in a high-rise building - symbol ...

If a person sees himself in a dream in a good mood and, at the same time, located in an empty and old house where there are only walls, then the dream family will help him solve the problems that have arisen, troubles and some complex situations. If a person sees the old house where repairs are carried out, then it may ...

Dream ... What could be more mysterious, mysterious and interesting?

Sometimes they scare to frost on the skin, and sometimes give fantastic emotions. But the most valuable dreaming in the world is, it is probably the fact that in addition to the bright experiences that they sometimes give, they can open valuable secrets, give an important advice and even take trouble.

And those who open the dream book in time, know that fate can be controlled using intuition, trusting the call of the heart and deciphering messages from dreams.

Among the huge, countless amount of bright, interesting characters, a special place is occupied by the house. This is not just a vision in a dream. And if you properly interpret what the house is dreaming, you can make a lot of discoveries.

As a symbol, the house is always associated with our "I", with our life as a whole. The body is considered a house for the soul - from this point of view you can also consider the sign.

To be more attentive, you can consider the parallel between sleep and the reality - as a rule, the very thing that happens in dreams with the house, in life, in reality occurs with our life. The house collapses - the hopes are ruined for the better life, and a strong, brick house is associated with reliable protection and life "behind the stone wall".

But not everything, of course, is so simple and straight - and decipher what the house is dreaming, it is not easy. Because the plots of such dreams can be a huge set - and every such dream means something, unique and always important. For example, you could see the following:

  • The house from the side is a large or small, wooden or brick.
  • You dreamed of the house in which you yourself have lived many years ago.
  • Went a house of a deceased grandmother or parental focus.
  • Unfinished house.
  • Destroyed or abandoned house.
  • See how it collapses or falls.
  • Sit down.
  • Fire, burning building.
  • There is a dream of buying housing and moving.
  • You sell a house.
  • You are shot rooms, a lot of rooms.
  • You got lost in the house.
  • Bird in some home.
  • Build or make repair at home.
  • Clean the mess in the dwelling.

This is not even a complete list, but such scenarios of dreams are most common. So I will open and ask the wise dream book - a house dreamed in Gresses, what does he mean?

See the house away

According to every dream, the house, no matter how in a dream, it always has a close connection with our lives. Suppose you dream of a house, but you see it only from the side without going inside, and in no way participating in his life. What does sleep mean - you will learn, remembering all the details of these dreams.

1. The house symbolizes almost always your "I" or private life, so it is important which one you dreamed of.

  • If the kitchen is a symbol of internal support, the birth of ideas, thoughts.
  • The hall, the hallway means the transition period, which in your life came or delayed.
  • Bathroom, shower - cleaning from extra, getting rid.
  • Bedroom - Private life.
  • A living room is life in society.

Depending on the fact that in each of these rooms occurs, you can understand what is happening in reality in your life.

2. Wooden house is always associated with something cozy, fabulous, beautiful. So there is a large or small wooden house, provided that it is neat and attractive, symbolizes your well-being, good life, good and harmony. You can say confidently that now in your life a wonderful period - take care of him as you can.

3. Large, strong stone house means full reliability and security from all sorts of everyday storms. You are protected - and now is the time to boldly build a new life, risk for happiness, make decisive steps. Away fears!

4. Very large brick, for example, a multi-storey, the house foreshadows big surprises. If it has a lot of apartments, rooms, windows, floors - you are waiting for a lot of new events, change, perhaps a strong cool lifestyle. Do not be afraid of change and new - you are too stuck in the usual life, it's time to change something.

5. How reliable dream book will say, his own, familiar house, is always to have an exceptional success in all matters and new projects. Boldly begin new things, luck and stability awaits you. Now you can risk, to go a bank, to make high rates - the period is very favorable.

6. Often there is a dream of a deceased grandmother, old relatives, a parent house or the place in which you had already lived before, lived before your family. Such dreams will dream with many - and they say only that you are restless, you lack reliability.

You are afraid of adulthood and thank you for carefree childhood. The cozy wooden grandmother's house, full of security - all this is behind, far, and now you yourself must create a new hearth. Understanding what the old house is dreaming, you should let go of fears and childhood - start living.

7. An unfinished house, abandoned construction - a clear symbol of the fact that in his own life does not give you a certain abothermary project. This can be an incomplete plan destroyed by halfway relationships - a unworthy house can symbolize a lot.

In any case, if you dreamed of such a unfinished house or building, find in life what needs to finish, and do it - otherwise it will not give you to live. And in the future, try to bring all the intentions to bring to the logical end.

8. Curious, what dreams of a destroyed house, ruins, wreckage of the building. All these sad things, destroy and collapse will dream of poverty - perhaps your stability collapses, be careful.

Do not build big hopes on other people and especially the more happy circumstances - it is from this that you risk getting an unexpected collapse of plans and disappointment. We hope only for yourself, and take into your hands how your well-being depends on.

9. Abandoned house, deserted, cracked, gloomy, with empty windows and a wrestling draft - a symbol, as it is not difficult to guess, bad. But knowing why the old house, abandoned and empty dream, can be avoided by many troubles - namely, loneliness and longing.

After all, the abandoned house promises the period of alienation. You will be in Handre and close from others - but it is not worth it, because loneliness and the gate will only go to harm. Do not close the people who love you.

10. Parental house in a dream, a family nest and a childhood cradle, suggests that you are too affected by your relatives, in particular, moms or dads. If you have brewed a parent hearth - think about it is time to live more easily.

You are an adult, and parents should not now exercise excessive participation in making decisions. Do not remove from them, but do not allow too much to lead your life. She is yours, and you can either be happy in it or not.

11. Fire is a dangerous symbol, and knowing what the burned house is dreaming, you can try to avoid danger. Be careful in everything, especially in the working sphere - and less active in the near future. Do not risk.

In addition, it is curious, what dreams of a fire of the house, which extinguish firefighters - can mean the participation of other people in your problems. But what dreams of a burning house that you extinguish you, to understand Nomouder - you will deal with all the forces to deal with problems.

12. See the construction or repair of the building from the outside - well, it promises success, a new period, perhaps even the long-awaited move to the best new place.

In my house ...

You wandered in a dream in the house, or bought a new housing? Sell \u200b\u200bhouse, or did overhaul? Remember all the details of the dream, it will tell you at what stage you are, and where it is worth collapse.

1. If you have a lot of dark rooms for which you wander, it symbolizes self-digging, searching for answers.

2. Curious what dreams of a new home or apartment that you have happened in a dream to buy, take a gift and so on. Moving to the new house is promoting wealth and success, and the purchase of a house is greater good luck and happiness. You may have to buy your dream house in reality and exercise a happy long-awaited move!

3. As the dreams say, the house is to build in a dream - to the construction of a new stage, a new case, to winning and profit. Everything will be in life.

4. If you do a repair in a dream, it says that some external circumstances are bothering to you. As the dream book, a new home or old, which you repair or paint, repair, is a hindered symbol with which you can handle, showing patience and hard work.

5. Guests in a dream - symbol ambiguous. If they came to you to celebrate moving, housewarming - wait for good news. If your guests in a dream were unpleasant, you are waiting for small troubles.

6. Interestingly, what dreams someone else's house in which you got lost. It can fill the protracted disease, so we care yourself.

7. Hide in some kind of home - means you do not let go of death. And these obsessive ideas destroy your integrity. Switch to something positive.

8. Selling in dream real estate - warning. You can overcome failures because of your inattention, negligence or negligent attitude to the case.

9. Breaking and twist the house in a dream - promises the change of habitat, moving, and the complete change of the circumstances of life. For the better or opposite - it depends on you.

10. To clean the mess in the house means to have to cleanse space in life, get rid of unnecessary trash, preventing connections, old remnants. Brewelling order and in your daily daily, and in mind, and in the house - the update will only benefit you.

The house is a surprisingly ambiguous and multifaceted symbol. Add a slightly fine intuition, fantasy and logic to the resulting sleep interpretation, and the clear, volumetric picture of how it is worth living, and what awaits you.

You will be able to build happiness in the house, in life, in affairs and relations with people - just keep around cleanliness, and do not spare forces to build a harmonious life for yourself and loved ones. Posted by: Vasilina Serov