Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

 Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people
Traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people

Many creative people They chased this wonderful time. After all, where you can still see such a variety of paints, as not in the fall? The first month of September is called affectionate, because the weather has almost changed, reminds summer. October always grieves us with rains, many envelops sadness and longing. Do not be upset, because the weather is preparing for a long stay. November finally exposes the last trees. At this time, the weather becomes cold and raw, together with the rain can fly the first snow. But in this ugly weather we want to cheer you up with a calendar of all sorts of autumn holidays.

Autumn opens light holidaylike knowledge day - September 1, Moscow Day and the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Day.

9th of September - International Beauty Day. Since 1995, in all countries and cities, people admire all beautiful and beautiful. It is on this day that beauty contests are organized.

September 13 - Programmer day. This holiday is celebrated on 256 days of the year. This number was not chosen by chance. After all, with the help of an eight-bit byte, you can express 256 different values.

16 of September - World Ozone Layer Protection Day. Ozone ball protects our land from a detrimental effect ultraviolet radiation. Many scientists work in this direction.

October opens up your gate for us to holidays: International Day Music, World Vegetarian Day, Day of Ground Forces Russian Federation and the day of the elderly.

October 7th - International Doctor's Day. Despite the fact that the doctor is one of the most ancient professions. More than 500 medical sector workers work in different hot spot points. For the first time, all the hippocrates himself felt all the importance of this vocation. This is a very responsible and important profession.

October 13. - Employee Day agriculture. Since 1999, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, not only workers of agriculture and processing products congratulate this day, but also those who work and thanks to them on our tables there are all foods.

Halloween celebrate October 31. This is the most "young" holiday, arose recently. They celebrate it on October 31, on the eve of the day of all saints. Until recently, this holiday was celebrated only in english-speaking countries. But now the Halloween attribute has broken the rapid pace in other countries.

November holidays begin with Nov. 1 - Day of all saints. This day was always considered mystical. Thought that on this day, magic essences come in human worldAnd people can be in another world. It is believed that on this day, the souls of the deceased return to their homes and require treats.

2 October - International Men Day. On this day, celebrations are trying to attract public attention to gender discrimination and inequality of men and women, and also talk about positive influence Men on raising children.

November 7. - Day of consent and reconciliation. After the USSR broke up, the public was divided into opponents and adepts of this event. In order to avoid all kinds of troubles and conflicts between people in 1996, Russia decided to rename the anniversary of the Great October Revolution on the day of consent and reconciliation. Until 2005, this day was a weekend, but later weekend made on November 4 - the day of national unity.

Since 2005, November 7 ceased to be a weekend - instead of it weekends "appointed" on November 4, the Day of People's Unity.

On this day, for the first time on the counters of our stores, a computer appeared.

November 17th - International Student Day. On October 28, 1939, the students of Prague Universities came to the celebration of the birth of a Czechoslovak state in Czechoslovakia. Their demonstration was dispersed, but the student Yang was killed. At his funeral, students again tried to arrange a protest, but a lot was arrested and imprisoned in camps, some executed. Two years later, in London a meeting of all students who fought Nazism was held. It was decided to celebrate this painful date as a student's day, in honor of all the dead students.

20 November - World Baby Day. The history of the approval of this holiday begins since 1954. He is dedicated to the world fraternity and mutual understanding of children.

We hope that our small calendar will come in handy to you and, opening it someday, you will learn something new for yourself. Let it be in this not very pleasant and inspiring, this calendar will be the ray of light in a rainy day. Look, perhaps, tomorrow you are waiting for a professional holiday.

What is autumn? For someone - beautiful fallen leaves of all shades of orange, yellow and red. Someone remembers the cooling and variable wind with cool autumn rain, and someone will surely think about road heart Autumn holiday. Autumn - the fourth season, about which we want to tell you.


First septemberfor all teachers, schoolchildren, students and their parents are World Knowledge Day. Canada and the United States celebrate September 1 and day of labor.

September 2 muslim world Celebrates the beginning of Ramadan's post, September 8 is an international literacy day, September 9 - International Beauty Day. September 15, the Japanese celebrate the day of revered by the elderly, 21 is the international day of the world and an Orthodox xmas Blessed Virgin Mary.

September 26 - European Day of Languages, and the next day there are World Languages \u200b\u200bDay. September 28 - International Day of Deaf, 29 - World Sea Day. On September 30, the Internet Day is celebrated, and the day of the translator is also celebrated.


Start october- International Day of the Elderly and Japanese Day Sake. On October 4, the World Week of Cosmos begins, on the same day World Animal Day is celebrated. October 5 is World Teacher's Day, doctor and architect. On the 9th month there are World Postal Day, October 10 - the anniversary of the beginning of the Cuban War for Independence. 12 - National Day of Wine in Moldova, October 16 - World Food Day and Boss Day.

On October 17, you can celebrate the International Day of Fight for the Elimination of Poverty, and 22 - the holiday of white caravals, established folk poet Dagestan Rasul Gamzatov as a feast of poetry and as a memory of the fallen battles in all wars. October 28 is the day of animation, and 31 - Halloween, the eve of the day of all saints.


1 novemberthis year - World Men Day, who the world community began to celebrate light hands Mikhail Gorbachev. The initiative of the former president of the USSR was supported by the Vienna Magistrate, the UN Department in Vienna and a number of other international organizations. Now the world "twenty-third of February" is celebrated in the first Saturday of November.

November 7 continues to be celebrated in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan as the day of the October Revolution, the nationwide feast of wine is celebrated in Armenia. November 8 is the International Day of KVN. On November 10, the day of the youth is celebrated around the world, November 13 - this is the international day of the blind, on the same day the World Quality Day falls. November 17 - International Student Day, 18 - Birthday of Santa Claus in Russia, and on November 20, the whole world celebrates the day of the child and the International Day of Philosophy.

November 21 is World Greetings Day and Television Day, 26 - World Information Day, and on November 30th is the Mother's Day in Russia and International Information Day.

These are the holidays of the fourth season - autumn. Passes warm timeThe rains are replaced by the first snow, the water turns into the ice, we dress warmer. What is better diversified by our life at this time, how not winter holidays?

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Ostaptsova Tatiana Nikolaevna

lecturer of folklore disciplines

Mau to the city of Kaliningrad "DMSH them. R.M. Gliera »

The concept of "tradition" comes from the Latin Traditio, meaning to "transmit". Initially, TRADITIO was used in the direct meaning, denoting material effect: so, in the Roman Empire, it was used in the presentation of any object and even, when issuing his daughter married. In our times, the word "tradition", also has a connection with the past, with the fact that they lost novelty, but, invariably, in spite of all historical cataclysms, symbolizes the stability of their perception and compliance. Holidays in Russia were a great set. The holidays are preserved, which we continue to observe, getting used to them, not even thinking about their origin. But there are holidays that apply and in our modern life. Ancient is reborn slavic traditions With their unique ethnic baggage.

Autumn traditional holidays

With the arrival of autumn in Russia in the village approached the end harvesting time, there was more free time, more opportunities to rest and have fun. Even the wedding season falls on autumn - on Pokrov (October 14). But not only at the wedding, the people had fun and managed rites.

The first of September in Russia was called Babi summer . In some places, Indian summer began with the eighth of September. In Saratov and Penza provinces, this day was called an apiary. There at this time cleaned the hives. In Yaroslavl and Vologda provinces - onion. In the Ryazan province - aspos day.

In the villages from this day, autumn dance began. In some places, they carried out the most interesting rite with a dance under the name of cooking beer. Young women came out with a brow to the gate and treated passersby. After that, the girls became in the dance - brew beer. Making a circle, girls went, depicting drunk:

Ay on the mountain we beer cooked
Lado my, Lado, beer cooked!
We from this beer all around will be gathered,
Lado my, Lado, everyone is going around!
We will all disappear from this,
Lado my, Lado, everyone will disappear!
We are all tied with this beer,
Lado my, Lado, everyone will come!
We have been lying from this beer,
Lado My, Lado, sleep with a lay!
We from this beer again stand up
Lado my, Lado, again stand up!
From this beer, we will hit everything in your hands,
Lado my, Lado, hit your hands!
We from this beer all go through,
Lado My, Lado, all go!
Now with this beer will be alriving
Lado mine, Lado, all will alright!

At the end of the conceived, women brought the pitchers of the braga and treated the girls.
In Tula and Serpukhov, there was a next rite - the funeral of flies and cockroaches.

In Russia B.Semenions Day (September 1 ) There were testers and planting to the horse. This ancient rite committed in some families with each son, in others - only the firstborn.

Autumn ritual September 30.
In the evening of this day, young women in the villages burned their straw beds. All this rite committed from "unkind eyes." And the old women burned alone lapties. Children were bathing on the threshold from the sieve. All this was done to avoid future diseases.

The most significant Orthodox folk holidays autumn Cycle

Christmas of the Virgin (September 8/29)

The national name of the two-place holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin and Nabdowel Mary in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. IN folk tradition The Mother of God saved from sorry and misfortunes, facilitated pain, patronized to the women in labor, was the intercession of children and girls for granting.

The national name of the name of the memory of the reverend Simeon of the Still, the founder of the mobility, called the pillarity (IV-V century). In Russia, he was called the "withdrawal" and for 400 years this day celebrated the beginning of the new summer (year), as in Russia until 1700 new Year Started from September 1. The peasants in the seeds of the day committed the rite of Osenin - the first meeting of the autumn and the offensive of the Babiy summer.

The national name of the great two-place holiday of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, established in honor of the foundation of Holy Equal-Apostles Elena Honest cross Christ. On this day, crosses were raised on the temples under construction and put the cross-road crosses.

The national name of the church holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in memory of the phenomenon of the Virgin in the temple in Constantinople in the middle of the X century. In folk tradition, a holiday is associated with completion. field work and the beginning of winter, with the first snow cover of the Earth. It was considered a devotional holiday and patron of weddings. From this day, youth walking was transferred from the street to the hut, the cattle was put on the courtyard, the hunters went to winter crafts.

Parashev (20 March / April 2 (Roman Great Martyr Paraskeva, affected by neuron), July 26 / August 8 (Paraskeva's pretexticuer, born near Rome in 138), April 14, 19 (Rev. Paraskeva Serbian, famous in the middle of the XI century),October 28 / November 10 (Martyr Paraskeva Friday).

People's name of the days of memory of saints paraskeva, which in orthodox tradition There are four. W. eastern Slavs Particularly revered Paraskeva Friday, the patron sitney of the same day of the week. Girls and women considered her with their intercession: she helped at childbirth, patronized marriage, house, female classes, primarily spinning. Paraskeva healed from spiritual and bodily ailments, patronized land, livestock and water was the intercession of trade.

Holiday "Kuzminki" folk calendar - First winter holiday, winter meeting. They called him in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian, especially respected among the people who were in-sought by Kuzma and Demyan. The people took them as the patrons of the crafts, first of all the Kuznetsov yes for the drugs, and called "non-care", as they did not take money in his hands.

There was also a nickname "Kashniki", because from food only porridge used. During the lifetime, the saints were "good" doctors, they treated people and cattle "to the glory of God."

On this day, they celebrated Kuri Name Day. This old custom was famous in Moscow. There, in Tolmachev's alley, for Moscow-river, women gathered around the church of the goat and Damian and Damian and after dinner served prayers. In the villages, women came with chickens on the Boyarsky Dvor and with Chelobympham brought them to their boyar "on the Red Labor".

In response, the boyfriend gave the peasant to the ribbons to the bastard (headdress). These "petrose chickens" contained particularly: they were fed mainly oats and barley and never killed. Eggs that carried these chickens were considered healing.

In Russia, Kuzma and Demyan's Day was considered a maiden holiday and was widely celebrated. For the day, the hut was shot, where they were going to cope Kuzminsky party; The girls went home - they collected products to dinner, and also created a beer. If the girl-bride was present - she was considered the mistress in the house.

a brief description of Events of holidays (pagan and orthodox sense of holidays)

Christmas of the Virgin (Virgin Day, the second, the second, small, prechile, Mrs. second, Mrs are rich, sociable, sick, big sickness, aspos / aspasses / day, dishes Day, Pasikov Day, Outnaire, Second Autumn, Bows Day, Raise Day Day) - national title Great Two-Mother Virgin Holiday orthodox church - The Nativity of the Blessed Lady of Our Virgin Mary and Nestodle Mary, who is celebrated on September 8 (21). Installed in memory of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Lord God of Jesus Christ.

Information about the holiday of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary to go to the IV - V centuries. The first indication of this holiday, according to Palestinian legends, is the fact of the construction of St. Elena Temple in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin. This festival mentions St. John Zlatoust, St. Burner and Blaz. Augustine. In VI - IX centuries. The event of the Nativity of the Virgin was described by St. Stefan Svyatograd, in the VII century. SWV Andrei Cretan and Sergius, Patriarch Konstantinople, in the VIII century. SWV John Damascus and German Constantinople.

The Day of the Nativity of the Virgin is celebrated by solemn prayer; Singing the magnitude of the uterine: "Majesta, the Most Holy Devo, and honor the saints of your parents and the Allwalic Holly Christmas." Church chants: Poems, Troparies and canons in honor of the Virgin Mary are called "Virgin", they are part of all daily services. In the liturgical books, the Virgin holidays are highlighted in honor God's Mother. To each Virodoroditskaya holiday is confined to utilum.

The people of the Virgin Mary worshiped. The image of the Virgin was clearer, more affordable and closer to popular consciousness than the image of Jesus Christ. On the one hand, the Divine "ascended into the world", on the other - it remained associated with ordinary peopleMaternally worried and standing up for them.

The Mother of God was considered a patroness of the feminine, which follows from the maternal beginning in its image, which is confirmed by the iconography of God's Mother of God, as well as the etymological proximity of the words "Virgin" and "childbirth". Therefore, requests for help with difficult births were sent to the Virgin. The Mother of God saw not only God's mother, but the mother in general, his mother's mother. In this sense, the Mother of God is often called the mother, Mother. Hence the view of the people on the Materchina: she insults the three mothers of man - the Virgin, mother-cheese earth and native mother.

In Russian traditional tradition, the image of the Virgin became close to the way of the Mother Earth, which led to the formation of the cult of the Mother of God. The Mother of God was equated, and sometimes it was identified with the birth and fructing land-boring ground.

In a special honor, there was a Virgin and girls at the issuance. They appealed to her with requests for grooms.

IN folklore tradition The Mother of God is a favorite character of spiritual poems - epic songs on religious plots, which were performed by stray singers at fairs, bazaar squares or at the gate of monastic churches.

According to Severorcan legends, the Virgin on Easter "goes on the ground." The legends about birds and animals are associated with the Virgin. Folk legend The Russian population of the Surgut Territory reports the Mother of God, who frightened in the forest Ryabchik, angry, she turned him into a "small bird with a big rustle" so that any hunter could rather find it, and gentle white meat ("Rybikcho inheritance") divided them Birds and animals.

Merry Christmas or Asposov, the Day was timed to autumn - the second meeting of autumn - the fall (the first happened to the Transfiguration of the Lord or in Semenov day). Women gathered early in the morning and went to the shore of rivers, lakes and ponds to meet Mother Ovnaina. For this meeting, oat bread was specially baked, which held the eldest of women, and young sang songs, standing around her. Then the bread was blocked into pieces by the number of those who gathered and they fed their lives.

Outnaire coped for a whole week (in church tradition For the celebration of the Nativity of the Virgin, 6 days was given to the celebration, since this holiday had a day of prepress - 7 (20) of September and four days of permanent).

Exaltation (Shift, Health, Running Day, Stavrov Day, Cabbbles / Cabwoons /) - The National Name of the Great Two-Mounted Holiday of the Orthodox Church of the Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, which is celebrated on September 14/27. Installed in the first half of the IV century. In honor of the acquisition sacred equaluctoral Tsarice Elenah honest Cross of Christ.

A feature of the service of this holiday was the transfer of a cross from the altar to the throne during the evening and then takeimoint him for the uterus, after the great Slavs, to the middle of the temple to worship. In the church, the celebration lasts seven days; The celebration of the holiday is made on September 21 / October 4.

IN people's taleDeaded to the Exaltation Day, the meaning of the holiday is revealed in its own way. In the told it says about the attack of Constantine on the "Jewish land" and about the capture of the "king of the Jewish", which refused to say where the "crosses are honest" and was killed. The Jewish Queen reported about finding crosses, not to withstand his child's torture, laid between two "live lights". She sent King Konstantin on the Odubar Mountain, where they were honestly discovered, which the apostles spoke.

Since the cross is a symbol of suffering, the day of the erection of the Cross of the Lord was considered in the people led: "At least for the Sunday day, come up, and all on it - Friday-Head, lean food"; "Who will not post an exclusion - Cross of Christ, - on that seven sins will be erected"; "Who on the table about the exaltation of the depot - that all his prayers kills."

In the chronicles, this day was called "Stavrovy Day" (Greek. Cross). For a long time, on the upstream cross moves Around the villages to protect them for a year from troubles. Prayers were served, the icons were raised and there were bypass of the fields with a prayer for the future crop. Prayed and about the patients: "With faith, pray for an upstream day, so Life-giving cross And with the mortal bed raise. " It was accepted to raise crosses on the temples under construction; establish roadside crosses; Build a lot of chapels (ordinary) and small churches - by promise, in honor of the holiday.

In the people's ideas, the Exaltation is associated with the word "movement" in mind, with the help of which many peasants explained the value of the holiday. This is based on the signs and sayings, dedicated to this day. They spoke about the end of harvesting: "On the upstand, the last shock from the field moves, the last WHO is in a hurry in a hurry"; "Running - bread from the field moved."

The concretion was completed with the exaltation, the third meeting of autumn was completed: "Summer's attachment clouds, the keys of the tick with them takes off the sea" (Smolensk.). The winter approach was noted: "Evidence of the fall of winter moves towards winter"; "On the upstream of Zazimki - a man does not matter"; "On the upstream of winter from Bela - nests, it's going to go to the Russian peasant to visit," Six-ka (says) I, Zima-Zimsky, on the Holy Rus, the Gray Guy I will visit. " To the offensive of winter colds, they were preparing in advance, so they said: "The uplift of the caftan with the Ples will shift, Tulup will give up"; "Exaltation will put Zipun, push the fur coat."

Exodued did not begin important cases, since there was a belief that everything started on this day would be unsuccessful and useless.

The exaltation ended the cleaning of vegetables, flax, cannabis; There was a flax processing ("sowing"). They began to chop cappist and harvest it for the winter, so the exaltation was called the cabbage holiday: "On the upstream - whose festive, and the cabbage will beat everyone!"; "On the upstream of the first lady - cabbage"; "Smeca, Baba, about cabbage: the upstream came!". Accompanied cabbage cuts by songs and treats in the evenings. "A good man on the upstream day and cake with cabbage"; "On the upstream of good well done - a cabbage at the porch."

A number of autumn maiden parties, called "cabbage", "Cabbbles", "Capulants", "Cappustic Evenings" began with the Exaltation. The cabbagers took place not only in the villages, but also in cities, and lasted two weeks. Girls, put in elegant clothes, went from home to a house with songs - chop cabbage. A special table with snacks was prepared. The groom's guys came from the hotels and looked out for brides - "Capulants".

Pokrov Virgin (cover day) - The National Name of the Virgin Mary of Orthodox Church - the Intercession of the Most Holy Master of Our Virgin Mary and Naznodel Mary, who is celebrated 1 (14) October. Installed in the memory of the phenomenon of the Virgin in the Varhranian temple in Constantinople. This event occurred in the middle of the city. In the reign of the Byzantine emperor Lion Vi Wise.

In Russia, the holiday was installed at Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky around 1164. Special "Music" was awarded the church service on this day: "Major, the Most Holy Devo, and honor your honest." In honor of the cover of God's Mother there is an Akathist.

In folk understanding religious holiday The Intercession of the Virgin appears far cut off from the Christian legend. The people create their legend about the wandering the Mother of God, who in one of the villages were abandoned overnight, for which the inhabitants were punished with Ilya - the Prophet, sending "thunder-zippers", "Fiery and stone arrows", "Grad value with human head"," Rain rain ". Pragged people, the Mother of God saved them, unfolding the cover over the village, after which they became kind and hospitable.

Pokrov Virgin Mary acquires symbolic meaning And see the fabulous veil of the Virgin - the Sun, which personifies the morning and evening dawn. This paddle covers all disadvantaged and spinning from gold and silver threads descending from the sky.

For a peasant Pokrov Day - one of the most important autumn holidays, bonding folk tradition with the completion of agricultural work and the beginning of winter.

The border position of the holiday of the Pokrov of the Virgin between the autumn and in the winter marked him as a day, which was determined by the weather for the upcoming winter, as for the peasants it was always important, the Survival Whee will be the approaching winter. Accordingly, notes: "What the weather on the cover is such and winter"; "Where does the wind on cover come from there, according to frost, respectively," (Voronezhsk.); "If the sheet from oak and birch on the cover will fall purely - to light year, not purely - to a strict winter "; "The caravel depot - on the early cold Winter"; "Kolya protein before the cover of a clean (poured), then autumn (winter) will be good" (Permsk); "If the hare does not run away before the cover, then the autumn will be long"; Characterized by the dual weather of weather on this day: "Pokrov is the first Zazimier; "On the cover before lunch, autumn, and after dinner Zimushka-Winter"; "With the winter of winter, the winter is 6 (19) and 9 (22) in November - 6 (19) and 9 (22) Winter stands on his feet, frosts fly"; "Pokrov is not summer - a step (Annunciation) is not winter"; "Pokrov covers the earth, then a sheet, then snow."

Near the cover dropped the first snow, covering everything around, so in the folk consciousness of the Pokrov Virgin Mary binds to the snow cover of the Earth when the winter comes: "On the cover of the earth, the snow is covered with frost." But the snow that fell on the cover often quickly melted, and for a peasant a serious problem was the end of autumnal dishthele and the establishment of a sanitary path, so they watched: "Snow fell into the cover, then in Dmitriev day (November 26/8) will certainly be the same "; "Pokrov Nepoli, then Ekaterina (November 24 / December 7) Nagolny"; "From the first snow to the Sunny Path of six weeks" (Pinezhye).

But not only with snow cover connected in the folk mind the day of the Intercession of the Virgin. The cover (boards) of the Blessed Virgin bind to the bedspread, FATO, headscarf, which was covered by the bride during wedding rite. The Day of the Pota of the Virgin was considered the "patron saint of weddings" and the girl's holiday: "Cover will come, the girl will cover the head"; "If the cover of windy - there will be great demand for brides"; "If snow falls on the cover, it foreshadows a lot of weddings"; "If the snow falls on the cover - the happiness of the young"; "Pokrov Earth and the girl will cover (Earth with snow, and girl scarf)"; "Put the quantity to cover (spoke about the bride)."

The girls especially believed due to the holiday of the cover, so various actions were confined to him, helping them to find the narrowed and marry. On the eve of this day, the girls were guessing in Ovin: for the commission of fortune telling, they baked small rye bread, as well as the miles and grated the bunch of flax. In the evening, Bread and Len were delivered to Avive and put on perforations - put the horizontally stiffs, which were put on the drying of sheafs of bread, while they said: "My narrowed, my dear, come today in Riga, look at work, show from the window" (Yaroslavsk .). At the same time, the girl had to be silently waiting for the appearance of the narrowed, standing in the middle of the gum and looking out the window through which sheeps in the Ovin. Most often, the girls were afraid to stay at night in Ovin and, putting bread and flax on the trees, went to sleep, and in the morning, when the Blagovest was heard to the morning, they took the bread and flax from the rag that had miraculous power to try heart. If the girl secretly gives a piece of bread and put a thread in his pocket from the "stolen" flax, the guy liked her love to her.

After the holiday of the Pokrov, the Mother of God, youth walking was transferred from the street - to the horsepower ("Pokrov - the end of the dances, the beginning of the gatherings"), while on Sundays, festive evenings were arranged, and in weekdaysBy completing household work on the house, the girls gathered in turns to each other at the gatherings, mainly with spinning or sewing: "Zazimier came - the hungry led"; "With the cover of the right at night are being disturbed."

Pokrov was a day, according to which the period of hips and deals were considered - usually the workers were hired for a year - from the cover to the cover; The cover was made by the calculation of shepherds and urgent workers, hired new ones for the next year. There were various deadlines: "From the cover to Evdoki"; "From cover to baptism"; "From cover to Egorya." After the cover, completing agricultural work, many peasants went to the peasants, especially if they owned some craft, and some, on the contrary, returned home.

Cleaning the cleaning of bread was completed - the last sheaves were taken away and consisted in Riga or OVIN; The cleaning of vegetables from the gardens was completed: "The Major Mother (the Assumption of the Virgin Mary) Saws, and Pokrov collects"; "On the cover of the last collection of fruits." In many places, the Pokrovsky fairs began: "Fit the grace, to the cover, rent at the Pokrovskaya Fair"; "Wait before cover: all debt payment."

Kuzminki (Kuzmodemyanka) - Giroba holiday, celebrated throughout Russia girls in the autumn day of memory Kuzma and Demyan - November 1, November 1.

On this day, the bride girl became a hostess at home. She prepared meals for the family and treated everyone; The main dish submitted on the table was a chicken noodle. In the evening (less often - for three days), the girls arranged "Kuzminskaya Party" ("Sync", Bratchin). For which the huts were filmed in advance, they were collected in the village - potatoes, oil, eggs, cereals, flour, etc., prepared a ritual food, among the mandatory dishes there were porridge, cooked a goatmodemyanian beer. Often, girls sold porridge guys for a few kopecks, imposing it in the cups, and the money received was divided among themselves. Teenage girls boiled porridge in several pots; After that, they ate in a certain order: first they eaten the dish of cereals with lean oil, then with rapid butter, and at the end - a dish of porridge with pork lard. (Novgorodsk.).

After treating, youth games began, among the indispensable, the so-called "kiss". So, playing in the "riding", playing became in the circle, and during the performance of the song: "Porcetica, my cocker, I'll tele you from the mountain ..." - the guy with a girl was spinning in different directions, kissed and inferior to another pair (Pechorsk .).

Kuzminskaya party could continue all night. When the treat ended, the guys were sent "to the fishery" - stole neighboring chickens for the manufacture of new dishes (such thefts were not condemned by the peasants); After that, the fun resumed.

The girl's celebration, celebrated on the day of Cosma and Damian, logically fit into the autumn wedding period, when brides were happening (they said: "Given the girl guy!"), Dating young people (in folk terminology - "Brienikhanye"), joint games and courtship, creating Prim of the wedding game (so, among the main treat kuzminok - Wedding ritual dishes: Chicken noodles and porridge), which was stacked by the image of saints, as the patrons of marriage and "wedding kuznetsov".


    Acquaintance with traditional autumn holidays of the Russian people, their history, customs and rites.


    Education Respect for Russian culture, spirituality, patriotism, revival of folk traditions.